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DEC 0 3 2007
A few
of the high
points along
to Grandview
the drive and
the apgrigskilING68mesmerizeOntrOl*rd
the cascading layers of gold, yellow and bronze with many shades in between that tumbled down to the
flashing waters of the Illinois River .1 remember thinking how blessed we are to have this treasure right
here at our doorstep. This Grandview must be one of the most beautiful places in Illinois. How many
millions of years did it take to create this visual masterpiece? I also know that beneath these waters are
vast underground aquifers that contain much more water and much cleaner water than the Illinois
River. This is an even greater treasure because clean water is absolutely essential to the wellbeing of
every man woman and child in this area. Any future growth is also dependent on clean safe water. The
well from which I draw my water is connected to the aquifer that provides water to the living
community of Peoria.
As I observed this breathingtaking sight a disturbing realization came to me. All
is not well with river or
the precious aquifer. A brew of toxic chemicals rests over our water supply and with one human error,
one human miscalculation these life threatening chemicals could leak into the aquifer and forever alter
the health and lives of many innocent people. Cancer can take many years to develop and if it is due to
these chemicals leaking into the aquifer from the Peoria Disposal Companies tons of toxic brew how can
a person prove that it came from their leak? We are giving our children a terrible legacy for if the PDC is
allowed to expand their contribution of toxic chemicals including PCB's (which are toxic at any level)
future generations will have to be perpetually vigilant. PDC cannot guarantee that accidents will never
occur. The more deadly waste they are allowed to bring in the greater the chance that an accident will
occur. Can the PDC guarantee that they will always stay in business and 24 hours a day 7 days a week
that they will constantly keep watch over an ever expanding, potential health catastrophe? I think not.
It seems their stubborn need for profit has made them blind to the awful ramifications of what they are
asking for. If this waste disposal site were initially starting up today it would never be granted a license
to deposit its waste in such a sensitive area. They have chosen to ignore the will of the people as
expressed through the Peoria County Board and are trying to run roughshod over our health and
They are using a tricky legal maneuver to change their name to a waste generator so they can
get around the right of the people of Peoria and surrounding communities to protect themselves from a
possible life threatening situation. I am asking PDC to take the massive amounts of money they are
spending on lawyers (three at the last hearing) and all the legal games they are playing and put the
money into developing a waste disposal site that does not threaten so many innocent people.
Remember long after PDC has gone the toxins will still be
there. Who will continue to keep watch over
the mess and who will end up
having to pay for future accidents? AS a recent example I
will mention a
asbestos plant that for years was dumping waste in the surrounding rivers and streams
up above
Waukegan Illinois. The
company went bankrupt but the asbestos fibers continued to wash up on the
beaches of Illinois Beach State Park fir years after. This carcinogenic material traveled down the lake and
was detected at Oak Street Beach in Chicago, Illinois.
It was found in the sand and in the water. The
company who caused the problem
is long gone. It would be extremely difficult to clean up the beaches if
not impossible. If they do try to clean it up the taxpayer will be footing the bill. Meanwhile people who
play at the beaches
inevitably breathe in some of these cancer causing fibers
and even though they

might not develop asbestosis or lung plaques immediately it could develop years later. Let us not repeat
the same disaster.
77/4> 2zz,

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