Title: PCB 97-050 05/12/99 Transcript
Summary: Lionel Trepanier, Wes Wagner, Maureen Cole, Lorenz Joseph, Mazworks Garden Cooperative, and Avi Pandya v. Speedway Wrecking Company and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
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Create Date: Thursday, April 26, 2001 02:24:50 PM CDT
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Abstract: 1 ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD2 LIONEL TREPANIER, WES ) WAGER, MAUREEN COLE, ) 3 LORENZ JOSEPH, MAXWORKS ) GARDEN COOPERATIVE, and ) 4 AVI PANDYA, )) 5 Complainants, )) 6 vs. Joseph......... 1098-1101 8 FRANK OTTOLINO9 Direct Examination by Mr. McFarland....... 1268-1280 21 Cross-Examination by Mr.18Complainants' Exhibit No. Joseph, can6 you turn off the videotape, please?
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Author: wilsonb
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PCB 97-050 05/12/99 Transcript