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Adm. Code Parks 301, 302, 303 and 304
- Water)
My name is Thomas Granato, and I am the Assistant Director of Research and
managing the Environmental
Monitoring and Research Division at the
Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. I have been employed by the
District for over 20 years and have held progressively responsible positions, including head of
the Biosolids Utilization and Soil Science Section, and Coordinator of Technical Services. I
have been Assistant Director of R&D for the past three and one half years. The EM&R Division
houses the District's
Wastewater Treatment Process Research Section, the Biosolids Utilization
and Soil Science Section, the Analytical Microbiology and Biomonitoring Section, the Aquatic
Ecology and Water Quality Section, and the Radiochemistry Section, which collectively house
70 environmental
and engineers, soil scientists,
microbiologists, chemists, radiation chemists, bio statisticians and other technical personnel.
Over this time period I have been directly involved in the planning, development, management
and administration of the many research studies that the District has undertaken to support the
Chicago Area Waterways Use Attainability Analysis.
hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Science and a Master of Science
degree in Soil Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Doctor of
Philosophy degree in Environmental Soil Science from North Carolina State University. I am a

member of the Water Environment Federation, the American Chemical Society, the Soil Science
Society of America and the American Society of Agronomy. I have been a managing editor of
Water Environment Research for the past two years. I have published over 50 research articles
and reports pertaining to biosolids management, risk assessment, water quality, and other areas
of environmental science.
This testimony summarizes and concludes the District's testimony on recreational use
issues for the Chicago Area Waterways System (CAWS). The District believes that the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency relied on incorrect assumptions and incomplete information to
reach faulty conclusions regarding recreational use designations and associated standards for the
CAWS. Instead of pursuing this rulemaking now, IEPA should wait for necessary studies being
conducted by the District to be completed. These studies will provide essential information to
make scientifically supported decisions regarding appropriate water quality standards for the
CAWS. However, if the rulemaking does move forward at this time before the studies are
complete, the District urges significant revisions to assure that the recreational use designations
and criteria for the CAWS are technically and legally supportable.
The District participated in and supported the UAA Study by providing technical
information on the potential recreational use classification for the CAWS. IEPA and the District
agreed that a thorough understanding of the CAWS is required before scientifically sound
recommendations concerning the recreational use potential and associated protective standards
can be established given the unique man-made and altered waterways of the CAWS.
IEPA requested that the District undertake and support a structured scientific assessment
approach designed to evaluate the need and, if necessary, provide the basis for generating
numeric water quality standards for the proposed recreational use designations. To assist IEPA

making this determination, and at the agency's request, the District initiated a multi-phase
research program, and has invested substantial funds (over $10 million) on expert studies that
can produce meaningful recommendations for a systematic technical and scientific assessment of
recreational health risks to protect the identified uses of the CAWS.
The key focus in this
comprehensive research program is the assessment of the risks to human health for the identified
recreational uses relative to the current practice of not disinfecting the effluents that discharge to
the CAWS, as well as a structured scientific assessment to generate data and information upon
which science-based water quality criteria can be derived.
However, instead of waiting for the conclusion of this scientific assessment, which is
well underway, IEPA is proposing to revise the recreational designated uses for the CAWS and
to impose technology-based effluent standards for treated wastewater. The District disagrees
with the decision by IEPA not to wait for the results from the structured scientific assessment
approach, which it supported and asked the District to undertake.
However, if this rulemaking
moves forward before completion of the scientific assessment, the District makes the following
recommendations concerning specification of recreational uses and standards.
Recreational Uses
In the proposed rulemaking, most waterways in the CAWS have been designated for
Incidental Contact Recreation.
Contact Recreation includes fishing, commercial
boating, small craft recreational boating, and any limited contact associated with shoreline
activity such as wading.
However, the CAWS presents many safety issues that may render
contact recreational activities such as swimming, wading and hand-powered boating hazardous
to individuals. The man-made waterways do not have a substantial shallow area along the banks;
the depth drops off very rapidly; the banks are lined with high vertical sheet piling or large
limestone rocks; periodic draw downs of water levels cause unexpected, rapid increases in

stream velocity; and there is frequent barge and large power boat traffic. These safety factors are
persuasive grounds for restricting primary and incidental contact recreational activities such as
swimming, wading and hand-powered boating in the CAWS.
Non-Contact Recreation is defined in Section 301.323 of the IEPA's regulatory proposal
as "any recreational activity in which human contact with the water is unlikely, such as pass
through commercial or recreational navigation, and where physical conditions or hydrologic
make human contact unlikely or dangerous."
The physical limitations and
hydrological modifications of the CAWS make this category more appropriate for the CAWS
than Incidental Contact Recreation.
Based on the physical hazards they present, the District proposes that the following
waterways be designated for Non-Contact Recreation, contrary to the proposed standards: the
Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal from the South Branch of the Chicago River to the junction
with the Calumet-Sag Channel, the entire Calumet-Sag Channel, the Chicago River, and the
South Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River {Bubbly Creek).
Recreational Standards
The District is confident that the weight of scientific evidence against the proposed 400
fecal coliform cfu/100 mL effluent standard is clear and overwhelming. To provide confidence
in any decision making regarding disinfection requirements, multiple lines of scientific evidence
must be considered collectively. On the basis of the District's systematic technical and scientific
assessment of the CAWS, as summarized in the testimony presented by those before me, these
lines of evidence include the following:
The microbial risk assessment report concluded that low pathogen levels in the
s plant effluents
and in the CAWS
downstream of the plants mean there is a minimal risk
for gastrointestinal illness associated with recreational use of
the CAWS.
Furthermore, the

presence of pathogens is mainly due to secondary loading of the waterway under wet weather
conditions from CSOs and other discharges. The microbial risk assessment report also concludes
that disinfection of effluent from the water reclamation plants will have minimal effects on
overall recreational illness rates.
The District's epidemiological study will not be completed until 2010, and
undertaking this rulemaking prior to completion of the study is premature.
The District's
epidemiology study is necessary to develop science-based criteria for incidental contact
Disinfection to reduce fecal coliform from wastewater effluent discharges is not
justified when much higher concentrations of fecal coliform are regularly introduced into the
CAWS by tributary flows and during wet weather. A District report concluded that disinfection
wet weather would not improve the microbiological water quality in the CAWS
downstream of the District's reclamation plants in terms of maintaining less than 400 fecal
coliform cfu/100 mL.t Results from the UAA Study also indicated that fecal coliform densities
upstream of the reclamation plants and in major tributaries to the CAWS were well above the
proposed 400 fecal coliform cfu/100 ml, effluent standard, indicating that the proposed effluent
standard could not be attained in the CAWS even if the reclamation plants met the proposed
effluent standard.
Previous testimony regarding the risk assessment study indicated that fecal
coliform were not well correlated with presence of pathogens.
Over the past 23 years, wastewater discharges have received secondary treatment
but have not been disinfected, and there have been no documented public health outbreaks
resulting from recreational use of the CAWS. As Dr. Blatchley presented in his testimony, this
District Report
, 2007-79.

not surprising considering the experience of many other developed countries. In most
countries of western Europe, wastewater disinfection is practiced only at facilities where effluent
discharge is to a public swimming area, or where other opportunities for direct human contact are
likely (e.g., shellfish breeding grounds).
Despite the fact that effluent disinfection is uncommon
in Europe, the incidence of diseases associated with waterborne pathogens among the residents
of these countries does not appear to be substantially different than in the U.S.
The proposed effluent standard is normally applied to treated wastewater effluents
discharged to receiving waters that may be used for drinking water supply, swimming, or shell
However, IEPA has concluded that primary contact recreation is not an attainable use in
the CAWS, and that the CAWS is not a drinking water or shell fishing source. Therefore, the
proposed disinfection requirements should not be applied to CAWS dischargers.
USEPA's monitoring methods detect traditional fecal indicators that are not
always associated with health risks.2
Although the presence of these indicator organisms can
management actions, sound science does not justify such actions for the CAWS. The
report of the Experts Scientific
Workshop on Critical Research Needs for the Development of
New or Revised Recreational Water Quality Criteria recommended that monitoring tools for
bacteria should be reflective of health risks.3 The current rulemaking addresses fecal coliform
which have been determined by USEPA to be poor predictors of the presence or
concentration of pathogens in water. It is essential that the microbial standards for water be
Coiford et al., 2007.
Water Quality Indicators and the Risk of Illness at Beaches With Nonpoint Sources of Fecal
Epidemiology. 18(1):27-35.
EPA, 2007. Report of the Experts Scientific Workshop on Critical Research Needs for the Development of New or
Revised Recreational Water Quality Criteria. EPA 823-R-07-006.

reasonably and adequately protective of human health in light of the substantial capital
expenditure that may be required to bring the CAWS into regulatory compliance.
There is evidence that no disinfection technology can offer a 100 percent
guarantee of safe recreational water. Studies have found that although bacterial indicators are
significantly reduced by disinfection, there is no clear indication that pathogens are also
significantly reduced, particularly viruses.4
The infrastructure expenditure necessary to achieve
a particular effluent fecal coliform level is not an efficient or productive use of limited public
The District's Stickney, Calumet, and North Side reclamation plants provide
treated wastewater of exceptional quality. The District is addressing the current and future needs
of the plants for handling wet weather flow. The District has also instituted an effective research
program to determine the health risks and to study potential public health issues for the CAWS.
The risk assessment study found that the risks associated with incidental contact recreational
practices on the CAWS are below the most conservative risk threshold that USEPA applies to
criteria for primary contact recreation.
IEPA acknowledges that the results of the CAWS
epidemiological study, which is well underway, will provide the necessary scientific basis for
protective bacterial water quality standards for the CAWS.
The costs associated with effluent disinfection are extraordinary, particularly
considering the limited benefit.
For example, installation and operation of UV disinfection
technology, which currently represents the most likely choice for implementation at the District's
North Side, Calumet and Stickney plants, is estimated at a total present worth cost of
Chlorination/dechlorination would result in similar costs to the District. Based upon the
Blatchley et al., "Effects of Wastewater Disinfection on Waterborne Bacteria and Viruses," 2007.

District's limitations and restrictions on generating revenues to fund programs, funding such an
expenditure would require legislative action, a voter referendum, or significantly reducing
funding of existing District programs.
Finally, effluent disinfection will result in substantial environmental impacts in
the form of energy usage, air emissions from power generation and transportation of raw and
waste materials, and land usage.
These environmental impacts must be weighed when
considering the appropriateness of disinfection requirements.
As established by the preceding testimony by the District's witnesses, IEPA's tentative
conclusions in the Statement of Reasons are not supported by sound science, and are often
arbitrary, speculative, or not rationally related to the information necessary to establish
appropriate recreational uses and supporting criteria. The District, partly at IEPA's request, has
undertaken an expeditious and systematic program of study to generate the scientific information
necessary to understand the public health uncertainties in the CAWS. Given the enormous capital
costs that will be required to meet the proposed effluent standards and the apparent low risk that
currently exists for recreational users of the CAWS, it would be most prudent to base the final
rulemaking on the completed program of study. For these reasons, the District strongly
recommends that the IPCB consider delaying the establishment of new recreational uses and the
technology-based effluent disinfection requirement. If the rulemaking proceeds, we recommend
that those parts of the CAWS as previously stated (including the Chicago Sanitary and Ship
Canal from the South Branch of the Chicago River to the junction with the Calumet-Sag
Channel, the entire Calumet-Sag Channel, the Chicago River, and the South Fork of the South
Branch of the Chicago River (Bubbly Creek).) be designated for Non-Contact Recreation, and
that the requirement to disinfect be removed as unsupported.

Thomas Granato

C. Granato
Oak Creek Ct.
Orland Park
, IL 60467
Ph. D. North Carolina State University 1987. Environmental Soil Science
M.S. University of Illinois 1984. Soil Chemistry
University of Illinois 1981. Agricultural Science
Assistant Director of Research and Development,
Metra olitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago,
Research and Development Department March 2005 to present
Head of the Environmental Monitoring and Research (EM&R) Division, direct research activities of six sections
including Wastewater Treatment Process Research Section, Biosolids Utilization and Soil Science Section,
Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Section, Analytical Microbiology and Biomonitoring Section, Radiochemistry
Section, and Statistical Support Section.
Responsible for preparation and administration of EM&R Division budget for 70 employees and supporting
Responsible for assignment, tracking, review and approval of all assignments received by EM&R Division.
Responsible for focusing staff on relevant research to improve District operations, reduce operating costs and
ensure regulatory compliance.
Provide back-up administration and supervision to the R&D Department in the absence of the Director and
represent R&D Department at executive level meetings.
Managing District research program supporting Illinois EPA Chicago Area Waterways Use Attainability Analysis
study and nutrient standard develop (projects include quantitative microbial risk assessment, epidemiological
study of secondary contact recreation on waterways, habitat evaluation and restoration study, studies of non-point
sources of bacterial indicators to waterways, studies to develop design criteria for effluent disinfection, full scale
P removal effects on water quality in receiving stream, effectiveness of permeable pavement and development of
sustainable streetscapes to reduce stormwater entry to combined sewers)
Water Environment Association Biosolids
Research (January 2007
to present)
Coordinator of Research Metro olitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chica o Research and Development
Department, May 2004 to March 2005
Coordinate assignments and review work for four sections in the Environmental Monitoring and Research
Division including 25 employees (Stickney & Fulton Co.)
Coordinate preparation and administration of EM&R Division budget for seven sections and 70+ employees
Review 80+ monitoring reports for U. S. EPA, IEPA, and IL, Emergency Management Agency regulations and
Manage R&D Department activities related to researching and supporting biosolids processing and use
Serving on MWRDGC Management and Leadership Development Program Steering Committee
Completed Intergovernmental Executive Development Program (Fall 2004- Sponsored by City of Chicago
Department of Personnel and City Colleges of Chicago)

Soil Scientist 111, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Research and Development
Department, Jul. 1998 .May 2004
Manage Land Reclamation & Soil Science Section Including 17 Employees (Stickney & Fulton Co.)
Manage U. S. EPA 40CFR Part 503 and IEPA permit compliance monitoring programs - Provide tech support on
regulatory compliance for biosolids processing and use
Design and implement research on land application of biosolids, fate of trace elements and nutrients, suitability of
plant species for growth in biosolids
R&D Department representative for biosolids marketing meetings and projects
Serve on two project review committees for Water Environment Research Foundation
MWRDGC Trainer - Supervisory Skills and Management Practices Program
Serve on Advisory Board, Environmental Science Studies Program, Environmental Institute, Loyola Univ.
Soil Scientist II, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Research and Development
Department, Jul. 1988-Jun. 1998.
Managed Stickney Soils Laboratory (6 employees)
Research Project Manager, projects included: NuEarth vegetable garden study, PCBs and priority pollutant uptake
by corn and vegetables, study of background trace element and radionuclide concentration in Illinois soils,
characterization of trace elements in street dusts and urban soils, determining phytotoxic threshold Zn
concentration in grass and vegetable leaves, determining tolerance of grasses, native plants to salinity and N143-N;
suitability for growth in biosolids, determining nature of biosolids salinity.
• Research Programs Featured in Water Quality International Jan/Feb 1998 Issue
Served on Biosolids Marketing Committee
Served on Committee Utilized By U.S. EPA to Revise Proposed Part 503 Regulation Prior to Promulgation
Prepared Comments, Position Papers on all Aspects of U.S. EPA Part 503 Rulemaking
Served On Two Project Review Committees For Water Environment Research Foundation
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois, Department of Agronomy, Nov. 1987-Jun. 1988
Managed project team studying reclamation of explosives contaminated soils at Joliet Army Ammunition Plant
and acquired U.S. Army Toxic & Hazardous Materials Agency certification for HPLC analysis of explosives
Invited to Speak at Water Environment Association of Ontario Biosolids Conference, Toronto, Canada, Oct 2007
Invited to Speak at American Society of Agronomy Special Symposium, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 2006
Invited to Chair Session at WEF Biosolids Specialty Conference, Nashville, TN April 2005
Invited to Speak at American Society of Agronomy Special Symposium, Seattle, WA Nov. 2004
Invited to Present Seminar to Dept. Natural Resources & Environmental Sci., U. IL., Urbana, April 2004
Invited to Speak at Central States Water Environment Association Education Seminar, Madison, WI, April 2004
Invited to Speak before Illinois Soil Classifiers Association, Naperville, IL, February 2004
Received Assoc. Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies Research and Technology Award, June 2001
Invited onto Program Committee USEPA Region 5 Innovative Biosolids Use Annual Symposia, Sept. 2000, 2001
Invited to Speak before Illinois Dunesland Preservation Society, October 2000
Invited to Present Seminar to Dept. Soil & Environmental Sci., U. California, Riverside, March 1999
Served on Program Committee for 4t' International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June 1997
Commendation For 5 Years Service, Symposium Judge, Chicago Public Schools Science Fairs, March 1997

Invited to Present Paper on Final Part 503 Regulations to Lake Michigan Water Analysts, January 1993
Editor's Citation For Excellence in Manuscript Review Journal of Environmental Quality 1992
1" Annual Best Paper Award Presented by Illinois Water Environment Association, March 1990
Invited to Present Paper on Proposed Part 503 Regulations to Lake Michigan Water Analysts, January 1990
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant N.C. State Agricultural Institute 1985
Co-authored two book chapters
Authored/Co-Authored 31 R&D Department research reports or comprehensive regulatory comment documents
Authored/Co-Authored 23 research articles published in scientific journals or conference proceedings
Presented over 50 technical papers at local, regional, national, and international conferences and meetings
Water Environment Association/Illinois Water Environment
Association Soil Science Society of America/American Society of Agronomy
American Chemical Society

S. G., G. K
and T.
C. Granato
2007. Fecal Coliform Densities in the Chicago Waterway Sustem
Dry and Wet Weather 2004-2006
Report 07
79, Research and Development Department
Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Zmuda, J. T., R. A. Gore, Z. Abedin, and T. C. Granato. 2006. The Effect of Second
Sewa a
Treatment on the
Total Numbers and Percentages of Antibiotic Resistant Fecal Coliforms in Raw Sweage Entering the Seven Water
Reclamation Plants of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Report 06-32, Research an(
Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
L., S., A. C. Cox,
P. Lindo, G. Tian
T. C. Granato
and B
Sawyer. 2005
Use of
Biosolids for Establishing
etation at the USX Steel Mill Sla
Brownfield In Chica
A Research and Demonstration Project. Report 05-
06, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T. C., O. Dennison, and G. Knafl. 2004. Determination of Phytotoxic Zinc Thresholds in Leaves of Grasses
and Food and Fiber Crops. Report 04-23, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago.
Khalique, A., A. Cox, T. C. Granato, and R. I. Pietz. 2004. Radioactivity in Biosolids-Amended Soil and Uptake by
Corn. Report 04-22, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Lindo, P., A. Cox, and T. C. Granato. 2004. Biosolids Chemical Characteristics. Report 04-21, Research and
Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Cox, A., T. C.
Granato, C
and R
Pietz. 2004. Reclamation
of the
St. David
Illinois, Coal Refuse Pile
with Biosolids and Other Amendments
Effects on Chemical Composition
of Coal
Refuse, Forage and Surface
Runoff Water..
Report 04-13
Research and Development Department
Reclamation District
of Greater Chicago.
Pietz, R. I., Z. Abedin, T. C. Granato, and C. Carlson. 2004. Corn Yields and Nutrient Composition During Lon
Term Biosolids Applications to Calcarcous Strip-Mine Soil. Report 04-12, Research and Development Department,
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T. C., A. Cox, O. Dennison, and R. I. Pietz. 2004. An Investigation of Salinity, in Bio
Generated by
the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Report 04-3, Research and Development
Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T. C., Z. Abedin, O. Dennison, S. Zumpano, R. I. Pietz, P. Tata, and C. Lue-Hing. 2003. Trace Element
Concentrations in Street Dust and Surface Soils in the Drainage Basins of the Stickne and Calumet Water
Reclamation Plants. Report 03-21, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago.
Cox, A., G.
Tian, and T
C. Granato
A Surve
of Characteristics of To
soils Marketed in the Chica
olitan Area
Report 03-19, Research and Development Department
Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T. C., R. I. Pietz, C. R. Carlson, P. Tata, C. Luc-Hing, and G. Knafl. 2001. Mineralization of Organic
Carbon Does Not Produce a "Time Bomb Effect" in Biosolids-Amended Soil. Report 01-15, Research and
Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.

Nelson, S. N., T. C. Granato, C. R. Carlson, R. I. Pietz, and P. Tata. 2001. Elevated Nitrate-N Concentrations in
Groundwater at Field 10, Fulton County,
Report 01-9, Research and Development Department,
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T.C., R.I. Pietz, C.R. Carlson, G. Knafl, and C. Lue-Hing. 1999. Effect of Time After Cessation of
Biosolids Applications on U take of Cadmium Copper, Nickel and Zinc into Corn Leaves and Grain. Report 99-
Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T.C., R.I. Pietz, O. Dennison, P. Tata, D.R. Zenz, and C. Lue-Hing. 1998. An Evaluation of the
Suitability of Grass Species and Varieties for Germination and Growth in Biosolids. Report 98-26, Research and
Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Pietz, R.I., R. Johnson, R. Sustich, T.C. Granato, P. Tata and C. Lue-Hing. 1998.
A 1996 Sewage Sludge Survey
of the Association of Metrop
Sewerage Ag
Members. Report 98-4, Research and Development
Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chciago.
Luc-Hing, C., P. Tata, T. Granato,
R. Sustich
, R. Johnson, R. I'. Pietz. 1998.
Sewa ge
Sludge Survey. Association of
Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
, Washington, D.C.
Pietz, R. I., T. C. Granato, J. Gschwind, J.G. Anderson, D.R. Zenz, R. Hill and C. Lue-Hing. 1996. Petition to the
Illinois Pollution Control Board for an Adiusted Standard to Use Air-Dried Sludge as a Substitute for Soil in the
Final. Protective Layer of Nonhazardous Waste Landfills, (AS 95-4). Report 96-9, Research and Development
Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Pietz, R. I., T. C. Granato, J. G. Anderson, D. R. Zenz, R. Hill, and C. Luc-Hing. 1996. Beneficial Use of Municipal
Sludge as a Final Protective Vegetative Cover on Nonhazardous Waste Landfills. Report 9642, Research and
Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T. C., R. I. Pietz, J. Gschwind, and C. Lue-Hing. 1995. Mercury in Soils and Crops from Fields Receiving
High Cumulative Sewage Sludge Applications: Validation of USEPA's Risk Assessment for Human In estion.
Report 95-12, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Pietz, R. I., T. C. Granato, C. R. Carlson, Jr., J. Gschwind, D. R. Zenz, and C. Lue-Hing. 1994. Reclamation of the
David, Illinois Coal Refuse Pile withSewage Sludge and Other Amendments. Report 94-12, Research and
Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, 1994.
Pietz, R. I. , T. C. Granato, C. R. Carlson, R. Ellis, and P. Tata. 1994. Sampling and Analyses of Sediments from the
Acid Mine Lake, Fulton County. Research Report, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Granato, T. C., B. Sawyer, G. Elenbogen, D. R. Zenz, K. C. Rao, and C. Luc-Hing. 1993. Effect of Sludge Type,
Total Soil Metal Concentration, and the Concentration of Metal in Chemical Fractions of Sludge Amended Soil on
the Accumulation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn in Spinach Leaf. Report 93-11, Research and Development
Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
T. C., R. I
. Pietz, L. Kristoff
C. Lue-Hing
R. J. Ellis, and W. Augustine
1992. Concentration
of Cd, Cr,
Cu Ni Pb Zn
and Radionuclides in Illinois A
icultural Soils from 1935 to 1988. Report 92-32, Research and
Development Department
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Webber, M. D., R. L Pietz, T. C. Granato, R. L. Hong-You„ B.A. MacGillivray, M. L. Svoboda, and G. A.
O'Connor. 1991. Organic Priority Pollutants in Soil and Vegetation from the St. David Coal Refuse Pile
Reclamation Site. Report prepared for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago,
Environment Canada, Wastewater Technology Centre, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

Granato, T. C., G. R. Richardson, R.1. Pietz, and C. Luc-Hing. 1991. Prediction of Phytotoxicit,
Uptake of
Metals b
Models in Proposed USEPA 40 CFR Part 503 Sludge Regulations: Comparison with Field Data for Com
and Wheat. Report 91-11, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of
Greater Chicago.
Lue-Hing, C., D. R. Zenz, T. C. Granato, and G. R. Richardson. 1991. Impact of the Proposed USEPA 40 CFR Part
503 Regulations on Sewage Sludge Management b the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Chicago. Report 91-6, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Lue-Hing, C., T. Granato, D. R. Zenz, J. Gschwind, G. R. Richardson. 1991. Impact of the Proposed „U SEPA Part
503 Sludge Management Technical Regulations on POTWs. Report 91-33, Research and Development
Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Luc-Hing, C., D. R. Zenz, T. C. Granato, J. Gschwind, R. I. Pietz, K. C. Rao, and J. B. Murray. 1991. Use of Case-
By-Case Permitting for Dedicated Beneficial Use Sites Under 40 CFR Part 503: A-Proposal of the Metropolitan
Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Lue-Hing, C. , D. R. Zenz, T. C. Granato, R.1. Pietz, K. C. Rao, and J. Gschwind. 1991. Comments of the
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago on the Notice of Availability of Information and Data
from the National Sewage Sludge Survey and Request for Comments (Federal Register, November 9, 1990, Pp
47210-47283), Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Lue-Hing, C., D. R. Zenz, T. C. Granato, R. 1. Pietz, D. Taylor, D. Landis, R. Oberst, R. Case, and T. Garrett.
1991. Comments of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies on the Notice of Availability of Information
and Data from the National Sewage Sludge Survey and Request for Comments (Federal Register, November9, 1990
pp. 47210-47283), Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, Washington, DC.
Lue-Hing, C., D. R. Zenz, T. C. Granato, J. Gschwind, and J. Murray. 1990. Utilization of Municipal Sludge as
Daily and Final Cover at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Response to USEPA Proposed Part 503 Sludge
Regulations (Standards for the Disposal of Sewage Sludge, Federal Register, February 6, 1989, pp. 5746-5902),
Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Lue-Hing, C., D.R. Zenz, T. C. Granato, and R. I. Pietz. 1989. Comments of the Association of Metropolitan
Sewerage Agencies on the Proposed Standards for the Disposal of Sewage Sludge (Federal Register, February 6,
1989 ,pp_ 5746-5902), Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, Washington, DC.
Lue-Hing, C. , D. R. Zenz, T. C. Granato, R. I. Pietz, K. C. Rao, and J. Gschwind. 1989. Comments of the
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago on the PMposed Standards for the Disposal of Sewage
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Granato, T. C., A. Khalique, A. Cox, and R. 1. Pietz. 2007. Assessment of Radioactivity in Chicago Biosolids and its
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Rijal, G. K., J. T. Zmuda, R. Gore, Z. Abedin, T. Granato, L. Kollias, and R. Lanyon, "Antibiotic
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Granato, T. C., L. S. Hundal, A. Cox, R. Lanyon, and L. Kollias. 2007. Constructing and Maintaining Parks and
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Granato, T.C., P. Tata, R.I. Pietz, G. Knafl, C.R. Carlson, Jr., R. Lanyon, and C. Lue-Hing. 2001. Does Termination
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