June 18, 2009
35 ILL. ADM. CODE 303.447 AND 303.448
(Site-Specific Rulemaking - Water)
Proposed Rule. Second Notice.
On October 17, 2008, the City of Galva (Galva) filed a proposal for site-specific
rulemaking pursuant to Section 28 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/28
(2006)). The proposal (Prop.) seeks to establish a 3.0 milligram per liter (mg/L) alternative
boron water quality standard to the generally applicable 1.0 mg/L boron water quality standard in
35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g). The alternative standard for boron would apply to certain
segments of an unnamed tributary to the South Branch of the Edwards River, the South Branch
of the Edwards River, and the Mud Creek Run. These waters receive discharges from the two
Sewage Treatment Plant (STPs) operated by Galva.
The Board heard testimony and received comments from Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (Agency) and Galva. The Board has taken these comments into consideration
and finds that proceeding to second notice is appropriate. In this opinion, the Board finds the
rule as proposed by Galva is technically feasible and economically reasonable and is protective
of human health and the environment. Therefore, the Board adopts the rule for second notice as
the rule was proposed for first notice making only nonsubstantive changes. The Board directs
the Clerk to file the rule with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.
The Board will briefly describe the procedural background and then summarize the rule
proposal. The Board will then summarize the relevant portions of the testimony and comments.
Finally, the Board will discuss the reasons for proceeding to second notice.
On October 17, 2008, Galva filed the proposal along with a technical support document
(TSD) and motions requesting the Board to waive the requirement for 200 signatures on the
petition and to expedite consideration of the petition.
415 ILCS 5/28 (2006); 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 102.202(g) and 101.512. The Board received no responses to the motions and pursuant to
Section 101.500(d), any objection to the granting of the motions was deemed waived. 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 101.500(d).
On February 5, 2009, the Board proposed for first notice the rule as proposed by Galva
without comment on the merits of the proposal. The Board also granted the motion to waive the
signature requirement of Section 102.202(g); however, the Board denied the motion for
expedited consideration. On March 6, 2009, the rule was published for first notice in the
33 Ill. Reg. 3898 (Mar. 6, 2009).
On February 19, 2009, in accordance with Section 27(b) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27(b)
(2006)), the Board requested that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
(DCEO) conduct an economic impact study for this rulemaking. On March 4, 2009, the Board
received a response from DCEO, indicating that no economic impact study would be performed.
At the public hearing held on March 31, 2009, the Board solicited comments on DCEO’s
decision not to conduct an economic impact study. No comments were offered. Tr. at 3-4.
The Board held a public hearing on March 31, 2009, in Galva. At the hearing Galva
presented witnesses in support of the proposal and the Agency presented testimony. The Board
received two public comments, one from Galva (PC 2) and one from the Agency (PC 1).
The following paragraphs will summarize the proposal beginning with background on
Galva. Next the Board will delineate the specific rule language and discuss Galva’s drinking
water system and treatment plants. Next the Board will summarize the issues regarding the
effluent limitation and the receiving streams. The Board will conclude this section by discussing
the potential treatment options, the economic reasonableness of the proposal and the potential
environmental impact.
Galva is a rural community with a population of 2,758 in south central Henry County.
Prop. at 4. Galva owns and operates a sewage treatment system, which consists of two STPs and
a potable water distribution system.
. The Northeast STP is an activated sludge plant that
ultimately discharges into an unnamed tributary of the South Branch of the Edwards River.
Prop. at 2. The Southwest STP is an aerated lagoon system, discharging into Mud Run Creek, a
tributary of Walnut Creek, which is a tributary of the Spoon River.
. Galva’s discharge from
the two STPs contains boron in levels which exceed the water quality standard for boron found at
35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g). Prop. at 8.
Boron is naturally occurring in the groundwater that surrounds Galva and is thus inherent
in Galva’s water supply. Prop. at 5. Boron is an inorganic element derived from compounds
called borates which are found in oceans, sedimentary rocks, coal, shale, and some soils.
The boron in Galva’s potable water and effluent is not a result of human activity but occurs
Humans are exposed to boron through food and drinking water. Prop. at 6. Although the
general use water quality standard for boron in surface waters is 1.0 mg/L, the groundwater
quality standard for Class I: Potable Resource Groundwater is 2.0 mg/L.
35 Ill. Adm. Code
620.410(a) Prop. at 5. There are no federal water regulations for boron.
. Galva indicates that
concentrations of boron of up to 30 mg/L have been reported as not harmful to humans and
reports of toxicity in fish and livestock are at much higher levels.
Rulemaking Language
Galva has proposed the following language for the site-specific rule:
Section 303.34X Unnamed Tributary of the South Branch Edwards River and
South Branch Edwards River
The boron general use water quality standard of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g)
does not apply to the waters of the State that are located from the point of
discharge of the POTW located at 523 NE 9th Street in Galva, known as the
Galva Northeast Sewage Treatment Plant, to an unnamed tributary of the South
Branch of the Edwards River, said point being located in Henry County,
Township 14 North, Range 4 East, occupying portions of Sections 21, 26, 27,
28,33,34, and 35 in the Fourth Principal Meridian, Latitude N 41.175°, Longitude:
W 90.035°, to the confluence of said unnamed tributary with the South Branch
Edwards River; to the confluence with the Edwards River. Boron levels in such
waters must meet a water quality standard for boron of 3.0 mg/L.
Section 303.40X Mud Run Creek
The boron general use water quality standard of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g)
does not apply to the waters of the State that are located from the point of
discharge of the POTW located 1/2 mile South of BNSF RR and SW 4th Street in
Galva, known as the Galva Southwest Sewage Treatment Plant, to Mud Run
Creek, said point being located in Henry County, Township 14 North, Range 4
East of the Fourth Principal Meridian occupying portions of Sections 21, 26, 27,
28, 33, 34, and 35, Latitude 41.154°, Longitude 90.053°, to the confluence of
Mud Run Creek with Walnut Creek. Boron levels in such waters must meet a
water quality standard for boron of 3.0 mg/L. Prop. at 2.
Potable Water System
Galva’s potable water supply is drawn from Wells 4 and 5 that are placed in a deep
aquifer system. Prop. at 4. Together the two wells pump an average of 400,000 gallons per day
for Galva’s residents. Prop. at 5. Well No. 4 was drilled in 1933 to a depth of 1,686 feet. The
pump sits 450 feet below ground level and is driven by a 100 horsepower engine that has a
nominal pumping capacity of 550 gallons per minute (gpm). Prop. at 4. Well No. 4 was lined a
few years ago to exclude water with excessive radium concentrations and this changed the
effective depth of the well to 834 feet while reducing the pumping capacity to 420 gpm.
Well No. 4 discharges water into a 600 gpm forced draft aerator, siting 20 feet above ground
level mounted on top of a 43,000 gallon storage tank.
Well No. 5 was drilled in 1988 to a depth of 1,770 feet. The pump sits 540 feet below
ground level and is driven by a 125 horsepower motor that has a rated pumping capacity of 600
gpm. Prop. at 5. Well No. 5 was also lined a few years ago to exclude water with excessive
radium which left the effective depth of the well at 794 feet with a pumping capacity of 420
. Well No. 5 discharges into a forced draft aerator mounted on top of a 20,000 gallon
above ground tank.
. Wells No. 4 and 5 pump an average of 400,000 gallons per day.
Treatment Plants and Discharge
The Southwest STP is an aerated lagoon system that discharges into Mud Run Creek a
tributary of Walnut Creek, which is a tributary of Spoon River. Prop. at 8. Southwest STP treats
an average flow of 0.3 million gallons per day (mgd) and has a maximum design flow of 1.0
. Effluent from the Southwest STP travels approximately seven miles to Walnut Creek
and then discharges to the Spoon River approximately 31.7 miles downstream.
. The
discharge from the Southwest STP is permitted by NPDES Permit No.IL0023647, which
requires sampling and reporting for boron. The permit also includes an effluent limitation of1.0
. This permit also requires a compliance schedule for the boron effluent limitation.
The Northeast STP is an activated sludge plant that discharges into an unnamed tributary
of the South Branch of the Edward River, located in the Mississippi Central River Watershed.
Prop. at 8. Northeast STP can treat an average flow of 0.385 mgd and has a maximum design
flow of 0.867 mgd.
. Effluent from the Northeast STP travels approximately 1.1 miles
downstream to the South Branch of the Edward River and then flows approximately 15 miles
downstream to meet the Edwards River.
. The Northeast STP is covered by NPDES Permit
No.IL0023644 and does not include sampling requirements or effluent limits for boron. Prop. at
Galva discovered the boron concentration in the Galva discharge when monthly sampling
was conducted at Mud Run Creek as a part of the Southwest STP effluent sampling
requirements. Prop. at 8. During sampling, a maximum concentration of boron was detected at
3.0 mg/L, while the minimum concentration was 0.12 mg/L.
; Prop. Exh. A, Figure 7. Galva
indicated that higher concentrations are attributed to drought conditions and corresponding low
flows, while the lower concentrations of boron are correlated to increased rain fall which results
in a dilution effect. Prop. at 9. Boron levels similar to the discharge levels from the Southwest
STP were also discovered from the Northeast plant. Prop. at Exh. A at 3. Galva notes that
testing conducted in July 2005 indicates a correlation between the discharges from the two STPs.
Effluent Limitation and Boron Water Quality Standard
The Agency incorporated a permit condition in Galva’s Southwest STP permit that sets
an effluent standard for boron of 1.0 mg/L. Prop. at 9. The boron effluent limit is equivalent to
the water quality standard for boron in the Board’s rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g). The
Northeast STP discharges have boron levels similar to those discharged from the Southwest STP;
although no effluent limit has been set for the Northeast STP discharge at this time.
. The
boron standard found in the Board’s rules was adopted in 1972 to implement the requirements of
the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. §§1251
et seq
. In adopting the boron standard the Board
stated that the water quality standard was based on evidence that high levels of boron can harm
irrigated crops. Prop. at 10, citing Effluent Criteria, R70-8; Water Quality Standards Revisions,
R71-14; Water Quality Standards Revisions for Intrastate Waters (SWB-14), R71-20 (consld.)
(Mar. 7, 1972).
Galva notes that the Agency applies the 1.0 mg/L boron standard as an effluent limit even
though the Board declined to adopt an effluent limit. Prop. at 10. Further, Galva points out that
the Board has neither changed nor examined the water quality standard for boron since the
adoption of the standard in 1972.
. Galva states that none of Illinois’ neighboring States of
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky and Missouri has water quality standards for boron.
Galva collected stream flow data using the 7 Day 10 Year Low Flow (7Q10)
Receiving Streams
The Southwest STP discharges into Mud Run Creek, a tributary of Walnut Creek, which
is a tributary of Spoon River. Neither Mud Run Creek nor Walnut Creek are large enough to
produce potable water for the surrounding communities. Prop. at 11. In addition neither Mud
Run Creek nor Walnut Creek has been assessed by the Agency for the
Integrated Water Quality
Report and Section 303(d) List (2006)
. The Northeast STP discharges into an unnamed
tributary of the South Branch of the Edward River, located in the Mississippi Central River
Watershed. The South Branch of the Edwards River was rated as “fully supporting” of aquatic
life and fish consumption by the Agency in the
Integrated Water Quality Report and Section
303(d) List (2006)
. The report did note that the South Branch of the Edwards River was “not
supporting” of primary contact use based on fecal coliform bacteria and the South Branch of the
Edwards River is not a viable source for potable water for the surrounding communities.
The receiving streams are used by landowners typically for drainage purposes only and
the irrigation concerns expressed by the Board when adopting the boron water quality standard
are not applicable, according to Galva. Prop. at 13. In addition, Galva’s engineers found that not
one of the 22 nurseries in Henry and Knox counties utilize the receiving streams for irrigation
and there are no golf courses located directly along the waterways. Prop. 13. The Farm Bureau
Directors from Knox and Henry counties have confirmed that they are unaware of any specialty
crops being grown along the waterways that would require constant irrigation. Prop at 13-14.
map for the
Spoon River Region published by the Illinois State Water Survey (Survey) and using the Illinois
Streamflow Assessment Model available online from the Survey. Prop. at 11. Galva used the
minimum average monthly discharge data from Galva’s sewage treatment plants, and assumed
the maximum recorded boron concentration was occurring during low flow periods to calculate
the boron water quality standard Galva could achieve with the discharge from the two STPs.
Prop. at 12. Galva calculated the boron concentration that would result under a worst case
scenario and the total distance necessary in the streams for the boron to be diluted to the general
use water quality standard of 1.0 mg/L.
7Q10 is the average seven-day low-flow hydrological conditions that are expected to occur
once in every ten years.
Additionally, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has indicated that there are
no authorized permits for water withdrawal for these stream reaches. Prop. at14. .
Treatment Options
Galva has investigated various compliance options, including treatment of the effluent to
remove excess boron or obtaining alternative drinking water sources from neighboring cities of
Kewanee and Galesburg. Specifically, Galva examined:
Ion Exchange Treatment at the STPs;
Potable Water Ion Exchange Treatment for Galva’s water supply;
Potable Water Reverse Osmosis Treatment for Galva’s water supply;
Drill New Drinking Water Well;
Drinking Water from City of Kewanee;
Drinking Water from City of Galesburg. Prop. at 23.
Ion Exchange Treatment
This option involves the removal of boron from Galva’s STP effluent prior to discharging
into the receiving steam. Ion exchange is the process of selectively removing charged inorganic
species from water by using an ion-specific resin. Prop. at 14-15. Boron ions would be replaced
by charged ions on the resin surface. Prop. at 15. A properly operated ion exchange process
would reduce boron concentrations by approximately 90%.
. When the supply resin becomes
saturated with water, the exchange media is backwashed and regenerated with an acid solution.
The backwash process generates a high boron concentration wastewater stream. If Galva
were to implement an ion exchange system and treat 50% of the effluent approximately 5,000
gallons of wastewater would be produced at each STP. Prop. at 16-17. The wastewater would
have a high concentration of boron and the wastewater would need to be transported to the Quad
Cities or Peoria for treatment every four to five days.
. Galva estimates the capital cost of ion
exchange from both STPS to be $2,016,410. Prop. at 17-18. Based on the technical and
economic burdens associated with utilizing ion exchange, and the absence of a negative impact
from adopting the proposed site specific rule, Galva asserts that ion exchange for treating STP
effluent is neither technically feasible nor economically reasonable. Prop. at 18.
Potable Water Ion Exchange Process
Galva considered removing the boron from the potable water supply prior to distributing
the water using the ion exchange process. Prop. at 15. Galva notes that the ion exchange
process would need to be applied to the potable water supply on a daily basis. Prop. at 18. This
process could reduce the boron content by 55% to 60%; however approximately 5,000 gallons of
boron-concentrated wastewater would need to be disposed of by Galva.
Galva notes that ion exchange process, either before distribution or as a treatment for
effluent would create a larger problem with disposal than the treatment would be attempting to
solve. Prop. at 18. The capital costs for the potable water ion exchange process are estimated at
$2,099, 784. Prop. at 19.
Galva states that considering the technical and economic burden to utilize an ion
exchange process and the absence of a negative impact from adopting the site-specific rule, ion
exchange is not technically feasible or economically reasonable. Prop. at 19-20.
Potable Water Reverse Osmosis
Galva considered using reverse osmosis (RO) to remove excess boron from the drinking
water supply before the water enters Galva’s two STPs. Prop. at 15. RO utilizes a semi-
permeable membrane which separates inorganic and microbial species from water.
In RO,
the application of external pressure differentials causes fluid to flow against the membrane,
producing water with fewer impurities.
. Galva notes that RO treatment has demonstrated
limited potential for boron removal.
Galva further notes that the USEPA reported the largest
concentration of boron removal by RO was 15%.
Galva pointed out that the RO process would present considerable waste disposal
problems. Prop. at 21. According to Galva, the RO process would result in nearly 1/3 of treated
water being sent to waste; 25% of all treated water would become mineralized waste concentrate,
while additional wastewater would be produced from the rinsing of membranes between cycles.
Prop. at 20. If 50% of Galva’s potable water were treated using RO, approximately 100,000
gallons of wastewater would be produced each day.
To dispose of the RO waste, Galva
would need to drill a deep injection well.
The total capital cost for the RO process is
estimated at $6,905,955, which includes over $3 million for a new injection well. Prop. at 21.
Galva believes that RO is not a technically feasible or financially reasonable option for reducing
boron levels, particularly considering the negligible impact that the site-specific rule would have
on the environment. Prop. at 21.
Drilling a New Well
Galva explored the possibility of drilling for a new, boron free water source. Prop. at 16.
Since Galva’s neighboring communities obtain water from deep aquifers with similar boron
issues, Galva considered drilling shallow wells in sand and gravel deposits to discover boron free
drinking water.
. Such wells could only be drilled in the northeastern portion of Henry
County, 20-25 miles from Galva. Prop at 21. Galva is not certain that the wells would produce
an adequate water supply.
. Cost for the initial drilling project is estimated at over $100,000,
and does not include the cost of drilling the well or constructing a water transmission pipeline to
Galva. Prop. at 22. Galva opines that the capital costs and uncertainty associated with this
option render it unreasonable, considering the negligible benefit that would result.
City of Kewanee
Galva considered obtaining a potable water supply from the City of Kewanee, located 12
miles northeast of Galva.
. In response to Galva’s inquiry, Kewanee stated that obtaining
water would not be feasible because Galva’s future needs might exceed Kewanee’s capacity.
City of Galesburg
Galva considered obtaining a potable water supply from Galesburg, which is located
approximately 22 miles southwest of Galva. Prop. at 16
Galesburg presented a report to Galva
that discussed the technical issues associated with building a pipeline from Galesburg to Galva.
Prop. at 22. According to Galesburg’s estimates, Galva would be responsible for $13.6 million
of the pipeline’s total estimated cost of $16.1 million, which excludes operation and maintenance
costs. Prop. at 22-23.
Economic Impact
Galva states that compliance with a 1.0 mg/L effluent water quality standard for boron
would require Galva to pay staggering upfront costs as well as significant maintenance and
operation costs.
Depending on the treatment method, Galva estimates that removing excess
boron from its effluent would require Galva to spend upfront costs ranging from over $2 million
to more than $6.9 million.
Galva argues that options for obtaining an alternative water
supply are cost prohibitive because they would require Galva to build a large scale pipeline
system to transport water from distant sources.
While Kewanee is not an available source,
Galesburg submitted a proposal which would require Galva to spend an estimated $13.6 million
in upfront costs in order to obtain water from Galesburg.
Galva is a small rural community which lacks the resources necessary to pay the costs of
complying with the Agency’s application of the current boron rule.
Galva’s attempts to
obtain funding to address the boron issue have failed, and government assistance remains
unlikely due to the lack of environmental necessity for the current boron standard.
assistance, Galva predicts that “record level” user rate increases will be necessary to shoulder the
cost of compliance. Prop. at 24.
Environmental Impact
Galva opines that there is no foreseeable environmental impact from adoption of the
. Galva points out that the basis for the establishment of the current water quality
standard for boron was boron’s potential impact on selected irrigated crops, none of which are
present in Galva.
Galva states that the proposed standard merely reflects the naturally
occurring boron levels in Galva’s drinking water.
Galva believes that the current water
quality standard of 1.0 mg/L is “over-protective of aquatic life.”
Galva points out that the Board has previously granted relief standards for boron in other
contexts. Prop. at 24-25, citing Petition of Illinois Power Company (Baldwin Power Plant) for
an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.105, AS 96-1
(1996); Petition of Illinois Power Company (Duck Creek Station) for an Adjusted Standard from
35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.105, AS 96-8 (1995); and Petition of the
City of Springfield, Office of Public Utilities for an Adjusted Standard from Ill. Adm. Code
302.308(e), AS 94-9 (1994).
Galva presented testimony from three witnesses at the hearing, all of whom prefiled
testimony. The witnesses were Galva City Administrator David L. Dyer, Dr. Brian D. Anderson
of the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS)
Ion Exchange - $2 million
, and Stephen M. Bruner of the engineering firm
Bruner, Cooper & Zuck, Inc. In addition, Larry Lawson, a licensed Wastewater and Treatment
Operator for Galva, provided answers to questions posed by the Board. The Board received one
public comment from Galva (PC 2). The Board will summarize each individual’s testimony and
then the public comment.
David L. Dyer
Mr. Dyer is the City Administrator of Galva and has served in this capacity since March,
2005. Exh. 1 at 1. Mr. Dyer oversees a budget of $3.95 million, 24 employees, and 50
Mr. Dyer testified that Greg Thompson and Larry Lawson, STP operators for
Galva, informed the City in 2005 of a “compliance issue” with boron discharged from its STPs.
The boron was discovered during tests related to operations at the Dixline Corporation. Further
testing confirmed the source of the boron was the City’s water supply. Ex. 1 at 3. Mr. Dyer
stated that Mr. Lawson suggested options to address the boron issue such as an alternate water
supply, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange. Exh. 1 at 3. Based on Mr. Lawson’s
recommendations, Galva engaged Bruner, Cooper & Zuck to investigate various compliance
options, including treatment of the effluent to remove excess boron or obtaining an alternative
drinking water supply from Kewanee or Galesburg.
. Mr. Dyer testified that Kewanee refused
to commit any water capacity to Galva, and Galva was unable to obtain funding to construct a 25
mile pipeline to transport water from Galesburg. Exh. 1 at 3-4.
Mr. Dyer’s testimony summarized capital cost data that Bruner, Cooper & Zuck provided
for potential remedies other than the proposed site specific rule. Mr. Dyer listed the following
capital cost estimates:
Reverse Osmosis - $6.9 million
Water Transmission Main from Galesburg - $16.1 million.
Water Transmission Main from Kewanee – cost not evaluated due to rejection.
Test Drilling Program – cost beyond initial search not obtained due to lack of
suitable aquifer. Exh. 1 at 4.
At the hearing, Galva noted that when Dr. Anderson was contracted by Galva, he had a
prior position with Lincolnland Community College and had no role in the Agency/INHS boron
study. Galva explained that upon transferring to the INHS, Dr. Anderson has excused himself
from any involvement with the IEPA/INHS boron study, based on his involvement with Galva.
Tr. at 15.
Mr. Dyer testified that operation and maintenance costs were never calculated because the
upfront costs of these alternatives were beyond the financial capability of Galva.
In addition, Mr. Dyer provided a brief overview of Galva’s economic circumstances. Mr.
Dyer described Galva as a small rural community composed of 2,758 citizens, three
manufacturing businesses, and an in-land grain terminal. Exh. 1 at 2. Mr. Dyer stated that
Galva’s median home value is $58,600, with Galva’s median family and per capita income
trailing the State medians by $9,665 and $5,939 respectively.
. Mr. Dyer explained that
Galva’s population is aging faster than the State population, so Galva is pursuing an aggressive
economic development strategy to stave off further economic stagnation and “youth flight.”
Mr. Dyer indicated that the results of this strategy will not be apparent until after the 2010
Stephen M. Bruner
Mr. Bruner is CEO of the engineering firm Bruner, Cooper & Zuck, Inc.. Exh. 2 at 1.
Mr. Bruner has been licensed as a Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor for over 27 years.
Exh. 2 at 1. Mr. Bruner prepared the TSD. Exh. 2 at 2
Mr. Bruner testified that Galva engaged
his firm to prepare a feasibility study regarding water transmission from Galesburg to Galva and
a facilities plan detailing boron treatment options for the effluent of Galva’s STPs.
. Mr.
Bruner’s testimony described the source of Galva’s excess boron and provided an overview of
the compliance options detailed in the TSD, including:
Ion Exchange
Reverse Osmosis
Drilling New Wells
Transmitting Water from Kewanee
Transmitting Water from Galesburg. Exh. 2 at 3-7.
After evaluating the options, Mr. Bruner concluded that Galva’s site specific rule is the most
feasible option due to the complex waste disposal issues and high upfront costs associated with
treatment, and the significant expense of obtaining an alternate drinking water supply. Exh. 2 at
Mr. Bruner testified that the source of excess boron in Galva’s STP discharges is the
groundwater from aquifers that supply Galva's drinking water. Exh. 2 at 3. Mr. Bruner testified
that Galva’s municipal wells No. 4 and No. 5 naturally contain boron concentrations in excess of
the 1.0 mg/L standard.
Mr. Bruner explained that Galva’s potable water used in Galva is
discharged as wastewater into Galva’s sanitary sewer system and then transported to Galva’s
Mr. Bruner stated that the presence of boron was determined through testing the
potable water for boron and monitoring boron levels in the effluent of Galva’s Southwestern
STP. Tr. at 16-17. The boron was discovered while sampling for nickel and copper in the
effluent from the Southwest STP as a requirement for the STP to accept industrial wastewater
from a metal finishing facility, Dixline Corporation. Exh. 2 at 4. Mr. Bruner testified that
Galva’s water treatment processes do not alter the water’s boron concentration.
Mr. Bruner
described Galva’s Northeast and Southwest STPs, and explained that the Agency imposed a 1.0
mg/L boron standard in the NPDES permit for Galva’s Southwest STP after the discovery was
made. Exh. 2 at 4
Mr. Bruner stated that ion exchange could be used at each of Galva’s two STPs to
decrease boron levels in the effluent, but the process would produce 5000 gallons of highly
mineralized wastewater at each STP every 8 to 9 days. Exh. 2 at 4. Mr. Bruner testified that the
waste would need to be trucked to a larger STP for disposal into a major river or possibly
disposed using evaporation.
. Mr. Bruner estimated that the capital cost for this option would
be $2,016,410.
. Alternatively, Mr. Bruner stated that one larger ion exchange plant could be
built to treat potable water from Galva’s wells before the water entered the STPs, at an estimated
capital cost of $2,099,784. Exh. 2 at 5. Mr. Bruner noted that both treatment options would
produce similar disposal problems. Mr. Bruner predicted that long term operation and
maintenance costs for ion exchange would be substantial, but did not evaluate them.
Mr. Bruner testified that RO could be used to reduce boron in Galva’s potable water
supply, but up to 25% of treated water would be generated as waste concentrate.
Mr. Bruner
testified that a deep injection well would be the only feasible option for disposal of such a large
volume of waste.
Mr. Bruner estimated that the capital cost of RO would be $6,905,955,
taking into account the cost of a new injection well.
Mr. Bruner further testified that shallow sand and gravel deposits along the Green River
were investigated as these may offer Galva a boron free water supply. Exh. 2 at 6. However,
Mr. Bruner noted that such a source would be 20 to 25 miles from Galva. Additionally Mr.
Bruner asserted that, without spending over $100,000 on a test drilling program, this option
could not be investigated further.
Mr. Bruner testified that the option of obtaining water from Kewanee was discarded after
Kewanee determined that Kewanee’s water supply could not meet the capacity required by
. Mr. Bruner noted that Galesburg expressed a willingness to sell Galva an alternative
water supply.
. However, Mr. Bruner pointed out that the project would not be economically
feasible due to the estimated $16.1 million capital cost of building the necessary 25-mile water
transmission pipeline from Galesburg to Galva.
Mr. Bruner testified to the characteristics of the receiving streams affected by Galva’s
proposal. Exh. 2 at 7. Mr. Bruner pointed out that the South Branch of the Edwards River is
rated as fully supporting of aquatic life and fish consumption, but not supporting of primary
contact use based on fecal coliform bacteria from an unknown source.
. Mr. Bruner stated that
none of the receiving streams are large enough to serve as a source of potable water. Exh. 2 at 8.
In addition, Mr. Bruner stated that no nurseries or golf courses are located close enough to the
affected waterways to use them for irrigation.
. Mr. Bruner noted that there are no structures
permitted to draw irrigation water from the streams and, to his knowledge, no specialty crops are
grown along the streams.
. Considering these characteristics, Mr. Bruner opined that a site
specific water quality standard will not affect future stream usage.
Mr. Bruner concluded
that the adjusted site specific standard will yield no foreseeable environmental impact and should
therefore be granted. Exh. 2 at 10.
Mr. Bruner testified that violation of IEPA’s current application of the boron water
quality standard is inevitable, particularly during dry months when dilution is low. Exh. 2 at 9.
Mr. Bruner stated that removing boron from a water source is not uncommon, however, the
majority of the applications are generally industrial as opposed to municipal water or wastewater.
. Mr. Bruner stated that alternative treatment options are accompanied by complex waste
disposal issues and significant upfront costs, while obtaining an alternative water supply would
be fraught with numerous technical, political, and financial obstacles.
Mr. Bruner opined that the proposed adjusted standard of 3.0 mg/L is an adequate
remedy. Tr. at 21. Mr. Bruner testified that, over a three year period, boron levels were usually
less than 2.0 mg/L. Tr. at 17. Mr. Bruner further testified that the numbers used in the mass
balance calculations were conservative and based on actual plant flows rather than 7Q10 flows
and did not take into account other dischargers. Tr. at 21-23, 28. However, Mr. Bruner opined
that boron contributions from other sources were unlikely to affect future compliance with the
standard. Tr. at 21.
Brian D. Anderson
Dr. Anderson is currently the Director of INHS. Exh. 3 at 1. Dr. Anderson holds a Ph.D.
in biology from the University of Louisville and an M.S. in Zoology from DePauw University.
Exh. 3 at 1. Dr. Anderson testified that Galva retained him to evaluate the environmental
consequences of the proposed site specific rule.
. Dr. Anderson stated that the Agency’s
application of the general water quality standard for boron as an effluent standard was
reasonable, since little mixing is available in the streams receiving effluent from Galva’s STPs.
Exh. 3 at 8. However, Dr. Anderson concluded that the Illinois standard for boron of 1.0 mg/L is
over-protective of aquatic life, based on existing literature.
Dr. Anderson’s testimony explained the nature of boron. Exh. 3 at 2. Dr. Anderson
testified that boron in North American surface water usually results from the weathering of rocks
containing borate and borosilicate materials and occurs naturally at concentrations from 0.02
mg/L to as much as 360 mg/L.
. Dr. Anderson stated that the typical boron concentration in
surface waters is less than 0.1 mg/L, but the average in groundwater can be much higher as a
result of leeching from borate and borosilicate minerals in local geology.
Dr. Anderson summarized literature concerning the toxicity of boron. Dr. Anderson
stated that boron is recognized as an essential element for plants, but not for mammals. Exh. 3 at
3. Dr. Anderson testified that boron has toxic effects in humans only at very high and sustained
Dr. Anderson cited the results of a May 2008 United States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) Lifetime Health Advisory for boron which found that lifelong exposure to a
boron concentration of 5.4 mg/L was unlikely to pose a health risk to adults, while long term
exposure to 1.8 mg/L was unlikely to pose a risk to children. Exh. 3 at 3-4. Dr. Anderson noted
that the No Observable Effect Level calculated for boron was 17.5 mg of boron per kilogram of
body weight per day. Exh. 3 at 4.
With respect to aquatic species, Dr. Anderson testified that aquatic microorganisms
showed no growth inhibition below boron levels of 7.6 mg/L, while aquatic macrophytes may be
affected by slightly lower levels of boron. Ex. 3 at 5. Dr. Anderson noted that submerged
macrophytes are uncommon in turbid Illinois waters.
Dr. Anderson testified that studies
describe freshwater invertebrates as relatively tolerant of high boron concentrations.
freshwater vertebrates, Dr. Anderson asserted that, on the basis of median lethal concentrations,
no species was found to be especially sensitive to boron, though some conflicting studies exist
concerning the sensitivity of rainbow trout. Ex. 3 at 6. Dr. Anderson indicated that no trout
populations are present in the Illinois waters affected by Galva’s proposal.
Dr. Anderson pointed out that the USEPA does not recommend the establishment of any
water quality standards for boron, not even with drinking water, though USEPA guidelines
recommend a 0.75 mg/L standard for long term irrigation of sensitive crops. Ex. 3 at 7. Dr.
Anderson noted that Missouri is the only state surrounding Illinois that has a Drinking Water
Standard and Irrigation Standard for boron which are set at 2.0 mg/L.
Larry Lawson
Mr. Lawson has been the plant operator for Galva’s STPs since 1980. Tr. at 24. Mr.
Lawson holds a bachelors degree in chemistry and a master’s degree in organic chemistry from
Iowa State. Tr. at 25. Mr. Lawson testimony indicated that Galva’s STP flows are typically
higher than 7Q10 flow numbers. Tr. at 26. Mr. Lawson stated that the size of Galva’s waste
contributing population has remained relatively stable over the years. Tr. at 27.
Galva’s Comment
Galva filed one public comment in this proceeding and simultaneously filed an
“Addendum to Testimony of Stephen Bruner” (Addendum), which contained updated
information and responses to technical questions posed to Stephen Bruner at the hearing. PC 2 at
Galva urges the Board to approve the proposed site specific standard based on the
evidence presented in the record and consistent with the standard set forth in Section 27 of the
Act (415 ILCS 5/27 (2006)). PC 2 at 2. Section 27(a) of the Act provides, in part that:
In promulgating regulations under this Act, the Board shall take into account the existing
physical conditions, the character of the area involved, including the character of
surrounding land uses, zoning classifications, the nature of the existing air quality, or
receiving body of water, as the case may be, and the technical feasibility and economic
reasonableness of measuring or reducing the particular type of pollution. 415 ILCS
5/27(a) (2006).
Galva notes that the Board, the Agency, and the USEPA have recognized the
applicability of Section 27(a) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27(a) (2006)) and states that the Board
should use this standard in evaluating the site specific rule. PC 2 at 3.
Galva summarizes the proposal, including the reasons for Galva to seek the site specific
rule. PC 2 at 4. Galva restates the fact that Galva’s STPs discharge into zero-flow streams and,
in the absence of a mixing zone, the Agency has applied the general use water quality standard of
1.0 mg/L as an effluent standard to Galva’s discharge from the Southwest STP. PC 2 at 4.
Galva reiterates that the site specific rule is necessary to ensure that Galva does not violate any
relevant regulation or appropriate permit condition. PC 2 at 9. Galva notes that the petition and
testimony demonstrate that treatment to achieve the general water quality standard for boron is
not technically feasible or economically reasonable. PC 2 at 5-6. Galva summarizes the
testimony and petition contents regarding the source of boron in the effluent and categorizes the
current standard as overprotective. PC 2 at 4-6. Galva then restates the calculations used to
develop the site specific standard and the characteristics of the receiving streams. PC 2 at 5-6.
In addition, Galva discusses the toxicological effects of boron and reiterates that the site
specific standard will not have a negative impact on the receiving streams. PC 2 at 6-7. Galva
notes that the site specific rule was provided to the Agency before submission to the Board and
the Agency is in agreement with the rule proposal. PC 2 at 6. Galva emphasizes that the Agency
believes a chronic standard of 3.0 mg/L of boron and possibly significantly higher is appropriate.
PC 2 at 6-7.
In response to questions from the March 31, 2009 hearing, Galva clarifies that the flow
rates used in mass balance calculations are the lowest average monthly discharge values for July
2006 at the Northeast STP, rather than the average flow rates and that these values were used
rather than the published 7Q10 flows. PC 2 at 7; Addendum at 1. Galva notes that a
typographical error was corrected in the TSD, where the concentration of Boron was incorrect
and did not correspond with that listed in Figure 12. PC 2 at 7; Addendum at 1. Galva further
notes that Figure 12 was updated to correct a typographical error regarding boron concentration
near the confluence of Mud Run and Walnut Creek. PC 2 at 8; Addendum at 1.
As to concerns raised about meeting the site specific standard during drought conditions,
Galva maintains that the standard is appropriate. Galva states that the standard was calculated
based on actual plant flows rather than 7Q10 flows and did not take into account other
dischargers. PC 2 at 5. However, Galva notes that testimony established that Galva’s STP flows
are typically higher than the 7Q10 flow numbers. PC 2 at 6. Galva adds that ambient water
quality monitoring data from Indian Creek provided from the Agency to Mr. Bruner after the
hearing suggests that background concentrations in receiving streams during drought conditions
would be 0.140 mg/L rather than 0 mg/L, as the TSD assumes. PC 2 at 8; Addendum at 2-3.
Additionally, another discharger to Walnut Creek was discovered after the hearing: the Village
of Altona’s STP.
. However, Mr. Bruner concluded that, by using the “worst case” value of
0.14 mg/L background concentration and assumed 3.0 mg/L concentration from Altona’s STP,
his calculation suggests that dilution to a level of 1.0 mg/L and below is achieved at the same
confluence points originally indicated in the TSD.
Galva states that they have worked closely with the Agency over the past few years to
address Galva’s boron issues. PC 2 at 7. Galva maintains that it has demonstrated that
compliance with the general water quality standard for boron is not economically reasonable or
technically feasible for the portions of the streams at issue in this rulemaking.
The Agency presented pre-filed testimony from Agency Toxicologist Brian Koch, and
filed one public comment (PC 1). Below the Board summarizes first the testimony of Mr. Koch
and then the public comment.
Brian Koch
Mr. Koch is an Agency toxicologist in the Water Quality Standards section of the
Division of Water Pollution Control. Exh. 4 at 1. Mr. Koch’s testimony discussed Galva’s
proposed site specific rule and the Agency’s basis for agreement with the proposal.
. Mr.
Koch stated that prior to filing the proposal for a site specific rule, Galva submitted draft
proposals to the Agency and met with the Agency to discuss boron treatment and removal
. Mr. Koch indicated that the Agency agrees with Galva that the site specific
rulemaking is necessary. Exh. 4 at 2. Mr. Koch testified that the rulemaking will cause no
adverse impact to the environment. Exh. 4 at 3. Mr. Koch explained that existing boron
standard of 1.0 mg/L was initially adopted to protect crops from boron in irrigation water. Mr.
Koch further testified that the Agency is not aware of any irrigation from the affected waters.
Based on a literature review, Mr. Koch testified that the rulemaking would be protective of
aquatic life.
. At hearing in response to a question regarding whether the establishment of a
mixing zone would be a possible compliance mechanism, Mr. Koch explained that for zero flow
streams, the Agency does not grant mixing. Tr. at 31-32.
Mr. Koch testified that after reviewing Galva’s findings, the Agency agrees that the
expenses and technical infeasibilities of the assessed alternatives render them unreasonable,
“especially when considering the unanticipated risks associated with the proposed site-specific
boron standard of 3.0 mg/L.” Exh. 4 at 3. Mr. Koch stated that the Agency’s conclusion stems
in part from the fact that the waters associated with this rulemaking are not used for irrigation
and the proposed rule would be protective of aquatic life in receiving waters.
Mr. Koch
indicated that Galva’s reliance on the Agency’s existing boron toxicity database is sufficient to
support Galva’s conclusions.
. However, Mr. Koch noted that the Agency is working with
INHS to generate a supplemental boron toxicity database in order to derive a general use water
quality standard that is protective of aquatic life under both acute and chronic exposures.
Mr. Koch also testified that the Agency has been in contact with the USEPA regarding
approval of the 3.0 mg/L site specific standard for Galva, and that USEPA is in agreement with
the proposed standard being protective of aquatic life. Tr. at 34. Mr. Koch also indicated that
the new standard would be incorporated into the STPs NPDES permits. Tr. at 33-34.
Agency’s Comment
The Agency filed one public comment in this proceeding, in order to respond to the
Board’s request for information during the March 31, 2009, hearing. The Agency clarified that
the receiving waters affected by the proposal are zero 7Q10 low flow streams and, as a result, are
not included in the Agency’s Ambient Water Quality Network (AWQMN) or monitored through
the Intensive Basin Survey Program. PC 1 at 1. As such, the Agency explains that it does not
have any record of boron concentrations for the receiving waters. PC 1 at 2. In lieu of this data,
the Agency stated that boron data from the AWQMN Station on Indian Creek was provided to
Mr. Bruner to be used in updating Galva’s mass balance calculations for the site specific
. The Agency noted that this data may not be representative of background
conditions in receiving waters because three STPs are located upstream of the Indian Creek
. The Agency noted that the 7Q10 flow of Indian Creek near the station is estimated
at 0.20 cfs, which takes into consideration 0.17 cfs from the City of Toulon STP, the nearest
upstream discharger.
In response to the Board’s question regarding the presence of other discharging facilities,
the Agency stated that there are no other NPDES facilities that discharge effluent into the
receiving waters of Galva’s STPs. PC 1 at 3. However, the Agency noted that the Village of
Altona STP discharges into Walnut Creek prior to its confluence with Mud Run, and this boron
contribution was not considered in the initial mass balance calculations for the receiving waters.
. Even so, the Agency points out that the Altona STP typically does not discharge during
summer months and may not contribute boron during drought conditions calculated in the mass
balance index. PC 1 at 3-4. The Agency commented that, assuming a maximum boron
discharge of 3.0 mg/L in 0.01 cfs of effluent during droughts, the Altona STP boron source
would not alter the boron water quality in Walnut Creek. PC 1 at 4.
In response to the Board’s question regarding the August 31, 2009 expiration of the
NPDES permits for Galva’s two STPS, the Agency stated that it would modify renewed permits
to reflect the site specific standard if the Board adopted Galva’s proposal.
The Board’s discussion will begin with a brief analysis of the Board’s authority to adopt
rules under the Act. The Board will then address the technical feasibility and economic
reasonableness of treatment options for removing boron and options for obtaining an alternative
drinking water supply. The Board will conclude by discussing the environmental impact of the
proposed rule.
Board’s Rulemaking Authority
The Board adopts rules under Title VII of the Act (415 ILCS 5/26-29 (2006)). The
Board’s authority is primarily derived from Section 27 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27 (2006)), which
allows the Board to adopt substantive regulations that can include “different provisions as
required by circumstances for different contaminant sources and for different geographical
areas.” 415 ILCS 5/27(a) (2006). Section 27(a) of the Act also provides that,
In promulgating regulations under this Act, the Board shall take into account the existing
physical conditions, the character of the area involved, including the character of
surrounding land uses, zoning classifications, the nature of the existing air quality, or
receiving body of water, as the case may be, and the technical feasibility and economic
reasonableness of measuring or reducing the particular type of pollution. 415 ILCS
5/27(a) (2006).
Thus, the Board considers whether the rule is economically reasonable and technically feasible in
reducing the particular type of pollution. The Board’s review in rulemakings is the same
whether the rule is specific to one region or discharger or the rule is of generally applicable State
wide. Therefore, the Board must determine that the proposed rule is technically feasible and
economically reasonable.
Technical Feasibility and Economic Reasonableness of Alternatives
The source of excess boron in Galva’s STP discharges is the groundwater from aquifers
that supply Galva’s potable water. TSD at 2. The Agency has incorporated the 1.0 mg/L boron
general use water quality standard into Galva’s NPDES Permit as an effluent standard. Exh. 4 at
1. Galva investigated various compliance alternatives, including treatment to remove excess
boron from the potable water supply, the effluent from the STPs, a new potable water well, or
obtaining alternative drinking water sources from neighboring cities of Kewanee and Galesburg.
The treatment options evaluated included ion exchange and RO.
The TSD stated that ion exchange treatment could reduce boron but would create
considerable waste disposal problems. TSD at 6. If 50% of the effluent from the STPs were
treated, the report estimated that 5000 gallons of wastewater containing approximately 3100
mg/L of boron would be produced every 4-5 days, requiring disposal.
. The report stated that
the most reasonable disposal option would be to pump or truck the wastewater approximately 50
miles to a large treatment facility in Quad Cities or Peoria.
. The report also noted that the
same waste disposal issues would result if a single larger ion exchange plant were used to treat
Galva’s potable water supply. TSD at 7. Galva argues that the application of the ion exchange
process, either before potable water distribution or as a treatment for effluent, would create a
larger problem with disposal than the treatment would be attempting to solve. Prop. at 18.
Further Galva has estimated the capital costs of ion exchange system for treating potable water
or the effluent would be over two million dollars.
The evidence presented by Galva indicates that ion exchange might reduce boron in the
effluent; however the process will result in substantial waste disposal issues. Thus, Board finds
that the technical burden and substantial cost of ion exchange along with the associated waste
disposal issues establish that though technically feasible, ion exchange is not an economically
reasonable option for Galva’s use in the removal of boron from the effluent.
Regarding RO of potable water, the TSD states that “RO presents a much larger waste
disposal issue than the ion exchange option.” TSD at 11. The report noted that, for every 100
gallons of water treated using RO, 25 gallons of waste concentrate would be generated.
. The
report further noted that additional wastewater would be produced from the rinsing of
membranes, resulting in about 1/3 of all treated water being sent to waste or about 100,000
gallons per day.
. Since the quantity of RO waste precludes other disposal methods, the TSD
states that drilling a deep injection well would be Galva’s only option. Galva estimates the
capital cost of installing the RO system and drilling an injection well to be close to seven million
As with ion exchange, disposal of the waste from RO presents Galva with additional
problems both economically and technically. Therefore, the Board finds that RO is not a
technically feasible or economically reasonable option for reducing Galva’s boron effluent
With regard to obtaining an alternative water supply, the TSD indicated that obtaining
water from Galesburg was technically feasible but far too costly. TSD at 14. The TSD found
that water transmission from Galesburg to Galva would require the construction of a
transmission pipeline between the two municipalities, which are over 22 miles apart.
. A
report prepared by Galesburg determined that Galva would be required to pay approximately
$13.6 million of the $16.1 million total estimated project cost for this option.
. Galva states
that its attempts to obtain federal and state funding have failed and, without assistance, Galva
could only fund the project by “record level” user rate increases. Prop. at 23.
Testimony indicated that the option of obtaining water from Kewanee was rejected after
Kewanee indicated that their municipality did not have the capacity to supply water to Galva.
Exh. 1 at 3-4; Exh. 2 at 6.
The Board is cognizant of the economic struggles a small rural community such as Galva
faces. Although, technically an option for Galva, the cost of building a pipeline is not
economically reasonable. The Board finds that these circumstances support Galva’s conclusion
that obtaining an alternative water supply from Galesburg is economically unreasonable and that
water from Kewanee is not an option.
Galva also explored drilling a new shallow well to avoid boron found in the deep
aquifers, however, Galva was confronted with the dilemma of spending over $100,000 on an
initial drilling project that might reveal an adequate water supply is not available. Exh. 1 at 4.
As with the potential pipeline from Galesburg, drilling shallow wells is cost prohibitive.
Especially as there is no guarantee that the well will produce sufficient water with a lower boron
rate. Therefore, the Board finds that the testimony and information regarding these options
supports Galva’s conclusion that these options are not technically feasible at this time.
In summary, each of the options explored by Galva presents technical challenges. The
evidence presented by Galva indicates that treatment by ion exchange or RO might reduce boron
in the effluent or potable water supply; however the processes will result in substantial waste
disposal issues. Drilling a new shallow well presents the uncertainty of finding an adequate
water supply. Sharing a potable water supply with neighboring Galesburg would entail a
substantial construction project for the 20 to 25-mile water transmission line. In addition to the
technical challenges, Galva faces estimated capital costs ranging from $2 million to $13.6
The evidence of the capital costs necessary for any of the compliance alternatives as well
as the technical difficulties of the alternative exemplify that the alternatives are not technically
feasible and economically reasonable given the lack of significant economic impact as discussed
below. Therefore the Board finds that of all the alternatives evaluated, the proposed site specific
standard of 3.0 mg/L for boron is the only technically feasible and economically reasonable
Environmental Impact of Proposal
Both the Agency and Galva provided testimony that the toxicological impact of boron on
the receiving streams would not be significant. Galva presented expert testimony in support of
Galva’s conclusion that the Board’s 1.0 mg/L boron water quality standard is “over-protective of
aquatic life.” Prop. at 25, and 26-29. For example Dr. Anderson cited to studies of boron
toxicity in the literature that looked at a variety of terrestrial and aquatic species and specifically
addressed human health, aquatic life, and sensitive crops. Exh. 3 at 3-8. The Agency also
conducted a literature review, finding that a chronic boron standard of 3.0 mg/L and possibly
significantly higher is protective of aquatic life and appropriate based on currently available data.
Exh. 3 at 3. Thus, the record includes sufficient literature information and water quality data to
support the adoption of the proposed boron standard on a site specific basis.
See generally
3 at 3-6. In addition, Galva and the Agency provided testimony that no crops are irrigated using
water from the receiving streams and the receiving streams are not a viable source of drinking
water. Both Galva and the Agency further indicated that human health would not be impacted
by the site specific rule.
The record in this proceeding provides substantial information indicating that the
proposed rule will not negatively impact either aquatic life or human health. Further, with no
irrigation along the streams that will be impacted by the site specific rule, there is no negative
impact to plant life. Therefore, the Board finds that the proposed site specific rule will not
negatively impact human health or the environment and should be adopted.
This finding is consistent with the Board’s numerous precedents granting adjusted
standards and site specific rules for boron.
Petition of City of Springfield Office of Public
Utilities for an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(e), AS 94-9 (Dec. 1, 1994);
Petition of Illinois Power Company (Baldwin Power Plant) for an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 302.208 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.105 Regarding the Parameter Boron, AS 96-1
(May 2, 1996); Petition of Central Illinois Light Company (Duck Creek Station) for Adjusted
Standard From 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.105 Regarding The
Parameter Boron
, AS 96-8 (June 20, 1996).
The Board notes that Mr. Koch indicated that the Agency is cooperating with the INHS to
generate additional boron toxicity studies to supplement the current database. Such data would
help to ensure that boron general use standards proposed in the future would be protective of
aquatic life. Exh. 4 at 3. The results of the Agency/INHS study is expected to bolster the
scientific justification for the revision of the general use boron water quality standard. If the
Agency/INHS study results in new boron toxicity information that raises any concerns with the
site specific standards or renders such standards as moot, the Board expects the Agency to
address those concerns as a part of its proposal to revise the general use standards. The Board
notes that in the past, the Board has revised existing site specific rules to make them consistent
with the adopted revisions 28 to the rule of general applicability.
Proposed New and
Updated Rules for Measurement and Numerical Sound Emissions Standards Amendments to 35
Ill. Adm. Code 901 and 910
, (R03-9) March 2, 2006.
The Board finds that Galva’s site specific rule is economically feasible and technically
reasonable. Further, the Board finds that the record establishes that the site specific rule will be
protective of human health and the environment. Therefore, the Board finds that proceeding to
second notice with this rule is appropriate.
The Board directs the Clerk to cause the filing of the following rule for second notice
with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.
PART 303
Scope and Applicability
Multiple Designations
Rulemaking Required
Scope and Applicability
General Use Waters
Public and Food Processing Water Supplies
Underground Waters
Secondary Contact and Indigenous Aquatic Life Waters
Outstanding Resource Waters
List of Outstanding Resource Waters
Scope and Applicability
Ohio River Temperature
Waters Receiving Fluorspar Mine Drainage
Wabash River Temperature
Unnamed Tributary of the Vermilion River
Sugar Creek and Its Unnamed Tributary
Unnamed Tributary of Salt Creek, Salt Creek, and Little Wabash River
Mississippi River North Temperature
Mississippi River North Central Temperature
Mississippi River South Central Temperature
Unnamed Tributary of Wood River Creek
Schoenberger Creek; Unnamed Tributary of Cahokia Canal
Mississippi River South Temperature
Bankline Disposal Along the Illinois Waterway/River
Unnamed Tributary to Dutch Creek
Long Point Slough and Its Unnamed Tributary
Secondary Contact Waters
Waters Not Designated for Public Water Supply
Lake Michigan Basin
Salt Creek, Higgins Creek, West Branch of the DuPage River, Des Plaines River
Total Dissolved Solids Water Quality Standard for the Lower Des Plaines River
Boron Water Quality Standard for Segments of the Sangamon River and the
Illinois River
Unnamed Tributary of the South Branch Edwards River and South Branch
Edwards River
Mud Run Creek
Scope and Applicability
303.501 303.502
References to Previous Rules
Lake Sangchris Thermal Discharges
Sources of Codified Sections
AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 13 and authorized by Sections 11(b) and 27 of the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/13, 11(b) and 27].
SOURCE: Filed with the Secretary of State January 1, 1978; amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 27, p. 221,
effective July 5, 1978; amended at 3 Ill. Reg. 20, p. 95, effective May 17, 1979; amended at 5 Ill.
Reg. 11592, effective October 19, 1981; codified at 6 Ill. Reg. 7818; amended at 6 Ill. Reg.
11161, effective September 7, 1982; amended at 7 Ill. Reg. 8111, effective June 23, 1983;
amended in R87-27 at 12 Ill. Reg. 9917, effective May 27, 1988; amended in R87-2 at 13 Ill.
Reg. 15649, effective September 22, 1989; amended in R87-36 at 14 Ill. Reg. 9460, effective
May 31, 1990; amended in R86-14 at 14 Ill. Reg. 20724, effective December 18, 1990; amended
in R89-14(C) at 16 Ill. Reg. 14684, effective September 10, 1992; amended in R92-17 at 18 Ill.
Reg. 2981, effective February 14, 1994; amended in R91-23 at 18 Ill. Reg. 13457, effective
August 19, 1994; amended in R93-13 at 19 Ill. Reg. 1310, effective January 30, 1995; amended
in R95-14 at 20 Ill. Reg. 3534, effective February 8, 1996; amended in R97-25 at 22 Ill. Reg.
1403, effective December 24, 1997; amended in R01-13 at 26 Ill. Reg. 3517, effective February
22, 2002; amended in R03-11 at 28 Ill. Reg. 3071, effective February 4, 2004; amended in R06-
24 at 31 Ill. Reg. 4440, effective February 27, 2007; amended in R09-8 at 33 Ill.
Reg. 7903
effective May 29, 2009; amended in R09-11 at ____ Ill. Reg. _________, effective
Section 303.447
Unnamed Tributary of the South Branch Edwards River and South Branch
Edwards River
The general use water quality standard for boron at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g) does not apply
to the waters of the State that are located from the point of discharge of the publicly owned
treatment works located at 523 NE 9th Street in Galva, known as the Galva Northeast Sewage
Treatment Plant, to an unnamed tributary of the South Branch of the Edwards River (the
discharge point being located in Henry County, Township 14 North, Range 4 East, occupying
portions of Sections 21, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, and 35 in the Fourth Principal Meridian, Latitude N
41.175°, Longitude: W 90.035°) to the confluence of unnamed tributary with the South Branch
Edwards River; to the confluence with the Edwards River. Boron levels in these waters must
meet a water quality standard for boron of 3.0 mg/L.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg.____________, effective _________________)
Section 303.448
Mud Run Creek
The general use water quality standard for boron set forth at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g) does
not apply to the waters of the State that are located from the point of discharge of the publicly
owned treatment works located at ½ mile South of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad
and SW 4th Street in Galva, known as the Galva Southwest Sewage Treatment Plant, to Mud
Run Creek (the point is located in Henry County, Township 14 North, Range 4 East, occupying
portions of Sections 21, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34 and 35 of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Latitude: N
41.154°, Longitude W. 90.053°) to the confluence of Mud Run Creek with Walnut Creek. Boron
levels in these waters must meet a water quality standard for boron of 3.0 mg/L.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg.____________, effective _________________)
Board Member Shundar Lin abstained.
I, John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that
the Board adopted the above opinion and order on June 18, 2009, by a vote of 4-0. Member Lin
John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board