WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS (January 1, 2007 though June 30, 2007) | )
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(Identical-in-Substance Rulemaking - Public Water Supply) |
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SDWA UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS (January 1, 2007 though June 30, 2007 and June 3, 2008) | )
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(Identical-in-Substance Rulemaking - Public Water Supply) |
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SDWA UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS (July 1, 2007 though December 31, 2007) | )
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(Identical-in-Substance Rulemaking - Public Water Supply) |
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Extended Due date (by a March 6, 2008 order): | August 15, 2008 |
Date of Board vote to propose amendments: | August 7, 2008 |
Submission for Illinois Register publication: | August 18, 2008 |
Probable Illinois Register publication dates: | August 29, 2008 |
Estimated end of 45-day public comment period: | October 13, 2008 |
Likely date of Board vote to adopt amendments: | November 6, 2008 |
Probable filing and effective date: | November 17, 2008 |
Probable Illinois Register publication date: | November 26, 2008 |
PC 1 | E-mail to Michael J. McCambridge, Board Hearing Officer, from Jayne Brown, Waters Chemistry Tech Support, Waters Corp., dated July 8, 2008, with attachment, “Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous Matrices by Capillary Ion Electrophoresis.” |
PC 2 | E-mail exchange between Michael J. McCambridge, Board Hearing Officer, and Pat Fair, Technical Support Center, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, USEPA, between July 8, 2008 and July 10, 2008, with attachment, “Test Method for Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous Matrices Using Capillary Ion Electrophoresis and Chromate Electrolyte.” |
1. | Is there any reason the Board should include references to Standard Methods Online, where the same version of the Standard Method is available in the printed 21st edition of Standard Methods, considering that a Board note appended to the incorporation of Standard Methods cites to Standard Methods Online for purchase of individual methods? |
2. | Can USEPA, the Agency, or anyone in the regulated community provide the Board with a copy of the method entitled “The Determination of Radium-226 and Radium-228 in Drinking Water by Gamma-ray Spectrometry Using HPGE or Ge(Li) Detectors,” Revision 1.2, December 2004, cited by USEPA as available from the Environmental Resources Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology? |
3. | Can USEPA, the Agency, or anyone in the regulated community provide the Board with a copy of Waters Method D6508, revision 2, entitled “Test Method for Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous Matrices Using Capillary Ion Electrophoresis and Chromate Electrolyte,” cited by USEPA as available from Waters Corporation? |
4. | Can or should the Board substitute the easily located method ASTM D6508-00(2005)e2 in place of the Method cited as Waters Method D6508, revision 2 by USEPA, which the Board could not locate from the listed source? |
5. | Did the Board take an acceptable approach to the approved equivalent methods, which USEPA codified as appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 141, by combining them with the methods that USEPA approved by rulemaking within the text of the regulations? |
1. | The supplier must submit its public education materials to the Agency no later than 60 days prior to the date on which it plans to distribute them. |
2. | The Agency may issue a SEP that approves the public education materials, so that the supplier can immediately distribute them. This would allow quick distribution without waiting where the Agency wishes to concur with the supplier and allow this to happen. |
3. | The Agency has 30 days after the date it received public education materials from a supplier within which it may review those materials and issue a SEP that notifies the supplier of the deficiencies and which describes the deficiencies in sufficient detail to allow the supplier to correct its public education materials to the satisfaction of the Agency. |
4. | If the supplier has not received a SEP from the Agency that describes the deficiencies as noted above within 45 days after the date on which it submitted its public education materials to the Agency, the materials are deemed approved, and the supplier may distribute them as scheduled. |
5. | If the Agency issues a SEP that describes the deficiencies as noted above, the supplier must make all changes exactly as described in the SEP before it distributes its public education materials. |
6. | If the Agency changes its position with regard to any of the deficiencies described in the SEP, it may issue a revised SEP that expressly supersedes the previous SEP, and the supplier must make all changes exactly as described in the revised SEP before it distributes its public education materials. |
7. | The Agency must issue a SEP or a revised SEP within 30 days after the date when the Agency received the original public education materials from the supplier, except where the Agency and the supplier have agreed that the Agency need issue a SEP or revised SEP by a later date. Where the supplier and the Agency have agreed that the Agency need issue a SEP or revised SEP by a later date, the Agency must do so within the agreed time. |
1. | Is requiring written Agency action only where the Agency determines that deficiencies exist the best option for Agency review of the materials? |
2. | Is the provision that deems the materials approved and which allows the supplier to proceed and distribute the materials in the absence of an Agency response workable? |
3. | Do the times required for submission to the Agency and provided for Agency review work for the purpose? |
4. | Does the provision that requires the Agency to describe the deficiencies it has found appear adequate and workable to assure that the supplier is given a clear indication of those deficiencies? |
5. | Does the requirement that allows the supplier to proceed and distribute its materials after it has addressed the Agency-determined deficiencies appear adequate and workable to assure that the Agency concerns are addressed and that publication occurs as rapidly as possible? |
6. | Is it necessary to set forth express provisions for Agency issuance of a revised SEP, and does such an express provision provide for the timeliest resolution of any issues that might arise in the course of Agency review of a supplier’s public education materials? |
Illinois Section | 40 C.F.R. Section | Revision(s) |
307.4000(c) | 430.02(g) | Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition to incorporate March 12, 2007 federal amendments by reference |
307.7500(c) | 465.03(c) | Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition to incorporate March 12, 2007 federal amendments by reference |
310.107(b), “40 CFR 136” | 136.3, 136.4, 136.5, and 136.6 | Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition to incorporate March 12, 2007 federal amendments by reference |
611.350(c)(3)(E) | 141.80(c)(3)(iii) | Changed “public water system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.350(g) | 141.80(g) | Changed “all water systems” to singular “the supplier”; added the definite article before “lead tap . . . results”; added the definite article before “persons served”; changed “sites (taps) . . . that are tested” to singular “each site (tap) . . . that is tested” |
611.351(b)(3)(C) | 141.81(b)(3)(iii) | Added a comma before “as described” to offset a parenthetical; added “any” before “long-term change”; changed “it” to “the addition or long-term change” |
611.353(a)(1) | 141.83(a)(1) | Changed “the lead or copper action level was exceeded” to active-voice “the supplier exceeded the pertinent action level”; retained the ending period |
611.354(b)(1) | 141.84(b)(1) | Added the topical statement; retained the structure divided into subsections |
611.354(b)(1)(D) | 141.84(b)(1) | Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; retained the active-voice “the supplier exceeded the action level” in place of “the action level was exceeded”; added “pursuant to” before “subsection (a) of this Section” |
611.354(b)(1)(E) | 141.84(b)(1) | Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection |
611.354(b)(1)(E) | 141.84(b)(1) | Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110” |
611.354(b)(2) | 141.84(b)(2) | Added the topical statement; subdivided the provision into subsections |
611.354(b)(2)(A) | 141.84(b)(2) | Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “any water system” to “a supplier”; added “that is” before “resuming”; changed the first appearance of “a lead service line replacement program” to “program”; removed the definite article from before “cessation”; added a comma before “as allowed” to offset the parenthetical; changed “by” to “pursuant to”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “sites that were previously determined not to require” to active-voice “sites that it had previously determined did not require”; changed “through the sampling provision under” to “pursuant to the sampling provision of” |
611.354(b)(2)(B) | 141.84(b)(2) | Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed numeric “7 percent” to written “seven percent”; changed “so” to “so that”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.354(b)(2)(B) | 141.84(b)(2) | Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “for those systems that have completed” to singular “for a supplier that has completed”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset by commas; added “completed” before “replacement program”; changed “when the system re-exceeds” to “whenever the supplier has re-exceeded” and added a comma to offset it as a parenthetical |
611.355 preamble | 141.85 preamble | Moved the first sentence, which directs attention to subsection (d), to the end of the paragraph to place it in order; changed “water systems that exceed” to singular “a supplier that exceeds”; changed “all water systems that exceed” to singular “a supplier that exceeds”; changed “persons served” to “persons who are served”; changed “water system” to “supplier”; changed “at sites that are tested” to “at each site that the supplier has tested” |
611.355(a)(1) | 141.85(a)(1) | Changed “Non-transient” to lower-case “non-transient”; changed “water systems” to singular “a CWS or NTNCWS supplier”; changed “language in . . . must be included” to active-voice “the supplier must include the language set forth in . . .”; changed “water system” to “supplier” (twice); added “set forth” before “below”; changed “and be in plain language” to “and the supplier must present the additional information in plain language”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “as required by . . . this Section” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
611.355(a)(1)(A) | 141.85(a)(1)(i) | Changed “water system” to “supplier” |
611.355(a)(1)(A) Board note | 141.85(a)(1)(i) | Added the explanation of mandatory use of the literal text of the statement, except for the bracketed material |
611.355(a)(1)(B) Board note | 141.85(a)(1)(ii) | Added the explanation of mandatory use of the literal text of the statement, except for the bracketed material |
611.355(a)(1)(C)(ii) | 141.85(a)(1)(iii)(B) | Changed “home/building” to “home and building” |
611.355(a)(1)(C) Board note | 141.85(a)(1)(iii) | Added the explanation of use of text of the statement that includes the required information, except for the bracketed material |
611.355(a)(1)(D) | 141.85(a)(1)(iv) | Changed “their” to “his or her” |
611.355(a)(1)(D) Board note | 141.85(a)(1)(iv) | Added the explanation of use of text of the statement that includes the required information, except for the bracketed material |
611.355(a)(1)(E) | 141.85(a)(1)(v) | Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “home/building” to “home and building” |
611.355(a)(1)(E) Board note | 141.85(a)(1)(v) | Added the explanation of use of text of the statement that includes the required information, except for the bracketed material |
611.355(a)(1)(F) | 141.85(a)(1)(vi) | Changed “your” to “the supplier’s” (twice); changed “EPA’s” to “USEPA’s” |
611.355(a)(1)(F) Board note | 141.85(a)(1)(vi) | Added the explanation of mandatory use of the literal text of the statement, except for the bracketed material |
611.355(a)(2) | 141.85(a)(2) | Changed “community water systems” to “a CWS supplier”; added “do both of the following” |
611.355(a)(2)(A) | 141.85(a)(2)(i) | Added “it must”; changed the ending period to a semicolon and the ending conjunction “and” |
611.355(a)(2)(B) | 141.85(a)(2)(ii) | Added “it must”; changed “low lead” to hyphenated “low-lead”; changed “lead free” to hyphenated “lead-free”; added “components” |
611.355(a)(3) | 141.85(a)(1) | Added the topical statement to add the material that replaces the last two sentences of subsection (a)(1) |
611.355(a)(3)(A) | 141.84(a)(1) | Moved the last sentence of subsection (a)(1); changed “water systems” to singular “the supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “prior to delivery” to “for review at least 60 days prior to its planned date for delivery of the materials to the public” |
611.355(a)(3)(B) | 141.85(a)(1) | Added provision for Agency approval by a SEP |
611.355(a)(3)(C) | 141.85(a)(1) | Added provision for immediate distribution upon Agency approval |
611.355(a)(3)(D) | 141.85(a)(1) | Added provision for Agency disapproval and identification of deficiencies by a SEP |
611.355(a)(3)(E) | 141.85(a)(1) | Added provision for Agency issuance of SEP within 30 days, allowing extension of time by prior agreement |
611.355(a)(3)(E) Board note | 141.85(a)(1) | Added explanation of the provision for a revised SEP |
611.355(a)(3)(F) | 141.85(a)(1) | Added provision for the supplier to proceed to publication if the Agency does not issue a SEP within 45 days |
611.355(a)(3)(G) | 141.85(a)(1) | Added provision allowing the supplier to proceed to publication if it incorporates all Agency-indicated revisions |
611.355(a)(3) Board note | 141.85(a)(1) | Added explanation of the Agency review procedure |
611.355(b)(1) | 141.85(b)(1) | Changed “for public water systems serving” to singular “a supplier that serves”; changed “or contain” to “or it must contain” preceded by a comma to create an independent clause; changed “persons” to singular “a person”; changed “water system” to “the supplier” |
611.355(b)(2) | 141.85(b)(2) | Changed “for public water systems serving” to singular “a supplier that serves”; changed “or contain” to “or it must contain” preceded by a comma to create an independent clause; changed “persons” to singular “a person”; changed “water system” to “the supplier” |
611.355(b)(2)(A) | 141.85(b)(2)(i) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “materials meeting the content requirements” to “materials that meet the content requirements”; changed “all bill paying customers” to hyphenated “all of its bill-paying customers” |
611.355(b)(2)(B) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii) | Added the topical statement |
611.355(b)(2)(B)(i) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(A) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “they” to “the agencies”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “all the organization’s” to plural “all of the agencies’”; changed “community water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “water system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “community based” to hyphenated “community-based”; changed “serving target populations” to “serving the target populations”; changed “systems” to singular “the supplier”; changed “all organizations” to “each of the organizations” |
611.355(b)(2)(B)(ii) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “to the following organizations listed” to “to the organizations listed”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s” (twice); changed the ending colon to a period; moved the subsequent paragraphs to subsection (b)(2)(H) |
611.355(b)(2)(B)(ii) Board note | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) | Added explanation of the movement of text to subsection (b)(2)(H) |
611.355(b)(2)(B)(iii) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “to the following organizations within the service area” to “to the organizations listed . . . that are located within the service area”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed the ending colon to a period; moved the subsequent paragraphs to subsection (b)(2)(I) |
611.355(b)(2)(C) | 141.85(b)(2)(iii) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; added a comma before “except for” to offset the parenthetical; changed “water system” to “supplier” |
611.355(b)(2)(C) required statement | 141.85(b)(2)(iii) required statement | Changed “water system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “State” to “Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Public Water Supply”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.355(b)(2)(D) | 141.85(b)(2)(iv) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “system” to “CWS supplier” |
611.355(b)(2)(E) | 141.85(b)(2)(v) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; added a comma after “television” to offset the final element of a series |
611.355(b)(2)(F) | 141.85(b)(2)(vi) | Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “onw or more categories” to “one or more of the categories” |
611.355(b)(2)(G) | 141.85(b)(2)(vii) | Changed “systems that are” to singular “a CWS supplier that is”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by commas |
611.355(b)(2)(H) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) | Added the subsection to move material |
611.355(b)(2)(H)(i) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(1) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(H)(ii) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(2) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(H)(iii) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(3) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(H)(iv) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(4) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(H)(v) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(5) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(H)(vi) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(6) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(H) Board note | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) | Added explanation of the movement of material |
611.355(b)(2)(I) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C) | Added the subsection to move material |
611.355(b)(2)(I)(i) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C)(1) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material; added the ending period |
611.355(b)(2)(I)(ii) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C)(2) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(I)(iii) | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C)(3) | Added the subsection to accommodate moved material |
611.355(b)(2)(I) Board note | 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) | Added explanation of the movement of material |
611.355(b)(3) | 141.85(b)(3) | Changed “community water system” to “CWS supplier”; changed “pursuant to” to “described in” |
611.355(b)(3)(A) | 141.85(b)(3)(i) | Changed “community water system shall” to “CWS supplier must” |
611.355(b)(3)(B) | 141.85(b)(3)(ii) | Changed “community water system shall” to “CWS supplier must” |
611.355(b)(3)(C) | 141.85(b)(3)(iii) | Changed “community water system” to “CWS supplier” |
611.355(b)(3)(D) | 141.85(b)(3)(iv) | Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by as SEP . . . Section 611.110”; changed “the State can allow activities in . . . to extend beyond the 60-day requirement if needed for implementation purposes” to “the Agency must, on a case-by-case basis, by a SEP . . . Section 611,110, extend the time for the supplier to complete the public education tasks set forth in . . . beyond the 60-day limit if it determines that the extended time is needed for implementation purposes on a case-by-case basis”; changed “this extension must be approved in writing by the State in advance of” to active-voice “the Agency must issue the SEP granting any extension prior to expiration of” |
611.355(b)(4) | 141.85(b)(4) | Retained active-voice “supplier exceeds the lead action level” in place of “exceedance occurred” |
611.355(b)(4)(C) | 141.85(b)(4)(iii) | Changed “systems that are required” to “a NTNCWS supplier that is”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by commas |
611.355(b)(5) | 141.85(b)(5) | Changed “the State can allow activities in . . . to extend beyond the 60-day requirement if needed for implementation purposes on a case-by-case basis” to “the Agency must, on a case-by-case basis, by a SEP . . . Section 611,110, extend the time for the supplier to complete the public education tasks set forth in . . . beyond the 60-day limit if it determines that the extended time is needed for implementation purposes”; changed “this extension must be approved in writing by the State in advance of” to active-voice “the Agency must issue the SEP granting any extension prior to expiration of” |
611.355(b)(8) | 141.85(b)(8) | Changed “community water system serving” to “CWS supplier that serves”; changed “their” to singular “its” |
611.355(b)(8)(A) | 141.85(b)(8)(i) | Changed “system serving” to “supplier that serves” |
611.355(b)(8)(B) | 141.85(b)(8)(ii) | Changed “system serving” to “supplier that serves”; changed “served by the system” to “that it serves”; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause |
611.355(b)(8)(C) | 141.85(b)(8)(iii) | Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by commas; changed “systems serving” to singular “supplier that serves”; added a comma before “as long as” to offset the parenthetical; changed “system” to “the supplier”; changed “served by the supplier” to “that it serves” |
611.355(d) | 141.85(d) | Changed “notification of results” to “requirement for consumer notice of tap water monitoring results” |
611.355(d)(1) | 141.85(d)(1) | Changed “reporting requirement” to “consumer notice requirement”; changed “all water systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.355(d)(2) | 141.85(d)(2) | Changed “timing of notifiaction” to “timing of consumer notice”; changed “a water system” to “the supplier”; changed “the system” to “it” |
611.355(d)(3) | 141.85(d)(3) | Added “of consumer notice” after “content”; added a comma after “reduce exposure to lead in drinking water” to offset the final element of a series |
611.355(d)(4) | 141.85(d)(4) | Added “of consumer notice” after “delivery”; changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by a comma; changed “non-transient noncommunity water system” to “NTNCWS supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.356(c)(2) | 141.86(c)(2) | Changed “a public water system that has” to “a supplier whose system has”; removed the unnecessary comma “water taps, that can be used” that separated the restrictive relative clause; changed “meeting the sample site criteria” to “and which can meet the sampling site criteria”; changed “sample sites” to “sampling site”; changed “must collect at least one sample from each tap and then must collect additional samples from those taps on different days during the monitoring period to meet the required number of sites” to “must collect multiple samples from individual taps. To accomplish this, the supplier must collect at least one sample from each tap, then it must collect additional samples from those same taps on different days during the monitoring period, in order to collect a total number of samples that meets the required number of sampling sites”; changed “the State may allow these public water systems” to singular “the Agency must, by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110, allow a supplier”; added “whose system has fewer than five drinking water taps” before “to collect”; changed “less than” to “fewer than”; changed “provided that” to “if it determines that”; added “and that the reduced number of samples will produce the same results as would the collection of multiple samples from some taps”; changed “the State must approve this” to “Agency approval of a”; changed “in writing” to “must be”; changed “the system or onsite” to “the supplier or on on-site”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(d)(4)(A) | 141.86(d)(4)(i) | Changed “a small or medium system collecting” to “a small- or medium-sized system supplier that collects”; changed the comma to the conjunction “and” and changed “that” to “which” that separated a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “the frequency” to “its frequency”; changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin” |
611.356(d)(4)(B)(i) | 141.86(d)(4)(ii) | Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; added “which” before “maintains” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin” |
611.356(d)(4)(C)(i) | 141.86(d)(4)(iii) | Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin” |
611.356(d)(4)(C)(ii) | 141.86(d)(4)(iii) | Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(4)(D)(i) | 141.86(d)(4)(iv)(A) | Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.356(d)(4)(F)(ii) | 141.86(d)(4)(vi)(A) | Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(4)(G) | 141.86(d)(4)(vii) | Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “water system” to “supplier” |
611.356(d)(4)(B)(i) | 141.86(d)(4)(ii)(A)(1) | Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.356(d)(4)(G) | 141.86(d)(4)(vii) | Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “water system” to “supplier” |
611.356(d)(4)(H)(i) | 141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B)(1) | Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(g)(4)(A) | 141.86(g)(4)(i) | Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(g)(4)(A) | 141.86(g)(4)(iii) | Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “water system” to “supplier” |
611.357(e)(2)(A)(i) | 141.87(e)(2)(i)(A) | Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin” |
611.357(e)(2)(A)(ii) | 141.87(e)(2)(i)(B) | Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin” |
611.357(e)(2)(B)(iv) | 141.87(e)(2)(ii) | Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(b) | 141.88(b) | Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110” |
611.358(d)(1)(A)(iii) | 141.88(d)(1)(i) | Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(e)(1) | 141.88(e)(1) | Added a comma before “provided that” to offset the parenthetical; added a comma before “only if” to offset a second parenthetical; added “only” before “if” |
611.358(e)(2) | 141.88(e)(2) | Added a comma before “provided that” to offset the parenthetical; added a comma before “only if” to offset a second parenthetical; added “only” before “if” |
611.360(a)(1) | 141.90(a)(1) | Changed “monitoring periods” to singular “a monitoring period”; added “on which” after “date”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset the parenthetical |
611.360(a)(3) | 141.90(a)(3) | Changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset by commas |
611.360(e)(1)(B) | 141.90(e)(1)(ii) | Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.360(e)(3) | 141.90(e)(3) | Changed numeric “3” to written “three”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.381(c)(2) | 141.74(a)(2) | Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; added the method type “test strips” as a topical heading |
611.381(c)(2)(A) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.131(c)(2) | Changed “Method D99-003” to “ITS Method D99-003” |
611.381(c)(2)(A) Board note | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.131(c)(2) | Added explanation of the USEPA approval as an alternative method |
611.381(c)(2)(B) | 141.131(c)(2) | Moved the federally derived text of subsection (c)(2) to accommodate addition of the alternative method from appendix A to subpart C as subsection (c)(2)(A) |
611.526(c)(1) | 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) | Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221 |
611.526(c)(2) | 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222 |
611.526(c)(3) | 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221 |
611.526(c)(4) | 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9223 |
611.526(c) Board note | 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221, Method 9222, and Method 9223, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.531(a)(2) | 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods |
611.531(a)(2)(A)(i) | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221 |
611.531(a)(2)(A)(ii) | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222 |
611.531(a)(2)(A)(iii) | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9223 |
611.531(a)(2)(B)(i) | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221 |
611.531(a)(2)(B)(i) Board note | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 8 | Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
611.531(a)(2)(B)(ii) | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222 |
611.531(a)(2)(C)(i) | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9215 |
611.531(a)(2)(D) Board note | 141.74(a)(1) table, note 13 | Added the federal footnote material as a Board note |
611.531(a)(2)(D)(i) | 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2130 |
611.531(a)(2)(E) | 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2550 |
611.531(a)(2) Board note | 141.21(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2130, Method 9215, Method 9221, Method 9222, and Method 9223, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.531(b)(1) | 141.74(a)(2) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(12) | Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods |
611.531(b)(1)(A)(i) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(1)(B) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(1)(C) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(1)(D) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(2)(A)(i) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(2)(B) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(2)(C) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(2)(D) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(2)(E) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl |
611.531(b)(3)(A) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-ClO2 |
611.531(b)(3)(C) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Renamed “327.0, Revision 1.1” to “USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 327.0” |
611.531(b)(4) | 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-O3 |
611.531(b) Board note | 141.21(a)(2) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl, Method 4500-ClO2, and Method 4500-O3, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a) | 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) | Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods |
611.611(a) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 4 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 and Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(1)(A)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D1067-92, 02 B” to “D1067-92 B or D1067-02 B” |
611.611(a)(1)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 4 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2320 |
611.611(a)(2)(B) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D3697-92, 02” to “D3697-92 or D3697-03” |
611.611(a)(2)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 4 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(2)(E) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(2)(E) Board note | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(3) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(3)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(3)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(2)(D)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D2972-97, 03 C” to “D2972-97 or D2972-03 C” |
611.611(a)(3)(D)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(3)(D)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(3)(E)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D2972-97, 03 B” to “D2972-97 or D2972-03 B” |
611.611(a)(3)(E)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114 |
611.611(a)(3)(E)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(3)(F) Board note | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(3)(F) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(5)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(5)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(5)(C) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(a)(5)(C) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(5)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(5)(D) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(5)(E) Board note | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(5)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(6)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(6)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(6)(D)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D3645-97, 03 B” to “D3645-97 or D3645-03 B” |
611.611(a)(6)(D)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(6)(D)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(6)(E) Board note | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(6)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(7)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(7)(D) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(7)(E) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(7)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(8)(A)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D511-93, 03 C” to “D511-93 or D511-03 C” |
611.611(a)(8)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Ca |
611.611(a)(8)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Ca, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(8)(B)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D511-93, 03 C” to “D511-93 or D511-03 C” |
611.611(a)(8)(B)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(a)(8)(B)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(8)(C)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(8)(C)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(8)(E) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(8)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(9)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(9)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(9)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(9)(D) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(9)(E) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(9)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(10)(A)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D1688-95, 02 C” to “D1688-95 or D1688-02 C” |
611.611(a)(10)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(10)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(10)(B)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D1688-95, 02 C” to “D1688-95 or D1688-02 C” |
611.611(a)(10)(B)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(a)(10)(B)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(10)(C)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(10)(C)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(10)(F) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(10)(F) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(11)(A) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D1125-95 (Reapproved 1999)” to “D1125-95(1999)” |
611.611(a)(11)(B) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2510 |
611.611(a)(11)(B) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2510, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(12)(A)(i) Board note | appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(12)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN- |
611.611(a)(12)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(12)(B)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN- |
611.611(a)(12)(B)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(12)(C) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “spectro-photometric semiautomated” to “spectrophotometric, semiautomated” |
611.611(a)(12)(D)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN- |
611.611(a)(12)(D)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(12)(F) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “micro distillation” to “microdistillation” |
611.611(a)(12)(G)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “ASTM D6888-04” to “ASTM Method D6888-03” |
611.611(a)(12)(G)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “OIA-1677 DW” to “OI Analytical Method OIA-1677 DW” |
611.611(a)(13)(A)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1” |
611.611(a)(13)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D4237-97, 03” to “D4237-97 or D4237-03” |
611.611(a)(13)(A)(iii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110 |
611.611(a)(13)(A)(iii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(13)(B) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F- |
611.611(a)(13)(B) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(13)(C)(i) | appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D1179-93, 04” to “D1179-93 or D1179-04” |
611.611(a)(13)(C)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F- |
611.611(a)(13)(C)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(13)(E)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F- |
611.611(a)(13)(E)(i) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(13)(F) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)” |
611.611(a)(13)(F) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA |
611.611(a)(14)(A)(i) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D3559-96, 03” to “D3559-96 or D1179-03” |
611.611(a)(14)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(14)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(14)(E) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(14)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(15)(A)(i) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D511-93, 03” to “D511-93 or D511-03” |
611.611(a)(15)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(a)(15)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(15)(B)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(15)(B)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(15)(C)(i) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D511-93, 03” to “D511-93 or D511-03” |
611.611(a)(15)(C)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Mg |
611.611(a)(15)(C)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Mg, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(15)(B)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(15)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “ASTM D6919-03” to “ASTM Method D6919-03” |
611.611(a)(15)(E) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(15)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(16)(A)(ii) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D3223-97, 02” to “D3223-97 or D3223-02” |
611.611(a)(16)(A)(iii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3112 |
611.611(a)(16)(A)(iii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3112, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(17)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(17)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(17)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(a)(17)(D) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(17)(E) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(17)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(17)(F) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(17)(F) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(18)(A)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1” |
611.611(a)(18)(A)(ii) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D4327-97, 03” to “D4327-97 or D4327-03” |
611.611(a)(18)(A)(iii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110 |
611.611(a)(18)(A)(iii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(18)(B)(iii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3- |
611.611(a)(18)(B)(iii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(18)(C)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3- |
611.611(a)(18)(C)(i) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(18)(D)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3- |
611.611(a)(18)(D)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(18)(E) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)” |
611.611(a)(18)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA |
611.611(a)(19)(A)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1” |
611.611(a)(19)(A)(ii) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D4327-97, 03” to “D4327-97 or D4327-03” |
611.611(a)(19)(A)(iii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110 |
611.611(a)(19)(A)(iii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(19)(B)(iii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3- |
611.611(a)(19)(B)(iii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(19)(C)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3- |
611.611(a)(19)(C)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(19)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO2- |
611.611(a)(19)(D) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO2-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(19)(E) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)” |
611.611(a)(19)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA |
611.611(a)(20)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P |
611.611(a)(20)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(20)(B)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P |
611.611(a)(20)(B)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(20)(F)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1” |
611.611(a)(20)(F)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D4327-97, 03” to “D4327-97 or D4327-03” |
611.611(a)(20)(F)(iii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110 |
611.611(a)(20)(F)(iii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(20)(G) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)” |
611.611(a)(20)(G) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table | Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA |
611.611(a)(21)(B) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D1293-95, 99” to “D1293-95 or D1293-99” |
611.611(a)(21)(C) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-H+ |
611.611(a)(21)(C) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-H+, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(22)(A)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D3859-98, 03” to “D3859-98 or D3859-03” |
611.611(a)(22)(A)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114 |
611.611(a)(22)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(22)(D)(i) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “D3859-98, 03” to “D3859-98 or D3859-03” |
611.611(a)(22)(D)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(a)(22)(D)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(22)(E) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(22)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(23)(C) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “D859-94, 00” to “ASTM D859-94, D859-00” |
611.611(a)(23)(C) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(23)(D) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2 |
611.611(a)(23)(D) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(23)(E) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2 |
611.611(a)(23)(E) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(23)(F) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2 |
611.611(a)(23)(F) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(23)(G)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(a)(23)(G)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(23)(H) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(23)(H) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(24)(B)(ii) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(a)(24)(B)(ii) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.611(a)(24)(C) | 141.23(k)(1) table | Changed “ASTM D6919-03” to “ASTM Method D6919-03” |
611.611(a)(24)(D) | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(a)(24)(D) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.611(a)(25) | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2550 |
611.611(a)(25) Board note | 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2550, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.612(f)(2)(A)(i) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.612(f)(2)(A)(ii) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.612(f)(2)(A)(iii) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.612(f)(2)(A) Board note | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, 3113, and 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.612(f)(2)(C) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.611(f)(2)(C) Board note | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.612(f)(3)(A)(i) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(f)(3)(A)(ii) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113 |
611.611(f)(3)(A)(iii) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(f)(3)(A) Board note | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, 3113, and 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.612(f)(3)(C) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.612(f)(3)(C) Board note | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.612(f)(4)(A)(i) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 |
611.611(f)(4)(A)(ii) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 |
611.611(f)(4)(A) Board note | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 and 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.612(f)(4)(C) | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5” |
611.612(f)(4)(C) Board note | 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.645 “2,4-D” | 141.24(e)(1) table | Changed “, 98” to “or D5317-98” |
611.645 “2,4,5-TP (Silvex)” | 141.24(e)(1) table | Changed “, 98” to “or D5317-98” |
611.645 “pentachlorophenol” | 141.24(e)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.24(e)(1) | Changed “D5317-93, 98 (Reapproved 2003) to “D5317-93 or D5317-98(2003)” |
611.645 “picloram” | 141.24(e)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.24(e)(1) | Changed “D5317-93, 98 (Reapproved 2003) to “D5317-93 or D5317-98(2003)” |
611.645 note 1 | 141.24(e)(1) table, note 5 | Changed “this method” to “denotes that Syngenta Method AG-625”; changed “Method AG-625” to “Syngenta Method AG-625” (twice); changed “mg/L” to “mg/ℓ”; changed “µg/L” to “µg/ℓ” |
611.720(a)(1)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.720(a)(2)(A) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7110 |
611.720(a)(2)(A) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.720(a)(3)(C)(iii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra |
611.720(a)(3)(C)(iv) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra |
611.720(a)(3)(C) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.720(a)(3)(J) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Changed “GA” to “Georgia Radium Method” |
611.720(a)(4)(A) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra |
611.720(a)(4)(A) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.720(a)(3)(I) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Changed “GA” to “Georgia Radium Method” |
611.720(a)(5)(A) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-U |
611.720(a)(5)(A) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-U, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
711.720(a)(5)(C)(ii) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D3972-97, 02” to “D3972-97 or D3972-02” |
711.720(a)(5)(C)(iii) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D5174-97, 02” to “D5174-97 or D5174-02” |
711.720(a)(5)(C)(iv) Board note | appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
711.720(a)(6)(A)(ii) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D3649-91, 98a” to “D3649-91 or D3649-98a” |
611.720(a)(5)(B)(i) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7120 |
611.720(a)(5)(B)(ii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Cs |
611.720(a)(5)(B) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7100 and 7500-Cs, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
711.720(a)(7)(A)(i) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D3649-91, 98a” to “D3649-91 or D3649-98a” |
711.720(a)(7)(A)(ii) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D4785-93, 98” to “D4785-93 or D4785-98” |
611.720(a)(7)(B)(i) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7120 |
611.720(a)(7)(B)(ii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-I |
611.720(a)(7)(B)(iii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-I |
611.720(a)(7)(B) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Methods 7100 and 7500-I, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.720(a)(8)(A)(ii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Sr |
611.720(a)(8)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Sr, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
711.720(a)(9)(A) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D4107-91, 98” to “D4107-91 or D4107-98” |
611.720(a)(9)(A)(ii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-3H |
611.720(a)(9)(A)(ii) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-3H, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
711.720(a)(10)(A)(i) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D3649-91, 98a” to “D3649-91 or D3649-98a” |
711.720(a)(10)(A)(ii) | 141.25(a) table | Changed “D4785-93, 98” to “D4785-93 or D4785-98” |
611.720(a)(10)(B)(i) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7120 |
611.720(a)(10)(B)(ii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Cs |
611.720(a)(10)(B)(iii) | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-I |
611.720(a)(10)(B) Board note | 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Methods 7120, 7500-Cs, and 7500-I, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.802(c)(2)(A)(vii) | 141.402(c)(2) table | Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222 |
611.802(c)(2)(A) Board note | 141.402(c)(2) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.402(c)(2) | Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods |
611.802(c)(2)(B) Board note | Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.402(c)(2) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |
611.884(d)(1) required statement | 141.154(d)(1) | Changed “utility” to “supplier”; changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
611.884(d)(1) | 141.154(d)(2) | Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.1004(b)(4) | 141.704(b)(4) | Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; added “incorporated by reference . . . Section 611.102” |
611.1004(b)(4) Board note | 141.704(b)(4) | Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method |