DUKE ENERGY LEE, LLC (Dry Low NOx Combustion System) (Property Identification Numbers 18-08-12-200-005, 18-08-12-200-008, 07-08-01-400-003, 14-09-07-100-011) v. ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Duke Energy Lee, L.L.C. (Dry Low NOx Combustion System) v. IEPA - Upon receipt of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's recommendation, the Board found and certified that specified facilities of Dynegy Midwest Generations, Inc. located in Lee County are pollution control facilities for the purpose of preferential tax treatment under the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/11-10 (2000)).
March 21, 2002DUKE ENERGY LEE, LLC (Dry Low NOxCombustion System) (Property IdentificationNumbers 18-08-12-200-005, 18-08-12-200008, 07-08-01-400-003, 14-09-07-100-011),Petitioner,v.
Code 125.200(a).
Under Section 125.202 of the Board’s procedural rules, a person may submit an
application for tax certification to the Agency.
The Agency’s
recommendation identifies the facilities at issue:Dry low NOx combustion system integrates input from a staged combustor andassociated process systems to achieve a uniform mixture of fuel and air, theprimary requirement for achieving low NOx ...
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