to Strik~ i: hir~ ~ jnominated Arreridoi r~p~aiiaction and wi~l et t1i~ r~t~iIT IS 00 RD~’LI Chr~stan ~ Nd t CI k ofControl Boari tic? ~by ~xt f7 the fl~jthe ~ da~ r Sept ri~ IC / by ~d a ~ction to~p C flied a~r enber 23, k977 ande-~v~t ~SI1e ?mended Com~191 respo~ident~s MotionC ill accept the so~irpla~ it cu tIe revisedI n hea ~g.
he I1lino~s Pollution
o Crder was adoptod onn vote of ~ stanI:~ter~~LL/nois Plllutio C rol Board...
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