February 1, 2007
    PCB 07-30
    (CAAPP Permit Appeal – Air)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by T.E. Johnson):
    On October 24, 2006, the Premcor Refining Group Inc. (Premcor) timely filed a petition
    asking the Board to review a September 19, 2006 determination of the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency (Agency) to issue a Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP) permit. The
    CAAPP permit application concerns Premcor’s petroleum bulk storage and loading terminal at
    201 East Hawthorne, Hartford, Madison County. Premcor filed a motion to stay the
    effectiveness of the CAAPP permit concurrently with the petition. The Board accepted the
    petition for review on November 16, 2006. On January 26, 2007, the Board issued an order
    granting Premcor’s motion for leave to file an amended petition, and accepting the amended
    petition for review.
    This matter is before the Board today on an agreed motion to supplement the
    administrative record filed by Premcor. In its motion, Premcor asserts that its amended petition
    references several documents that are relevant to Premcor’s appeal of the CAAPP permit
    conditions. Mot. at 2. Premcor states that during a review of the administrative record, it
    discovered that several of those documents should have been included but were omitted.
    Premcor seeks to add these documents to the administrative record. Specifically,
    Premcor asks that the record be amended with the following documents:
    Construction Permit #04070052 issued September 29, 2004, regarding the storage and
    barge loading of ethanol and toluene (
    see also
    Exhibit F of the amended petition);
    Construction Permit #05030053 issued June 6, 2005, regarding the installation of
    19 Lube Cube containers (
    see also
    Exhibit G of the Amended Petition); and
    a letter dated October 25, 2005, notifying the Agency of the change in responsible
    official and confirmation of delivery of such letter to Agency (
    see also
    Exhibit J
    of the Amended Petition). Mot. at 3.

    All three documents are attached to the motion and consecutively numbered with the
    documents filed as the administrative record by the Agency. Premcor contends that the permits
    constitute information that Premcor understands the Agency relied upon in making its final
    decision regarding the terms of the CAAPP permit, as reflected by the terms of the CAAPP
    permit. Mot. at 3.
    Premcor asserts that it has conferred with the Agency regarding this motion, and that the
    Agency has no objection to supplementing the administrative record with the attached exhibits.
    Mot. at 4.
    The Board grants Premcor’s agreed motion to amend the administrative record. The
    attached documents are hereby accepted as part of the administrative record.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above order on February 1, 2007, by a vote of 4-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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