CONTROL BOARDTE OF ILLINOISTN THE MATTER OF:UIC CORRECTIONS, USEPA AMENDMENTS(July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000) RECEIVEDCLERK’S OFFICEJUL 1 7 2001STATE OF ILLu~uiSPollution Control BoardR01—30(Identical—in—SubstanceRulemaking - Land)NOTICETO: Dorothy Gunn, ClerkIllinois Pollution Control Board100 West Randolph StreetSuite 11—500Chicago, Illinois 60601PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have filed with the Office of the Clerk ofthe Illinois Pollution Control Board, the INSTANTER RESPONSE OF THEILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY PURSUANT TO PUBLIC COMMENTPERIOD FOR PROPOSED IDENTICAL-IN-SUBSTANCE RULES, a copy of which isherewith served upo...
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