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More Information
Case Files
Contents of R2015-021
R15-021 dissent opinion 10/01/15
R15-021 O&O 100115
R15-021 O&O 11/19/15
R15-021 Order 050715
R15-21 cert of pub 07-7-15
R15-21 certs of pub 06-15-15
R15-21 hearing officer order 07-16-15
R15-21 hearing order 07-16-15
R15-21 IERG pre-test 07-17-15.pdf
R15-21 jcar 05-21-15
R15-21 jcar 10-08-15.pdf
R15-21 jcar 11-24-15
R15-21 Motion_to_Extend_Deadline
R15-21 MT register 06-15-18
R15-21 newstribune 06-22-18
R15-21 pjs cert of pub 06-03-15.PDF
R15-21 pjs cert of pub 06-03-15.PDF
R15-21 second notice changes 12-3-15
R15-21 sos 05-19-15
R15-21 sos 12-18-15
R15-21 transcript 07-09-15.pdf
R15-21 transcript 07-30-15
R15-21 transcript 08-04-15
R15-21,042815 Proposal, Etc
R15-21,042815 Parts 214, 217 and 225
R15-21,043015 Motion to Amend Rulemaking Proposal
R15-21,050615 PC# 1
R15-21,050715 Ltr to DCEO Rqst EIS
R15-21,051415 Aprncs AJB AS
R15-21,051915 PC# 2
R15-21,052615 Aprnc AN
R15-21,060415 Aprnc Angad_Nagra
R15-21,060415 NtcWdrwlAprnc AN
R15-21,060815 Testmny Rory_Davis
R15-21,060915 Aprnc ALA
R15-21,061115 Aprnc KH
R15-21,062615 Pre-Filed_Questions_for_IEPA_Submitted_by_IERG
R15-21,070215 PC# 3, IEPA Comments_re_First_Notice_Version
R15-21,070715 IEPA 2nd Mtn Amend Rulemaking Proposal
R15-21,070715 IEPA Rspns Board PreFiledQstns
R15-21,070715 IEPA Rspnss to IERG Prefiled Qstns
R15-21,070815 Xbt List
R15-21,072315 Amndd Tstmny David_Kolaz for IERG
R15-21,072315 PC# 4 IEPA_Post-Hearing_Comments
R15-21,072315 PC# 5 Exhibits to IEPA Responses to Bd's 2nd Qs
R15-21,072315 PC# 5 IEPA_Response_to_Bd's_2nd_Set_of_Qs_without_Exhibits
R15-21,072415 PfldTstmny of _Ron_Sahu_on_Behalf_of_Sierra_Club_and_ELPC
R15-21,072415 PfldTstmny of H _Andrew_Gray for Sierra Club and ELPC
R15-21,072415 Prefiled_questions_of_Sierra_Club_and_ELPC
R15-21,072715 Notice_of_Testimony_Andrew_Gray
R15-21,072715 Notice_of_Testimony_Ron_Sahu
R15-21,072815 Objection_to_Sahu_Testimony_at_July_29_2015_Hearing
R15-21,072815 PC# 6 IEPA_Objection_Sierra_Club_Testimony
R15-21,073015 CumXbtList
R15-21,080515 Cum Xbt List
R15-21,080515 Lemont SO2 Avgs, Xbt H
R15-21,080515 PC# 101 - 142
R15-21,080515 PC# 143
R15-21,080515 PC# 144
R15-21,080515 PC# 29 - 70
R15-21,080515 PC# 7 - 28
R15-21,080515 PC# 71 - 100
R15-21,080515 Pekin SO2 Avgs, Xbt I
R15-21,080515 St Mndts Act Qnr, Xbt F
R15-21,080515 St Mndts Act Qnr, Xbt G
R15-21,081415 IEPA_Responses_to_Bds_3rd_Qs_with_Pt_214, 225
R15-21,082115 PC# 145, 146
R15-21,082615 PC# 147
R15-21,082815 PC # 149 - 195
R15-21,082815 PC # 196 - 235
R15-21,082815 PC # 236 - 279
R15-21,082815 PC # 280
R15-21,082815 PC # 281
R15-21,082815 PC# 1021 - 1062.
R15-21,082815 PC# 1063 - 1100
R15-21,082815 PC# 1101 - 1143
R15-21,082815 PC# 1144 - 1182
R15-21,082815 PC# 1183 - 1221
R15-21,082815 PC# 1222 - 1257
R15-21,082815 PC# 1258 - 1283
R15-21,082815 PC# 1284 - 1321
R15-21,082815 PC# 1322 - 1362
R15-21,082815 PC# 1363 - 1404
R15-21,082815 PC# 1405 - 1447
R15-21,082815 PC# 148
R15-21,082815 PC# 282, IEPA_Post-Hearing_Comments
R15-21,082815 PC# 283, MWG's_Comments_in_Support_of_Illinois_EPA's_Proposed_Rule_Changes
R15-21,082815 PC# 284 Ill AG Comments
R15-21,082815 PC# 285, Comments_of SC_and_ELPC
R15-21,082815 PC# 286 - 325
R15-21,082815 PC# 326 - 367
R15-21,082815 PC# 368 - 410
R15-21,082815 PC# 411 - 457
R15-21,082815 PC# 458 - 500
R15-21,082815 PC# 501 - 543
R15-21,082815 PC# 544 - 582
R15-21,082815 PC# 583 - 628
R15-21,082815 PC# 629 - 667
R15-21,082815 PC# 668 - 706
R15-21,082815 PC# 707 - 748
R15-21,082815 PC# 749 - 784
R15-21,082815 PC# 785 - 823
R15-21,082815 PC# 824 - 866
R15-21,082815 PC# 867 - 901
R15-21,082815 PC# 902 - 941
R15-21,082815 PC# 942 - 983
R15-21,082815 PC# 984 - 1020
R15-21,083115 Wdrwl Aprnc ALA
R15-21,091115 PC# 1448 MWG's Response to Comments
R15-21,091115 PC# 1449 Comments of IL AG's Office
R15-21,091115 PC# 1450 IEPA Rebuttal Comments
R15-21,120315 Corectn Ltr
R15-21051415 Aprncs AJB AS
R15-21a jcar 05-26-15
R15-21b jcar 05-26-15
R15-21DECO 05-18-2015
R2015-21 App Sierra club.pdf