March 2 1983JAMES NOBLE, PLE 83~39ILLINOIS ENVIRONMEM ALPROTECTION A°E~yORDER OF THE BOAR)On March 18, J983 James Noble filed a petition forvariance from Sibti~e ~ Water Pollution, 35 Ill.
Adm~ Code
3O9~241(a)~ rrhat pettion is deficient in that it fails toaddress the currs.
at~s of improvements to the Lombard sewer
system~ Further, ~ibard is hereby joined as a party and Nobleis ordered to complete service upon Lombard pursuant to Section1O3~123of the Procedural Rules,Unless Noble riles cn amended petition within 45 days of thedate of this Order c~r1ig the above-noted defects, this petitionwill be subj...
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