Nathan Shamosh, CETCO
Michael Plata, CETCO
Glenn Tofani, Geokinetics Inc.
77 Bunsen
Irvine, CA 92618
Tel 949.502.5353, Fax 949.502.5354
February 23, 2009
The purpose of this letter is to address proposed amendments to Section 742 of the State
of Illinois’ Tiered Approach to Corrective Objectives (TACO) Document, dated May 23,
2008. Specifically, this letter addresses Section 742.1210c of that document, which
recognizes building control technologies for the purpose of determining remediation
objectives that exceed residential remediation objectives. Under the sub-membrane
depressurization (SMD) systems section, a “cross-laminated polyethylene membrane liner
at least 0.15 mm (or 6 mil)” would be recognized as an adequate vapor barrier. This letter
addresses our concerns with respect to the use of this type and thickness of material for
vapor mitigation purposes.
GeoKinetics has extensive experience in the investigation and mitigation of subsurface
methane gas and organic vapors – both naturally occurring (as is typically the case for
methane) or associated with releases of gasoline, chlorinated solvents and other
hydrocarbon compounds. GeoKinetics has performed subsurface methane and/or soil
vapor investigations and interior air quality monitoring at many thousands of residential
and/or commercial properties. These investigations have involved both existing and
planned structures. Where regulated levels of methane or Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOC’s) have been identified, GeoKinetics has implemented appropriate mitigation
measures under regulatory oversight. These mitigation measures have included the
installation of sub-slab vapor barriers, the installation of passive and active subsurface
ventilation systems, and others. The undersigned have prepared plans and specifications
for methane and/or vapor mitigation systems for more than 10,000 buildings in the United
States over the last three decades. These buildings have included single family
residences, multi-family residences, school facilities, hospitals, apartment buildings, retail
centers, shopping malls, and commercial / industrial buildings. GeoKinetics has provided a
full range of services with respect to methane and VOC barriers – including permitting,
installation, and post-installation monitoring. GeoKinetics has developed smoke testing
procedures to confirm the integrity of membrane installations and manufactures the
equipment necessary for this type of testing. Smoke testing can help insure that tears,
perforations, pin-holes, and improperly sealed seams or penetrations are not present in the
membrane at the completion of the installation.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, February 24, 2009
Comments in Response to Proposed Amendments to Section 742 of
February 23, 2009
the Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives (TACO)
page 2
In addition to the design of methane and organic vapor barrier systems, GeoKinetics has
been extensively involved in the testing of these barriers for performance, reliability and
chemical compatibility. Along these lines, GeoKinetics has performed diffusion testing,
permeability testing, and strength testing for a number of membrane materials and
products. Many of the diffusion tests have extended for periods in excess of six months in
order to more thoroughly evaluate the long term performance and chemical compatibility of
the membranes. We have also performed post-construction monitoring and testing of sub-
slab membrane installations. This work has included the collection of air samples above
the membrane and below the floor slab, as well as on the interior of the protected building,
to monitor for contaminants. It has also included the coring of floor slabs at more than
1,000 buildings to collect membrane samples for inspection and testing. Many of the
membrane samples that were retrieved had been in place for ten years or more.
Several things have become apparent based upon our experience as set forth above. First
of all, no membrane is completely effective in so far as blocking the passage of
contaminants. All membranes “leak” to some degree. Secondly, there is significant
variability in the effectiveness of different types of vapor barrier materials – in other words,
some membranes leak much more than others. For example, the rate at which organic
vapors can pass through a 6-mil low density polyethylene membrane can be orders of
magnitude greater than for a more conventional 60-mil high density polyethylene
membrane. Third, damage in the form of penetrations and tears, along with improperly
sealed seams, can cause order of magnitude increases in the rate of vapor transmission
across a membrane. Relatively thin 6 to 10-mil membranes are much more prone to
construction damage than the standard 60-mil membranes that are typically used for VOC
vapor mitigation. Of the thousand+ structures with 6 and 10-mil vapor barriers that we
have performed post-construction testing on to date, we have yet to find a single
installation that did not have an unacceptably high rate of membrane holes / open
penetrations for a VOC barrier application. This is in contrast to standard 60-mil
membranes where holes / open penetrations are rare.
Based upon our experience and observations, we do not believe the use of a 6-mil cross
laminated polyethylene vapor barrier would be effective or appropriate for many
installations. As outlined above, there is a much greater potential for elevated rates of
vapor migration across such a membrane for many reasons. Our experience indicates a
typical 6-mil installation is not nearly as effective or reliable as a standard 60-mil barrier.
This is not to say there are no suitable applications for 6-mil vapor barriers. There are
many appropriate applications that need to be evaluated and identified on a site by site
basis. However the adoption of a standard that would allow for the universal use of a 6-mil
vapor barrier would be problematic and would likely result in excessive VOC vapor
transmission, along with potential exposure issues, and/or excessive water vapor
transmission and associated property damage in many instances.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, February 24, 2009
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, February 24, 2009