In the Matter of: Water Quality Triennial Review: Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(e)-(g), 302.504(a), 302.575(d), 303.444, 309.141(h); and proposed 35 Ill. Adm. Code 301.267, 301. 313, 301.413, 304.120, and 309.157
302.575(d), 303.444, 309.141(h); andPROPOSED 35 Ill.
Section 302.504 Chemical Constituents
The following concentrations ofchemical constituents must not be exceeded, except as provided inSections 302.102 and 302.530:a) The following standards must be met in all waters ofthe Lake Michigan Basin.
Constituent STORET Unit AS CS HHS
Number 2 (Source: Amended at 21111.
UFa = the uncertainty factor for extrapolating toxicity data across species (unitless).
A species-specific UFa shall be selected and applied to each target species, consistentwith...
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