March 29, 1979IN THE MATTER OF:Fugitive Particulate Emissions ) R78—11from Industrial Sources (ProposedRevision of Rule 203(f) of Chapter 2)INTERIM ORDER OF THE W~ARD (by Mr.
(2) Except for Rules 203(f)(1) and (5) and except
for those operations subject to Rule 203(d)(9)(Grain—Handling and Grain-Drying Operations),this Rule 203(f) shall apply to all miningoperations (SIC major groups 10 through 14),manufacturing operations (SIC major qroups 20through 39), and electric generating operations (SIC group 491) which are located inthe following counties:Cook: All townshipsLake: Shields, Waukegan, Warren33—299 2DuPage: Addison, ...
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