December 7, 2006
ADM. CODE 303.445
(Site-Specific Rulemaking- Water)
Proposed Rule. Second Notice.
Today the Board adopts the site-specific revisions to the total dissolved solids (TDS)
water quality standards in the Lower Des Plaines River for second-notice review by the Joint
Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). On February 7, 2006, ExxonMobil Oil
Corporation’s (ExxonMobil) filed a petition for rulemaking pursuant to Section 28 of the
Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 28 (2004)) to change the water quality standards
in a portion of the Des Plaines River, allowing ExxonMobil’s Joliet Refinery(Joliet Refinery) to
increase its discharge of total dissolved solids (TDS). The Board adopted ExxonMobil’s
proposal for first notice without commenting on the merits of the proposal on March 2, 2006.
Since the publication of the first notice, the Board has conducted a public hearing in
Joliet on June 14, 2006, and received comments from the petitioner and the Agency. The Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) submitted testimony and comments supporting
ExxonMobil’s site-specific rule proposal. Based on the record in this rulemaking, the Board
adopts for second notice the rule proposal at first notice with minor changes. The Board is
conducting this proceeding under the general rulemaking provisions of the Act (415 ILCS/5-27,
28 (2004)), the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-40 (2002)), and the Board’s
procedural rules (35 Ill. Adm. Code 102).
ExxonMobil seeks a site-specific rule for a portion of the Des Plaines River that would apply in
lieu of the Board’s TDS water quality standards for general use waters (35 Ill. Adm. Code
302.208(g)) and secondary contact and indigenous aquatic life use waters (35 Ill. Adm. Code
Pet. at 2. Under the proposed rule, the portion of the Des Plaines River that would
be subject to the new standards runs from the Joliet refinery wastewater discharge point, located
at Interstate55 (I-55) and Arsenal Road, to the confluence of the Des Plaines River with the
Kankakee River.
at 3. The proposed site-specific rule would set a water quality standard of
1,686 mg/L for TDS that would apply from November 1 through April 30, of each year.
at 3.
ExxonMobil expects increases in its TDS discharges because it will be installing pollution
control equipment to reduce air emissions in an effort to comply with a consent decree the
company entered into with the USEPA and several states.
at 1.
In this opinion, the Board first delineates the procedural history of this rulemaking. As
background for this rulemaking, the Board then reviews the operations and history at the Joliet
Refinery, as well as the consent decree requiring Exxon Mobil to reduce air emissions. Next, the
Board discusses the water quality in the relevant river segment and the expected impact of this
rule on that stretch of water and on other dischargers. The Board then evaluates whether there
are any technically feasible and economically reasonable alternatives to the proposed rule.
Finally, the Board considers input from the Agency, the Illinois Department of Natural
Resources’ (DNR), and USEPA.
On February 7, 2006, ExxonMobil filed a petition for a site-specific rule under Section 28
of the Act (415 ILCS 28 (2004)). On the same day, the Agency and ExxonMobil filed a joint
motion asking the Board to expedite consideration of this petition and to waive the 200
signatures requirement.
The Board adopted the proposed rule for purposes of first notice under the APA in its
March 2, 2006 order, which began a 45-day period during which any person could file a public
comment with the Board. The Board granted the motion for expedited consideration without
commenting on the merits of the proposal. The first-notice rule was published in the
on March 17, 2006, and notice of publication was received from the Office of the
Secretary of State on March 16, 2006. The Board received public comments from the Agency on
July 5, 2006, and from ExxonMobil on July 11, 2006 and March 15, 2006.
On May 9, 2006, the Board scheduled a hearing for June 14, 2006, a prehearing
Telephonic Status Conference for June 7, 2006, and ordered participants to prefile testimony and
exhibits by May 31, 2006. The Board received prefiled testimony from the Agency and
ExxonMobil on May 31, 2006 and June 2, 2006, respectively. On May 31, 2006, the Board
received ExxonMobil’s response to the Board’s questions. James Huff, a registered professional
engineer, and Stacey K. Ford, an employee of ExxonMobil and New Source Review Consent
Decree Coordinator, both prefiled testimony on behalf of ExxonMobil.
Pet. Pre-File Test.
Mark Twait, an environmental engineer with the Agency, prefiled testimony on behalf of that
Resp. Pre-File Test. On June 14, 2006, Stacey Ford and James Huff testified on
behalf of ExxonMobil, and Scott Twait and Robert Mosher testified on behalf of the Agency.
Tr. at 4. All of the witnesses testified in favor of the proposed rule.
The transcripts of the June 14, 2006 hearings were received by the Board on June 21,
2006, and promptly placed in the Clerk’s Office On Line (COOL) on the Board’s Web site at Many other documents from this rulemaking are available through COOL,
including Board opinions and orders, hearing officer orders, and public comments.
As required by Section 27(b) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2004)), the Board requested
an economic impact study from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
(DCEO) on March 2, 2006. To date, the Board has not received a response to that request.
In this part of the opinion, the Board first provides background on the Joliet Refinery and
information regarding the consent decree ExxonMobil signed to reduce air pollution, compliance
with which will increase TDS in the Joliet Refinery’s wastewater effluent. The Board then
reviews wastewater treatment at the Joliet Refinery.
Joliet Refinery
The ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery is located approximately 50 miles southwest of Chicago
in Channahon Township, Will County, on 1,300 acres of land adjacent to I-55 at the Arsenal
Road exit.
Pet. at 4. The Des Plaines River runs along the north end of the refinery’s
The Joliet Army Arsenal, which is being redeveloped as an industrial complex, is to
the east of the facility and the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is to the south of the refinery.
at 4.
Operations began at the Joliet Refinery in 1972.
at 5. ExxonMobil currently
employs 600 full-time employees and 150 contractor employees at the Joliet site.
at 4. The
refinery is certified as a STAR worksite, which is a voluntary safety program of the United
States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
at 5. The refinery operates
24-hours a day to produce approximately nine million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel per day.
at 5. The facility has a processing capacity of 240,000 barrels or 10.1 million gallons per day.
In addition to gasoline, the facility produces liquefied petroleum gas, propylene, asphalt,
sulfur, and petroleum coke.
at 5. The refinery draws approximately 10.2 million gallons of
water per day from the Des Plaines River and two million gallons of water daily from wells and
in turn the facility discharges 12.3 million gallons of wastewater per day into the Des Plaines
The refinery draws water from and discharges to the Des Plaines River at
approximately 1,000 feet east of the I-55 Bridge.
Consent Decree
ExxonMobil will be retrofitting the Joliet Refinery to reduce air emissions in an effort to
comply with a consent decree it entered into with the USEPA and the States of Illinois,
Louisiana and Montana. Pet. at 1. The consent decree was a settlement for ExxonMobil’s
alleged violations of the New Source Review Program.
PC 2 at 1. The United States
District Court for the Northern District of Illinois entered the consent decree on December 13,
Pet. at 6. A copy of the consent decree was attached to ExxonMobil’s petition.
Pet. Exh. 1.
The consent decree requires ExxonMobil to install wet-gas scrubbers (WGS) and a
catalytic sulfur dioxide (SO
) additive technology (DESOX).
Pet. at 6. These technologies
are expected to significantly reduce emissions of several air pollutants from the refinery,
including a 95% reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions and a 50% reduction in the emission of
nitrous oxides.
at 6. The WGS will contribute additional sulfate and TDS to the wastewater
effluent from the refinery.
at 6.
As an attachment to its petition, ExxonMobil submitted a document entitled,
Description Along with Simplified Process Flow Diagrams
, describing the DESOX and WGS
Pet. Exh. 3. The DESOX process is expected to capture SO
before processing
through the WGS, and therefore the DESOX will limit the total increase of TDS into the
wastewater discharge.
at 1. The WGS is expected to cause increased TDS wastewater
discharges from the refinery. In turn, this will impact the concentration of TDS in the receiving
Pet. Exh. 6 at 1.
Waste Water Treatment at the Joliet Refinery
ExxonMobil operates its wastewater treatment plant under a National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the Agency.
Pet. at 7. ExxonMobil attached
a copy of the modified NPDES permit to its petition.
Pet. Exh. 7. The permit does not
contain effluent limits on TDS.
,Pet. at 7. The Joliet Refinery’s wastewater treatment plant
(WWTP) includes physical/chemical and biological wastewater treatment processes, and
performs primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment of the wastewater generated by the refinery.
Pet. at 7. The WWTP began operations in 1972 and included:
two pre-separator fumes for gross oil removal, two API separators for oil and total
suspended solids removal, two activated sludge units that can be operated in both
parallel and series, followed by the treated guard basin and aeration before
The refinery has made a number of improvements to its wastewater treatment system
over the years, including: the addition of a “large equalization basin/biological aerated lagoon,
larger blowers on the activated sludge units, new internals in the secondary clarifier” and process
changes in the refinery to reduce pollutant loadings on the treatment system.
at 7. The
refinery also installed “facilities to reduce oil carryover from process units,” implemented a “‘No
Oil to Sewer’ program plant-wide,” and installed “access points in the sewer system to allow
increased cleanouts.”
ExxonMobil attached a diagram of the refinery’s current wastewater
treatment system to its petition.
Pet. Exh. 5.
ExxonMobil plans to expend approximately $40,000,000 to meet total suspended solids
limitations for its wastewater discharge. Pet. at 8. ExxonMobil plans to upgrade the current
wastewater treatment plant in the following ways: upgrade the Sour Water Stripper for pH
optimization, which Exxon expects will reduce ammonia by 50%, install “alternate piping to
reroute [the fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCC)] feed tank water draws from the wastewater
treatment plant to the light slop system,” increase flow monitoring in the wastewater treatment
plant and install “new internals in the dissolved air floatation unit.”
. at 8.
ExxonMobil is also evaluating three options for treatment of the purge stream from the
Exh. 3 at 5, Exh. 6 at 4. None of the options will alter the amount of TDS discharged
to the receiving stream.
In this section, the Board evaluates justifications and issues surrounding the proposed
rule as discussed by ExxonMobil in its petition, comments and testimony, and by the Agency in
its testimony and comments. The issues addressed include: the water quality of the relevant
segment of the Des Plaines River, the impact of the rule on a variance the Board previously
granted to the CITGO Lemont Refinery, and on other dischargers to the water body, the lack of
available alternatives to the proposal, and input from the DNR and USEPA.
Water Quality
ExxonMobil claims that the requested site-specific rule will not lead to substantially and
significantly more adverse environment or health effects than the currently applicable rule.
Pet. at 8 and PC 2 at 4.
The refinery discharges into the Des Plaines River.
Pet at 8. The segment of the Des
Plaines River from the refinery discharge point up to the I-55 bridge is designated a secondary
contact water with a limit of 1500 mg/L for TDS. Pet. at 8, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.407
. The
segment of the Des Plaines River below the I-55 bridge, is designated as general use water with a
1000 mg/L limit for TDS. Pet. at 8, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208. The proposed site-specific rule
would set a concentration limit of 1,686 mg/L for TDS in the portion of the Des Plaines River
running from the ExxonMobil refinery wastewater discharge point located at I-55 and Arsenal
Road to the confluence of the Des Plaines River with the Kankakee River.
at 3.
The refinery discharges effluent into a stretch of the Des Plaines River where monitoring
has indicated exceedences above the applicable TDS water quality standards. Pet. at 3.
Specifically, the petition states that on January 25, 2001, the following maximum TDS levels
were observed: 1,194 mg/L at the I-55 bridge (beginning of General Use Water); and 1,595 mg/L
upstream of the refinery discharge point where secondary contact standards apply. Pet. at 9.
ExxonMobil claims that no other exceedences have been documented at the I-55 bridge or
downstream of the refinery discharge point since 2001.
The implications of the observed exceedences are discussed in a report by James E. Huff,
P.E. entitled,
Predicted Water Quality Impacts on the Des Plaines River from the Proposed Wet
Gas Scrubber from the ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery
Pet. Exh. 6. Mr. Huff’s report finds that
previous exceedences of the General Use TDS standard in 2001 were attributable to highway
deicing practices.
at 6. The report further notes that the relevant section of the Des Plaines
River is listed as impaired in the Illinois Water Quality Report 2002, but that such impairment is
not attributable to sulfates or TDS.
None of the reasons this segment of the Des Plaines
River is listed as impaired under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act are related to TDS or
Pet. at 12
Mr. Huff’s report reviews TDS exceedences in 2001, and found that during that year, if
the Joliet Refinery had been using the WGS, the number of exceedences would have increased
from three to four.
at 5. Mr. Huff asserts that the increased number of exceedences would
have been caused by contributions from the WGS both at the Joliet Refinery and that from the
CITGO Lemont Refinery further upstream.
The Section 302.208 General Use Water Quality standards apply to all waters that are
designated General Use, except for those in which mixing is allowed.
35 Ill. Adm. Code
Section 302.208. ExxonMobil claims that the Agency has not issued a permit for the Joliet
Refinery’s TDS discharges into the Des Plaines River because Section 302.102(b)(9) of the
Board’s rules does not allow for a mixing zone when the water quality of the receiving water is
already in violation for the constituent in question, as is the case here.
Pet. at 1. There are
occasional violations of TDS in the Des Plaines River in the months of November through April,
which petitioner claims are the result of “snow-melt conditions and the resulting run-off of
dissolved solids.”
at 3.
ExxonMobil filed an application for the Joliet Refinery’s current NPDES permit renewal
on December 2, 2002.
at 7. The modified NPDES permit does not include an effluent limit
for TDS.
at 7, Pet. Exh. 4. Illinois does not have specific effluent limits on TDS.
Pet. at
11-12. If effluent limits were implemented for a source, those limits would be based upon the
Water Quality Based Effluent Limits.
Under such a scenario, water quality standards must
be achieved at the edge of the mixing zone.
at 12.
In 1997, ExxonMobil commissioned a study to evaluate the mixing zone and zone of
initial dilution from the Joliet Refinery discharge point into the Des Plaines River.
PC 2 Att.
14. ExxonMobil filed a copy of this study with its post-hearing comments.
Based on the
1997 mixing zone determination, ExxonMobil estimates a 21:1 dilution of the total discharge
from the refinery.
and PC. 2. Att. 14. ExxonMobil projects that under the proposed rule,
there would be an increase of 91 mg/L of TDS at the edge of the mixing zone.
However, ExxonMobil asserts that the Agency “has developed substantial information
showing the sulfate water quality standard should be much higher – roughly at or above the TDS
levels proposed herein for the winter months.” Pet. at 4.
Mr. Huff asserts that the Agency has secured approval from USEPA for a proposal to
eliminate the TDS General Use Water Quality Standard.
Pet. Pre-File Test. at 6-7 and PC 2
at 5. Mr. Huff claims that ExxonMobil would no longer need the proposed site-specific rule if
the Board adopts the Agency’s expected proposal.
Tr. at 7.
The Agency confirms that it cannot allow a mixing zone where the receiving stream does
not meet the water quality standard for the relevant constituent.
Ag. Pre-File Test. at 2.
Therefore, the Agency claims it cannot issue an NPDES permit to ExxonMobil allowing for the
increased discharge of TDS from the facility, absent a rule change.
Regarding aquatic toxicity effects of TDS, the Agency contends that the new aquatic life
toxicity data indicates the level of sulfate that sensitive species can tolerate. Ag. Pre-File Test. at
3. The Agency finds that when this new information regarding sulfate toxicity is coupled with
existing chloride standards, a TDS concentrative of 3,000 mg/L would be sufficiently protective
and ExxonMobil’s proposed standard clearly falls within that threshold.
The Agency notes
that the new sulfate toxicity information was not available when the current sulfate and TDS
water quality standards were adopted by the Board.
at 3.
The Agency confirms that it plans to propose changes to the current TDS standard for
Secondary Contact Waters and General Use Waters.
Tr. at 68. The Agency indicated that it
is prepared to file a petition for changes to the General Use Water Quality standards for TDS,
and the Agency estimates it will file the proposal to change the secondary contact water quality
standard for TDS within a year.
The Agency states that the relevant segment of the Des Plaines River is on the Illinois
303(d) List with uses impaired for aquatic life and fish consumption.
Agency Pre-File Test.
at 2. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires states to identify water bodies with
impaired water quality.
Illinois 2004 Section 303(d) List
, at 1 (Nov. 2004).
Although the relevant segment of the Des Plaines River has had exceedances of the water quality
standard for TDS, those exceedances are not thought to be the cause of the water body’s
placement on the 303(d) list.
Ag. Prefiled Test. at 2. In this regard, the Agency notes “the
potential causes of impairments given for the segment at that time were copper,
sedimentation/siltation, other flow regime alterations, total suspended solids (TSS), DDT
(statistical guideline), PCBs, (statistical guideline), mercury (statistical guideline), and total
phosphorus (statistical guideline).”
The Agency testified that should the Board grant this
rule, the additional discharges from the ExxonMobil Refinery will not impact the 303(d) status
of the Des Plaines River and that TDS and sulfate are not connected with such impairments.
The Agency has researched the impact of TDS on aquatic life and in that process it
developed a document entitled,
Draft Justification for Changing Water Quality Standards for
Sulfate, Total Dissolved Solids and Mixing Zones
(Jan. 21, 2004). Ag. Prefiled Test. at 2. This
draft was made available to the public, and the Agency believes that ExxonMobil may have
relied upon the conclusions in the draft document in its petition.
. at 4. The Agency asserts
that the “preliminary draft justification is out-dated in some respects, but that the conclusions are
The Agency therefore believes that if ExxonMobil relied on the conclusions of this
document, ExxonMobil is justified in doing so.
The participants in this rulemaking agree TDS is not toxic to aquatic life in streams
similar to the Des Plaines River. “Toxicity test results on TDS indicate that even the most
sensitive species tested show no adverse effect at the levels likely to be found in the receiving
waters involved in the requested relief.” PC 1 at 2.
The Agency finds that “[t]his site-specific rule will not result in aquatic toxicity” and that
“[t]he additional constituents to be discharged by ExxonMobil, sulfate and TDS, [] have no
On October 23, 2006, the Agency filed with the Board a proposal to delete the TDS water
quality standard in Section 302.208 of the Board’s regulations.
Proposed Amendments to 35
Ill. Adm. Code 302.102(b)(6), 302.102(b)(8), 302.102(b)(10), 302.208(g), 309.103(c)(3),
405.109(b)(2)(A), 405.109(b)(2)(B), 406.100(d); REPEALED 35 Ill. Adm. Code 406.203, Part
407; and Proposed New 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(h), R07-9 at 10-11 (Oct. 23, 2006). The
Board accepted R07-9 for hearing on November 16, 2006.
bearing on the 303(d) status of the water body.” Agency Post-Hearing Comments at 3, Ag.
Prefiled Test. at 2.
The Agency relied upon and considered a report by Dr. Soucek in reaching its
conclusions to support the proposal.
Agency Pre-File Test. at 5. The report is entitled,
Effects of Water Quality on Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Sulfate to Freshwater Biovalves,
Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Hyalella azteca
at 4, Ag. Exh. A, B, C and D. The Agency filed a
copy of the report as an attachment to its Pre-File Testimony.
Ag. Exh. A, B, C and D.
The Board agrees with ExxonMobil and the Agency that increased concentration of TDS
in the relevant segment of the Des Plaines River will not substantially or significantly adversely
affect the environment. The Board believes that the proposed rule will most likely end any
exceedences of TDS water quality standard in this segment of the Des Plaines River, and
therefore allow for a mixing zone for TDS. The TDS concentration at the edge of the mixing
zone is not expected to violate the new standard.
The Board agrees with ExxonMobil and the Agency that the new aquatic toxicity data for
sulfate presented by the Agency support the petitioner’s assertion that the proposed TDS water
quality standard of 1,686 mg/L for the affected segment of the Des Plaines River is within the
toxicity threshold and protective of aquatic life. Further, the Board agrees with the participants
that this segment of the Des Plaines River’s impairment status under Section 303(d) of the Clean
Water Act will most likely not be affected by an increased limit for TDS. The Board is
convinced by the participants’ assertion that a higher limit for TDS in this segment of the Des
Plaines River is appropriate.
Further, the Board agrees with the parties that a site-specific rule is the appropriate route
for addressing the Joliet Refinery’s expected increase in TDS discharges. Because the proposed
increased concentration limit in the receiving water is not expected to cause substantially adverse
environmental impacts, and since the Agency cannot issue a permit with an effluent limit for
TDS under the current standard because of previous exceedences in the receiving water, a site-
specific rule is appropriate here.
Impact of Rule on Other Dischargers
ExxonMobil in its petition for a site-specific rule claims that based on the information the
Agency provides, no other parties discharge substantial quantities of TDS into this stretch of the
Des Plaines River and therefore, other dischargers would not be affected by this request. Pet. at
4. However, the Board previously granted a variance to CITGO Petroleum Corporation and
PDV Midwest Refining (CITGO) for their oil refinery in Lemont, Will County. CITGO
Petroleum Corporation and PDV Midwest Refining, L.L.C. v. IEPA, PCB 05-85, slip op. at 1
(Apr. 21, 2005). The variance allowed for increased discharge of TDS into the Chicago Sanitary
and Ship Canal, which flows into the Des Plaines River, because of the installation of a WGS at
that facility.
The Board directed ExxonMobil to address the impact of the proposed site-
specific rule on the variance the Board previously granted to the Lemont refinery.
to the Water Quality Standards for Total Dissolved Solids in the Lower Des Plaines River
Exxonmobil Oil Corporation: Proposed 35 Ill. Adm. Code 303.445, PCB R06-24, slip op. at 3
(Mar. 2, 2006).
The prefiled testimony of James E. Huff, on behalf of ExxonMobil, addresses this issue.
Pet. Pre-File Test. Mr. Huff testified that the increase in average TDS loading to the River
from the Lemont Refinery and the Joliet Refinery combined will be 348,000 pounds per day. Tr.
at 6. Mr. Huff’s report entitled,
Predicted Water Quality Impacts on the Des Plaines River from
the Proposed Wet Gas Scrubber From ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery
, further details the expected
impact of the proposed site-specific rule on the CITGO variance and the combined impact of the
increased discharges from the ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery and the CITGO Lemont Refinery.
Pet. Exh. 6 at 4. Mr. Huff finds that the combined contribution from the CITGO Lemont
Refinery and the ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery will not cause water quality violations for TDS in
the Illinois River further downstream.
at 4.
In response to the Board’s request for more information regarding the impact of the
proposed rule on the previously granted CITGO variance, Mr. Huff’s report identifies several
regulatory schemes that he believes may impact CITGO’s ability to obtain a permit. Pet. Exh. 6
at 5. Illinois does not have specific effluent limits on nitrates, sulfates or TDS, so limits would
therefore have to be based on water quality standards.
Further, Mr. Huff points to the fact
that USEPA has not promulgated categorical effluent limits for sulfate, TDS, or nitrate. The
report refers to the
Illinois Water Quality Report 2002
, which lists the Ship Canal and the Des
Plaines River as impaired waterways and states that none of the reasons for impairment are
attributable to sulfates or TDS.
at 6. Mr. Huff predicts that the expected impact on the
receiving stream will be incremental and not negative.
Mr. Huff concludes “there is
sufficient assimilative capacity in the Des Plaines River for the [WGS] blowdown from both
at 6.
The Agency asserts that this site-specific rulemaking would make some of the conditions
of the CITGO variance unnecessary. This rule would also make a portion of the CITGO
variance unnecessary, specifically the segment of the Des Plaines River downstream of the
ExxonMobil discharge. PC 1 at 2. The Agency states that should this site-specific rule be
adopted, CITGO will continue to need the variance, but conditions 3, 5, 6, 7, and 10 will no
longer be necessary.
The Board finds that the proposed rule is not in conflict with the variance the Board
previously granted to the CITGO Lemont Refinery. Although the proposed rule might make a
portion of the CITGO variance and conditions therein unnecessary, this is not determinative to
the Board’s decision regarding the current site-specific rule. The Board finds the impact of the
proposed rule on the previously granted variance negligible, and will proceed accordingly.
Dischargers other than CITGO
The Agency notes that the Channohon wastewater treatment facility, BASF, the
ExxonMobil tank farm, Loder Cronklaan and the Dow Chemical polystyrene plant are the
dischargers into the Des Plaines River downstream of the ExxonMobil Refinery within the
applicable segment of the site-specific rule.
Ag. Prefiled Test. at 3. The Agency asserts that
none of these sources discharge high levels of TDS nor indicate the need for water quality based
TDS limitations.
Based on the record, the Board finds that the proposed rule will not adversely impact the
other dischargers into the relevant segment of the Des Plaines River.
Lack of Alternatives to the Proposed Site-Specific Rule
ExxonMobil claims that available technologies for removing TDS from the wastewater
are limited.
Pet at 14, PC 2 at 3. ExxonMobil elaborates on the feasibility of a number of
control technologies and concludes that none are feasible to control TDS in the effluent from this
refinery. Electrodialysis, ExxonMobil alleges, has never been applied in the refinery industry
“on the scale required at the refinery.”
In addition, ExxonMobil contends that biological
sulfate reduction allegedly will not reduce overall TDS concentrations, and that reverse osmosis
concentration will not work because the concentration of sodium sulfate is too high here.
ExxonMobil asserts that the option of using evaporation/crystallization is energy-
intensive, would cause an increase in air emissions of carbon dioxide, the removal of existing
tankage to provide space for the system, and would cost $36,000,000 to $56,000,000, with an
additional $1,000,000 in operating costs annually. Pet. at 15 –16. ExxonMobil further claims
that evaporation/crystallization has not been used by other refineries using similar WGS systems,
and therefore, ExxonMobil believes further assessment would be necessary prior to electing such
a method.
at 16.
ExxonMobil claims that short-term episodic storage is “neither technically feasible nor
economically reasonable.” Pet. at 16. ExxonMobil maintains that it would have to remove
existing tankage to make space for a 200,000-barrel storage tank and other equipment; that short-
term episodic storage would require at a cost of $13,200,000; and that, therefore, short-term
episodic storage is neither economically reasonable nor technically feasible.
The Agency agrees with ExxonMobil that treating the refineries effluent for TDS is not
“economically or technically feasible.” Post-Hearing Comments at 3.
The Board agrees with the participants that “economically or technically feasible”
treatment options that would allow the Joliet Refinery to comply with current water quality
standards for TDS in the receiving waters are not available. Accordingly, the Board finds that
the proposal is economically reasonable and technically feasible, and will proceed to second-
notice review.
Additional Considerations
The Agency consulted DNR regarding the presence of threatened or endangered species
that may be affected by the proposed rule. On December 19, 2005, DNR responded that “no
threatened and endangered species or natural areas were affected.” Agency Prefiled Test. at 2;
PC 1, Att.
The Agency stated that ExxonMobil’s site-specific request is consistent with the federal
regulations at 40 C.F.R. 131 .11(b)(1)(ii), which allows a federal site-specific water quality
criterion when sensitive species of aquatic life have been demonstrated to be protected by the
new standard through laboratory test toxicity. Tr. at 35-36. In this regard, the Agency testified
that USEPA Region 5 has given preliminary approval of the ExxonMobil site-specific standard
under its obligation to review state water quality standards under the Clean Water Act. Tr. at 36.
In this regard, the Agency cites a USEPA letter dated April 24, 2006, wherein the USEPA states
it had reviewed the information regarding the technical basis for the proposed site-specific rule
and determined that such rule would be in keeping with Section 303(c) of the Clean Water Act
and 40 C.F.R. 131.11.
PC 1 at 3. ExxonMobil included a copy of the letter the Agency
wrote to USEPA requesting approval of the proposed rule as an attachment to its petition.
Pet. Exh. 3.
Based upon the DNR finding, it is clear that the proposed rule will not impact threatened
or endangered species. In addition, the USEPA has found that Section 303(c) of the Clean Water
Act and 40 C.F.R. 131.11 are not impediments to the adoption of the proposed site-specific rule.
For second-notice consideration by JCAR, the Board proposes new site-specific TDS
water quality standards for a designated portion of the lower Des Plaines River. As proposed,
the standards would appear in new Section 303.445. The Board also makes several clarifying
changes to the Part 303 table of contents and source note, none of which warrant discussion.
The proposed water quality standard are needed because ExxonMobil’s wastewater
effluent will have higher TDS levels once the new WGS air pollution equipment is operating at
the Joliet Refinery. ExxonMobil is adding the WGS because the company must reduce air
emissions under a consent decree with USEPA and several states. Based on this record, the
increased concentration of TDS in the lower Des Plaines River will not cause substantially
adverse environmental impacts. Further, the Board finds that the proposed site-specific rule is
technically feasible and economically reasonable and will not have an adverse economic impact
on the People of Illinois.
415 ILCS 5/27(a), (b) (2004).
The Board proposes the following new rule for second notice and directs the Clerk to
submit the proposal to JCAR. Additions to the rules proposed for first notice are double-
underlined; deletions appear stricken.
PART 303
Scope and Applicability
Multiple Designations
Rulemaking Required
Scope and Applicability
General Use Waters
Public and Food Processing Water Supplies
Underground Waters
Secondary Contact and Indigenous Aquatic Life Waters
Outstanding Resource Waters
List of Outstanding Resource Waters
Scope and Applicability
Ohio River Temperature
Waters Receiving Fluorspar Mine Drainage
Wabash River Temperature
Unnamed Tributary of the Vermilion River
Sugar Creek and Its Unnamed Tributary
Unnamed Tributary of Salt Creek, Salt Creek, and Little Wabash River
Mississippi River North Temperature
Mississippi River North Central Temperature
Mississippi River South Central Temperature
Unnamed Tributary of Wood River Creek
Schoenberger Creek; Unnamed Tributary of Cahokia Canal
Mississippi River South Temperature
Bankline Disposal Along the Illinois Waterway/River
Unnamed Tributary to Dutch Creek
Long Point Slough and Its Unnamed Tributary
Secondary Contact Waters
Waters Not Designated for Public Water Supply
Lake Michigan Basin
Salt Creek, Higgins Creek, West Branch of the DuPage River, Des Plaines River
Total Dissolved Solids Water Quality Standard for the Lower Des Plaines River
Scope and Applicability
Lake Sangchris Thermal Discharges
References to Previous Rules
Sources of Codified Sections
AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 13 and authorized by Sections 11(b) and 27 of the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/13, 11(b) and 27].
SOURCE: Filed with the Secretary of State January 1, 1978; amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 27, p. 221,
effective July 5, 1978; amended at 3 Ill. Reg. 20, p. 95, effective May 17, 1979; amended at 5 Ill.
Reg. 11592, effective October 19, 1981; codified at 6 Ill. Reg. 7818; amended at 6 Ill. Reg.
11161, effective, September 7, 1982; amended at 7 Ill. Reg. 8111, effective June 23, 1983;
amended in R87-27 at 12 Ill. Reg. 9917, effective May 27, 1988; amended in R87-2 at 13 Ill.
Reg. 15649, effective September 22, 1989; amended in R87-36 at 14 Ill. Reg. 9460, effective
May 31, 1990; amended in R86-14 at 14 Ill. Reg. 20724, effective December 18, 1990; amended
in R89-14(C) at 16 Ill. Reg. 14684, effective September 10, 1992; amended in R92-17 at 18 Ill.
Reg. 2981, effective February 14, 1994; amended in R91-23 at 18 Ill. Reg. 13457, effective
August 19, 1994; amended in R93-13 at 19 Ill. Reg. 1310, effective January 30, 1995; amended
in R95-14 at 20 Ill. Reg. 3534, effective February 8, 1996; amended in R97-25 at 22 Ill. Reg.
1403, effective December 24, 1997; amended in R01-13 at 26 Ill. Reg. 3517, effective February
22, 2002; amended in R03-11 at Ill. Reg. 3071, effective February 4, 2004; amended in R06-24
at 31 Ill. Reg. ___ _____, effective __________.
Section 303.445
Total Dissolved Solids Water Quality Standard for the Lower Des Plaines
Beginning November 1 and continuing through April 30 of each year, the
total dissolved solids (TDS) water quality standard for Secondary Contact
and Indigenous Aquatic lifeLife Use waters in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.407
does not apply to the portion of the Des Plaines River from the
ExxonMobil refinery wastewater treatment plant discharge point located at
Interstate 55 and Arsenal Road (said point being located in Will County,
T34N, R9E, S15, Latitude: 41º, 25’, 20” North, Longitude: 88º, 11’, 20”
West) and continuing to the Interstate 55 bridge. TDS levels in suchthese
waters must instead meet a water quality standard for TDS (STORET
Number 70300) of 1,686 mg/L.
Beginning November 1 and continuing through April 30 of each year, the
TDS water quality standard for General Use Waters in 35b Ill. Adm. Code
302.208 does not apply to the Des Plaines River from the Interstate 55
bridge to the confluence of the Des Plaines River with the Kankakee
River. TDS levels in suchthese waters must instead meet water quality
standard for TDS (STORET Number 70300) of 1,685 mg/L.
Source: Added at 31 Ill. Reg. ______, effective _________)
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution control Board, certify that the Board
adopted the above opinion and order on December 7, 2006, by a vote of 4-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board