Michael H. Allen
1850 N. Clark Street, #1808, Chicago, IL 60614.
June 18, 2008
John Therriault, Assistant Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 W. Randolph Street, Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
Re: Rule Making R08-009
Dear Illinois Pollution Control Board:
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Control Board
I am writing to express my support for the recommended water quality standard improvements
proposed by the Illinois EPA for the Chicago Area Waterways (CAWS) and Lower Des Plaines
River as rule making R08-009.
Specifically, I think sewage treatment plant effluent should be disinfected to kill bacteria and
protect public health before being discharged into the CAWS (and other waterways). Further, I
think nearly every citizen of Illinois would not only support this, but would be surprised that this
is not already done. I am also in favor of the new proposed temperature and dissolved oxygen
standards to protect fish.
It is my impression that water quality in the CAWS has been improving and that recreational use
of and wildlife in the CAWS has increased over recent years. I believe we should try to continue
this trend and strive to continually improve water quality in the CAWS, not only to better the
environment for ourselves, but also for future generations. Therefore, I ask that you adopt the
proposed Illinois EPA standards.
Very truly yours,
Michael H. Allen