| R14-19,011314 PC# 1 H Kramer 2013 Test Rpt file 1 of 4 |
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Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
| Monday, January 13, 2014 03:57:45 PM CST |
| Monday, January 13, 2014 03:59:00 PM CST |
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| PARTICULATE AND METALS EMISSION TESTROTARY FURNACE 1 NORTH BAGHOUSE (B) STACKROTARY URNACE 2 SOUTH BAGHOUSE (A) STACKH.CHICAGO, ILLINOISPREPARED FOR:H.1345 W.Chicago, Illinois 60608Phone: 312.226.6600E-mail: weilr@hkramer.comAttention: Mr.- PM sampling was conducted in accordance with USEPA Method 5 for front-half filterable PM
combined with back-half condensable PM in accordance with USEPA Method 202.- Larry Goldfine, Burton, Flaherty, Jeff Goldfine
and Tim Martch of ARI. Kevin Mattison of theCompliance and test are provided in Table 1-1 . for the othermetals tested are include... |
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R14-19,011314 PC# 1 H Kramer 2013 Test Rpt file 1 of 4