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No. 448
March 25
Monthly publication of IPCB
Handle: Document-11725
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  • Printed on Recycled Paper
E NVIRONMENTAL REGISTERIllinois Pollution Control Board NewsNo.
  • One USEPA approval occurred on
January 8, 1991.
  • These include the Chicago
area counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry,and Will, as well as Oswego township in Kendall Countyand Aux Sable and Goose Lake Townships in GrundyCounty; and the Metro-East area, consisting of Madison,Monroe, and St.
  • However, the RACT regulations do not include Aux
Sable and Goose Lake Townships in Grundy County andOswego Township in Kendall County.
  • The
proposal prescribes state-wide limits for emission ofparticulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less thanor equal to a nominal 10 micrometers (kn...
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Appears In: 1992
Preferred Version: The Environmental Register No. 448