IN THE MATTER OF: PROPOSED FINAL AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 3, WATER POLLUTION REGULATIONS; Rule 402.1, an Exception to Rule 402 for Certain Ammonia Nitrogen Sources.
March 30, 1978IN THE MATTER OF:PROPOSED FINALAMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 3,WATER POLLUTION REGULATIONS; ) R77-6Rule 402,1, an Exception toRule 402 for Certain AmmoniaNitrogen SourcesOPINION OF THE BOARD (by Mr.
As required by Section
27(b) of the Act, two hearings were held on the economic impactof the proposal; on September 9, 1977, in Chicago, and inSoringfield on September 13, 1977.
b) Rule 402 shall not apply to that portion
of Rule 203(f) pertaining to ammonianitrogen for any effluent during the monthsof November through March.
The pages
of the third transcript taken September 9, 1977, are numbered 75through 118; in the fourth...
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