March , 1978IN THE MATTER OF:AMENDMLNTS 9~OTHE ILLINOISAIR POLLUTION EPISODEREGULATIONSSUPPLEMENTAL OPINION OF THE BOARDOn April 9, 1976 the Illino P llution Control Board(Board) adopted an Interim Opinion 11 this proceeding~ 21 PCB169~ In that Opinion the Board stat~2Its reasons in supportof the Regulation as adopted, includirg Its reasons for providingthat the Regulation take effect wit it deIay~ Pursuant to§27(b) of the Illinois Environmenta ~rotection Act (Act), Ch.
‘~4, p 2o~j
Several key as:urptions used r the SLULJ should be noted.
64, p 124 or explicitly (Ex.
64, p.298).
The Chicago Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
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