October 18, 2007
FROM 35 ILL. ADM. CODE 1422.111(b)(1),
1450.105(a, b), 1450.200(e), AND
AS 08-2
(Adjusted Standard)
On September 5, 2007, Stericycle, Inc. (Stericycle) filed a petition for an adjusted
standard (Pet.) from requirements applicable to potentially infectious medical waste (PIMW).
Stericycle seeks an adjusted standard from the requirements that it weigh and record the weight
of each load of PIMW at its Stickney transfer station (Stickney or the facility) located at 3801 S.
Laramie Street, Cicero, Cook County. Pet. at 1. Specifically, Stericycle requests relief from 35
Ill. Adm. Code 1422.111(b)(1), 1450.105 (a, b), and 1450.200(e), and Condition 15 of its PIMW
storage and transfer facility permit.
Each day at the facility, Stericycle transfers approximately 33,500 pounds of PIMW in
sealed containers. Pet. at 3. Stericycle consolidates the containers for shipping to its treatment
facilities in either Sturtevant, Wisconsin or Clinton, Illinois for final disposition and does not
opened them during handling at the facility.
. Stericycle now weighs each truckload of PIMW
received at the facility on a truck scale and manually records the weight of each load. Pet. at 3;
35 Ill. Adm. Code 1422.111(b)(1). However, Stericycle considers the weight measurement
system at the facility to be “inherently inaccurate,” and it does not use this data to bill its
customers or to determine transporter fees payable to the State of Illinois. Pet. at 3.
Stericycle instead proposes to weigh PIMW when it is transferred to either its Sturtevant
or Clinton treatment facilities, which include automatic scale systems capable of weighing
individual containers. Pet. at 4. Stericycle electronically transmits weight data on a daily basis
to the facility and to its corporate headquarters in Illinois.
. at 3-4. Stericycle relies on the
weight information from Sturtevant and Clinton to bill customers and to determine transporter
fees payable to the State of Illinois.
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) has not yet filed its
recommendation of the petition for an adjusted standard.
35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.416.
Stericycle states that, unless the Agency or an interested party requests one, it “waives hearing in
the matter.” Pet. at 10.
In this order, the Board first determines whether Stericycle has satisfied the statutory
notice requirements for adjusted standard petitions.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1) (2006); 35 Ill.

Adm. Code 104.408, 104.410. The Board then identifies information deficiencies in Stericycle’s
petition and directs Stericycle to address specific deficiencies by filing an amended petition as
directed below.
Section 28.1(d)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1)
(2006)) and Section 104.408(a) of the Board’s procedural rules (35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(a))
require the adjusted standard petitioner to publish notice of filing the petition. Those authorities
require advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the area likely to be affected by
the proposed adjusted standard. The notice must indicate that any person may cause a public
hearing to be held on the proposed adjusted standard by filing a hearing request with the Board
within 21 days after publication. 415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(b).
Publication must take place within 14 days after the petition is filed. 415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1)
(2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408(a);
see also, e.g.
In re
Petition of SCA Tissue North
American, L.L.C. for an Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.301 and 218.302(c), AS
05-1 (Jan. 6, 2005) (dismissing petition for adjusted standard for lack of jurisdiction when
publication of notice occurred after 14-day period). Within 30 days after filing the petition, the
petitioner must file a certificate of publication with the Board. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.410.
On September 28, 2007, Stericycle filed a certificate of publication documenting that the
required notice of the petition was published in the
Chicago Tribune
on September 10, 2007.
The Board finds that Stericycle has met the notice requirements of the Act and the Board’s
procedural rules.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(d)(1) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.408, 104.410.
The Board finds that Stericycle has not provided all of the information required by the
Act and the Board’s regulations for an adjusted standard petition. 415 ILCS 5/28.1(c) (2006); 35
Ill. Adm. Code 104.406. Stericycle notes that the regulations of general applicability do not
specify a level of justification required of a petitioner for an adjusted standard. Pet. at 3. In the
absence of a specified level of justification, the Board cannot grant an adjusted standard unless,
“upon adequate proof by the petitioner,” it determines that Stericycle has satisfied the four
factors in Section 28.1(c) of the Act. 415 ILCS 5/28.1(c) (2006);
see also
35 Ill. Adm. Code
104.426 (a). Below, the Board identifies those informational deficiencies and directs Stericycle
to cure them.
The petition does not specifically address whether factors relating to
Stericycle “are substantially and significantly different from the factors
relied upon by the Board in adopting the general regulation applicable to
that petitioner.” 415 ILCS 5/28.1(c)(1) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code
104.426(a)(1). Stericycle states that “[t]he rules did not contemplate a
transporter being required to operate dual weight measurement systems
simply because it was transporting PIMW a short distance across the state
line.” Pet. at 8. Section 1420.101 of the Board’s regulations provides that
the Board’s biological materials regulations apply “to all persons who

generate, transport, treat, store or dispose of potentially infectious medical
waste” and “sets forth standards for such activities occurring in whole
in part
within the State of Illinois.” 35 Ill. Adm. Code 1420.101
(emphasis added);
see also
Potentially Infectious Medical Waste:
Treatments., Storage, and Transfer Facilities, and Transportation,
Packaging, and Labeling (35 Ill. Adm. Code 1420, 1421, and 1422), R91-
20, slip op. at 10 (Mar. 25, 1993) (responding to Stericycle comment in
second notice opinion and order);
., slip op. at 18-19 (June 17, 1993)
(final opinion and order).
Stericycle must clarify its request for an adjusted standard to identify only the
Board-adopted regulations from which the Board can grant relief under the Act.
415 ILCS 5/28.1(a) (2006); 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.406(a). The Board notes
that the Agency adopted Part 1450 of the Illinois PIMW regulations.
ILCS 5/56.6(b) (2006); 17 Ill. Reg. 20268 (effective Nov. 15, 1993).
Under Section 104.406(d) of the Board’s regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code
104.406(d)), the Board requests the following additional information.
First, the Board requests that Stericycle provide the street address of Sturtevant
Second, the Board requests that Stericycle address the area affected by its
activities in terms of the vicinity of the Stickney facility and the routes from the
Stickney facility to Sturtevant and Clinton.
Third, the Board requests that Stericycle indicate whether the Sturtevant and
Clinton facilities accept PIMW from sites other than Stickney. If so, the Board
requests that Stericycle indicate how it accounts separately for transports from
Stickney. The Board also requests that Stericycle indicate whether PIMW from
Stickney is transported anywhere other than the Sturtevant or Clinton facilities.
Fourth, because the proposed adjusted standard would not require a
contemporaneous record of the weight of PIMW arriving at Stickney, the Board
requests that Stericycle indicate how it would ensure that leaks or losses occurring
during transportation from the generator to either Sturtevant or Clinton are
detected and accounted for.
Fifth, the Board requests that Stericycle indicate how a transporter indicates
quantity on a manifest at the time of pick-up from the generator. Specifically,
does the manifest received at Stickney indicate the quantity only in terms of the
number and type of containers? At what point does Stericycle determine the net
weight of the PIMW for purposes of the manifest and determining the state fee?

Sixth, for the purpose of completing the record in this proceeding, the Board
requests that Stericycle provide a sample of the current PIMW manifest and the
instructions for completing the manifest.
Seventh, the Board requests that Stericycle indicate how sensitive and accurate
the scale at Stickney is in comparison with the scale at Sturtevant.
Eighth, the Board requests that Stericycle provide for the scale at Stickney a copy
of the certification required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 1422.111(b)(1).
Under Section 104.406(e) of the Board’s regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code
104.406(e)), the Board requests the following information.
First, the Board requests that, if the scale at Stickney is “inherently inaccurate,”
Stericycle address alternatives through which it could comply with the regulation
of general applicability.
Second, the Board requests that Stericycle indicate whether the scale at Stickney
meets State requirements for determining fees and confirming weights identified
on PIMW manifests received and whether Stericycle’s billing needs necessitate a
scale at Stickney that can weigh individual containers.
Third, the Board requests that Stericycle indicate whether it weighs trucks only
upon entering the Stickney facility. If so, the Board requests the Stericycle
indicate how it determines the weight of the PIMW without weighing the truck
after unloading. The Board also requests the Stericycle indicate whether it
maintains a database of transport vehicles and their base weights.
Fourth, the Board requests that Stericycle address weighing trucks as they enter
Stickney and after they have off-loaded as one alternative to address discrepancies
caused by variable weights of drivers and fuels.
Fifth, the Board requests that Stericycle address costs associated with installing
weighing equipment at Stickney that would meet the requirements of Section
1420.111(b)(1) of the Board’s regulations and the need for tracking and weighing
individual containers.
Sixth, the Board requests that Stericycle describe, including capital and operating
costs, any changes involved in having transporters weigh individual containers of
PIMW at the generator’s pick-up location.
Under Section 104.406(f) of the Board’s regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code
104.406(f)), the Board requests the following information.
First, the Board requests that Stericycle address the costs, if any, associated with
efforts necessary to comply with the adjusted standard.

Second, the Board requests that Stericycle indicate whether it would continue
weighing at Stickney if the Board grants the proposed adjusted standard, even if
the weight data were not used for reporting or billing customers.
Third, the Board also requests that Stericycle indicate whether it would transmit
its daily PIMW report to its corporate headquarters in addition to transmitting it to
Fourth, the Board requests that Stericycle cite to any Wisconsin regulation
pertaining to certification of the scale at the Sturtevant facility and address
whether that regulation is similar to the Illinois Weights and Measures Act in
terms of registration, inspection, fees, and penalties.
Fifth, the Board notes that the proposed adjusted standard refers only to National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44 and requests that
Stericycle indicate whether that is the only handbook applicable to the Sturtevant
scale or whether NIST Handbooks 105-1, 105-2, 105-3, or 105-4 and any
subsequent revisions or supplements apply to it.
Under Section 104.406(g) of the Board’s regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code
104.406(g)), the Board notes that the previous federal Medical Waste Tracking
Form and the current Illinois PIMW manifest contain similar requirements for
reporting discrepancies between waste described on those documents and waste
received at a facility. Instructions for the Discrepancy Box for the federal
Medical Waste Tracking Form stated that “[t]he authorized representative of the
destination (or alternate) facility, on behalf of the owner or operator, must note
any discrepancy between the waste described on the tracking form and the waste
actually received at the facility. (Note: In some instances, due to consolidation or
remanifesting provisions of this part, transporters and intermediate handlers may
also need to record discrepancies.) All discrepancies must be noted by inclusion
in Box 23 . . . . “ 54 Fed.Reg. 12385 (Mar. 24, 1989). The Board requests that
Stericycle indicate how it would detect and report discrepancies if the Board
granted the proposed adjusted standard. The Board also requests that Stericycle
indicate what the environmental and health effects would be if an undetected loss
occurred between the generator and Stickney or between Stickney and either the
Sturtevant or Clinton facility.
Under Section 104.406(k) of the Board’s regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code
104.406(k)), the Board requests the following information.
First, the petition indicates that Exhibit A includes a sample report, although the
exhibit includes only excerpts of Board regulations. The Board requests that
Stericycle submit a sample report as indicated on page 4 of the petition.

Second, although the Board notes that Exhibit D is a Calibration Report issued by
the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, it does
not appear to contain a certification that the scale meets the requirements of NIST
Handbooks 44, 105-1, 105-3, or 105-4, or any subsequent revisions or
supplements. The Board requests that Stericycle submit the Certificate of
Conformance issued by the National Conference on Weights and Measures and
indicating that the scale at Sturtevant meets the requirements of 35 Ill Adm. Code
Third, although Exhibit E is a registration certificate issued to Koehler Scale, the
Board notes that the certificate expired on February 28, 2007 and requests that
Stericycle submit a valid certificate.
The Board again notes that Stericycle has waived hearing in this proceeding unless the
Agency or an interested person requests one. Pet. at 10. Unless Stericycle offers adequate proof
in an amended petition, the Board cannot determine that the required factors have been satisfied
and cannot grant the petition for an adjusted standard. 415 ILCS 5/28.1(c) (2006). Accordingly,
the Board directs Stericycle to address these informational deficiencies by filing an amended
petition within 30 days of the date of this order. The Board notes that Stericycle has discussed
the proposed adjusted standard with the Agency.
Pet. at 10. The Board recognizes that
Stericycle may have provided the Agency with some or all of the requested information, but that
information must be developed in the record of this proceeding in order for the Board to fulfill its
statutory obligations.
As noted above, the Agency has not yet filed its recommendation. Under the Board’s
procedural rules, that recommendation is not generally due until 45 days after the filing of the
petition or amended petition, unless ordered otherwise. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.416(a). Under
the Board’s procedural rules, Stericycle may file a response to the recommendation within 14
days after the date of service of the recommendation. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.416(d).
I, John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that
the Board adopted the above order on October 18, 2007, by a vote of 4-0.
John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board

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