September 16, 2008
    ADM. CODE PARTS 811, 814, 815
    AS 09-1
    (Adjusted Standard – Land)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by A.S. Moore):
    On August 11, 2008, Ameren Energy Generating Company (Ameren) filed a petition for
    an adjusted standard (Pet.).
    415 ILCS 5/28.1 (2006). Ameren generates electricity at a
    power plant known as the Hutsonville Power Station (Station) located on a site approximately
    205 acres in size near Hutsonville, Crawford County. Pet. at 5;
    Pet., Exh. 1 (Site Location
    Map). The Station employs 58 persons, and its principal equipment “includes coal-fired boilers
    for steam production and steam driven turbine generators.” Pet. at 5. The Station includes a
    circulating water system that draws water from the Wabash River for use in the boiler and
    turbine equipment.
    . at 5-6. The system removes ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, and
    sluices it through pipelines to an ash impoundment system.
    . at 6. That system consists of a
    series of ponds “in which solids settle and sluicewater decants from pond to pond before
    discharging to the Wabash River via an NPDES [National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
    System] permitted outfall.”
    see id.
    , Exh. 2 (Site Plan). The ponds accept only coal
    combustion waste, both bottom ash and fly ash, and low-volume waste from the Station.
    . at 6.
    Ameren’s petition addresses an unlined ash impoundment designated as “Pond D.” Pet.
    at 6. “Pond D was constructed from indigenous earthen materials in 1968 and operated as the
    Station’s wastewater treatment unit (receiving bottom and fly ash transport water and
    miscellaneous low-volume wastes) until the construction of a synthetically-lined pond (“Pond
    A”) in 1986.”
    . In 2000, Ameren constructed two additional lined ponds, Ponds B and C.
    Ameren then removed Pond D from service and allowed it to dewater.
    . “Ameren estimates
    that during its 30 years of active operation, Pond D accumulated approximately 750,000 cubic
    yards of ash and approximately one-third of this volume (280,000 cubic yards) lies below the
    water table.”
    ., citing Pet., Exh. 3, Table 3-2 (Areal Extent and Volumes of Unsaturated and
    Saturated Ash in Pond D). Ameren states that“[a]n additional 200,000 cubic yards of ash were
    added to Pond D since it was taken out of service (with Illinois Environmental Protection
    Agency approval) to establish an acceptable grade in anticipation of constructing the proposed
    cap at closure.” Pet. at 6-7.
    Ameren states that the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) has taken the
    position that “the pond must now be closed consistent with the landfill regulations contained in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code Parts 811 through 815, as they apply to the closure of Pond D.” Pet. at 1.
    Ameren further states that “[b]ecause Pond D was created, operated, and managed throughout its
    operating life as a surface impoundment, no landfill permit was required pursuant to Section
    21(d) of the [Environmental Protection] Act.”
    at 1-2;
    415 ILCS 5/21(d) (2006). Ameren

    further states that, “[b]ecause Ameren operated Pond D as a water pollution treatment facility
    and Pond D has received only wastes generated by Ameren within the Site, no landfill permit is
    required pursuant to Section 21(d) of the [Environmental Protection] Act at closure.”
    . at 2,
    citing 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810.103. Ameren suggests that, if Pond D is to be subject to the landfill
    regulations and is considered as an existing facility exempt from permitting, “Pond D is subject
    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 814.302(a) and (b), as well as the applicable Part 811 and Part 815
    requirements, at closure.” Pet. at 2, citing 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810.103, Development, Operating
    and Reporting Requirements for Non-Hazardous Waste Landfills, R88-7 (Aug. 17, 1990).
    Ameren argues that many of these solid waste landfill regulations do not apply to a previously-
    operated surface impoundment permitted as a water pollution control facility.
    . Ameren
    further argues that, [p]lainly, the circumstances applicable to this ash pond are very different
    from those contemplated by the Board in adopting Parts 811 through 815.”
    Specifically, Ameren seeks adjusted standards from a number of regulations: final cover
    requirements (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.314(b)(3)); leachate collection and management systems
    standards (35 Ill. Adm. Code 814.302(b), 811.309); groundwater impact assessment
    requirements (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.317, 811.319(c)); maximum allowable predicted
    concentration requirements (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.318, 811.319); various groundwater quality
    standards (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.320); various groundwater monitoring requirements (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.319); and monitoring well location requirements (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Pet. at 3.
    In addition, Ameren argues that, as it seeks to close Pond D, a number of operating
    standards do not apply to it. Pet. at 36. Ameren claims that “[t]hese rules were intended to apply
    to a working landfill handling putrescible waste which would create issues regarding vectors and
    landfill gas to be addressed by cover, vector control and landfill gas management.”
    . at 37.
    “Accordingly, Ameren requests an adjustment from these standards or a determination from the
    Board that these regulations do not apply.”
    . at 37. Specifically, Ameren claims that the
    following operating conditions do not apply to closure of Pond D: compaction of waste (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.105); daily cover (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.106); phasing of operations (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.107(a)); working face (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.107(b)); vector control (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.107(i)); landfill gas monitoring and management (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.310,
    811.311, 811.312); intermediate cover (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.313); waste placement (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.321); final slopes and stabilization (35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.322); initial facility
    report filing deadline (35 Ill. Adm. Code 815.202(a)); permit information requirements (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 815.302(b)); and annual report information requirements (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Pet. at 3-4, 36-37.
    The Board notes that Ameren conditionally waives hearing in this proceeding. Pet. at 42.
    “Should the Agency file a negative recommendation or the Board require additional information,
    however, Ameren reserves its right to request a hearing at that time.”
    Section 28.1(d)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1)
    (2006)) and Section 104.408(a) of the Board’s procedural rules (35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(a))
    require the adjusted standard petitioner to publish notice of filing the petition. Those authorities
    require advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the area likely to be affected by

    the proposed adjusted standard. The notice must indicate that any person may cause a public
    hearing to be held on the proposed adjusted standard by filing a hearing request with the Board
    within 21 days after publication. 415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(b).
    Publication must take place within 14 days after the petition is filed. 415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1)
    (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(a);
    see also, e.g.
    In re
    Petition of SCA Tissue North
    American, L.L.C. for an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.301 and 218.302(c), AS
    05-1 (Jan. 6, 2005) (dismissing petition for adjusted standard for lack of jurisdiction when
    publication of notice occurred after 14-day period). Within 30 days after filing the petition, the
    petitioner must file a certificate of publication with the Board. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.410.
    On September 9, 2008, Ameren filed with the Board a certificate of publication
    documenting that the required notice of the petition was published in the
    Robinson Daily News
    on August 22, 2008. The Board finds that Ameren has met the notice requirements of the Act
    and the Board’s procedural rules.
    415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408,
    The Board accepts Ameren’s petition for an adjusted standard. Today’s order provides
    no determination on the informational sufficiency or merits of Ameren’s petition. The Board,
    through orders of its own or its hearing officer, may direct Ameren to provide additional
    information concerning its petition for an adjusted standard.
    As a threshold issue, however, the Board notes that the general provisions of its solid
    waste disposal regulations define “landfill” in pertinent part as “a unit or part of a facility in or
    on which waste is placed and accumulated over time for disposal, and which is not a land
    application unit, a surface impoundment or an underground injection well.” 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    810.103. The same provisions define a “surface impoundment” in pertinent part as “a natural
    topographic depression, a man-made excavation, or a diked area into which flowing wastes, such
    as liquid wastes or wastes containing free liquids, are placed. For the purposes of this Part [810]
    and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811 through 815, a surface impoundment is not a landfill.”
    Ameren argues that, because it created, operated, and managed Pond D as a surface
    impoundment, Pond D did not require a landfill permit during operation. Pet. at 1-2, citing 415
    ILCS 5/21(d) (2006), Petition of Conversion Systems, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code Part 811 (Liner), AS 93-4, slip op. at 1, n.3 (Aug. 26, 1993). Ameren further argues
    that, because Pond D operated as a water pollution control facility and accepted only wastes
    generated on-site by Ameren’s own activities, Pond D does not require a landfill permit at
    closure. Pet. at 2, citing 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810.103. Ameren states that the Agency now
    requires that Pond D must be closed according to applicable landfill regulations. Pet. at 1.
    Ameren suggests that the inapplicability of many of these regulations necessitates the filing of its
    Pet. at 2.
    The Board directs Ameren and the Agency to each file with the Board within 30 days of
    the date of this order a document specifying the authority for applying the Board’s landfill
    regulations to Pond D. Second, the Board directs both Ameren and the Agency in that filing to
    address whether requirements for the closure of Pond D are addressed in the facility’s NPDES or
    any other applicable permit. In addition, the Board directs both Ameren and the Agency in that

    filing to address the issue of whether, under the facts and circumstances described in the petition,
    a site-specific rule is the appropriate regulatory relief mechanism for Amenen to pursue in
    seeking to close Pond D.
    415 ICLS 5/27(a) (2006), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 102.210 (Proposal
    Contents for Site-Specific Regulations). Within 14 days after Ameren and the Agency file this
    document, both Ameren and the Agency may file a response to one another.
    The Board notes that, “[u]nless otherwise ordered by the hearing officer or the Board, the
    [Agency’s] recommendation must be filed with the Board within 45 days after the filing of the
    petition or amended petition . . . .” 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.416(a). The Board today stays the
    Agency’s deadline for filing its recommendation on the petition and will set any deadline
    necessary for filing the recommendation after Ameren and the Agency have addressed the
    threshold issue described in the preceding paragraphs.
    In this regard, the Board notes that it has granted an adjusted standard from landfill
    regulations in a case involving deposits of coal combustion wastes.
    Petition of
    Commonwealth Edison for an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code Parts 811 and 814, AS
    96-9 (Aug. 15, 1996). However, that case involved a site that had been permitted as a landfill for
    coal combustion waste since 1976, approximately 20 years before the Board granted that
    See id.
    at 2.
    I, John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that
    the Board adopted the above order on September 16, 2008, by a vote of 4-0.
    John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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