ComplainantERIC AND SARAH COOKRespondentLASALLE COUNJOSEP13th707 East EOttawPhoneFaxThis Administrative Citation is issued pursuant to auILCS 5/31.1, formerly III.
SEP 1 3 2006
STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control Board1 q A 5.
On the basis of direct observations of Mathe
Services and Land Use, it has been determinabove described facility in a manner whichThat on July 27, 2006, an on-site inspection ofXXX Causing or allowing litter - 1021 (p) (1) [formerly par.
hearing costs of the Illinois Pollution Controtheir costs of litieation.
1021 (q) (5)]) .
on of standing or flowing liquid discharge from the open dump
rmerly III. See...
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