4. SUBMITTED DECEMBER 15, 2008
      7. Submitted December 15, 2008
      8. [additional language set forth in bold type]
      9. is required to obtain an Illinois special waste hauling permit
      10. hauling permit (if applicable)
      11. hauling permit number (if applicable)
      12. hauling permit (if applicable)
      13. hauling permit (if applicable)
      14. hauling permit number (if applicable)
      15. NORA’s Suggestions for Amending Board Notes
      18. Submitted December 15, 2008
      19. (additional language set forth in bold type)
      20. 6) A transporter is not required to have a special waste hauling permit to
      21. L) Any person who hauls only used oil and certain mixtures of used oil and

(Rulemaking – Land)
35 ILL. ADM. CODE 808, 809
Office of the Attorney General
Ms.Deirdre K. Hirner
69 West Washington Street, Suite 1800
Executive Director
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 Randolph Street
Stephanie Flowers, Esquire
Suite 11-500
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Chicago, Illinois 60601
1021 North Grand Avenue East
P. O. Box 19276
Ms. Dorothy Gunn
Springfield, Illinois 62794
Clerk of Illinois Pollution Control
100 Randolph Street Suite 11-500
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Tim Fox, Esquire
Hearing Officer
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 Randolph Street
Suite 11-500
Chicago, Illinois 60601
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have today filed with the Office of the Clerk of the Pollution
Control Board, The Additional Comments of NORA, An Association of Responsible Recyclers,
a copy of which is herewith served upon you.
Christopher Harris
December 15, 2008
2001 South Tracy
Bozeman, Montana 59715
Telephone: (406) 586-9902
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, December 15, 2008
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(Rulemaking – Land)
35 ILL. ADM. CODE 808, 809
Following the October 1, 2008 hearing conducted by the Board, NORA, An Association of
Responsible Recyclers (“NORA”) has slightly revised the language for its proposed amendments
to Part 739. This language is intended to improve the drafting and clarify the proposed new
requirements; no substantive changes are submitted. At the Board’s request, NORA is also
submitting proposed amendments to Parts 808 and 809 to clarify the relationship between the
special waste and used oil provisions if NORA’s proposal is adopted. It should be noted that this
language (attached) addresses certain materials
regulated as used oil
for which a manifest is not
necessary. It has already been proposed by the Board that shipments of used oil (as defined by
the federal regulations set forth at 40 CFR Part 279, as adopted by the Board by reference) would
not require a manifest. NORA and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“IEPA”) are
in agreement on the Board’s proposal. Also, in compliance with the Board’s request, NORA’s
suggestions for revisions to the Board Notes are deleted from the proposed amendments.
However, because Board Notes remain crucially important to the correct interpretation of the
regulations, NORA has included its suggestions for Board Note revisions at the end of its
proposed revisions to the regulations.
As explained at the October 1, 2008 hearing, under NORA’s proposal, the manifest would be
replaced by a shipping document (also referred to as shipping paper) containing (1) all
information IEPA has requested (e.g., the quantity and description of the material); (2) the
information required by applicable United States Department of Transportation (“U.S.DOT”)
regulations; and (3) any business information deemed relevant by the transporter and/or
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receiving facility. This approach to shipping paper is prescribed by U.S.DOT and has been the
accepted procedure for more than 20 years throughout the United States. U.S. DOT mandates
the content of the shipping paper while the design of the shipping paper is the responsibility of
the shipper or the transporter. This approach allows business transaction information to be
included in the shipping paper but without any loss of regulatory information or enforceability.
Similarly, under NORA’s proposal, the information that IEPA has stated it wants recorded would
be reflected on the shipping document while the shipper or transporter would design the form to
accommodate its transaction information. An exemplar of such a shipping document was
provided to the Board at the October 1, 2008 hearing.
As pointed out during the hearing, the replacement of the manifest with a shipping document will
dramatically reduce the unnecessary paperwork burden currently imposed on generators and
transporters. Our proposal will also put Illinois businesses on a level playing field with
businesses from adjacent states. NORA’s proposal does
affect any substantive requirements,
such as storage, testing and clean-up, that will, of course, remain the obligation of the regulated
community. Indeed, NORA’s proposal enhances the protection of human health and the
environment because it would allow generators and transporters to focus on substantive
compliance rather than duplicative and expensive paperwork. It is worth reiterating that under
the current system, IEPA does not want to receive copies of the manifest; it wants to generators
and transporters to store these manifests for three years just in case the Agency might someday
wish to look at some these manifests. Under NORA’ proposal, the shipping documents would be
retained for at least three years (probably longer because they contain valuable business
information) and the information contained in the shipping documents would be the same as
IEPA says it may need.
As NORA frequently pointed out in its testimony during the October 1, 2008 hearing, NORA’s
proposed amendments constitute a
that was intended to attract the support of IEPA.
Unfortunately, despite numerous efforts by NORA to engage IEPA is a constructive discussion
on the question of replacing a manifest with a shipping document, the Agency has not indicated
any interest in supporting a compromise proposal to the Board. See, for example, Claire
Manning’s April 2, 2008 letter on behalf of NORA to Stephanie Flowers, IEPA Legal Counsel
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(attached). IEPA provided no substantive response to Ms. Manning’s letter and has not
approached NORA at any time since the October 1, 2008 hearing. Consequently, NORA and its
members would like to remind the Board that our
proposal is more logical,
straightforward, and efficient. NORA’s original proposal was to replace the manifest for used oil
(as defined) and all categories of materials regulated as used oil with a shipping document. See
attached. This simpler approach would bring Illinois’ regulations in congruence with the federal
regulations as well as the regulations of the states adjacent to Illinois and virtually all other
states. The disparity between Illinois’ requirements and those of the other states creates
confusion in the regulated community and imposes costly and unnecessary compliance burdens.
Use of a hazardous waste manifest for these shipments misrepresents what the material is to
emergency responders and others in contact with the shipments.
At a time when the current economic crisis is causing severe financial hardship on virtually
every business in the United States, it is the duty of government to reduce or even eliminate
costly and unnecessary requirements. As the Board is aware, all but two states allow the use of
DOT shipping papers for the transportation of used oil destined for recycling and have done so
since the promulgation of the used oil management standards in 1985. The Board will not be
venturing into uncharted territory by adopting NORA’s proposal; rather, the Board will be
bringing Illinois into alignment with the policies of virtually all other states.
Accordingly, NORA’s proposal as presented at the October 1, 2008 hearing merits the Board’s
approval. However, because this proposal constitutes a compromise that apparently was
dismissed by IEPA, NORA also requests that the Board give consideration to the adoption of
NORA’s original (and more logical) proposal to substitute a shipping document for a manifest
with respect to used oil (as defined) as well as all materials regulated as used oil.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher Harris, General Counsel,
NORA, An Association of Responsible Recyclers
December 15, 2008
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, December 15, 2008
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Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, December 15, 2008
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Submitted December 15, 2008
[additional language set forth in bold type]
Part 739.110 Applicability- hazardous wastes
After 739.110,b,3 add the following language:
4) Used oil and the following post use mixtures are subject to regulation as used oil under
this Part, and are exempt from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 808 and 809:
A)Mixtures of used oil and hazardous waste, both mixed and generated by a conditionally
exempt small quantity generator of hazardous, provided that such mixture contains more
than fifty percent of used oil by either volume or weight.
B) Mixtures of used oil containing BTU-valuable characteristic hazardous wastes, both
mixed and generated by the same generator, and which contain more than fifty percent of
used oil by weight or volume, provided such mixture does not exhibit a characteristic of a
hazardous waste. Any such BTU-valuable wastes or materials shall contain a minimum of
5000 BTUs per pound before mixture with the used oil.
C)Mixtures of used oil and ignitable-only characteristic hazardous wastes, both mixed and
generated by the same generator, and which contain more than fifty percent of used oil by
weight or volume, provided such mixture does not exhibit the characteristic of ignitability.
All other post use mixtures of used oil and hazardous wastes are regulated by 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 702, 703, and 720 through 728.
Part 739.110 Applicability- other materials
After 739.110,c,3 add the following language:
4) Used oil and the following post use mixtures are regulated under this Part, and are
exempt from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 808 and 809:
A)Mixtures of BTU-valuable nonhazardous wastes and used oil, both generated by the
same generator, and which more than fifty percent of used oil by weight or volume. Any
such BTU-valuable wastes must contain a minimum of 5000 BTU per pound before
mixture with the used oil.
B)Nonhazardous waste water contaminated by or mixed with used oil, both generated by
the same generator and which contain more than a de minimis (recoverable) quantity of
used oil.
Part 739.124 Off-Site Shipments
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In the first paragraph remove the last part of the last sentence that reads:
“and an Illinois special waste identification number pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 809.”
and replace it with the following:
Whenever a Part 809 special waste manifest is not required, the generator must record the
quantity, classification and description of the non used oil materials for each shipment and
provide such information to the transporter at the time of acceptance by the transporter.
The generator shall keep all such records on file for a minimum of three years.
Part 739.142,a Notification
Delete the following language from the last sentence:
“identification number”
And replace it with the following:
hauling permit (if applicable)
Part 793.142,b,2 Notification
Delete the following language:
“has not received an Illinois special waste identification number”
And replace it with:
is required to obtain an Illinois special waste hauling permit
Part 739.143,a,1 Used Oil Transportation
Delete the following language from the END of the last sentence:
“identification number”
And replace with:
hauling permit (if applicable)
Part 739.146,a,6 Tracking - Acceptance
Add the following as a new section 6:
If the transporter has accepted any used oil mixed with special or hazardous waste that is
not regulated as used oil, or accepts any other non used oil special or hazardous waste for
recycling along with the used oil without the use of a Part 809 special waste manifest, the
transporter shall provide to the agency if requested, the quantity, classification and
description of the non used oil streams in the mixture. The transporter shall have
procedures in place that will ensure that emergency personnel in the event of an accident,
are immediately provided with information concerning any non-used oil materials in the
shipment that could alter the handling characteristics of the used oil. This information
must also be recorded on the used oil shipping document.
Part 739.146,b,2
Add the following language after “and Illinois special waste identification number”:
(if applicable)
Part 739.146,b,6 Tracking – Deliveries
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Add the following as a new section 6:
The transporter shall have procedures in place to assure that the receiving facility will be
promptly notified of all relevant information concerning any non-used oil materials in the
shipment that could adversely affect the management or characteristics of the used oil. The
transporter shall also notify the receiving facility of any other special waste streams in the
used oil would likely cause the used oil to fail the oil EPA used specifications in 40 CFR
Part 279 or the applicable ASTM performance specifications, unless such used oil is sold or
transferred as an EPA off specification or non-ASTM certified used oil.
Part 739.156,a,3 and b,3 Tracking – Processors
Delete the following language:
“identification number”
And replace with:
hauling permit number (if applicable)
Part 739.156,b,4
Add the following language after “special waste identification number”:
(if applicable)
Part 739.158 Processor Off-Site Shipments of Used Oil
Delete the following language from the last sentence of the first paragraph:
“ identification number”
And replace with:
hauling permit (if applicable)
Part 739.165,a,3 Off specification Burners Tracking
Delete the following language in the LAST part of the sentence:
“identification number”
And replace with:
hauling permit (if applicable)
Part 739.174,a,3 Marketers - Tracking
Delete the following language in the LAST part of the sentence:
“identification number”
And replace with:
hauling permit number (if applicable)
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, December 15, 2008
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NORA’s Suggestions for Amending Board Notes
Delete the Board Note that immediately follows Section 739.124.
Part 739.131 Used Oil Collection Centers
Add to the end of the existing Board Note:
if post use mixture takes place. See Board Notes under Part 739.110, Applicability, for post
use mixtures that are exempt from Part 809 manifesting requirements.
Part 739.132 Used Oil Aggregate Points Owned by the Generator
Add to the end of the Existing Board Note:
if post use mixture takes place. See Board Notes under Part 739.110, Applicability, for post
use mixtures that are exempt from Part 809 manifesting requirements.
Part 739.140,a,4 Applicability for Standards For Used Oil Transporter And Transfer Facilities
Add to the end of the Existing Board Note:
if post use mixture takes place. See Board Notes under Part 739.110, Applicability, for post
use mixtures that are exempt from Part 809 manifesting requirements.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, December 15, 2008
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Submitted December 15, 2008
(additional language set forth in bold type)
Part 808.121 Generator Obligations
After 808.121,b,4 add the following language:
5) The generator is not required to complete a manifest for used oil and certain
mixtures of used oil and special wastes as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
739.110,b and c, if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in compliance
with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739.
6) A transporter is not required to have a special waste hauling permit to
transport a shipment that contains no special waste other than used oil or is a
mixture of used oil and certain special wastes as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 739.110,b and c, if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in
accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739 and the transporter has registered
with the Agency as a used oil transporter.
Part 809.211,l
L) Any person who hauls only used oil and certain mixtures of used oil and
special wastes as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739.110,b and c, if the used oil
and or mixtures are managed in compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739 and
the transporter has registered with the agency as a used oil transporter.
Part 809.301 Add at the end:
The generator or transporter is not required to complete a manifest for used oil
and certain special waste mixtures as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739.110,b
and c, if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in compliance with 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 739. A transporter is not required to have a special waste hauling
permit to transport a load that contains no special waste other than used oil or is
a mixture of used oil and certain special wastes as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
739.110,b and c, if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in compliance with
35 Ill. Adm. Code 739 and the transporter has registered with the agency as a
used oil transporter.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, December 15, 2008
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Part 809.302,a Add at the end:
The generator or transporter is not required to complete a manifest for used
oil and certain special waste mixtures as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739.110,b
and c, if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in compliance with 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 739. A transporter is not required to have a special waste hauling
permit to transport a load that contains no special waste other than used oil or is
a mixture of used oil and certain special wastes as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
739.110,b and c, if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in compliance with
35 Ill. Adm. Code 739 and the transporter has registered with the agency as a
used oil transporter.
Part 809.501,a Add at the end:
The generator or transporter is not required to complete a manifest for used
oil and certain special waste mixtures as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739.110,b
and c if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in compliance with 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 739. A transporter is not required to have a special waste hauling
permit to transport a load that contains no special waste other than used oil or is
a mixture of used oil and certain special wastes as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
739.110,b and c, if the used oil and or mixtures are managed in compliance with
35 Ill. Adm. Code 739 and the transporter has registered with the agency as a
used oil transporter.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, December 15, 2008
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