1. Further, Section 28.1(a) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/28.1(a) (2006)) provides that the Board may grant an adjusted standard “for persons who can justify such an adjustment consistent with subsection (a) of Section 27 of this Act.” Section 27(a) (415 ILCS 5/27(a) (2006)) is a provision that requires the Board to “take into account,” among other things, “the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of measuring or reducing the particular type of pollution.”
        3. Class II Groundwater Quality Standards for Chloride and Sulfate
        4. The Landfill seeks relief from Section 620.420(a) of the Board’s Class II, or general resource, GWQS (35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420(a)) for chloride and sulfate. The relevant groundwater regulations became effective on November 25, 1991, and were adopted pursuant to Section 8 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act (IGPA) (415 ILCS 55/8 (2006)) and Section 27 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27 (2006)). See Groundwater Quality Standards (35 Ill. Adm. Code 620), R89-14(B) (Nov. 7, 1991). Section 8 of the IGPA mandates the Board to promulgate “regulations establishing comprehensive water quality standards which are specifically for the protection of groundwater.” 415 ILCS 55/8(a) (2006).
        5. (mg/L)
          1. The Landfill’s Proposed Adjusted Standard
    3. Compliance Efforts and Alternatives
      1. The Landfill’s sole purpose for requesting an adjusted standard is to obtain a Certificate of Closure from the Agency. 2d. Am. Pet. at 12. The Landfill asserts that the most compelling reason for granting the adjusted standard is that there is no adverse impact on the environment or human health from this long since closed landfill. Id. Additionally, the options for remediation to reduce the two constituents of negligible impact to the quality of groundwater in the area are cost-prohibitive. Id. The Landfill also recognizes that the Agency has not required remediation at the Site. Id.
      2. Impact on the Environment and Human Health
        1. Consistency with Federal Law

November 5, 2008
FROM 35 ILL. ADM. CODE 620.420 FOR
AS 08-3
(Adjusted Standard – Groundwater)
On September 5, 2007, Nobel Risley’s Landfill #2 (Landfill) filed a petition for
an adjusted standard from the Board’s groundwater quality standards. As detailed in two
amendments to its petition, the Landfill seeks relief from Section 620.420(a) of the
Board’s Class II, or general resource, groundwater quality standards (GWQS) (35 Ill.
Adm. Code 620.420(a)) for chloride and sulfate for its closed landfill site (Site) located in
South Central Illinois, near the City of Benton, in rural Franklin County.
The GWQS regulations codified at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.420 limit the allowable
level of inorganic chemical constituents that may be present in general resource
35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.420. Chloride and sulfate levels in the site’s
groundwater exceed the Board’s standards. Here, the Landfill requests an increase in the
Class II GWQS chloride limit from 200 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to 600 mg/L and an
increase in the Class II GWQS sulfate limit from 400 mg/L to 2,381 mg/L, in order to
allow the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) to issue a closure
certificate for the landfill facility. The Landfill asserts that all closure requirements for
the Site have been met, with the exception of the chloride and sulfate concentrations that
exceed applicable GWQS in several downgradient monitoring wells.
No public hearing has been requested or held, as the Landfill and the Agency had
resolved all disagreements by the time the last pleading was filed.
Consistent with the Agency’s January 4, 2008 Recommendation (Rec.) and May
9, 2008 amended Recommendation (Am. Rec.), the Board finds the Landfill has justified
its request for an adjusted standard. For the reasons below, the Board grants the adjusted
standard as set forth in the following Board order. The adjusted standard now applies to
the site in lieu of the Class II groundwater quality standards for chloride and sulfate.
In this opinion, the Board first sets forth the legal framework within which the
Board decides whether to issue adjusted standards under Section 28.1 of the
Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/28.1 (2006)). Second, the Board
describes the current applicable standard and the Landfill’s proposed adjusted standard.
Next, the Board provides the procedural history of this case. This is followed by a
description of the factual background and petition contents cited by the Landfill, as well
as the Landfill’s justification for its proposed adjusted standard. Next, the Board

addresses the Agency’s recommendation and concludes with a discussion of the issues
and the Board’s legal conclusions.
Section 28.1 of the Act and the Board rules provide that a petitioner may request,
and the Board may grant, an environmental standard that is different from the generally
applicable regulation that otherwise applies to that petitioner.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(a)
(2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.400(a), 104.402. This form of regulatory relief is called
an adjusted standard.
The procedures that govern an adjusted standard proceeding are found in Section
28.1 of the Act and Part 104.Subpart D of the Board’s procedural rules.
415 ILCS
5/28.1 (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.400-104.428. The adjusted standard proceeding is
adjudicatory in nature and therefore not subject to the rulemaking provisions of the Act or
the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (5 ILCS 100 (2006)).
415 ILCS 5/28.1(a)
(2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.202. Once a petition for an adjusted standard is filed, the
Agency must file its recommendation with the Board.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(3) (2006);
35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.416. The Board’s procedural rules specify the required contents
for the adjusted standard petition and the Agency recommendation.
35 Ill. Adm.
Code 104.406, 104.416.
Section 28.1(d)(1) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1) (2006)) and Section
104.408(a) of the Board’s procedural rules (35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(a) (quoting the
Act)) require the adjusted standard petitioner to publish notice of the petition’s filing by
advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the area likely to be affected by
the proposed adjusted standard. Under those provisions, publication must take place
within 14 days after the petition is filed. The newspaper notice must indicate that any
person may cause a public hearing to be held on the proposed adjusted standard by filing
a hearing request with the Board within 21 days after publication.
415 ILCS
5/28.1(d)(1) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(b).
The burden of proof in an adjusted standard proceeding is on petitioner.
ILCS 5/28.1(b), (c) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.426. Once granted, the adjusted
standard applies to petitioner instead of the rule of general applicability.
415 ILCS
5/28.1(a) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.202, 104.400(a). In granting adjusted standards,
the Board may impose conditions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of the
415 ILCS 5/28.1(a) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.428(a).
General Level of Justification Required
The regulations of general applicability at issue here do not specify a level of
justification required to qualify for an adjusted standard. Accordingly, under Section
28.1(c) of the Act, a petitioner must demonstrate that:

Factors relating to that petitioner are substantially and significantly
different from the factors relied upon by the Board in adopting the
general regulation applicable to that petitioner;
The existence of those factors justifies an adjusted standard;
The requested standard will not result in environmental or health
effects substantially and significantly more adverse than the effects
considered by the Board in adopting the rule of general
applicability; and
The adjusted standard is consistent with any applicable federal law.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(c) (2006);
see also
35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.426(a).
Further, Section 28.1(a) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/28.1(a) (2006)) provides that the Board
may grant an adjusted standard “for persons who can justify such an adjustment
consistent with subsection (a) of Section 27 of this Act.” Section 27(a) (415 ILCS
5/27(a) (2006)) is a provision that requires the Board to “take into account,” among other
things, “the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of measuring or reducing
the particular type of pollution.”
Class II Groundwater Quality Standards for Chloride and Sulfate
The Landfill seeks relief from Section 620.420(a) of the Board’s Class II, or
general resource, GWQS (35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420(a)) for chloride and sulfate. The
relevant groundwater regulations became effective on November 25, 1991, and were
adopted pursuant to Section 8 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act (IGPA) (415
ILCS 55/8 (2006)) and Section 27 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27 (2006)).
Quality Standards (35 Ill. Adm. Code 620), R89-14(B) (Nov. 7, 1991). Section 8 of the
IGPA mandates the Board to promulgate “regulations establishing comprehensive water
quality standards which are specifically for the protection of groundwater.” 415 ILCS
55/8(a) (2006).
Section 620.420(a) of the Board’s Class II groundwater standards reads as follows
regarding chloride and sulfate:
a) Inorganic Chemical Constituents
Except due to natural causes or as provided in Section
620.450 or subsection (a)(3) or (d) of this Section,
concentrations of the following chemical constituents
must not be exceeded in Class II groundwater:

* * *
* * *
35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420(a).
Section 620.220 of the Board’s regulations define Class II: General Resource
Groundwater as follows:
Except as provided in Section 620.250, General Resource
Groundwater is:
Groundwater which does not meet the provisions of
Section 620.210 (class I), Section 620.230 (Class III), or
Section 620.240 (Class IV).
Groundwater which is found by the Board, pursuant to
the petition procedures set forth in Section 620.260, to be
capable of agricultural, industrial, recreational or other
beneficial uses. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.250.
The Landfill’s Proposed Adjusted Standard
The relief request the Board considers today is that contained in the Landfill’s
February 28, 2008 second amended petition (2d Am. Pet.). The Landfill seeks to amend
the requirements for general resource groundwater quality standard for chloride and
sulfate to be less stringent than the applicable Class II standard. 2d Am. Pet at 1. As
proposed, the adjusted standard would apply to the complete site. Specifically, the
Landfill seeks to increase the allowable limits of chloride from 200 mg/L to 600 mg/L
and the allowable levels of sulfates from 400 mg/L to 2,381 mg/L.
The proposed
limits were derived using an analysis of the statistically valid range of chloride and
sulfate levels in several downgradient monitoring wells at the site. 2d Am. Pet. at 3.
The Landfill petitions the Board to adopt the following language to establish the
requested proposed adjusted standard:
The concentration of dissolved chlorides shall not exceed 600 mg/L and
the concentrations of dissolved sulfates shall not exceed 2,381 mg/L in the
groundwater at the Risley #2 Landfill (IEPA Site Number is 055 802
0005, IPEA permit number is 1980-21-DE/IOP) located at 9957 River
Bend Road, Benton, Illinois 62812. The horizontal boundaries within
which the adjusted standards apply shall be the property boundaries. The
vertical boundaries are defined as all the groundwater that occurs below

the surface and above the first occurrence of shale, the latter of which is
shown on Figure 8 of the “Technical Justification for an Adjusted
Standard for Chlorides in Ground-Water” Report dated November 7,
2006. The Class II groundwater Standards for dissolved chlorides and
dissolved sulfate as set forth at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420 shall not apply
to groundwater at the Risley #2 Landfill.
The legal description of the property is as follows:
Part of the South One-Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest One-Fourth (S 1/4) of the
Southeast One-Fourth (SE 1/4) of Section 22, Township 6 South, Range 2 East in
Franklin County, Illinois, approximately eight (8) acres.
The North One-Half (N 1/2) of the Northwest One-Fourth (NW 1/4) of the
Northeast One-Fourth (NE 1/4) and the Southeast One-Fourth (SE 1/4) of the
Northwest One-Fourth (NW 1/4) of the Northeast On-Fourth (NE 1/4) of Section
27, Township 6 South, Range 2 East in Franklin County, Illinois, approximately
30 acres. 2d Am. Pet. at 10-11.
On September 5, 2007, the Landfill filed a petition for an adjusted standard (Pet.)
from the Class II groundwater quality standard for chloride. Additionally, the Landfill
asked the Board to consider the case in an expedited manner, requested leave to file less
than nine copies and waived hearing, as permitted by Section 104.406 of the Board’s
regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.406), “provided that Illinois EPA does not have a
contrary recommendation to the requested adjusted standard.” 2d Am. Pet. at 17; Pet. at
9. On September 12, 2007, the Landfill filed a certificate of publication, documenting
that notice of the petition was provided in the
Benton Evening News
on September 8,
On September 27, 2007, the Agency filed a motion for extension of time to file a
recommendation in regards to the Landfill’s petition for adjusted standard. In an October
4, 2007 order, the Board granted the Agency’s motion to for extension of time to file its
recommendation and the Landfill’s motion to file less than nine copies of the petition, but
denied the Landfill’s motion for expedited consideration, noting that the Board had not
yet accepted the Landfill’s petition for hearing.
In a subsequent November 1, 2007 order, the Board found that the Landfill had
met the statutory notice requirement of the Act and the Board’s procedural rules by
providing newspaper notice of its petition.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1) (2006); 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 104.408, 104.410. However, the Board also found that the Landfill had not
provided all of the necessary information in its petition and therefore directed the Landfill
to file an amended petition to cure the noted deficiencies.
Petition for Adjusted
Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420 for Nobel Risely’s Landfill No. 2, AS 08-3
(Nov. 1, 2007).

On November 30, 2007, the Landfill timely filed an amended petition for adjusted
standard (Am. Pet.) with the Board and requested, in addition to the increase of the
chloride limit contained in the first petition, an increase in the Class II GWQS for sulfate
from 400 mg/L to 4,500 mg/L. The amended petition was accompanied by a motion for
leave to file less than nine copies and a motion to request clarification that the Landfill
retain its rights to request a hearing in the event of a negative recommendation on the
petition from the Agency.
35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.416.
On January 4, 2007, the Agency filed its Recommendation to the Amended
Petition for Adjusted Standards (Ag. Rec.). The Agency recommended granting the
adjusted standard as to chloride, but denial of the adjusted standard as to sulfate. The
Agency asserted that the Landfill had provided “no meaningful rationale as to the
appropriateness of a 4,500 mg/L standard.” Ag. Rec. at 7.
On January 24, 2008, the Board issued an order requiring the Landfill to file
notice of newspaper publication of the filing of amended petition, due to the additional
adjusted standard requested for sulfate. The Board again noted that the Landfill needed
to cure several identified deficiencies in an amended petition.
Petition for Adjusted
Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420 for Nobel Risely’s Landfill No. 2, AS 08-3
(Jan. 24, 2008). The Landfill filed a certificate of publication with the Board
documenting that notice of the amended petition was published in the
Benton Evening
on December 7 and 8, 2007.
On February 28, 2008, the Landfill filed a second amended petition for adjusted
standards requesting a revised increase in the Class II GWQS for sulfate from 400 mg/L
to 2,381 mg/L, a lower limit than the previously requested 4,500 mg/L. Additionally, the
Landfill restated that while it anticipated the Agency having a favorable recommendation
as to its request for adjusted standard, the Landfill did not waive its right to a hearing. 2d
Am. Pet. at 17.
On March 20, 2008, the Board accepted the Landfill’s second amended petition
for hearing and directed the hearing officer to expeditiously schedule and hold hearing.
On May 9, 2008, the Agency filed an Amended Recommendation to Second Amended
Petition for Adjusted Standards (Am. Rec.), suggesting that the Board grant both adjusted
standards for chloride and sulfate. Am. Rec. at 1.
Memorializing a telephonic status conversation held on the same day, a May 14,
2008 hearing officer order noted that the Landfill had withdrawn its request for hearing in
light of the Agency’s amended recommendation.
Hearing Officer Order, AS 08-3
(May 14, 2008). The Board has received no requests for a public hearing on the petition
under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.420 in response to either of the Landfill’s newspaper
notices. Accordingly, no hearing has been held and the Board’s decision is based solely
on the parties’ pleadings.

This section discusses the factual background of the Landfill, including a
description of the landfill site, the history of the landfill operation, and the general
character of the surrounding area. Additionally, provided here are the relevant chloride
and sulfate levels observed in the groundwater under the Landfill, as well as their effect
on the surrounding drinking water supply and affected downgradient areas.
Landfill Site and Surrounding Area
The closed Nobel Risely’s Landfill #2 site is located at 9957 River Bend Road,
near Benton in Franklin County. 2d. Am. Pet at 4. The site is situated on a 38-acre
parcel of land with a waste footprint of approximately 8 acres and a waste thickness of 20
The Big Muddy River borders the site’s north property line, with two rural
residences immediately to the east and west along the frontage road of the 38-acre parcel.
2d Am. Pet. at 7. The Landfill states that the “surrounding area is rural and sparsely
populated with light agriculture use.”
The nearest town of Benton, Illinois, located
approximately 2 miles northeast, has a population of 7,000.
The Landfill furnished technical justification reports, included in its petitions for
an adjusted standard as Exhibits 1 and 3 and prepared by groundwater consulting firm
Leggette, Brashears & Graham; these reports state that no agricultural activities and no
recreational activities, such as hiking or hunting, occur on the landfill grounds. Technical
Justification for Adjusted Standard for Chlorides in Ground-Water (11-7-06) at 1. (Tech.
Just. (11-7-06)). Additionally, no people live on the 38 acres of the Landfill proper and
there are no private wells located downgradient of the landfill. 2d Am. Pet. at 7; Tech.
Just (11-7-06) at 1. The reports conclude that groundwater is not a local source of
drinking water; the Franklin County area relies on Rend Lake for its public water supply,
the groundwater in the area of the landfill is sporadic in occurrence, and significantly
at 1-2. Further, the report states that groundwater in the area is not
capable of sustained yield because of the hydrogeologic characteristics.
at 2.
Site History and Post-Closure Care
According to the Landfill’s petition, the site was constructed by removing
naturally occurring unconsolidated earth materials of glacial derivation, present above a
thick shale formation, while still leaving the shale formation in place. 2d Am. Pet. at 4;
Tech. Just. (11-7-06) at 4. The excavation was then filled with non-hazardous municipal
solid waste.
Once closed, cover material consisting of unconsolidated earth material,
was placed over the landfill area.
The landfill began operations in February of 1981 and received non-hazardous
municipal solid waste until 1988. 2d Am. Pet. at 6; Tech Just. (11-7-06) at 3-4. No
hazardous or domestic waste was accepted at the site. 2d Am. Pet. at 6. Site closure was
initiated and the landfill area was closed between May 11, 1999 and July 19, 1999.

On July 13, 2000, the Agency issued a supplemental permit addressing the
specific closure requirements for Landfill #2, including those pertaining to groundwater
monitoring. 2d Am. Pet. at 6. The Landfill asserts that no leachate or gas emissions were
observed by its consultant, EMCON/Shaw Environmental, Inc., at the site during a 4-year
quarterly inspection period. 2d Am. Pet. at 7. Additionally, while there is currently no
pollution control equipment at the landfill, there is an engineered cap that is in place.
The Agency has advised the Landfill that the Agency cannot certify that post-
closure care of the Landfill is complete when chloride and sulfate levels in site
groundwater exceed the Board’s Class II groundwater quality standards. The Landfill
asserts that evidence makes clear that reducing the chlorides and sulfates that showed up
in two monitoring wells from this old landfill is technically infeasible and economically
unreasonable. 2d Am. Pet. at 8. Correspondence between the Landfill’s consultant and
the Agency show that all closure requirements have been met with the exception of the
chloride and sulfate concentrations in groundwater.
at 12; Technical Justification for
Adjusted Standard for Sulfates in Ground-Water (11-6-07) at 4.
Groundwater Monitoring for Chloride and Sulfate Levels
As noted earlier, the Landfill derived its proposed limits using an analysis of the
statistically valid range of chloride and sulfate levels in several downgradient monitoring
wells at the site. 2d Am. Pet. at 3.
In its original and subsequent petitions, the Landfill reported that the average
chloride concentration in six monitoring wells around the landfill is 26 mg/L, a level that
is much lower than the allowable standard. Pet. at 5. Despite this, there have been
measurements of chloride in the leachate of the landfill as high as 680 mg/L.
Landfill asserts that, while such measurements may be interpreted to be outliers, they
were taken in accordance with statistical reporting protocol.
The Landfill proposed
an adjusted standard of 600 mg/L, instead of a lower level that reflects the statistically
valid range of chloride levels observed at several of the downgradient monitoring wells.
Using the same groundwater monitoring methods for sulfate levels, the Landfill
proposed, in the first amended petition, a sulfate limitation of 4,500 mg/L for
groundwater at the Landfill instead of the Class II sulfate groundwater standard of 400
mg/L. In support, the Landfill stated that although sulfate concentrations have never
exceeded 3,000 mg/L in the downgradient monitoring well G104, the proposed higher
limit is necessary to account for the potential spatial and temporal variation. Am Pet. at
11. According to the amended petition, the highest sulfate concentration measured in
well G104 was 3,290 mg/L on January 14, 2000. Am. Pet. Exh. 2, App. B, Table B-1.
In its original Recommendation on January 4, 2008, the Agency questioned the
Landfills’ proposed sulfate level. The Agency found the level to be excessively high,
based on the existence of monitoring data showing a decreasing trend in sulfate
concentration in the downgradient wells, supported with a sulfate level of 2,090 mg/L

measured on September 2, 2004, when the operator terminated the quarterly groundwater
monitoring. Ag. Rec. at 6, Exh. 5. The Agency verified the decreasing trend in sulfate
concentration in well G104 by using Mann-Kendall/Sen Slope at 95% confidence. Ag.
Rec. at 6, Exh. 5. A recent sample taken from the same well on May 9, 2007, has a
sulfate concentration of 941 mg/L.
The Agency’s recommendation noted that while a
statistical analysis of the sulfate monitoring data identified the May 2007 sulfate
concentration as an outlier, the data point is considered a valid observation since the
Landfill has not demonstrated that data point is due to a sampling or laboratory error.
Ag. Rec. at 6.
When filing its second amended petition on February 28, 2008, the Landfill
proposed a revised sulfate standard of 2,381 mg/L to reflect the statistically valid range of
sulfate levels observed in the downgradient monitoring wells. 2d Am. Pet. at 3. The
second amended petition states that the maximum sulfate concentration of 3,290 mg/L in
well G104 was observed in January 2000. 2d Am. Pet. at 11. While sulfate
concentrations in well G104 have never exceeded 3,000 mg/L since that time, the range
of sulfate concentrations in well G104 has been highly variable, with a minimum
concentration of 1,430 mg/L and an average of 2,161 mg/L over the 9-year period.
The Landfill asserts that, given the potential for spatial and temporal variation of sulfate
data, and bearing in mind there are no exposure routes for groundwater and no health
concerns exist, the previously requested adjusted standard of 4,500 mg/L would never
have resulted in a violation regulatory standards. 2d Am. Pet. at 11-12. Yet, based on the
above stated concerns, the Landfill asserts that it chose the lower of the two numbers for
its amended request. 2d Am. Pet. at 12.
Local Area Water Supply
The Franklin County area surrounding the Landfill obtains public water supply
from Rend Lake, which is located upstream of the Landfill. The receiving body of any
groundwater from the Site area is the Big Muddy River. 2d Am. Pet. at 7. There are no
public water supply intakes on the Big Muddy River below Rend Lake.
there are no private wells between the Landfill and the Big Muddy River or downgradient
of the Landfill.
The Landfill’s technical reports characterize the natural groundwater in the area
of the landfill as sporadic in occurrence and significantly mineralized. 2d Am. Pet at 7.
Further, the reports note that the groundwater in the area is not capable of supporting
sustained yield of water given the limited horizontal area of the aquifer, limited saturated
thickness, and very low hydraulic conductivity.
These factors preclude the use of
groundwater for drinking water or for other purposes. Am. Pet. at 3. Accordingly, the
Landfill claims, “there is virtually no practical scenario in which the groundwater down
gradient of Landfill #2 would be used for industrial, domestic, or agricultural use.” 2d
Am. Pet. at 8.
The technical reports state that the average flow of the Big Muddy River is 605
cubic feet per second. 2d Am. Pet. at 7. Using a mass balance approach, the Landfill

calculated the change in chloride concentration in the Big Muddy River as a result of
groundwater discharge to be 8.642 x 10
mg/L or 3.32 x 10
percent. 2d Am. Pet. at 7.
The calculation is based on a conservative assumption that chloride concentration of the
impacted groundwater entering the river would not be diluted. Tech. Just. (7-10-2007) at
Table L-1. According to the technical reports prepared for the Landfill, “[t]he reason for
the extremely low impact to chloride concentration in the Big Muddy River is because
the flow is over 1.7 million times greater than the groundwater flow emanating from the
Landfill.” 2d Am. Pet. at 12. Using the same approach, the Landfill calculated the
change in sulfate concentration in the Big Muddy River as a result of groundwater
discharge to be 5.82 x 10
mg/L or 4.62 x 10
percent. 2d Am. Pet. at 12. The
calculation is based on a conservative assumption that the highest recorded sulfate
concentration in G104 of 3,290 mg/L would enter the river without any dilution. Am.
Pet., Exh. 2 at 12.
In support of the Landfill’s evidence regarding human health effects, the Landfill
attaches exhibits that note that the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) has only adopted a non-enforceable secondary drinking water standard for
chloride of 250 mg/L that is intended for managing aesthetic considerations such as taste,
odor and color. 2d Am. Pet at 13. In these exhibits, the Landfill notes that according to
the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines for drinking water, chloride toxicity
has not been observed in humans except in the special case of impaired sodium chloride
metabolism. Excessive intake of drinking water with sodium chloride concentrations
above 2,500 mg/L causes hypertension. Tech. Just. (11-7-06) at 14. Additionally, the
Landfill asserts that WHO guidelines state there is no known level of sulfate in drinking
water that is likely to cause adverse effects to human health. Am. Pet. at 14 citing App.
Possible Use of Institutional or Environmental Land Use Controls
The Landfill asserts that, because the groundwater is no longer classified as
“potable”, or a Class I groundwater, it would be highly unlikely that it would be used as a
potential source of drinking water. 2d Am. Pet. at 14. Therefore, the Landfill concludes
that an institutional or environmental land use control prohibiting the use of groundwater
for potable purposes is not warranted.
Further, the Landfill asserts that the existing
conditions make it impractical for a water well to be installed in either unconsolidated or
consolidated material.
The shallow setting of the water bearing units does not allow
for adequate casing depth, as required by drilled water well regulations codified at 77 Ill.
Adm. Code 920.60.
Finally, the Landfill notes that the City of Benton has enacted an
ordinance prohibiting the installation of drilling wells to use groundwater as a potable
water supply. 2d Am. Pet. at 15 (citing Ordinance 05-16 enacted June 27, 2005).
This section includes a discussion of the relevant factors asserted by the Landfill
in order to meet the level of justification necessary for the Board to grant the proposed
adjusted standard.

Compliance Efforts and Alternatives
The Landfill maintains that supporting evidence clearly shows that “reducing the
chlorides that showed up in the two monitoring wells and sulfates that showed up in the
six monitoring wells from this old landfill is technically infeasible and economically
unreasonable.” 2d Am. Pet. at 8. To support its position, the Landfill considers three
alternate treatment options that exist for the Landfill to comply with the regulatory
The Landfill’s first suggested option is to install thirty flow recovery wells that
would dewater the landfill and treat the pumped groundwater. The Landfill predicts this
option would cost $615,000 with an annual operation and maintenance (O & M) cost of
$81,000 per year.
; Pet., Exhibit 1, App. N. The second suggestion involves the
installation of a 900-foot long cut-off groundwater trenching system that would extend
into the underlying shale layer with ten stumps for groundwater extraction and treatment
of pumped groundwater on-site. The Landfill predicts this option would require capital
costs of $583,000, with annual O & M costs of $78,000. 2d Am. Pet. at 8. Finally, the
third option identified by the Landfill is to excavate the waste and relocate the existing
landfill to an off-site permitted landfill, at an estimated cost of $17.5 million.
The Landfill concludes that, while developing treatment options were considered
with all seriousness, the owner of the Landfill is “not in a financial position to pay any of
these costs.” 2d Am. Pet. at 9-10.
Substantially Different Factors
The Landfill asserts that the landfill at issue in this case has been closed for years
and cannot obtain certification of closure without the proposed adjusted standard. 2d
Am. Pet. at 9. Additionally, the Landfill suggests that the average chloride concentration
in monitoring wells, the geological and hydraulic data, and the modeling, indicates
there is “virtually no impact on the Big Muddy River as the receiving water.”
As to
the sulfate concentration, the Landfill asserts that there is “even less of an impact on the
Big Muddy River.” 2d Am. Pet. at 8. The proposed adjusted standard allows the
completion of the closure of the landfill and relieves the petitioner of the significant
burden of remediating the groundwater as noted above.
Adjusted Standard Justified

The Landfill’s sole purpose for requesting an adjusted standard is to obtain a
Certificate of Closure from the Agency. 2d. Am. Pet. at 12. The Landfill asserts that the
most compelling reason for granting the adjusted standard is that there is no adverse
impact on the environment or human health from this long since closed landfill.
Additionally, the options for remediation to reduce the two constituents of negligible
impact to the quality of groundwater in the area are cost-prohibitive.
The Landfill
also recognizes that the Agency has not required remediation at the Site.
Impact on the Environment and Human Health
The Landfill asserts that its proposed adjusted standard would not result in an
adverse impact on the environment or human health because the groundwater does not
presently serve as a source for drinking water. Pet. at 3-4. Furthermore, pursuant to the
technical justification included by the Landfill in the petition, the receiving water, the Big
Muddy River, will have no impact from the landfill’s chlorides or sulfates. 2d Am. Pet.
at 12. Additionally, the Landfill asserts that the adjusted standards will not interfere with
present or potential uses for the affected groundwater. 2d Am. Pet. at 11-12. Any future
use of the groundwater for industrial, domestic, or agricultural purpose is precluded
because the groundwater in the area of the landfill is sporadic in occurrence and highly
Consistency with Federal Law
The Landfill argues that any adjusted standard would be consistent with federal
law, because the Board, acting for the State of Illinois, has the primary authority and
responsibility to establish water quality standards for the groundwater at Risley Landfill
#2 in accordance with the Federal Clean Water Act. 33 U.S.C. §1251; 40 C.F.R.
§131.4(a); 2d Am. Pet. at 15. Additionally, chloride and sulfate standards are based on
the National Secondary Drinking Water Standards, which are non-enforceable federal
guidelines for constituents that may cause cosmetic or aesthetic effects in drinking water.
2d Am. Pet at 15-16. Finally, the adjusted standard provision fully satisfies the Clean
Water Act’s mandates pertaining to public participation and public notice. Pet. at 16.
Statement Requesting or Waiving a Hearing on Petition
While the Landfill initially requested a waiver of hearing in the original petition, a
clarifying motion was filed on November 30, 2007, stating the Landfill’s wish to retain
its rights to request a hearing in the event of a negative recommendation on the petition
from the Agency. Later, as noted in a May 14, 2008 hearing officer memorializing a
telephonic status conversation, the Landfill withdrew its request for hearing in light of the
Agency’s amended recommendation. Therefore, the Landfill has waived hearing on the
petition, and the Board received no requests for a public hearing on the petition under 35
Ill. Adm. Code 104.420 in response to either of the Landfill’s newspaper notices.
Accordingly, no hearing has been held and the Board’s decision is based solely on the
parties’ pleadings.

In summary, the Agency now supports the Landfill’s proposed adjusted ground-
water standards for sulfate and chloride.
In response to the Landfill’s original and first amended petition for an adjusted
standard, the Agency filed an initial Recommendation on January 4, 2007, recommending
that the Board grant the adjusted standard for chloride but deny the adjusted standard for
The Agency’s original recommendation disagreed with several facts presented by
the Landfill in its amended petition, specifically in regards to certain details about the
location, size, and layout of the landfill site. Additionally, the Agency noted that while it
had never made any specific remediation request to the landfill regarding the sulfate or
chloride concentrations, there had been several compliance issues that had been
associated with the Landfill. Rec. at 3. Further, the Agency maintained that while it had
suggested that sulfate and chloride concentrations would cause an issue for the site’s
certification of closure, the Landfill’s addition of the adjusted standard request for sulfate
was not at the suggestion of the Agency.
Despite the Agency’s other issues with the Landfill’s petition, when examining
the factors necessary for the proposed adjusted standard for chloride, the Agency did not
take issue with the Landfill’s statements concerning environmental impact, justification
for the adjusted standard, or consistency with federal law. Rec. at 3-5. The Agency
noted that while it did not agree with the Landfill’s original request for a sulfate limit of
2,500 mg/L for chloride, it did not disagree with the amended request for a revised
standard of 600 mg/L. Rec. at 4.
The Agency stated that it “does not believe the proposed adjusted standard should
be granted by the Board in its present form as the Petitioner has not provided sufficient
justification to warrant issuance of the adjusted standard.” Rec. at 5. Specifically, the
Agency noted that a review of actual sulfate concentrations observed and predicted future
concentrations in the Landfill’s groundwater monitoring wells produced levels of sulfate
that were significantly lower than the proposed adjusted standard of 4,500 mg/L. Rec. at
6. The Agency asserted that the Landfill had provided “no meaningful rationale” as to
the appropriateness of a 4,500 mg/L standard for sulfate, specifically because the
“technical data points to a significant downward trend in sulfate concentrations.” Ag.
Rec. at 7.
On May 9, 2008, the Agency filed an Amended Recommendation (Am. Rec.) in
response to the Landfill’s Second Amended Petition for Adjusted Standards and
recommended that the Board grant the adjusted standard for both chloride and sulfate.
Am. Rec. at 1. Because the Agency had already recommended the Board adopt the
adjusted standard in regards to chloride, the amended recommendation only addressed the
sulfate request. As the Landfill had proposed a lower sulfate level of 2,381 mg/L in its

second amended petition, the Agency did not take issue with the Landfill’s statements
concerning environmental impact or consistency with federal law. Am. Rec. at 2-4.
However, the Agency questioned the Landfill’s justification, specifically as to what data
and methodology were used to determine the value of the sulfate standard. Am. Rec at 3-
4. Yet, after discussions with the Landfill and its consultants, as well as a careful
recreation of the calculations, the Agency confirmed the appropriateness of the sulfate
level proposed.
The Agency therefore agreed that the suggested sulfate standard of
2,381 mg/L is reasonable and justified, and recommended that the Board grant the
Landfill’s request for an adjusted standard. Am. Rec. at 5.
In both its recommendations, the Agency suggested that the Landfill has not
completely met its burden of proof as to portions of Section 28.1(c) of the Act (415
ILCS 5/28.1(c) (2006)). Specifically, the Agency suggested that the “Petitioner does not
clearly show how the circumstances of the Landfill are substantially or significantly
different from any other owners or operators in the State of Illinois who must also
contend with the general regulations prior to obtaining a certificate of closure.” Rec. at
7. However, despite this omission, the Agency’s Amended Recommendation advises
the Board to grant the Landfill’s adjusted standard requests for sulfate and chloride.
Am. Rec. at 1.
In summary, for all of the reasons outlined below, the Board finds that the
Landfill has justified grant of the adjusted standard from the groundwater quality
standards it requests. More specifically, based on the record and the Agency’s
recommendations, the Board finds that the Landfill’s request for relief from the chloride
and sulfate Class II groundwater quality standards satisfy Section 28.1(c) of the Act.
Specifically, the Landfill has demonstrated that: (1) factors relating to it are substantially
and significantly different from the factors relied upon by the Board in adopting the
general regulation; (2) the existence of these factors justifies an adjusted standard; (3) the
requested standard will not cause substantially or significantly more adverse
environmental or health effects than the effects considered by the Board in adopting the
rule of general applicability; and (4) the adjusted standard is consistent with any
applicable federal laws.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(c) (2006).
The Board will first turn to analysis of the last three factors, as their analysis
informs that of the first factor.
Looking then at the qualitative and quantitative impact of the Landfill’s activity
on the environment, the Board finds adequate proof that the requested standard will not
result in environmental or health effects substantially and significantly more adverse than
the effects considered by the Board in adopting the rule of general applicability. When
adopting the groundwater quality standards in 1991, the Board stressed the availability of
groundwater for the supply of drinking, stating the principle that “groundwaters that are
naturally potable should be available for drinking water supply without treatment.”
Groundwater Quality Standards (35 Ill. Adm. Code 620)
, R89-14(B), slip op. at 18 (Nov.

7, 1991). The Board additionally stressed that Class II general resource groundwater
standards were set in hopes for the best possible use of the groundwater, depending upon
the attributes of the water and needs of the surrounding area:
Because groundwaters are placed in Class II because they are quality-limited,
quantity limited, or both . . . it is necessary that the standards that apply to these
waters reflect the range of possible attributes. Among the factors considered in
determining the Class II numbers are the capabilities of treatment technologies to
bring Class II waters to qualities suitable for potable use (R3 at 75). Thus, many
Class II standards are based on MCLs [maximum contaminant levels] as modified
to reflect treatment capabilities. For some parameters, the Class II standards are
based on support of a use other than potability (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation,
industrial use) where the different use requires a more stringent standard (R3 at
114-18). Groundwater Quality Standards (35 Ill. Adm. Code 620)
slip op. at 19-20 (Nov. 7, 1991).
The Board agrees with the Landfill’s assertions that the groundwater under and
downgradient from the Site does not presently serve as a source of drinking water. As
stated earlier, there are no private water wells downgradient of the landfill and Franklin
County obtains its public water supply from Rend Lake. Additionally, the Landfill
demonstrates that future use of the groundwater for industrial, domestic, or agricultural
use is precluded because the groundwater in the area of the landfill is sporadic in
occurrence and highly mineralized. Further, the Landfill and the Agency agree that
existing conditions make it impractical for water wells to be installed in either the
unconsolidated or consolidated material of the existing Landfill. Additionally, given the
asserted geological and hydrological characteristics of the area, the Board finds that any
construction of drilled wells to use groundwater as a potable water supply would
logically be prohibited.
Based on the information in this record, the Board’s grant of the Landfill’s
requested relief will not result in adverse impact on the environment or public health.
The higher levels of chloride and sulfate have been evidenced to have a negligible impact
on the receiving water, the Big Muddy River. Further, there appears to be no practical
scenario in which the groundwater downgradient of the landfill would be used for
industrial, domestic, or agricultural uses. The Landfill has provided hydrogeological data
based on field measurements and calculations to support its assertions regarding the
environmental and health effects. The Agency has taken no issue with the research
methods and results used by the Landfill’s consultants to obtain the supporting
Based on this record, the Board finds that grant of the requested relief is
consistent with federal law.
Finally, the Board turns to the first factor. The Board appreciates the Agency’s
concern that petitioners for adjusted standards be required to demonstrate how factors
relating to their situation are “substantially and significantly different from the factors

relied upon by the Board in adopting the general regulation,” within the meaning of
Section 28.1 of the Act. 415 ILCS 5/28.1 (2006). As discussed in detail above, in
establishing the rules, the Board was aware that the best possible uses of Class II
groundwater would vary greatly from one site to another, based upon the wide range of
attributes of the site, the water itself, and the needs of the surrounding area. The Board
had also anticipated that the costs of groundwater treatment could be high. But the Board
had not anticipated that high treatment costs would be coupled with the unlikelihood
demonstrated here of the use of the treated water for drinking water.
The Landfill demonstrated that the costs of treating the groundwater would range
from $583,000 in initial capital costs, with $78,000 in annual O & M costs, to $615,000
in initial capital costs, with $81,000 in annual O & M costs. The groundwater is
currently not used for drinking water, and the likelihood of such use in the future is small,
given that the groundwater source is sporadic and highly mineralized. The contaminants
at issue, chloride and sulfate, pose no risk to health or the environment in the monitored
concentrations. Given the confluence of all of these uniquely site-specific factors, the
Board finds that the Landfill has adequately demonstrated the existence of factors
“substantially and significantly different from the factors relied upon by the Board in
adopting the general regulation” within the meaning of Section 28.1 of the Act. 415
ILCS 5/28.1 (2006).
Based on the record, the Board finds that the Landfill has provided sufficient
justification for each of the factors under Section 28.1(c) of the Act. The Board therefore
grants the Landfill relief from Section 620.420(a) of the Board’s Class II, or general
resource, groundwater quality standards (35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420(a)) for chloride and
sulfate. As provided in the order below, the adjusted standard will raise the chloride limit
from 200 mg/L to 600 mg/L and the sulfate limit from 400 mg/L to 2,381 mg/L, and will
apply to the Landfill site, in order to allow the Agency to issue a closure certificate for
the landfill facility.
In granting this request for relief, the Board emphasizes that the Landfill may not
aggravate existing chloride and sulfate contamination in the site’s groundwater. Rather,
the Board is allowing the Landfill to avoid a remediation that would be economically
unreasonable under the circumstances. The Landfill remains subject to all other
requirements of Section 620.420 and to all other applicable statutes and regulations,
including any post-closure care requirements triggered by the Agency’s issuance of a
closure certificate to the Landfill.
This opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and conclusions of law.
Under Section 28.1 of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/28.1
(2006)), the Board grants Noble Risley #2 Landfill (Landfill) an adjusted
standard from the Class II Groundwater Quality Standards for chloride and

sulfate, listed at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420, for its 30-acre facility located
Address: 9957 River Bend Road, Benton, Illinois.
Legal Description:
Part of the South One-Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest One-Fourth (S 1/4) of
the Southeast One-Fourth (SE 1/4) of Section 22, Township 6 South,
Range 2 East in Franklin County, Illinois, approximately eight (8) acres.
The North One-Half (N 1/2) of the Northwest One-Fourth (NW 1/4) of the
Northeast One-Fourth (NE 1/4) and the Southeast One-Fourth (SE 1/4) of
the Northwest One-Fourth (NW 1/4) of the Northeast On-Fourth (NE 1/4)
of Section 27, Township 6 South, Range 2 East in Franklin County,
Illinois, approximately 30 acres. 2d Am. Pet. at 10-11.
In lieu of the standards in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420, the Landfill must
comply with a chloride limit of 600 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and a
sulfate limit of 2,381 mg/L.
The Landfill must comply with all other requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 620.420.
Section 41(a) of the Environmental Protection Act provides that final Board
orders may be appealed directly to the Illinois Appellate Court within 35 days after the
Board serves the order. 415 ILCS 5/41(a) (2006);
see also
35 Ill. Adm. Code
101.300(d)(2), 101.906, 102.706. Illinois Supreme Court Rule 335 establishes filing
requirements that apply when the Illinois Appellate Court, by statute, directly reviews
administrative orders. 172 Ill. 2d R. 335. The Board’s procedural rules provide that
motions for the Board to reconsider or modify its final orders may be filed with the Board
within 35 days after the order is received. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.520;
see also
35 Ill.
Adm. Code 101.902, 102.700, 102.702.
I, John Therriault, Assistant Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify
that the Board adopted the above opinion and order on November 5, 2008, by a vote of 4-
John Therriault, Assistant Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board

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