Title: PCB 12-14,072314 Petitioner's Motion for Name Change
Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Create Date: Thursday, July 24, 2014 09:26:01 AM CDT
Modified Date: Thursday, July 24, 2014 09:26:20 AM CDT
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Abstract: 7/23/14 04:57 PM BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDCENTERPOINT ENERGY - MISSISSIPPIRIVER TRANSMISSION, LLC,Petitionerv.ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION AGENCY,Respondent. This change was the result of a transaction. Therefore, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Court enter an order directing all future pleadings to be filed with the following caption:Enable Mississippi River Transmission, LLC f/k/a CenterPoint Energy - MississippiRiver Transmission, LLC v. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, changing Petitioner’s name on any pleadings filed after this date from CenterPoint Energy - Mississippi RiverTransmission...
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Appears In:
PCB 2012-014
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PCB 12-14,072314 Petitioner's Motion for Name Change