3. R08-7: SDWA Update, USEPA Amendments January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007
    4. March 12, 2007 (at 72 Fed. Reg. 11200)
    5. R08-13: SDWA Update, USEPA Amendments July 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007
    6. October 10, 2007 (at 71 Fed. Reg. 65574)
    7. Later SDWA (Drinking Water) Amendments of Interest
    8. June 3, 2008 (at 73 Fed. Reg. 31616)
    9. No Other Federal Actions Having a Direct Impact on the
    10. Illinois SDWA (Drinking Water) Regulations
    13. Discussions of the Federal Actions
    14. General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text
    15. Discussion of Corrective Amendments
    16. Tabulation of Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments
    17. Table 1:
    18. Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
    19. Table2:
    20. Board Housekeeping Amendments


August 7, 2008
Rulemaking - Public Water Supply)
SDWA UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS (January 1, 2007 though June 30, 2007 and June 3, 2008) )
Rulemaking - Public Water Supply)
SDWA UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS (July 1, 2007 though December 31, 2007) )
Rulemaking - Public Water Supply)
  ) (Consolidated)

Proposed Rule. Proposal for Public Comment. Deadline Extension.


The Board today proposes amendments to the Illinois regulations that are “identical in substance” to wastewater pretreatment and drinking water regulations adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The amendments involved in this consolidated docket incorporate into the Illinois wastewater pretreatment and drinking water regulations amendments in response to two USEPA actions. Those actions span the two identical-in-substance update periods of January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007 and July 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007. The Board has added a third set of USEPA amendments that occurred later than these periods. The added later amendments are closely related to amendments that occurred during the January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007 time period.
The Board further finds that more time is necessary to complete these amendments and extends the deadline for final action by this order. The deadline is extended from August 15, 2008 until December 1, 2008 pursuant to Section 7.2(b) of the Environmental Protection Act (Act), 415 ILCS 5/7.2(b) (2006). The reasons for the extension is discussed below on page 5 of this opinion.
This is the second extension of the deadline. By an order dated March 6, 2006, the Board found that an extension of the deadline for final adoption of these amendments was necessary. That order extended the deadline from March 12, 2008 until August 15, 2008.
The R08-5 docket includes federal wastewater pretreatment amendments that USEPA adopted in the period January 1, 2007 though June 30, 2007. On March 12, 2007, USEPA adopted amendments relating to analytical methods approved under the wastewater pretreatment and drinking water programs. The R08-5 docket includes the wastewater pretreatment segments of those amendments.
The R08-7 docket includes federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) amendments that USEPA adopted in the period January 1, 2007 though June 30, 2007, and on June 3, 2008. On March 12, 2007, USEPA adopted amendments relating to analytical methods approved under the wastewater pretreatment and drinking water programs. The R08-5 docket includes the drinking water segments of those amendments. On June 3, 2008, USEPA approved alternative methods for analysis under the drinking water program. The Board has added the June 3, 2008 amendments to the R08-5 docket due to their close relationship with the March 12, 2007 amendments.
The R08-13 docket includes federal SDWA amendments that USEPA adopted in the period July 1, 2007 though December 31, 2007. On October 10, 2007, USEPA revised segments of the Lead and Copper Rule under the drinking water regulations.
Sections 7.2 and 13.3 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and 13.3 (2006)) require the Board to adopt regulations that are “identical in substance” to federal wastewater pretreatment regulations. The USEPA wastewater pretreatment rules implement Sections 307(b), (c), and (d) and 402(b)(8) and (b)(9) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C. §§ 1317(b), (c), and (d) and 1342(b)(8) and (b)(9) (2006)). The federal wastewater pretreatment regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 400 through 499. Section 13.3 also provides that Title VII of the Act and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2006)) do not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations.
Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and 17.5 (2006)) provide for quick adoption by the Board of regulations that are identical in substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a) (2006)). The USEPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs) implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a) (2006)). The federal SDWA regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 141 through 143. Section 17.5 also provides that Title VII of the Act and Section 5 of the APA (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2006)) do not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations.
The Board will cause the proposed amendments to be published in the Illinois Register and will hold the docket open to receive public comments for 45 days after the date of publication. The Board will then adopt and file the final rules, taking into account the public comments received. The Board specifically requests comment on two aspects of the rules: location of particular analytical methods approved by USEPA and Agency approval of the content of public education materials.
The Board presently expects that rules will be adopted and filed no later than December 1, 2008, pursuant to the extension of the deadline adopted by the Board pursuant to Section 7.2(b) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2(b) (2006)) in this order.
This opinion supports an order that the Board also adopts today.


This docket includes federal SDWA amendments that USEPA adopted in two consecutive time periods: January 1, 2007 though June 30, 2007 and July 1, 2007 though December 31, 2007. USEPA adopted one set of amendments during the two periods that affected the wastewater pretreatment regulations and the SDWA primary drinking water regulations. A second set of amendments adopted in the two periods amended the SDWA rules alone. A third set of amendments that the Board has included occurred outside these two periods. That third set is closely related to amendments already included in this consolidated docket. The following briefly summarizes the three principal federal actions that are considered in this rulemaking, including four corrections to them:

R08-5: Wastewater Pretreatment Update, USEPA Amendments January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007

R08-7: SDWA Update, USEPA Amendments January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007

March 12, 2007 (at 72 Fed. Reg. 11200)
USEPA modified the testing procedures approved for sampling and analysis in programs established under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the SDWA. The wastewater pretreatment rules are established under CWA, and the Primary Drinking Water Regulations are established under SDWA. The amendments updated the versions allowed for existing methods and approved new methods for use. The drinking water aspects of these amendments relate closely to later amendments adopted by USEPA on June 3, 2008. A brief description of the June 3, 2008 action appears below on page 4 of this opinion.

R08-13: SDWA Update, USEPA Amendments July 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007

October 10, 2007 (at 71 Fed. Reg. 65574)
USEPA amended the lead and copper rule to strengthen its implementation in the areas of monitoring, treatment processes, public education, customer awareness, and lead service line replacement. The federal amendments were effective on December 10, 2007. Compliance by regulated entities is due no later than December 10, 2009.

Later SDWA (Drinking Water) Amendments of Interest

The Board engages in ongoing monitoring of federal actions. As of the date of this opinion and accompanying order, the Board has identified one set of related USEPA actions since December 31, 2007 that further amend the SDWA rules in a way that affects the present amendments. The following describes those amendments in brief:

June 3, 2008 (at 73 Fed. Reg. 31616)
USEPA approved 99 alternative test methods for analysis of contaminants in drinking water. This was USEPA’s first use of a new summary approval mechanism. Section 1401(1) of SDWA (42 U.S.C. § 300f(1) (2006)) authorizes USEPA to approve alternative methods by guidance published in a Federal Register notice without the formalities of a full rulemaking action. USEPA listed the methods in a new appendix to 40 C.F.R. 141.
When the Board observes an action outside the nominal timeframe of a docket that requires expedited consideration, the Board will expedite consideration of those amendments in the pending docket. Federal actions that could warrant expedited consideration include those that directly affect the amendments involved in this docket, those for which compelling reasons would warrant consideration as soon as possible, and those for which the Board has received a request for expedited consideration.
The Board has included the June 3, 2008 USEPA action in docket R08-7 because most of the methods involved in that action affect the same segments of the Illinois rules that are involved in the March 12, 2007 amendments. Further, many of the alterative methods approved in the June 3, 2008 action are the same version of the methods as are involved in the March 12, 2007 amendments, but they are now available in a printed volume, rather than from an on-line source in an electronic format.
If the Board identifies any federal action that fulfills these criteria prior to final action on the present amendments, the Board may include those amendments in the present consolidated docket R08-5/R08-7/R08-13 upon final adoption.

No Other Federal Actions Having a Direct Impact on the

Illinois SDWA (Drinking Water) Regulations

In addition to the amendments to the federal wastewater pretreatment and SDWA regulations, amendments to certain other federal regulations occasionally have an effect on the Illinois drinking water rules. Most notably, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.102 includes the incorporation of 40 C.F.R. 136.3(a) and Appendix B to 40 C.F.R. 136 of by reference. These are federal CWA methods for analysis of contaminants in water. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 310.110 similarly incorporates several segments of the federal regulations by reference, including 40 C.F.R. 3.3, 3.10, 3.2000, 25, tables II and II in appendix D to part 122, 136, 403 (generally), 403.12, appendices D and G to part 403, and 503. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 307.2201 incorporates 40 C.F.R. 122.23(b) and (c) by reference, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 310.602 incorporates 40 C.F.R. 403.12(b) by reference.
As of December 31, 2007, the ending date of the federal actions involved in this proposal for public comment, USEPA had not amended any of these federal regulations. No Board action will be required at this time to update the versions of these documents incorporated by reference in any of Parts 307, 310, or 611.


Under Section 7.2 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2(b) (2004)), the Board must complete this rulemaking within one year of the date of the earliest set of federal amendments considered in this docket. USEPA adopted the earliest federal amendments that required Board attention on March 12, 2007, so that the deadline for Board adoption of these amendments under that provision was March 12, 2008.
Section 7.2(b), however, further provides for extension of the deadline for final Board action by adoption of a Board order and publication of a Notice of Public Information on Proposed Rules that extends the deadline. By an order dated March 6, 2008, the Board used this provision to extend the deadline. Delays in finalizing the voluminous hazardous waste amendments involved in RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (March 5, 2005, September 8, 2005, January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2006), R07-5 and RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006), R07-14 (June 5, 2008) delayed development of this proposal for public comment. This was compounded by the volume and complexity of the present amendments. These are the principal factors that make an extension of the deadline for final action in this matter necessary. The Board today again extends the deadline for completion of this proceeding.
The final Board action to adopt these amendments is now December 1, 2008. This extended deadline has a slight amount of extra time added to allow for any minor unforeseen delays in finalizing the amendments.
Considering the proposal of these amendments on this date, the Board presently projects the following will occur in the progress towards completion of these amendments:
Extended Due date (by a March 6, 2008 order): August 15, 2008
Date of Board vote to propose amendments: August 7, 2008
Submission for Illinois Register publication: August 18, 2008
Probable Illinois Register publication dates: August 29, 2008
Estimated end of 45-day public comment period: October 13, 2008
Likely date of Board vote to adopt amendments: November 6, 2008
Probable filing and effective date: November 17, 2008
Probable Illinois Register publication date: November 26, 2008


The Board will receive public comments on this proposal for 45 days following its publication in the Illinois Register. After that time, the Board will immediately consider adoption of the amendments, making any necessary changes made evident through the public comments. The Board expects to file any adopted rules with the Secretary of State immediately after adoption, but no later than December 1, 2008.
As of this date, the Board has received one series of e-mail communications and a second responsive e-mail, both of which bore attachments, that have been introduced into the docket as public comments. These are described as follows:

PC 1 E-mail to Michael J. McCambridge, Board Hearing Officer, from Jayne Brown, Waters Chemistry Tech Support, Waters Corp., dated July 8, 2008, with attachment, “Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous Matrices by Capillary Ion Electrophoresis.”
PC 2 E-mail exchange between Michael J. McCambridge, Board Hearing Officer, and Pat Fair, Technical Support Center, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, USEPA, between July 8, 2008 and July 10, 2008, with attachment, “Test Method for Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous Matrices Using Capillary Ion Electrophoresis and Chromate Electrolyte.”


The following discussion begins with a description of the amendments undertaken in direct response to the federal action involved in this proceeding. The discussion closes with a description of the miscellaneous amendments that are not directly derived from the federal action, but which the Board routinely includes in these update dockets as necessary.

Discussions of the Federal Actions

Analytical Methods Update--Sections 307.4000, 307.7500, 310.107, 611.102, 611.526, 611.531, 611.600, 611.611, 611.612, 611.645, and 611.720
The USEPA action of March 12, 2007 (72 Fed. Reg. 11200) amended the provisions that prescribe the analytical methods that a regulated entity must use to demonstrate compliance under the federal CWA (33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et. seq. (2006)) and the federal SDWA (42 U.S.C. §§ 300f et seq. (2006)). Among the provisions that USEPA amended were 40 C.F.R. 136.3, 136.4, 136.5, 136.6, 430.02, 455.50, Table 7 to 455, and 465.03, which set forth the methods for use under CWA programs, and 40 C.F.R. 141.21, 141.23, 141.24, 141.25, 141.74, 143.4, which set forth analytical methods for use under SDWA. Of the SDWA-related analytical provisions, all the amendments relate to the NPDWRs except 40 C.F.R. 143.4, which relates to the National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations. The amendments designate new methods as acceptable, and they add updated versions of older methods as acceptable.
On June 3, 2008, USEPA used a new mechanism for approval of methods. Prior to that action, USEPA approved and updated methods only by rulemaking. Under 1996 amendments to Section 1401(1) of SDWA (42 U.S.C. § 300f(1) (2006); see Pub. L. 104-182, Sec. 101(a)(1)(B), 110 Stat. 1613, 1616 (Aug. 6, 1996)), USEPA can use a summary procedure for approving or updating methods that are equivalent to methods that it has already approved by rulemaking. This provision allows the approval and update of methods by guidelines published in the Federal Register. See 42 U.S.C. § 300f(1) (2006) (definition of “National Primary Drinking Water Regulation”). USEPA chose to incorporate the guidelines directly into the NPDWRs by addition of an appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 141. Many of the methods approved as equivalent by USEPA in new appendix A are actually hard-copy published versions of methods previously only available online in a digital format.
The Board updated the methods in the Illinois wastewater pretreatment and drinking water regulations to correspond with the March 12, 2007 USEPA methods approval and update and the June 3, 2008 USEPA designation of alternative methods. The Board has undertaken to incorporate the federal changes as near in substance as possible, but has found it necessary to deviate from the federal changes in some regards. Any person interested in the substance of the USEPA actions should review the Federal Register notices of March 12, 2007 and June 3, 2008. The following discussion only reviews the substance of the federal actions to the degree necessary to incorporate the substance of the federal changes into the Illinois regulations.
Incorporation of the changes into the wastewater pretreatment rules involved updating the version of the appropriate provisions from the Code of Federal Regulations that is incorporated by reference in the Illinois provision. Updating the methods provisions in the Illinois drinking water rules presented a small measure of difficulty, since the methods are actually set forth in the Illinois rules.
The first area of difficulty with the amendments related to USEPA’s references to methods available only in an electronic format. In the interests of rule clarity for the public as a whole, the Board prefers to reference printed documents where those are available.
In its March 12, 2007 action, USEPA updated a number of methods from the standard reference, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (Standard Methods) to a more recent version of each method as available from Standard Methods Online (www.standardmethods.org/store/ ), a website maintained by the Standard Methods Organization. 1 The latest edition of the printed version of Standard Methods that USEPA cited in the March 12, 2007 action was the 20th edition, published in 1998. The Standard Methods Organization published the 21st edition of Standard Methods in 2005. Upon review of the version dates of the methods cited by USEPA as available from Standard Methods Online, the Board noted that the version date of each of those methods was the same in the printed 21st edition of Standard Methods. The Board cited to the Standard Methods 21st edition, rather than to the on-line version for each of those methods. 2
By the June 3, 2008 action, USEPA added the version of each method that appears in the printed 21st edition of Standard Methods. 3 This supports the Board’s determination to cite to the printed volume of the 21st edition for the methods. The Board did not cite to Standard Methods Online for any of the methods cited by USEPA in its March 12, 2006 action. 4 The Board added Board notes at each citation to a method from the 21st edition that explains that USEPA cited to Standard Methods Online and the Board chose not to do so.
On June 3, 2008, however, USEPA did incorporate two methods from Standard Methods Online that do not yet appear in any printed version of Standard Methods. These are the 2004 versions of Method 6610 B and Method 9230 B that the Standard Methods Organization did not included in the 2005 printing of the Standard Methods 21st edition. The Board did cite to Standard Methods Online for those two methods.
The second area of difficulty related to two other new methods that the Board has had difficulty locating, which has meant that the Board has struggled to obtain acceptable copies of the methods. USEPA cites the first method as available from the Environmental Resources Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, and it cites to the second method as available from the Waters Corporation.
Section 5-75 of the APA (5 ILCS 100/5-75 (2006)) requires that the Board fulfill certain requirements to incorporate any document by reference. Two are of primary interest here. First, the Board must provide the name and address of the source of the document, that an interested person might obtain a copy. Second, the Board must maintain a copy of the document in one principal office open for public review. 5 ILCS 100/5-75(a) and (c) (2006).
The difficulties encountered with the analytical methods from Georgia Institute of Technology and Waters Corporation that USEPA approved on March 12, 2007 present problems in this regard. The Board’s continued inability to sufficiently locate the methods and obtain copies is serious enough that the Board may not be able to adopt the present amendment and include those two methods.
The first method is entitled “The Determination of Radium-226 and Radium-228 in Drinking Water by Gamma-ray Spectrometry Using HPGE or Ge(Li) Detectors,” Revision 1.2, December 2004. It is a method for Radium-226 and Radium-228 by gamma ray spectrometry. It allows analysis for both parameters with a single test, rather than requiring two separate analyses. It was cited by USEPA as from the Environmental Resources Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The Board could not locate the Environmental Resources Center. However, the Board did find references to the method, and research disclosed that another entity called the Water Resources Center at the Georgia Institute for Technology might be a successor organization. The same person who ran the Environmental Resources Center heads the Water Resources Center. Attempts to contact either entity have proven fruitless to date. Thus, the Board can neither obtain the method nor accurately cite to the source of this method. The inability to do either would preclude incorporation of this method by reference. Attempts to obtain a copy of this method from USEPA have also proven fruitless to date.
The Board has included the method from the Environmental Resources Center in this proposal for public comment, and the proposal lists the method as available from that source, even though it is apparent that that entity no longer exists—at least under that name. The method will be removed from the rules upon final adoption of these amendments if the Board cannot obtain a copy of the method.
The Board has also had difficulty locating the second method, cited by USEPA as available from the Waters Corporation, but for different reasons. The federal amendments to 40 C.F.R. 141.23(k)(1) add method “D6508, Rev. 2,” noting that it is entitled “Test Method for Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous Matrices Using Capillary Ion Electrophoresis and Chromate Electrolyte,” and that it is available from the Waters Corporation. Attempts to obtain a useable method from the Waters Corporation, however, proved fruitless. 5 USEPA sent a copy of the method from its rulemaking docket. That copy bore at its top a date and method designation in annotations that indicated USEPA’s review and approval of the method. Those annotations indicate that the method is ASTM Method D6508, revision 2, dated December 2000. Examination of ASTM methods indicates that the latest version of ASTM Method D6508 is revision 2, dated 2005. ASTM designates this method as “ASTM D6508-00(2005)e2” by ASTM, with “00” designating that the method was approved in 2000, and “(2005)e2” indicating revision 2 made in 2005. This 2005 revision appears to be the same as the method designated by USEPA as Waters Method D6508, revision 2.
The Board has included ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 in place of what USEPA has called Waters Method D6508, revision 2 in this proposal for public comment. It is worthy of note, however, that USEPA has cautioned that it has not yet determined that the ASTM method is equivalent to the Waters method. A determination by USEPA that the Board included a method that is not approved by USEPA would result in USEPA’s disapproval of the Illinois rules. USEPA has suggested that the Board’s decision not to include Waters Method D6508, revision 2 would present no problems. PC 2.
A final area that warrants specific discussion in this segment of the opinion relates to the USEPA-approved alternative methods. USEPA used a limited, summary procedure to adopt the list of equivalent methods. June 3, 2008 was USEPA’s first use of that procedure. While USEPA approved all prior methods by rulemaking, USEPA is authorized to approve equivalent methods by this summary procedure. While the Board can perceive a difference between a determination that a method is adequate for use and a determination that another method is an equivalent to a method that is approved for use, the Board believes that this is a distinction without a difference from the perspective of a person seeking guidance from the regulations as to how to comply with the requirements. For this reason, the Board chose to include the alternative methods together with the approved methods in the text of the rules. The Board did not add an equivalent to appendix A. Thus, the listing of methods approved for use for analysis of any particular chemical species appears together in a single listing.
The tables that appear beginning on page 20 of this opinion list and briefly describe the deviations from the literal text of the federal rules and the changes made in the existing text of the Illinois rules that were not derived from federal amendments. The Board requests public comment on the incorporation of the March 12, 2007 USEPA CWA and SDWA methods revisions and the June 3, 2008 approval of alternative drinking water methods into the Illinois wastewater pretreatment and drinking water regulations. In particular, the Board requests comments on the proposed handling of specific analytical methods, as follows:

1. Is there any reason the Board should include references to Standard Methods Online, where the same version of the Standard Method is available in the printed 21st edition of Standard Methods, considering that a Board note appended to the incorporation of Standard Methods cites to Standard Methods Online for purchase of individual methods?
2. Can USEPA, the Agency, or anyone in the regulated community provide the Board with a copy of the method entitled “The Determination of Radium-226 and Radium-228 in Drinking Water by Gamma-ray Spectrometry Using HPGE or Ge(Li) Detectors,” Revision 1.2, December 2004, cited by USEPA as available from the Environmental Resources Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology?
3. Can USEPA, the Agency, or anyone in the regulated community provide the Board with a copy of Waters Method D6508, revision 2, entitled “Test Method for Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous Matrices Using Capillary Ion Electrophoresis and Chromate Electrolyte,” cited by USEPA as available from Waters Corporation?
4. Can or should the Board substitute the easily located method ASTM D6508-00(2005)e2 in place of the Method cited as Waters Method D6508, revision 2 by USEPA, which the Board could not locate from the listed source?
5. Did the Board take an acceptable approach to the approved equivalent methods, which USEPA codified as appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 141, by combining them with the methods that USEPA approved by rulemaking within the text of the regulations?

Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule--Sections 611.350, 611.351, 611.353, 611.354, 611.355, 611.356, 611.357, 611.358, 611.359, and 611.884
USEPA revised the Lead and Copper Rule on October 10, 2007 (at 72 Fed. Reg. 57782). The Lead and Copper Rule, codified as subpart I of 40 C.F.R. 141, sets forth a standard for the control of lead in drinking water. Lead is a unique drinking water contaminant in that it enters the water after the finished water has left the water treatment process, as the water travels through the distribution system and to the consumer’s tap. Some of the lead leaches from lead service lines, where the consumer’s plumbing connects to the distribution system, and some leaches from brass plumbing fixtures and lead-soldered copper plumbing in the consumers’ homes. 6 Thus, the emphasis in the Lead and Copper Rule is not an absolute maximum contaminant level, as measured at an entry point to the water distribution system, but on lead and copper action levels and their frequency of exceedance at the consumers’ taps. The consequences of exceeding the lead or copper action level include implementation of public notice and public education requirements, treatment process requirements intended to make the distributed water leach less lead from the service lines and plumbing, and requirements for replacement of lead service lines by the supplier of drinking water.
USEPA stated that its amendments made seven targeted changes relating to monitoring, treatment processes, public education, consumer awareness, and lead service line replacement. The amendments included (1) clarification of the definitions of “compliance period” and “monitoring period”; (2) clarification that the minimum number of samples that a small-system supplier must collect is five; (3) a change that would not allow a supplier to commence or continue a reduced monitoring schedule if it exceeds the lead action level; (4) addition of a requirement that a supplier must obtain prior state approval before it uses a new source of raw water or makes a change in its treatment that would have a long-term effect on water quality; (5) addition of a requirement that the supplier provide a notice that states the tap water sampling results and information to help understand the significance of those results to the person whose tap the sample was taken; (6) revisions to the public notice content and delivery requirements; and (7) addition of a requirement that a supplier reevaluate lead service lines previously classified as “replaced through testing” when it is required to resume a lead service line replacement program.
The Board incorporated the October 10, 2007 revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule into the Illinois regulations without substantive deviation. Only one series of the revisions made by the Board warrants specific discussion in this opinion. That pertains to how the Board has provided for the Agency to approve or disapprove of actions of a supplier.
Use of SEPs for Agency Approval of Public Education Materials. Where State approval is required for activities under the Lead and Copper Rule, the Board has made the Agency responsible for those determinations. The Board has drafted the rules to specify the Special Exception Permit (SEP) of Section 611.110 as the means by which the Agency is to render its approvals. The mechanism of the SEP provides a defined context for Agency determinations in writing, and it provides for Board review of Agency determinations where a supplier believes that such review is necessary. See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.110(a) and (c) (2006); 415 ILCS 5/39(a) and 40 (2006).
One application of the SEP in this proceeding is unusual. That is the SEP’s use in Section 611.355(a)(1) (corresponding with 40 C.F.R. 141.85(a)(1)) for the Agency to submit its corrections to the supplier if the Agency determines that the language of the supplier’s public education materials is inadequate. The USEPA rule requires the supplier to submit its public education materials to the state prior to distributing them to its consumers. It allows, but does not require, the state to approve of those materials prior to distribution. The Board’s proposal includes the federal requirement that the supplier submit its public education materials to the Agency prior to publication of those materials.
The Board has had to weigh various options to determine whether to provide for prior State approval of materials before their distribution and how to provide for such prior approvals. The Board has explored USEPA’s purposes behind its provision allowing states to require prior approval of public education materials before their distribution. The revised rule allows the supplier to tailor its public education materials to individual community needs. See 72 Fed. Reg. 57782, 57790-91 (Oct. 10, 2007). This new flexibility in the language of the public education materials gave rise to the need for state review of public education materials before their distribution. State approval before distribution of those materials would assure their quality. Further, USEPA prefers more rapid distribution of the public education materials, in order to reduce exposures to lead. See 72 Fed. Reg. 57782, 57791, 57794 (Oct. 10, 2007). Thus, the Board must draft the requirement for submission of public education materials to the Agency for review so that the Agency review assures the quality of the materials and so that the Agency review delays distribution no more time than is necessary for such a review.
The SEP is the mechanism that the Board has written into several provisions of the drinking water regulations to provide for an Agency determination whenever such a determination is required under the corresponding federal rule. The SEP is well suited to a situation where affirmative State approval is required before a supplier may act in some regard. This is the ordinary situation in which the mechanism of the SEP appears in the rules. However, in the context of the Section 611.255(a)(1) provision for State review of the public education materials, options exist for drafting the rule that would require written action by the State only for disapproval.
Once the supplier has submitted its public education materials to the Agency prior to distribution, the Board has options as to how it will address State review of the materials before their publication. First, the Board could make no provision for Agency approval or disapproval of the public education materials before the supplier distributes them. As a second option, the Board could refrain from requiring Agency approval prior to distribution, but require that the supplier distribute corrected public education materials if the Agency, by a SEP, makes a determination that the information submitted was inadequate and requires distribution of corrected materials. A third option is that the Board could require submission to the Agency for review, requiring that the Agency approve the materials before the supplier may distribute the materials. The fourth option is for the Board to require submission to the Agency, then to allow the Agency an opportunity to disapprove the distribution before it could begin. The fourth option would allow the Agency the option of not acting on prospective distributions of public education materials unless it determines that there is a problem with a particular distribution.
The Board disfavors the first option of not providing for Agency review that could affect the content of public education materials disseminated in Illinois. The advantage of this approach is that it would allow the most rapid distribution of the materials to the public, since there would be no time lost for prior Agency review. However, the Board believes that the purpose for mandatory submission of the public education materials to the State is to accord the State an opportunity to review those materials. The Board believes that Agency review would only be meaningful if it would allow the Agency the opportunity to edit, if necessary, the content of the public information materials presented by the supplier. Inherent to this is that significant Agency review would also give the Agency an opportunity to prevent the dissemination of information that it deems inappropriate. The Board opted away from this first approach in the proposal for public comment for both of these reasons.
The Board similarly disfavors the second option of allowing the Agency an opportunity to require a second distribution of corrected public education materials if it determines that an initial distribution was somehow defective. Under this second option, a requirement that the supplier include the Agency in its distribution or a requirement that the supplier submit the materials to the Agency within some short time after dissemination would have equal utility. Like the first option, this would allow the most rapid distribution of the information to the public. The problem is that this option would render meaningless the federal requirement that the supplier submit its materials to the State prior to dissemination.
The purpose behind the federal requirement of submission to the State prior to dissemination would be to provide an opportunity for the State to review the public education materials prior to distribution. Providing for an Agency review that would only allow the Agency to require re-distribution of corrected materials would have two significant disadvantages: (1) it would involve the wasted expense, time, and resources of the defective distribution, and (2) it would increase the opportunity for public misinformation and confusion by the distribution of two sets of information, one of which was defective. Thus, this second option would give the Agency the opportunity to assure the dissemination of information that it deems acceptable, but it would not give the Agency the opportunity to prevent the distribution of information that it determines is defective. The Board opted against this second option for these reasons.
Elimination of the first two options would leave only the third and fourth options. Each of those two options would provide meaningful opportunity for Agency review prior to the supplier distributing its public education materials. Each would sacrifice time in the distribution to the public in favor of the opportunity for the Agency to assure the quality and accuracy of the information distributed. Under the third option, the supplier must wait for prior State approval before it distributes the information. Under the fourth option, the supplier must wait a sufficient time to allow the Agency to object to the content before its distribution. The Board can foresee benefits and drawbacks associated with each of the third and fourth options, and the Board must select between them based on the balancing of those benefits and drawbacks.
The third option would require express Agency approval of each distribution of public education materials. This would have the benefits of assuring that the Agency has reviewed and approved of every distribution before it occurs. Requiring express approval would eliminate any ambiguity, and it would give suppliers the assurance that the Agency has approved whatever they have distributed. On the other hand, there are significant drawbacks if the supplier must wait for Agency approval before it distributes its public education materials. First, using this option would require the Agency to render a formal determination for each distribution of public education materials by every community water supply in the State. 7 This would impose the greatest burden on Agency resources of all four options. This option would lengthen the distribution process by the time it would take for the Agency to review and approve. 8
The fourth option, rather than requiring prior Agency approval before distribution of public education materials, would allow the Agency an opportunity to require correction of the materials before their distribution. Option four would have to allow whatever period of time is reasonable for the Agency to review and disapprove the materials before distribution could occur. This option would allow the Agency the freedom to render implicit approval to public information materials through its own inaction, thus affording the Agency more discretion as to how it commits its resources. It would nevertheless still give the Agency the opportunity to assure the quality of the public education materials distributed in Illinois. There is a greater burden in generating a written response to every set of materials after review, as under the third option, than there is in reviewing every set but preparing a formal response only when the Agency determines that there is a deficiency, as under the fourth option. Under option four, after the time provided for Agency review has run, the Agency would no longer be able to disapprove the materials, since its implicit approval would have been deemed by the rule.
The balance between the third and fourth options then hinges on the amount of time each option would delay the distribution of public education materials, their relative commitments of Agency resources, and the degree of certainty or uncertainty that would be associated with each. The choice between the third and fourth options is difficult for the Board, and the Board may change its choice upon final adoption, after the benefit of any public comments received. Nevertheless, the Board has opted for the fourth option in this proposal for public comment. The Board believes that providing the Agency with an opportunity to review and disapprove public education materials before distribution is protective and less burdensome than requiring Agency written approval of each set of public education materials prior to their distribution.
The Board has drafted Section 611.355(a)(1) to require a supplier to submit its public education materials to the Agency before it distributes them, as required by 40 C.F.R. 141.85(a)(1). Since the Board believes that USEPA intended that the State conduct a meaningful review that ensures the quality and content of the public education materials, the Board has provided for Agency review before their distribution. The option for Agency review that the Board has selected requires the Agency to act in an affirmative way by issuing a determination in the form of a SEP only when it determines that there is a deficiency in the materials. However, in order to allow the Agency to opt for prompt approval, the rule allows the Agency to issue a SEP that approves the materials, and the supplier can immediately distribute them. If the Agency does not issue a SEP within the time prescribed in the rule, Agency assent is implied under the rule, and the supplier may distribute the materials. If the Agency issues a SEP, that SEP must describe the deficiencies in a way that enables the supplier to correct the deficiencies and distribute the materials as corrected. Of course, as provided by the SEP provision, at Section 611.110(c), the supplier has the option of appealing the Agency determination to the Board.
As included in this proposal for public comment, the procedure for Agency review of public education materials includes seven separate segments. To include all of the segments in Section 611.355(a)(1) would have required presenting all seven segments in a single subsection at new subsection (a)(3). The Board chose to move the procedure, so that it could appear in a series of seven separate subsections for enhanced clarity. As drafted by the Board for the purposes of this proposal for public comment, Section 611.355(a)(3) provides a procedure for submission of public education materials to the Agency, for Agency disapproval of those materials in a SEP, for supplier response to an Agency-issued disapproval in the form of a SEP, and for the timing of distribution of the materials. The provisions included in this proposal for public comment could change upon final adoption in response to public comments. The procedure set forth in the proposed version of this provision provides as follows:

1. The supplier must submit its public education materials to the Agency no later than 60 days prior to the date on which it plans to distribute them.
2. The Agency may issue a SEP that approves the public education materials, so that the supplier can immediately distribute them. This would allow quick distribution without waiting where the Agency wishes to concur with the supplier and allow this to happen.
3. The Agency has 30 days after the date it received public education materials from a supplier within which it may review those materials and issue a SEP that notifies the supplier of the deficiencies and which describes the deficiencies in sufficient detail to allow the supplier to correct its public education materials to the satisfaction of the Agency.
4. If the supplier has not received a SEP from the Agency that describes the deficiencies as noted above within 45 days after the date on which it submitted its public education materials to the Agency, the materials are deemed approved, and the supplier may distribute them as scheduled.
5. If the Agency issues a SEP that describes the deficiencies as noted above, the supplier must make all changes exactly as described in the SEP before it distributes its public education materials.
6. If the Agency changes its position with regard to any of the deficiencies described in the SEP, it may issue a revised SEP that expressly supersedes the previous SEP, and the supplier must make all changes exactly as described in the revised SEP before it distributes its public education materials.
7. The Agency must issue a SEP or a revised SEP within 30 days after the date when the Agency received the original public education materials from the supplier, except where the Agency and the supplier have agreed that the Agency need issue a SEP or revised SEP by a later date. Where the supplier and the Agency have agreed that the Agency need issue a SEP or revised SEP by a later date, the Agency must do so within the agreed time.

The purpose for allowing the Agency and the supplier to agree to a later time for issuance of a SEP and for allowing the Agency to issue a revised SEP is to allow for negotiation or dialog relating to the contents of the supplier’s public education materials. The Board believes that allowing the Agency and the supplier to take more time to derive consensus would be more efficient and less time-consuming than providing for a cycle of sequential submissions and reviews. The object of the Agency review provision is the timeliest distribution of the most effective public education materials. This result requires a balance between the time needed to assure reasonable accuracy and the accuracy possible within a reasonable time. The Board believes that allowing the Agency and the supplier the flexibility to conduct a dialog and to reach a mutual consensus facilitates this end.
The tables that appear beginning on page 20 of this opinion list and briefly describe the deviations from the literal text of the federal rules and the changes made in the existing text of the Illinois rules that were not derived from federal amendments. The Board requests public comment on the incorporation of the USEPA October 10, 2007 amendments to the Lead and Copper Rule into the Illinois drinking water regulations. Specifically, the Board requests public comment on the Section 611.355(a)(1) provision for Agency review of suppliers’ public education materials.

1. Is requiring written Agency action only where the Agency determines that deficiencies exist the best option for Agency review of the materials?
2. Is the provision that deems the materials approved and which allows the supplier to proceed and distribute the materials in the absence of an Agency response workable?
3. Do the times required for submission to the Agency and provided for Agency review work for the purpose?
4. Does the provision that requires the Agency to describe the deficiencies it has found appear adequate and workable to assure that the supplier is given a clear indication of those deficiencies?
5. Does the requirement that allows the supplier to proceed and distribute its materials after it has addressed the Agency-determined deficiencies appear adequate and workable to assure that the Agency concerns are addressed and that publication occurs as rapidly as possible?
6. Is it necessary to set forth express provisions for Agency issuance of a revised SEP, and does such an express provision provide for the timeliest resolution of any issues that might arise in the course of Agency review of a supplier’s public education materials?

General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text

In incorporating the federal rules into the Illinois system, some deviation from the federal text is unavoidable. This deviation arises primarily through differences between the federal and state regulatory structure and systems. Some deviation also arises through errors in and problems with the federal text itself. The Board conforms the federal text to the Illinois rules and regulatory scheme and corrects errors found in the text in the course of these routine update rulemakings.
In addition to the amendments derived from federal amendments, the Board often finds it necessary to alter the text of various passages of the existing rules as provisions are opened for update in response to USEPA actions. This involves correcting deficiencies, clarifying provisions, and making other changes that are necessary to establish a clear set of rules that closely parallel the corresponding federal requirements within the codification scheme of the Illinois Administrative Code.
The Board updates the citations to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent version available. As discussed above, the most recent versions of the Code of Federal Regulations available to the Board is the July 1, 2005 edition for USEPA regulations (Title 40). Thus, the Board has updated all citations to Title 40 to the 2006 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations, adding references to later amendments using their appropriate Federal Register citation, where necessary.
The Board substituted “or” for “/” in most instances where this appeared in the federal base text, using “and” where more appropriate. The Board further used this opportunity to make a number of corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling, and cross-reference format throughout the opened text. We changed “who” to “that” and “he” or “she” to “it,” where the person to which the regulation referred was not necessarily a natural person, or to “he or she,” where a natural person was evident; changed “which” to “that” for restrictive relative clauses; substituted “must” for “shall”; capitalized the section headings and corrected their format where necessary; and corrected punctuation within sentences.
In addition, the federal rules have been edited to establish a uniform usage throughout the Board’s regulations. For example, with respect to “shall,” “will,” and “may,” “must” is used when an action is required by the rule, without regard to whether the action is required of the subject of the sentence or not. “Shall” is no longer used, since it is not used in everyday language. Thus, where a federal rule uses “shall,” the Board substitutes “must.” This is a break from our former practice where “shall” was used when the subject of a sentence has a duty to do something. “Will” is used when the Board obliges itself to do something. “May” is used when choice of a provision is optional. “Or” is used rather than “and/or,” and denotes “one or both.” “Either . . . or” denotes “one but not both.” “And” denotes “both.”
The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules has requested that the Board refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the same manner throughout all of our bodies of regulations—i.e., air, water, drinking water, RCRA Subtitle D (municipal solid waste landfill), RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous waste), underground injection control (UIC), etc. The Board has decided to refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “USEPA.” The Board will continue this conversion in future rulemakings as additional sections become open to amendment. The Board will further convert “EPA” used in federal text to “USEPA,” where USEPA is clearly intended.
The Board has assembled tables to aid in the location of these alterations and to briefly outline their intended purpose. Table 1 sets forth the miscellaneous deviations from the federal text, and Table 2 itemizes the corrections to the pre-amended base text of the rules in detail. Table 1 begins on page 20 of this opinion, and Table 2 begins on page 53. There is no further discussion of most of the deviations and revisions elsewhere in this opinion.

Discussion of Corrective Amendments
The Board has traditionally used the occasion of these identical-in-substance updates to correct segments of the base text of the Illinois regulations. These corrections are non-substantive in effect. The Board is including a number of non-substantive corrections in this docket.
When a necessary minor correction comes to the attention of the Board, Board staff makes a note of the correction, and set it aside until the next opportunity to make the correction. The next opportunity generally presents itself when the section involved is next opened for amendment as a result of amendments to the corresponding federal text. The Board has cataloged a small number of changes since the last SDWA update docket, SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2006 though June 30, 2006), R07-2, and SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2006 though December 31, 2006), R07-11 (July 26, 2007).
The Board will not discuss the bulk of the particular corrective amendments in this segment of this discussion. Only one warrants specific discussion. That discussion follows this paragraph. The corrections are itemized in the Table 1, which begins on page 20 of this opinion. The Board requests that the Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community review the table and the text of the corrections. The Board requests comment on the corrections. The Board also asks for the assistance of the Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community in the process of spotting and correcting errors or omissions in the rules. The Board requests that interested persons submit suggestions for the correction of any errors of which they become aware. The Board will either include the corrections in this docket or catalog them for future revisions, if the suggestions relate to segments of the text that are not already involved in this proceeding and the Board cannot add them.

Tabulation of Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments

The tables below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on current federal amendments. The first table (which begins immediately below) includes deviations made in this Proposal for Public Comment from the verbatim text of the federal amendments. The second table (which begins immediately after Table 1, on page 53 below) contains corrections and clarifications that the Board made in the base text involved in this proposal. The amendments listed in this second table are not directly derived from the current federal amendments. Some of the entries in these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion beginning at page 6 of this opinion.

Table 1:

Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
Illinois Section 40 C.F.R. Section Revision(s)
307.4000(c) 430.02(g) Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition to incorporate March 12, 2007 federal amendments by reference
307.7500(c) 465.03(c) Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition to incorporate March 12, 2007 federal amendments by reference
310.107(b), “40 CFR 136” 136.3, 136.4, 136.5, and 136.6 Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition to incorporate March 12, 2007 federal amendments by reference
611.350(c)(3)(E) 141.80(c)(3)(iii) Changed “public water system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”
611.350(g) 141.80(g) Changed “all water systems” to singular “the supplier”; added the definite article before “lead tap . . . results”; added the definite article before “persons served”; changed “sites (taps) . . . that are tested” to singular “each site (tap) . . . that is tested”
611.351(b)(3)(C) 141.81(b)(3)(iii) Added a comma before “as described” to offset a parenthetical; added “any” before “long-term change”; changed “it” to “the addition or long-term change”
611.353(a)(1) 141.83(a)(1) Changed “the lead or copper action level was exceeded” to active-voice “the supplier exceeded the pertinent action level”; retained the ending period
611.354(b)(1) 141.84(b)(1) Added the topical statement; retained the structure divided into subsections
611.354(b)(1)(D) 141.84(b)(1) Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; retained the active-voice “the supplier exceeded the action level” in place of “the action level was exceeded”; added “pursuant to” before “subsection (a) of this Section”
611.354(b)(1)(E) 141.84(b)(1) Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection
611.354(b)(1)(E) 141.84(b)(1) Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
611.354(b)(2) 141.84(b)(2) Added the topical statement; subdivided the provision into subsections
611.354(b)(2)(A) 141.84(b)(2) Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “any water system” to “a supplier”; added “that is” before “resuming”; changed the first appearance of “a lead service line replacement program” to “program”; removed the definite article from before “cessation”; added a comma before “as allowed” to offset the parenthetical; changed “by” to “pursuant to”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “sites that were previously determined not to require” to active-voice “sites that it had previously determined did not require”; changed “through the sampling provision under” to “pursuant to the sampling provision of”
611.354(b)(2)(B) 141.84(b)(2) Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed numeric “7 percent” to written “seven percent”; changed “so” to “so that”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”
611.354(b)(2)(B) 141.84(b)(2) Subdivided the sentence into a separate subsection; changed “for those systems that have completed” to singular “for a supplier that has completed”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset by commas; added “completed” before “replacement program”; changed “when the system re-exceeds” to “whenever the supplier has re-exceeded” and added a comma to offset it as a parenthetical
611.355 preamble 141.85 preamble Moved the first sentence, which directs attention to subsection (d), to the end of the paragraph to place it in order; changed “water systems that exceed” to singular “a supplier that exceeds”; changed “all water systems that exceed” to singular “a supplier that exceeds”; changed “persons served” to “persons who are served”; changed “water system” to “supplier”; changed “at sites that are tested” to “at each site that the supplier has tested”
611.355(a)(1) 141.85(a)(1) Changed “Non-transient” to lower-case “non-transient”; changed “water systems” to singular “a CWS or NTNCWS supplier”; changed “language in . . . must be included” to active-voice “the supplier must include the language set forth in . . .”; changed “water system” to “supplier” (twice); added “set forth” before “below”; changed “and be in plain language” to “and the supplier must present the additional information in plain language”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “as required by . . . this Section” as a parenthetical offset by a comma
611.355(a)(1)(A) 141.85(a)(1)(i) Changed “water system” to “supplier”
611.355(a)(1)(A) Board note 141.85(a)(1)(i) Added the explanation of mandatory use of the literal text of the statement, except for the bracketed material
611.355(a)(1)(B) Board note 141.85(a)(1)(ii) Added the explanation of mandatory use of the literal text of the statement, except for the bracketed material
611.355(a)(1)(C)(ii) 141.85(a)(1)(iii)(B) Changed “home/building” to “home and building”
611.355(a)(1)(C) Board note 141.85(a)(1)(iii) Added the explanation of use of text of the statement that includes the required information, except for the bracketed material
611.355(a)(1)(D) 141.85(a)(1)(iv) Changed “their” to “his or her”
611.355(a)(1)(D) Board note 141.85(a)(1)(iv) Added the explanation of use of text of the statement that includes the required information, except for the bracketed material
611.355(a)(1)(E) 141.85(a)(1)(v) Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “home/building” to “home and building”
611.355(a)(1)(E) Board note 141.85(a)(1)(v) Added the explanation of use of text of the statement that includes the required information, except for the bracketed material
611.355(a)(1)(F) 141.85(a)(1)(vi) Changed “your” to “the supplier’s” (twice); changed “EPA’s” to “USEPA’s”
611.355(a)(1)(F) Board note 141.85(a)(1)(vi) Added the explanation of mandatory use of the literal text of the statement, except for the bracketed material
611.355(a)(2) 141.85(a)(2) Changed “community water systems” to “a CWS supplier”; added “do both of the following”
611.355(a)(2)(A) 141.85(a)(2)(i) Added “it must”; changed the ending period to a semicolon and the ending conjunction “and”
611.355(a)(2)(B) 141.85(a)(2)(ii) Added “it must”; changed “low lead” to hyphenated “low-lead”; changed “lead free” to hyphenated “lead-free”; added “components”
611.355(a)(3) 141.85(a)(1) Added the topical statement to add the material that replaces the last two sentences of subsection (a)(1)
611.355(a)(3)(A) 141.84(a)(1) Moved the last sentence of subsection (a)(1); changed “water systems” to singular “the supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “prior to delivery” to “for review at least 60 days prior to its planned date for delivery of the materials to the public”
611.355(a)(3)(B) 141.85(a)(1) Added provision for Agency approval by a SEP
611.355(a)(3)(C) 141.85(a)(1) Added provision for immediate distribution upon Agency approval
611.355(a)(3)(D) 141.85(a)(1) Added provision for Agency disapproval and identification of deficiencies by a SEP
611.355(a)(3)(E) 141.85(a)(1) Added provision for Agency issuance of SEP within 30 days, allowing extension of time by prior agreement
611.355(a)(3)(E) Board note 141.85(a)(1) Added explanation of the provision for a revised SEP
611.355(a)(3)(F) 141.85(a)(1) Added provision for the supplier to proceed to publication if the Agency does not issue a SEP within 45 days
611.355(a)(3)(G) 141.85(a)(1) Added provision allowing the supplier to proceed to publication if it incorporates all Agency-indicated revisions
611.355(a)(3) Board note 141.85(a)(1) Added explanation of the Agency review procedure
611.355(b)(1) 141.85(b)(1) Changed “for public water systems serving” to singular “a supplier that serves”; changed “or contain” to “or it must contain” preceded by a comma to create an independent clause; changed “persons” to singular “a person”; changed “water system” to “the supplier”
611.355(b)(2) 141.85(b)(2) Changed “for public water systems serving” to singular “a supplier that serves”; changed “or contain” to “or it must contain” preceded by a comma to create an independent clause; changed “persons” to singular “a person”; changed “water system” to “the supplier”
611.355(b)(2)(A) 141.85(b)(2)(i) Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “materials meeting the content requirements” to “materials that meet the content requirements”; changed “all bill paying customers” to hyphenated “all of its bill-paying customers”
611.355(b)(2)(B) 141.85(b)(2)(ii) Added the topical statement
611.355(b)(2)(B)(i) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(A) Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “they” to “the agencies”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “all the organization’s” to plural “all of the agencies’”; changed “community water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “water system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “community based” to hyphenated “community-based”; changed “serving target populations” to “serving the target populations”; changed “systems” to singular “the supplier”; changed “all organizations” to “each of the organizations”
611.355(b)(2)(B)(ii) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “to the following organizations listed” to “to the organizations listed”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s” (twice); changed the ending colon to a period; moved the subsequent paragraphs to subsection (b)(2)(H)
611.355(b)(2)(B)(ii) Board note 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) Added explanation of the movement of text to subsection (b)(2)(H)
611.355(b)(2)(B)(iii) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C) Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “to the following organizations within the service area” to “to the organizations listed . . . that are located within the service area”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed the ending colon to a period; moved the subsequent paragraphs to subsection (b)(2)(I)
611.355(b)(2)(C) 141.85(b)(2)(iii) Added “the CWS supplier must”; added a comma before “except for” to offset the parenthetical; changed “water system” to “supplier”
611.355(b)(2)(C) required statement 141.85(b)(2)(iii) required statement Changed “water system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “State” to “Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Public Water Supply”; changed “State” to “Agency”
611.355(b)(2)(D) 141.85(b)(2)(iv) Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “water system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “system” to “CWS supplier”
611.355(b)(2)(E) 141.85(b)(2)(v) Added “the CWS supplier must”; added a comma after “television” to offset the final element of a series
611.355(b)(2)(F) 141.85(b)(2)(vi) Added “the CWS supplier must”; changed “onw or more categories” to “one or more of the categories”
611.355(b)(2)(G) 141.85(b)(2)(vii) Changed “systems that are” to singular “a CWS supplier that is”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by commas
611.355(b)(2)(H) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) Added the subsection to move material
611.355(b)(2)(H)(i) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(1) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(H)(ii) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(2) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(H)(iii) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(3) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(H)(iv) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(4) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(H)(v) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(5) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(H)(vi) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B)(6) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(H) Board note 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) Added explanation of the movement of material
611.355(b)(2)(I) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C) Added the subsection to move material
611.355(b)(2)(I)(i) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C)(1) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material; added the ending period
611.355(b)(2)(I)(ii) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C)(2) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(I)(iii) 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(C)(3) Added the subsection to accommodate moved material
611.355(b)(2)(I) Board note 141.85(b)(2)(ii)(B) Added explanation of the movement of material
611.355(b)(3) 141.85(b)(3) Changed “community water system” to “CWS supplier”; changed “pursuant to” to “described in”
611.355(b)(3)(A) 141.85(b)(3)(i) Changed “community water system shall” to “CWS supplier must”
611.355(b)(3)(B) 141.85(b)(3)(ii) Changed “community water system shall” to “CWS supplier must”
611.355(b)(3)(C) 141.85(b)(3)(iii) Changed “community water system” to “CWS supplier”
611.355(b)(3)(D) 141.85(b)(3)(iv) Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by as SEP . . . Section 611.110”; changed “the State can allow activities in . . . to extend beyond the 60-day requirement if needed for implementation purposes” to “the Agency must, on a case-by-case basis, by a SEP . . . Section 611,110, extend the time for the supplier to complete the public education tasks set forth in . . . beyond the 60-day limit if it determines that the extended time is needed for implementation purposes on a case-by-case basis”; changed “this extension must be approved in writing by the State in advance of” to active-voice “the Agency must issue the SEP granting any extension prior to expiration of”
611.355(b)(4) 141.85(b)(4) Retained active-voice “supplier exceeds the lead action level” in place of “exceedance occurred”
611.355(b)(4)(C) 141.85(b)(4)(iii) Changed “systems that are required” to “a NTNCWS supplier that is”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by commas
611.355(b)(5) 141.85(b)(5) Changed “the State can allow activities in . . . to extend beyond the 60-day requirement if needed for implementation purposes on a case-by-case basis” to “the Agency must, on a case-by-case basis, by a SEP . . . Section 611,110, extend the time for the supplier to complete the public education tasks set forth in . . . beyond the 60-day limit if it determines that the extended time is needed for implementation purposes”; changed “this extension must be approved in writing by the State in advance of” to active-voice “the Agency must issue the SEP granting any extension prior to expiration of”
611.355(b)(8) 141.85(b)(8) Changed “community water system serving” to “CWS supplier that serves”; changed “their” to singular “its”
611.355(b)(8)(A) 141.85(b)(8)(i) Changed “system serving” to “supplier that serves”
611.355(b)(8)(B) 141.85(b)(8)(ii) Changed “system serving” to “supplier that serves”; changed “served by the system” to “that it serves”; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause
611.355(b)(8)(C) 141.85(b)(8)(iii) Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by commas; changed “systems serving” to singular “supplier that serves”; added a comma before “as long as” to offset the parenthetical; changed “system” to “the supplier”; changed “served by the supplier” to “that it serves”
611.355(d) 141.85(d) Changed “notification of results” to “requirement for consumer notice of tap water monitoring results”
611.355(d)(1) 141.85(d)(1) Changed “reporting requirement” to “consumer notice requirement”; changed “all water systems” to singular “a supplier”
611.355(d)(2) 141.85(d)(2) Changed “timing of notifiaction” to “timing of consumer notice”; changed “a water system” to “the supplier”; changed “the system” to “it”
611.355(d)(3) 141.85(d)(3) Added “of consumer notice” after “content”; added a comma after “reduce exposure to lead in drinking water” to offset the final element of a series
611.355(d)(4) 141.85(d)(4) Added “of consumer notice” after “delivery”; changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset as a parenthetical by a comma; changed “non-transient noncommunity water system” to “NTNCWS supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier”
611.356(c)(2) 141.86(c)(2) Changed “a public water system that has” to “a supplier whose system has”; removed the unnecessary comma “water taps, that can be used” that separated the restrictive relative clause; changed “meeting the sample site criteria” to “and which can meet the sampling site criteria”; changed “sample sites” to “sampling site”; changed “must collect at least one sample from each tap and then must collect additional samples from those taps on different days during the monitoring period to meet the required number of sites” to “must collect multiple samples from individual taps. To accomplish this, the supplier must collect at least one sample from each tap, then it must collect additional samples from those same taps on different days during the monitoring period, in order to collect a total number of samples that meets the required number of sampling sites”; changed “the State may allow these public water systems” to singular “the Agency must, by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110, allow a supplier”; added “whose system has fewer than five drinking water taps” before “to collect”; changed “less than” to “fewer than”; changed “provided that” to “if it determines that”; added “and that the reduced number of samples will produce the same results as would the collection of multiple samples from some taps”; changed “the State must approve this” to “Agency approval of a”; changed “in writing” to “must be”; changed “the system or onsite” to “the supplier or on on-site”; changed “State” to “Agency”
611.356(d)(4)(A) 141.86(d)(4)(i) Changed “a small or medium system collecting” to “a small- or medium-sized system supplier that collects”; changed the comma to the conjunction “and” and changed “that” to “which” that separated a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “the frequency” to “its frequency”; changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”
611.356(d)(4)(B)(i) 141.86(d)(4)(ii) Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; added “which” before “maintains” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”
611.356(d)(4)(C)(i) 141.86(d)(4)(iii) Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”
611.356(d)(4)(C)(ii) 141.86(d)(4)(iii) Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “shall” to “must”
611.356(d)(4)(D)(i) 141.86(d)(4)(iv)(A) Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”
611.356(d)(4)(F)(ii) 141.86(d)(4)(vi)(A) Changed “shall” to “must”
611.356(d)(4)(G) 141.86(d)(4)(vii) Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “water system” to “supplier”
611.356(d)(4)(B)(i) 141.86(d)(4)(ii)(A)(1) Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”
611.356(d)(4)(G) 141.86(d)(4)(vii) Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “water system” to “supplier”
611.356(d)(4)(H)(i) 141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B)(1) Changed “shall” to “must”
611.356(g)(4)(A) 141.86(g)(4)(i) Changed “shall” to “must”
611.356(g)(4)(A) 141.86(g)(4)(iii) Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “water system” to “supplier”
611.357(e)(2)(A)(i) 141.87(e)(2)(i)(A) Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”
611.357(e)(2)(A)(ii) 141.87(e)(2)(i)(B) Changed “sampling shall begin” to “reduced sampling may only begin”
611.357(e)(2)(B)(iv) 141.87(e)(2)(ii) Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “shall” to “must”
611.358(b) 141.88(b) Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
611.358(d)(1)(A)(iii) 141.88(d)(1)(i) Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “shall” to “must”
611.358(e)(1) 141.88(e)(1) Added a comma before “provided that” to offset the parenthetical; added a comma before “only if” to offset a second parenthetical; added “only” before “if”
611.358(e)(2) 141.88(e)(2) Added a comma before “provided that” to offset the parenthetical; added a comma before “only if” to offset a second parenthetical; added “only” before “if”
611.360(a)(1) 141.90(a)(1) Changed “monitoring periods” to singular “a monitoring period”; added “on which” after “date”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset the parenthetical
611.360(a)(3) 141.90(a)(3) Changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . Section 611.110” offset by commas
611.360(e)(1)(B) 141.90(e)(1)(ii) Retained the structure subdivided into subsections; changed “system” to “supplier”
611.360(e)(3) 141.90(e)(3) Changed numeric “3” to written “three”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”
611.381(c)(2) 141.74(a)(2) Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; added the method type “test strips” as a topical heading
611.381(c)(2)(A) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.131(c)(2) Changed “Method D99-003” to “ITS Method D99-003”
611.381(c)(2)(A) Board note Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.131(c)(2) Added explanation of the USEPA approval as an alternative method
611.381(c)(2)(B) 141.131(c)(2) Moved the federally derived text of subsection (c)(2) to accommodate addition of the alternative method from appendix A to subpart C as subsection (c)(2)(A)
611.526(c)(1) 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221
611.526(c)(2) 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222
611.526(c)(3) 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221
611.526(c)(4) 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9223
611.526(c) Board note 141.21(f)(3) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.21(f)(3) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221, Method 9222, and Method 9223, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.531(a)(2) 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods
611.531(a)(2)(A)(i) 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221
611.531(a)(2)(A)(ii) 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222
611.531(a)(2)(A)(iii) 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9223
611.531(a)(2)(B)(i) 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9221
611.531(a)(2)(B)(i) Board note 141.74(a)(1) table, note 8 Changed numeric “7” to written “seven”
611.531(a)(2)(B)(ii) 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222
611.531(a)(2)(C)(i) 141.74(a)(1) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9215
611.531(a)(2)(D) Board note 141.74(a)(1) table, note 13 Added the federal footnote material as a Board note
611.531(a)(2)(D)(i) 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2130
611.531(a)(2)(E) 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2550
611.531(a)(2) Board note 141.21(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2130, Method 9215, Method 9221, Method 9222, and Method 9223, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.531(b)(1) 141.74(a)(2) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(12) Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods
611.531(b)(1)(A)(i) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(1)(B) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(1)(C) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(1)(D) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(2)(A)(i) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(2)(B) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(2)(C) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(2)(D) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(2)(E) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl
611.531(b)(3)(A) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-ClO2
611.531(b)(3)(C) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Renamed “327.0, Revision 1.1” to “USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 327.0”
611.531(b)(4) 141.74(a)(2) table, note 1, and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-O3
611.531(b) Board note 141.21(a)(2) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(2) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl, Method 4500-ClO2, and Method 4500-O3, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a) 141.74(a)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.74(a)(1) Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods
611.611(a) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 4 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120 and Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(1)(A)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D1067-92, 02 B” to “D1067-92 B or D1067-02 B”
611.611(a)(1)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 4 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2320
611.611(a)(2)(B) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D3697-92, 02” to “D3697-92 or D3697-03”
611.611(a)(2)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 4 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(2)(E) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(2)(E) Board note Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(3) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(3)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(3)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(2)(D)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D2972-97, 03 C” to “D2972-97 or D2972-03 C”
611.611(a)(3)(D)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(3)(D)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(3)(E)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D2972-97, 03 B” to “D2972-97 or D2972-03 B”
611.611(a)(3)(E)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114
611.611(a)(3)(E)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(3)(F) Board note Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(3)(F) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(5)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(5)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(5)(C) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(a)(5)(C) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(5)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(5)(D) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(5)(E) Board note Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(5)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(6)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(6)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(6)(D)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D3645-97, 03 B” to “D3645-97 or D3645-03 B”
611.611(a)(6)(D)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(6)(D)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(6)(E) Board note Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(6)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(7)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(7)(D) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(7)(E) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(7)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(8)(A)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D511-93, 03 C” to “D511-93 or D511-03 C”
611.611(a)(8)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Ca
611.611(a)(8)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Ca, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(8)(B)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D511-93, 03 C” to “D511-93 or D511-03 C”
611.611(a)(8)(B)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(a)(8)(B)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(8)(C)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(8)(C)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(8)(E) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(8)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(9)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(9)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(9)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(9)(D) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(9)(E) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(9)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(10)(A)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D1688-95, 02 C” to “D1688-95 or D1688-02 C”
611.611(a)(10)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(10)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(10)(B)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D1688-95, 02 C” to “D1688-95 or D1688-02 C”
611.611(a)(10)(B)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(a)(10)(B)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(10)(C)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(10)(C)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(10)(F) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(10)(F) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(11)(A) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D1125-95 (Reapproved 1999)” to “D1125-95(1999)”
611.611(a)(11)(B) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2510
611.611(a)(11)(B) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2510, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(12)(A)(i) Board note appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(12)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-
611.611(a)(12)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(12)(B)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-
611.611(a)(12)(B)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(12)(C) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “spectro-photometric semiautomated” to “spectrophotometric, semiautomated”
611.611(a)(12)(D)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-
611.611(a)(12)(D)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-CN-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(12)(F) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “micro distillation” to “microdistillation”
611.611(a)(12)(G)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “ASTM D6888-04” to “ASTM Method D6888-03”
611.611(a)(12)(G)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “OIA-1677 DW” to “OI Analytical Method OIA-1677 DW”
611.611(a)(13)(A)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1”
611.611(a)(13)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D4237-97, 03” to “D4237-97 or D4237-03”
611.611(a)(13)(A)(iii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110
611.611(a)(13)(A)(iii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(13)(B) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-
611.611(a)(13)(B) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(13)(C)(i) appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D1179-93, 04” to “D1179-93 or D1179-04”
611.611(a)(13)(C)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-
611.611(a)(13)(C)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(13)(E)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-
611.611(a)(13)(E)(i) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-F-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(13)(F) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)”
611.611(a)(13)(F) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA
611.611(a)(14)(A)(i) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D3559-96, 03” to “D3559-96 or D1179-03”
611.611(a)(14)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(14)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(14)(E) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(14)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(15)(A)(i) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D511-93, 03” to “D511-93 or D511-03”
611.611(a)(15)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(a)(15)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(15)(B)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(15)(B)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(15)(C)(i) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D511-93, 03” to “D511-93 or D511-03”
611.611(a)(15)(C)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Mg
611.611(a)(15)(C)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3500-Mg, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(15)(B)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(15)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “ASTM D6919-03” to “ASTM Method D6919-03”
611.611(a)(15)(E) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(15)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(16)(A)(ii) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D3223-97, 02” to “D3223-97 or D3223-02”
611.611(a)(16)(A)(iii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3112
611.611(a)(16)(A)(iii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3112, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(17)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(17)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(17)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(a)(17)(D) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(17)(E) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(17)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(17)(F) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(17)(F) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table, note 14 and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(18)(A)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1”
611.611(a)(18)(A)(ii) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D4327-97, 03” to “D4327-97 or D4327-03”
611.611(a)(18)(A)(iii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110
611.611(a)(18)(A)(iii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(18)(B)(iii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-
611.611(a)(18)(B)(iii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(18)(C)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-
611.611(a)(18)(C)(i) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(18)(D)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-
611.611(a)(18)(D)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(18)(E) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)”
611.611(a)(18)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA
611.611(a)(19)(A)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1”
611.611(a)(19)(A)(ii) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D4327-97, 03” to “D4327-97 or D4327-03”
611.611(a)(19)(A)(iii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110
611.611(a)(19)(A)(iii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(19)(B)(iii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-
611.611(a)(19)(B)(iii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(19)(C)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-
611.611(a)(19)(C)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO3-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(19)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO2-
611.611(a)(19)(D) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-NO2-, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(19)(E) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)”
611.611(a)(19)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA
611.611(a)(20)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P
611.611(a)(20)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(20)(B)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P
611.611(a)(20)(B)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-P, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(20)(F)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “300.0, 300.1” to “Method 300.1 or Method 300.1”
611.611(a)(20)(F)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D4327-97, 03” to “D4327-97 or D4327-03”
611.611(a)(20)(F)(iii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110
611.611(a)(20)(F)(iii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(20)(G) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “Method D6508, Rev. 2” for Waters Corp. to “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2 (rev. 2)”
611.611(a)(20)(G) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table Added explanation of the change from a Method that the Board could not locate from Waters Corp. to an ASTM Method that is identical to the method as obtained from USEPA
611.611(a)(21)(B) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D1293-95, 99” to “D1293-95 or D1293-99”
611.611(a)(21)(C) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-H+
611.611(a)(21)(C) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-H+, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(22)(A)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D3859-98, 03” to “D3859-98 or D3859-03”
611.611(a)(22)(A)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114
611.611(a)(22)(A)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3114, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(22)(D)(i) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “D3859-98, 03” to “D3859-98 or D3859-03”
611.611(a)(22)(D)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(a)(22)(D)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(22)(E) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(22)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(23)(C) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “D859-94, 00” to “ASTM D859-94, D859-00”
611.611(a)(23)(C) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(23)(D) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2
611.611(a)(23)(D) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(23)(E) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2
611.611(a)(23)(E) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(23)(F) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2
611.611(a)(23)(F) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-SiO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(23)(G)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(a)(23)(G)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(23)(H) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(23)(H) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(24)(B)(ii) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(a)(24)(B)(ii) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.611(a)(24)(C) 141.23(k)(1) table Changed “ASTM D6919-03” to “ASTM Method D6919-03”
611.611(a)(24)(D) Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(a)(24)(D) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.611(a)(25) 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2550
611.611(a)(25) Board note 141.23(k)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.23(k)(1) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 2550, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.612(f)(2)(A)(i) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.612(f)(2)(A)(ii) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.612(f)(2)(A)(iii) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.612(f)(2)(A) Board note 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, 3113, and 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.612(f)(2)(C) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.611(f)(2)(C) Board note 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.612(f)(3)(A)(i) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(f)(3)(A)(ii) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3113
611.611(f)(3)(A)(iii) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(f)(3)(A) Board note 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111, 3113, and 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.612(f)(3)(C) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.612(f)(3)(C) Board note 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.612(f)(4)(A)(i) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111
611.611(f)(4)(A)(ii) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3120
611.611(f)(4)(A) Board note 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 3111 and 3120, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.612(f)(4)(C) 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Changed “EPA Method 200.5” to “USEPA Methods: Method 200.5”
611.612(f)(4)(C) Board note 143.4(b) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 143.4(b) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.645 “2,4-D” 141.24(e)(1) table Changed “, 98” to “or D5317-98”
611.645 “2,4,5-TP (Silvex)” 141.24(e)(1) table Changed “, 98” to “or D5317-98”
611.645 “pentachloro­phenol” 141.24(e)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.24(e)(1) Changed “D5317-93, 98 (Reapproved 2003) to “D5317-93 or D5317-98(2003)”
611.645 “picloram” 141.24(e)(1) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.24(e)(1) Changed “D5317-93, 98 (Reapproved 2003) to “D5317-93 or D5317-98(2003)”
611.645 note 1 141.24(e)(1) table, note 5 Changed “this method” to “denotes that Syngenta Method AG-625”; changed “Method AG-625” to “Syngenta Method AG-625” (twice); changed “mg/L” to “mg/ℓ”; changed “µg/L” to “µg/ℓ”
611.720(a)(1)(A)(ii) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.720(a)(2)(A) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7110
611.720(a)(2)(A) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7110, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.720(a)(3)(C)(iii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra
611.720(a)(3)(C)(iv) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra
611.720(a)(3)(C) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.720(a)(3)(J) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Changed “GA” to “Georgia Radium Method”
611.720(a)(4)(A) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra
611.720(a)(4)(A) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Ra, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.720(a)(3)(I) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Changed “GA” to “Georgia Radium Method”
611.720(a)(5)(A) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-U
611.720(a)(5)(A) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-U, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
711.720(a)(5)(C)(ii) 141.25(a) table Changed “D3972-97, 02” to “D3972-97 or D3972-02”
711.720(a)(5)(C)(iii) 141.25(a) table Changed “D5174-97, 02” to “D5174-97 or D5174-02”
711.720(a)(5)(C)(iv) Board note appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
711.720(a)(6)(A)(ii) 141.25(a) table Changed “D3649-91, 98a” to “D3649-91 or D3649-98a”
611.720(a)(5)(B)(i) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7120
611.720(a)(5)(B)(ii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Cs
611.720(a)(5)(B) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7100 and 7500-Cs, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
711.720(a)(7)(A)(i) 141.25(a) table Changed “D3649-91, 98a” to “D3649-91 or D3649-98a”
711.720(a)(7)(A)(ii) 141.25(a) table Changed “D4785-93, 98” to “D4785-93 or D4785-98”
611.720(a)(7)(B)(i) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7120
611.720(a)(7)(B)(ii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-I
611.720(a)(7)(B)(iii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-I
611.720(a)(7)(B) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Methods 7100 and 7500-I, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.720(a)(8)(A)(ii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Sr
611.720(a)(8)(A)(ii) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Sr, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
711.720(a)(9)(A) 141.25(a) table Changed “D4107-91, 98” to “D4107-91 or D4107-98”
611.720(a)(9)(A)(ii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-3H
611.720(a)(9)(A)(ii) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-3H, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
711.720(a)(10)(A)(i) 141.25(a) table Changed “D3649-91, 98a” to “D3649-91 or D3649-98a”
711.720(a)(10)(A)(ii) 141.25(a) table Changed “D4785-93, 98” to “D4785-93 or D4785-98”
611.720(a)(10)(B)(i) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7120
611.720(a)(10)(B)(ii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-Cs
611.720(a)(10)(B)(iii) 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 7500-I
611.720(a)(10)(B) Board note 141.25(a) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.75(a) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Methods 7120, 7500-Cs, and 7500-I, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.802(c)(2)(A)(vii) 141.402(c)(2) table Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; referenced Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222
611.802(c)(2)(A) Board note 141.402(c)(2) table and appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.402(c)(2) Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 9222, including explanation of USEPA approval as equivalent methods
611.802(c)(2)(B) Board note Appendix A to subpart C, table for 141.402(c)(2) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.884(d)(1) required statement 141.154(d)(1) Changed “utility” to “supplier”; changed numeric “2” to written “two”
611.884(d)(1) 141.154(d)(2) Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”
611.1004(b)(4) 141.704(b)(4) Retained the structure of the methods listings, placing the approved alternative methods together with the listing of all approved methods; added “incorporated by reference . . . Section 611.102”
611.1004(b)(4) Board note 141.704(b)(4) Added explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method


Board Housekeeping Amendments
Section Source Revision(s)
307.4000(b) Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
307.4000(d) Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
307.7500(b) Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
307.7500(d) Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 2.302” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 3.2” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 3.3” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 3.10” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 3.2000” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 25” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “appendix D to 40 CFR 122” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 136” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “40 CFR 403” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(b), “40 CFR 403.12” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(b), “appendix D to 40 CFR 403” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
310.107(b), “appendix G to 40 CFR 403” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(b), “40 CFR 503” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “18 USC 1001” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “33 USC 1251” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “33 USC 1284” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “33 USC 1284” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “33 USC 1292” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “33 USC 1318” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “33 USC 1319” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “33 USC 1345” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
310.107(c), “42 USC 6921-6939e and 6441-6949a” Board Updated the citation to the United States Code to the most recent edition, including removal of the obsolete Federal Register citation
611.102(a) “Georgia Radium Method” Board Added a standardized definition of the new method to act as a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “ITS Method D99-003” Board Added a standardized definition of the new method to act as a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “OI Analytical Method OIA-1677” Board Added a standardized definition of the new method to act as a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “Standard Methods Online” Board Added a standardized definition of the new method to act as a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods” Board Added a standardized definition of the document to act as a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA Method 1622 (05)” Board Removed the standardized definition establishing a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA Method 1622 (01)” Board Removed the standardized definition establishing a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA Method 1622 (99)” Board Removed the standardized definition establishing a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA Method 1623 (05)” Board Removed the standardized definition establishing a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA Method 1623 (01)” Board Removed the standardized definition establishing a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA Method 1623 (99)” Board Removed the standardized definition establishing a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA NERL Method 200.5” Board Added a standardized definition of the document to act as a short title in the regulations
611.102(a) “USEPA OGWDW Methods” Board Added the references to the 1999, 2001, and 2005 versions of Method 1622 and Method 1623
611.102(a) “USEPA Organic Methods” Board Removed the references to Method 515.4 and Method 531.2, which are “USEPA OGWDW Methods”; removed “are both available on-line from USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water”
611.102(b) “ALPKEM” Board Added the source and reference for the new method, “Method OIA-1677 DW”
611.102(b) “ALPKEM” Board note Board Added the information relating to on-line availability of the method from USEPA
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 20th ed.,” “Method 3120 B” Board Changed “Section 611.612” to “Sections 611.611 and 611.612”
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 20th ed.,” “Method 7120” Board Changed “7120 B” to “7120”; removed the title of Method 7120 B, “Gamma Spectrometric Method”
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 20th ed.,” “Method 7500-Ra D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 2130 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 2320 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 2510 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 2550” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3111 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3111 D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3112 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3113 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3114 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3120 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3500-Ca B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3500-Ca D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 3500-Mg B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4110 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-ClO2 C” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-CN- E” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-CN- F” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-CN- F” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-F- B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-F- C” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-F- D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-F- E” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-H+ B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-NO2- B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-NO3- D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-NO3- E” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-NO3- F” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-O3 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-P E” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-P F” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-SiO2 C” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-SiO2 D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 4500-SiO2 E” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 6610” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7110 B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7110 C” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7120” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-Cs B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-3H B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-I B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-I C” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-I D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-Ra B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-Ra C” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-Ra D” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-Sr B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-U B” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.,” “Method 7500-U C” Board Added the reference to the method
611.102(b) “AWWA,” “Standard Methods, 21st ed.” Board note Board Changed “Standard Methods is” to “individual methods from Standard Methods are”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D511-03A and B” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D859-94” Board Updated “D859-88” to “D859-94” and “August 19, 1988” to “1994”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D859-00” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D859-05” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1067-02 B” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1125-95” Board Updated “D1125-91 A” to “DD1125-95 A” and “June 15, 1991” to “1995, reapproved 1999”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1179-99 B” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1179-04 B” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1253-03” Board Changed “Section 611.612” to “Sections 611.611 and 611.612”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1293-95 A or B” Board Updated “D1293-95” to “D1293-95 A or B” and “October 26, 1984” to “1995”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1293-99 A or B” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1688-95 A or C” Board Updated “D1688-90 A or C” to “D1688-95 A or C” and “March 15, 1990” to “1995”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1688-02 A or C” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2036-91 A or B” Board Updated “D2036-91 A or B” to “D2036-98 A or B” and “September 15, 1991” to “1998”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2036-06 A or B” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2972-97 B or C” Board Updated “D2972-93 B or C” to “D2972-97 B or C” and “1993” to “1997”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2972-03 B or C” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3223-97” Board Updated “D3223-91” to “D3223-97” and “September 23, 1991” to “1997”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3223-02” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3559-03 D” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3645-97 B” Board Corrected “1993” to “1997”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3645-03 B” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3649-98a” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3697-02” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3859-98 A” Board Updated “D3859-93 A” to “D3859-98 A” and “1993” to “1998”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3859-03 A” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3972-02” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D4107-98” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D4327-97” Board Updated “D4327-91” to “D4327-97” and “October 15, 1991” to “1997”
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D4327-03” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D4785-00a” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D5174-02” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D5317-93” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D5317-98” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D5673-05” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D6508-00(2005)e2” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D6919-03” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ASTM,” “ASTM Method D6888-04” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “Bran & Luebbe,” “Industrial Method #129-71W” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.102(b) “Bran & Luebbe,” “Technicon Methods: Method #380-75WE” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.102(b) “Environmental Resources Center” Board Added the source for and reference to the new method
611.102(b) “ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory,” “HASL Procedure Manual” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.102(b) “Industrial Test Systems, Inc.” Board Added the source for and reference to the new method
611.102(b) “NTIS,” “Kaleda Automated . . . Cyanide” Board Corrected “And” to loser-case “and”
611.102(b) “NTIS,” “Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods” Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition’ added information relating to the on-line availability of the document
611.102(b) “Standard Methods Online” Board Added the on-line source for and reference to the new method
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 317.0” Board Changed “USEPA Method 317.0” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 317.0”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 326.0” Board Changed “USEPA Method 326.0” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 326.0”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 327. Board Changed “USEPA Method 327.0” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 327.0”; changed “Section 611.381” to “Sections 611.381 and 611.531”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 515.4” Board Changed “USEPA Method 515.4” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 515.4”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 531.2” Board Changed “USEPA Method 531.2” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 531.2”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 552.3” Board Changed “USEPA Method 552.3” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 552.3”; changed “Section 611.381” to “Sections 611.381 and 611.645”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 1622 (05)” Board Changed “USEPA Method 1622 (05)” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 1622 (05)”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 1622 (01)” Board Changed “USEPA Method 1622 (05)” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 1622 (05)”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 1622 (99)” Board Changed “USEPA Method 1622 (05)” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 1622 (05)”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 1623 (05)” Board Changed “USEPA Method 1622 (05)” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 1622 (05)”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 1623 (01)” Board Changed “USEPA Method 1622 (05)” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 1622 (05)”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “OGWDW,” “Method 1623 (99)” Board Changed “USEPA Method 1622 (05)” to USEPA OGWDW Methods, Method 1622 (05)”
611.102(b) “USEPA,” “ORD,” “NERL,” “USEPA Method 200.5” Board Added the reference to the new method
611.102(b) “Waters Corporation” Board Added “or 508-482-2131, fax: 508-482-3625”
611.102(c), “40 CFR 3.2” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.102(c), “40 CFR 3.3” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.102(c), “40 CFR 3.10” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.102(c), “40 CFR 3.2000” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.102(c), “40 CFR 136.3(a)” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition to include March 12, 2007 amendments
611.102(c), “appendix B to 40 CFR 136” Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.350(b) “maximum permissible concentration” Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.350(b) “method detection limit” Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.350(b) “90th percentile” Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.350(b) “practical quantitation limit” Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.350(b) “small system” Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.350 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.351(b)(3)(D) Board Removed the past effective date “as of July 12, 2001” and the offsetting comma
611.351(e)(2) Board Added “the appropriate of” before “the following timeframes”
611.351(e)(2)(A) Board Changed to capitalized “For”; changed the ending comma to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “or”
611.351(e)(2)(B) Board Changed to capitalized “For”
611.351 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.353 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.354(b)(1) Board Added “that is” before “required to commence”
611.354 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.355(a)(1) Board note Board Removed the obsolete Board note
611.355(b)(2) Board Changed “do each of the following” to “complete the public education tasks according to the following requirements”
611.355(b)(4) Board Changed “it” to “a NTNCWS supplier”; changed “a NTNCWS supplier” to “it”; changed “as follows” to “as in . . . Section, subject to the limitation set forth in . . . this Section”
611.355(b)(4)(A) Board Added “the NTNCWS supplier must”
611.355(b)(4)(B) Board Added “the NTNCWS supplier must”
611.355(b)(5) Board Changed “contained in” to “set forth in”
611.355 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.356(a)(1) Board Changed “sample site” to “sampling site”
611.356(a)(3)(A) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(3)(B) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(3)(C) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(3)(D) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(3)(E) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(A)(i) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(A)(ii) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(A)(iii) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(A)(iv) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(B)(i) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(B)(ii) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(B)(iii) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(A)(i) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(A)(ii) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(a)(4)(C) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(b)(5)(C) Board Changed “sample site” to “sampling site”
611.356(d)(4)(F)(ii) Board note Board Added explanation of the movement of text to subsection (d)(4)(H)
611.356(d)(4)(H) Board note Board Added “(d)(4)(H) and”; added “the last sentence of 40 CFR 141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B) and”; updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.356(g)(6)(B) Board Changed “sample site” to “sampling site”
611.356 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.357(d)(1) Board Changed “State” to “Agency”
611.357(e)(2)(B) Board Changed “the following” to “that it has fulfilled the conditions set forth in . . . this Section . . ., subject to the conditions of . . . this Section”
611.357 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.358 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.359(a)(2)(C) Board Removed the unnecessary date from the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations, which is incorporated by reference with a date in Section 611.102
611.359(a) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.359(b) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.359(c) Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.360(a)(2)(A) Board Changed “sample site” to “sampling site”
611.360(a)(2)(B) Board Changed “sample sites” to “sampling sites”
611.360(e)(2)(C) Board Corrected “611.354(b)” to “611.354(c)”
611.360 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.381(b)(1)(B)(i) Bard note Board Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 6251, including explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.381(b)(1)(D)(i) Board note Board Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-ClO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.381(c)(1) Board note Board Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 4500-Cl and Method 4500-ClO2, including explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.381(d)(3)(A) Board note Board Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 5310, including explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.381(d)(4)(A) Board note Board Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 5310, including explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.381(d)(4)(B) Board note Board Added explanation of reference to Standard Methods, 21st edition instead of Standard Methods Online for Method 5910, including explanation of USEPA approval as an equivalent method
611.381 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.526 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.531(b) Board Removed “from Standard Methods . . . 18th and 19th editions)”
611.531(b)(1)(A) Board Removed the colon and “Method 4500-Cl D”
611.531(b)(1)(A)(i) Board Added “Standard Methods, . . . Method 4500-Cl D”
611.531(b)(2)(A) Board Removed the colon and “Method 4500-Cl D”
611.531(b)(2)(A)(i) Board Added “Standard Methods, . . . Method 4500-Cl D”
611.531 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.600 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition (twice), including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.611(a) Board Removed the obsolete parenthetical sentences “This document also contains approved . . . until July 1, 1996. These methods are not available for use after July 1, 1996.” even though it still appears in the corresponding federal text
611.611(a)(3)(A) Board Corrected “D2460-90” to “D2460-97”
611.611(a)(8)(D) Board Corrected “ASTM D6919-03” to “ASTM Method D6919-03”
611.611(a)(15)(B)(ii) Board Added the entry for “3500-Mg B” from the 20th edition of Standard Methods
611.611(a)(15)(B)(iii) Board Moved the entry for “3500-Mg B” from the 20th edition of Standard Methods to subsection (a)(15)(B)(ii)
611.611(a)(21) Board Changed “pH” to “pH: Electrometric”
611.611(a)(21)(A) Board Moved “electrometric” to subsection (a)(21) and removed the old subsection; renumbered old subsection (a)(21)(A)(i) to subsection (a)(21)(A); added “USEPA Inorganic Methods, Method 150.2”
611.611(a)(21)(B) Board Moved “USEPA Inorganic Methods: Method 150.2” to renumbered subsection (a)(21)(A) and removed old subsection (a)(21)(B)
611.611(a)(23)(C) Board Corrected “D859-95” to “D859-94”
611.611 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.612(f)(2)(A)(i) Board Added citation to the 21st edition of Standard Methods based on March 12,
611.612 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition (twice), including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.645 preamble Board Added the formerly omitted sentence from 40 C.F.R. 141.24(e) relating to Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods, including incorporation of the USEPA guidance by reference
611.645 “2,4-D” Board Added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “515.4”
611.645 “2,4,5-TP (Silvex)” Board Added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “515.4”
611.645 “alachlor” Board Changed the asterisk to the numeric footnote designation “1
611.645 “atrazine” Board Changed the asterisk to the numeric footnote designation “1
611.645 “carbofuran” Board Added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “531.2”
611.645 “dalapon” Board Added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “515.4”; added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “552.3”
611.645 “dinoseb” Board Added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “515.4”
611.645 “dalapon” Board Added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “531.2”
611.645 “penta­chloro­phenol” Board Added “OGWDW Methods, Method” before “515.4”
611.645 “simazine” Board Changed the asterisk to the numeric footnote designation “1
611.645 note 1 Board Changed the asterisk to the numeric footnote designation “1
611.645 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.720(a)(3)(A)(i) Board Changed “D2460-90” to “D2460-97”
711.720(c)(1) Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
711.720(c)(2) Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition
611.720 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.802 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.884 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.1004(a) Board Added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1623”; added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1622”
611.1004 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments
611.1007(c)(1)(A) Board Added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1623”
611.1007(c)(1)(B) Board Added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1622”
611.1007(c)(1)(C) Board Added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1623”
611.1007(c)(1)(D) Board Added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1622”
611.1007(c)(1)(E) Board Added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1623”
611.1007(c)(1)(F) Board Added “OGWDW Methods,” before “Method 1622”
611.1007 Board note Board Updated the citation to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent edition, including a Federal Register citation for later amendments

I, John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board adopted the above opinion on August 7, 2008, by a vote of 4-0.

John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board

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