GRAYSLAKE, IL 60030(847) 223-1500FAX (847) 223-1700 RECEIVEDCLERK’S OFFICEFEB 082005STATE OF ILLINOISPollution Control BoardFOUNDED IN 1903R.
CHURCHILL (1875-1963)
GEORGE 0. CHURCHILL (1914-1985)February 7, 2005VIA FEDERAL EXPRESSIllinois Environmental Protection AgencyFiscal Services Division1021 North Grand Avenue EastP.O. Box 19276Springfield, IL 62794-9276Gentlemen:People v. State Oil et. alPCB 97-103As per the Order entered in the above case I am enclosing a check in the amount of TwentyThousand Dollars ($20...
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