January 19, 1989IN THE MATTER OF:CITY OF LEROY, ) AC 88—96(IEPA Docket No.
The Board notes that on January 5, 1989, it ordered the City
to pay a $1500 penalty, based on three violations.
Pursuant to Section 3l.l(d)(l), the Board finds that
the City of LeRoy has violated Sections 21(p)(5) and 2l(p)(q) ofthe Illinois Environmental Protection Act (Act) as alleged in theAgency’s amended Administrative Citation.
9 5—365
—2—I, Dorothy M.
Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certfy that the above Order was adopted onthe /~- day of ( , 1989, by a vote of 7~OIlli S Ut Control Board95— 366...
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