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Virgin E. Schlicksup
125 E. Glen Ave. – 204B
Peoria, IL 61614
November 20, 2007
NOV 2 9 2007
Control Board
Carol Webb
Hearing Officer
Illinois Pollution Control Board
1021 N. Grand Ave. East
P.O. Box 19274
Springfield, IL 62794-9274
Ms. Webb,
I am writing in response to Peoria Disposal Company's appeal to the IPCB to grant them a
permit modification to consider them a waste generator, allowing them to expand the landfill and
bypass the local approval process. I urge you not to grant the permit modification.
After attending the hearing in Peoria on November 6, I had dinner with my daughter and her
family. As we were talking about the hearing, my seven year old grand daughter asked me what
we were talking about. I posed this question to her, "If the garbage man picks up garbage at your
house, who actually generates the garbage, you or the garbage man?" Her first response was to
ask, "What does generate mean?" I told her it means to create and she replied, "Then my family
creates the garbage." My next question was, "Who creates the garbage, if the garbage man has
to mix the garbage from your house with something to make more of it so it doesn't leak into the
ground?" Without hesitation she replied, "My family."
tell you this story because it seems even a seven year old can not be fooled by what PDC is
trying to pull off. I sat through the hearing and heard them state that they merely add some sort
of stabilizer to the incoming waste prior to putting it in the landfill. Without the incoming waste
they have nothing to process and put into the landfill. In addition, why would they have wasted
all their time and money on the local siting approval process if they were in fact a waste
generator and were not required to go through local siting approval. It seems they choose to
become whatever they need to be to obtain their desired outcome.
Fortunately for the citizens of Peoria County, our County Board, the IPCB and the IEP A have
not been fooled by PDC. I urge you to uphold the IEPA's decision to deny PDC's request for a
permit modification.

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