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APR 2 8 2008
ADM. CODE 301, 302, 303, and 304
(Rulemaking - Water)
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 4
Prefiled testimony of Rob Sulski
Prefiled testimony of Scott Twait
Prefiled testimony of Rob Smogor
United States Environmental Protection Agency letter from Linda Hoist to Toby
Frevert of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, dated May 3, 2007
Exhibit 5 Appendix
Table 1.QHEI metric scores for stations sampled in the Illinois and
DesPlaines Rivers during 2006
Exhibit 6 Table
2. QHEI scores and metric values for sites sampled in the Des Plaines &
Illinois Rivers by MBI in 2006
Exhibit 7 MBI
Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index Field Sheet QHEI Score (contains 23
Exhibit 8
Assurance Project Plan: Fish Assemblage Assessment of the Lower Des
Plaines River" Effective Date July 1, 2006, Center of Applied Bioassessment &
Biocriteria P.O. Box 21561 Columbus, OH 43221-0561
Exhibit 9 Publication:
HERALD-NEWS, Publication date: 8/19/2002 "Fishermen died by
Exhibit 10 Three
Rivers Manufacturers' Association letter to Toby Frevert dated June 6,
Exhibit 11 United
States Environmental Protection Agency MEMORANDUM on
"Improving the Effectiveness of the Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) Process"
from Ephraim S. King to Regional Water Division Directors. Dated March 13,

Exhibit 12
Exhibit 13
Exhibit 14
Exhibit 15
"Review of 'Technical Memorandum 1WQ-Disingection Evaluation Prepared on
Behalf of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago"
Prepared for United States Environmental Protection Agency by Science
Applications International Corporation
Prefiled testimony of Chris 0. Yoder
Curriculum Vitae
of Chris Yoder
"Temperature Criteria Options for the Lower Des Plaines River" Final Report to
United States Environmental Protection Agency and Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency by Chris Yoder and Edward Rankin
Exhibit 16 "Re-evaluation
of the Technical Justification for Existing Ohio River Mainstem
Temperature Criteria" Chris Yoder, Brian Armitage and Edward Rankin
Exhibit 17 "Thermal
Discharge form a Nuclear Power Plant: Predicted Effects on Lake Erie
Fish" Jeffrey Reutter and Charles Herdendorf
Exhibit 18 Pages
2-98 through 2-102 from the Lower Des Plaines Use Attainability Analysis
(Attachment A to proposal)
Exhibit 19 Table 1. Number, CPE (no./km) and Relative Abundance of all Fish Taxa
Collected Electrofishing from the Lower Dresdan Pool
Exhibit 20 MBI
Fish Data Sheet (contains 35 pages)
Exhibit 21 Table 1 Boat IBI scores and metrics at boat sites in the Des Plaines River sampled
by MBI during 2006
Exhibit 22 R08-9
Illinois Pollution Control Board hearing Question for the Illinois EPA (2-1-
Exhibit 23 "Illinois
Waterway Navigation Charts" Map Nos. 94-114.
Exhibit 24 "White Sucker
(Catostomus commersoni)
Embryo Development, and Early
Growth and Survival at Divergent Temperatures" by J. Howard McCormick,
Bernard R. Jones and Kenneth E.F. Hokanson
Exhibit 25 Map entitled "Chicago Area Waterway System and Des Plaines River UAA
Exhibit 26 Map
entitled "Proposed Aquatic Life Use Designation"
Exhibit 27 Map entitled "Proposed Recreational Use Designation"

Exhibit 28 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago table entitled "Total
Number of Fish Collected from Each Sampling Station in the Chicago Area
Waterway System form 2001 through 2005 as part of the ambient Water Quality
Monitoring Program"
Exhibit 29 UAA
Factor Application to the Lower Des Plaines River and CAWS
Exhibit 30 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Maps of Illinois Waterway, Map Nos. 109,110,
Exhibit 31 Illinois
Department of Natural Resources Lake Michigan Tributaries Fish
Population Survey, July 27-31, 2006
Exhibit 32 Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index Scores in the Upper Dresden Island Pool of
Des Plaines River
Exhibit 33 Edits
to the Lower Des Plaines UAA (Attachment A to the IEPA's Statement of
Exhibit 34 Information on Impaired Segments of the Lower Des Plaines River and the
Exhibit 35 "Evaluation
and Development of Large River Biological Assessment Methods
and Standardized Protocols for Region V" by Rob Tewes, Erich Emery, and Jeff
Exhibit 36 Meeting
Minutes from the Lower Des Plaines River Workgroup and the CAWS
Stakeholders Group
Exhibit 37 Compact
disc titled "Yoder CD"
Exhibit 38 Metropolitan
Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Research and
Development Department Report No. 03-20 "Comparison of Fecal Coliform
concentrations and Trends in Two Urban Rivers: The Chicago Sanitary and Ship
Canal and The Des Plaines River" October 2003
Exhibit 39 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Research and
Development Department Report No. 04-10 "Estimation of the Escherichia Coli
to Fecal Coliform Ration in Wastewater Effluents and Ambient Water of the
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago" July 2004
Exhibit 40 Chart
titled "Illinois Department of Natural Resources DuPage River Basin
Survey Stations

Exhibit 41 Chart
titled "Illinois Department of Natural Resources Fish Community Sampling
Results and Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), 2003 Des Plaines Basin Survey -
mainstream stations"
Exhibit 42 Chart
titled "Illinois Department of Natural Resources Fish Community Sampling
Results and Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), 2003 Des Plaines Basin Survey -
tributary stations (includes data from 2002 surveys)"
Exhibit 43 Chart
titled "Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Fisheries Division
Kankakee River Fish Population Survey Results - July, 2005"
Exhibit 44 "The
Des Plaines River: Monitoring the Fish Resources of an Urban River (1978-
1990) by David M. Day August 12, 1991
Exhibit 45 Table
with headers "Name", "10-Digit HUC", "IEPA Basin", "Assessment Unit
ID", "Size (miles)", "Cat.", "Designated Uses/Attainment", "Causes", "Sources"
Exhibit 46 Compact
Disc titled "MWRDGC continuous DO and temp data for selected CAW
Exhibit 47 Group
of letters from Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Chicago starting with letter to Michael Garretson, dated August 18, 2006 on
reported fish kills
Exhibit 48 Group
of tables beginning with table titled "Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Program Sample
Exhibit 49 Letter
to Toby Frevert of IEPA from Linda Holst USEPA dated May 3, 2007
Exhibit 50 Draft
comments from Midwest Generation dated 02/12/07 at bottom
Exhibit 51 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Comments on IEPA
Chicago Area Waterways Use Attainability Analysis Draft Standards dated March
16, 2007
Exhibit 52 IEPA
document titled "Chicago Waterway/Lower Des Plaines River UAA Major
issues related to comments from March 20, 2007 meeting in Joliet
Exhibit 53 Environmental
Law & Policy Center comments to Toby Frevert on Use
Attainability Analyses for the lower Des Plaines and the Chicago Waterway
System, dated April 6, 2007
Exhibit 54
email from
Philip Moy to
Toby Frevert dated 3/23/2007

Exhibit 55 Alliance
for the Great Lakes "Protecting Public Health, Caring for Chicago's
Exhibit 56 Group
of documents with email cover sheet from Deana Poe to CAWS UAA;
UAA - Des Plaines dated January 26, 2007.

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