| i:;::i:ih*:t.'ill'i,rirl r:t'l;;jPca f,6,/e.l'il ?jl-g--gTfl.19jL' i :-5;::.:,iini;, DEFORE T}IB ILLINOIS POLLUTIONi{rrdern Drop Forge Conpany,pet,itioner,v.xenporrdent.- According to the Petitioner, there artt
approxinately 1,600 residences potentinlly exposed to noiee .inthe innediete vicinity of the Company's opeire.tlons.- 4. The Petil,ioner has gtated they are faced with the
prospect of either', operetinB durinEl nighttime houre duringperiods of extreme heat orr completely strr.rtting doltn operationeduring thoee timee. |