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Adm. Code Parts 301, 302, 303 and 304
(Rulemaking - Water)
My name is Ernest R. Blatchley III. I am a Professor of Civil (Environmental)
Engineering at Purdue University. My educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in
Civil Engineering from Purdue University; a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the
University of California, Berkeley; and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, also from the University of
California, Berkeley. I have more than 20 years of professional experience in the field of
environmental engineering. My technical expertise is in the area of physico/chemical processes
of environmental engineering, with particular emphasis on disinfection processes. I
any a
licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Indiana, and I am a Board Certified Environmental
Engineer (American
Academy of Environmental Engineers) in the area of Water
Supply/Wastewater Engineering. Awards I have received include the Harold Munson Teaching
Award, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University; the Roy E. and Myrna G. Wansik
Research Leadership Award, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University; and the William
Edgar Award for Pioneering; Research in Disinfection, Water Environment Federation.
The focus of research efforts within my group
has been on disinfection processes based
on ultraviolet (UV) radiation and chlorine. I have
published more than SO papers in refereed
j o urn als,
and more than 60 papers in proceedings of c onferences
that pertain to my research,
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

group has made fundamental contributions regarding the behavior of UV reactors, including the
development of basic photochemical reactor theory, as well as the development of numerical
models and diagnostic methods based on that theory. In the area of chlorine-based disinfection
processes, we have defined the kinetics and mechanisms of several important reactions involving
chlorine, as well as some relevant toxicological endpoints.
We have also developed analytical
methods that are relevant to chlorine-based disinfection processes.
My group has conducted research to address the specific implications of disinfection
processes, as applied to municipal wastewater. The focus of our work in this area has
the human health implications of wastewater disinfection.
My complete qualifications are provided in my curriculum vitae, which is provided as an
attachment to this testimony.
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has proposed a set of standards to
the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) that were developed with the objective of improving
water quality in the Chicago Area Waterways System (CAWS). Included in these proposed
standards is an effluent limitation of 400 efu/100 mL for fecal coliform bacteria. The rationale
for this effluent standard, as defined by IEPA, is that it will provide assurance that "active
disinfection" will be included as an element of wastewater treatment, and that the disinfection
systems function properly. The limit is also motivated by the increasing recreational value of the
CAWS, and by the fact that "Technology-based disinfection has been a long; standing
requirement applied to numerous wastewater facilities throughout the State, dating back to the
original 1970s Board regulations."
The purpose of my testimony is to provide evidence against the proposed effluent
limitation for fecal coliform bacteria, and the implied requirement of an active disinfection
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

system to meet such a standard. I contend that the imposition of this standard will yield minimal
benefit to water quality in the CAWS, and rninimal reduction in the risk of disease transmission.
At least three key issues dictate that the proposed effluent bacterial limit will not
substantially improve the microbiological quality in the CAWS, as well as the risk of disease
transmission associated with its use. Each of these issues will be described briefly below.
Additional information pertaining to these issues is presented in the attached documents,
Coliform Bacteria are Poor Indicators of Disinfection Efficacy
municipal wastewater can contain a wide range of microbial pathogens,
including many bacterial, viral, and protozoan species. For some common pathogens, analytical
methods for measurement of their concentration do not exist or are difficult to perform. The
large number of microbial species that can be found in municipal wastewater also complicates
quantification of potential microbial pathogens. Front a practical perspective, it is impossible to
measure the concentrations of all pathogens present in water. As an alternative, it is common to
measure the concentration of viable and/or infective "indicator organisms" in water. Indicator
organisms should be common in waters that contain fecal contributions, and they should be more
resistant to disinfectants than relevant microbial pathogens.
The effluent limitation proposed by IEPA is based on measurements of the concentration
of viable fecal coliform bacteria in the effluents of the District's wastewater treatment facilities.
Coliform bacteria are commonly used as indicator organisms in wastewater settings; however,
there is considerable evidence to indicate that the use of coliforms as an indicator organism
provides potentially misleading information regarding the performance of disinfection systems.
Although coliform bacteria are usually plentiful in untreated municipal wastewater, they
are easily inactivated by wastewater disinfectants such as chlorine, ozone, and ultraviolet (UV)
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

radiation, as compared with many microbial pathogens.
As a result, the conditions of
disinfection that are required to yield a low concentration of viable coliform bacteria will not
guarantee a low concentration of microbial pathogens.
A common impression arnong the lay public is that a wastewater effluent that has been
"disinfected" (i.e., is in compliance with an effluent discharge limitation for coliform bacteria) is
"safe", in terms of potential exposure to waterborne microbial pathogens. However, systems that
are in compliance with coliform limitations similar to those that have been proposed for the
District's facilities may still contain viable and/or infective microbial pathogens.
Proposed Coliform Limit will Call for Modest Conditions of Disinfectant Exposure
It is important to understand that disinfection does not imply sterilization.
disinfected wastewaters will contain viable and/or infective microorganisms, some of which may
be pathogenic.
By extension, this implies that the risk of disease transmission associated with
exposure to municipal wastewater will always be non-zero, regardless of the form of disinfection
Having said this, it is also clear that the extent to which the risk of disease transmission is
reduced is dependent on a number of factors, including the nature of the disinfectant and the
degree of disinfectant exposure delivered by the disinfection systern. In municipal wastewater
disinfection practices, the characteristics of the disinfection system will be determined by the
limitations of the discharge permit.
Disinfection systems used in
wastewater treatment applications range from no
disinfection at all, to conditions that accomplish extensive inactivation of nearly all microbial
pathogens. For purposes of this testimony, the term "conventional disinfection" will be used to
describe municipal wastewater disinfection systems that are designed to limit viable coliform
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

concentrations to several hundred cfu/100 mL, On the spectrum of disinfection systems used for
treatment of"
wastewater, these systems deliver modest disinfectant doses, and
accomplish modest microbial inactivation.
The proposed effluent limit of 400 cfu/100 ml:., for coliform bacteria is consistent with
this definltiOrl of "conventional disinfection".
As such, the conditions of disinfectant exposure
that will be required to reach compliance with the proposed effluent limitation will also be fairly
While it is clear that chlorine- or UV-based disinfection will accomplish an immediate
decrease in the concentration of viable bacteria, it appears that the long-teem effects of.
chlorination/dechlor-ination or UV irradiation may actually be detrimental to water quality, in
terms of bacterial composition
Recent research has demonstrated that "conventional disinfection" systems yield
localized, i.e, zone near effluent outfall, improvements in bacterial quality in receiving waters.
Perhaps more importantly, these sank conditions also lead to minimal improvements in viral
composition of the treated water; control of protozoan pathogens may also be quite minimal,
depending on the disinfectant used. Control of viruses is particularly important because previous
research has indicated that viruses represent the greatest threat to human health among microbes
present in municipal wastewater- effluents; protozoa may also represent a significant health risk
in some situations.
Because viable and/or infective microorganisms will remain in the water post-
and because the microbial community will adapt to the post-disinfection
environment, the population of microbes in disinfected water will change with time. Many
microbes have the ability to repair sub-lethal damage, and therefore can recover post-
disinfection. Repair and recovery will take place following any disinfection process.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

To put these facts in proper perspective, it is also useful to consider the range of
municipal wastewater disinfection practices that are applied in developed countries of the world.
For example, in most countries of western Europe, wastewater disinfection is practiced only at
facilities where effluent discharge is to a public swimming area, or where other opportunities for
direct human contact are likely (e.g., shellfish breeding grounds),
Despite the fact that effluent
disinfection is uncommon in Europe, the incidence of diseases associated with waterborne
pathogens among the residents of these countries does not appear to be substantially different
than in the U.S.
It is also useful to consider disinfection practices at the other end of' the spectrum of
available applications.
Specifically, in circumstances where wastewater effluent reuse is
practiced, such as in some areas of the U.S. southwest, conditions of'disinfectant exposure are far
more extensive than those that accompany conventional disinfection.
For example, the
conditions of disinfectant exposure that are mandated by
Title 22
of the California
Administrative Code are roughly 10 times greater than those that are applied in conventional
disinfection systems,
These requirements are met through the use of reactors that are
substantially larger than those that would be required for conventional disinfection, and with
substantially greater quantities of disinfectant than would otherwise be required.
In reuse applications, the effluent from the facility will represent the entire source of
water, and direct human contact with the treated water is likely to occur. The fact that the water
distributed to a reuse system is entirely comprised of effluent means that the disinfection system
must accomplish effective inactivation of microbial pathogens. It also means that the effluent is
likely to represent the only source of microbial pathogens in the reused water.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Inputs from Other Sources will Affect CAWS Microbial Quality
Water quality, as measured by microbial and chemical constituents, will be influenced by
inputs from point sources and non-point sources. Clearly, the release of treated wastewater from
the treatment facilities of the District can have an important influence on CAWS water quality.
By extension, wastewater treatment processes at District facilities will play an important role in
water duality.
However, it is also clear that water quality in the CAWS will be influenced by
inputs from other sources, including combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and non-point sources.
The system defined by the Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TART') has yielded substantial
improvements in water quality within the CAWS. It is likely that additional water quality
improvements will result from the completion of TARP. However, even when completed, this
will not accomplish complete capture of wastewater from CSOs; therefore, CSO events
continue to take place in the Greater Chicago Area.
Moreover, non-point source
contributions to the CAWS will be largely unaffected by TARP.
Therefore, irrespective of the effluent disinfection constraints that are imposed on the
District facilities, the potential for inputs of microbial pathogens from other sources will still
These inputs to the system will limit the extent to which risk of disease transmission
from microbial pathogens can be reduced in the CAWS.
A related point is that the development of disinfection processes for CSOs and non-point
sources represents a difficult engineering challenge.
CSO treatment systems have been
developed, including systems that incorporate disinfection.
To my knowledge, most of these
systems are based on application of chlorine or UV radiation.
Regardless of the disinfectant,
engineers who design these systems are faced with a difficult challenge, in that water quality
from these sources is generally poor as compared with the effluent from a municipal wastewater
treatment facility.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

For chlorine-based disinfection systems, the poor quality of water- from a CSO will
dictate that the chlorine residual will probably be in the form of chloramines (inorganic and
organic), which generally are less-effective than equivalent concentrations of free chlorine.
Also, the relatively high concentration of reduced compounds that are likely to be present in
water from a CSO system will translate to high chlorine demand in the water. Moreover,
wastewater containing chloramines often yields treated water with relatively high concentrations
of disinfection by-products, some of which represent important sources of toxicity in receiving
For UV-based disinfection systems, the relatively high concentration of particles and low
UV transmittance of water from a CSO will adversely affect their performance. Although UV-
based disinfection systerns for CSOs (and waters of similar quality) have been developed, their
performance will be limited by water quality. It is unlikely that disinfection processes applied to
CSOs or non-point source contributions will yield substantial reductions in the risk of disease
transmission associated with waterborne microbial pathogens.
The proposed effluent bacterial limit is intended to reduce the risk of disease transmission
associated with use of the CAWS, While the goal is well-intended, several technical issues will
limit the extent to which the risk of disease transmission may be mitigated. These issues include
the facts that:
Coliform bacteria are poor indicators of the effectiveness of disinfection systerns.
Relative to most microbial pathogens, coliform bacteria are sensitive to disinfectant
exposure, and as a result, conditions that accomplish effective inactivation of coliform
bacteria will not necessarily translate to effective control of microbial pathogens.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Disinfection systems used in wastewater reuse applications with potential of direct
human contact, have been demonstrated to accomplish reliable, effective control of
microbial pathogens; however, these systems call for roughly an order of magnitude
greater disinfectant exposure than would be required to comply with the proposed
effluent bacterial limitation for incidental (limited) human contact. The proposed effluent
limit of 400 cfu1100 ml- for coliforln bacteria is modest, as the conditions of disinfectant
exposure that will be required are unlikely to lead to effective control of microbial
pathogens, The response of the bacterial community to the post-disinfection environment
be influenced by bacterial repair, recovery, and re-growth; collectively, these
processes may yield diminished water quality relative to a situation in which disinfection
is not practiced.
A range of disinfection applications exists for municipal wastewater effluents in the
United States. However, in many other developed countries, wastewater disinfection is
not practiced, and it appears that the frequency of disease transmission associated with
water contact is not substantially different that in the U.S., where wastewater disinfection
is common.
Irrespective of any measures that are used to control microbial inputs to the CAWS from
municipal wastewater treatment facilities, inputs from other sources (e.g., CSOs and non-
point sources) will remain.
Moreover, it would be extremely difficult to implement
control measures that would effectively mitigate against transport of microbial pathogens
to the CAWS from these sources. These inputs will limit possible reductions in the risk
of exposure to waterborne microbial pathogens.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

these issues dictate that wastewater disinfection
as required
to comply with
the proposed effluent bacteria] limit, will yield little or no decrease in the risk of disease
transmission associated with use of
the CAWS,
Respectfully submitted,
Ernest R. Blatchley III
Purdue University
'ITestimmiy Attachments
Curriculum Vitae
Longer Report: Extended "Testimony of Ernest R. Blatchley III
Blatchley 111, E.R.; Gong, W.; Alleman, J.E.; Rose, J.B.; Huffman, D.E.; Otaki, M.;
Lisle, J.T. (2007) "Effects of Wastewater Disinfection on Waterborne Bacteria and
Water Environment Research,
Vol 79, No. 1, pgs. 81-92.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

nt 1
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Ernest R. Blatchley III, Ph,ll,, P.R., BCFE
School or civil
Purdue University
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Ph. 765-494-0316
University of California, Berkeley
Civil (Environmental) Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
Civil (Environmental) Engineering
Purdue University
Civil (Environmental) Engineering
Academic Appointments
AugLISt 1999 - Present:
Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
Croup, Purdue University. Teaching and research in physico/chemical
processes of environmental engineering.
July 1994 - August 1999:
Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering,
Environmental and
Hydraulic Engineering Area, Purdue University. Teaching and research
in physico/chemical processes of environmental engineering.
August 1995 - June 1996:
Visiting Scientist (Sabbatical Leave), CIRSEE, Lyonhaise des Faux, Le
11ecq, France.
Direction of research team investigating improvements
in the process theory and performance of ultraviolet disinfection
September 1988 - June 1994:
Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Environmental and
Engineering Area, PLlydue University.
'l'eaching and
research in physico/chemical processes of environmental engineering.
August 1986 - December 1986:
of Civil
Environmental, Coastal, and fydraulic Engineering Area, University of
Assisted in teaching a graduate class in
physico/chemical treatment processes for water and wastewater.
September 1983 - June 1988:
Graduate Student Research Assistant, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories.
to define the atmospheric chemical behavior of
organic emissions from oil shale development areas.
January 2003 - 2005:
Fellow, Northeast-Midwest Institute, Washington, DC. Participation in
a research team developing treatment methods and management
practices for ballast water on commercial ships, with a goal of
minimizing the potential for invasions of non-indigenous species.
September 1992 - 1996:
Concurrent Appointment as Research Engineer, Department of the
Army, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Research on
remediation process alternatives for contaminated military sites.
Summer 1992:
Summer Facility Research and Engineering Program, Department of the
Army, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Evaluated
solidification/ stabilization processes for remediation of contaminated
August 1981 - September 1982:
Environmental Engineer, Howard, Needles, "I'amrnen & Bergendoff,
Indianapolis, IN. Modeled the effects of combined sewer overflow
control and wastewater treatment alternatives on receiving streams.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Licenses, Registrations
and Certifications
Professional Engineer, State of Indiana, Registration No. PE60900120
Board Certified Environmental Engineer, BCEE, American Academy of Environmental Engineers
and Honors
EPA Training Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 1982 - 1983
Chi Epsilon, 1994 - present
Harold Munson Outstanding `Teacher Award, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 1997
Roy E. and Myrna G. Wansik Research Leadership Award, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University,
William Edgar Award for Pioneering Research in Disinfection, Water Environment Iederation, 2005
Diplomate Environmental Engineer (DEI.)
Board Certified Environmental Engineer,
M EE), American
Academy of Environmental Engineers, by Eminence in the Specialty of Water Supply and Wastewater,
Sigma Xi, 2007 - present
Aquatics International
2008 "Power 25" - Annual list of the 25 most influential aquatics professionals (see
Inventions and Patents
Apparatus for Improving UV Dosage Applied to Flu
ids in Opera
Channel UV Disinfection
Ernest R.
Blatchley 111, Kiang-Ping Chiu
E. Ronald Magee
James M. Kallio
Gdravka Do-Quang, Dennis A. Lyn,
U.S. Patent Number
663; issued 14 September 1999.
Dyed Microspheres for Quantification of Dose
Distributions in. Photochemical Reaclors,
Ernest R. Blatchley 1I1,
Donald E.
Bergstrom, J
Paul Robinson, Chengyue Shen
, Lin-Shin Lin, Shiyue
Fang, Kath
yn E. Ragheb,
Patent Pending.
Membership in Professional and Scholarly Societies
American Academy of Environmental Engineers, American Chemical Society, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Association of Environmental Engineering Professors, Indiana Water Pollution Control Association,
International Ultraviolet Association, International Water Association, Water Environment Federation
Published Work (fast 10 years)
Boole Chapters
Ilatchley III, l".R. and Thompson, J.E. (1998) "Groundwater Contaminants," Chapter 13 in
Groundri,alerEngirneerirrg Handbook,
(J.W. Delleur, ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 13-1 to 13-30.
Blatchley III, E.R. and Peel, M. (2001) "Disinfection by Ultraviolet Irradiation" Chaplcr 41 in
Sterilization, and Preservation, 51f' lieitioll,
S. Block (ed.), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia,
pp. 823-851.
Blatchley III, E.R. (2001) "Non-Ideal Reactor Behavior" Chapter 1.2.3 in
E'nviromnental 1.^ngineering
P)-oces.se.s Lobo rator7> Munuo/,
Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (S.E.
Powers, J.J. Bisogni, Jr., J.G. Burken, K. Pagilla, eds.).
Blatchley 111, E.R. (2001) "Process Behavior in Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems" Chapter 2.1.3 in
Isnvironmemal Engineering Processes Laboratory Monual,
Association of Environmental Engineering and
Science Professors Professors (S.E. Powers, J.J. Bisogni, Jr., J.G. Burken, K. Pagilla, eds.).
Blatchley III, E.R. and Hunt, N.K. (2002) "Ozone Disinfection of Drinking Water," Chapter 15 in
of Microbes in Water,
ASCE, Reston, VA.
Blatchley III, E.R. and Thompson, J.E. (2006) "Groundwater Contaminants," Chapter 17 in
13nghieering Handbook,
2"' Edition (J.W. Delleur, ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 17-1 to 17-30,
Articles in Refereed Archival Journals
Janex, M.-L., Savoye, P., Do-Quang, Z., Blatchley III, E. and Lance, J.-M. (1998) "Impact of Water Quality
and Reactor Hydrodynamics on Wastewater Disinfection by UV - Use of CI-D Modeling for Performance
Water Science and Technology,
38, 6, 71-78.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley III, E.R., Do-Quang, "L., Janex, M.-L,. and LaM6, L-M. (1998) "Process Modeling of [Ultraviolet
Water Science and Technology,
38, 6, 63-69.
Chiu, K., Lyn, D.A., Savoye, P. and Blatchley 111, L.R. (1999) "An Integrated UV Disinfection Model
Based on Particle Tracking,"
Journal of Envirorzrnenf al E`ngineerrng, ASCE,
125, 1, 7-16.
Lyn, D.A., Chiu, K. and Blatchley III, E.R. (1999) "Numerical Modelling of Flow and Disinfection in UV
Disinfection Channels,"
Jow-not of hnvironrneztal Engineering, ASCE,
125, 1, 17-26.
Thompson, J.E- and Blatchley III, ER. (1999) "Toxicity Effects of Gamma Irradiated Wastewater
Water Research,
33, 9, 2053-2058.
Cliiu, K.,
Lyn, D.A., Savoye, P. and I3latchley 111, E.R. (1999) "Effect of System Modifications on
Disinfection Performance: Pilot Scale Measurements and Model Predictions,"
Journal of Envirownentat
ASCE, 125, 5, 459-469.
Lin, L., Johnston, C.`I', and Blatchley 111, E.R. (1999a) "Inorganic Fouling at Quartr:Water Interfaces in
Ultraviolet Photoreactors 1: Chemical Characterization,"
Water Research,
33, 15, 3321-3329.
Lin, L., Johnston, C.T. and Blatchley 111, ER (1999b) "Inorganic Fouling at Quartz:Water Interfaces in
Ultraviolet Photoreactors 11: 'T'emporal and Spatial Distributions,"
Water Research,
33, 15, 3330-3335.
Lin, L., Johnston, C.T. and Blatchley 111, ER. (1999c) "Inorganic Fouling at Quartz:Waler Interfaces in
Ultraviolet Photoreactors III: Numerical Modelling,"
Water Research,
33, 15, 3339-3347.
Shang, C., and Blatchley III, E.R. (1999) "Differentiation and Quantification of Free Chlorine and
Inorganic Chloramines ill Aqueous Solution by MIMS,"
Environmental Science & Technology,
33, 13,
V., Savoye, P., Janex, M.L., I3latchley III, E,R, and Pommepuy, M. (1999) "Advanced
Wastewater Disinfection Technologies: State of the Art and Perspectives,"
Wcrter Science and Technology,
40, 4-5, 203-213.
Perez, J., Blatchley III,
E.R. and Kenmimaa, N. (1999) "Determination of 3,Y-
Dichloroben/iiine and Degradation Products in Environmental Samples with a Small Low-f=ield Fotir€er-
Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometer,"
Journal of the American Society of' Mass
10, 1152-1156.
Thompson, J.13. and Blatchley III, E.R. (2000) "Gamma Irradiation for Inactivation of C.
pcrnwnr, E. coli,
and Coliphage MS-2,"
Journal of Environmewal Engineering, ASCU,
126, 8, 761-768.
Shang, C.; Gong, W.L.; Blatchley III, E.R. (2000) "Breakpoint Chemistry and Volatile Byproduct
Formation Resulting from Chlorination of Model Organic-N Compounds,"
Environmemol Science &
Technology, 34, 9,
I3latchley 111, E.R., Dumoutier, N., Halaby, T.N., Levi, Y., Lain6, J.-M. (2001) "Bacterial Responses Eo
Ultraviolet Irradiation,"
Water Science and Technology,
43, 10, 179-186.
Lin, L,.S_, I3latchley III, E.R. (2001) "UV Dose Distribution Characterization Using Fractal Concepts for
Systen€ Performance Evaluation,"
Water Science and Technology,
43 (11), 181-188.
Shang, C., Blatchley 111, E ,R, (2001) "Chlorination of ]"tire Bacterial Cultures in Aqueous Solution,"
35, 1, 244-254,
Nyman, M.C., Haber, K.S., Kenttamaa, H.I. and I3latchley III, E.R. (2002) "Photodegradation of 3,3'-
Diehlorobenzidine in Water,"
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistiy,
21, 3, 500-506.
McCord, K.,
W.L„ I3latchley, E.R. (2003) "Transport behavior of 3,3 '
dichlo€'obenzidine in a freshwater estuary,"
Environmental Toxicology awl Chemistf y, 22,
1, 20-25,
Donnermair, M,M, and Blatchley III, E.R. (2003) "Disinfection Efficacy of Organic Chloramines,"
Research, 37,
Blatchley 111, L.R., Margetas, D., Duggirala, R. (2003) "Copper Catalysis in Chloroform Formation During
Water Chlorination,"
Water Research,
37, 4385-4394.
Fang, S., Guar, Y., Blatchley 111, 13.R., Lin, L., Shen, C., Bergstrom, D.E. (2003) "Development of' a
Nucleoside Analog UV Light Sensor,"
Nucleosides, Nu elotides & Nucleic Acids,
22, 703-705.
Gong, W.-L.; Sears, K.J.; Alleman, J.h.; Blatchley 111, E.R. (2004) "Toxicity of Model Aliphatic Amincs
and Their Chlorinated Forms,"
and Chem.isti-y,
23, 2, 239-244.
Nyman, M.C.; Harden, J.; Nies, L,F.; I3latchley 111, E.R. (2004) "Biodegradation of 3,3'-D€chlorobenridine
in Freshwater Lake Sediments,"
Journal oj'Eavironmeztal Engineering & Science,
3, 2, 89-95,
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

D.A.; Blatchley 111, L.R. (2005) "Numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Models of
Ultraviolet Disinfection Channels,"
Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE,
131, 6, 838-849.
(mct hoxycarbonyl)ethenyl]Cytiditie
a Chemical Actinometer for
Germicidal UV Radiation,"
Enviromnenral Science & Technology,
39, 10, 3826-3832.
I3latchley III, L.R.; Meeusen, A.; Aronson, A.1.; Brewster, L (2005) "Inactivation of
Spores by
Physical Disinfectants,"
Journal of Lnvirorn
mial Engineering, ASCE,
131, 9, 1245-1252.
Naunovic, Z.; Shen, C.; Lyn, D.A.; Blatchley III, E.R. (2005) "Modeling and Design of an Ultraviolet
Water Disinfection System," Society of Automotive Engineers (SA17) Transactions,
Journal of Aerospace,
131atchley 111, EJZ.; Shen, C.; Naunovic, Z.; Lin, L.; Lyn, D.A.; Robinson, J.P.; Raglleb, K.; Gregori, G.;
Bergstrom, D.E.; Fang, S.; Guar, Y.; Jennings, K.; Gunaratna, N. (2006) "Dyed Mierosplteres for
Quantification of UV Dose Distributions: Photochemical Reactor Characterization by Lagrangian
Journal of Envirownemal Engineering, ASCE,
132, 11, 1390-1403,
Blatchley III, E.R.; Gong, W.L.; Aile€nan, J.L.; Rose, J.13.; Huffman, D.13.; Otaki, M.; Lislc, J.T. (2007)
"Effects of Wastewater Disinfection on Waterborne Bacteria and Viruses,"
Water Environment Resem-ch,
79, 1, 81-92.
Raikow, D.F.; Reid, D.F.; Blatchley 111, L.R.; Jacobs, G.; Landrum, P.F. (2007) "Effects of Proposed
Physical Ballast Tank Treatments on Aquatic Invertebrate Resting Eggs,"
Environmental "Toxicology am-1
26, 4, 717-725.
Wait, I.W.; Johnston, C.`1',; Blatchley 111,13.8. (2007) "The influence of oxidation reduction potential and
water treatment processes on quartz lamp sleeve fouling in ultraviolet disinfection reactors,"
Research, 41,
11, 2427-2436.
Li, J.; Blatchley 111, E.R. (2007) "Volatile Disinfection Byproduct Formation Resulting from Chlorination
of Organic-Nitrogen Precursors in Swimming Pools,"
Environmental Science & Technology,
41, 19, 6732 -
6739 (Cover Article, October 1, 2007).
Pennell, Kelly G.; Aronson, A.I.; Blatchley 111, Ernest R. (2008) "Phenotypic Persistence and External
Shielding (PPES) Ultraviolet Radiation Inactivation Kinetic Model,"
Journal of Applied Microbiology,
104, 4, 1192-1202.
Blatchley III, E.R.; Shen, C.; Scheible, OX.; Robinson, J.P.; Ragheb, K.; Bergstrom, D.E., Rokjer, D.
(2008) "Validation of Large-Scale, Monochromatic UV Disinfection Systems Using Dyed Microsphcres,"
Wafer RcsecrrcJz,
42, 3, 677-688.
NaLmovic, Z.; Pennell, K.; Blatchley 111, E.R. (2008) "The Development and Performance of an Irradiance
Field Model for a Cylindrical Excimer Lamp,"
Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 5,
Pennell, K. G.,
L_ L.
Naunovic, and E. R. I3latchley Ill (2008) "Sequential Inactivation of
Bacillus sabtilis
Spores with UV Radiation and Iodine," accepted for publication in
Journal of Environmental Engineering,
Fang, S.; Guan, Y.; I3latchley 111, E.R.; Shen, C.; Bergstrom, D.E. (2008) "Conjugation of (E)-5-12-
(Metboxyca€'bo€€yl)ethenyl]cytidine to Hydrophilic Microsplieres: Development of a Mobile Microscale UV
Light Actinometer,"
Bioconjugate Chemistry,
19, 592-597.
Refereed Proceedings
Blatchley 111, 1.R., Do-Quang, Z., Savoye, P., Janex, M.-L. and Lain6, J.-M. (1998) "Optimization of
Process Performance in Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems,"
Proceedings, Disinfection '98,
WEF Specialty
Conference, Baltimore, MD, 19-22 April 1998, pp. 25-34.
Chiu, K.-P., Lyn, D.A. and Blatchley 111, 1.R. (1998) "Measurements and Modelling of Microscale
Hydrodynamic Behavior in UV Disinfection Systems: Application for Improvement of Process
Proceedings, Disinfection '98,
WBF Specialty Conference, Baltimore, MD, 19-22 April
1998, 1)1), 35-46.
Hunt, B.A. and I3latchley Ill, E.R. (1998) "Optimization of Halogen Dose for Biofilm Control,"
Proceedings, Disinfection
`98, WEF Specialty Conference, Baltimore, MD, 19-22 April 1998, lip. 99-110.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

- S -
Thompson, J.1. and Blatchley 111, E.R. (1998) "Antimicrobial Effects of Gamma Irradiation for
Disinfection of Water and Wastewater,"
WET Specialty Conference,
Baltimore, MD, 19-22 April 1998, pp. 457-466.
Jam, M.-L., Savoye, P., Do-Quang, Z., Blatchley 111, la. and Lai€td, J,-M. (1998) "Impact of Water Quality
and Reactor Hydrodynamics on Wastewater Disinfection by UV - Use of CFD Modelling for Performance
Water Quality International 1998, Book
6, IAWQ 19'x' Biennial International
Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 21-26 June 1998, pp. 64-71,
Blatchley 111, E.R., Do-Quang, Z., Janex, M.--L. and Laine, J.-M. (1998) "Process Modelling of Ultraviolet
Waiet• Quality International 1998, Book
6, IAWQ 19'' Biennial International
Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 21-26 June 1998, pp. 56-63.
Lazarova, V., Janex,
M.L., Savoye, P., Blatchley III, E.R. and Pommepuy, M. (1998) "Advanced
Wastewater Disinfection "Technologies: State of the Art and Perspectives,"
Proceedings, 2`t 1wernalionol
Con.ferenc'e on Admnced Waste€ oler Treatment, Recycling, and Reuse, IAWQ,
14-16 September 1998,
Milan, Italy, 10 pp.
Blatchley 111, E.R., Cole, K.A., Hamilton, D. (1999) "Analysis of Process Performance in Polychromatic
UV Disinfection Systems," WEFTEC 2000, Anaheim, CA, 14-18 October 2000.
Lin, I...-S.,
Lyn, D.A., Blatchley 111,
E.R. (1999) "Numerical and Experimental
Characterizations of Dose Distributions in UV Disinfection Systems," WEF-r C 2000, Anaheim, CA, 14-
18 October 2000.
Blatchley 111, E.R., Rose, J.B., Lisle, J.T., Gone,
W.-L. (1999) "Effects of Wastewater Disinfection on
Human Health," wI:,,FrEC
2000, Anaheim, CA, 14-18 October 2000.
Landis, LI.I.; Thompson, J.E.; Robinson, J.P.; Blatchley 111, E,R, (2000) "Inactivation Responses of
Ct;vptosporidiwn parwim
UV Radiation and Gamma Radiation,"
Water Quality
Technology Conference,
AWWA, Salt Lake City, UT; 7 November 2000.
Blatchley 111,
Margetas, D.; Duggirala, R. (2000) "Copper Catalysis in Chloroform Formation,"
Proceedings, Waur Quality Technology Con.Ali-ence,
AWWA, Salt Lake City, UT; 8 November 2000.
Blatchley 111, E.R; Thompson, J.E.; Landis, H.E.; Halaby, T.N. (2000) "y Irradiation for Disinfection of
Water and Wastewater," presented at Pacifichem, American Chemical Society, Honolulu, HI, 14-19
December 2000.
Lyssandridou, A.A.; Lyn, D.A.; Blatchley 111, E.R. (2002) "Numerical Modeling of Process Behavior in
Disinfection Systems," presented at Disinfection 2002,
Water Environment Federation, St.
Petersburg, FL, 17-20 February 2002.
Gong, W.L., Blatchley 111, 1:.R. (2002) "Capillary Flow UV Reactor: Validation And Analysis By Chemical
Actinometry And Point Source Summation," presented at 3rd IWA World Congress, 7-12 April 2002,
Melbourne, Australia
Donnermair, M.; Blatchley 111, E,R. (2002) "Disinfection Efficacy of Organic Chloramir€es," presented at
Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, IWAIAWWA, CascaislLisbon, Portugal, 22-25
September 2002.
Shen, C.; Fang, S.; Bergstrom, D.E.;. Blatchley III , E.R. (2003) "UV Intensity Field in UV Disinfection
Systems by Chemical Actinometer - Stage
I", Proceedings, 2ir1 International Congress on Ultraviolet
Vienna, Austria, July 9'€'-l 1'", 2003.
Wait, I.W.; Blatchley 111, E.R.; Johnston, C.T. (2004) "Fouling of Quartz. Surfaces in Potable Water Low
Pressure High Output Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems," Presented at World Water & Environmental
Resources Congress, Americata Society of Civil Engineers, June 27 - July 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Nalnu)vic, Z.;
Blatchley III, E.R.; Lyn, D.A. (2004) "Process Performance of Ultraviolet Disinfection
Systerr€s for Long-Term Space Missions,,, Presented at International Conference on ] nvironmental Systems
(ICES) in Colorado Springs July 2004.
Pennell, K.; Blatchley 1.11, E .R, (2()03) "Disinfection for Long-term Space Missions: Preliminary System
Design," Presented at International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) in Colorado Springs
July 2004.
Wait, T.W.; Johnston, C.T.; Blatchley III, E.R. (2004) "Fouling of Quartz Surfaces in Potable Water
Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems: Effect of Phosphate Addition," World Water & Environmental Resources
Congress, 2004: Proceedings of the Congress: June 27 - July 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley 111, E.R.;
MCCIISeII, A.; Aronson, A.T.; Brewster, L. (2005) "UV or Gamma Radiation for
inactivation of
Spores in Aqueous Suspension and on Surfaces," presented at
Disinfection 2005,
Co-sponsored by the Water Environment Federation, the American Water Works Association, and the
International Water Association, Mesa, AZ, February 7-9, 2005.
I3latchley III, E.R.; Gong, W.; Sears, K.J.; Alleman, J.E.; Rose, J.B.; Huffman, D.E.; Otaki, M., Lisle, J.T.
(2005) "Effects of Wastewater Disinfection on Human Health," presented at
Disinfection 2005,
sponsored by the Water Environment Federation, the American Water Works Association, and the
International Water Association, Mesa, AZ, February 7-9, 2005.
I3latchley 111, L.R.; Shen, C.; Naunovic, Z.; Lin, L.; Lyn, D.A.; Robinson, J.P,; Ragheb, K.; Gr6gori, G,;
Bergstrom, D.E.; Fang, S.; Guan, Y.; Jennings, K.; GLill aratim, N. (2005) "Dyed Microspheres for
Quantification of UV Dose Distributions: Photochemical Reactor Characterization by Lagrangian
Actinometey," presented
at Disinfection 2005,
Co-sponsored by the Water Environment Federation, the
American Water Works Association, and the International Water Association, Mesa, AZ, February 7-9,
C. Shen, S. Fang, D. E. 13ergstronl, and E. R. I3latchley 111 (2005) "Local Actinomet:y in Characterizing
UV Irradiance in UV Systems",
3"' 1171er1701i0r7al
Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies,
Whistler, 13C
Canada, May 24'n-27'', 2005,
Derrick, B.; Wait, I.W.; Blatc111ey 111, E,R. (2005) "Field Investigation of Inorganic Fouling of UV Systems
in Groundwater Applications,"
3"' International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies,
Whistler, 13C
Canada, May 24'x'-27`n' 2005.
Naunovic, Z.; Shen, C.; Lyn, D.A.; Blatchley 111, E.R. (2005) "Modeling and Design of an Ultraviolet
Water Disinfection System," Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Systems
(ICES), Rome, Italy, July 2005.
Shen, C.; Blatchley 111, E,R,; Robinson, J,P,; Bergstrom, D.E.; Mofidi, A.A, (2005) "Quantification of UV
Dose Distributions by Lagrangian Actinometry for UV Reactors Delivering Radiation Other than 254 mn,"
Water Quality Technology Conference, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, 9 November 2005.
Wait, I.W.; Johnston, C.T'.; Schwab, A.P.; Blatchley 111, L.R. (2005) "The Influence of Oxidation
Reduction Potential on Inorganic Fouling of Quartz Surfaces in UV Disinfection Systems," Water Quality
Technology Conference, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, 9 November 2005.
Pennell, K.G.; I3latchley 111, E.R. (2005) "Effect of Sequential Disinfection on
Bacillus subtilis
using Ultraviolet Irradiation and Iodination," Water Quality Technology Conference, Quebec City, Quebec,
Canada, S November 2005.
Pcmlell, G.G.; Blatchley III, L.R. (2005) "Dual Use of the Iodide/Iodate Actinometer to Monitor Ultraviolet
Irradiation and to Provide a Residual Disinfectant," Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC),
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 7 November 2005.
Naunovic, Z.; Pennell, K.L.; Lyn, D.A.; Blatchley 111, 13.R. (2006) "Inactivating Waterborne Microbial
Pathogens with an Excimer Ultraviolet Disinfection System," Ilabitation Into€-national Journal for Human
Support Research, Abstract Issue, 10, (3/4).
Pennell, K. G., and I;. R. Blatchley III "Process Optimisation of the IodideiIodate Actinometer to Achieve
Disinfection and to Monitor UV Reactor Performance," 10111 ASCE Aerospace Division
International Conference Oil Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Barth
and Space), League City/Houston, TX. March 2006.
I3latchley 111, E .R.; Shen, C.; Mofidi, A.; Ytn1, T.; Lee, C.; Robinson, IT.; Ragheb, K.; Bergstrom, D.E.
(2006) "Application of Dyed Microspheres for Characterization of Dose Distribution Delivered by a
Demonstration-Scale UV Reactor,"
Denver, CO, American Water Works Association.
Wait, I.W.; Yonkin, M.; Blatchley 111, E.R. (2006) "Impact Assessment of Quartz Cleaning System
Interruption in a Medium Pressure Ultraviolet Disinfection Reactor,"
Denver, CO,
American Water Works Association.
Naunovic, Z.; Pennell, K.; Lyn, D.A.; I3latchley 111, E.R. (2006) "Design and Testing of a UV Disinfection
System based on Non-Mercury Containing Lamps,"
Proceeding, WQI'C,
Denver, CO, American Water
Works Association.
Blatchley 111, I.R.; Shen, C.; Scheible, OK; Robinson, J.P.; Ragheb, K.; Bergstrom, D.E.; Rokjeۥ, D.
(2006) "Validation of Large-Scale, Monochromatic UV Disinfection Systems Using Dyed Microspheres,"
Denver, CO, American Water Works Association.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Li, J. and I3latchley 111, E.R. (2007) "Combined Application of UV Radiation and Chlorine: Implications
with Respect to DBP Formation and Destruction in Recreational Water Applications," Disinfection 2007,
Pittsburgh, PA, ( February 2007.
Shen, C.; Scheible, O.K.; Blatchley III, E.R,; Chan, P. (2007) "Validation of Full-scale UV Disinfection
Systems Using Dyed Microspheres," Disinfection 2007, Pittsburgh, PA, C February 2007.
Li, J.; I3latchley III, E.R. (2007) "Volatile Byproduct Formation
from Chlorination of Organic-N
Precursors in Recreational
Water," American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, 28 March
2007, Chicago, IL.
I3latchley III, E.R.; Shen, C.; Scheible, O.K.; Mofidi, A. (2007) "Validation and Characterization of UV
Reactors by Lagrangian Actinometry (Dyed Microspheres)," American Water Works Association, Research
Symposium, Annual Conference and Exposition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2007,
I3latchley 111, E.R.; Shen, C.; Scheible, O.K.; Mofidi, A. (2007) "Lagrangian Actino€me€ry's Role in UV
Reactor Validation and
Optimization," IUVA/IOA
World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet
Technologies, 27-29 August 2007, Los Angeles, CA, (Keynote
Shen, C., Scheible, O.K., 1'. Posy, E. Blatchley III "Multi-Faceted Validation 'besting Of A Unique UV
Disinfection Reactor", IUVAIIOA World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies, 27-29 August
2007, Los Angeles, CA..
Chengyue Shen, O, Karl Scheible, Ernest R. I3latchley 111, Ytzhak Rmilberg "Characterization
A Unique Reactor Design By Lagrangian Actinometry Using Dyed Microspheres",
proceedings, ECOMONDO 2007, Rimini, Italy, November 7-10, 2007.
Naunovic, 2:.; Pennell, K.L.; Shen, C.; Chan, P.; Lim, S.; Sun, B.; Lyn, D.A.; I3latchley 111, E .R. (2007)
"Modeling and Design of a UV Disinfection System Employing Excimer Lamps," WEFI'I C, Anaheim,
CA, 17 October 2007,
Wait, I.W., Mofidi, A
I3latchley 111, ER, (2007
) "
Long term interior and exterior sleeve fouling in a
medium-pressure ultraviolet drinking water disinfection reactor." American
Water Works Association
Warier Quality Technology Conference, November 4-8, 2007, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Invited Presentations
last 10 years)
"Modelling Tools for Use in the Design of Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems," presented as part of a pre-
conference workshop at WEFrEC, Orlando, FL, 3 October 1998.
"Analysis and Prediction of Process Performance in UV Disinfection Systems," presented as part of US
EPA Workshop oil UV Disinfection of Drinking Water, Washington, DC, 28 April 1999.
"Dose Distribution
Model for UV Disinfection Systems," presented as part of Electric Power Research
Municipal Water and Wastewater Program Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA, 27
June 1999.
"Dose Distribution Model for UV Disinfection Systems," presented as part of Electric Power Research
Municipal Water and Wastewater Program Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, 21 October 1999.
"Dose Distribution Model for Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems," presented to Environmental Engineering
Group, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, I 1 November 1999.
"Dose Distribution Model for UV Disinfection Systems," presented to U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Water Supply and Water Resources Division,
Cincinnati, OH, 4 January 2000.
"UV Process Modeling Based on the Dose Distribution Approach: Application and Scale-Up Issues,"
presented at
UV 2000: A'1'ech17i('ell S)'117POSlrn77,
Costa Mesa, CA, 28 January 2000.
"Chlorination of Aqueous Solutions Containing Organic-N: Analysis and Detection with the Application of
MIMS," presented at Indiana Mass Spec Discussion Group, West Lafayette, IN, 22 March 2000.
"Process Performance in UV Disinfection Systems," Presented at Pre-Conference Workshop for Water
Quality Technology Conference, 5 November 2000.
"Chlorination of Aqueous Solutions Containing Organic-N: Analysis and Detection with the Application of
MIMS," presented at International SympOSitun on Waterborne Pathogens, IWA/AWWA, Cascais/Lisbon,
Portugal, 22 September 2002.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

"UV Irradiation as a Ballast Water Treatment Process," presented at
International Workshop arr. Technical
Aspects of Ballast Water 77-eatr ICW Sta77(101WS,
jointly Sponsored by National Science Foundation, U.S.
Department of State, and U.S. Coast Guard, Arlington, VA, 12 February 2003.
"UV-Based Processes for Ballast Water Treatment: Research Needs," presented at
Ballast Water
sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Seattle, Washington, 28 April 2003.
"Optimization of Physical and Chemical Disinfection Processes Subject to Extended Space Travel
Constraints," presented to Water Quality and Microbiology Laboratories, Johnson Space Center, Houston,
TX, 24 June 2003.
"Potable Water Disinfection for Long-'Perm Space Missions," presented to Ushio, Ltd. Cypress, CA, 24
November 2003,
"Dyed Microspheres for Quantification of Dose Delivery in Ultraviolet Photoreactors," presented to
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, LaVerne, CA, 7 July 2004.
"Potable Water Disinfection Subject to Extended Space Travel Constraints," presented to NASA
Engineering Advisory Committee, Howard University, Washington, DC, 18 November 2004.
"Fouling of Quartz Surfaces in UV Disinfection Systems: Causes, Effects, Methods of Characterization, and
Future Research," Presented at International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) Meeting, Hosted by US EPA,
Cincinnati, OR 20 October 2005,
"Case Against Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater Effluents and CSOs," Presented to Indiana
Association of Cities and Towns, Indianapolis, IN, 3 November 2005.
"Case Against Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater Effh€ents and CSOs," Presented to Indiana
Department of Environmental Management (Commissioner and Staff), Indianapolis, IN, 12 January 2006.
"Case Against Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater Effluents and CSOs," Presented to Maumee River
Basin Partnership of Local Governments, Defiance, Ohl, 19 January 2006,
"Validation of UV Disinfection Systems Using Dyed Microspheres," Presented to AWWARF TAC
Meeting, Johnstown, NY, 17 May 2006.
"Analysis of UV Reactors Using Dyed Microspheres," Presented at IUVA Meeting, Albany, NY, 18 May
"Photochemical Reactor Design and Analysis," Presented at DuPont Expcrimci tal Station, Wilmington,
DE, 24 may 2006.
"New Tools for Analysis of UV Reactors," Presented to Trojan 'T'echnologies, London, Ontario, Canada, 27
June 2006.
"A Case Against Conventional Wastewater Disinfection," Presented to Indiana Water Environment
Association, Indianapolis, IN, 15 November 2006.
""fools for Design, Analysis and Validation of UV Disinfection Systems," Presented to Indiana Water
Environment Association, Indianapolis, IN, 15 November 2006.
""fools for Design, Analysis, and Validation of UV Disinfection Systems," Presented to Indiana Section,
American Water Works Association, 20 February 2007, Indianapolis, IN.
"Application of Dyed Microspheres for Validation of field-Scale Reactors," Presented at International
Ultraviolet Association, Ultraviolet Disinfection Conference, Albany, NY, 18 May 2006.
"Dyed Microspheres as an Alternative to Conventional Biodosimetry" (2007) Pre-Conference Workshop,
Disinfection 2007, Pittsburgh, PA, 4 February 2007.
"Process Theory and Applications of'Photochemical Reactors," Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China, 8 June 2007,
"Process Theory and Applications of Photochemical Reactors," Institute of Nuclear and New Lnergy
'technology (INE`T'), Division of Environmental Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
China, 11 June 2007.
"Lagrangian Actinometry's Role in UV Reactor Validation and Optimization," World Congress on Ozone
and Ultraviolet Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, August 2007 (Keynote Address).
DBP Formation in Chlorinated Recreational
Water," presented at
World Aquatic Health
Conference, National Swimming Pool Foundation, 3 October 2007, Cincinnati, OH.
"UV Photolysis of DBPs in Chlorinated Recreational
Water," presented at
World Aquatic Health
Conference, National Swimming Pool Foundation, 3 October 2007, Cincinnati, OH.
"Process "T"heory and Applications of Photochemical Reactors," CDM Webmeeting, 7 November 2007.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

"Process 'T'heory and Applications of Photochemical Reactors," Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of
China, 7 June 2007,
"Application of Fundamental Photochemical Reactor Theory in Design and Analysis of UV Reactors," The
Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong
Kong, China, 23-27 June 2008.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Attachment 2
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Extended Testimony of Ernest R. Blatchley III
I am a Professor of Civil (Environmental) Engineering at Purdue University.
My educational
background includes a BS in Civil Engineering from Purdue University; a MS in Civil
Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley; and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, also
from the University of California, Berkeley.
have more than 20 years of professional
experience in the field of environmental engineering. My specific expertise is in the area of
physico/chemical processes of environmental engineering, with particular emphasis on
disinfection processes. I am a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Indiana, and I am a
Board Certified Environmental Engineer (American Academy of Environmental Engineers) in
the area of Water Supply/Wastewater Engineering. Awards I have received include the Harold
Munson Teaching Award, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University; the Roy E. and
Myrna G. Wansik Research Leadership Award, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University;
and the William Edgar Award for Pioneering Research in Disinfection, Water Environment
The focus of research efforts within my group and collaborators has been on disinfection
processes based on ultraviolet
UV) radiation and chlorine
I have published more than 50
papers in refereed journals, and
than 60 papers in proceedings of conferences that pertain to
my research
My group has made fundamental contributions regarding the behavior of UV
including the development of basic photochemical reactor theory
well as the
development of numerical models and diagnostic methods based on that theory. In the area of
chlorine-based disinfection processes
we have defined the kinctics and mechanisms of several
important reactions involving chlorine, as well as some relevant toxicological endpoints.
have also developed analytical
methods that are relevant to chlorine
based disinfection
My group has conducted research to address the specific implications of disinfection processes,
as applied to municipal wastewater. The focus of our work in this area has been on the human
health implications of wastewater disinfection.
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has proposed a set of standards to the
Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) that were developed with the objective of improving
water quality in the Chicago Area Waterways System (CAWS). Included in these proposed
standards is an effluent limitation of 400 cfu/100 mL for fecal coliform bacteria. The rationale
for this effluent standard, as defined by IEPA, is that it will provide assurance that "active
disinfection" will be included as an element of wastewater treatment, and that the disinfection
systems function properly.
Specifically, IEPA has proposed that the Metropolitan
Reclamation District of Great Chicago (MWRDGC) should disinfect the effluent from its three
largest water reclamation plants, North Side, Stickney and Calumet. The limit is also motivated,
in part, by the increasing recreational value of the CAWS, and by the fact that "Technology-
based disinfection has been a long standing requirement applied to numerous wastewater
facilities throughout the State, dating back to the original 1970s Board regulations."
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

The purpose of this report is to provide evidence against the proposed effluent limitation for
fecal coliform bacteria, and the implied requirement of an active disinfection system to meet
such a standard. I contend that the imposition of this standard will yield minimal benefit to water
quality in the CAWS, and minimal reduction in the risk of disease transmission.
The approach I will use in developing my arguments is to first define some of the basic aspects
of disinfection processes, as they relate to wastewater applications. From there, I will address
specific concerns I have with the proposed regulations.
Fundamental Aspects of Disinfection
Disinfection is practiced with the objective of inactivating and/or removing pathogenic
microorganisms, so as to reduce the risk of disease transmission. For municipal wastewater
applications in North America, chlorine- and UV-based disinfection systems have emerged as
the most common disinfection alternatives, largely on the basis of their history of use and system
However, it should be recognized that other disinfection processes have been successfully
implemented, including systems based on the application of other disinfectant chemicals
ozone) or physical separation (e.g., granular media filtration or membranes).
Disinfection systems that
properly designed and operated will yield
decreases in
the concentrations of (viable or infective) microbial pathogens and other microorganisms;
however, disinfection should not be confused with sterilization. In other words, disinfected
wastewater will contain viable or infective microorganisms, but at a lower concentration than the
to disinfection. This attribute of disinfection systems is important for at least
two reasons. First, it should be recognized that the risk of disease transmission associated with
human use
of wastewater effluents or receiving streams will never be zero. Second, because
microorganisms will remain in the water post-disinfection, and because the
microbial community will adapt to the post-disinfection environment, the population of microbes
in disinfected water will change with time.
Many microbes have the ability to repair sub-lethal
damage, and therefore can recover post-disinfection.
Repair and recovery will take place
following any disinfection process.
The microbial pathogens that are the target of disinfection processes include bacteria, viruses and
Although bacterial pathogens are common in wastewater effluents, it is generally
believed that enteric viruses represent the greatest risk to human health of all waterborne
pathogens; enteroviruses are the cause of the most common wastewater-related diseases in
developed countries (Cabelli, 1983). The (oo)cysts of waterborne protozoan pathogens can also
represent a substantial risk to humans. The diseases associated with waterborne pathogens are
generally acute
in nature.
Given the diverse nature of microbial pathogens, and the complexity of some of the
viability/infectivity assays associated with these pathogens, it is not practical to monitor water
for the presence or concentration of all pathogens.
As a substitute for this approach, so-called
are generally used
as an
index of microbial quality.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

The concept of an indicator organism is that its presence should be indicative of the presence of
microbial pathogens, while its absence should be indicative of the absence of microbial
pathogens. Ideally, the concentration of viable indicator organisms should correlate strongly
with the concentration of viable (or infective) microbial pathogens.
Based on this objective, a
number of important characteristics of indicator organisms may be identified, including;
• The indicator should be present when microbial pathogens are present,
The indicator should be absent when microbial pathogens are absent,
• The indicator should be non-pathogenic to humans,
Viability/infectivity assays for the indicator should be quantitative, rapid, inexpensive,
and simple to conduct.
Although no organism has been identified that ideally or completely satisfies these criteria, a
number of bacteria] species have been proposed to satisfy this function. Commonly used
indicators include coliform bacteria (fecal coliforms
or E. coli)
and enterococci.
Implicit in the characteristics listed above is the requirement that indicator organisms be
common in a water supply, and that they be more resistant to disinfection than the microbial
pathogens of interest. Commonly-used microbial indicators, such as coliform bacteria, are
plentiful in municipal wastewaters, and as such they can be a good indicator of the
enteric microbes in untreated wastewater, including some pathogens.
However, coliform
easily inactivated by common disinfectants, including chlorine (in its various forms),
ozone, and UV radiation. Therefore, coliform bacteria are poor indicators of the effectiveness of
a disinfection process. The conditions that accomplish effective inactivation of coliform bacteria
do not necessarily accomplish effective inactivation of microbial pathogens.
Principles of Reactor Design - Microbial Dose-Response Behavior
The effectiveness of disinfection systems is determined by the combined effects of reactor design
(i.e., geometry, size), disinfectant delivery, and the kinetics of the reactions that lead to microbial
The principles of reactor design are well-established, and are widely used in the
design, construction, and operation of disinfection systems.
In the cases of chlorine- and UV-based disinfection systems, a goal of reactor design is the
delivery of (roughly) the same quantity of disinfectant to all microorganisms. If we assume that
this objective has been met, then the effectiveness of a disinfection system will be governed by
the concentration of microbial pathogens that enter the system and the "dose-response" behavior
of the target pathogens. It is important to recognize that dose-response behavior will be different
for each combination of disinfectant and target microorganism.
Microbial dose-response
behavior may also be influenced by characteristics of the water being disinfected, including
temperature, pH, and the presence of particles that may shelter microbes from disinfectant
Many models of disinfection kinetics have been developed.
Although differences in these
models are evident among the many combinations of disinfectant and target microbe, these
models share some important features. For the sake of this discussion, it is sufficient to examine
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

the most basic disinfection model, as it illustrates important principles that are common to all
disinfection kinetics models.
In the case of chemical disinfection systems, the simplest model is "Chick's law", which states
that the rate of microbial inactivation is directly proportional to the concentration of the
disinfectant and the concentration of viable microbes. Mathematically, this leads to an
expression of the following form:
concentration of viable organisms after disinfectant exposure
concentration of viable organisms before disinfectant exposure
inactivation rate constant
disinfectant concentration
contact time with disinfectant.
The left-hand side of equation (1) describes the extent to which a microbial population has been
inactivated by disinfectant exposure. It is common to express this in loge form because
disinfection systems generally are required to accomplish extensive inactivation of target
organisms, it is common for disinfection systems to accomplish 3-5 logla units of inactivation.
The product C•t describes the extent of chemical disinfectant exposure in a reactor. As described
previously, Chick's law is the most basic model of disinfection kinetics.
models have been developed to describe the kinetics of disinfection, and in some cases the use of
these more complex models is justified. However, the term C•t appears in all models of chemical
disinfection kinetics, and may be viewed as the "master variable" to describe the behavior of a
chemical disinfection system.
Equation (1) also provides a clear illustration of the so-called "Ct concept", which is
fundamental to the design, analysis, and regulation of disinfection systems.
The Ct concept
implies that the extent of microbial inactivation is controlled by the extent of disinfectant
exposure (Ct).
Therefore, chemical disinfection systems must be designed to deliver an
appropriate quantity of disinfectant (as measured by "C") for an appropriate period of exposure
(as defined by "t") to achieve the desired degree of microbial inactivation.
The inactivation rate constant (k) is different for each combination of disinfectant and target
microbe. For chemical disinfectants, the value of k may also be affected by temperature and pH.
Because k is different for every organism, the quantity of disinfectant exposure (Ct) required to
achieve effective disinfection is different for each potential target organism.
As an illustration of
this behavior, consider the reported inactivation behavior of coliform bacteria, enteric viruses,
and protozoan parasites for chlorine-based disinfection (see Table 1). In general, the extent of
microbial inactivation accomplished by a disinfectant will depend on the amount of disinfectant
In the case of chemical disinfectants, the amount of disinfectant exposure required to
accomplish disinfection will depend on the disinfectant and the target organism(s).
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Ct values (mg-min/L) for
inactivation (2.0 logzo units of inactivation) at 5°C based
on microbial exposure to chemical disinfectants (from Health Canada).
t t
et Microbe
s n ec an
E. soli
Giardia lamblia
Poliovi.rus 1
Free Chlorine
1.0 log» units of inactivation).
The data presented in Table 1 illustrates some important facts about the responses of
microorganisms to chemical disinfectants.
First, E.
are far more sensitive to disinfectant
exposure than G.
More generally, coliform bacteria are more sensitive to
chemical disinfectants than most microbial pathogens.
Second, it is evident that of the three
chemical disinfectants listed in Table 1, ozone is the most effective against all of the microbes
For any given microorganism, it is possible to identify an order of sensitivity to
For the microbes listed in this table, the order of sensitivity is ozone > free
chlorine > chloramines. This order applies to many waterborne microbes.
Equation (1) is an example of a mathematical model used to define the sensitivity of waterborne
microorganisms to chemical disinfectants.
mathematical relationships have been
developed for UV-based disinfection systems. The most basic model of UV disinfection kinetics
is a mathematical analog of equation (1):
concentration of viable organisms after disinfectant exposure
concentration of viable organisms before disinfectant exposure
inactivation rate constant
intensity of UV radiation imposed on bacteria
contact time with disinfectant.
The product I•t is defined as the UV dose delivered by a system. UV dose is the master variable
in defining the performance of a UV disinfection system. As with chemical disinfection systems,
the performance of a UV system relative to any given microorganism depends on the UV dose
delivered to the organisms by the system, as well as the relative sensitivity of the microorganism
to UV exposure. If a Chick's law type expression is applicable to the microorganism of interest,
then the relative sensitivity of the organism to UV radiation can be defined by the magnitude of
the inactivation rate constant.
For UV-
based systems, several compilations of microbial dose-response behavior have been
assembled. Table 2 is a summary of reported UV doses required to accomplish 2.0 logo units of
In general
vegetative bacteria are quite sensitive
as are common
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

protozoan parasites
e.g., Cryptosporidium parvum
Giardia lamblia
some species
of virus appear to be fairly resistant
to UV
e.g., Adenovirus).
Table 2. UV doses required for 99% inactivation (2.0 log{) units of inactivation) of waterborne
microorganisms (from Chevrefils
et al.,
UV Dose
et Microbe
E. coli
Legionella pneumophila
Salmonella typhimurium
Vibrio cholerae
C tos oridium arvum
Giardia lamblia
Calicivirus feline
Adenovirus (various t es)
Hepatitis A Virus
The information presented in Table 2 indicates
trends to those that were evident in Table
Namely, coliform bacteria are generally more sensitive to UV exposure than are most
microbial pathogens,
and not
microbes respond the same to disinfectant exposure, including
UV irradiation.
For wastewater disinfection systems, the extent of disinfectant exposure required will depend on
the treatment objective. In the case of MWRDGC systems, "disinfection" will be represented by
a system that reliably produces a treated effluent with fewer than 400 cfu/100 ML of fecal
coliform bacteria.
By comparing the rate constants for inactivation of microbial pathogens with
those of fecal coliform bacteria, it is evident that coliform bacteria are relatively sensitive to
UV and most other disinfectants.
Therefore, the conditions that are required to
inactivate fecal coliform bacteria are relatively mild, and should not be expected to accomplish
extensive inactivation of most microbial pathogens.
This statement will hold true among all
commonly used wastewater disinfectants, including chlorine (in its various forms), ozone, or UV
An implication of this behavior is that the application of disinfection, as required by the proposed
effluent discharge limit for coliform bacteria, will yield only a modest reduction in the risk to
human health posed by microbial pathogens in MWRDGC municipal wastewater effluents.
It is clear that the proper application of disinfectants can lead to removal or inactivation of
microbial pathogens; however, a number of issues complicate the application of disinfection,
including the ineffectiveness of conventional disinfectants against some important pathogens,
and the generation of disinfection by-products (DBPs).
As a result, there is some question as to
whether disinfection of municipal wastewater effluents should be applied in all cases.
In many developed countries outside North America, wastewater disinfection is practiced only in
situations where a direct, clear threat to human health is evident, such as discharges to bathing
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

areas or shellfish breeding grounds.
The frequency of occurrence of diseases associated with
waterborne pathogens does not appear to be substantially different from that of North America,
where wastewater disinfection is commonly practiced.
However, even within, the U.S., many
states have chosen to require disinfection only on a seasonal basis.
A range of possible options exist for disinfection of municipal wastewaters, from no disinfection
at all, to systems in which conditions of disinfectant exposure are such that the concentration of
viable microorganisms present in the treated water becomes difficult to measure by conventional
This entire range of disinfection conditions is being used today among wastewater
treatment facilities in the United States.
Within the range of municipal wastewater disinfection practices described above, the most
aggressive processes tend to be those associated with water reuse applications where there is
potential of direct human contact. Reuse of wastewater effluents is important in and areas, such
as the U.S. southwest.
While recovery and reuse of municipal wastewaters has important
implications with regard to the issue of sustainable water supplies in and areas, it also represents
a potentially important means of human exposure to wastewater pathogens. Therefore, treatment
of wastewater effluents prior to reuse is a critical issue, particularly as it relates to disinfection
The Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) initiated a study to examine process
alternatives that could allow compliance with
22 of the California Administrative Code,
which represents the California State Health Department's Wastewater Reclamation Criteria. At
the time the study was initiated, the default "Title 22 System" of tertiary treatment was alum
coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection by chlorination. This system
was effective for inactivation of viruses and compliance with the
22 colif'orm criterion of
less than 2.2 efu/100 mL (the limit of detection based on the multiple fermentation tube method),
but was expensive to implement.
Therefore, an incentive existed to find less-expensive
treatment approaches that would reliably satisfy the constraints of
Title 22.
LACSD, in conjunction with the US EPA and the California State Water Resources Control
Board, initiated a study, later identified as the "Pomona Virus Study" (Parkhurst, 1977), with the
objective of providing data regarding alternative tertiary treatment approaches that could satisfy
22 limits. The study involved operation of four pilot-scale tertiary treatment processes, one
of which was the "Title 22 System", which served as a standard for comparison with other
processes. Disinfectants included in these four systems were inorganic combined chlorine, free
chlorine, and ozone. At the time of this investigation, UV irradiation was not viewed as a viable
alternative to chlorine.
The pilot-scale experiments conducted as part of their research were largely focused on the
ability of these various treatment options to remove or inactivate seeded
coliform counts were also part of the routine monitoring, and a limited number of experiments
were conducted with (enteric) viruses that existed naturally in the wastewaters being treated.
While this landmark study was relevant for a number of reasons, perhaps the most tangible
outcome of this study with regard to the issue of the need for municipal wastewater disinfection
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

was their definition of the conditions of chlorine-based disinfection that are required to achieve
acceptable treatment in a reuse setting. Specifically, the conditions of chlorination required to
accomplish reliable compliance with
Title 22
combined chlorine residual > 10 mg/L (as C12) with contact time > 2 hours,
• free chlorine residual > 4 mg/L (as C12) with contact time > 2 hours.
These disinfection conditions accomplished roughly 4 logy inactivation of seeded virus, and
were consistently in compliance with the coliform regulation. When used in conjunction with
other appropriate physico/chemical processes, treatment consistently accomplished overall virus
inactivation (or removal) of roughly 5 logjO units. The authors also noted that less aggressive
chlorine-based disinfection (residual concentration of 5 mg/L combined chlorine as C12, with a 2-
hour contact time) also allowed compliance with virus limitations, but overall process reliability
was somewhat diminished as compared with the cases listed above.
By comparison with most conventional wastewater disinfection' practices in use today, the
conditions of chlorination defined by the
Pomona Virus Study
can be characterized as extreme.
The regulatory constraints that are imposed for most scenarios involving conventional
disinfection are substantially less severe than those imposed by
Title 22.
As an example, the
effluent limits that have been proposed for MWRDGC facilities require less than 400 cfu/100
mL of fecal coliforms. This limit is similar to "conventional disinfection" limits that have been
proposed in other states. In practical terms, this bacterial limit is met in well-run municipal
wastewater treatment facilities by maintaining a chlorine residual of 1-2 mg/L (as C12) for a
retention time of 20-40 minutes, followed by S(IV)-based dechlorination.
To put these treatment conditions in perspective, it is useful to characterize the conditions of
chlorination used in each system.
A "conventional disinfection" operation may accomplish
disinfection based on a Ct value (defined as the product of residual chlorine concentration and
mean hydraulic detention time) of 40-80 mg-min/L, whereas a disinfection system that is
implemented to satisfy the constraints of
22 is likely to require chlorine exposure of roughly
an order of magnitude more than is required for "conventional disinfection". Clearly, this range
of possible chlorination. conditions will yield a corresponding range of antimicrobial and DBP
In the time since the completion of
the Pomona Virus Study
and related research on the subject
of chlorine-based wastewater disinfection, UV irradiation practices have been adopted to meet
the constraints imposed by wastewater treatment objectives. As one might expect, the conditions
of UV irradiation required to satisfy
22 constraints (and similar reuse constraints in other
areas) are substantially more severe than those required to meet the constraints of "conventional
Similarly, ozone-based disinfection systems used to meet reuse criteria will be
substantially larger than those used to meet conventional disinfection criteria.
generally, one can expect that the conditions of disinfectant exposure that will be required
meet a reuse standard for effluent disinfection will be substantially more severe than those
For purposes of this document, the terra "conventional disinfection" will refer to disinfection operations that are
commonly used for facilities that do not represent opportunities for water reuse, and therefore are not subject to
reuse criteria.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

required for conventional disinfection, irrespective of the disinfectant.
This implies that
disinfection systems that are required to prevent disease transmission for reuse applications,
where human contact is likely, will be considerably
and more expensive than those
required for conventional disinfection applications.
As illustrated above, the effectiveness of a disinfectant will vary among the various
microorganisms that are present in a water supply. For disinfection to be effective, it is
necessary to accomplish inactivation of a broad range of microbial pathogens.
However, the
performance of a disinfection system is generally monitored through measurements of indicator
organism viability.
The Water Environment Research Foundation sponsored a research project that was aimed at
assessing the effects of municipal wastewater disinfection on human health (Blatchley
et at.,
2005, 2007). To address this issue, two central questions were posed:
1. Should municipal wastewater effluents be disinfected prior to discharge?, and
Under circumstances where disinfection is necessary, how should it be accomplished?
Undisinfected effluent samples were collected from a number of municipal wastewater treatment
Some relevant characteristics of these facilities are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Characteristics of municipal wastewater treatment facilities from which undisinfected
effluent samples were collected as part of WERF studv 99-HHE-1.
Treatment Processes
Primary Sedimentation, Activated Sludge with
Primary Sedimentation, Activated Sludge
without Nitrification
Primary Sedimentation, Activated Sludge with
Nitrification and Denitrification
Sedimentation, Activated Sludge
without Nitrification, Sand Filtration
Primary Sedimentation, Activated Sludge with
Effluent samples were shipped to laboratories of the researchers who participated in the study,
where they were subjected to conditions of disinfectant exposure (in bench-scale disinfection
experiments) that were shown to yield water that was consistently in compliance with
conventional disinfection standards.
All experiments were conducted using chlorine and UV
radiation as the disinfectants.
Chlorination involved addition of 2.0 mg/L (as C12) of free
chlorine, followed by dechlorination after 40-60 minutes of exposure. UV irradiation involved
exposure of effluent samples to UV doses of 10 mJ/cm2 or 20 mJ/cm2.
The disinfected samples were then subjected to an array of analyses to define the responses of
microbial community to disinfectant exposure, including an assay to measure the post-
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

disinfection responses of the bacterial community, and assays that were used to define the
responses of waterborne viruses (bacteriophage) to the bench-scale disinfection procedures.
Responses of Waterborne Bacteria to Disinfectant Exposure
The response of the bacterial
community to disinfectant exposure was characterized using a long-term (144 hr) respirometry
test, in which 4z uptake and bacterial community composition were measured over the 6-day
period of the test.
Given that disinfection processes do not accomplish complete inactivation of
waterborne microorganisms
sterilization is not accomplished), it is important to define the
ability of the bacterial community to recover following disinfectant exposure. For every effluent
sample collected, four sub-samples were tested.
A partially-reduced substrate (acetic acid) was
added to the disinfected samples and a non-disinfected sample prior to initiating the respirometry
assay; this substrate was added to mimic the substrates that are likely to be present in receiving
An undisinfected sample without substrate was also included in the test as a control.
Figure 1 lists nine possible scenarios that could develop among wastewater bacteria following
From this figure, one can judge the effectiveness of a disinfection process by
variations in the total bacterial community, and the pathogenic fraction. For example, cases (c),
(g) and (i) may be judged to represent a positive effect of disinfection since they imply a
reduction in pathogenic bacteria; on the other hand, cases (a), (b), (d) and (e) have an adverse
effect since pathogenic bacterial concentrations are not reduced. It is also interesting to note that
in cases (f) and (h), it is difficult to judge disinfection efficacy. For these two cases, judgment of
antibacterial efficacy requires additional information, such as the concentration of pathogenic
bacteria or indicator microorganisms. Cases for which disinfection is effective in reducing
pathogenic microorganisms are indicated by green color. Cases for which disinfection is not
effective against pathogenic bacteria are indicated by red color. Cases for which disinfection
efficacy is not clear are indicated by gray color. Yellow color indicates no effect.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

pathogenic bacteria concentration
: non
-pathogenic bacteria concentration
disinfection has positive effect
disinfection has no effect
disinfection has adverse effect
more information is needed
Conceptual representation of the possible fates of bacteria following disinfectant
exposure. Disinfection is considered to be antibacterially "effective" when the risk of human
exposure to bacteria is reduced. Moving from left to right, the columns represent circumstances
of no regrowth, regrowth, and decline in the total bacterial population, respectively. Moving
from top to bottom, the rows represent circumstances in which the fraction of the bacterial
population comprised of pathogenic bacteria does not change, increases, and decreases,
respectively. Together, these two attributes (regrowth of the total bacterial population, and
changes in the fraction of pathogenic bacteria) will determine the effectiveness of disinfection
relative to human exposure to bacteria.
To answer the question "is a disinfection process effective?" from the standpoint of bacterial risk,
it is necessary to consider both regrowth and the pathogen ratio. To do this, it is necessary to
investigate the impacts of upstream treatment processes, disinfection, and receiving waters on
regrowth and the pathogen ratio. Under conditions of abundant substrate supply, rapid-growing
microorganisms usually dominate populations. This is true in municipal wastewater treatment
where the abundance of available organic substrates favors the growth of rapidly
dividing bacteria, such as coliforms and pseudomonads. These dominant microbial populations
municipal wastewater, which gain a competitive advantage because of their high intrinsic
growth rates, are rapidly displaced in competition with other microbial populations of receiving
waters as the concentration of organic compounds diminishes, owing to decomposition and
dilution; under lower nutrient conditions a more diverse community of slow-growing bacteria is
For interpretation of the results of these experiments, several assumptions were made, including:
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Fecal coliform bacteria can be used as an indicator microorganism for pathogenic
bacteria in disinfected wastewater effluent. This implies that fecal coliforms can be
characterized as having (a) similar susceptibility to disinfection processes, (b) similar
intrinsic growth rates, and (c) similar requirements for nutrients as pathogenic bacteria.
The substrate (acetic acid) used in this study can represent the substrate condition of
receiving waters.
The addition of substrate does not affect microbial ecology relationships during
It is clear
that these assumptions
are not
entirely valid,
• Susceptibility to disinfection processes, intrinsic growth rates and nutrient requirements
for fecal coliform and pathogenic bacteria will be different; they are different even
between two pathogenic bacteria. Coliform bacteria are commonly used as an "indicator"
of microbial duality; however, it is clear that no single microbial species can truly
represent the broad range of waterborne pathogens that could be present in a municipal
wastewater effluent.
The nutrient conditions of receiving waters are site-specific, so it is impossible to find a
substrate that can be representative of all situations.
• Acetic acid can be biodegraded easily; this will benefit those bacteria with high intrinsic
growth rates. The composition of easily biodegradable compounds in receiving waters
will vary.
Despite the limitations of the assumptions described above, the conditions used in these
experiments provided a common basis for examination of the behavior of municipal wastewater
effluents from several different facilities. As such, it was possible to compare the long-term
behavior of multiple samples collected from each of the four facilities. The conditions of these
experiments were believed to be representative of actual conditions in receiving waters;
however, it is not reasonable to expect direct translation of these results to conditions in the
respective receiving waters.
Assessments of disinfection efficacy have traditionally been based on the inactivation or removal
of fecal indicators such as total conforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci. However, there
is little information about correlation between these indicator organisms and real pathogens.
Although the assumptions listed above are not entirely justified, it is necessary to use this
approach because relatively little information has been obtained regarding the ecological
relationships between fecal coliform and pathogenic bacteria (many of which are not culturable).
Fecal coliforms were also selected as the target microorganism because they represent a common
indicator microorganism for wastewater effluent regulation.
As described previously, the effectiveness of disinfection treatment processes was assessed based
on an index test in which the dynamic behavior of fecal coliforms and total bacterial counts were
examined throughout the course of incubation used in the long-term respirometry assays. Based
on lb experimental runs (four treatment facilities, 4 rep] icateslfacility), four different treatments
were applied; fecal coliform and total bacteria concentrations were recorded for each case from
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

the beginning of the experiment (t=0 hr) to t=144 hr. Since there were four replicates involved
in each treatment facility, an average value of the four replicates was used for representation of
the total bacteria concentration and fecal to total bacteria ratio. Based on this information,
classification of disinfection process proceeded using Figure 1. Table 4 provides an abridged
summary of the results of these measurements for all four facilities, and all four exposure
scenarios (treatments).
Table 4. Summarv of bacterial community responses to disinfection treatments.
F ilit
ac y
Incubation Time (hours)
l ih
f (-)
r g na
t out
b t t dditi
f (-)
f (-)
rae a
c,f (-)
f (-)
Original with
f (-}
f (-)
substrate addition
f {-)
f (-)
f (-)
f (-)
h (f)
Chlorination 1
f (-)
f (-)
f (-)
The summary presented in Table 4 reveals several interesting characteristics of the responses of
the bacterial community to these four treatments. In general, the treatments involving no
disinfection resulted in an improvement in bacterial quality over the course of the six-day
incubation procedure. In contrast, overall bacterial quality remained essentially unchanged or
degraded following the disinfection procedures.
The decreases
in bacterial
quality were
in the application
chlorinationldechlorination to the effluent samples from the non-nitrified effluents (Facilities B
and D), where +1-valent chlorine would have been present predominantly in the form of
inorganic chloramines (mostly NH2Cl, with small quantities of NHC12 and perhaps NC13).
While it is clear that chlorine- or UV-based disinfection will accomplish an immediate decrease
in the
of viable bacteria,
appears that the long-term effects of
chlorinationldechlorination or UV irradiation may actually be detrimental to water quality, in
terms of bacterial composition.
It is important to recognize that the changes among the bacterial populations were all normalized
against the bacterial composition at t=0, corresponding with the time at which disinfectant
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

exposure was terminated. This method of normalization can provide a misleading representation
of bacterial population dynamics, in that the basis of normalization was different for all. samples.
Responses of Waterborne Viruses (Bacteriophage) to Disinfectant Exposure
- Traditionally,
assessments of antimicrobial efficacy in disinfection operations used for treatment of municipal
wastewater have been based on measurements of the concentration of viable indicator bacteria.
While these organisms satisfy some of the basic requirements of indicators, several important
shortcomings of their application for this purpose have been identified (see preceding
Among the most important of these limitations are the relative case with which
common bacterial indicators are inactivated by the disinfectants of interest, and the fact that
enteric viruses generally represent the most serious risk to human health among wastewater
Unfortunately, the assays used to assess viability (or infectivity) among human enteric viruses
are time-consuming and expensive to conduct. In most situations, it is not practical to monitor
for human enteric viruses. However, several indigenous phage have been identified that are
structurally or otherwise similar to human viruses. Assays of phage viability (infectivity) are
comparatively easy to conduct. Therefore, a series of experiments was conducted to assess the
of common wastewater disinfectants on the concentrations of viable (infective)
indigenous phage.
The concentration of indigenous bacteriophage in effluent samples from the five wastewater
treatment facilities varied considerably, with the highest phage concentrations isolated from
facility B. The phage population for this facility was comprised of both somatic and F-specific
phage, with facility B possessing the highest concentration of F-specific phages of all the
facilities examined. In decreasing order of
phage concentration, the facilities were ranked
B > A > D ^ E > C. The samples
the highest concentration of phage surviving
either chlorine or UV disinfection appeared to reflect the ranking of the
with regard to
phage concentration.
Although samples from all five facilities were analyzed for phage composition and dose-
response behavior, the vast majority of useable data came from the analysis of samples collected
from facilities A and B. Samples collected from facilities C and D had extremely low phage
concentrations, such that it was difficult to assess their dose-response behavior or nucleic acid
content. The samples collected from facility E had quantifiable concentrations of viable phage;
however, both disinfection schemes yielded samples in which F+ phage concentrations were
below the limit of detection.
One of the UV irradiated samples yielded a measureable
concentration of somatic phage (see below).
Figure 2 illustrates representative examples of phage responses to exposure
to UV
and chlorine
in samples collected from facilities A and B. The data in this figure
llustrates several of the
important trends that were observed in the data from the experiments focused on phage
the concentration of viable phage present in the samples was variable and
Some evidence of seasonal effects was apparent in samples collected from winter and
months at these two facilities
with summer phage concentrations being substantially
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

higher than those observed in winter. Second, the assay based on E.
C-3000 consistently
yielded higher concentrations of viable phage that the assay based on E.
coli F,,,,,.
Of particular importance in this work were the abilities of residual chlorine and UV radiation to
accomplish inactivation of the indigenous phage. In the case of samples from facility A, residual
chlorine existed largely in the form of free chlorine. Exposure to chlorine under conditions that
were shown to be capable of complying with discharge limitations generally yielded poor phage
Facility A - UV
Facility B -UV
400 i
300 1
200 ^
UV Dose (W/cm)
Facility A - Chlorine
Contact Time (min)
UV Dose (mJ/cm2)
Facility B - Chlorine
Contact Time (min)
Representative dose-response curves for indigenous phage from wastewater effluent
samples collected from facilities A and B.
Samples were subjected to UV irradiation or
chlorination in bench-scale reactors.
In the case of samples collected from the facility B, where residual chlorine was present largely
in the form
of NH2C1,
phage inactivation was less effective. Again
it is important to recognize
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

that the conditions of chlorination used in these exposures were shown to be adequate to comply
with existing discharge regulations based on coliform bacteria as indicators.
For samples that were subjected to UV irradiation from facilities A and B, phage inactivation
was generally good. Specifically, application of a UV dose of 20 mJ/cm2 to phage in a well-
mixed, batch reactor under a collimated beam yielded phage low phage concentrations. For the
examples illustrated in Figure 2, which contained some of the highest initial phage
concentrations among the samples collected in this research, exposure to a UV dose of 20
mJ/cm2 resulted in viable phage concentrations that were at Or below the limit of detection.
Measurements of nucleic acid content were used as an index of phage diversity in disinfected
samples. Table 5 provides a summary of nucleic acid composition measurements for surviving
phage from selected samples from this portion of the research. In general terms, UV irradiation
yielded much less diverse phage populations than did chlorination for the conditions of
disinfection used in these experiments.
5. Nucleic acid content of post-disinfection viable phage in samples that had been
subiected to bench-scale disinfection.
Disinfection Exposure
Host Strain
of DNA
Number of RNA
40 min contact time;
E. coli
2.0m LasCl2
40 min contact time;
E coli F,,,,,1,
2.0m LasC12
20 mJ/cm UV
E. colt
20 mJ/cm UV
E. coli F,,,,,1,
40 min contact time;
E. coli
2.0 m /L as C12
40 min contact time;
m /L as C1
E. soli Fu,,,1,
20 mJ/cm UV
20 mJ/cm UV
E. coli F,,,,r,
40 min contact time,
m /L as C1
E. soli
20 mJ/crn UV
E. coli
In general terms, the results of these experiments indicate that the conditions of disinfection
(based on chlorination with either combined chlorine
or free
chlorine, or UV irradiation) that are
needed to accomplish compliance with discharge regulations used in conventional disinfection
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

operations yield incomplete inactivation of phage. Phage inactivation responses by UV
irradiation were on the order of 2 logy units; phage inactivation by chlorine was less than this
By extension, this suggests that these conditions of disinfection used for compliance with
conventional disinfection may yield poor inactivation of enteric viruses.
as measured by microbial and chemical constituents
will be influenced
by inputs
from point sources and non
point sources.
the release of treated wastewater from the
treatment facilities of the
will have an important influence
on CAWS water
By extension
effluent disinfection processes
facilities will play an important role
in water quality. However, it is also clear that water quality in the
CAWS will be
influenced by
inputs from other sources, including combined sewer overflows
and non
point sources.
The system defined by the Tunnel and Reservoir
Plan (TARP
) has yielded substantial
improvements in water quality within
the CAWS.
It is
that additional water quality
improvements will result from the completion
However, even when completed, this
facility will
not accomplish complete capture of wastewater
from CSOs;
CSO events
will continue take place in the Greater Chicago
non-point source contributions
to the
will be largely unaffected
by TARP.
Therefore, irrespective of the effluent disinfection constraints that are imposed on MWRDGC
facilities, the potential for inputs of microbial pathogens from other sources will still remain.
These inputs to the system will limit the extent to which risk of disease transmission from
microbial pathogens can be reduced in the CAWS.
A related point is that the development of disinfection processes for CSOs and non-point sources
represents a difficult engineering challenge.
CSO treatment systems have been developed,
including systems that incorporate disinfection.
However, these disinfection processes are faced
with an extremely difficult challenge, in that water quality from these sources is generally poor
as compared with the effluent from a municipal wastewater treatment facility.
For chlorine-based disinfection systems, the poor quality of water from a CSO will dictate that
the chlorine residual will probably be in the form of chloramines (inorganic and organic), which
generally are less-effective than equivalent concentrations of free chlorine.
wastewater containing chloramines often yields treated water with relatively high concentrations
of disinfection byproducts.
For UV-based disinfection systems, the relatively high concentration of particles and low UV
transmittance of water will adversely affect their performance. Although UV-based disinfection
systems for CSOs (and waters of similar quality) have been developed, their performance will be
limited by water quality. It is unlikely that disinfection processes applied to CSOs or non-point
source contributions will yield substantial reductions in the risk of disease transmission
associated with waterborne microbial pathogens.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

The proposed effluent bacterial limit is intended to reduce the risk of disease transmission
associated with use of the CAWS. While the goal is well-intended, several technical issues will
limit the extent to which the risk of disease transmission may be mitigated. These issues include:
1. Coliform bacteria are poor indicators of the effectiveness of disinfection systems.
Relative to most microbial pathogens, coliform bacteria are sensitive to disinfectant
and as a result
, conditions that accomplish effective inactivation of coliform
bacteria will not necessarily
to effective control of microbial pathogens.
2. Disinfection systems used in wastewater reuse applications with potential of direct
human contact, have been demonstrated to accomplish reliable, effective control of
microbial pathogens; however, these systems call for roughly an
of magnitude
greater disinfectant exposure than would be required to comply with the proposed
effluent bacterial
for incidental (limited)
The proposed effluent
limit of 400 cfu1100 mL for coliform bacteria is modest, as the conditions of disinfectant
exposure that will be required are unlikely to lead to effective control of microbial
pathogens. The response of the bacterial community to the post-disinfection environment
will be influenced by bacterial repair, recovery, and re-growth; collectively, these
processes may yield diminished water quality relative to a situation in which disinfection
is not
3. A range of disinfection applications exists for municipal wastewater effluents in the
United States. However, in many other developed countries, wastewater disinfection is
not practiced,
and it
appears that the frequency of disease transmission associated with
water contact is not substantially different that in the U.S., where wastewater disinfection
is common.
Irrespective of any measures that are used to control microbial inputs to the CAWS from
wastewater treatment facilities, inputs from other sources
CSOs and non-
point sources)
will remain
Moreover, it would be extremely difficult to implement
control measures that would effectively mitigate
transport of microbial pathogens
to the CAWS from these sources. These inputs will limit possible reductions in the risk
of exposure to waterborne microbial pathogens.
Collectively, these issues dictate that wastewater disinfection, as required to comply with the
proposed effluent bacterial limit, will yield only modest decreases in the risk of disease
transmission associated with use of the CAWS.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley III, E.R.; Gong, W.; Alleman, J.E.; Rose, J.B.; Huffman, D.E.; Otaki, M.; Lisle, J.T.
(2007) "Effects of Wastewater Disinfection on
Waterborne Bacteria and Viruses,"
Environment Research, 79,
1, 81-92.
Blatchley III, E.R
W.; Alleman
Rose, J.B.; Huffman, D
M.; Lisle, J.T.
Effects of
Wastewater Disinfection on Human Health,
Final Report for Project 99-HHE-1,
Water Environment Research Foundation
, VA, 247 pp.
Cabelli,V.J. (1983) "Water-borne viral infections," pp. 107-130, in M.Butler, A.R. Medlen, and
R. Morris (eds.),
Viruses and Disinfection of Water and Wastewater,
University of Surrey Press,
Guilford, England.
G.; Caron
E.; Wright
H.; Sakamoto
G.; Payment, P.; Barbeau
B.; Cairns, B. (2006)
"UV Dose Required to Achieve Incremental Log Inactivation of Bacteria
Protozoa and
News, 8,
1, 38-45.
Environmental and Workplace Health,
http://www.he-sc;gc; c /ewh-
Parkhurst, J. D. (1977)
Pomona Virus Study: Final Report.
Prepared for California State Water
Resources Control Board and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Districts of Los
Angeles County, CA.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Waterborn'e Bacteria and Viruses
Ernest R. Blatchley III", Woei-Long Gong?, James E. Alleman3, Joan B. Rose4,
Debra E. Huffman', Masahiro Otaki6i John T. Lisle?
Wastewater disinfection is practiced with the goal of
reducing risks Of frunuui exposure to pathogenic microorganisms. In most
circumstances, the efficacy of a wastewater disinfection process is regu-
lated and monitored based on measurements of the responses of indicator
bacteria, However, Inactivation of indicator bacteria does not guarantee an
acceptable degree of inactivation among other waterborne microorganisots
microbial pathogens).
Undisinfected effluent samples from several municipal wastewater
treatment facilities were collected for analysis. Facilities were selected to
provide a broad spectrum of effluent quality, particularly as related to
nitrogenous compounds. Samples were subjected to bench-scale chlorination
and dechloriuation and UV irradiation under conditions that allowed
compli urce with rclcvant discharge regulations and such that disinfectant
exposures could be accurately quantified. Disinfected smnples were sub-
jected to it battery of assays to assess the immediate and long-term effects of
wastewater disinfection ore waterbome bacteria and viruses.
In general, (viable) bacterial populations showed an immediate: decline as
a result of disinfectant exposure; however, incubation of disinfected samples
under conditions that were designed to mimic the conditions in a receiving
stream resulted in substantial recovery of the total bacterial community. The
bacterial groups that are commonly used as indicators do not provide an
accurate representation of the response of the bacterial community to disin-
fectarit exposure: and subsequent recovery in the environment. UV irradiation
and chlorimttiornldechlorinatiorn both accomplished measurable inactivation
of Irdigettous phage; however, tlic extent of inactivation was fairly modest
under dic conditions of dishrfection used in this study. UV irradiation was
consiSMIGy more effective as a virucide than clilorrnation/deeliloririatioii
under the conditions of application, based on measurements of virus (phage)
diversity and concent'ation.
Taken together, and when considered in conjunction with previously
publisher[ research, the results of these experiments illustrate several
important limitations of common disinfection processes as applied in the
trcauncnt of municipal wastewaters. In general, it is not clear that conven-
tionai disinfection processes, as commonly implemented, are effective for
control of Are risks of disease transmission, particularly those associated
with viral pathogens. Microbial quality in receiving strearns may not be
substantially improved by the application of these disinfection processes;
under some circumstances, an argument can be made that disinfection may
r` Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue 'University, 550
Stadium Mall Drive,
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051; e-mail: blatch@
2 Graduau Student, School of Civil Engineerhig, Purdue University, West
1afayette, Indiana.
Department Chair and Professor of Civil, Construction, and Bi viron-
mental Engineering, Iowa State University, Armes,
4 Molter Nowlin Chair, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, (Michigan
State university, lust Lansingl
s }research Associate, College of Marine Science, University of South
Florida, Tampa.
G Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan.
U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg„ Florida.
yield a decrease in effluent and receiving wafer quality
the need
for effluent disinfection must account for site
but it is not clear
that disinfection
of municipal wastewater
effluents is necessary or beneficial for all facilities
hen direct human
contact or ingestion of municipal wastewatcr effluents is likely, disinfection
may be necessary
Under these circumstances
UV irradiation appears to be
superior to chlorination in terms of microbial quality and chemistry and
This advantage is particularly evident in effluents that contain
appreciable quantities of ammonia
nitrogen or organic nitrogen.
81 (2007).
IMYWORDS: disinfection
bacteria, virus,
chlorine, UV,
/10614300GX 102024
Wastewater disinfection has been practiced in the United States
for approximately 100 years with the goal of providing protection
human populations from exposure to pathogenic waterborne
microorganisms. Undisnifected wastewater effluents represent a
potentially important source of pathogenic microorganisms in the
environment and a possible vector for transmission of disease
among human populations. Although bacterial pathogens arc
present ht wastewater effluents, it is generally believed that enteric
viruses represent the greatest risk to human health of all
waterborne pathogens. The (oo)cysts of waterborne protozoan
pathogens can also represent a substantial risk to humans. The risks
of disease associated with waterborne pathogens are generally
acute nt nature.
Human contact with municipal wastewater effluents can occur
through ingestion, swimming, direct or indirect contact with water
from waler reuse applications, or ingestion of seafood. Bcyond
these circumstances of direct contact, it is important to consider also
that municipal wastewater effluents become a part of fie hydrologic
cycle. As such, wastewater effluents represent potentially important
sources of biological and chemical constituents in water supplies; in .
a very real sense, "we all live downstream".
most wastewater disinfection operations have used
chlorine as the disinfectant, Chlorine is known to be effective for
inactivation of common bacterial indicator organisms; however,
several important drawbacks to chlorine-based disinfection have
been identified, including its relative ineffectiveness against some
microbial pathogens (e.g., bacterial spores, enteric viruses, and
protozoan [co]cysts) and repair or regrowth of pathogens postdisin-
feclion. Therefore, conditions that accomplish acceptable inactiva-
tion of indicator bacteria by chlorine-based disinfection strategies
do not necessarily guarantee safety of a treated water supply.
January 200-t,
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Slalchley et al.
UV irradiation is widely recognized as an alternative to
chlorination/dechlorination for disinfection of municipal waste-
waters. TJV radiation is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent.
However, some viral pathogens are known to be, resistant to UV
radiation, and the issue of repair and recovery of the exposed
microbial community is also a potential drawback of UV-based
disinfection processes. Therefore, as in the case of chlorination,
conditions of UV irradiation that prove to be sufficient for inac-
tivation of indicator bacteria do not guarantee an acceptable level of
treatment for all microbial pathogens.
It is clear that the proper application of disinfectants can lead to
removal or inactivatioll of microbial pathogens; however, given
the drawbacks listed above, there is some question as to whether
disinfection of municipal wastewater effluents should be applied
in all cases. In many developed countries outside North America,
wastewater disinfection is practiced only in situations where a direct,
clear threat to human health is evident, such as discharges to bathing
areas or shellfish breeding grounds. The occurrence of waterborne
diseases in these areas
substantially different from that of
North America, where wastewater disinfection is required in the
vast majority of cases. However, even within the United States,
many states have chosen to require disinfection only on a seasonal
These attributes have prompted a reevaluation of the
assignment of disinfection as a default applicatiou.
A broad range of possible options exist for disinfection of
municipal wastewaters, from no disinfection at all to aggressive
operations that accomplish extensive inactivation of recalcitrant
waterborne microorganisms, The following sections present sum-
maries of investigations that were performed in the midl970s that
have become classics in the disinfection field. These summaries
provide useful illustrations of the range of treatment objectives
and wastewater disinfection operations in place in the United
States today.
Districts of Los Angeles County,
(Pomona Virus Study [Parkhurst, 1977]).
The Los Angeles
County Sanitation District, in conjunction with the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) (Washington, D.C.) and the
California State
Water Resources Control Board (Sacramento,
California), conducted a study with the objective of providing data
regarding alternative tertiary treatment approaches for water reuse
applications that could allow compliance with Title 22 of the
California Administrative Code. 't'itle 22 represents the California
Health Depimment's Wastewater Reclamation Criteria, The
study involved operation of four pilot-scale tertiary treatment
D'isinf'ectants included in these four systems were
inorganic combined chlorine, free chlorine, and ozone. At the time
of this investigation, UV irradiation was not viewed as a viable
alternative to chlorine-
While this landmark study was relevant for a number of reasons,
perhaps the most tangible outcome of this study with regard to the
issue of the need for municipal wastewater disinfection was the
definition of the conditions of chlorine-based disinfection that are
required to achieve acceptable treaurient in a reuse setting.
Specifically, the conditions of chlorination required to accomplish
reliable compiance. with 't'itle 22 were as follows:
Combined chlorine residual of at least 10 mg/L (as clorine
[Cl2]) for a contact time of at least 2 hours, or
Free chlorine residual of at least 4 mg/L (as Cl2) for a contact
time of at least 2 hours.
These disinfection
accomplished roughly 4 logto
inactivation of seeded virus and were consistently in compliance
with the coli.form regulation. When used In conjunction with other
physicochemical processes, treatment consistently
accomplished overall virus inactivation (or removal) of roughly 5
logro units.
Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago,
Illinois. Leadership
within the Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago, Illinois (MWRDGC), has often chal-
lenged conventional thinking on topics relating to municipal waste-
water treatment; in several cases, the approaches taken by the
MWRDGC to solve water treatment and water quality problems
have resulted in important innovations that have subsequently been
adopted by other municipalities. An example is the MWRD(3C:'s
approach to disinfection, which is described in great detail in a series
MWRDGC publications (Lue-Ring et al., 1976; Sedita, Lue-hing,
and Haas, 1987; Sedita, Zenz, Luc-Ring, and O'Brien, 1987).
Beginning in Inly 1972, the MWRDGC implemented continuous
chlorination of the effluents from all of its facilities. Soon thereafter,
the district initiated testimony before the Illinois Pollution Control
Board questioning the wisdom of chlorine-based disinfection.
To support this effort, the MWRDGC began an extensive investiga-
tion of the advantages and disadvantages of chlorination, In general
terns, the
MWRDGC demonstrated that water quality in the
waters4downstream of their facilities, which at times
contained as much as 90% effluent (therefore, very little dilution),
was the same or better when chlorine-based disinfection was
terminated than when chlorination was practiced. Chlorination was
observed to result in an improvement in bacterial quality in their
effluent only within a short reach of receiving stream (roughly 16
to 22 kin [10 to 15 river miles] downstream of the outfdl). Viable
enteric viruses in receiving streams were not significantly affected
by chlorination, as practiced at the district's facilities. It is imporlsuit
to note that this conclusion was reached for a system that was based
on a nitrified effluent. Therefore, the chlorine residual would
probably have been present in the form of free chlorine, which is
generally regarded as the most effective form of chlorine for
of planktonic inicroorganisins. Chlorination also
resultedut a substantial reduction in fish populations in receiving
streams. In addition, Clio absence of fish allowed for increased
populations of nuisance
insects in and
around Chicago waterways.
Based on their findings, MWRDGC presented
a compelling
argument that chlorination did not yield the benefits that were
typically ascribed to disinfection practices; the risks of microbial
exposure were not substantially affected by chlorination. Moreover,
MWRDGC argued that the practice of chlorination was actually
detrimental to water quality, based on measurements of aquatic life
and other water quality parameters. It is noteworthy that these
observations wets made in receiving streams that, at times, were
essentially undiluted
municipal wastewater effluent from waste-
water treatment facilities that used fairly conventional, though ef-
fective, treatment operations.
Based on the evidence presented to them, the Illinois EPA
MWRDGC's request to discontinue disinfection at its
largest facilities (86okney, Northside, Calumet, and Lemont water
reclamation plants [WI?Us]). Subsequent monitoring of effluents
and receiving streams demonstrated improvements in water quality.
Disinfection by chlorination/dechlorination continues at the three
other district facilities (Egan, Kirie, and Hanover Park WRI's) on
a seasonal basis.
Water Environment Research
, Volume 79, Number 1
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley el al,
1---Typical NPI ES
limitations for publicly owned
treatment works in Indiana relevant to disinfection.
Limit type
Fecal coliform
F. Cali
Total residual
<200 clu/100 mL
<400 cfu/100 mL
X235 cfu/100 mL
[125 c#u/100 mt_
c0.02 mg/L (as CIz)
c0.01 mg/L (as CIz)
6 to 9
Monthly geometric mean
Weekly geometric mean
Daily maximum
Monthly geometric mean
Daily maximum
Monthly arithmetic mean
By comparison with most. conventional disinfection practices in
use today (for purposes of this manuscript, the term
will refer to disinfection operations that do not
represent opportunities for water reuse, and therefore are not
subject to reuse criteria), such as those that were in place in
MWRDGC facilities at the time of their studies, the conditions of
chlorination defined by the Pomona Virus Study can be character-
lzed as extreme. The regulatory constraints that are imposed for
most scenarios involving conventional disinfection are substantially
less severe than those imposed by 'T'itle 22, As an example, Table I
lists typical National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit limitations issued by the Indiana Department of
Management (Indianapolis) that are relevant to
disinfection operations. Similar discharge limitations are imposed
by regulatory agencies in other states.
In practical terms, these constraints are met in well-run municipal
wastewater treatment facilities by maintaining a chlorine residual
of I to 2 mg/la (as CIZ) for a detention time of 20 to 40 minutes,
followed by tetravalent sulfur [S(1V)}-based &-chlorination. When
relevant, aunmonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) limitations are generally met
by biochemical nitrification.
To put these treatment conditions into perspective, it is useful to
characterize the conditions of chlorination used in each system. A
"conventional disinfection" operation may accomplish disinfection
based on a CT value (defined as the product of residual chlorine
concentration and mean hydraulic detention time) of 40 to 80
mg • min/L, whereas a disinfection system that is implemented to
satisfy the constraints of Title 22 may require chlorine exposure of
more than 1000 mg • min/L.
Clearly, this range of possible chlorination conditions will yield
a con-esponding range of antimicrobial (and other) effects. In the
time since the completion of the Pomona Vitus Study and
MWIWGC's research on the subject of chlorine-based wastewater
disinfection, UV irradiation practices have been adopted to meet the
constraints imposed by wastewater treatment objectives. The
conditions of U V irradiation required to satisfy 't'itle 22 constraints
(and similar reuse constraints in other areas) are substantially more
severe than those required to meet the constraints of 'conventional
Project Objectives
The examples described above illustrate a broad range of
practices that are being applied across the United
States, This range of practices brings with it a range of water quality
issues that are relevant to human health. To address this range of
issues, a research project was initiated to address the following two
basic questions:
(1) Should wastewater disinfection he practiced'?
Under circumstances where the answer to question (1) is yes,
how should disinfection be accomplished?
Because they represent the disinfectants of choice for municipal
wastewaters in the vast majority of circumstances today, chlorina-
tion/dechloriuation and UV irradiation were chosen for investiga-
tion in this research, Both disinfectants were applied in bench-scale
systems to effluent samples collected from several municipal
wastewater treatment facilities. Facilities were selected to provide
a spectrum of effluent quality, particularly as related to effluent
ammonia-nitrogen and organic nitrogen. Reduced nitrogen (in the
forms of arrunorfia-nitrogen and organic nitrogen) was viewed as
a critical factor relative to chlorine-based disinfection because of the
formation of inorganic and organic chloramines, respectively. In
general, inorganic chloramines are less effective than free chlorine
for - inactivation of planktonic microorganisms, while organic
chloramines have little or no antimicrobial character (Donnermair
and Blatchley, 2003), but may represent sources of effluent toxicity
(Gong et at,, 2004).
Disinfectants were applied under conditions that were sufficient
to accomplish compliance with relevant effluent discharge regu-
lations based on microbial quality and chemistry. Bacterial and viral
responses to disinfectants were then characterized. All compliance
limits used as targets in this research corresponded with conven-
tional disinfection, as defined above.
Materials and Methods
A complete description of methods - and the results and
conclusions of this research can be found in the final report for
Water Environment Research Foundation (Alexandria, Virginia)
project 99-1-RIE-1, Undisinfected effluent samples were collected at
municipal wastewater treatment facilities, designated herein
as facilities
A to E for purposes of providing anonymity to the
facilities. After- collection, samples were packed in ice and shipped
by express courier to participating laboratories for experianentatiori
and analysis.
Facility A uses conventional primary clarification and activated
sludge (with nitrification), effluent from this facility consistently
displays high quality in terms of conventional bulk parameters such
as five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended
solids (TSS), and ammonia-nitrogen. At the time of this research,
facility B used conventional primary settling and activated sludge
treatment without
quality for
collected during this research was typically poorer than from the
other facilities in terns of BOD5, TSS, and ammonia-nitrogen.
Facility C was somewhat unusual in that effluent was subjected to
nitrification and denitrification before discharge. Facility 17, wlricti.
subjects the effluent to conventional secondary treatment (without
nitrification) and filtration, produces a high quality effluent in terms
of BOD5 and TSS, but with a relatively high concentration of
ammonia-nitrogen. Facility E uses conventional primary settling
and activated sludge with nitrification.
Range-finding experiments were conducted with samples from
eaelh facility to determine bench-scale conditions of disinfection
that would allow compliance with relevant discharge regulations,
based on concentrations of viable indicator bacteria and residual
chlorine. Based on these experiments, the conditions of disinfec-
tion required for each disinfectant were defined.
January 2007
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley et al.
Chlorination/declrlorination was conducted in well-mixed batch
reactors using an initial chlorine concentration of 2,0 mg/L (as Clz)
and a contact time of 40 to 60 minutes. The forms of residual
chlorine that were generated in solution were defined by N,N-
diphenyl p-phenylene-diamine/ferrouos ammonium sulfate (DI3D/
1AS) titration (Al'IJA et al., 1998) aid by membrane introduction
mass spectrometry (Shang and Blatchley, 1999). For effluent
samples firom the nitrifying facilities (A, C, and E.), residual chlorine
existed as free chlorine; for effluent samples from non nitrifying
facilities (13 and 17), residual chlorine was present in the forn of
combined chlorine, with the vast majority of the residual being
present as monochloramine (NH2C1). Samples were dechlorinated
by addition of sodium thiosulfate in slight stoichiometric excess of
the chlorine residual present at the end of the exposure period.
For most experiments involving
W radiation, disinfectant
exposure was accomplished in small, well-mixed, batch reactors
under a monochromatic
(7,, = 254
nm) flat-plate collimated beam
(Blatchley, 1997). For experiments requiring relatively large sample
sizes (i.e., more than 1000 mL), irradiation was accomplished using
a capillary-flow reactor (Gong and Blatchley, 2002), The UV dose
delivered to samples examined iii this research ranged from 0-20
m7/cm2'. Disinfectant exposures were conducted at each participat-
ing laboratory immediately before initiation of experiments.
Fong-Perm Respirometry: Repair and Regrowth of Bacterial
Communities Postdisinfection. Disinfected sarnples were exam-
ined by long-term respirometry for purposes of characterizing
of the bacterial community postdisiinfection. After
treatment (i.e., disinfection or control), samples were incubated at
25°C under dark conditions for 6 days in a respirometer (00-104
system, N-CON Systems Co„ Inc., Crawford, Georgia) to study the
long-term respirometric behavior of the treated samples, Acetic acid
was added to the disinfected samples and controls as an artificial
substrate at a concentration of 14.1 mg/L (approximately 15 mg/L
biochemical oxygen demand [BODj). Artificial substrate was added
at this concentration to mimic the BOD concentration of typical
receiving waters. Acetic acid was selected as the substrate because
acetate has characteristics that are representative of substrates
that can be expected in natural receiving. waters (Shuler and
Kargi, 1992).
Concentrations of viable fecal coliform bacteria and total bac-
concentration ('I'BC) were monitored over the course of
respirometey experiments as measures of the responses of the
bacterial community to disinfectant exposure. Tliese measurements
were conducted daily by membrane filtration and acridine. orange
staining, respectively (APRA et al., 1998). The respirometer was
used to monitor oxygen uptake throughout the 6-day period of
each experiment.
For each treatment facility, effluent samples were collected on
four different dates and subjected to the same treatments. For each
sample, four treatments (original sample without substrate, original
sample with substrate, UV-irradiated sample with substrate, and
chlorinated/dechlorinated sample with substrate) were applied. The
output variables in this study included total oxygen uptake, viable
fecal coliform concentration, total bacteria concentration, and the
ratio of viable fecal coliform to total bacteria concentration. Because
were orders of, magnitude differences in bacterial conecii-
trations between disinfected and undisinf'ected samples, viable fecal
coliform concentrations were logio transformed.
Other Bacterial Assays. Disinfected samples were also anal-
yzed for viable fecal coliforms, enterococci, and total culturable
bacteria. Fecal colifortns were assayed using the membrane
method described above. Samples from facilities C and
D, both of which discharge through marine outfalls, were assayed
for the presence of viable enterocoeci using a two-step membrane
filtration method that uses the selective medium mE and EIA agars
(API-IA ct al., 1998). Total culturable bacteria (TCB) counts were
obtained by plating samples onto R2A agar (Reasoner acid
Geldreich, 1985).
Responses of Indigenous Bacterfophage, to Conventional
Coliphage analysis was performed by the double
agar overlay method (Adams, 1959). Total colipbages (somatic and
F'-specific) were assayed on tryptic soy agar using a log-phase host
culture of
Escherichia col! (E. cali)
C-3000 (ATCC #15597). The
F-specific coliphages (F+ phages) were assayed using a log-phase
culture of E
r-HS (pFamp)R (ATCC #700891) on tryptic
soy agar augmented with streptomycin/ampicillin, as specified by
U.S. EPA (2001).
Individual phage plaques surviving bench chlorination or UV
irradiation were harvested and stored in 0.5-mL aliquots of
phosphate buffered saline at 4°C, then regrown to high titer. Bac-
teriophages isolated in this manner were further characterized by
their nucleic acid content. Bacteriophages containing RNA were
differentiated from those containing DNA by suppressing growth of
isolates in the presence of 100 ltg/mL of RNAse. (bovine pancreas,
type I-A, Sigma, St. Louis, Missouri). Isolates that did not produce
plaques in the presence of RNAse were classified as RNA phage,
Bacteriophages that were able to form plaques in the presence of
RNAse were classified as DNA phage.
Results and Discussion
Term Respirometry: Repair
and Regrowth of Bacterial
Communities Postdisinfectioli.
The goal of these experiments
was to assess responses of bacterial communities in wastewater
effluents to disinfectant exposure. For qualitative characterization of
bacterial community responses, the following two basic factors
were considered: (l) the behavior of indicator organisms (fecal
coliforms, used as a surrogate for bacterial pathogens) and (2) the
behavior of the total bacterial community. Based on this approach,
nine possible outcomes are possible, as summarized in Figure 1.
Although it is clear that this method of analysis ignores many
potentially important aspects of microbial (bacterial) ecology, it
does allow for simple screening of the effectiveness of disinfec-
tion processes.
From Figure 1, it is evident that not all disinfection scenarios
should (necessarily) be considered effective in terms of reducing
Truman exposure to (bacterial) pathogenic rnicworganisms. It should
be emphasized that this illustration is aimed at a qualitative,
assessment of the responses of die bacterial community to disin-
fectant exposure. In examination of the responses of viral and
protozoan organisms, the outcomes may be somewhat different in
that inactivation, and repair and recovery responses are likely to be
substantially different than with bacteria.
Figure 1 lists nine possible scenarios that could develop among
wastewater bacteria following disinfection; the effectiveness of
a disinfection process can be judged by vviations in the total
bacterial community and the pathogenic (indicator) fraction. For
example, cases c, g, and i may be judged to represent a positive
effect of disinfection because they imply a reduction in pathogenic
(indicator) bacteria. On the other hand, cases a, b, d, and e have an
adverse effect because pathogenic (indicator) bacteria concentra-
tions are not reduced. It is also interesting to note that, in cascs'f and
b, it is difficult to unambiguously judge disinfection efficacy based
Water Environment Research
Volume 79, Number i
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley et al.
No Change In Total £SacrarfaCofmot
IncraafeIn Total
pecrea;fIn Total BmtOiCancvnU4tion
(/ V
^ cc
3 Incubation rT^
.^ m
d p
Fathogeolo baeloda
Nonpathogenic bacteria
Figure 1-Conceptual representation of the possible fates of bacteria following disinfectant exposure. Disinfection is
considered to be antibacterially effective when the risk of human exposure to bacteria is reduced. Moving from left to
right, columns represent circumstances of no regrowth, regrowth, and decline in total bacterial population, respectively.
Moving from top to bottom, rows represent circumstances in which the fraction of the bacterial population composed of
pathogenic (indicator) bacteria does not change, increases, and decreases, respectively. Together, these two attributes
(regrowth of the total bacterial population, and changes in the fraction of pathogenic [indicator] bacteria) can be used to
represent the effectiveness of disinfection relative to human exposure to bacteria. Cases c, g, and 1 illustrate beneficial
effects of disinfection in that risks of bacterial exposure are reduced; cases a, b, d, and a illustrate cases in which
disinfection is not beneficial in that risks of bacterial exposure are not reduced; for cases f and h, additional information
is required to judge the effectiveness of disinfection.
on these two criteria. For these two cases, judgment of antibacterial
efficacy requires additional information, such as the absolute
concentration of viable pathogenic (indicator) bacteria.
To answer the question "is a disinfection process effective?"
from the standpoint of bacterial risk, it is necessary to consider both
regrowth and the pathogen (indicator) ratio. To do this, it is
necessary to investigate the effects of upstream treatment processes,
disinfection, an([ receiving waters on regrowth and the pathogen
Under conditions of abundant substrate supply, rapid-growing
microorganisms generally dominate populations. This is true in
municipal wastewater treatment facilities, where the abundance of
available organic substrates favors the growth of rapidly dividing
bacteria, such as coliforms and pseudomonads. These dominant
microbial populations in wastewater, which gain a competitive
advantage because of their high intrinsic growth rates, are rapidly
displaced in competition with other microbial populations of
receiving waters as the concentration of organic compounds dimin-
ishes, owing to decomposition and dilution; under lower nutrient
conditions, a more diverse community of slowly growing bacteria
is favored.
For interpretation of the results of these experiments, several
assumptions have been made, including the following:
Fecal coliferm bacteria can be used as indicators for
pathogenic bacteria it disinfected wastewater effluent. This
implies that fecal coliforms can be characterized as having (a)
similar susceptibility to disinfection processes, (b) similar
intrinsic growth rates, and (c) similar requirements for nutrients
as pathogenic bacteria.
The substrate (acetic acid) used in this study can represent the
substrate condition of receiving waters,
o The addition of substrate does not affect microbial ecology
relationships during incubation.
It is clear that these assumptions are not entirely valid, because of
die following:
® Susceptibility to disinfection processes, intrinsic growth rates,
and nutrient requirements for fecal coliform and pathogenic
bacteria will be different; they are different even between two
pathogenic bacteria. Coliform bacteria are commonly used as
an "indicator" of microbial duality. However, it is clear tbat
no single species can truly represent the broad range of micro-
bial pathogens that could be presefit in a municipal waste-
water effluent,
o The nutrient conditions of receiving waters are site-specific, so
January 200/
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley et al.
Table 2
Summary of bacterial community responses to disinfection treatmentsi Responses of the bacterial community
are identified by a letter
corresponding to one of the nine possible outcomes listed in Figure 1,
Incubation time (hours)
Original without substrate addition (control)
riginal with substrate addition
f (t)
f [--)
f (-)
f (-)
f (-)
f (-)
f (---)
it is impossible to find a substrate that can be representative of
all situations.
Acetic acid can be biodegrades[ easily; this will benefit those
bacteria with high intrinsic growth rates. The composition of
biodegradable compounds in receiving waters will vary.
The conditions used in these experiments provided a common basis
for examination of the behavior of municipal wastewater effluents
from several different facilities. As such, it was possible to compare
the long-term behavior of multiple samples collected from each
of the four facilities. The conditions of these experiments were
believed to be generally representative of actual conditions in re-
ceiving waters; however, it is riot reasonable to expect direct, quan-
titative translation of these results to conditions in the respective
receiving waters.
Assessments of disinfection efficacy have traditionally been
based on the inactivation or removal of fecal indicators, such as total
coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci. However, there
is little information to allow correlation between these indicator
organisers acrd real pathogens, particularly in teens of their long-
term behavior.
Although the assumptions listed above are not
entirely justified, it is necessary to use this approach because
relatively little information has been obtained regarding the ecol-
ogical relationships between fecal coliform and pathogenic bacteria,
many of which are not culturable. Fecal coliforms have been chosen
as the target microorganism because they represent a common
indicator microorganism for wastewater effluent regulation.
of Fecal Coliforrrrs (indicator)
and T
otal Bacterial
As described previously, the effectiveness of disinfection
treatment processes was assessed based on an index test in which
the dynamic behavior of fecal coliforms and total bacterial counts
were examined throughout the course of incubation used in the
long-term respirometry assays. Based on the 16 experimental runs
(four treatment facilities, four replicates per facility), four different
treatments were applied; fecal coliform and total bacteria concen-
trations were recorded for each case from i = 0 hours (immediately
after treatment) to t = = 144 hours. Because there were four replicates
involved in each treatment facility, an average value of the four
was used for representation of the total bacteria
and fecal-to-total-bacteria ratio.
Based on this
information, classification of disinfection process proceeded using
Figure 1. Table 2 provides a summary of the results of these
measurements for all four facilities and all four exposure scenarios
(treatments). Recall that effluent samples from facilities B and D
were non-nitrified, whereas those from facilities A and C had
been subjected to nitrification (and denitrificatioti, in the case of
facility Q.
In general, the treatrrients involving no disinfection (designated
in Table 2 as "original without substrate addition" and "original
with substrate addition") resulted in an improvement in bacterial
quality over the course of the 6-day incubation procedure. In con-
overall bacterial quality remained essentially unchanged or
degraded following the disinfection procedures. The decreases in
quality were
most evident in the application of
chlorination/dechlorination to non-nitrified effluent samples, where
-i-l-valent chlorine would have been present predominantly in the
form N142CL White it is clear that chlorine- or UV-based disin-
fection will accomplish an immediate decrease in the concentra-
tions of viable bacteria, it appears that the long-term effects of
chlorination/dechlorination or UV irradiation
may actually be
detrimental to water quality, in terms of bacterial composition.
It is important to recognize that the changes among the bacterial
populations were all normalized against the bacterial composition at
= 0, corresponding to the time at which disinfectant exposure was
terminated. This method of normalization can provide a misleading
representation of bacterial population dynamics, in that the basis of
normalization was different for all samples. To address this issue,
the data from the long-term respiromedy experiments were pre-
sented in another form. 'T'able 3 provides a summary of average total
bacterial counts mid average viable fecal coliform concentration
for each facility and treatment. The non-normalized data in this
table allow a direct comparison of bacterial changes among all
of the treatments, over 'the period of incubation used in these
Several important tn;nds are evident in the data presented ur
Table 3. First, the disinfection procedures generally accomplished
Water Environment Research
, Volume 19, Number 1
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley et al.
Table 3
Summary of bacterial responses to disinfection treatments for samples collected from all four facilities.
TBC, t = 0
1100 mL)
TBC, t =
144 hours
(#/100 mL
t = 0
efu/100 ml.)
Fecal coliform,
t = 144 hours
/100 mL)
6.02 x loll
4.63 X 10°
5.22 X 108
5.99 X 108
Ori w/
5.34 X 108
5.09 X 108
2.81 x 105
Ori w/o
5.4^ X 108
3.72 X 10a
2.16 X 10'
9.44 x 107
7,90 X IV
8.53 X 107
4.09 x 108
ON w/
-1.12 X 10a
7.00 X 10'
2.38 X 10'
Ori w/o
8,54 X 107
4.25 X l07
1.95 x 105
6.31 X 107
2,16 X le
Ori w/
7.16 x 107
4.54 X 107
Ori Wo
6.61 X 107
4.77 X 10'
2.02 X 108
1.62 X 108
2.28 X 168
3.99 X 108
Ori w/
2,41 x 108
7.77 X 107
Ori w/o
2.18 X 108
1.21 X 108
* °Ori w/" indicates original (control) sample with acetic acid substrate; "Ori w/o" indicates original (control) sample without acetic
acid substrate.
effective inactivation of fecal coliform bacteria, although viable
fecal colifonn concentrations in some samples exceeded regulatory
The bacterial population that existed post UV irradiation
tended to decline over the period of incubation, as measured both by
TBC and fecal coliform. In contrast, the bacterial population that
existed postchlorination consistently increased, both in terms of
T13C and fecal coliform. `.l'he TBC at the end of the incubation
was consistently higher in' the samples that had been
subjected to chlorination/dechl6rination than any other
treatment. In
some cases, fecal coliform concentrations in the chlorinated/
dechlorinated samples were higher at the end of the period of
incubation than the undisinfected samples. Disinfectant exposure
appears to be effective for short-tern control of bacterial popu-
however, the data presented in Table 3 suggest that, from
the standpoint of bacterial composition in the long-term, opting to
skip disinfection may yield better water quality than application of
disinfection. If disinfection needs to be implemented, these data
indicate an advantage of UV irradiation relative to chlorination/
Uptake. Final oxygen consumption of each treatment
was recorded after an incubation period of 144 hours. The resulting
oxygen consumptions from each treatment were compared with
initial ammonium concentrations based on 64 test samples, and the
results air shown in Figure 2. The superimposed straight line
represews,the theoretical nitrogenous oxygen demand with a slope
of 4.3 g 07/g [NI14- )-N (Tchobimoglous and Burton, 1991). There
was no clear trend between oxygen consumption and initial
ammonium concentration when ammonium concentration was low
mg/L), corresponding to effluent samples colimted from
facilities. However, in samples collected from non-
nitrifying facilities,
where ammonium concentration was sub-
stantially higher, it was clear that the total oxygen consumption
was strongly related to initial ammonium concentration, and higher
than theoretical oxygen consumption based on ammonia oxidation
was observed itt most cases (except for UV irradiated samples). This
suggests that most oxygen was consumed in the oxidation of
ammonium (nitrification). ror the range of ammonium-nitrogen
concentration present in the samples that were tested in this research
(LNH37o ^ 0 to 18 mg/L as nitrogen), the undisinfected samples,
with or without substrate, typically yielded similar oxygen con-
sumption, indicating that the artificial substrate did not cause .a
significant increase hi overall oxygen uptake. Also, oxygen con-
sumption in the undisinfected samples was generally higher
than in
the disinfected samples.
Oxygen consumption in YJV-irradiated samples under high.
ammonium concentrations (14.35 and 18.33 mg/L as nitrogen)
was substantially lower than theoretical oxygen consumption
predictions based on biochemical oxidation of ammonia-nitrogen.
The reason for this behavior is not clear, but it should be pointed out
that these two samples were both from facility 1), winch uses
filtration as an upstream treatment process. Guerrero and Jones
(1996) indicated that exposure to visible light 600 to 475 nm) and
near-UV irradiation (300 to 375 nm) will cause inhibition of nitrite.
oxidizers and ammonium oxidizers. Furthermore, they found that
ammonium oxidizers are more sensitive to photoirradiation than
nitrite oxidizers. Guerrero and Jones (1996) also investigated dark
recovery of nitrifying bacteria after pltotoinhibition. They found that
the recovery rates of
Nitrawmonas ciyotoleran.s
were slower when exposed to a short wavelength of
radiation (300 tun), and the maximum recovery percentage appeared
to be dependent on the wavelength of irradiation. However, no
information rcgarding nitrifaer response to UV254 (or other
gennicidally active wavelengths) was discussed in their studies,
nor was the relative susceptibility of nitrifying bacteria to 1JV
irradiation included. Therefore,, similarities in observed responses of
nitrifying bacteria in this research can only be made by inference of
a similar set of processes being induced by solar UV radiation and
the UV radiation that characterises low-pressure mercury lamps
(k = 254 nm), as used in this research.
The concentration of indicator organ-
isms present in a water sample is often used to represent microbial
quality as an index parameter, Coliforrn bacteria are commonly used
for this purpose, but many alternative indicator orgw)isms have
been proposed and are in use today. For example, enterococci are
January 2007
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchloy et al,
[NI-14'11„D (mp/L as N)
Figure 2-Results of oxygen uptake of different treatments at the end of 144-hour incubation period. Data are included
for samples collected from four municipal wastewater treatment facilities; the straight line represents the theoretical
oxygen consumption based on ammonium-based
biochemical oxygen demand.
commonly used with facilities that discharge to a marine environ-
ment. Fxperimorus were conducted to characterize the responses of
fecal coliforms and enterococci to the bench-scale disinfection
procedures used in this research. Figure 3 provides, summaries of
the results of these experiments for samples collected from facilities
While some variation was evident in the logru inactivation
responses of fecal coliform bacteria among the various samples
collected, inactivation responses measured on any individual sample
by the two disinfectants were quite similar. Similar conclusions
can be. reached with regard to the enterococcus data. Collectively,
disc data indicate that the conditions of disinfection by UV ir-
radiation and chlorinationldeclilorination were comparable, both in
terns of coliform - inactivation and enterococcus inactivation.
Moreover, it appears that fecal coliforms and enterococcus are
similar in terms of their behavior as indicator organisms.
These conclusions are based on effluent sarnples from facilities
that produce effluents with substantially different residual nitrogen
composition. Facility D yields an effluent that typically contains
a relatively high concentration of anirnonia-nitrogen, while effluent
from facility C has been subjected to nitrification and denitrifica-
Therefore, residual chlorine composition in effluent samples
from facility X) was dominated by N1122Cl, whereas the chlori-
nated samples of effluent from facility C were. dominated by free
The responses of TCB were also examined in disinfected samples
with regard to their ability to function as an indicator group and
because it represents an index of the total microbial burden to be,
imposed on a disinfection system. The TCB are those bacteria that
can grow on laboratory media at a specific temperature during
a given period of time: The assay used in this study is corrunonly
referred to as the heterotrophic plate count assay (APHA et al.,
1998). This nnethod does not recover strict anaerobes.
The TCB made tip from 4.70% (facility I) to 107.3% (facility D)
of the TDC in the samples analyzed during this study, For
comparison, fecal coliform comprised between 0.05% (facility C)
and 39.4% (facility B) of the TCB, while enterococcus comprised
between 0.01% (facility C) and 16.2% (facility D) of the TCB,
These data clearly demonstrate that the conventional indicator
groups of bacteria comprised only a small percentage of the total
bacterial population that were present in the wastewater samples
analyzed in this work. Even the most general and efficient method
of culturing the total bacterial populations from these samples
performed poorly. It is an established concept in microbial ecology
that culture-based methods will not recover all of the bacteria from
any type of sarnple. (Amann et al., 1995; Brock, 1987),
Pooled data from all facilities were used to assess the efficacy of
each disinfectant. There were no significant differences (P = 0.052)
between TCB abundances following disinfection with chlorine and
UV radiation, but both treatments were significantly different (l' <
0.001) from TCB abundances in the untreated samples. The TC13
abundances in untreated, chlorinated, and UV-irradiated samples
did not correlate with the fecal coliform or enterococcus abundances
in these same samples from the respective facilities, .Additionally,
there were significant differences (P < 0.001) between the T'CB and
the fecal coliform and enterococcus abundances in untreated, chlo-
rinated, and UV-irradiated samples. These data indicate that the
occurrence of and changes in the abundances of TCB is a dynamic
process, as observed with fecal coliform and enterococcus. How-
ever, the TCB populations in the sarnples assayed in this study were
not affected to the same extent by the actions of the disinfectants, as
were the fecal colifornt and enterococcus. This difference was most
likely a result of significantly greater numbers of TCB than fecal
colifonn and enterococcus in each sample and the fact that the
indigenous bacteria were inherently
more resistant, based on
culturability, to chlorine and UV disinfection than fecal colifonn
and enterococcus (Belkin ct al., 1999; Matin and liarakeh, 1990;
Olson and Stewart, 1987; Russell et al., 1997). Moreovor, the TCB
assay responds to a broader spectrum of bacteria than the fecal
coliform or enterococcus assays. Consequently, it is reasonable to
expect that the TCB population will display a broad range of
susceptibility to externally applied stresses. Tlne'I'CB assay does not
Water Environment Research
Volumo 79, Number 1
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley ct at.
FC Chlorine
Ent Chlorine
Ent UV
Semple 1
%y Sample 2
Sample 3
Ent uv
Figure 3
Summary of fecal coliform
FC) and enterococ-
cus (Ent
inactivation by chlorine and UV for effluent
samples collected from facility B
top) and facility C
differentiate among bacteria based on their sensitivity to disinfec-
tamts. Therefore, the observed behavior of the population of bacteria
that respond positive;y to tho TCB assay will be heavily influenced
by bacteria that display natural resistance to a form of external
stress, such as a disinfectant.
Current regulations that reference the use of this method (i.e.,
US. 14,PA's Smi'ace Water Treatment Mule, 40 CIR 141.74; U.S.
FI'A [20053) recommend using a pour plate method and incubating
at 35°C for 2 days. Additional guidelines for the use of this method
suggest that increasing the incubation period to 5 to 7 days and
lowering the incubation temperature to between 20 and 28°C will
provide conditions for obtaining "the highest counts" (APHA et al.,
1998). Previous work by Lisle et al. (1998 and 1999) has shown that
bacterial growth rates on culture media are significantly reduced
following exposure to disinfectants and that prolonged incubation
at room temperatures significantly increased recovery efficiencies.
It is wroth noting that incubation periods for fecal coliform and en-
terococcus cannot be extended, as both media used in these assays
would be overgrown with non-fecal coliform and non-enterococeus
bacteria within 5 days. Additionally, the respective methods have
2WJ ChWne
Incubation Time (days)
Figure 4--Summary of TGB responses as a function of
time for samples collected from facility B
top) and facility
C (bottom).
been -standardized for regulatory applications, and alterations to
these methods invalidate any resulting data.
In this study, TCB incubation at 21 to 23°C was extended to 14
days, with counts being conducted on days 2, 5, and 14. Figure 4
illustrates TCB recovery as a function of time for samples collected
from facilities B. and C. Similar data were collected for samples
collected from facilities A, 1), and l (data not shown). Several
common trends were evident among these data sets. First, the TCB
concentrations for tire, untreated samples were consistent)y greater
than those for the chlorinated and UV-irradiated samples throughout
the incubation period. Second, there was a general increase in TCB
values during lase incubation period. In most, but not all cases, the
samples that were subjected to UV irradiation yielded lower TCB
counts than samples that had been subjected to chlorination/
These data indicate that the TCB assay may represent a desirable
alternative as an indicator test for microbial (bacterial) composition,
An important advantage o£ this assay over conventional b)dicalor-
testing based on coliform bacteria or enterococcm k that this assay
represents a larger fraction of the bacterial population than either of
the conventional indicator groups. This greater diversity in testing
also yields a bacterial population that is likely to display greater
apparent resistance to environmental stresses (e.g., disinfectant
exposure) than testing based on conventional indicators because the
January 2007
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley el al.
Facility A- VV
cam ^ caik»«
UV Dose (mdlca6
Facility 8 -UV
UV t)nse (MjICn2)
Facility B- Chlorine
Contact Tlme (min)
Contact Time (min)
5-Representative dose
response curves for indigenous phage
wastewater effluent samples collected
from facilities A and B
Samples were subjected
to UV
irradiation under a collimated beam or chlorination (initial
concentration = 2.0 mg1L
as chlorine
CI2]) in batch reactors
Note the use of different vertical axis scales
to represent the responses of phages from facility B.
bacterial population that yields a
to the assay has a greater
range of sensitivities to disinfectant exposure than do coliforms or
enterococci. In addition, TCB htcubation can be conducted over
a relatively long period of time, thereby allowing assessment of
bacterial repair and recovery.
Viewed differently, diversity and incubation time cart represent
disadvantages of the TCB assay relative to conventional indicator
assays. A drawback of diversity associated with this assay is that it
provides less detailed infonuatiou. regarding the specific bacteria
that respond to testing than do the more species-specific assays that
are used for coliform or enterocouctis testing. Furthermore, while
extended incubation time does permit an assessment of repair and
regrowth, it also represents a greater analytical burden than either of
the conventional assays.
Respottses of htdigenous
acteriophage to Conventional
Disinfection. Traditionally, assessments of antinticrobial efficacy
in disinfection operations used for treatment of municipal waste-
water have been based on measurements of the concentration of
viable indicator bacteria.
While these organisms satisfy some of
basic requirements of indicator organisms, several i
shortcoinings of their application for this purpose have been
identified (see preceding discussion). Among the
important of
these limitations are the relative ease with which most bacterial
indicators are inactivated by common disinfectants and the fact that
enteric viruses generally represent the most serious risk to human
health among wastewater microorganisms.
Unfortunately, the assays used to assess viability (or infectivity)
among human enteric viruses are time-consuming and expensive to
conduct. In most situations, it is not practical to monitor for human
cnteric viruses.
However, several indigenous phages have been
identified that are structurally or otherwise similar to human viruses.
Assays of phage viability (infectivity) are comparatively easy to
conduct. Therefore, a series of experiments was conducted to assess
the effects of common wastewater disinfectants on the concen-
trations of viable (infective) indigenous phages.
The concentration of indigenous bacteriophages in effluent
samples from the five wastewater treatment facilities varied con-
with the highest phage concentrations isolated from
facility B, The phage population for this facility was comprised of
both somatic mid F-specific phages, with facility B displaying the
highest concentration of F-specific phages of all the facilities
examined. In decreasing order of initial phage concentration, the
were ranked as; B > A > D ^ F > C. The samples
containing the highest concentration of phages surviving either
chlorine or UV disinfection generally reflected the ranking of the
facilities with regard to initial phage concentration.
Although samples from all five facilities were analyzed for phage
composition and dose-response behavior, the vast majority of
useable data came from the analysis of samples collected from
A and I3_ Samples collected from facilities C and D had
extremely low phage concentrations, such that it was difficult to
assess their dose-response behavior or nucleic acid content. The
Water Environment Research
Volume 79, Number 1
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley et al.
Table 4-Nucleic acid content of postdisinfection viable phages
n samples that had been subjected to bench-scale
Number of
Number of
Disinfection exposure scenario
Host strain
DNA isolates
RNA isolates
40-minute contact time; 2.0 mglL as CI2
F. coli C-3000
40-minute contact time; 2.0 mg1L as Cie
E. coif
2.0 mJ/cm' UV
E. coli C-3000
20 mJlcm2 UV
40-minute contact time; 2.0 mg1L as CI2
E, Cali C-3000
40-minute contact time; 2.0 mg/L. as Cie
E. coi F,,,
20 m,llcm2 UV
E. cols G-3000
20 mJlcm2 UV
F. coli Famp
40-minute contact time; 2.0 mg/L as Clz
E, Coll
20 mJ/cm2 UV
E. col! C-3000
samples collected from facility F had quantifiable concentrations of
viable phages; however, both disinfection schemes yielded samples
which F+ phage concentrations were below the limit of
detection. One of the UV irradiated samples yielded a measureable
concentration of somatic phage (see below).
Figure 5 illustrates representative examples of phage responses
to exposure to UV and chlorine in samples collected from facilities
A and B. The data in these figures illustrate several of the important
trends that were observed in the data from the experiments focused,
on phage inactivation. First, the concentration of viable phages
present in the samples was variable and low. Some evidence of
seasonal effects was apparent in samples collected from winter and
months at these two facilities,
with summer phage
concentrations being substantially higher than those observed in
winter. Second, the assay based on
E. coli
C-3000 consistently
yielded higher concentrations of viable phages than the assay based
on E.
CCU F;,,,,t,.
Of particular imporlance in this work were the abilities of residual
chlorine and UV radiation to accomplish inactivation of the indi-
genous phage. In the case of samples from facility A (a nitrifying
facility), residual chlorine existed largely in the form of free
chlorine. Exposure to chlorine under conditions that were shown to
be capable of complying with discharge limitations generally
yielded poor phage inactivation.
For samples that were subjected to UV irradiation from facilities
A and B, phage inactivation was generally good. For the examples
illustrated in Figure 5, which contained some of the highest initial
phage concentrations among the samples collected in this research,
exposure to a UV dose of 20 MY=2 resultefl in viable phage
concentrations that were at or below the limit of detection.
Measurements of nucleic acid content were used as an index of
phage diversity in disinfected samples. Table 4 provides a summary
of nucleic acid composition measurements for surviving phages
from selected samples from this portion of the research. In general
terms, UV irradiation yielded march less diverse phage populations
than did chlorination for the conditions of disuifec€ion used in these
In general terms, the results of these experiments indicate that
the conditions of disinfection (based on chlorination with either
combined chlorine or free chlorine, or UV irradiation) that are
needed to accomplish compliance with discharge regulations used
in conventional disinfection operations yield incomplete inactiva-
tion of phages. Phage inactivation responses by UV kTadiation were
on the order of 2 logro units: phage inactivation by chlorine was less
than this value. By extension, this suggests that these conditions of
disinfection used for compliance with conventional disinfection
may yield poor inactivation of enteric viruses.
The first of the two central questions that formed the basis of
this research was "should municipal wastewater effluents be disin-
fected before discharge?" It is clear that no single response can
appropriately answer this important question for all circumstances.
The information presented above suggests that "conventional dis-
infection" of municipal wastewater effluents, as commonly prac-
ticed in the United States, is probably not as effective in preventing
communicable disease transmission as is generally assumed. It
appears that control of bacterial populations is generally effective in .
receiving waters only within a relatively short distance from the
point of discharge.
Moreover, viral inactivation accomplished by
most systems (particularly those that use chlorination) is probably
minimal. Therefore, in situations
where, direct human contact is
likely or when ingestion of indigenous microorganisms in a near-
outfall area is likely, it appears that disinfection of municipal
wastewater effluents may yield some direct benefits. Anecdotally, it
is interesting to note that human contact does occur in many such
and it is not obvious that the incidence of disease
associated with these situations is abnormally high, Therefore, it
may be that the risks of disease transmission associated with these
may be less than expected. In situations where direct
human contact is unlikely, it is not obvious that disinfection should
be used as a default treatment process, at least not using the
approaches that are comtnon today.
With this in mind, it is also important to consider the second
central question of this research, which is "under circumstances
where disinfection is necessary, how should it be accomplished?"
In applying any disinfectant, it is critical to shrike a balance between
minimizing risks associated with microbial pathogens and those
with disinfection byproducts and related (chemical)
toxicological issues. The data presented in this research indicate that
UV irradiation and chlorination/dechlorination,. when applied with
the'goal of complying with conventional effluent discharge regu-
lations, are similar in terms of their ability to inactivate waterborne
bacteria, although total bacterial populations generally recover to
a greater extent in chlorinated effluents than in IJV-irradiated
effluents. Perhaps more importantly, the conditions that are used to
accomplish bacterial. (indicator) inactivation based on chlorination/
January 2007
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Blatchley et al.
dechlorination appear to be relatively ineffective for control of
waterborne viruses compared with UV irradiation. Therefore, in
circumstances where wastewater disinfection.is to be applied, it
appears that UV irradiation is die method of choice, based on
antimicrobial efficacy.
However, disinfection practices that are
with the objectives of conventional disinfection, as
defined herein, do not appear to be effective for inactivation of all
pathogens. Decisions regarding the design, implementation, and
operation of a disinfection system must be made on a site-specific
.basis taking into account these and other relevant factors.
This project was completed with the cooperation of management
and operators from several municipal wastewater treatment
Their participation in this project was both necessary
acid appreciated. This work was supported by a grant from the
Water Environment Research F'oundat'ion
(WERO (Alexandria,
Virginia). A complete report of the findings and recommendations
of this investigation has been published and is available front
WERF (project number 99-1-1H&1).
Sabmitted for publication lily IS, 2005; revised manuscript
submitted December 23,
accepted for publication January
24, 2006.
The deadline to
Discussions of
paper is April-,15,
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Gong, W.-L.; Scars, K. J.; Alleman, J. F,.; Blatchley III,
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Water Environment Research
, Volume 79, Numher'f
. .. ..:...: . ..... .. . . ... .
'^^`^^^^/.,^^.. iii, '
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

TITLE: Effects of Wastewater Disinfection on Waterborne
Bacteria and Viruses
SOURCE: Water Environ Res 79 no] 1a 2007
The magazine publisher is the copyright holder of this article and it
is reproduced with permission. Further reproduction of this article in
violation of the copyright is prohibited.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Adm. Code Parts 301, 302, 303 and 304
(Rulemaking - Water)
My name is Charles Haas. I have been asked by MWRDGC ("the District") to present a
summary of my opinions on the risks associated with the use of chlorine as a wastewater
disinfectant. For the purpose of this testimony, unless stated otherwise, "chlorine" will include
the application of dissolved chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite solution, or calcium hypochlorite
(although for very large facilities such as the District, calcium hypochlorite is not a viable
My opinions presented will focus on byproducts produced by the use of chlorine as a
wastewater disinfectant, relative resistance of particular pathogens of concern in comparison
with indicator organisms, and safety and security issues associated with the use of chlorine as a
I am the Betz Chair Professor of Environmental Engineering, and Head of the
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of Drexel University.
However, my remarks present my personal opinion and not that of Drexel University. I also
serve as co-Director of the Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment, jointly funded by
the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Environmental Protection Agency. For
more than thirty years, I have worked on water disinfection topics that include experimental and
modeling aspects of pathogen control in drinking water, vulnerability assessment of water
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

treatment plant security, risk assessment of pathogen exposure from diverse media including
water. I have been familiar with disinfection issues at the District since my involvement in
Illinois Pollution Control Board rulemakings on the District disinfection requirements in the
early 1980's. I am author and co-author of more than 160 peer-reviewed papers and books
including US EPA Municipal Wastewater Disinfection design manual, chapters on Disinfection
in the America Water Works Association-supported
Water Quality and Treatment
manual, and
the first book (published in 1999) on
Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment.
I serve as a
member of the Water Science and Technology Board of the National Research Council, on the
Board of Directors of the Water Environment Research Foundation and as an area editor of the
Risk Analysis.
Formation of Disinfection Byproducts
When chlorine is added to a treated wastewater, it has long been known that it is capable
of reacting with a variety of chemical compounds present in the wastewater (Jolley 1975).
Amongst these are organic materials, the reaction of which may result in chlorinated disinfection
byproducts. These include trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids and other dissolved organo-
halogen compounds.
While the production of these can be reduced by very high reduction of
organic carbon, and by avoiding complete nitrification, the formation of these byproducts at
some level is inevitable (Rebhun et al. 1997).
Even in totally non-nitrified effluents, some particular byproducts of the reaction of
chlorine with organic nitrogen can occur. Of particular note is N-Nitrosodimethylamine
(NDMA), which is a potent carcinogen (Mitch and Sedlak 2004).
US EPA has set water quality criteria based on human health for the trihalomethanes.
Based on a 1 in a million upper bound risk level, the recommended guideline water
concentrations are 5.7 parts per billion for chloroform, 4.3 parts per billion for bromoform, 0.55
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

parts per billion for bromodichlormethane, and 0.40 parts per billion for chlorodibromomethane.
Based on the USEPA IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System) (US Environmental Protection
Agency) chloroform, chlorodibromomethane and bromoform are considered probable human
carcinogens, and dibromochloromethane is considered a possible human carcinogen. There are a
large number of other chlorination byproducts formed - not all of which have been identified --
some of which are also considered probable or possible human carcinogens.
Especially under periods of partial or complete nitrification, the chlorination of District
effluents would present a high likelihood of exceeding these recommended water quality
Although there have not been detailed investigations of the possibility that dechlorination
could substantially reduce the occurrence of byproducts, studies in clean water or drinking water
are not encouraging of this possibility.
et al.
(Morlay et al. 1991) chlorinated samples of
aquatic humic material and measured both total organic halogen (TOX) and mutagenic activity
with and without dechlorination via sodium sulfite. They observed that dechlorination, even
sufficient to remove all the disinfectant residual, only partially reduced mutagenic activity and
had a relatively small impact on the concentration of TOX (less than an 8% reduction). To my
knowledge, there are no wastewater utilities deliberately using dechlorination to achieve
disinfection byproduct control, and therefore it it unlikely that the use of dechlorination will
substantially impact DBP concentrations, especially of the trihalomethanes for which EPA water
quality guidelines exist.
Relative Insensitivity of Some Pathogens
It has long been known that some pathogens, such as viruses are more resistant than
indicator organisms such as coliform to chlorine disinfection in wastewater (Grabow 1968;
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

and al
. 1979; Rippey and Watkins 1992). As
a result, the attainment
of satisfactory
levels in
wastewater does not assure a low level
of risk from
exposure to
(Gerba et al. 1979)
or other pathogens.
It has also been
shown that
indicator systems
provide a poor
measure of
the risk from
viruses, as well as protozoan
pathogens (such as
in disinfected
(Harwood et al. 2005).
Security and Safety Issues
The intrinsic
hazards associated
at wastewater
(and drinking water)
long been recognized
(White 1972).
It is increasingly recognized that
storage of large amounts of gaseous
chlorine (
as would
at District facilities were gaseous
chlorine to be adopted)
could present a potential target for malicious
activity such as by
(Copeland 2007). As a result, particularly
since 2001, wastewater
(and drinking water
) utilities
have switched to sodium hypochlorite
from gaseous chlorine
(United States Government
Accountability Office 2007
), as exemplified
by Portland, Oregon (
et al. 2007).
The use of sodium hypochlorite
solutions as sources
of chlorine for wastewater
disinfection is not
without its own risks. As a strong
the solutions must be stored and
in chemically
resistant tanks and pipeline systems
and organic matter must be
prevented from entering
must be vented since the solutions will decompose on a
constant basis. Finally
sodium hypochlorite
solutions are corrosive and present
potential worker
hazards in the event of a spill or tank breach.
With respect to both
chlorine gas
and hypochlorite, they
must be transported to
wastewater treatment plants
from offsite
, and there will be inevitable accidents
during transport
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

that present a hazard to off site populations, and in the event of a spill to a waterbody, to aquatic
On the basis of my experience, prior knowledge, and the literature - including that cited
above, I conclude the following:
If chlorine (either as gaseous chlorine or hypochlorites) disinfection is used, there is a
very high likelihood of producing organic disinfection byproducts, including those that
are the subject of water quality guidelines and those that are regarded as likely
Use of chlorine as a disinfectant to achieve compliance with an indicator based standard
(e.g., coliform or enterococci) will not achieve a high degree of reduction of resistant
pathogens that can be present in secondary effluents, such as viruses and pathogenic
The use of gaseous chlorine as a disinfectant poses a high degree of potential hazard
associated with either accidental or deliberately induced releases of the gas.
There is
additional risk associated with transport of the gas to treatment plants from the site of
container packaging.
If sodium hypochlorite is used as an alternative source of chlorine, there is potential risk
to operators associated with handling an oxidizing material, and also there is the risk in
transport of the hypochlorite solution from the site of packaging to the treatment plant.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Charles Maas
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Testimony Attachments
Curriculum vitae
of Charles N. Haas
References Cited
Copeland, C. (2007). "Terrorism and Security Issues Facing the Water Infrastructure Sector."
Congressional Research Service.
Gerba, C. P., Goyal, S. M., LaBelle, R. L., Cech, I., and Bogdan, G. F. (1979). "Failure of
Bacteria to Reflect the Occurrence of Enteroviruses in Marine Waters."
American Journal of Public Health,
69(11), 1116-1119.
Grabow, W. (1968). "The Virology of Waste Water Treatment."
Water Research, 2, 675.
Harwood, V. J., Levine, A. D., Scott, T. M., Chivukula, V., Lukasik, J., Farrah, S. R., and Rose,
B. (2005). "Validity of the indicator organism paradigm for pathogen reduction in
reclaimed water and public health protection."
Appl Environ Microbiol,
71(6), 3163-
T., et al.,.
(1979). "Survival of Poliovirus Within Organic Solids During Chlorination."
Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
38, 114.
R. L. (1975). "Chlorine-Containing Organic Constituents in Chlorinated Effluents."
Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation,
47(3), 601-618.
G., Stephens, H., and Ott, G. (2007). "Hypochlorite Conversion Provides Improved
Disinfection Safety and Reliability in Portland, OR."
Water Practice, 1,
W. A., and Sedlak, D. L. (2004). "Characterization and Fate of N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Precursors in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants."
Environ. Sci. Technol.,
Morlay, C., De Laat, J., Dore, M., Courtois, Y., Houel, N., and Montiel, A. (1991). "Effect of an
Addition of Sodium Sulfite on the Mutagenicity of Chlorinated Solutions of Aquatic
Humic Substances."
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,
Rebhun, M., Heller-Grossman, L., and Manka, J. (1997). "Formation of Disinfection Byproducts
During Chlorination of Secondary Effluent and Renovated Water."
Water Environment
69(6), 1154-1162.
Rippey, S. R., and Watkins, W. D. (1992). "Comparative Rates of Disinfection of Microbial
Indicator Organisms in Chlorinated Sewage Effluents."
Water Science and Technology,
26, 2185-2189.
United States Government Accountability Office. (2007). "Securing Wastewater Facilities."
Washington DC.
White, G. (1972).
Handbook of Chlorination,
Van Nostrand, New York.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

nt 1
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Present Position
Betz Chair Professor of Environmental Engineering & Head,
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 19104
e-mail: haas@drexel.edu
URL: http://www.pages.drexel.edu/-haascn/
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
December 27, 1951
Place of Birth:
Bronx, New York
B.S. (Biology), Illinois Institute of Technology, 1973.
M.S. (Environmental Engineering), Illinois Institute of Technology,
Ph.D. (Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil
Engineering), University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1978.
Academic Appointments
-- :
Head, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Interim Head, Department of Civil
Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Research Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University
College of Medicine
Director of Environmental Engineering and member of Department Executive
Betz Chair Professor of Environmental Engineering, Drexel University.
Acting Chairman
Pritzker Department of Environmental Engineering
of Technology
Visiting Professor of Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at
Assistant Professor (1981-83
Associate Professor
1983-87), Professor (1987-
90) Illinois Institute
of Technology
Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Department of Chemical
and Environmental Engineering
, (
1979-1981), Acting Director of Environmental
Engineering Programs
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Professional Memberships
American Chemical Society
American Association for the Advancement of Sciences; American
Society for Engineering Education
American Statistical Association; American Society for
Microbiology; American Water Works Association
Member); American Society of Civil
Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors; International
Water Association; Sigma Xi; Society for Risk Analysis;
Water Environment Federation;
American Academy of Environmental Engineers
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Academic Appointments ................................................................................................................11
Professional Memberships .............................................................................................................11
Honors and Awards ........................................................................................................................12
Workshops & Continuing Education Attended .............................................................................13
Funded Research Projects ..............................................................................................................13
Publications & Presentations .........................................................................................................16
Student Advising ............................................................................................................................40
Teaching Experience ......................................................................................................................43
Professional Activities ...................................................................................................................48
University Service ..........................................................................................................................52
Consulting Activities .....................................................................................................................53
Membership in Advisory Bodies ...................................................................................................55
Community Service .......................................................................................................................56
Honors and Awards
Recipient, 1984 AAAS-USEPA Summer Environmental Science and Engineering Fellowship.
Octave Chanute Award (Outstanding Paper), Western Society of Engineers, 1984.
Charles Ellet Award (Outstanding Young Engineer), Western Society of Engineers, 1985.
Listed in American Men and Women of Science (1994)
Listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering (1996)
Listed in Who's Who in the East (1997)
Listed in Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare (1997)
Listed in Who's Who in America, 51st edition (1996)
Listed in Who's Who in the World (2001)
Professional Research Award, Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (1997)
American Academy of Microbiology, Elected as Fellow (1997)
Frontiers in Research Award, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
(sponsored by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc) (2002).
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Elected as Fellow (2002)
Society for Risk Analysis, Elected as Fellow (2002)
University of Illinois at
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Distinguished Alumnus Award (2003)
Ozone Association, Harvey M. Rosen Memorial Award (best paper in Ozone
Science and Engineering for 2001-3) (2003).
National Academies (National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering,
Institute of Medicine, National Research Council): designated as a lifetime National
Associate (2004).
American Water Works Association, advisor to 2°d Place Academic Achievement Award Winner
(Christopher Crockett-PhD dissertation) (2005).
American Water Works Association, Water Science and Research Division, best paper award
("Risk Assessment of Waterborne Coxsackievirus") (2005).
American Academy of Environmental Engineers, Board Certified Environmental Engineering
Member (BCEEM), elected by eminence (2007)
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Workshops & Continuing Education Attended
American Council on Education workshop for Department/Division Chairs and Deans, February
2006, San Diego.
Funded Research Projects
Co-principal Investigator "Hazardous Waste Processing and Disposal Practices--Best
Technology." New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (1979 for $25,000).
Co-principal Investigator "The Potential for the Application of Resource Recovery Practices in
the Hazardous Waste Processing and Disposal Industry." New York State Environmental
Facilities Corporation (1979 for $25,000).
Principal Investigator, "Microbiological Alterations in Water Quality in Distribution Systems
and Granular Activated Carbon."
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1980-2 for
Principal Investigator, "Trace Metal Speciation".
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency--Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center (1980-1982 for $113,000).
Co-principal Investigator "Evaluation of High-Performance Phosphorus Control POTW's in the
Great Lakes Basin." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1981-1982 for $88,850).
Principal Investigator "Preparation of a Chapter on Chlorination-Dechlorination and
Miscellaneous Halogens." U.S.Environmental Protection Agency via a subcontract from
Oklahoma State University (1982-1985 for $82,000).
Principal Investigator "Metal Speciation and Separation." U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency--Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center (1982-1983 for $119,000).
Principal Investigator "Wastewater Treatability Study."
Modine Manufacturing Company
(1982-1983 for $28,000).
Principal Investigator "Evaluation of Microbial Dynamics in the Calumet River and Downstream
Waters." Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago (1983-1985 for $22,800).
Co-principal Investigator, "Metal Speciation Kinetics." U.S.Environmental Protection
Agency - Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center (1984 - 1988 for $500,000).
Principal Investigator, "Indefinite Delivery Contract for Research Support in Environmental
Engineering" -- US Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Labora-
tory (1985 - 1987, $1,900,000).
Co-Principal Investigator, "Characterization of Diffusion of Solutes Through Compacted
Clays" -- Milligan Venture Fund Grant (IIT - 1986-1987 for $10,000).
Principal Investigator, "Wastewater Treatability Study" -- Morton Thiokol, Morton Chemical
Division ($25,000 1986-1987).
Co-principal Investigator, "Waste to Energy Recovery of Refuse as an Alternative to Landfill in
Illinois", Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources ($139,000, 1987- 1989).
Principal Investigator, "Effects of Changing Disinfection Practices on Receiving Water Quality",
Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago ($97,000, 1987-1990).
Principal Investigator, "Beneficial Co-Utilization of Solvents and Plastic Scrap Wastes", Illinois
Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center ($6300, 1987).
Principal Investigator, "Disinfection of Microbial Biofilms", American Water Works Service
Co., ($30,400, 1987-8).
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Principal Investigator, "Analysis of Giardia Disinfection Kinetics", USEPA Office of Drinking
Water ($15,000, 1987).
Co-Investigator, "Analysis of Performance of Superfund and SARA", Coalition on Superfund,
(1988-89, $250,000).
Principal Investigator, "Analysis of Proposed Sludge Regulations", Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, (1989, $20,000).
Principal Investigator, "Equilibria of Mixed Metal Precipitates", IWERC (USEPA) (1990,
Principal Investigator, "Statistical Analysis of Waste Generation by Electroplaters and Metal
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, (1990, $9500).
Principal Investigator, "Analysis of Disinfection Survey Results", American Water Works
Association, (1990, $15,000).
Principal Investigator, "Development of Novel Models for Describing Multiple Toxicity
Effects", Air Force Office of Scientific Research, (1991-94, $173,925).
Principal Investigator, "Development and Validation of Rational Kinetic Approaches for
Predicting Full-Scale Disinfection Performance", American Water Works Association
Research Foundation (1991-1994, $260,000).
Principal Investigator, "Analysis of Groundwater Disinfection Survey Results", American Water
Works Association (1991-2, $5000).
Co-Principal Investigator, "Microbial Risk Assessment", American Water Works Association
Research Foundation (1993-1995, subcontract from University of South Florida, $90,000).
Principal Investigator, "Review of Factors Affecting Metal Fate and Transport in Saline Waters",
Dupont Corporation (1992, $12,500).
Principal Investigator, "Effect of Level of Response on Toxicity of Mixtures", Air Force Office
of Scientific Research (AASERT Program) (1993-1994, $51,000).
Principal Investigator, "Review of Models for Chemical Fate and Transport", Betz Laboratories
Inc. (1993-94, $39,000)
Principal Investigator, "Disinfection of Water Mains", American Water Works Association
Research Foundation (1993-1996, $250,000).
Principal Investigator, "Monitoring for Giardia and Cryptosporidium", Philadelphia Water
Department (1994-95, $45,000).
Principal Investigator, "Models for Chemical Fate and Transport in Waste Treatment", Betz
Laboratories Inc. (1995, $45,000).
Principal Investigator, "Inactivation of
by Ozone and Combined Chlorine",
Montgomery-Watson Americas (1995, $50,000).
Principal Investigator, "Risk Assessment from Sewage Discharges in Mamala Bay, HI",
Subcontract from University of Arizona (Mamala Bay Commission), 1995, $35,000.
Principal Investigator, "Risk Assessment of Heterotrophic Organisms in Point of Use Devices",
Subcontract from University of South Florida (Water Quality Association), 1995-1996,
Principal Investigator, "Electroporation and Electroporation Aided Disinfection of
Cryptosporidium and Giardia", National Science Foundation, 1995-1998, $190,000.
Principal Investigator, "Estimation of Disinfection Efficiency of Philadelphia Water Department
Plants for Protozoa", Philadelphia Water Department, 1996-1997, $46,000.
Principal Investigator, "Review of Health, Environmental Effects, and Efficacy of Chlorination
Wastewater Disinfection and Cooling Water", Chlorine Institute, Inc., 1996, $45,000.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Principal Investigator, "Development of Integrated Program for Chemical Fate and Transport in
Waste Treatment", Betz Laboratories Inc. (1996-1997, $45,000).
Co-Principal Investigator, "Literature Review on
Removal in Water
Treatment", Chlorine Chemistry Council, 1996, $16,000 (with Gordon Finch).
Co-Principal Investigator, "Extension of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Methods to
Foodbome Pathogens", International Life Sciences Institute, 1997-1998, $85,000 (with Joan
Rose and Charles Gerba).
Principal Investigator, "Disinfection of Protozoa", Philadelphia Water Department, 1997-8,
Co-Principal Investigator, "Critical Review Of Existing Data On Physical And Chemical
Removal Of Cryptosporidium In Drinking Water", AWWA Research Foundation, 1997-2000
(with Gordon Finch), $150,000.
Co-Principal Investigator, Update The AWWARF Report On Experimental Methodologies For
The Determination Of Disinfection Effectiveness To Include Cryptosporidium Disinfection
Protocols", 1997-8 (with Gordon Finch), $25,000.
Co-Investigator, "Protocol for
Risk Communication to Drinking Water
Utilities", AWWA Research Foundation, 1998-1999 (with Mitchell Small, Baruch Fischoff
et al.,
total contract $195,843).
Co-Investigator, "Disinfection of Emerging Pathogens", AWWA Research Foundation, 1998-
2000 (with J. Jacangelo, C.P. Gerba), $250,000.
Co-Investigator, "Microbial Benefits from Laundry Sanitizers", Procter & Gamble Company,
1998, $25,000.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Compilation and Kinetic Analysis of Data for Ozone Inactivation of
Cryptosporidium ",
International Ozone Association, 1998-1999 (with G. Finch, J.
Jacangelo), $23,000 (Drexel share).
Principal Investigator, "Is Disinfection a Function of Initial Microorganism Concentration?",
AWWA Research Foundation, 1999-2001, $127,000.
Principal Investigator, "Survey on Drinking Water Disinfection", American Water Works
Association, 1998-1999, $25,000.
Co-Investigator, "Synergistic Inactivation of
Oocysts in Natural Waters",
AWWA Research Foundation, 1999-2001 (with Gordon Finch, Mike Belosevic), $77,000
(Drexel share).
Principal Investigator, Peer Review of Class A Sludge Designation Petition, Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, 1999-2000, $20,000.
Principal Investigator, Assessment of EPA Pathogen Equivalency Committee, US EPA, 2000,
Principal Investigator, "Use of Microbial Risk Modeling to Determine the Benefits of Topical
Antimicrobial Products", Soap and Detergent Association, 2000-2002 (with Joan Rose and
Charles Gerba), $163,000.
Principal Investigator, "Disinfection of Protozoa", Philadelphia Water Department, 2000-2001,
Principal Investigator, "Evaluation of the Analytical Capabilities, Today and Near Future, for the
Monitoring of Drinking Water for Accidental or Intentional Contamination", Philadelphia
Water Department, 2002-2003, $100,000.
Principal Investigator, "Building Biodecontamination: A Process Engineering Approach",
National Science Foundation, 2003-2005, $99,500 (with B. Farouk).
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Principal Investigator, "Workshop on Advancing the Quality of Water (AQWA)", National
Science Foundation, 2003-2004, $99,000.
Principal Investigator, "Delaware Valley Water Source Tracking Effort (DeVaWaSTE)",
Philadelphia Water Department, 2004-5, $25,000; 2005-6, $55,000; 2006-2007, $60,000.
Principal Investigator, "Analysis of Data on Microbial Persistence With Antimicrobial Hand
Products", Soap and Detergent Association, 2004, $20,000.
Principal Investigator, "Activated Ozone for Water Disinfection", H203, Inc., 2004, $35,000.
Principal Investigator, "Assessment of Physical Scale Models for Development of Room
Decontamination Design Criteria", funded via National Bioterrorism Civilian Medical
Response Center (CIMERC), 2004-5, $55,000.
Principal Investigator, "Wastewater Disinfection Strategies for the Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago", CTE Engineering, 2004-5, $75,000.
Principal Investigator, "Expert Review of EPA Recreational Water Criteria - Scientific Basis",
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, 2005, $22,500.
Co-Principal Investigator, "CLEANER Project Office", National Science Foundation, 2005-7,
$200,000 (Drexel share), $2,000,000 total (lead institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-
Co-Principal Investigator and Co-Director, "Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment
(CAMRA)", US EPA and US Department of Homeland Security (Cooperative Center of
Excellence), 2005-2010, $2,200,000 (Drexel share), $10,000,000 total funding (lead
Michigan State University).
Principal Investigator, "The Drexel University GAANN Fellowship Program: Educating
Renaissance Engineers", 2006-9 ($168,000 year 1).
Principal Investigator, "Risk Assessment from Wet Weather Flows", Philadelphia Water
Department, 2007-, $250,000.
Books and Other Major Works
1) Recovery Recycle and Reuse of Industrial Waste, K. E. Noll, C.N. Haas, C. Schmidt and P.
Kodukula, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea MI (1985).
2) Process Design Manual for Wastewater Disinfection, coauthored by C.N. Haas. US EPA
Center For Environmental Research Information, Cincinnati (1986).
3) Experimental Methodologies for the Determination of Disinfection Effectiveness, C.N. Haas,
J.C. Hornberger, U. Anmangandla, M. Heath and J. Jacangelo. AWWA Research
Foundation and American Water Works Association, Denver CO (1993).
4) Hazardous and Industrial Waste Treatment, (1995) Prentice-Hall, C.N. Haas and R. Vamos.
5) Development and Validation of Rational Design Methods of Disinfection (1995), AWWA
Research Foundation, C.N. Haas, J. Joffe, J.C. Hornberger, U. Anmangandla, M. Heath and
J. Jacangelo.
6) Benefits and Risks of Wastewater Chlorination (1997), The Chlorine Institute Inc.
(Washington DC), Pamphlet 157,193 pages, C.N. Haas, A. Fazil and A. Khan.
7) Benefits and Risks of Cooling Water Chlorination (1997), The Chlorine Institute Inc.
(Washington DC), Pamphlet 158,188 pages, C.N. Haas, A. Fazil and A. Khan.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

8) Integrated Disinfection Design Framework
1998), AWWA Research Foundation and
American Water Works Association
CO, W.D.
Bellamy, G.R. Finch and C.N. Haas.
9) Development of Disinfection Guidelines for the Installation and Replacement of Water Mains,
Research Foundation
CO, C.N.
Haas, R.B. Chitluru
M. Gupta, W.O. Pipes,
and G
A. Burlingame. (1998)
10) Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
C.N. Haas, J.B. Rose and C.P. Gerba, John Wiley
(NY) (1999). (
translated into Japanese)
11) Methodologies for the Determination of Disinfection Effectiveness
C.N. Haas and G.R. Finch
Denver CO (2001).
12) Data Review on the Physical/Chemical Removal of
Foundation, C.N. Haas, K. French, G.R. Finch and R.K. Guest, Denver CO (2001).
13) Inactivation of Waterborne Emerging Pathogens by Selected Disinfectants, AWWA
Research Foundation, J.G. Jacangelo, N.L. Patania, R.R. Trussell, C.N. Haas and C. Gerba,
Denver CO (2002).
14) Effect of Initial Microbial Concentration on Disinfection Efficiency
C.N. Haas and B. Kaymak
Denver CO
Peer Reviewed
"Oxygen Uptake Rate as an Activated Sludge Control Parameter
Journal of the Water
Pollution Control Federation
51, 938
943 (1979
Charles N. Haas.
"Physiological Alterations of Vegetative Microorganisms Resulting From Aqueous
Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation
52, 1976-1989
C.N. Haas and R.S. Engelbrecht.
"Chlorine Dynamics During Inactivation of Coliforms, Acid-Fast Bacteria and Yeasts."
Water Research
14, 1749
1757 (1980), C.N. Haas and R.S. Engelbrecht.
"A Mechanistic Kinetic Model for Chlorine Disinfection." Environmental Science and
Technology, 14, 339-340 (1980), C.N. Haas.
"Application of Predator
Prey Models to Disinfection." Journal of the Water Pollution
Control Federation, 53, 378-386
1981), C.N. Haas.
"Rational Approaches in the Analysis of Chemical Disinfection Kinetics
Chapter in W.
ed.) Chemistry in Water Reuse
Vol. 1, pp
381-399. Ann Arbor Science
Inc. (1981
C.N. Haas.
"Practical Mixed Culture Processes
Advances in Fermentation Processes, 4, 1-29 (1980),
C.N. Haas, H.R. Bungay and M
"Biological Process Diffusional Limitations
Journal of the Environmental En
Division, ASCE, 107, 269-273 (1981), C.N. Haas.
"Repeated Exposure of Escherichia coli to Free Chlorine: Production of Strains Possessing
Altered Sensitivity
Air and Soil Pollution
16, 233
242 (1981
C.N. Haas and E.C.
10) "Sodium Alterations of Chlorine Equilibria
Quantitative Description." Environmental
Science and Technology, 15, 1243-1244
1981), C.N. Haas.
11) "Evaluation of the m-SPC Method as a Substitute for the Standard Plate Count in Water
Journal of the American Water Works Association
74, 322
1982), C.N.
Haas, M.A. Meyer and M.S. Paller.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

12) "Enhancement of Chlorine Inactivation of E. coli by Sodium Ions." Water Chlorination
Environmental Impact and Health Effects, volume 4, book 2, pp 1087-96, edited by R. L.
Jolley, Ann Arbor Science (1983), C.N. Haas and M. Zapkin.
13) "The Ecology of Acid-Fast Organisms in Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution
Systems." Journal of the American Water Works Association, 75, 139-44 (1983), C.N. Haas,
M.A. Meyer and M.S. Paller.
14) "Estimation of Risk Due to Low Doses of Microorganisms: A Comparison of Alternative
Methodologies." American Journal of Epidemiology, 118,573-82 (1983), C.N. Haas.
15) "The Utility of Endotoxins as a Surrogate Indicator in Potable Water Microbiology."
Research, 17, 803-7 (1983)5 C.N. Haas, M.A. Meyer,M.S. Paller and M.A. Zapkin.
16) "Effect of Effluent Disinfection on Risks of Viral Disease Transmission via Recreational
Exposure." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. 55, 1111-6 (1983)5 C.N.
17) "Engineering at the Microorganism Scale." Advances In Fermentation Processes, 6, 149-73
(1983), H.R. Bungay, M.L. Bungay and C.N. Haas.
18) "Microbial Dynamics in GAC Filtration of Potable Water." ASCE Journal of
Environmental En g ineering, 109, 956-61 (1983), C.N. Haas, M.A. Meyer and M.S. Paller.
19) "Application of Ion Exchangers to Recovery of Metal from Semiconductor Wastes."
Reactive Polymers, 2, 61-70 (1984), C.N. Haas and V. Tare.
20) "Microbial Alterations in Water Distribution Systems and Their Relationship to
Physical-Chemical Characteristics." Journal of the American Water Works Association, 75,
475-481 (1983), C.N. Haas, M.A. Meyer and Marc S. Paller.
21) "Kinetics of Wastewater Chlorine Demand Exertion," Journal of the Water Pollution
Control Federation, 56, 170-3 (1984) C.N. Haas and S.B. Karra.
22) "Kinetics of Metal Removal by Chelating Resin from a Complex Synthetic Wastewaters."
Water Air & Soil Pollution, 22,429-39 (1984) V. Tare, S.B. Karra, and C.N. Haas.
23) "Estimation of Effective Intra-Particle Diffusion Coefficients with Differential Reactor
Columns," Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 56, 442-8 (1984) A.A.
Aguwa, J.W. Patterson, C.N. Haas and K.E. Noll.
24) "Is Sodium Thiosulfate a Suitable Neutralizer For Chlorine in Microbiological
Determinations?", C.N. Haas and M.A. Zapkin. Journal of Environmental Science and
Health Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering, 19, 507-20 (1984).
25) "Kinetic Limitations on the Selective Precipitation Treatment of Electronics Wastes."
Water Air & Soil Pollution, 24, 253-65 (1985) S.B. Karra, C.N. Haas, V. Tare and H.E.
26) "Kinetics of Microbial Inactivation By Chlorine. I. Review of Results in Demand-Free
systems." Water Research, 18, 1443-1449 (1984),C.N. Haas and S.B. Karra.
27) "Kinetics of Microbial Inactivation By Chlorine. 11. Kinetics in the Presence of Chlorine
Demand." Water Research, In 18, 1451-4 (1984), C.N. Haas and S.B. Karra.
28) "Field Observations on the Occurrence of New Indicators of Disinfection Efficiency."
Water Research, 19, 323-9 (1985), C.N. Haas, B.F. Severin, D. Roy, R.S. Engelbrecht, A.
Lalchandani, and S. Farooq.
29) "Influence of Sodium, Potassium and Lithium on Hypochlorite Solution Equilibria." Water
Chlorination Environmental Impact and Health Effects, volume 5, pp775-782 edited by R.L.
Jolley, Lewis Publishers (1985), C.N. Haas and D.M. Brncich.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

30) "Removal of New Indicators by Coagulation-Flocculation and Sand Filtration." Journal of
the American Water Works Association, 77, 67-71 (1985). C.N. Haas, B.F. Severin, D. Roy,
R.S. Engelbrecht, and A. Lalchandani.
31) "Direct Differential Reactor Studies on Adsorption from Concentrated Liquid and Gaseous
Solutions." In Fundamentals of Adsorption Processes, A. Meyers and G. Belfort [eds.],
pp411-20, United Engineering Trustees, NY (1984), K.E. Noll, C.N. Haas, J-P. Menez, A.A.
Aguwa, M. Satoh, A. Belalia and P.S. Bartholomew.
32) "Sensitivity of Vegetative Protozoa to Free and Combined Chlorine. "Water Chlorination
Environmental Impact and Health Effects, volume 5, pp 667-80 edited by R.L. Jolley, Lewis
Publishers (1985), C.N. Haas, K. Khater and A. Wojtas.
33) "Economic Incentives for Hazardous Waste Management." Journal of Environmental
Systems, C.N. Haas, 14,373-93 (1985).
34) "Toluene-Humic Acid Association Equilibria: Isopiestic Measurements." Environmental
Science and Technology, 19, 643- 5 (1985) C.N. Haas and B.M. Kaplan.
35) "Adsorption of Cadmium to Kaolinite in the Presence of Organic Materials." Water, Air and
Soil Pollution, 27,131-40 (1986) C.N. Haas and N.D. Horowitz.
36) "Revegetation Using Coal Ash Mixtures," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering,",
111, 559-73 (1985) C.N. Haas and J.J. Macak.
37) "Validation of the Hazard Ranking System for the Assessment of Feedstock Frequencies in
Superfund Site Contaminants", Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, 2, 535 (1985)
G.A. Vanderlaan and C.N. Haas.
38) "Statistics of Enumerating Total Coliforms In Water Samples by Membrane Filter
Procedures", Water Research, 20, 525-30 (1986) C.N. Haas and B. Heller.
39) "A Heuristic Relationship for Faculty Size in Engineering Schools," Engineering Education,
78(7):710-11 (1988), C.N. Haas.
40) "Wastewater Disinfection and Infectious Disease Risks", CRC Critical Reviews in
Environmental Control, 17, 1, 1-20 (1986), C.N. Haas.
41) "Alteration of Chemical and Disinfectant Properties of Hypochlorite by Sodium, Potassium
and Lithium", Environmental Science and Technology, 20, 822-6 (1986), C.N. Haas, M.G.
Karalius, D.M. Brncich, and M.A. Zapkin.
42) "Kinetics of Cadmium and Copper Hydrolysis", Water Science and Technology, 19, 1021-7
(1987), J.W. Patterson, C.N. Haas, R.J. Vamos, and E. Cooney.
43) "Recovery, Recycle and Reuse of Hazardous Waste", Journal of the Air Pollution Control
Association, 36,1163-8 (1986) K.E. Noll, C.N. Haas and J.W. Patterson.
44) "Micromixing and Dispersion in Chlorine Contact Chambers" Environmental Technology
Letters, 9: 35-44 (1988) C.N. Haas.
45) "Electrolytic Recovery Techniques", chapter in Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste
Treatment, McGraw Hill, A.A. Aguwa and C.N. Haas (1989).
46) "Preliminary Determination of Limiting Nutrients for Indigenous Bacteria in Chicago Intake
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 37:65-72 (1988), C.N. Haas, P. Bitter and P.A.
47) "Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Disinfection Kinetics"
Water Research, 22, 669-77
48) "Assessing the Need for Wastewater Disinfection", Journal of the Water Pollution Control
Federation, 59, 856-64 (1987), C.N. Haas et al.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

49) "On the Existence of Ternary Interactions in Ion Exchange",
AIChE Journal, C.N. Haas
50) "Error in Variables Parameter Estimation", Journal of Environmental En
115, 259-
64 (1989), C.N. Haas.
51) "Effects of Ceasing Disinfection on a Receiving Water", C.N. Haas, J.G. Sheerin and C.
Lue-Hing, Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 60, 667-673 (1988).
52) "Averaging TNTC Counts", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 54(8), 2069-72
(1988), C.N Haas and B. Heller.
53) "Assessment of Risks Associated with Enteric Viruses in Contaminated Drinking Water", in
Chemical and Biological Characterization of Sludges, Sediments, Dredge Spoils and Drilling
Muds, ASTM STP 976, pps.489-494 (1988), C.P. Gerba and C.N. Haas.
54) "Chemical Composition of Bottled Mineral Water", Archives of Environmental Health, 44,
102-16 (1989), H.E. Allen, M. Halley-Henderson and C.N. Haas.
55) "Test of the Validity of the Poisson Assumption for Analysis of MPN Results", Applied and
Environmental Microbiology, 54(12), 2996-3002 (1988), C.N. Haas and B. A. Heller.
56) "Analysis of Disinfection Data from Dilution Count Experiments", Water Research, 23, 345-
9 (1989), C.N. Haas.
57) "Statistics of Microbial Disinfection", Water Science and Technology, 21, 3, 197-201
(1989), C.N. Haas and B. Heller.
58) "Estimation of Microbial Densities from Dilution Count Experiments", Applied and
Environmental Microbiology, 55, 8, 1934-42 (1989), C.N. Haas.
59) "Kinetics of Inactivation of
Giardia lamblia
by Free Chlorine", Water Research, 24, 2, 233-8
(1990) C.N. Haas and B. Heller.
60) "Estimation of Averages in Truncated Samples", Environmental Science and Technology,
24, 912-19 (1990) C.N. Haas and P.A. Scheff.
61) "High Rate Coliform Disinfection of Stormwater Overflow", Journal of the Water Pollution
Control Federation, 62, 282-7 (1990) C.N. Haas, K. Longley and T. Selfridge.
62) "Chloroform Formation by the Transfer of Active Chlorine from Monochloramine to
Phloroacetophenone", Water Chlorination Environmental Impact and Health Effects, volume
6, pp649-64 edited by R.L. Jolley et al., Lewis Publishers (1990) K.V. Topudurti and C.N.
63)"Further Studies of Hypochlorite Ion Pair Chemistry and Disinfection Efficiency", Water
Chlorination Environmental Impact and Health Effects, volume 6, pp729-740 edited by R.L.
Jolley et al., Lewis Publishers (1990) C.N. Haas, C.D. Trivedi and J.R. O'Donnell.
64) "A Microbiological Perspective on Risks from Water Chlorination", Water Chlorination
Environmental Impact and Health Effects, volume 6, pp971-2 edited by R.L. Jolley et al.,
Lewis Publishers (1990) C.N. Haas.
65) "Disinfection", chapter 14 (pp877-932) in Water Quality and Treatment, 4"' edition, F.W.
Pontius [ed.], Mc Graw Hill, NY (1990).
66) "Inactivation of E. coli by Combined Action of Free Chlorine and Monochloramine", Water
Research, 25, 1027-32 (1991). Y. Kouame and C.N. Haas.
67) "THM Formation by the Transfer of Active Chlorine from Monochloramine to
Phloroacetophenone", Journal of the American Water Works Association, May (1991) pps
64-6. K.V. Topudurti and C.N. Haas.
68) "Modeling Risk from
and Viruses in Drinking Water", Journal of the American
Water Works Association, 83, 11, 76-84 (1991), S. Regli, J. Rose, C.N. Haas and C. Gerba.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

69) "Risk Assessment and the Control of Waterborne Giardiasis", American Journal of Public
Health, 81, 709-13 (1991) J.B. Rose, C.N. Haas and S. Regli.
70) "Fundamental Considerations in Development of Solvent Dissolution Processes for Plastics",
Journal of Resource Management and Technology, 19,4,186-91(1991). C.N. Haas and
C.R. Brougnier.
71) "A New Approach for the Analysis of Mixture Toxicity Data", Water Science and
Technology, 26, 9-11, 2345-48 (1992), C.N. Haas.
72) "Development of Regression Models with Below Detection Limit Data", Journal of
Environmental Engineerin,119,2,214-230 (1993), C.N. Haas and J. Jacangelo.
73) "Survey of Water Utility Disinfection Practices", Journal of the American Water Works
Association, September 1992, pages 121-128, C.N. Haas et al.
74) "Biological Sulfide Prestripping for Metal and COD Removal", Water Environment
Research, 65, 5, 645-649 (1993) C.N. Haas and C. Polprasert.
75) "Microbial Sampling: Is It Better to Sample Many Times or Use Large Samples?", Water
Science and Technology, C.N. Haas, 27(3-4):19-25 (1993).
76) "A New Quantitative Approach for the Analysis of Binary Toxic Mixtures", Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, 13:149-156 (1994), C.N. Haas and B.A. Stirling.
"Risk Assessment of Virus in Drinking Water", Risk Anal, 13(5):545-552 (1993), C.N.
Haas, J.B. Rose, C. Gerba and S. Regli.
78) "Reduction of Ion Exchange Equilibria Data Using an Error in Variables Approach", AIChE
Journal, 40(3):556-569 (1994) R.J. Vamos and C.N. Haas.
79) "Waterborne Pathogens: Assessing Health Risks", Health and Environment Digest, 7(3):1-2,
J.B. Rose, C.N. Haas and C.P. Gerba (1993).
80) "Quantifying Microbiological Risks", in G.F. Craun [ed], Safety of Water Disinfection:
Balancing Chemical and Microbial Risks, pps. 389-398, ILSI Press, Washington DC (1993),
C.N. Haas.
81) "Proposed Decision Tree for Management of Risks in Drinking Water: Consideration for
Health and Socioeconomic Factors", in G.F. Craun [ed], Safety of Water Disinfection:
Balancing Chemical and Microbial Risks, pps. 39-80, ILSI Press, Washington DC (1993), S.
Regli, P. Berger, B. Macler and C.N. Haas.
82) "Development and Verification of a New Method for Analysis of
Journal of the American Water Works Association, 86(2):115-120 (1994), C.N. Haas, J.
Hornberger, U. Anmangandla, M. Heath and J. Jacangelo.
83) "Unified Kinetic Treatment for Growth on Multiple Nutrients", Biotechnology and
Bioengineering, 44:154-64 (1994), C.N. Haas.
84) "The Potential for `Natural' Production of Chlorinated Organics", Risk Analysis, 14(2):143-
145, C.N. Haas (1994).
85) "Risk Analysis as a Standard Setting Tool", Water Quality International, 4:30-32 (1994).
C.N. Haas.
86) "Dose-Response Analysis Using Spreadsheets", Risk Analysis, 14(6):1097-1100 (1994),
C.N. Haas.
87) "Disinfection Under Dynamic Conditions: Modification of Hom's Model for Decay",
Environmental Science and Technology, 28(7):1367-9 (1994) C.N. Haas and J. Joffe.
88) "Comment on `Disinfection of Oocysts of
Cryptosporidium parvum
by Sand and Chlorine",
Water Research 27(6):729 (1995), C.N. Haas.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

89) "Protozoan Monitoring: From the ICR to ESWTR", Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 87(8):50-59 (1995), C.S. Crockett and C.N. Haas.
90) "The Effect of Water Quality on Disinfection Kinetics", Journal of the American Water
Works Association, C.N. Haas, J. Joffe, U. Anmangandla, J. Jacangelo, and M. Heath,
88:3:95-103 (1996).
91) "How To Average Microbial Densities to Characterize Risk", Water Research, 30(4):1036-8
(1996). C.N. Haas,
92) "Verification of a Mechanistic Model for Chloroform Formation from a Model Precursor
During Water Chlorination", C.N. Haas and K. Topudurti, chapter 15 in
Disinfection By-
Products in Water Treatment,
RA Minear and GL Amy (eds.), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton
93) "Development of an Action Level for
Journal of the American Water
Works Association, 87(9):81-84, CN Haas, JB Rose (1995).
94) "Effect of sulfate on anaerobic processes fed with dual substrates", Water Science and
Technology 31(9):101, C. Polprasert and C.N. Haas (1995).
95) "Linking Microbiological Criteria for Foods with Quantitative Risk Assessment", Journal of
Food Safety, 15:121-32 (1995), J.B. Rose, C.N. Haas and C.P. Gerba.
96) "Prevalence of Shigellosis in the U.S.: Consistency with Dose-Response Information", C.
Crockett, C.N. Haas, A. Fazil, J.B. Rose, and C.P. Gerba, International Journal of Food
Microbiology, 30(1-2):87-100 (1996).
97) "Sensitive Populations: Who is at the Greatest Risk", CP Gerba, JB Rose and CN Haas,
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 30(1-2):113-124 (1996).
98) "Quantitative Description of Mixture Toxicity: Effect of Level of Response on Interactions",
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 15(8):1429-37 (1996). Charles N. Haas, Kaushik
Cidambi, Sean Kersten and Kenneth Wright.
99) "Distribution of
Oocysts in Water Supplies", Water Research, C.N. Haas
and J.B. Rose, 30(10):2251-54 (1996).
100) "Monte Carlo Assessment of Microbial Risk Associated with Landfilling of Fecal
Water Environment Research, 68(7):1123-31 (1996) CN Haas, J Anotai and RS
101) "Continuous Flow Residence Time Distribution Function Characterization", Journal of
Environmental Engineering, 123(2):107-114 (1997).
C.N. Haas, J. Joffe, M. Heath and J.
102) "Moment Analysis of Tracer Experiments", Journal of Environmental Engineering, CN
Haas, 122(12):1121-23 (1996).
103) "Waterborne Rotavirus: A Risk Assessment", CP Gerba, JB Rose, CN Haas and KD
Water Research, 30(12):2929-40 (1996).
104) "Generalization Of Independent Response Model For Toxic Mixtures", Chemosphere,
34(4):699-710 (1997). Charles N. Haas, Sean Patrick Kersten, Ken Wright, Maurice J. Frank
and Kaushik Cidambi.
105) "Infectivity of
Cryptosporidium parvum
Oocysts", CN Haas, C Crockett, JB Rose, C Gerba
and A Fazil, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 88(9):131-136 (1996).
106) "Assessment of the Dose-Response Relationship of
Campylobacter jejuni"
Journal of Food Microbiology, 30(1-2):101-112 (1996). GJ Medema, PFM Teunis, AH
Havelaar and CN Haas.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

107) "What Predictive Food Microbiology can Learn from Water Microbiology", Food
Technology, 51(4):91-94 (1997). CN Haas, JB Rose, CP Gerba and CS Crockett.
108) "Importance of Distributional Form in Characterizing Inputs to Monte Carlo Risk
Assessments", CN Haas, Risk Analysis, 17(1):107-113 (1997).
109) "Understanding Protozoa in Your Watershed", Journal of the American Water Works
Association, CS Crockett and CN Haas, 89(9):62-73 (1997).
110) "Waterborne Adenovirus: A Risk Assessment", Water Science and Technology,
35(11/12):1-6 (1997), KD Crabtree, CP Gerba, JB Rose, CN Haas.
111) "Risk Assessment of Opportunistic Bacterial Pathogens in Drinking Water", Reviews in
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 152:57-83 (1997), PA Rusin, JB Rose, CN
Haas and CP Gerba.
112) "The Role of Risk Assessment in Setting United States Drinking Water Standards"] (in
Japanese), Journal of Japan Water Works Association, 67(9):42-51 (1998), C.N. Haas.
113) "Kinetics of Electroporation-Assisted Chlorination of
C.N. Haas and D.
Water Research, 33 (8):1761-6 (1999)..
114) "Predicting Disinfection Performance In Continuous Flow Systems From Batch
Disinfection Kinetics", CN Haas, J. Joffe, M Heath, J. Jacangelo, U. Anmangandla, Water
Science & Technology, 38(6):171-9 (1998).
115) "Frameworks for Assessing Reliability of Multiple, Independent Barriers in Potable Water
Reuse", CN Haas and RR Trussell, Water Science & Technology, 38(6):1-8 (1998).
116) "Bacterial Levels of New Mains", CN Haas, M. Gupta, GA Burlingame, RB Chitluru and
WO Pipes, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 91(5):78-94 (1999).
117) "Semi-quantitative Characterization of Electroporation Assisted Disinfection Processes for
Inactivation of
CN Haas and D Aturaliye, Journal of Applied
Microbiology, 86(6):899-905 (1999).
118) "Benefits of Using a Disinfectant Residual", Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 91(1):65-69 (1999), C.N. Haas. Also published in Journal of Water Services
Research & Technology-Aqua, 48 (1):11-15 (1999).
119) "On Modeling Correlated Random Variables in Risk Assessment", C.N. Haas, Risk
Analysis, 19(6):1205-14 (1999).
120) "Development and Validation of Dose-Response Relationships for
CN Haas, A. Thayyar-Madabusi, J.B. Rose and C.P. Gerba, (Quantitative
Microbiology, 1(1):89-102 (1999)..
121) "Interactions Between Phenanthrene and Zinc in their Toxicity to the Sheepshead Minnow
Moreau, P.L. Klerks and C.N. Haas, Archives of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 37:251-257 (1999).
122) "Dose-Response Models for Infectious Gastoenteritis", P.F.M. Teunis, N.J.D. Nagelkerke
and C.H. Haas, Risk Analysis, 19(6):1251-60 (1999).
123) "Disinfection", by C.N. Haas, Chapter 14 in Water Quality and Treatment, 5th Edition (R.D.
Letterman, ed.).
American Water Works Association/McGraw Hill (1999).
124) "Use of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Evaluation of the Benefits of Laundry
Sanitation", L.L. Gibson, J.B. Rose and C.N. Haas, American Journal of Infection Control,
27(6):534-39 (1999).
125) "A Risk Assessment Framework for the Evaluation of Skin Infections and the Potential
Impact of Antibacterial Soap Washing", J.B. Rose and C.N. Haas, American Journal of
Infection Control, 27(6):S27-S33 (1999).
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

126) "Chlorination of HPC Washed from Water Mains", C.N. Haas, G. Burlingame, M. Gupta
and R. Chitluru, Aqua, 49(3):159-168 (2000).
127) "Development of a Dose-Response Relationship for
Escherichia coli
0 157:1-17, CN Haas,
A. Thayyar-Madabusi, J.B. Rose and C.P. Gerba, International Journal of Food
Microbiology, 56(2:3): 153-159 (2000).
128) "Meta-Analysis of
Removal Using Dissolved Air Flotation in Water
Treatment", KA French, CN Haas, G Finch and R Guest, Water Research, 34(16):4116-9
129) "Epidemiology, Microbiology and Risk Assessment of Waterborne Pathogens Including
CN Haas, Journal of Food Protection, 63: (6) 827-831(2000)..
130) "Peer Review of Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago's
Application for Designation of Processes to Further Reduce Pathogens", C.N. Haas, R.C.
Loehr, N.S. Raju, R. Reimers, M. Sobsey and L. Wilcher. Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago, Research and Development Department Report, January (2001).
13 1) "Design Criteria for Inactivation of
by Ozone in Drinking Water", G.R.
Finch, C.N. Haas, J.A. Oppenheimer, G. Gordon and R.R. Trussell, Ozone Science and
Engineering, 23(4):259-84 (2001).
132) "Comment on `Estimating the Infection Risk in Recreational Waters from the Faecal
Indicator Concentration and from the Ratio Between Pathogens and Indicators"', Water
Research, 35(13):3280-1 (2001), C.N. Haas.
133) "Chlorine Demand in Disinfecting Water Mains", C.N. Haas, M. Gupta, R. Chitlluru and G.
Burlingame, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 94(1):97-102 (2002).
134) "On the Risk of Mortality to Primates Exposed to Anthrax Spores", C.N. Haas, Risk
Analysis, 22(2):189-93 (2002).
135) "Conditional Dose Response Relationships for Microorganisms: Development and
Application", C.N. Haas, Risk Analysis, 22(3):455-63 (2002).
136) "The Role of Risk Analysis in Understanding Bioterrorism", C.N. Haas, Risk Analysis,
22(4):671-7 (2002).
137) "Numerical Simulation of Chlorine Disinfection Processes", D.J. Greene, C.N. Haas and B.
Farouk, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 2(3):167-73 (2002).
138) "Managing Health Risks from Drinking Water - A Report to the Walkerton Inquiry",
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A, 65:1635-1823 (2002). D.
Krewski, J. Balbus, D. Butler-Jones, C. Haas, J. Isaac-Renton, K.J. Roberts, and M. Sinclair.
139) "Comparison of Tissue Culture and Animal Models for Assessment of
Infection", Experimental Parasitology, 101:97-106 (2002), T.R. Slifko, D.E.
Huffinan, B. Dussert, J.H. Owens, W.Jakubowski, C.N. Haas and J.B. Rose.
140) "Progress and Data Gaps in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment", Water Science and
Technology, C.N. Haas, 46:11-12:277-84 (2002).
141) "Quantitative Assessment of Risk Reduction from Hand Washing With Antibacterial
Soaps", Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement, 92:1365-143S (2002),
L.L. Gibson, J.B. Rose, C.N. Haas, C.P. Gerba and P.A. Rusin.
142) "Effect of Initial Microbial Density on Inactivation of
Giardia muris
by Ozone", C.N. Haas
and B. Kaymak, Water Research 37:2980-8 (2003).
143) "Risk Assessment of Waterborne Coxsackievirus", K.D. Mena, C.P. Gerba, C.N. Haas and
J.B. Rose, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 95(7):122-131 (2003).
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

144) "The Milwaukee
Assessment of Incubation Time and Daily
Rate", M. Gupta and C.N. Haas, Journal of Water and Health
69 (2004).
145) "Chlorine Inactivation of Adenovirus Type 40 and Feline Calicivirus
", J.A. Thurston-
Enriquez, C
N. Haas, J. Jacangelo and C.P
Gerba, Applied and Environmental
. 69(7):3979-
85 (2003).
146) "Neural Networks Provide Superior Description of
Giardia lamblia
Inactivation by Free
Chlorine", C.N. Haas, Water Research
38:3449-57 (2004).
147) "CFD Design Approach for Chlorine Disinfection Processes
D.J. Greene, B. Farouk, C.N.
Haas, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 96(8):138-150 (2004).
148) D. Krewski
Balbus, D. Butler-Jones
C. N. Haas, J. Isaac-Renton
K. J. Roberts, and M.
Managing the microbiological risks of drinking water
Journal of Toxicology and
Environmental Health 67:1591
1617, 2004.
149) "Inactivation of
Cryptosporidium parvum
with Ozone in Treated Drinking
Water", L. Li
and C.N. Haas, Journal of Water Supply
Research and Technology
- AQUA, 53(5):287-97
150) "Estimation of bioaerosol risk of infection to residents adjacent to a land applied biosolids
site using an empirically derived transport model", J.P. Brooks B.D. Tanner
C.P. Gerba,
C.N. Haas and I.L. Pepper
Journal of Applied Microbiology
98: 397-405
151) "A National Study on the Residential Impact of Biological Aerosols from the Land
Application of Biosolids
Journal of Applied Microbiology 99:310-22 (2005
JP Brooks,
BD Tanner, KL Josephson, CP Gerba, CN Haas and IL Pepper.
152) "Chlorine and Ozone Disinfection of
Encephalitozoon intestinalis
Spores", DE John, C.N.
Haas, N. Nwachuku and C
P. Gerba, Water Research 39(11):2369-75 (2005).
153) "Use
of CFD
Wastewater Disinfection Process Analysis:
Inactivation with
Acid (
PAA)", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
, 3(A46)
(2005), Domenico SantoroTimothy A. Bartrand
Dennis J. Greene, Bakhtier FaroukCharles
N. Haas, Michele Notarnicola and Lorenzo Liberti.
154) "Assessment of Benefits from Use of Antimicrobial Hand Products: Reduction in Risk from
Handling Ground Beef', International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, C.N.
Haas, J. Marie, J. Rose and C.P. Gerba
208:461-6 (2005).
155) "Inactivation of Enteric Adenovirus and Feline Calicivirus by Ozone", J.A. Thurston-
Enriquez, C
N. Haas, J.A. Jacangelo and C
P. Gerba, Water Research, 39(15):3650-3656
156) "It's Not the Heat
It's the Humidity
Wet Weather Increases Legionellosis Risk in the
Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area " Journal of Infectious Diseases 192: 2066-73
D.N. Fisman
S. Lim
G.A. Wellenis, C. Johnson
P. Britz, M. Gaskins, J. Maher,
M.A. Mittleman
C.V. Spain
C.N. Haas and C. Newbern.
157) "Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of the Effects of Reactor Configuration on
Disinfection Efficiency
Water Environment Research 78(9):909-919 (2006), DJ Greene,
CN Haas and B Farouk.
158) "A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Model for Legionnaires, Disease: Assessment
Of Human Exposures For Selected Spa Outbreaks", TW Armstrong and CN Haas, Journal of
Environmental Hygiene, 4:634-46
159) "Legionnaires
Evaluation of a Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Model"
TW Armstrong and CN Haas, Journal of Water and Health, in press.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

160) "Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Model for Legionnaires'Disease: Animal Model
Selection and Dose-Response Modeling", TW Armstrong and CN Haas, Risk Analysis, in
161) "Advancing the Quality of Water (AQWA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research
Agenda", TA Bartrand, MW Weir and CN Haas, Environmental Engineering Science,
24(7):953-962 (2007).
162) "Effect of Initial Microbial Density on Inactivation of Escherichia coli by
Monochloramine", B Kaymak and CN Haas, Journal of Environmental Engineering Science
(Canada), in press.
163) "The WATERS Network: An Integrated Environmental Observatory Network for Water
Research", JL Montgomery, T Harmon, W Kaiser, A Sanderson, CN Haas, R Hooper, B
Minsker, J Schnoor, NL Clesceri, W Graham, and P Brezonik, Environmental Science and
Technology, 6642-7 (October 1, 2007).
164) "Wastewater Disinfection by Peracetic Acid: Assessment of Models for Tracking Residual
Measurements and Inactivation", Santoro, Domenico; Gehr, Ronald; Bartrand, Timothy
A; Liberti, Lorenzo; Notarnicola, Michele; Dell'Erba, Adele; Falsanisi, Dario; Haas, Charles
Water Environment Research 79(7):775-87 (2007).
Papers Presently Under Review
"Effect of Initial Microbial Density on Disinfection Efficiency in a Continuous Flow
System", submitted to Journal of Applied Microbiology, L. Li, B. Kaymak and C.N. Haas.
"Validation of Batch Disinfection Kinetics of Escherichia coli Inactivation by
Monochloramine in a Continuous Flow System", submitted to Environmental Engineering
Science, L. Li, B. Kaymak and C.N. Haas.
"Numerical simulation of biological particulate transport and inactivation in a room",
Sankalp Soni, Bakhtier Farouk, Charles N. Haas, and Shamia Hoque, submitted to
Environmental Science & Technology.
4) "Countercurrent Gas/Liquid Flow and Mixing: Implications for Water Disinfection", T.A.
Bartrand, B. Farouk and C.N. Haas, submitted to Journal of Multiphase Flow.
5) "Dose-Response Models for Inhalation of Bacillus anthracis Spores: Interspecies
Comparisons", T.A. Bartrand, M. Weir and C.N. Haas, submitted to Risk Analysis.
6) "Dose Response Model for Lassa Virus", S. Tamrakar and C.N. Haas, submitted to Human
and Ecological Risk Assessment.
7) "Quantification of the Effects of Age on Dose Response of Variola major in Suckling Mice",
M. Weir and C.N. Haas, submitted to Risk Analysis.
"The application of food microbial growth models to in vivo
Francisella tularensis
growth in
laboratory animals", W McGarry, T Bartrand and CN Haas, submitted to Applied and
Environmental Microbiology.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

1) "Amino Acids, Aquatic Bacteria and Diatoms: Possible Methods of Interaction." Presented
at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences, Springfield, May,
2) "Physiological Alterations of Vegetative Microorganisms Resulting from Aqueous
Chlorination," presented at the Research Symposium during the 51St annual meeting of the
Water Pollution Control Federation, Houston, October, 1978.
3) "Physiological Basis for Chlorination," presented at a seminar of the Department of Civil
Engineering, Syracuse University, November, 1978.
4) "Mechanistic Aspects of Disinfection Kinetics," presented at a seminar of the Department of
Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, April, 1979.
5) "Mode of Microbial Inactivation by Chlorine", presented at the National Conference on
Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Francisco, July,
6) "Rational Analysis of Ultraviolet Disinfection Kinetics," presented at the National
Conference on Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, San
Francisco, July, 1979.
7) "Rational Analysis of Microbial Regrowth." Presented at the 178thNational Meeting of the
American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry, Washington, DC,
September, 1979.
8) "A Quantitative Model of Post-Disinfection Microbial Dynamics." Presented at the Research
Symposium during the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation,
Anaheim, October, 1979.
9) "Rational Approaches in the Analysis of Chemical Disinfection Kinetics," Presented at the
179th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental
Chemistry, Symposium on Chemistry and Chemical Analysis of Water/Wastewater
Intended for Reuse, Houston, March, 1980.
10) "Repeated Exposure of E. coli to Free Chlorine: Production of Strains With Differential
Resistance," Presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Microbiology, Miami, May, 1980.
11) "Acid-Fast Bacteria and Yeast as Indicators of Disinfection Efficiency." Invited
Presentation before the Interstate Seafood Seminar, Ocean City, MD, October, 1980.
12) "Theory of Alternate Disinfectants." Invited presentation at the Seminar on Current Topics
Water Supply, New York State Section of the American Water Works Association,
Ossining, NY, November, 1980.
13) "The Practical Importance of Understanding Disinfection
Mechanisms." Presented at the
81St Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Dallas, March, 1981.
14) "Effects of Various Additions on the Inactivation of E. coli by Chlorine. Presented at the
81St Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Dallas, March, 1981.
15) "Statistical Analysis of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Lake
George Bacteriological Sampling Data." Presented at the 1St Symposium of the Lake
George Research Group, Lake George, NY, April, 1981.
16) "Enhancement of Chlorine Inactivation of E. coli by Sodium Ions." Presented at the 4th
Water Chlorination Conference, Monterey, CA, October, 1981.
17) "Practical Considerations in the Use of Halogen Disinfectants." Invited Presentation to the
Second National Symposium on Municipal Wastewater Disinfection, sponsored by the U.S.
EPA, Orlando, FL, January, 1982.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

18) "Application of Ion Exchange to Recovery of Metals from Semiconductor Wastes."
Presented at the NATO Advanced Studies Institute on Mass Transfer and Kinetics of Ion
Exchange, Maratea, Italy, June, 1982.
19) "Estimation of Recreational Disease Risk due to Disinfection: Illinois-A Case Study."
Presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the Water Pollution Control Federation, St.
Louis, October, 1982.
20) Seminars presented during a visit to the Italian National Research Council, Water Research
Institute, Bari, Italy, June, 1982:
"Rational Analysis of Chlorination Kinetics."
"Use of Computer Equilibrium Models for Assessment of Industrial Waste Chemistry."
"Novel Precipitation processes for Metal Recovery from Semiconductor Wastes."
"Application of Ion Exchange to Recovery of Metals from Semiconductor Wastes."
"Solid Phase Differential Reactor Studies on Adsorption in Air and Water."
21) Seminar presented to the Italian National Research Council, Water Research Institute, Rome,
Italy, June 1982:
"Metal Removal and Recovery Processes: Experimental Results and Equilibrium
22) "Relating Microbial Changes in Water distribution to Physical-Chemical Water Quality."
Presented at the 74th Annual Conference, Illinois Section, American Water Works
Association, Chicago, March 1983.
23) "Direct Differential Reactor Studies of Adsorption from Liquid and Gaseous Solutions."
Presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption,
Upper Bavaria, West Germany, May, 1983.
24) "Water and Wastewater Disinfection." Seminar presented at IBM Corp., East Fishkill, NY,
June 1983.
25) "Kinetic Limitations on the Recovery of Metals From Wastewater by Precipitation."
Presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers National Meeting, Denver,
August 1983.
26) "Microbial Risk Assessment." Invited Presentation at the Water Pollution Control
Federation, Preconference Workshop on Wastewater Disinfection Alternatives, Atlanta,
October, 1983.
27) "Engineering Waterborne Disease Reduction: How Much Is Enough?" Speech before the
Western Society of Engineers, Chicago, November, 1983.
28) "Is Wastewater Disinfection Necessary?" Presentation to the Illinois Association of
Environmental Professionals, April 1984.
29) "Sensitivity of Vegetative Protozoa to Free and Combined Chlorine." Presented at the 5th
Conference on Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health Effects,
Williamsburg, VA, June, 1984.
30) "Influence of Sodium Potassium an Lithium on Hypochlorite Solution Equilibria."
Presented at the 5th Conference on Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health
Williamsburg, VA, June, 1984.
31) "Scientific Principles of Disinfection" and "Need Assessments for Disinfection." Presented
at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Engineering Extension Program on Disinfection
of Water and Wastewater, May, 1984.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

32) "An Engineers View of Economic Incentives for Hazardous Waste Management." Seminar
presented to the Institute of Environmental Studies, Drexel University, Philadelphia, August
33) "Effect of Cessation of Chlorination on Receiving Water Microbiology." Presented at a
seminar of the Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Sanitary District of
Greater Chicago, October 1984.
34) "Hazardous Waste Management Challenges." Invited plenary presentation to the Annual
Meeting of the Illinois Public Health Association, Peoria, April, 1985.
35) "Steps Towards a Rational Kinetic Model of Wastewater Chlorination", seminar
presentation, Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering, Michigan State University,
April, 1985.
36) Presentation on potential risk avoidance due to earlier intervention in a Salmonella outbreak
before the Illinois House of Representatives Committee on State Government Admin-
istration and Regulatory Reform June, 1985.
37) "Development of Acid Fast and Yeast Organisms as New Indicators of Disinfection
Efficiency", seminar presented to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
University of Arizona, Tucson, August, 1985.
38) "Is Wastewater Disinfection Worth the Cost?", seminar to the School of Civil Engineering,
Purdue University, March 1986.
39) "Recovery, Recycle and Reuse of Industrial Wastes", Presented at a program on Wastewater
Pretreatment and Toxicity Control, University of Wisconsin Extension at Milwaukee,
March, 1986.
40) "Chlorine Residual", presented at the WPCF Conference on Analytical Techniques in
Pollution Control, Denver, May 1986.
41) "On the Poisson Assumption for Analysis of MPN Results", presented at the American
Water Works Association Annual Meeting, Denver, June, 1986.
42) "Kinetics of Cadmium and Copper Hydrolysis", International Association on Water
Pollution Research and Control, Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August, 1986.
43) "Wastewater Disinfection: Concepts and Practices", R.S. Engelbrecht and C.N. Haas, invited
paper, Second Joint Seminar on Wastewater Treatment Technology, Japan Sewage Works
Association/Water Pollution Control Federation, Hiroshima City, Japan, November, 1986.
44) "Relationship Between Disinfection Mechanism and Disinfection Kinetics", invited paper,
Seminar on Water and Wastewater Disinfection, American Society of Microbiology Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 1987.
45) "Disinfection Methods and Regulatory Changes", invited presentation to the Illinois
Association of Water Pollution Control Operators, Springfield, IL, April, 1987.
46) "Further Studies on Hypochlorite Ion Pair Chemistry and Disinfection Efficiency", 6`h Water
Chlorination Conference, Oak Ridge TN, May, 1987.
47) "Inherent Experimental Variability", invited presentation at the American Water Works
Association pre-conference seminar on "Assurance of Adequate Disinfection: ct or not ct",
Kansas City, June, 1987.
48) "Wastewater Chlorination and Dechlorination", invited presentation to the Michigan Section,
American Water Works Association, Ann Arbor, February 1988.
49) Invited presentations before a seminar sponsored by the Michigan Water Pollution Control
Association on Wastewater Disinfection: Public Health Related Issues: "Effect of Effluent
Disinfection on Risks of Viral Disease Transmission via Recreational Water Exposure" and
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

"Water Pollution Control Federation Disinfection Committee: Report Status", Ann Arbor,
May 1988.
50) Invited speaker "Comparative Aspects of Solid Waste Management", seminar on "Recycling
and Solid Waste Disposal" sponsored by the University of Illinois, Rockford, June 1988.
51) "Statistics of Microbial Disinfection", International Association on Water Pollution Research
and Control Biennial Meeting, Brighton, UK, July 1988.
52) "Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Giardia Disinfection by Chlorine", First Biennial Water
Quality Symposium: Microbiological Aspects, Banff, Alberta, August 1988.
53) "Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Disinfection Kinetics", seminar to the Environmental
Engineering Program, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, February 1989.
54) "Multi component Interactions In Environmental Engineering", seminar to the Institute of
Environmental Studies, Drexel University, April 1989.
55) "Chlorination/Dechlorination for New Disinfection Criteria", invited presentation at the
Water Pollution Control Federation preconference workshop, San Francisco, October 1989.
56) "Fundamental Considerations in Development of Solvent Dissolution Processes for Plastics",
presented at the 6th International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Secondary
Materials", Philadelphia, December 1990.
57) "Failure of Chick's Law in Batch to CSTR Extrapolation of Chlorine Disinfection of
Escherichia coli",
presented at the Annual Conference of the American Water Works
Association, Philadelphia, June, 1991.
58) "Occurrence of Pathogens and their Associated Risk", invited paper, Regulating Drinking
Water in the 1990's, sponsored by the Northeast Regional Environmental Public Health
Center, April, 1991, Amherst MA.
59) "Status of Chlorammination", invited paper, Preconference Seminar on Water Quality
Effects of Chlorammination, AWWA Annual Meeting, June 1991, Philadelphia, PA.
60) "Binary and Ternary Equilibria of Ion Exchange", 46th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference,
May 1991, West Lafayette IN.
61) "Equilibrium of Mixed Solid Phases", 46th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, May 1991,
West Lafayette IN.
62) "Biological Sulfide Prestripping for Metal and COD Removal", Annual Conference of the
Water Pollution Control Federation, October 1991, Toronto, Canada.
63) "Comparative Performance of Interval Estimators for Virtually Safe Dose", Annual Meeting
of the Society for Risk Analysis, December 1991, Baltimore.
64) "Nonideal Interactions in Metal Separations in Environmental Engineering", seminar to the
Department of Chemical Engineering, Drexel University, January 27, 1992.
65) "Risk Assessment of Infectious Disease from Waterborne Exposures", seminar to the
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Drexel University, April 2, 1992.
66) "New Approaches for the Analysis of Mixture Toxicity Data", presented at the 16th Biennial
Conference of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control,
Washington D.C., May 1992.
67) "Occurrence of Microorganisms", invited presentation to the Netherlands Public Health
Institute, Bilthoven, June 1992.
68) "Microbial Risk Assessment", invited presentation to the Netherlands Public Health
Institute, Bilthoven, June 1992.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

69) "Quantifying Microbial Risk", invited presentation at the First International Conference on
the Safety of Water Disinfection: Balancing Chemical and Microbial Risks, Washington
D.C., August 1992.
70) "Trends in Environmental Protection", invited presentation at the 6th environmental affairs
conference, Betz Laboratories Inc., Trevose PA, September 1992.
71) "Microbial Risk Assessment for Drinking Water", poster by C.P. Gerba, Joan Rose and C.N.
Haas, Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference, San Diego CA, December 1992.
72) "The Risk of Illness from Drinking Water", seminar to the Department of Civil and
Architectural Engineering and the Environmental Studies Institute, Drexel University,
January 1993.
73) "Microbial Risk Assessment of Drinking Water", seminar to the Department of
Environmental and Occupational Health and the Department of Civil Engineering and
Mechanics, University of South Florida, Tampa, March 1993.
74) "Testing for the Presence of Interactive Toxic Effects: A New Quantitative Procedure Based
on Isobole Analysis", presented at the Eastern North America Regional (ENAR) Meeting of
the Biometric Society/American Statistical Association/ Institute of Mathematical Statistics,
Philadelphia, PA, March 1993, with Bruce A. Stirling.
75) "Nonideal Interactions in Metal Separation Processes", seminar to the Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Delaware, March 1993.
76) "The Effect of Free Chlorine, Preformed Monochloramine, Chlorine+ Preammoniation and
Ozone on
Giardia muris
Cyst Viability", presented at the Annual Conference of the
Pennsylvania Section of AWWA, April 1993, with Joel Homberger, Uma Anmangandla and
Josh Joffe.
77) "The Necessity for Wastewater Disinfection", invited presentation at the American Society
for Microbiology conference on "Water Quality in the Western Hemisphere", San Juan PR,
April 1993.
78) "Modeling the Risk of
D.E. Friedman, C.N. Haas and J.B. Rose, poster
presentation at the American Society for Microbiology conference on "Water Quality in the
Western Hemisphere", San Juan PR, April 1993.
79) "What We Think We Know and What We Think We Don't Know About Chlorination and
Dechlorination", presented at the Water Environment Federation Specialty Conference on
Wastewater Disinfection, May 1993, Whippany NJ.
80) "Pathogen Risks and Treatment Options", presented at the AWWA Preconference Seminar
on Groundwater Disinfection, San Antonio, Texas, June 1993.
81) "Monte Carlo Methods in Risk Assessment", seminar presented at Roy F. Weston Co., West
Chester PA, June 1993.
82) "Application of Risk Assessment to Standard Setting for Closed Life Support Systems", C.P.
Gerba, C.N. Haas and J.B. Rose, presented at the 23`d International Conference on
Environmental Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, July 1993.
83) "Verification of a Mechanistic Kinetic Model for Chloroform Formation from a Model
Precursor During Water Chlorination", C.N. Haas and K. Topudurti, presented at the
National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago IL, August 1993.
84) Invited discussion, "Health Effects of Water Reuse", presented at the Water Environment
Research Foundation Assessment Workshop on "Water Reuse Assessment", WEF Annual
Conference, Anaheim CA, October 1993, C.N. Haas.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

85) "Simplified Method for Microscopic Determination of
Disinfection Efficiency",
C.N. Haas, J.C. Hornberger, U. Anmangandla and J. Joffe, AWWA Water Quality
Technology Conference, Miami FL, November 1993.
86) "Bench to Pilot Scale Up: Impact on Microbial Inactivation", Mark S. Heath, Joseph G.
Jacangelo and C.N. Haas, AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Miami FL,
November 1993.
87) "Microbiological Issues", invited presentation to the US EPA Federal-State Toxicology and
Risk Assessment Committee, Washington DC, December 1993.
88) Invited presentations to faculty and administration at University of Texas-El Paso:
"Environmental Science and Engineering at Drexel University" and "Future Trends in
Environmental Protection", November 1993.
89) "Estimating Risk from Waterborne Microorganisms", presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Society for Risk Analysis, Savannah GA, December 1993.
90) "Microbial Risk Assessment", seminar presented to the USDA, Agricultural Research
Service, Eastern Regional Research Center, Philadelphia, February 1994.
91) "Waterborne Microbial Diseases", invited presentation to AWWA - USEPA Workshop on
Information Collection Rule, Washington DC, March 1994.
92) "Relevance of UIUC Disinfection Research to Current Problems", invited presentation,
UIUC-CERL Symposium on Molecular Biology in Environmental Engineering, in Honor of
Richard S. Engelbrecht, Champaign-Urbana IL, March 1994.
93) "Can Chlorine be Eliminated from Water Treatment?", invited seminar, MIT Program in
Technology and Public Policy, May 1994.
94) "Reconciliation of Microbial Risk Assessment and Epidemiology: The Case of the
Milwaukee Outbreak", AWWA Annual Conference, June 1994, New York City.
95) "The Risk of Infectious Disease from Drinking Water", seminar to the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, July 1994.
96) "The Relationship Between Endemic and Epidemic Disease Risk", presented at the biennial
meeting of the International Association on Water Quality, Budapest Hungary, July 1994.
97) "Application of Reaction Engineering Approaches to Disinfection Process Design", seminar
to the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August
98) "Some Observations on Cryptosporidium Risk", invited presentation, "Water for Healthy
Living: A Workshop on Public Decisions about Cryptosporidium", sponsored by AWWA,
Washington DC, September 1994.
99) "Dose-Response Relationships and Community Risk", invited presentation, "Symposium on
Waterborne Cryptosporidium", sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta GA, September 1994.
Water: What is the Problem?", presented at the Pennjerdel Water
Supply Committee meeting, Philadelphia, October 1994.
10 1) "Waterborne Diseases: Who is at Risk", presented at the AWWA Water Quality
Technology Conference, San Francisco CA, November 1994, CP Gerba, JB Rose and CN
102) "Chlorine Ban Proposals from the Viewpoint of Water and Wastewater Treatment", invited
presentation, Symposium on the Future Uses of Chlorine: The Role of the University,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 1994.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

103) "Application of Reaction Engineering Approaches to Disinfection Process Design",
seminar to Texas A&M University, Department of Civil and Ocean Engineering, August
104) "Statistical Analysis of Microbial Data", presented to the AWWA Technical Action
Workgroup on Disinfection and Microbials, Washington DC, September 1995.
105) "Understanding the Behavior of
in an Urban Watershed:
Explanation and Application of Techniques to Collect and Evaluate Monitoring Data",
presented at the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, New Orleans, November
1995. CS Crockett and CN Haas.
106) "Generalized Independence And Additivity: Two Approaches To Quantitatively Describing
Non-Ideal Toxic Behavior Of Chemical Mixtures", presented at the Society for Risk
Analysis Annual Meeting, Honolulu, December 1995, CN Haas, S. Kersten, K. Cidambi
and MJ Frank.
107) "Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment: Review of Principles and Application to
Recreational Settings", seminar to the University of Hawaii Water Resources Institute,
December 1995.
108) "Principles of Microbial Risk Analysis", presented to the US Department of Agriculture,
Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis, April 10, 1996.
109) "Dose Response Assessment for Infectious Microorganisms", invited presentation, Annual
Meeting - American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, May 23, 1996.
110) "Risk of Chemical Mixtures: Novel Methods", seminar to Procter and Gamble Co.,
Cincinnati OH, November 12, 1996 (with audio feed to P&G Europe).
111) "Novel Quantitative Approaches for Chemical Mixtures", seminar to Department of
Environmental Systems Engineering, Clemson University, April 4, 1997.
112) "The Role of Risk Assessment in Setting US Drinking Water Standards". Nishihara Invited
Lecture delivered to:
Hokkaido University (Japan) - Environmental Engineering program
Tokyo University - Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering
Nishihara Sanitation Company
Nihon University - Department of Civil Engineering
Japan Ministry of Health - Membrane 21 Conference
September 1-15, 1997.
113) "What we Think We Know and What We Think We Don't Know about Chlorination-
Dechlorination", presented at the preconference workshop on Disinfection, Water
Environment Federation Technical Conference, October 18, 1997, Chicago.
114) "Risk of HIV to Wastewater Operators". Presentation at the 70th Annual Water
Environment Federation Technical Conference, October 23, 1997, Chicago.
115) "Correlations and Copulas in Monte Carlo Analysis". Platform-Poster at the Annual
Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Washington DC, December 10, 1997.
116) "Risk Assessment for Household Sanitation", seminar to Procter and Gamble Co.,
Cincinnati OH, February 19, 1998.
117) "Risk Based Criteria for Pathogens in Drinking Water: Has the Time Come?", Seminar to
the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, March 27,
118) "Back to the Future: Engineering Safe Water and Safe Food in the 21St Century", Invited
Lecture, Villanova University Chapter of Sigma Xi, April 3, 1998.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

119) "Benefits of Employing a Disinfectant Residual", invited presentation at the AWWA/IWSA
Conference on Disinfectant Residuals, April 26, 1998, Philadelphia PA. Also presented in
Mulheim, Germany, October 2, 1998.
120) "Predicting Disinfection Performance In Continuous Flow Systems From Batch
Disinfection Kinetics", presented at the biennial Conference of the International Association
on Water Quality, June 1998, Vancouver BC (Canada).
121) "Frameworks for Assessing Reliability of Multiple, Independent Barriers in Potable Water
Reuse", presented at the biennial Conference of the International Association on Water
Quality, June 1998, Vancouver BC (Canada).
122) "A Quantitative Risk Assessment Model For
Listeria monocytogenes
And E.
0157:117", presented at the International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental
Sanitarians, Nashville TN, August 1998/
123) "Epidemiology, Microbiology and Risk Assessment of Waterborne Pathogens Including
invited presentation - Conference on the National Food Safety Initiative:
Implications for Microbial Data Collection, Analysis and Application, Arlington VA,
October 15, 1998.
124) "What Is Disinfection?", presented at AWWA Preconference Workshop, November 1,
1998, San Diego CA.
125) "Risk Based Criteria for Pathogens in Drinking Water: Has the Time Come?", seminar to
Department of Civil Engineering, San Diego State University, December 2, 1998, San Diego
126) "Predicting Disinfection Performance in Continuous Flow Systems from Batch Disinfection
Kinetics", seminar to the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, November 11, 1998.
127) "Back to the Future: Engineering Safe Water and Safe Food in the 21St Century", presented
to the Philadelphia Chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis, March 23, 1999.
128) "The Future of Drinking Water Science [and Engineering]". Invited presentation -
EPA/AWWA Conference on Drinking Water: 2025. June 14, 1999, Washington DC.
129) "Watershed Management for Pathogen Control". Invited presentation - New York State
Energy Research and Development Agency Conference on Management of Small
Reservoirs. June 16, 1999, Albany NY.
130) "Formulation and Validation of a Dose Response Model for
Escherichia coli
0 157:H7,
presented at the International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, AWWA, Milwaukee
WI, August 31, 1999.
13 1) "Inactivation of
Legionella pneumophila
by Free Chlorine", presented at the International
Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, AWWA, Milwaukee WI, August 31, 1999.
132) "Predicting Disinfection Performance in Continuous Flow Systems from Batch Disinfection
Kinetics", seminar to the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, New Jersey
Institute of Technology, September 22, 1999.
133) "Risk Based Criteria for Pathogens in Drinking Water: Has the Time Come?", seminar to
the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, October 20,
134) "Community Level Impacts of Waterborne Infections", presented at the annual meeting of
Society for Risk Analysis, Atlanta, December 7, 1999.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

135) "Dermal Microbial Risk Assessment: Impact Of Germicidal Soap On Risk Of Infection
Staphylococcus aureus",
presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Risk
Analysis, Atlanta, December 6, 1999.
136) "Microbes and Monte Carlo", presented at the annual meeting of the American Association
for Advancement of Science, Washington DC, February 22, 2000.
137) "Statistical Modeling in Drinking Water Production", invited presentation, IWA Workshop
of Modeling Conventional Drinking Water Treatment Processes, Mar 16, 2000, Delft, The
138) "Dose Response Models", invited presentation, WHO-FAO Workshop on Microbial Risk
Assessment, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 13, 2000.
139) "Probabilistic Modeling of Drinking Water Treatment", seminar to the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, September 7, 2000.
140) "Microbial Risk Factors: How We Got Here and Alternative Futures", invited presentation,
AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, November 7, 2000.
141) "Progress and Data Gaps in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment", invited presentation
at the 2001 Asian Water Quality Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, September 12, 2001.
142) "Progress and Data Gaps in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment", invited presentation
to the Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan,
September 18, 2001.
143) "Decontamination Using Chlorine Dioxide", Testimony before the US House of
Representatives, Committee on Science, hearing on "The Decontamination of Anthrax and
Other Biological Agents", November 8, 2001, Washington DC.
144) "Bioterrorism 101 ", Invited presentation, Lehigh University chapter of Sigma Xi,
November 28, 2001.
145) "The Role of Risk Analysis in Understanding Bioterrorism", invited plenary address,
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, December 3, 2001.
146) "The Risk of Inhalation Exposure to Anthrax Spores", seminar to the School of
Environmental Science, Engineering and Policy, Drexel University, February 15, 2002.
147) "Disinfection Modeling", invited presentation, WEF Disinfection Specialty Conference, St.
Petersburg FL, February 17, 2002.
148) "Microbial Dose-Response Models", presented at a short course on microbial risk
assessment offered by the University of Ottawa to personnel from Food Canada and Health
Canada, March 1, 2002, Ottawa, Canada.
149) "Chemical and Biological Terrorism and Higher Education", presented at a workshop
organized by the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania,
Harrisburg PA, March 7, 2002.
150) Invited Distinguished Public Health Scientist Lecture, "The Role of Risk Assessment in
Responding to the Threat of Anthrax", Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of
Public Health, Baltimore, May 16, 2002.
15 1) "Risk Assessment, Bioterrorism and the Food Industry", invited presentation, First
International Conference on Microbial Risk Assessment: Food, College Park MD, July 25,
152) "Quantitative Assessment Of Benefits From Using Topical Antimicrobial Hand Products:
Case Study On E.
Risk From Handling Raw Beef', Society for Risk Analysis Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, December 9, 2002.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

153) "Towards a Fourth Generation in Water (Chemical) Disinfection Process Design", seminar
presented to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tulane University,
December 10, 2002.
154) "Risk Assessment, Bioterrorism and the Food Industry", seminar to the Eastern Regional
Research Center, USDA, Wyndmoor PA, January 10, 2003.
155) "Pathogens: Understanding Risks and Control", invited presentation - Symposium on
Drinking Water and Health, sponsored by Philadelphia Suburban Water and Drexel
University, Philadelphia, March 25, 2003.
156) "Chemical and Biological Threats", presented at a workshop on Community Infrastructure
Protection, Pennoni Associates, March 26, April 2, April 30 and May 7, Wilmington DE,
Mt. Laurel NJ, Harrisburg PA and Philadelphia (2003).
157) "How Much is Enough to Protect Public Health: Statistical and Sampling Size
Considerations for Environmental Sampling", invited presentation, Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, Washington DC, May 21, 2003.
158) "Overview of Risk Assessment Concepts and Methodologies", invited presentation,
Workshop on Quantifying The Health Risk from Water Recycling Schemes, Brisbane,
Australia, September 3, 2003.
159) "Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment and Uncertainty Analysis", invited presentation,
Workshop on Quantifying The Health Risk from Water Recycling Schemes, Brisbane,
Australia, September 3, 2003.
160) "Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Reactor Configuration on the Efficacy of
Microbial Inactivation", presented at the WEF Annual Conference, October 2003, Los
Angeles CA.
161) "Quantitative microbial risk assessment+20: victories, challenges and a look forward",
seminar to the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, October 31, 2003, Boston MA.
162) "Risk Assessment", presented at workshop on "Reclaimed Water: Whose Water is it?",
AWWA WQTC Conference, November 2, 2003, Philadelphia.
163) "Selection of an Appropriate Batch Inactivation Model - Why it Matters", presented at the
WQTC Conference, Philadelphia, November 2003.
164) "Arrivederci "Minimal Infectious Dose": Have We Learned the Lesson Yet?:, presented at
the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore, December 7, 2003.
165) "Emission Rates of Biological Aerosols during the Land Application of Biosolids?
Presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore,
December 9, 2003.
166) "Disinfection 2020 (20/20)", Seminar presented to the Department of Civil Engineering,
Villanova University, March 18, 2004.
167) "Disinfection 2020 (20/20)", Seminar presented to the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, June 4, 2004.
168) "Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment: An Introduction", invited presentation, 51h
Annual Environmental Health Conference of the Association of Schools of Public Health,
July 12, 2004, University of Minnesota.
169) "Quantitative microbial risk assessment+20: victories, challenges and a look forward",
seminar to the Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of
Arizona, Tucson, October 25, 2004.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

170) "Arrivederci "Minimal Infectious Dose": Have We Learned the Lesson Yet?", invited
presentation - Workshop on Microbial Risk Assessment, US EPA - National Exposure
Research Laboratory, Cincinnati OH, November 18, 2004.
17 1) "Reducing Waterborne Infectious Disease", seminar presented to the Department of
Environmental Health Science, University of Michigan School of Public Health, November
29, 2004.
172) "Chemical Terrorism Against Food and Water Supplies", Symposium on Toxic Industrial
Chemicals and Toxic Industrial Materials, sponsored by ATSDR and American Society for
Medical Toxicology, Drexel University, June 13, 2005.
173) "Simulation of Anthrax Spore Transport and Inactivation in a Room: Scaling Analysis", S
Soni, B Farouk and CN Haas, Proceedings of the 2005 ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005 Orlando FL.
174) "Human and Animal Health Risks Associated With Biosolids", C.N. Haas, presented at the
annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Orlando FL, May 23, 2006.
175) "Thresholds: (Lack of) Evidence for their Existence, and What We Would See if They
Were Significant", invited presentation - Upstate NY Chapter of the Society for Risk
Assessment, October 13, 2006.
176) "Animal Dose Response Data for Predicting Risk of BT Events: Preliminary Thoughts on
Validation Using the 2001 AMI Incident as a Case Study", presented at the annual meeting
of the Society for Risk Analysis, December 2006.
177) "Basic Microbial Dose Response", C.N. Haas, presented at the annual meeting of the
American Society for Microbiology, May 20, 2007, Toronto.
178) "Developing Unifying Principles in Microbial Risk Assessment", presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, May 22, 2007, Toronto.
"E coli
0 157:H7 -- What we Know about Assessing its Risk to Human Health", presented
at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, May 23, 2007, Toronto.
"Chemical Basis for Interaction Between Aquatic Bacteria and Phytoplankton," Final Report
to the National Science Foundation, Student Originated Studies Program (1973).
2) "Soluble Phase Chemistry of Trace Metal Transport Through Secondary Wastewater
Treatment Systems," M.S. Thesis, Department of Environmental Engineering, Illinois
Institute of Technology (1974).
3) "Heavy Metals Transport Through Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants." Proceedings, 2nd
National Conference on Complete Water Reuse (1975).
With J.W. Patterson and P.
Discussion on "Temperature-Toxicity Model for Oil Refinery Waste." Journal of the
Environmental Engineering Division, Proceedings ASCE, 101,446 (1975).
5) "New Microbial Indicators of Disinfection Efficiency." Annual Report to the U.S. Army
Medical Research and Development Command (1975). With R. S. Engelbrecht et al.
"Inactivation of New Indicators of Disinfection Efficiency, Part I. Free Available Chlorine
Species Kinetics." Proceedings, 96th Annual Meeting, American Water Works Association
With F. Surucu.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

7) Discussion on "Cyanophage Analysis as a Biological Pollution Indicator-Bacterial and
Viral." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 49, 1913 (1977).
8) "Acid-Fast Bacteria and Yeasts as Disinfection Indicators: Enumeration Methodology."
Proceedings, 5`h Water Quality Technology Conference, AWWA. (1977).
With R. S.
9) "New Microbial Indicators of Disinfection Efficiency." U.S. EPA Environmental Protection
Technology Series 600/2-77- 052 (1977).
With R.S. Engelbrecht et al.
10) "Mechanism of Inactivation of New Indicators of Disinfection Efficiency by Free Available
Chlorine." Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (1978).
11) "Literature Review-Disinfection." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 50,
1134 (1978), with J. Gould.
12) "The Future of Chlorination." Rensselaer Fresh Water Institute at Lake George Newsletter,
8 #3 (1978).
13) "Acid-Fast Bacteria and Yeasts as Indicators of Disinfection Efficiency." US With R.S.
Engelbrecht, et al.
14) Discussion on "Effects of Chlorination on Differentiated Coliform Groups." Journal of the
Water Pollution Control Federation, 51, 2961(1979).
15) "Literature Review-Disinfection." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 51,
123 (1979).
With J. Gould.
16) "Mode of Microbial Inactivation by Chlorine." Proceedings of the ASCE Environmental
Engineering Specialty Conference, pp646-52 (1979).
With R.S. Engelbrecht.
17) "Rational Analysis of Ultra-Violet Disinfection Reactors." Proceedings of the ASCE
Environmental Engineering Specialty Conference, pp540-7 (1979).
With G. P.
18) Discussion on "Kinetics of Bacterial Deactivation with Chlorine." Journal of the
Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, 105, 1198 (1979).
19) "Hazardous Waste Processing and Disposal Practices-Best Technology." Report to the
New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (1979). With W.W. Shuster, et al.
20) "The Potential for the Application of Resource Recovery Practices in the Hazardous Waste
Processing and Disposal Industry." Report to the New York State Environmental Facilities
Corporation (1979).
With W.W. Shuster, et al.
21) "Literature Review-Disinfection." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 52,
1224 (1980 with J. Gould.
22) "Literature Review-Disinfection." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 53,
789 (1981), with J. Gould.
23) "What are Hazardous Wastes?" In R.L. Robbins (ed.) Limiting Liability for Hazardous
Wastes, Chicago-Kent College of Law (1981).
24) "Technical Arguments Against the Adoption of Changes in the Illinois Wastewater Fecal
Coliform Standards." Paper submitted to the Illinois Pollution Control Board (1981).
25) "Practical Considerations in the Use of Halogen Disinfectants." In A.D. Venosa (ed.),
Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Wastewater Disinfection, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, EPA600/9-83-009 (1983).
26) "Literature Review-Disinfection." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 54,
646 (1982).
With J.J. McCreary.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

27) "Evaluation of High-Performance Phosphorus Control POTW's in the Great Lakes Basin."
Final Report to the US EPA. With J.W. Patterson et al.(1982).
28) "Management of Hazardous Wastes: An Illinois Perspective." Report to the Illinois
Institute of Natural Resources, With J.W. Patterson (1982).
29) "Microbiological Alterations in Water Quality in Distribution Systems and Granular
Activated Carbon." Final Report to the US EPA. With M.A. Meyer et al. (1983).
30) "Incentives for the Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes by Alternative Methods."
Report to the US EPA and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences
31) "Wastewater Disinfection-A Review of the Technical and Legal Aspects in Illinois."
Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, Department of Research and
Development, Report 84-17 (1984).
With C. Lue-Hing et al.
32) "Computer Applications to Chemical Equilibria in Modeling and Simulation of Aqueous
Environment." Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Aided
Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering (1985).
With V. Tare.
33) "Risks Associated with Viruses in Drinking Water", Proceedings of the Third Conference on
Progress in Chemical Disinfection, p460-8 (1986), C.P. Gerba and C.N. Haas.
34) "Effects of Ceasing Chlorination on Selected Indicator Populations Downstream of
Metropolitan Chicago's Major Wastewater Treatment Facilities", Metropolitan Sanitary
District of Greater Chicago, Department of Research and Development, Report 87-17
With S. Sedita and C. Lue-Hing.
35) "Methods and Monitoring - Statistical Approaches", Chapter 20 in Drinking Water
Microbiology: Progress and Recent Developments, G.A. McFeters[ed.], Springer-Verlag,
New York (1990). C.N. Haas and B. Heller.
36) "Development and Testing of a Methodology to Identify,
ex post facto,
the Determinants of
Remedial Actions at Superfund Sites", Center for Hazardous Waste Management, IIT/IITRI
With G. Paulson et al.
37) "User Manual for the Computer Program WASTE (Waste Alternative Solutions to Evaluate)
[and accompanying software]. Report to the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural
Resources, J.W. Van Nortwick, C.N. Haas and R. Porter (1989).
38) "Editorial: Acting in the Face of Uncertainty", Journal of the Water Pollution Control
Federation, 62, 2, 115 (1990).
39) Discussion on "Analysis of Inactivation of
Giardia lamblia
By Chlorine", Journal of
Environmental Engineering, 115, 1, 1210-2 (1990).
40) "Editorial: Let's Surprise Rip Van Winkle", Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control
Federation, 63, 5, 755 (1991).
41) "Demand Exceeds Supply for Environmental Engineers", Engineering Horizons, Fall (1992),
42) Invited Book Review, "Taste and Odor Problems Associated with Chlorine Dioxide",
Environmental Progress„ 13(1):F10-11 (1994).
43) "The Risk of Over reliance on Risk Assessment", Water Environment Research, 67, 1, 3
44) "Waterborne Diseases - Who is at Risk?", Proceedings of the 1994 AWWA Water Quality
Technology Conference, II:57-71, CP Gerba, JB Rose and CN Haas (1995).
45) "Risk Assessment in Microbial Water Quality Criteria", Australian Water and Wastewater
Association Journal, November/December, pps 18-20, CN Haas (1995).
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

46) "Microbial Risk Assessment: A New Tool in Water Quality Management", CP Gerba, JB
Rose and CN Haas, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference for "Ecology and
Environmental Quality", June/July 1996, Jerusalem.
47) "Linking Microbiological Criteria for Foods with Quantitative Risk Assessment", Chapter 14
in JJ Sheridan, RL Buchanan and TJ Montville (eds.), NAACP: An Integrated
Assuring the Microbiological Safety of Meat and Poultry, Food and Nutrition Press,
Trumball CT (1996).
48) "Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Reclaimed Water", Proceedings - WaterTech,
1996 Annual Conference of the Australian Water and Wastewater Association, Sydney, May
1996, pp254-260. CP Gerba, JB Rose and CN Haas.
49) "Microbial Risk Assessment: A New Tool in Water Quality Management", Preservation of
Our World in the Wake of Change, (Y Steinberger, ed.), VIA/B:732-735 (1996).
50) "Main Disinfection - Why Do it the Way We Do?", Opflow, 22(9):1,4 (1996), GA
Burlingame, CN Haas and WO Pipes.
51) "Viewpoint: Acceptable Microbial Risk", Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 88(12):8 (1996), CN Haas.
52) "Risk Assessment of HIV in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems", CN Haas,
pages 103-108, in HIV in Wastewater, WEF Monograph (C. Lue-Ring, P. Tata and L.
Casson eds.), Alexandria VA (1999).
53) "Disinfection in the 21St Century", Journal of the American Water Works Association,
92(2):72-3 (2000), C.N. Haas.
54) "Editorial: Environmental Engineering and Bioterrorism?", Journal of Environmental
Engineering, 128(5):397 (2002), C.N. Haas.
55) "Toxic and Contaminant Concerns Generated by Hurricane Katrina", The Bridge (published
by the National Academy of Engineering), Spring 2006, p5-13, D.D. Reible, C.N. Haas, J.H.
Pardue, and W.J Walsh.
56) "WATERS Network - Transforming the Way the United States Assesses Water Quality and
Manages This Valuable and Threatened Resource", submitted to WATER21 (International
Water Association), Paula Estornell, Charles N. Haas, Barbara Minsker, Jerald L. Schnoor
and Jami L. Montgomery.
Student Advising
P.A. Sajous
Oxygen Uptake Rate as a Control of Activated Sludge
E.C. Morrison
Altered Sensitivity to Chlorine in E. coli.
P.A. Hughes
Laboratory Investigation of the Activated Sludge
Process with Alum Addition for the Removal of Trace
C.A. Weitz, Jr.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

M.A. Zapkin
Illinois Institute of Technology
of Escherichia coli by Chlorine in the
of Various Additives.
L.M. Mele
Water Hydrology of Coal Refuse Disposal
R. Garunas
Acid Waste Gas Biodesulfurization: An Alternative to
Chemical Sulfur Recovery Processes.
K.A. Lavelle
Desulfobacter Biocatalyzed
Reduction of Gypsum
Wastes: Applications to Phosphoric Acid Manufac-
S.B. Karra
Kinetic Limitations on the Recovery of Metals From
Wastewater by Precipitation.
K. Khater
T. Jamrock
Effect of Time and Temperature on the E.P. Toxicity
A. Wojtas
of Tetrahymena pyriformis By Free
D.M. Brncich
The Determination of Stability Constants for Na, Li,
and K Ion Pairs
with Ocl
N. Horowitz
The Effect of Organic Ligands on the Adsorption of
Cadmium Onto Kaolinite.
B. Kaplan
The Influence of Humic Acid on Solubility and
of Toluene.
The Use of Coal Ash Mixtures as a Final Cover in the
of Landfills.
G. Vanderlaan
Feedstock Chemicals and the Hazard Ranking System
Data Base.
M. Karalius
Inactivation of Escherichia coli by Chlorine in the
Presence of K+ and Li+ Ions.
Robert Renaud
of Thiosulfate
and other Dechlorinating
John Sheerin
Magnitude and
Decay of Fecal Coliforms in
J.R. O'
KD for the
and KOCI Ion Pairs.
Paul Bitter
Analysis of Five Nutrient Effects on the Growth of
Microorganisms in the
City of
Chicago Drinking
Water Supply.
Bon Mui
Distribution of Coliforms in Lake Michigan.
R. J. Vamos
Kinetics of Cadmium Complexation Reactions with
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Chloride and Hydroxide
C. D. Trivedi
Inactivation of Escherichia coli by Free Chlorine and
Monochloramine in the Presence of Potassium Ions.
Andrew Kling
Energy Waste in Aeration Processes.
Angela Podesta
A Rapid Membrane Filter Technique For the
of Plankton in Finished Drinking
Paul Favara
Metal Removal in SBR Systems Treating Hazardous
Waste Leachate.
H. D.-Markazi
Effect of Ethylene Glycol on Transport of Chloride
thru Landfill Liner Material.
C. Brougnier
Co-Disposal of Plastics and Solvent
Wastes as
Residual Fuel.
K.V. Topudurti
Transfer of Chlorine from
Monochloramines and
Organochloramines to a THM Precursor.
Marc Bonem
Plant Deposition of Nitrogen Dioxide (co advised).
Yao Kouome
CSTR Microbial Inactivation by Free and Combined
C. Polprasert
Richard Vamos
Binary and Ternary Equilibria of Cation Exchange.
Chi Lo
Assessment of Solid Waste Generation Patterns and
Potential for Recycling on the IIT Campus.
P. Cunningham
Carcinogenic Risk Assessment
A Monte Carlo Study
of Methods for Determining Confidence Limits on the
Safe Dose
Mixed Metal Precipitation
B. Bush
Confidence Limits on the Virtually Safe Dose
Drexel University
Year Degree
Bruce Stirling
Biological Responses to Mixtures
Joel Hornberger
Development of a Standard Method for the
Analysis of
Disinfection Kinetics
1994 M.S.
Sean Kersten
Of Binary Toxic Mixtures Using A
Model Of
Kaushik Cidambi
Of Binary Toxic Mixtures Using A
Additivity Model
Chris Crockett
Determination of Sources and Impacts of
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

in a Major Metropolitan
1996 PhD
(Env Jin Anotai
Effect of Calcium Ion on Chemistry and
Disinfection Efficiency of Free Chlorine at pH 10
1996 M.S.
Shubhangi Desai
Kinetics of Inactivation of
1996 M.S.
Aamir M Fazil
A Quantitative Risk Assessment Model for
R.B. Chitluru
Chlorination Kinetics for Water Main Associated
J.L. Gambetese
Fate Modeling of Organic
Compounds in
Wastewater Treatment Plants: A Comprehensive
Analysis of WATER7 and WATER8
1996 Ph.D.(Env
James Hagan
An Examination of Acute Environmental Toxicity
of Pharmaceutical Compounds Using Quantitative
Structure-Activity Relationships
1996 M.S.
(Env Josh Joffe
Data Analysis for Disinfection Kinetics Modeling.
1997 M.S.
(Env Joe Nattress
Inactivation at the Philadelphia Water Department
1998 M.S.
Dhumal Aturaliye
Electroporation Assisted Disinfection of
1998 M.S.
(Env Aadithya
A Quantitative
Risk Assessment
Model for
Mukul Gupta
Modeling of Waterborne and
Foodborne Outbreaks
MS (Env Eng)
Kathy French
Removal in Drinking
Water by Physical Processes
MS (Env Eng) Chad Pindar
perfringens as an Indicator for
During Electroporation Assisted
MS (Env Eng) Paul Batman
Water matrix effects on protozoan inactivation in
chlorine-chloramine disinfection processes
MS (Env Eng) Dora D'Andrea
Inactivation efficiency of
by free
1999 MS (Env Sci)
Benchmarking and modeling the inactivation of
2000 MS (Env Eng) Jason Sites
Viability/Infectivity Assays in
Various Disinfection Schemes
(Env Paula R. Klink
multicomponent equilibrium predictions using
binary data
2002 MS (Env Eng)
Jason Marie
Use of Microbial Risk Modeling to Determine the
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Benefit of Topical Antimicrobial Products
2002 PhD
Dennis Greene
Numerical Simulation of Chlorine Disinfection
Processes in Non-Ideal Reactors
2003 PhD
Baris Kaymak
Effect of Initial Microorganism Concentration on
Disinfection Efficiency by Chlorine.
2004 PhD
Lijie Li
Effects of
Initial Microbial Density on
Disinfection Efficiency
in a Continuous Flow
System and Validation of
Disinfection Batch
Kinetics in a Continuous Flow System
Oocysts by Sediments
MS (MechE)
Sankalp Soni
Dispersal in An
Apartment Building" (co-advised with
2005 PhD
Thomas W.
A quantitative microbial risk assessment model for
human inhalation exposure to
2006 PhD
Timothy A.
High-Resolution Experimental and Numerical
Analysis of Fine Bubble Ozone Contactors (co
advised with Baki Farouk)
MS (EnvEng)
Bishel B. Baby
A Dose-Response Analysis for Plague bacterium:
Yersinia pestis
Lynn A
1-Hydroxyanthraquinone: Activity in
and Potential Application for
(co advised)
Biomass Reduction in Wastewater Treatment
Research In Progress at Drexel
PhD (Env Eng)
PhD(Env Eng)
PhD (EnvEng)
PhD (EnvEng)
PhD (EnvEng)
PhD (EnvEng)
Russell Green
Mark Weir (2004-)
Pope (2004-)
Paula Estronell (2006-
Biologically Assisted Corrosion
Microbial risk assessment
PCR and Antibiotic Resistance Profiling for
Microbial Source Tracking in the Delaware Valley
Microbial Risk Assessment
Water Policy
Teaching Experience
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Course I
(4 point max.)
Enve Lab II
Unit Processes
Chemistry for Env.
Fall 78
Adv. Aquatic
Fall 78
Fall 78
Unit Processes
Biol. Tmt.
Unit Ops.
Biol. Tmt.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Illinois Institute
of Technology
(5 point max.)
Environ. Chem.
Fall 1981
Water & Waste Tmt.
Fall 1981
Biochemical Eng.
Physical Tmt.
Environ. Chem.
Fall 1982
Biochemical Eng.
Sanitary Design
Spring1983 8
Environ. Chem.
Fall 1983
Physical Tmt.
Fall 1983
Hazardous Waste Eng.
Spring1984 20
Water & Waste Tmt.
Spring 1984 14
Biochemical Engng.
Fall 1984
Water & Waste Tmt.
Fall 1984
Hazardous Waste Eng.
Springl985 16
Sanitary Design
Springl985 8
Water & Waste Tmt.
Fall 1985
Intro. Environ. Eng.
Fall 1985
Hazardous Waste Eng. Springl986
Physical Tmt.
Biochemical Eng.
Fall 1986
Ind. Wst. Tmt. Crit.
Fall 1986
Sanitary Design
Hazardous Waste Eng.
Springl987 13
Groundwater Contam.
Fall 1987
Physical Tmt.
Fall 1987
Hazardous Waste Eng.
Springl988 10
Biochemical Engng.
Springl988 8
Intro. Env. Eng.
Fall 1989
Biochemical Engng.
Fall 1989
Hazardous Waste Eng.
Springl990 12
Data Analysis
Physical Tmt.
Fall 1990
University (* -
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Unit Ops:Biological
Winter, 1991
Environ. Engineering I (*)
Spring, 1991
Chem. Of the Environ.
Fall, 1991
Unit Ops. Laboratory
Winter, 1992
Unit Ops: Biological
Spring 1992
Risk Assessment
Fall 1992
Winter 1993
Unit Ops: Biological
Spring 1993
Unit Ops: PhysicalChemical
Spring 1993
16 (team taught)
Environmental Chemistry I
Fall 1993
University Seminar (*)
Fall 1993
Risk Assessment
Winter 1994
Unit Ops: Biological
Spring 1994
Topics in Environmetrics
Spring 1994
6 (plus 12 audits)
Environmental Chemistry I
Fall 1994
Engineering I (*)
Fall 1994
Risk Assessment
Winter 1995
Adv. Environ. Chem.
Spring 1995
Environmental Chemistry I
Fall 1995
Risk Assessment
Winter 1996
Unit Ops: Biological
Spring 1996
Environmental Chemistry I
Fall 1996
Risk Assessment
Winter 1997
Ops: Biological
Spring 1997
10 (team taught)
& GW Tint.
Fall 1997
Reaction Kin.&Mass Tr.
Winter 1998
Risk Assessment
Winter 1998
Unit Ops: Physical-
Spring 1998
Fall 1998
Risk Assessment
Winter 1999
Water Infrastructure (*)
25 (team taught)
Fall 1999
Risk Assessment
Winter 2000
Water Infrastructure (*)
Winter 2000
Unit Ops: Biological
Spring 2000
Water Infrastructure (*)
28 (team taught)
Fall 2000
Risk Assessment
Winter 2001
Environmental Impacts (*)
Spring 2001
Fall 2001
Bioterrorism (*)
Winter 2002
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Freshman Design (*)
Winter 2002
Environmental Impacts (*)
Spring 2002
Unit Ops: Biological
Spring 2002
Intro. To Enve. Eng. (*)
Fall 2002
Prof.. Practice in
Fall 2002
Risk Assessment
Winter 2003
Intro. To Environ. Eng. (*)
Spring 2003
Intro. To Environ Eng (*)
Fall 2003
Environ Eng Lab I (*)
Winter 2004
Environ. Eng. Lab II (*)
Spring 2004
Intro to Environ Eng (*)
Spring 2004
Intro to Environ Eng (*)
Fall 2004
Risk Assessment
Winter 2005
18 (team
Intro to Environ Eng (*)
Spring 2005
Unit Ops: Biological
Spring 2005
Prof. Practice in Env Eng
Fall 2005
Mass Transfer & Kinetics in Winter 2006
EnvE (*)
Water & Wastewater Design
Spring 2006
III (*)
Freshman Design I (*)
Fall 2006
Service on External Graduate Student Committees
Alexa Oblensky, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Environmental
Science and Engineering (advisor - Phil Singer), 2002-present.
Benjamin Tanner„ University of Arizona, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental
Sciences (advisor - Ian Pepper), 2003-2004.
James Brooks, University of Arizona, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences
(advisor - Ian Pepper), 2003-2004.
Domenico Santoro, Polytechnic of Bari at Taranto (Italy), Faculty of Environmental Engineering
(external examiner and collaborator; advisor - Lorenzo Liberti), 2004-2005.
Editorial Boards
Founding Editor in Chief - Quantitative Microbiology (Kluwer), 1998-2001
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Editorial Board, 1988-1994)
Water Environment Research (Board of Editorial Review, 1989-1995; Chair 1991-1995)
Ozone Science & Engineering (Editorial Board, 1999 - 2001)
Journal of Medical Risk (Editorial Board, 2003-)
Risk Analysis (Associate Editor - Microbial Risk, 2006-)
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Panels and Seminars
Organized and Chaired a Seminar on "Mode of Action of Halogen Disinfectants Used in Water
and Wastewater Treatment
at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Dallas, March, 1981.
Organized and Chaired a Session on "Disinfection and Chemical Oxidation
at the Annual
Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New Orleans
November, 1981.
Organized and Chaired a Session on "Potpourri
Industrial and Toxic Wastes" at the National
Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
August, 1982.
Organized and Co
Chaired a Session on "Recovery of Metal Values From Industrial Wastes" at
the National Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Invited Chairman on "Disinfection of Wastewater Effluents
NSF State
of the Art
on Disinfection of Wastewater Effluents and Sludges, Miami
May 1984.
Organized and Chaired a Preconference Workshop on "Alternative Wastewater Disinfection
Design and Operation
", WPCF,
Los Angeles, October 1986.
Organized and Chaired a Preconference Workshop on "Emerging Issues in Effluent
WPCF Preconference Workshop, Philadelphia
October 1987.
Co-Organized and Co-Chaired a Preconference Seminar on "Practical Experience with Ozone for
Organics Control and Disinfection
AWWA, Cincinnati, June 1990.
Co-Organized and Co-Chaired a Preconference Seminar on "Water Quality Changes from
", AWWA,
June 1991.
Co-Organized and Co-Chaired a Preconference Seminar on "Meeting Disinfection Byproducts
", AWWA,
June 1992.
Organized opening general session
, "
When is Wastewater Disinfection Necessary
?" at WEF
Specialty Conference on Wastewater Disinfection
Whippany NJ, May 1993.
Co-Organized Preconference Seminars on "Disinfection
The New Basics" and "When is
Groundwater Disinfection Necessary
June 1993, San Antonio.
Co-Organized Symposium on "Microbial Risk Assessment in Water and Food
at the Annual
Conference, Society for Risk Analysis
Savannah GA, December 1993.
Organized a Workshop on Microbial Risk Assessment of Food, Society for Risk Analysis,
Washington DC, December 1997.
Co-Organized Disinfection Specialty Conference
Water Environment Federation, Baltimore
MD, April 19-22,1998.
Program Committee
IWSA Conference "Protecting Water Quality in the Distribution
System: What is the Role of Disinfectant Residual", Philadelphia, April 26-28, 1998.
Organized NSF supported expert workshop on Advancing the Quality of Water
Chapel Hill NC, March 10-12, 2004.
Co-Organized WEF/AWWA
IWA Disinfection Specialty Conference
Pittsburgh PA, February
Society Activities
American Society
of Civil
Environmental Engineering Division.
, Task
Committee on Disinfection Risk Assessment 1981-1985.
Water Supply and Resource Management Committee
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Task Committee on Control of Microbes in Drinking Water,
American Water Works Association
Research Division Committee on Disinfection
Water Quality Division Committee on Disinfection
Water Quality Division Committee on Organisms in Water, 1983-1987.
Water Quality Division Committee on Status of Waterborne Diseases in the US
and Canada
Member, Student Activities Committee
Section Student Activities Committee,
American Water Works Association Research Foundation
various project advisory committees
Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
Committee to revise recruitment brochure, 1981-1983.
Member, Board of Directors, 2001-2004
Treasurer and Member of the Executive Committee
Conference Planning Committee
Water Association
USA National Committee
delegate (from ASM) 1988-2000.
Chairman 1994 - 2000
Membership Committee
Program Committee for 1998
2000 (Paris), 2001 (Berlin) and 2002
(Melbourne) Conferences,
Water Environment Federation
Director-at-Large, 2004-2006.
Member, Research Committee, 1978-1982.
Member, Research Committee Task Force on Toxic Substances
Committee on Disinfection
1980-1988, 1991-present.
Member, Research Symposium Subcommittee of the Program Committee
Illinois Association Student Activities Committee
Technical Practices Committee Task Force on Disinfection
Chairman, Specialty Conference Planning Committee
Microbial Aspects of Surface
Water Quality
Board of Editorial Review for the Research Journal
Third Specialty Conference on Disinfection (Baltimore, April 1998)
Water Environment Federation Research Foundation
Project Subcommittee
UV Disinfection) - Sept 1996-1998
Project Subcommittee
Water Reuse) - Oct. 1997-2001
member, Board of Directors - 2006-
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
Chairman, Joint Task Group on Chlorine Residual, 1984-present.
Member, Joint Task Group on Chlorine Demand, 1988-present.
Society for Risk Analysis, Councilor (member, Board of Directors), 2000-2003
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Division Y (General Interest)
Electorate Nominating Committeee (2002-2005).
Chair-Elect (2008-9)
American Society for Microbiology
Public and Scientific Affairs Board, Committee on Environmental Microbiology,
Member (2003-)
Continuing Education Programs
Seminar on Current Topics in Water Supply, New York State Section of the American Water
Works Association
NY, November, 1980.
Limiting Liability for Hazardous Wastes, a continuing education program for lawyers, sponsored
by the Chicago-Kent College
of Law,
Chicago, November
1981, was also a member of the
program Steering Committee.
Preconference Workshop on Wastewater Disinfection Alternatives
Atlanta, October
1983, Co-organizer and participant.
University of Wisconsin
Engineering Extension. Disinfection of Water and
May 1984.
Preconference Workshop on Disinfection Risk Assessment
New Orleans
1984, Co- organizer and participant.
University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Engineering Extension
Disinfection of Wastewater, May
University of Wisconsin
Engineering Extension
Wastewater Pretreatment and
Toxicity Control
March, 1986.
University of Wisconsin
Engineering Extension
Disinfection of Water
June 1986.
Preconference Workshop on Design and Operation of Alternative Disinfection Systems,
Los Angeles
October, 1986, Organizer and participant.
Preconference Workshop on Emerging Issues in Effluent Disinfection
1987, Organizer and participant.
WPCF Specialty Conference on Microbial Aspects of Surface Water Quality
Chicago, May
1989, Organizer.
Preconference Workshop on Changing Standards for Effluent Disinfection, San
October 1989.
California Business Law Institute
Environmental Regulation in Illinois, participant
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Engineering Extension
Disinfection of Wastewater
1989, October 1990.
University of Wisconsin
Engineering Extension
Disinfection of Water, November
International Association of Milk
Food and Environmental Sanitarians
Workshop on Microbial Risk Assessment of Foods, Pittsburgh, July 1995.
WEF Specialty Conference on Disinfection
Baltimore MD, April 1998
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

AWWA/IWSA Symposium
on Disinfection Residuals
Philadelphia PA, April 1998
, member -
planning committee.
University Service
RPI Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Committee on Graduate Students,
Member, 1978-1981.
Planning Committee for the UPS Conference, RPI Fresh Water Institute, 1979.
Member, RPI Biohazard Safety Committee, 1979-1981.
Advised RPI Safety Manager on Chemical Waste Disposal Practices, 1980-1981.
Illinois Institute
of Technology
Member, IIT Graduate Study Committee, 1981-90.
Chairman, Departmental Faculty Search Committee, 1982-1984,1987, 1990.
Member, Armour College Committee on Promotion and Tenure, 1984-1986.
Member, Institute Library Planning Committee, 1983-88.
IIT Faculty Senate, Recording Secretary, 1984-1986.
Corresponding Secretary, 1987-1988.
Member, New Business Committee, and IIT Projects Manager, Center for Hazardous Waste
Management, 1987-89.
Member, Search Committee for Dean of Armour College of Engineering, 1987-1988.
Member, Department Chairman Search Committee, 1988-9.
Member, IIT Faculty Council, 1989-90
Chairman, Academic Affairs Committee, 1989-90
Faculty Senate
Member 1991-1992,1994-1997
Vice Chair, 1994-1995
Chair, 1995-1996
Member, University Appeals Committee, 1991-94
Member, Search Committee for Associate Director of Enrollment Management (Graduate/Part
Time), 1992
Chairman, University Biosafety Committee, 1996-1998.
University Assessment Committee (preparation for Middle States visit), 1998-2001
Co-chair, Research & Graduate Task Force
Chairman, Search Committee for a Director of SESEP, 2000-2002
Member, Law School Development Committee, 2004-5.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

BS Environ. Eng. Curriculum Development Committee, 1993.
Environmental Policy Faculty Search Committee, 1997.
The Drexel Engineering Curriculum Revision Committee
Environmental Studies Institute Curriculum Committee
Chairman, Civil and Architectural Engineering Department Graduate Committee, 1991-1992
Civil and Architectural Engineering Department Committee on Laboratory Renovation,
Search Committee
Architectural Engineering Faculty, 1993-1994.
Member, Search Committee
Environmental Engineering Faculty, 1996.
Search Committee
Environmental Chemistry Faculty, 1993-1994, 1996
SESEP Faculty Search Committee
SESEP Curriculum Committee
ABET Preparation for Initial BS EnvE Accreditation
Midterm Review Committees for Assistant Professors Lordgooei and Wartman, 2002.
Departmental Promotion Committee for Associate Professor Welty, 2002.
Department Head Search Committee
CAEE Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2002-2005
Member CAEE Department Graduate Committee
Chair, CAEE Department Faculty Search Committee
Energy &
Recovery Corporation
of Alpha
Portland Industries
a regulatory analysis and preliminary
feasibility study for the
use of hazardous wastes and
spent solvents as supplemental fuel in cement
kilns, 1979.
New York State
of Civil Service
- served as a member
of oral
examination panels
for the positions
of Associate
Sanitary Engineer and Associate
Air Pollution Control
, March through May, 1981.
Patterson Associates, Inc.
-preparation of a state
art report on hazardous wastes in Illinois, Illinois Institute of
Natural Resources
May through October, 1981.
of hazardous
waste production potential and management
options for the
through October, 1981.
-analysis of
a the waste management
for a large
, privately
held, conglomerate,
November, 1986.
K.A. Steel Chemicals,
Inc. --preparation of a technical document and testimony against the
proposed changes in the Illinois wastewater
fecal coliform
, October 1981 through
February, 1982.
PEER Consultants,
Inc. -- reviewed
draft US EPA report entitled "User Guide for Evaluating
Remedial Action Technologies." August, 1982.
Inc. --Prepared testimony on the need for additional hazardous waste
disposal capacity
in Will County,
October, 1982.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Katz, Friedman, Schur and Eagle/United Auto Workers-- evaluation of technical documents
relating to environmental impact of cooling water discharge at Quad Cities/Cordova
Generating Station, June 1983-ongoing.
Bituminous Insurance Companies--evaluation of possible mechanisms for failure of the
Galesburg, IL anaerobic digestor, November 1984-1985.
Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago--preparation of oral and written civil service
examination materials and service on oral examination panels, 1981-1990.
Battelle Columbus Laboratories -- peer review of a document on feasibility of risk assessment
for sludge management. August, 1985.
Hydrite Chemical Co.--Preparation of expert testimony on changes in wastewater bacteriological
standards in the State of Wisconsin, December 1985 - March, 1986.
US EPA (Region VIII) -- Advised on the efficiency of and the means to improve disinfection and
dechlorination at the Metro Denver Wastewater Treatment Plant, March 1986.
East Bay Municipal Utility District (Oakland, CA) -- Serve as a technical advisor on the design
of an innovative stormwater overflow disinfection system, August 1986-April 1987.
E & E Hauling, Inc. -- Advised on environmental impact of an asphalt hot melting facility,
January 1987.
Confidential client -- Advised on the feasibility of a proposal for a new solid waste disposal
March, 1987.
Peat Marwick Main, Inc. -- Preparation of examination questions for wastewater treatment plant
operational personnel, November, 1987.
Metropolitan Waste Systems, Inc.
-- Preparation of testimony on need for solid waste disposal capacity in La Salle County, IL,
March - May, 1988, January-May, 1989.
Assessment of need for a solid waste transfer station in Blue Island, IL. January 1989.
Madison (WI) Metropolitan Sanitary District -- Review of Petition for Disinfection Waiver and
presentation of supporting testimony, August, 1988-February, 1989.
US EPA (Region IX)/US Department of Justice -- Expert witness regarding removal of
pathogens and trace pollutants by secondary treatment processes (US and California vs. City
of San Diego), October 1989 - February 1991.
James M. Montgomery Engineers -- Statistical evaluation of disinfection byproduct data,
February 1990 - September 1990.
Land and Lakes Co. -- Assessment of need for additional solid waste disposal capacity in Will
County, IL. December 1989 - November 1990.
Chlorine Institute -- preparation of review on chlorine fate in freshwater systems as part of
FIFRA reregistration application, July-August, 1990.
Wade Miller and Associates, Inc., Cadmus Inc. -- Provided input and assistance in development
of disinfection byproduct regulatory analysis in drinking water, July 1991 - 1998.
City of Philadelphia - Department of Personnel -- Served on Oral Examination Panel for Water
Treatment Engineer, March 1993.
Miller, Cassidy LaRocca and Lewin; Carr Goodson and Lee; Elzufon Austin and Drexler -
Expert witness on chlorination practices in water treatment (Hoechst Celanese et al. v.
National Union et al.; Delaware Chancery Court), 1991-1994.
Montgomery Watson Engineers - Technical Advisory Panel Member, Multiclient Study on
Disinfection of
in Drinking Water, 1995-1999.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Carollo Engineers
Microbial Criteria Development for a Water Treatment Plant, including
of recycle
streams and
Procter and Gamble Co.-Evaluate Beneficial Effects of Anti-Microbial Preparations
Procter and Gamble Co.-Analyze Kinetics of Algal Growth on Inhibitory Substrates, 1998-1999.
Holland & Knight
provide expert report and testimony regarding water and wastewater
US and State of Maryland vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
US Department of Justice
provide expert analysis on impact of sewage discharges on water
(US vs.
Penn Hills
CDM, Inc. and Massachusetts Water Resources Authority - advise on novel integration
approaches to evaluating disinfection "ct" values, 1998.
Foley, Hoag and Eliot
counsel for Massachusetts Water Resources Authority) -- expert in
US vs. Mass. Water Resources Authority
regarding necessity for filtration, 1999-
Black and Veatch
Technical review and resource panel
Las Vegas Alternative Discharge
Study, 2000.
Will & Emery and Bayer Agricultural
Assistance with comments on proposed
FDA withdrawal of use of fluoroquinolines in poultry rearing, 2001-2003.
Linowes And Blocher
Holland and Knight
Assistance with permit issues on limestone mining
(potential groundwater impacts
in Miami-Dade
Florida, 2001-2004.
Alston and Bird - Provide expert support in administrative proceeding on behalf of Gwinnett
County GA regarding defense against petition to deny effluent discharge permit
. (
Lake Lanier Association et al. v. Georgia Environmental Protection
Division). 2001-2002.
US Department of Justice
provide expert analysis on impact of microbial water quality on
worker risks (John G. Abbott
et al.
vs. U.S.). 2002-2004.
Foley, Hoag and Eliot
counsel to Portland Water Bureau
) -
advise on regulatory issues relating
to the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, 2006.
Membership in Advisory Bodies
External Thesis Examiner
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
1979, 1981
1983, 1993,
Chaired peer review panel to review the research program on "Microbial Degradation in
Distribution Systems" for
June 1983.
State of Illinois Hazardous Waste Task Force, 1983-4.
US EPA peer review panel to review work on microbial inactivation in drinking water
March 1986.
US EPA peer review panel to review program on risk assessment from microorganisms
in wastewater sludges, April 1986.
Invited ad hoc reviewer for the Drinking Water Subcommittee
US EPA Science Advisory Board,
June 1987.
Assisted in preparation of resource document on wastewater disinfection
US EPA, 1988.
Member, peer review panel
Oklahoma Council on Science and Technology, 1989.
study section
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
1991, 1994.
Invited Participant
Workshop on the Methodology for Deriving National Ambient Water
Quality Criteria for
the Protection of Human Health
, US EPA -- Office
of Science and
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

Technology, September 1992.
Member, City of Philadelphia, Department of Health, Advisory Committee on
October 1995-1999.
Member, Panel on Augmentation of Potable Water Supplies with Reclaimed Water, National
Academy of Sciences, Water Science and Technology Board, 1996-1998.
Invited Participant,
Workshop on Microbial Risk Assessment, hosted by NAS Committee to
Review New York City Watershed Management Strategy, April 1998.
Member, Committee to Review New York City Watershed Management Strategy, National
Academy of Science, Water Science and Technology Board, 1998-99.
Member, Oversight Steering Committee and Statistics Panel, EPA-George
University Cooperative Agreement on Risk Assessment, 1999-.
Member, Committee on Drinking Water Contaminants, National Research Council Water
Science and Technology Board, 1999-2001.
Participant, Consultation
on "Harmonised Risk Assessment for Water-Related
Microbiological Hazards",
World Health Organization, Stockholm, Sweden, September
Invited Participant,
World Health Organization and Food and Agricultural Organization, joint
workshop on "Hazard Characterization of Pathogens in Food and Water", Bilthoven, The
Netherlands, June 13-18, 2000.
Member, Committee on Toxicants and Pathogens in Biosolid Fertilizers, National Research
Council, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, 2001-2002.
Member, review team for the Environmental Pollution Control MS Program, Pennsylvania State
University, March 2001.
Honors examiner, Swarthmore College, May 2001.
Member, Committee on Indicators for Waterborne Pathogens, National Research Council, Board
on Life Sciences, 2002-2003
Member, Panel to Review EPA Research Plan on Water Security, National Research Council,
Water Science and Technology Board, 2003-.2004
Member, Committee on Standards and Policies for Decontaminating Public Facilities Affected
by Exposure to Harmful Biological Agents.
How Clean is Safe? National Research
Council, Board on Life Sciences, 2003-2005.
Member and Vice Chair, Committee on Public Water Distribution Systems: Assessing and
Reducing Risks. National Research Council,
Water Science and Technology Board,
Member, Water Science and Technology Board (WSTB), National Research Council, 2004-2007.
Member, Committee on Water System Security, National Research Council, Water Science and
Technology Board, 2004-2006.
Community Service
Member, Philadelphia Water Department Drinking Water Quality Community Advisory
Committee, August 2000-2001.
Electronic Filing - Received, Clerk's Office, August 4, 2008

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