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AC 05-47
Illinois Pollution Control Board
(IEPA No .686-04-AC)I-
E? 0 12007
This is in response to the Post hearing brief from 11/06/2006
. lam
A copy of the lis pendens that was filed on 1/12/2004 .
When I purchased this property there were EPA fines for discarded tires .The
EPA said at that time the owner of the property was responsible for the clean-up
& fines even though I had just purchased the property and did not cause the tires
to be there.)
had to clean up the property and pay the fines even though I did not
cause the violations . Why is it different now??
Did anyone look at the property before the hearing on 11/06/2006? I had cleaned
up 95% of the property before the auction in Feb . 06 .
The IEPA did not demonstrate that I caused or allowed open dumping
property is zoned Industrial .lt was a Used Tractor Parts business for over 75
years before I bought it
.l used it to store scrap metal on before I hauled it in to the
scrap yard. I never had open burning or dumping on the property
. I told the IEPA
who was renting a portion of my property and told them where the material came
from.The building debris came from Mr
.Veltmans property when his building
collapsed, the concrete came from his concrete plant.The bedspring,couch,wood
and excersice bike came from a Robert Davis an employee of Jay Veltman
.l will
swear in front of a court hearing that this information is true .
All this material was cleaned up at my own expense and the scrap metal was
95% cleaned up until the property was sold Feb
If the property owner is responsible for the renters actions,no one would rent or
own property!!!!
IEPA is saying if someone came on my property and shot someone,it would be
the property owners fault because he caused or allowed this to happen
. Not the
person that actually shot the person or in this case dumped the debris or burned
the debris on the property
.So the person who actually caused the violations gets
off!!!! This property has never been an open dump while I owned the property
I farm for a living, I farm ground next to several shopping centers(Wal-Mart and
K-Mart) There is always litter in my fields do to the stores in the shopping
that make me liable, do to I allowed or caused the litter to come onto
my fields? If this is true,the laws need to be changed to protect the property
owner from this happening . Are there any laws to protect the property owner??
I would like to have another hearing when I don't work the night before .l t is not
fair to use case laws unless both sides have attorneys .) was told the hearing was
set up that you did not have to hire an attorney obviously I was wrong .

Mr .Veltman is still burning waste,he is doing it on his property .The new owner of
my property is filling it up with concrete,aspha It, brick, concrete blocks or in your
terms"General construction or demolition debris"more than was there before .Why
can they do this and not get fined??
As for ownership of the property,Associated Bank held the mortgage on the
property I stated that in the beginning that it was in foreclosure .) have two
lawsuits going to try and get numerous properties back .
I cleaned up the property because you had me in a CATCH-22 situation .Now
after I cleaned all but 5% and now I don't own the property you want me to pay
the fines
. Like I said before the new property owner new about the fines when he
bought it,he is filling it up with general construction or demolition debris,anyone
dumps out there . How does he getaway with it????
Respectfully Submitted,
Stacy Hess
1965 W.Cruger Rd .
Washington,III . 61571
Stacy Hess

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