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R 80-009 R 80-010 07/10/80 Order
In The Matter Of: Proposed Amendment to Chapter 8: Noise Regulations, Rules 101, 206, 208, and 209(f)
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Friday, December 14, 2001 10:20:56 AM CST
Thursday, April 4, 2002 05:09:57 PM CST
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July 10, CONTROL BOARD1980In The Matter Of:Proposed Amendment to Chapter 8: ) Noise Regulations, Rules 101, 206, ) 208, and 209(f) ) R80—9R80—10PROPOSAL FOR RULEMAKING.
  • On July 10, the Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
filed a proposal to delete Rule 209(f) entirely and to amendRule 206 in certain respects to establish interim noise standards.
  • In the interests of administrative convenience, and pursuant
to Procedural Rule 204(e), the Task Force and Agency proposalswill be consolidated.
  • The Agency is hereby req...
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Appears In: R 80-009 R 80-010
Preferred Version: R 80-009 R 80-010 07/10/80 Order