ugust ~9 1974UTJNDBLTtIN 9ARK ANJRLCRBATIDN DJSTRL~TE~TIRONIFNTALPkOTECTI) ~LNC~Petio~ filed ~&ugust23 197i ~s 1nauequat~ in tia~TO~nformation is given a~to ~hethe~ Diamond Lake ~s a ni ~:c water~uppl’ ~ discharge~ste a public water suppiy or fiat ong~asting effects if ar,v, rotenone has upon aquatic iota aiduenthosPetitioner shall amena tue petition within 0 lays or tne~ate cf this order tc provile ~e ~nformatio~ rnested, ~ailu~eto timely file the required information shall ~iake t~e pet~tio~iliable to dismissal for inadequacy, The 9 ~dav deci~ion peri~set by statute shall run from the date of filirg the additionalinformation f’ie amended...
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