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PCB 97-193 consl 04-207 transcript 12/02/08
Handle: Document-63616
Owner: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 03:19:03 PM CST
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 03:19:46 PM CST
Modified By: Brown, Don (User-14, brownd:DocuShare)DS
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1 ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD23 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, )) 4 Complainant, )) 5 -vs- ) PCB 04-207 ) (Enforcement-6 EDWARD PRUIM and ROBERT PRUIM, ) Land) ) 7 Respondents.
  • PETER E.
222324 L.A.
  • REPORTING (312) 419-9292
31 HEARING OFFICER HALLORAN: Good2 morning, everyone.
  • I'm here to rule on evidentiary
24 matters and make sure everything is cordial.
  • The State
21 maintains the State has no intention of using22 prior felony convictions to impeach the23 Pruim's overall credibility as a witness, and24 I'm reading from Page 3 of...
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PCB 97-193 consl 04-207 transcript 120208.pdf
Appears In: PCB 97-193
Preferred Version: PCB 97-193 consl 04-207 transcript 120208.pdf