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(Pollution Control Facility Siting Appeal)
0 1
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on September 28, 2006, the attached documents,
Applicant's Petition for Review to the Atkinson Landfill Company, Inc . for the Proposed
Expansion of its Landfill in the Village of Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois were filed with
the Clerk of the Pollution Control Board .
I, GLENN C . SECHEN, an attorney, certify that I have served a copy of the
attached documents by regular mail upon the person(s) referenced below at or before
:00 p.m. on the 28th day of September, 2006 .
Village of Atkinson
c/o Clerk's Office
107 W. Main Street
P.O. Box 614
Atkinson, IL 61235
Kenneth A . Bleyer, J .D
Hearing Officer
The Front Office
803-7 King St . E
Toronto, ON M5C 3C5
. Olt III
Village of Atkinson
Lane & Waterman LLP
200 N. Main St., Suite 600
Davenport, IA 52801-1987
Virgil Thurman
Corporate Counsel
Village of Atkinson
137 S . State St., Suite 208
Geneseo, IL 61254
Stacey L . Hall
Village of Atkinson
Lane & Waterman, LLP
200 N. Main St., Suite 600
Davenport, IA 52801-1987
Glenn C . Sechen, Counsel for the Applicant
Glenn C
. Sechen
Schain, Burney, Ross & Citron, Ltd.
222 North LaSalle Street
Suite 1910
Chicago, IL 60601-4514
312/ 332-0200
F .\GCS\Atkinson\P.ppeal\Pleadings FILED\Notice of Filing ApplicantsPetitionforReview9-28-06 .doc (printed on recycled paper)

(Pollution Control Facility Siting Appeal)
NOW COMES the Atkinson Landfill Company ("Petitioner"), by its attorneys
Glenn C. Sechen and James R
. Griffin, and pursuant to Section 40
.1 of the Illinois
Environmental Protection Act
("Act") (415 ILCS 5/40
.1), petitions for review of the action
of the Village Board of the Village of Atkinson and its imposition of conditions ("Special
Conditions") to the grant of site location approval
. This petition does not encompass a
review of the grant of siting approval, but rather only a review of the conditions imposed
by the Village Board
. Additionally, the Petitioner is not requesting review of the
condition requiring compliance with Resolution Number 178 adopted by the Village
Board on August 23, 1999
. In support of the Petitioner's prayer for the outright reversal
and striking of the Special Conditions, purportedly adopted by Resolution 185, the
Petitioner states as follows
1 .
On March 6, 2006, the Petitioner filed a request for Site Location Approval
for a new Pollution Control Facility ("Application")
. Proof of filing is attached as Exhibit
Printed on Recycled Paper

As the Applicant below, the Petitioner is a proper party under 35 IAC
107 .208(a).
3 .
A public hearing in connection with the Application was conducted on or
about June 21, 2006 .
Two of the attorneys who appeared at the public hearing and filed
appearances indicating their representation of various Village-related persons or entities
as follows :
a .
Stacey L
. Hall, on behalf of the Village Board of Trustees
b .
The Village Attorney, Virgil Thurman, on behalf of the elected
officials of the Village of Atkinson
5 .
The public hearing took only a few hours and the only evidence presented
was that presented by the Petitioner
6 .
Counsel for the Village Board of Trustees and the Petitioner filed proposed
findings .
Counsel for the Village Board of Trustees' proposed findings recommend
that site location approval be granted, subject to certain Special Conditions, including in
substance, the following
; Exhibit B
a .
that the Petitioner apply for the rezoning of certain property
that the Host Agreement be amended to increase the host fee paid to the
Village, provide a property value protection plan for all of the Village
regardless of proximity to the landfill
; and
the Petitioner replace any off-site vegetation which provides a visual buffer
to the landfill, in the event such buffer or screening is damaged, destroyed
Printed on Recycled Paper

or removed, by an act of God or otherwise, while at the same time
essentially denying any vertical expansion .
Thereafter, the Village Board held a special meeting on August 28, 2006
However, no decision regarding the Application was made or announced at the special
Village Board meeting .
Rather than deliberate in a public meeting, the Village Board met in a
private closed-door session ("Private Closed Door Meeting"), without notice to the
Petitioner . The Private Closed Door Meeting was held at a time and location unknown
to the Petitioner to determine the action the Village Board would take on the Application .
The Private Closed Door Meeting was improper, fundamentally unfair and
resulted in prejudice to the Petitioner regarding the Special Conditions .
11 .
The Petitioner is unaware of whether a transcript or other appropriate
recordation of the Private Closed Door Meeting exists .
On information and belief,
ex parte contact occurred and the content of
previous ex parte communications were discussed, and others interested in the
outcome, in addition to members of the Village Board, were in attendance at the Private
Closed Door Meeting
13 .
The presence and participation of the two attorneys purportedly
representing various Village-related persons and entities resulted in ex parte
communications, was otherwise fundamentally unfair and resulted in prejudice to the
Petitioner regarding the adoption of the Special Conditions .
Two days after the Special Village Board Meeting, the Village Clerk
telefaxed a copy of Resolution 185 (Attached as Exhibit C) to counsel for the Petitioner
Printed on Recycled Paper

Section 11 of the Village Board's decision ("Resolution 185"), sets forth
and imposes Special Conditions on the grant of siting :
SECTION 11 . The facility shall be subject to the following Special Conditions :
The maximum elevation of the facility shall be no higher than 792 msl .
(B) The Applicant shall comply with all conditions imposed by Resolution No .
178, presented, passed and approved by the Village Board on August 23,
The Village Host Agreement shall be amended to provide for mitigation of
the additional burdens placed on the health, safety and welfare of the
general public . The mitigation may be accomplished by an increase in
the Host Benefit Fee, sufficient to offset the additional burden placed
upon the general public, or by any other means mutually agreed upon
by the Village Board and Applicant .
(D) The Host Agreement shall be amended to provide a property value
protection plan to all residences in the Village of Atkinson, as Applicant's
own expert testified that all properties in Atkinson would be expected to
be affected by the landfill .
If any off-site vegetation that provides a visual buffer or screening to the
landfill is damaged, destroyed or removed, by an act of God or otherwise,
Applicant, at its sole cost and as soon as is reasonably practicable, shall
replace any off-site vegetation or shall create on-site visual buffering
that provides substantially similar screening, unless Applicant
demonstrates to the Village Board that such replacement would be
impracticable .
(emphasis added) .
16. The Special Conditions imposed by the Village Board are virtually identical
to those in the Village's draft findings filed by the attorney for the Village Board . Exhibit
B .
The Special Condition limiting the height of the proposed vertical
expansion to essentially the existing maximum permitted height of the currently
permitted facility, results in a significantly less efficient and more costly facility .
Printed on Recycled Paper

Furthermore, the restriction is unsupported by any evidence, contrary to the manifest
weight of the evidence, without specification as to the reason for adoption,
unreasonable, and unrelated to the purposes of Section 39 .2 . Lastly, the restriction is,
the result of ex parte communication and is otherwise violative of fundamental fairness
and of Section 39.3(e).
The Special Condition requiring the Petitioner to replace any off-site
vegetation that provides a visual buffer or screening to the landfill which is damaged,
destroyed or removed, by an act of God or otherwise, is prejudicial and inconsistent with
the Special Condition which caps the height of the proposed vertical expansion
essentially precluding any vertical expansion .
19 .
The Special Condition requiring an increase in the Host Benefit Fee is
beyond the authority of the Village Board, bears no reasonable relation to the
requirements of Section 39 .2 of the Act and is fundamentally unfair .
Each of the Special Conditions imposed on the approved siting application
are unduly prejudicial and invalid for one or more of the following reasons :
the Special Conditions imposed are neither reasonable nor
necessary to accomplish the purposes of Section 39 .2 as required
by Section 39 .2(e) ;
conditions cannot be imposed as leverage to force the payment of
money and other benefits to a host unit of government as Henry
County has already done in this very matter ;
the Special Condition requiring an unspecified increase in host
fees, or other mutually agreed upon relief is not a final action,
Printed on Recycled Paper

constitutes a mere invitation to negotiate, is not authorized by law
and further negates all of the Special Conditions
d .
the Village Board abused its discretion and exceeded its authority
in imposing the Special Conditions in this matter ;
the Special Conditions imposed by the Village Board are wholly
unrelated to the Criterion claimed by the Village Board
the Village Board applied the wrong standard in its imposition of the
Special Conditions in this matter ;
the evidence in the record is insufficient to support the Special
Conditions required by the Village Board ;
h .
the decision of the Village Board imposing Special Conditions is
palpably erroneous, wholly unwarranted, clearly the result of passion
or prejudice, and further, is arbitrary and unreasonable;
the manifest weight of the evidence in the record does not support
and justify any of the Special Conditions imposed ;
j .
the Village Board failed to adequately specify the reasons for its
decision imposing the Special Conditions ; and
are otherwise invalid .
The Special Conditions imposed are invalid, as siting has been granted
unconditionally, by operation of law pursuant to Section 39 .2(e).
a .
the Application was filed on March 6, 2006, and the 180-day
decision deadline is September 4, 2006 .
there has been no final action regarding Special Conditions .
Printed on Recycled Paper

the Special Conditions are otherwise violative of the Act .
22 .
The Special Conditions are the result of a lack of fundamental fairness
resulting in prejudice to the Petitioner for one or more of the following reasons
the Special Conditions are a result of ex parte
the decision-making session was not conducted at the Special
Village Board meeting but, are the result of the Private Closed Door
persons other than members of the Village Board were present at
the Private Closed Door Meeting ;
d .
information and objections obtained through ex parte contacts were
discussed and, in fact,
ex parte contact occurred in the Private
Closed Door Meeting;
the incorrect burden of proof and improper standards and criterion
were applied in the Private Closed Door Meeting
an insufficient record of what transpired at the Private Closed Door
Meeting was maintained, which led directly to the adoption of the
Special Conditions ;
the Private Closed Door Meeting and the participation therein
violated the provisions of the Village of Atkinson Pollution Control
Siting Ordinance a copy of which is attached as Exhibit D ; and
h .
the Private Closed Door Meeting was otherwise violative of the
principles of fundamental fairness and also the restrictions placed
on ex parte contact
Printed on Recycled Paper

WHEREFORE, the Atkinson Landfill Company prays that the Special Conditions
on the grant of Site Location Approval be deemed invalid, void and of no force or effect
and that the grant of Site Location Approval stand without conditions, and for such
additional relief deemed appropriate by the Board
Respectfully Submitted
9 (F, sede,
Counsel for Applicant
Schain, Burney, Ross & Citron, Ltd
222 North LaSalle St
., #1910
Chicago, IL 60601
312-332-4514 telefax
Printed on Recycled Paper

Exhibit A

. Carolyn Jiles
Village of Atkinson
107 W
. Main Street
Atkinson, Illinois 61235
Application for Site Location Approval
Southeast Expansion - Atkinson Landfill
Dear Ms. Jiles
The Atkinson Landfill Company is requesting site location approval
to expand the existing
Atkinson Landfill both horizontally and vertically
. The proposed lateral expansion will result in
increase in the permitted facility area from 249,8 acres to 347
.7 acres.
The proposed vertical
expansion will be placed over 45
.7 acres of the presently permitted landfill
The original and ten copies of the application are attached
. As the nine sections of this petition
show, the proposed Atkinson Landfill Southeast Expansion meets and exceeds all
of the siting
criteria and will be designed, monitored and operated so that the public health, safety and
will be protected .
The proposed design and operating plans are substantially identical to the
plans previously submitted to and approved by the IEPA in January 2004
In preparation of this
siting request, minor upgrades were made to these plans to reflect the revised facility
layout and
new advances in standard operating procedures .
Numerous figures and appendices are attached
to support the application, and an 18 sheet drawing set has also been prepared
We appreciate the Village's attention to this matter and look forward to presenting details
of the
application as the siting process proceeds
March 6, 2006
Very truly yours,
Weaver Boos Consultants, Inc.
Brian J .
0 )~'-q
Senior Project Manager
1813 North Mill Street, Suite A • Naperville, filinoi.s
Phone : (630) 717-4848 • Fax
: (630) 717-4850


Pursuant to the Village of Atkinson's Pollution Control Facility Siting Ordinance
and the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, the Applicant, Atkinson Landfill Company, filed
an Application for Approval of a Pollution Control Facility on March 6, 2006
. 415 ILCS 5/39 .2,
Village of Atkinson Ordinance No
. 577, §3
. Both the Village Siting Ordinance and the Section
of the Act require the Village Board to approve or disapprove the Applicant's request for
local siting . 415 ILCS 5/392, Ordinance 577, §2
. The Board must determine whether the
Applicant has sufficiently demonstrated compliance with the following nine statutory criteria
the facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area it is intended
to serve;
the facility is so designed, located and proposed to be operated that the public
health, safety and welfare will be protected
the facility is located so as to minimize incompatibility with the character of the
surrounding area and to minimize the effect on the value of the surrounding
property ;
(A) for a facility other than a sanitary landfill or waste disposal site, the facility is
located outside the boundary of the 100-year floodplain or the site is flood-
; (B) for a facility that is a sanitary landfill or waste disposal site, the
facility is located outside the boundary of the 1 00-year floodplain, or if the facility
is a facility described in subsection
(b)(3) of Section 22
.19a, the site is flood-
the plan of operations for the facility is designed to minimize the danger to the
surrounding area from fire, spills, or other operational accidents

the traffic patterns to or from the facility are so designed as to minimize the
impact on existing traffic flows ;
(vii) if the facility will be treating, storing or disposing of hazardous waste, an
emergency response plan exists for the facility which includes notification,
containment and evacuation procedures to be used in case of an accidental
if the facility is to be located in a county where the county board has adopted a
solid waste management plan consistent with the planning requirements of the
Local Solid Waste Disposal Act or the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act,
the facility is consistent with that plan ; and
if the facility will be located within a regulated recharge area, any applicable
requirements specified by the Board for such areas have been met
415 ILCS 5/39
.2(a), Ordinance No . 557, §5(a)
. Only if the Village Board finds that the
Applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence that all applicable criteria have been
met, can siting approval be granted
. Hediger v . D & L Landfill
. Inc., PCB 90-163, slip op. at 5
(Dec. 20, 1990)
. Section 39
.2 permits the Village Board to consider as evidence the previous
operating experience and past record of convictions or admissions of violations of the Applicant
(and any subsidiary or parent corporation) in the field of solid waste management when
considering criteria (ii) and (v) above
. In addition, Section 39
.2(e) permits the Village Board to
"impose such conditions as may be reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
Section and as are not inconsistent with regulations promulgated by the Board
." 415 ILCS
5/39.2(e) .
The public hearing on Applicant's siting application took place on June 21, 2006
The record in this siting approval consists of the transcript of the hearing, the Application, the
exhibits submitted at the public hearing and public comment made during the public comment

Notice and Jurisdiction
Section 39 .2(b) of the Act requires an Applicant to serve notice of an intended
filing upon property owners within a statutory distance of the lot line of the proposed site no later
than fourteen days prior to filing a request for approval . 415 ILCS 5/39
.2(b) The same notice
must also be served on members of General Assembly from the district in which the facility is to
be located and, must appear in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county in
which the facility is to be located . 5/39 .2(b) . Exhibit No
. 2 shows that the notices were timely
served on the property owners and General Assembly members and notice published in a timely
. The Applicant must also give notice of the public hearing on its application no later
than fourteen days prior to the hearing by publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation
published in the county, and by giving notice to members of the General Assembly from the
district in which the site is located, to every municipality contiguous to the proposed cite or
municipality in which the cite is located, to the county board of the county in which the site is to
be located, and to the Agency
. 415 ILCS 5/39
.2(d) Exhibit No. 3 shows the necessary notice of
the public hearing was served and published as required by Section 39.2
Proposed Finding and Recommendation
The Applicant has demonstrated it has met the notice requirements imposed by
Section 39.2
. The Village Board has jurisdiction to consider the siting application
Section 39.2 Criteria
The Facility Is Necessary to Accommodate the Waste Needs of the
Area It is Intended to Serve
Section 39.2(a)(i)
of the Act, or Criterion 1, requires the Applicant to demonstrate
"the facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area it is intended to serve

Steve Niehoff, from Weaver, Boos Consultants testified on behalf of Applicant regarding this
criterion. Mr
. Niehoff testified regarding the primary and secondary service areas of the
proposed facility, the current and projected future population in the service areas, the estimated
per capita waste disposal and the total projected waste disposal from the service areas
. Mr.
Niehoff also testified regarding the existing pollution control facilities and their ability to meet
the waste disposal needs of the service area
. (Transcript, pp . 119-120, Application, pp
. 1-1 to 1-
The primary service area is Illinois EPA region three, which consists largely of the Peoria
and the Quad Cities region
. The Secondary Service area is composed of Illinois EPA regions
one and two, consisting largely of Northwestern Illinois and the Chicago metropolitan area
(Transcript p . 120 Application, pp
. 1-3). According to Mr
. Niehoff, the primary service area
population is projected to increase approximately 3 percent between 2000 and 2030
. Mr.
Niehoff also testified that since Applicant's Application was filed, the Illinois Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity had issued revised population forecasts showing an 11
percent population increase in the primary service area between 2000 and 2030
. (Transcript, pp .
121-22, Application, pp. 1-5)
. Niehoff determined the waste disposal rate for the service area to be 7
pounds per capita per day . (Transcript, p
. 123) . Mr
. Niehoff then projected the waste disposal
rates by multiplying the population projections by the per capita waste disposal rate
. (Transcript,
p. 123)
. Mr. Niehoff testified that 14
.3 million tons of waste will be disposed of in 2005 with
million tons of waste being disposed of per year by 2030
. (Transcript, p
. 123, Application,
. 1-11 to 1-12) .

According to Mr
. Niehoff, the latest Illinois EPA Non-hazardous Solid Waste
Management and Landfill Capacity Report shows a total of twenty-seven landfills in the service
area which have a combined capacity of about 148 million tons . (Transcript, p . 123) . Mr.
Niehoff also testified that a significant portion of 148 million ton capacity comes from Spoon
Ridge Landfill, which is inactive and accepts only about one truckload of waste per year .
(Transcript, p. 123)
. If the capacity of the Spoon Ridge landfill is not taken into account the
service area has only about 109 million tons of capacity
. (Transcript, pp . 123-125, Application
pp. 1-13 to 1-17) . Taking into account the projected waste disposal need and existing capacity,
. Niehoff opined that the existing disposal capacity will be exhausted by 2011 and that the
expansion of the Atkinson landfill is necessary to accommodate the disposal needs of the service
areas. (Transcript, pp
. 124-125, Application, pp . 1-18).
It is the Applicant that selects the service area .
Metropolitan Waste Systems . Inc.
v. Pollution Control Board, 558 N.E.2d 785 (I11 . App. 3 Dist.1990)
. The siting authority does not
have the power to revise the Applicant's service area . Land and Lakes Comvanv v
. Village of
Romeoville, PCB 91-7 (December 6, 1991)
. Further, the Applicant is not required to show
absolute necessity in order to show the facility is necessary to meet the needs of the service area
Fairview Area Citizens Taskforce v. PCB, 555 N.E.2d 1178, 1184 (Ill
. App. Dist . 1990). Rather
the Applicant must show only that opening of the landfill would be "expedient" and "reasonably
convenient". Waste Management v . PCB, 530 N.E.2d
682, 689 (Ill . App. Dist. 1988); E & E
Hauling, Inc . v. PCB, 451 N.E.2d 555 (I11 . App. 2 Dist . 1983).

Proposed Findine and RecommendationReeardine Criterion 1
The Applicant has sufficiently demonstrated that the facility is necessary to
accommodate the waste needs of the area it is intended to serve
. The Village Board should find
the facility meets Criterion 1 .
The Facility is So Designed, Located and Proposed to Be Operated
So That Public Health, Safety and Welfare Will Be Protected .
Section 39 .2 of the Act, otherwise referred to as Criterion 2, requires the
Applicant to establish that "the facility is so designed, located and proposed to be operated that
the public health, safety and welfare will be protected ." 415 ILCS 5/39.2(a)(ii). Through section
39.2(a)(ii), "[t]he legislature has charged the [siting authority], rather than the PCB, with
resolving technical issues, such as public health ramification of the landfill's design ." McLean
County Disposal, Inc. v. County of McLean, 566 N.E.2d 26, 28 (111 . App. 4 Dist. 1991). This
broad delegation of authority reflects the legislative intent that the local siting hearing, which
provides the only opportunity for public comment on the site, be the most critical stage of the
process. Id.
The Applicant's witness regarding Criterion 2 was Brian Horvath
. Mr. Horvath
testified regarding the Applicant's compliance with the Illinois Location Standards contained in
the Illinois Administrative Code . Mr. Horvath testified that all relevant location standards have
been met such as location restrictions regarding federal jurisdictional waters, floodplains,
regulated recharge areas, setbacks from water sources and water bodies, etc
. (Transcript, pp . 37-
38, Application, pp . 2-4 to 2-8). Mr. Horvath also testified regarding various systems proposed
to be used by the Applicant to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, including the
bottom liner system, the leachate collection and removal system, the final cover system, the gas

management system, the surface water management system and the various geo-technical
analyses utilized to evaluate the site . (Transcript, pp . 39-42, Application 2-8 to 2-28)
Mr. Horvath testified that the bottom liner system for the landfill complies with
the requirements of 35 Illinois Administrative Code 811
.306. (Transcript, p . 29, Application, p.
2-10). Mr
. Horvath also testified regarding the quality control standards used to monitor the
compactions of the liner. (Transcript, pp . 39-40)
. Applicant finther detailed these quality control
standards in its Application . (Application, pp
. 2-10 to 2-16) .
Mr. Horvath testified regarding the Applicant's proposed leachate collection and
removal system . The leachate collection system is subject to the requirement of 35 Illinois
Administrative Code 811
.307-309 and subject to review by the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency. (Application, p . 2-16) . Mr
. Horvath testified that the leachate collection system meets
or exceeds the requirements of the Code. (Transcript, p. 39)
. Any leachate collected from the
landfill must be managed in accordance with 35 Illinois Administrative Code 811 .309
(Application, p . 2-18)
. Mr. Horvath also testified that the final cover system meets or exceeds
the requirements of 35 Illinois Administrative Code 811 .314
. (Transcript, pp . 39-40,
Application, pp . 2-19 to 2-20) .
. Horvath testified regarding the gas management system that will be employed
by the Applicant . According to Mr
. Horvath and the Application, the gas management system
will be constructed and operated in accordance with 35 Illinois Administrative Code 811
.311, the
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), and Title V of the Clean Air Act
. (Transcript, pp
40-41, Application, p . 2-22).
Mr. Horvath also testified regarding the surface water management system
. Mr.
Horvath was cross-examined regarding the surface water management system by attorneys for

the Village Board and Elected Officials and The Giant Goose Conservation Education Workshop
("Giant Goose") and public comment on the ground surface water management was received
from Giant Goose. (Transcript pp. 40-42, 64-84)
. According to Applicant, the maximum
elevation of the proposed expansion will be 872 msl, or approximately 225 feet higher than the
nearby properties and 80 feet higher than what is currently permitted, and will cover 782 more
acres than what is currently permitted, resulting in an increase of 20.4
million cubic yards of
waste to be stored at the facility . (Transcript, p
. 37, Application, p. 2-9)
According to the Applicant, surface water will be managed in accordance with 35
Illinois Administrative Code 811 .103 and local ordinances
. (Application, p . 22). Mr. Horvath
testified that the system is designed to intercept surface water from adjoining properties and
divert that surface water away from active or completed operations to detention ponds prior to
sampling and discharge
. (Transcript, pp. 41-42)
. From the detention ponds, stormwater will be
discharged in accordance with local and state law and the conditions of the NPDES permit
(Transcript, pp . 41-42)
. The discharge will also be sampled pursuant to the conditions related to
the previous siting approval
. (Transcript, 41-42)
. According to the Applicant, the system is
designed to handle a 25-year storm and safely bypass a 100-year storm
. (Transcript, pp. 39-42,
59-60, Application, pp
. 2-22 to 2-23) .
. Horvath testified regarding the groundwater monitoring system, which will be
utilized to assess the quality of the groundwater passing beneath the landfill and to detect any
discharge of contaminants
. Applicant has proposed a network of 14 monitoring wells that will
be established within and at the edge of the zone of attenuation
. Monitoring of groundwater is
subject to extensive regulations found at 35 Illinois Administrative Code 811
.315-.320 and
.324-.326. (Transcript, pp . 42-44, Application pp
. 2-42 to 2-58) . According to Applicant, its

proposed groundwater monitoring system and monitoring program meets or exceeds the
requirements of the Code
. (Transcript, p. 39)
. Pursuant to the Code, the Illinois EPA that has
jurisdiction and authority to determine the location of monitoring wells
. (Transcript, p . 44,
Application 2-42 to 2-43) .
. Horvath also testified regarding the facilities operating plan and the complete
plan was submitted as part of the Application
. (Transcript, pp . 44-49, Application, pp
. 258 to 2-
. The landfill will accept municipal waste, authorized special waste, commercial waste and
construction/demolition waste
. The Applicant predicts it will accept 1500 tons of incoming waste
per day
. The landfill will not accept regulated hazardous waste, landscape waste, regulated PCB
waste and regulated asbestos waste
. (Transcript, p
. 45, Application 2-58 to 2-62)
. The Applicant
proposes to train its employees to recognize unacceptable wastes, conduct formal load inspection
if an improper disposal is suspected, and conduct random load checks for unacceptable wastes
(Transcript, pp
. 45-46, Application pp . 2-72 to 2-75) .
Giant Goose participated in the hearing as a party, submitted a letter captioned
"Conditions to Approval of Siting Applications", which was introduced into evidence at the
hearing, and provided public comment during the Public Comment Period
. Giant Goose
expressed concern regarding the horizontal and vertical expansion and the effect such expansion
would have on its property located directly east of the proposed expansion
. (Transcript, pp . 69-
84, 134-141)
. Giant Goose uses the adjacent property to conduct educational activities such as
camping, hiking, fishing and nature observation for more than 1,250 persons each year
. (Giant
Goose Public Comment)
. Giant Goose's concerns included increased surface water run-off on to
its property from the vertical expansion and increased problems with dust, litter and odor from
the expansion. (Giant Goose Public Comment)
. Similar concerns were raised during Applicant's

1999 siting approval and several conditions were found to be reasonable and necessary to
address these concerns and further the purpose of Section 39 .2. (Transcript, p
. 140-141) .
Applicant has stated that it willing to operate the expansion under the conditions to the 1999
siting approval (Transcript, p . 141)
The applicant has also proposed plans for litter control, odor control, dust control,
vector control, noise control, hours of operation, waste placement procedures, daily cover,
landfill gas monitoring procedures and groundwater monitoring procedures . Applicant proposes
to collect litter by various fences and manual collection of litter that has been moved beyond its
borders. (Transcript, p . 45, Application pp. 2-80)
. The Applicant's vector control plan involves
the use of daily cover to discourage pests and vector and an exterminating service to eliminate
rodents around buildings . (Application, p. 2-82)
. Noise suppressing equipment is used and
maintained to control noise
. Applicant has proposed paved roads, rumble bars and cleaning and
watering of roads to control dust and mud
. (Application, pp. 2-65). Applicant states that its
leachate collection system, gas monitoring system, and groundwater monitoring systems will be
operated and maintained so as to meet or exceed local, state, and federal laws and regulations .
(Application, pp. 2-66 to 2-72, 2-77 to 2-80).
. Horvath testified that a fire prevention and control plan, spill prevention and
control plan, and accident prevention and control plan will be in place at the proposed facility
(Transcript, p. 46-48, Application, p . 2-82 to 2-84)
. The plan provides for procedures if
hazardous or unauthorized waste is inadvertently accepted or if an attempt to dispose of such
waste is made. (Application, pp . 2-82 to 2-84)
. The plan provides that the Illinois EPA will be
notified, the waste will be disposed of off premises in a way consistent with state and federal
laws, and the incident will be documented . (Application, pp . 2-82 to 2-84)
. The Applicant has

also proposed a fire safety plan and open burning restrictions
. The fire safety plan includes
training staff to be alert to potential fire hazards, separation and extinguishment of "hot loads",
the availability of on-site water and fire extinguishers to deal with any fire emergency, and use of
the Village Fire Department if necessary. (Application, pp . 2-81, 2-82) .
The accident prevention response plan requires that all employees will be trained
in proper operating and emergency procedures, which include waste handling, safe equipment
operations, basic spill response, and basic fire fighting, and at least one on-site employee will be
trained in CPR and first aid . (Transcript, pp
. 4647, Application 2-82 to 2-84). Applicant also
states that safety equipment and personal protective equipment will be provided at the site
(Transcript, p. 47)
. An emergency contact list will be provided near each phone . (Transcript p .
47). An emergency coordinator will coordinate the response to any emergency, and all operators
will be trained in initial fire response and control procedures . (Transcript, p
. 47) . The
Application also contains a Construction Quality Assurance Plan, a closure and post-closure
plan, which Applicant states complies with applicable regulations, and a financial assurance and
end use plan
. (Transcript, pp . 48-50, Application, pp . 2-84 to 2-98) .
Proposed Findines and Recommendations Regarding Criterion 2
The Applicant has presented evidence regarding its plan to protect the public
health, safety and welfare through the location, design and operation of the proposed facility
Giant Goose has raised legitimate concerns regarding the effect of the landfill on the safety and
welfare of its adjacent property as well as the effect on the health, safety and welfare of the
general public
. These concerns were legitimate during the 1999 expansion and are of even
greater concern during this siting application as Applicant has proposed to extend its operation
closer to Giant Goose's property
. Further, there is no doubt that, even with the procedures

proposed by Applicant, a 20
.4 million cubic yard capacity increase, with an 80-foot vertical
expansion and a 78.2
acre horizontal expansion, which will extend the life of the landfill for
additional years, will place increased strain on the health, safety and welfare of the public by
increasing the amount of noise, dirt, dust, litter, odor and subjecting the general public to noise,
dirt, dust, litter, and possible contamination of its ground and surface water for an additional
number of years.
As such, the Village Board should find that the facility meets Criterion 2 if the
Applicant is subject to the following conditions, which are reasonable and necessary to
accomplish the purposes of section 39
.2(a)(ii) :
The Applicant shall comply with all conditions imposed by Resolution
. 178, presented, passed and approved by the Village Board on August 23, 1999
b .
The Village Host Agreement shall be amended to provide for mitigation of
the additional burdens placed on the health, safety and welfare of the general public
. The
mitigation may be accomplished by an increase in the Host Benefit Fee sufficient to offset the
additional burden place upon the general public or by any other means mutually agreed upon by
the Village Board and Applicant .
The Facility Is Located So As To Minimize Incompatibility With the
Character of the Surrounding Area and To Minimize The Effect
the Value Of
the Surrounding Property.
Section 39
.2(a)(iii) of the Act, also known as Criterion 3, provides that the Village
Board shall approve the site location and suitability only if "the facility is located so as to
minimize the incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area and to minimize the
effect on the value of the surrounding property
." 415 ILCS 5/39
.2(a)(iii) . The "clear intent of the
statute is to require the local government units to consider a proposed facility expansion as a new

and separate regional pollution control facility ."
Waste Management of Illinois Inc . v. Pollution
Control Bd ., 463 N.E.2d
969, 979 (Ill . App. 2 Dist . 1984)
. As such, an applicant may not
demonstrate compliance with Criterion 3 "based upon a preexisting facility
." Id. An applicant
must demonstrate that it has done or will do what is reasonably feasible to minimize
incompatibility. Id.
Peter J
. Poletti testified on behalf of the Applicant with respect to Criterion 3
His report is contained in the Application at Section 3 . Mr
. Poletti discussed the zoning and
current land use of the surrounding property within a one-mile radius
. Mr. Poletti testified that
most of the land south of the landfill and 1-80 is zoned agricultural, with a few exceptions
. The
area to the east of the landfill is also zoned primarily agricultural, with industrial zoning
northeast of Route 6 and the Iowa Interstate Railroad
. The land to the north and northwest of the
landfill is zoned primarily industrial, residential and commercial
. (Transcript pp. 93-94,
Application, pp . 3-15, 3-17 .) Mr
. Poletti testified that the current land use correlated closely with
the existing zoning in the one mile radius surrounding the landfill, with land being used for
primarily agricultural and recreational purposes to the southeast and northeast of the landfill and
commercial, residential and industrial use being made of the land to the north and northwest of
the facility
. (Transcript, pp . 94-98, Application, pp
. 3-15 to 3-17.)
The Applicant proposes to buffer views of the landfill by existing on-site,
as well
as off-site vegetation around the facility, the use of natural grasses on the side slopes of the
proposed facility, and the construction of a wetland area to the Northwest of the landfill
(Transcript pp . 97-8, Application p
. 3-19). Mr
. Poletti noted that from the intersection of U .S
. 6
and Atkinson Road the views of the landfill will be blocked by trees
. Mr
. Poletti testified that
the landfill would be visible from other areas such as 1-80 and East 2350`" Street
. (Transcript, p

108). Mr
. Poletti did not address whether views would be blocked from an elevated position,
such as a second story window, or whether views would be buffered or blocked if off site
vegetation was removed or altered
. Likewise, the public comment submitted by Branko
Vardijan, does not address these issues regarding the buffering of the view of the landfill
. Poletti also offered testimony on the landfill's impact on surrounding property
values. (Transcript, pp . 98-107, Application, pp
. 3-20 to 3-69) . Mr
. Poletti testified regarding a
study he performed in which he compared the sale prices of residential property within a target
area to the sale prices of similar properties within the control area
. According to Mr. Poletti the
target area is the area in which property values will be affected by the proposed expansion
(Transcription, p . 99)
. Mr
. Poletti defined the target area as the Village of Atkinson . (Transcript,
p. 99)
. The target area is determined by considering a combination of distance, visibility and
intervening lands use . (Transcript, p . 99)
. The control area is an area that is considered to be a
zone where property values will not be affected, such as an area removed from the landfill
(Transcript p . 99, Application, p. 3-20)
. Mr. Poletti used Annawan as the control area as
Annawan and Atkinson are roughly the same size, the same distance from the urban areas,
generally the same rough type of mix of businesses, and they are both located on the interstate
(Transcript, p. 99, Application 3-21) .
. Poletti testified that both Atkinson and Annawan had an average of 5
percent per year compounded rate of growth
. (Transcript, p . 101, Application p
. 3-21 to 3-25) .
. Poletti also testified that the average price per square foot of single-family sales occurring
between January of 2000 and December of 2005 showed an average price per square foot in the
target area of Atkinson of $76
.08 per square foot and an average of $71
.48 per square foot in the

control area of Annawan . Mr
. Poletti opined there was no statistically significant difference
between the two averages . (Transcript, pp. 101-103, Application pp
. 3-26 to 3-28) .
Mr. Poletti also testified regarding a previous study in which he examined
residential real estate transactions from 1993 to 1998, when the Atkinson Landfill was in
. The average overall price increase in the control area of Annawan was 5
.2 percent
and the average overall price increase in the target area of Atkinson was 4 .6 percent
. (Transcript,
p. 104) . Mr
. Poletti opined that there was no statistically significant difference between these
appreciation rates . (Transcript, p
. 104). Likewise, Mr. Poletti reported that the price per square
foot study in that time period found homes in the target area of Atkinson to have an average price
of $46.38 per square foot and those in the control area of Annawan to have an average price of
$38.06 per square foot. (Transcript, p . 104). Mr
. Poletti opined there is no statistical difference
between the averages. (Transcript, p . 104, Application pp
. 3-26 to 3-34).
Professor Poletti also discussed some of his previous studies, including those
involving the Streator landfill in Streator, Illinois, the southwest side of the Livingston landfill,
West of Pontiac, Illinois and the Clinton landfill, which is located South of Clinton, Illinois
According to Mr . Poletti, these studies included single-family homes, home sites, small acreages,
and agricultural tracts and all of the studies considered periods when the relevant landfills were
actively operating. (Transcript, p . 105). Each study showed no statistical and measurable effect
on surrounding property values . (Transcript, p . 105, Application pp . 3-35 to 3-67) .
Proposed Findine and Recommendation Regarding Criterion 3
Mr. Poletti presented evidence that the proposed facility is located so as to
minimize the incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area and to minimize the
effect on the value of the surrounding property . His opinion that was based on his inspection of

the area and proposed plans, the surrounding land uses and zoning, the proximity to the interstate
interchange, the existing on-site and off site natural buffers, his review of sale transactions in
Atkinson and Annawan and his review of other studies concerning operating landfills and
property values, as well as on the property value of protection plan included in the Host
Agreement . (Transcript, pp
. 92-109, Application, Section 3) .
However, Mr
. Poletti, while indicating that the entire Village of Atkinson would
be affected by the landfill (the entire village was part of the target zone), did not address the
effect of the value on surrounding industrial or commercial properties
. Further, part of Mr
Poletti's opinion was based upon the appreciation and sale prices of homes in Atkinson during
the operation of the permitted facility. As such, that portion of his opinion is "based upon a
preexisting facility", which is an improper basis to demonstrate compliance with Criterion 3
See Waste Management of Illinois, Inc ., 463 N.E.2d
at 979 . The other basis on which Mr
Poletti bases his opinion are proper .
Accordingly, the Village Board should find that the Applicant has met Criterion 3,
if the following conditions, which are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purpose of
Section 39.2(a)(iii), are imposed on the Applicant
The Host Agreement is amended to provide a property value protection
plan to all residences in the Village of Atkinson, as Applicant's own expert testified that all
properties in Atkinson would be expected to be affected by the landfill .
Applicant shall apply to have the northern most 220 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter except 7
.6 acres in the Northeast Quarter of Section 35,
Township 17 North, Range 4 East, more commonly known as 660 Meadowwood Dr
., rezoned to
B-2 district and make its best efforts to have the rezoned property used for commercial purposes

by Applicant, subsequent owners, or tenants in order to provide an additional buffer to the
residential properties located north of the landfill
If any off-site vegetation that provides a visual buffer or screening to the
landfill is damaged, destroyed or removed, by an act of God or otherwise, Applicant, at its sole
cost and as soon as is reasonably practicable, shall replace any off-site vegetation or shall create
on-site visual buffering that provides substantially similar screening to the off site vegetation that
has been damaged, destroyed or removed .
The Facility is Located Outside the Boundary of the 100-Year
Floodplain .
Section 39.2(a)(iv)
of the Act, also known as Criterion 5, requires the Applicant to
demonstrate that "the facility is located outside the boundary of the 100-year floodplain, or if the
facility is a facility described in subsection (b)(3)
of Section 22 .19a, the site is flood-proofed
415 ILCS 5/39
.2(a)(iv) . Mr
. Horvath testified that he had reviewed the most recent flood
boundary map of Henry County and that the flood boundary map showed no 100-year floodplain
within the boundary of the proposed facility
. (Transcript, p
. 38, Application, p. 4-1).
Proposed Findine and Recommendation Reeardine Criterion 4
Applicant has sufficiently demonstrated that the facility is located outside the
boundary of the 100-year floodplain
. The Village Board should find the facility meets
Criterion 4 .
Operations for the Facility Are Designed to Minimize the Danger to
the Surrounding Areas From Fire, Spills or
Other Operational
Section 39.2(a)(v),
also known as Criterion 5, requires the applicant to establish
that "the plan of operations for the facility is designed to minimize the danger to surrounding
area from fire, spills or other operational accidents
." 415 ILCS 5/39
.2(a)(v) . Much of Mr.

Horvath's testimony regarding Criterion 2 is applicable to whether Applicant has demonstrated
compliance with Criterion 5 and is incorporated by reference . Applicant proposes to have both
Emergency Coordinator and Assistant Emergency Coordinator to address and respond to any
emergency . (Application, pp. 5-1). In addition, to its fire prevention and control plan, spill
prevention and control plan, accident prevention and control plan, and related response
measures, the applicant will have in place an Equipment Operating Safety Plan, General Public
Safety Plan, and General Working Facility Safety Plan . (Application, Section 5) .
Proaosed Findines and Recommendations Regarding Criterion 5
The Applicant has presented sufficient evidence that it has a plan of operation for the
facility designed to minimize the danger to the surrounding area from fire, spills or other
operational accidents . The Village Board should find that the facility complies with Criterion 5 .
The Traffic Patterns To Or From The Facility Are So Designed As to
Minimize The Impact On Existing Traffic Flows .
Section 39 .2(a)(vi), or Criterion 6, requires the Applicant to demonstrate that the
"traffic patterns to or from the facility are so designed as to minimize the impact on existing
traffic flows ." 415 ILCS 5/39 .2(a)(vi) . Jerry Hinrichs testified for the Applicant regarding
Criterion 6 . Mr. Hinrichs testified that the entrance to the Atkinson landfill is located
approximately 500 feet north of the exit from 1-80 . (Transcript, p . 113). Mr. Hinrichs further
testified that almost all of the traffic to and from the landfill used I-80 to access the landfill .
(Transcript, pp . 113-114, Application pp . 6-2, 6-5)
. Mr. Hinrichs estimated that approximately
75 trucks will enter the landfill per day from 1-80 over Atkinson Road with 25 of the 75 trucks
resulting from the proposed expansion . (Transcript, p . 116). Mr. Hinrichs opined that (1) there
would be no need for a left hand turn lane into the landfill entrance road and a right hand turn

lane is not warranted, (2) the traffic generated by the proposed expansion will have no significant
impact on the area roadway system, and (3) the proposed design of the site access system will be
more than adequate to serve the facility and ensure the traffic demands will be accommodated
(Transcript, pp. 115-116) .
Finding and Recommendation Regarding Criterion 6
The Applicant has sufficiently demonstrated that the traffic patterns to or from the
facility are so designed as to minimize the impact on existing traffic flows
. The Village Board
should find the facility meets Criterion 6 .
If The Facility Will Be Treating, Storing
or Disposing of Hazardous
Waste, An Emergency Response Plan Exists For The Facility Which
Includes Notification, Containment And Evacuation Procedures To
Be Used In Case Of An Accidental Release
Section 39.2(a)(vii),
or Criterion 7, requires an Applicant who will be treating,
storing or disposing of hazardous waste to have in place an emergency response plan, which
includes notification, containment and evacuation procedures to be used in case of an accidental
release. 415 ILCS 5/39
.2(a)(vii). Applicant's Application and witnesses state that it will
not be
treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste in the proposed expansion
. (Transcript, pp.
105-106, Application, p . 7-1).
Finding and Recommendation Regarding Criterion 7
The Applicant has sufficiently demonstrated that will not be treating, storing or
disposing of hazardous waste
. The Village Board should find the facility meets Criterion 7
If the Facility Is To Be Located In
A County Where The County
Board Has Adopted A Solid Waste Management Plan Consistent
With The Planning Requirements of The Local Solid Waste Disposal
Act Or The Solid Waste Planning And Recycling Act, The Facility Is
Consistent With That Plan .

Section 39
.2(a)(viii), or Criterion 8, requires that applicant demonstrate that its
facility is consistent with any Solid Waste Management Plan that has been adopted by the
County in which the site is to be located and which is consistent with the Local Solid Waste
Disposal Act or The Solid Waste Planning Act
. 415 ILCS 5/39 .2(a)(viii) . Mr
. Niehoff testified
that he had reviewed the Bi-State Regional Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
("County Plan") of which Henry County is a part, along with Plan updates, and evaluated the
compatibility of the proposed facility with the Plan
. (Transcript, pp. 125-127, Application, pp . 8-
1 to 8-5). Mr
. Niehoff noted that the Plan acknowledges that modem engineered sanitary
landfills, such as is proposed by Applicant, are a feasible method of solid waste disposal
(Transcript, p. 127)
. The proposed expansion will provide additional disposal capacity in Henry
County in accordance with the plan . (Application, p. 8-3).
A 1995 amendment to the Plan
requires that the Applicant negotiate a Host Agreement with the County prior to filing a siting
application pursuant to section 39 .2 (Application, p
. 8-4). The Applicant has negotiated and
executed a Host Agreement with the County
. (Application, Appendix 6-2) . In addition, the
Henry County Board has provided a letter stating that the proposed Atkinson Landfill Southeast
Expansion is consistent with the County Plan
. (Transcript, p . 127, Exhibit 14 .) Mr. Niehoff
opined that the proposed facility is consistent with the Henry County Solid Waste Management
Plan. (Transcript, pp
. 127-128, Application, p . 8-5) .
Finding and Recommendation Retarding Criterion 8
The Applicant has presented sufficient evidence that the proposed expansion is
consistent with the Henry County Solid Waste Management Plan
. The Village Board should
find that the facility meets Criterion 8

If The Facility Will Be Located Within a Regulation Recharge Area,
Any Applicable Requirements Specified
By the Board For Such Area
Have Been Met .
Section 39.2(a)(ix)
requires the Applicant who proposes to locate a facility within
a regulated recharge area to demonstrate any applicable requirements specified by the Board for
such area have been met . 415 ILCS 5/39
.2(a)(ix). Mr
. Horvath testified and Applicant's
Application indicates that the proposed facility is not located within a regulated recharge area
Applicant has also submitted a letter from the Illinois EPA stating that the only regulated
recharge area is within the Pleasant Valley Public Water District of Peoria
. (Transcript, pp. 38-
39, Application, p
. 9-1).
Finding and Recommendation Regarding Criterion 9
Applicant has sufficient demonstrated that the proposed facility will not be
located in a regulated recharge area
. The Village Board should find that the facility meets
Criterion 9 .
The Village Board should find the Applicant has met the statutory criteria
contained in Section 392(a) and impose the conditions stated herein
. The conditions are
reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purposes of Section 39
.2 and are not inconsistent
with the Board's regulations .
Respectfully Submitted :
HallBoard of
Trustees of the Village of

Of Counsel:
220 N. Main St., Ste. 600
Davenport, IA 52801-1987
Phone : (563) 324-3246
FAX: (563) 324-1616
Email: shall@1-wlaw.com

I, Stacey L. Hall, an attorney, certify that I had served a copy of
The Village of
Atkinson's Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendations by e-mail, upon the
person(s) referenced below, and that the same was also served upon the Village of Atkinson by
regular U.S. Mail on the 18'h day of August, 2006.
Village of Atkinson (Via Regular Mail and Email) Glenn C
. Sechen (Via Email)
do Clerk's Office
Schain, Bumey, Ross & Citron, Ltd .
Fax No. (309) 936-7648
Email : gsechen@schainlaw .com
Email: carolyn_jiles@hotmail
Virgil Thurman (Via Email)
Kenneth A . Bleyer, J.D., Ph.D. (Via Email)
Corporate Counsel
Hearing Officer
Village of Atkinson
Email: kb@thatsawinner.com
Email: vthurmanlaw@geneseo
Scott E
. Clemens (Via Email)
Attorney at Law
Giant Goose Conservation Education Workshop & Izaak Walton League
Email: hoglaw@hotmail.com
/s/Stacey L . Hall
Stacey L . Hall
200 N. Main Street, Suite 600
Davenport, IA 52801-1987
: (563) 333-6636
Facsimile : (563) 324-1616
E-mail: shall@l-wlaw .com

Exhibit C

Aug-30- 2006
of Atkinson 3099367648
No. 1663
P. 2/4
WHEREAS, Applicants the Atkinson Landfill Company, Inc . has petitioned the
Board for local siting approval of a pollution control facility ; and,
WHEREAS, Applicant proposes to develop a comprehensive waste management
facility as detailed in its Application for pollution control facility siting approval; and
WHEREAS, the Board has conducted public hearings and received testimony
from expert witnesses ; and
WHEREAS, the Board has accepted and considered all written comments
delivered or mailed within 30 days of the last public hearing held in this matter ; and
WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed and considered the Applicant's Proposed
Findings of Facts, the Village Board's Proposed Findings of Fact and the Hearing
Officer's Report concerning this matter; and
WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed the Application in light of the criteria
established for siting of pollution control facilities in Section 39
.2 of the Illinois
Environmental Protection Act, the Village of Atkinson Pollution Control Facility Siting
Ordinance, and other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions ; and
WHEREAS, after review of the Application, all relevant testimony, all exhibits,
all public comments, the record made herein in its entirety and, after further consideration
of all relevant and applicable factors and matters, and subject to the further provisions
and conditions contained herein below, the Board HEREBY FINDS as follows ;
$B T1ON 1 .
The Village Board has jurisdiction to rule on the Application for
siting approval of a pollution control facility, based upon the Applicant's proper
notification as provided by Illinois statutes as they pertain to the persons and
entities that appear on the applicable authentic tax records.
SECTION 2. The facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area
it is intended to serve.

Aug-30, 2006
of Atkinson 3099367648
P. 3/4
SECTION 3, The facility is so designed, located and proposed to be operated so
that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected, subject to the
Applicant's compliance with conditions A, B, and C set forth is Section 11
The facility is located so as to minimize incompatibility with the
character of the surrounding area and to minimize the effect on the value of the
surrounding property, subject to the Applicant's compliance with conditions D and
E set forth is Section 11.
The facility is located outside the boundary of the 100-year
SECTION 6. The plan of operations for the facility is designed to minimize the
danger to the surrounding area from fire, spills, or other operational accidents .
The traffic patterns to or from the facility are so designed as to
minimize the impact on existing traffic flows .
The facility will not be treating, storing or disposing of hazardous
SECTION 9, The facility is consistent with the solid waste management plan
adopted by Henry County.
SECTION 10 . The facility is not located within a regulated recharge area. .
The facility shall be subject to the following conditions:
The maximum elevation of the facility shall be no higher than 792 ansl .
(B) The Applicant shall comply with all conditions imposed by Resolution
178, presented, passed and approved by the Village Board on August 23,
1999 .
(C) The Village Host Agreement shall be amended to provide for mitigation
of the additional burdens placed on the health, safety and welfare of the
general public. The mitigation may be accomplished by an increase in the
Host Benefit Fee sufficient to offset the additional burden placed upon the
general public or by any other means mutually agreed upon by the Village
Board and Applicant.
The Host Agreement shall be amended to provide a property value
protection plan to all residences in the Village of Atkinson, as Applicant's
own expert testified that all
properties in Atkinson would be expected to
be affected by the landfill .

Aug, 30
. 2006
of Atkinson 3099367648
No . 1663
P . 4/4
If any of site vegetation that provides a visual buffer or screening to the
landfill is damaged, destroyed or removed, by an act of God or otherwise,
Applicant, at its sole cost and as soon as is reasonably practicable, shall
replace any off site vegetation or shall create on-site visual buffering that
provides substantially similar screening, unless Applicant demonstrates to
the Village Board that such replacement would be impracticable .
the Village Board that based upon
its findings and determinations concerning the nine criteria stated above and all of the
evidence, the Board hereby grants the request of The Atkinson Landfill Company for
siting approval of a pollution control facility as described in its Application, subject to the
conditions stated herein
RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective
immediately upon the adoption thereof .
PRESENTED, PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of August, 2006
Catolyyn Ji
Clerit of the Village
V ~"""

. 2006
`A Nice Place
To Live"
of Atkinson 3099367648
TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 4 (Including Caver Latter)
Village Clerk .
DATE/1J : 8/30/06
Resolution of the Village Board of the Village of Atkinson,Illinois
Concerning the request for local siting
Approval of a pollution control facility of Applicant The Atkinson
ofIllinois Municipal Lrague
107 West Main Street • P.O. Box 614
Phone # (309) 936-7668
Fax # (309) 936-7648
P . 1/4
Landfill Company .
Virgil Thurman Fax (309)944-841 .6
Glenn C . Sechen
Kenneth Bleyer
Branko Vardijan

Exhibit D

Carolyn J . Jiles
Village Clerk
(Name of Certifing Official)
(Tick of Cerfifing Official)
do hereby certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of Ordinance/
Resolution number
October 18, 1998
(Date of Adoption)
To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting :
adopted by
Village Board
(Name of Public Body)
(SYgnature bf Official)

WHEREAS, the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (the "Act", 415 ILCS 5/1
et seq.)
requires the approval by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Atkinson ("Village Board") of the
site suitability of each new Pollution Control Facility
("PCF") to be established within the Village
WHEREAS, Section 39(c) of the Act provides that the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency (the "IEPA") may not grant a permit for the development or
of a new Pollution
Control Facility without proof that the location of said facility has been approved by the Village
Board; and
WHEREAS, Section 39
.2 of the Act provides that the Village Board shall approve the site
location for a new PCF which is to be located in the Village, but only if the Village Board finds
1 .
The facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area that it is
intended to serve; and
The facility is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated in such a
that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected; and
3 .
The facility is located so as to minimize incompatibility with the character of the
area and to minimize the effect on the value of the surrounding property
4 .
(A) For a facility other than a sanitary landfill or waste disposal site, that the facility
is located outside the boundary of the 100 year floodplain, or that the site is flood-
proofed; (B) For a facility that is a sanitary landfill or waste disposal site, that the
facility is located outside the boundary of the 100 year floodplain,
or if the facility
is described in subsection (b) of Section 22
.19a of the Act, that the site is flood
proofed; and
The plan of operations for the facility is designed so as to minimize the danger to the
surrounding area from fire, spills, or other operational accidents
; and
Traffic patterns to or from the facility are so designed as to minimize the impact on
existing traffic flows ; and
The facility will not be treating, storing or disposing of hazardous waste, or if it will,

an emergency response plan exists for the facility which includes notification,
containment and evacuation procedures to be used in case of an accidental release
If the Henry County Board has adopted a Solid Waste Management Plan consistent
with the planning requirements of The Local Solid Waste Disposal Act
(415 ILCS 10/1 .1 et seq .)
or The Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act
(415 ILCS 15/I eteg .),
the facility is consistent with that plan
; and
If the facility will be located within a regulated recharge area, any applicable
requirements specified by the Board for such areas have been met
; and
WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Village Board that in order for it to properly and
effectively reach a decision upon an application for a new PCF which conforms to the nine criteria
set forth above, it must have presented to it meaningful information relative to each criteria at the
earliest possible time and retain qualified professional consultants
; and
WHEREAS, Section 39
.2(k) of the Act expressly authorizes the Village Board to charge
Applicants a reasonable fee to cover the reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the Village in
the siting review process ; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and desirable for the Village Board to delineate the
procedures for the hearing and the approval or denial of applications for site location approval of
new PCF ;
by the President and Village Board of the
Village of Atkinson that the following Ordinance is hereby adopted and enacted
The "Act" is the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, as amended from time to
time (415 ILCS 5/1 et sea.).
"Applicant" is any person or entity proposing to obtain site location approval and
IEPA permits for a new or expanded Pollution Control Facility in the Village of
Atkinson, and includes the fee owner of such site, the proposed operator, and any
other party with an interest in the site, such as a lessee, contract purchaser or land
trust beneficiary.
"Board" refers to the Illinois Pollution Control Board
"Village" refers to the Village of Atkinson, Illinois

"Village Board" refers to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Atkinson .
"IEPA" refers to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency .
"PCF" refers to a Pollution Control Facility as defined in the Act . "PCF" includes
a new Pollution Control Facility as defined by the Act .
All other terms used in this Ordinance and defined in the Act shall have the same
definitions and meanings as found in said Act [including, but not limited to those
terms defined in Section 3 (415 ILCS 5/3)]
No site location approval for the development or construction of a new or expanded PCF in
the Village may be granted by the Village Board unless an application for approval of such site
submitted for consideration to the Village Board, a hearing is conducted and the Applicant
agreed to sign the Operating Agreement proposed by the Village .
Any Village Trustee or staff member who has or feels he or she has, any disqualifying
interest in the property or affairs of the Applicant shall be excused from participating in any hearing
or decision.
No PCF application will be considered or approved by the Village if it proposes to include
hazardous waste and no such hazardous waste may be disposed of in the Village . No burning or
incineration of waste shall be allowed at the PCF .
The application shall comply with the requirements of the Act and this
Ordinance . The Applicant shall file it in a format compatible with
computer system utilized by the Village .
(ii) All sections of the application shall be clearly marked with dividers
. Exhibits
and drawings shall be clearly marked .
Applicant must include all
information which demonstrates that the Applicant will comply with the Act,
the applicable regulations and the requirements of this Ordinance
Applicant shall file the original application with the Village Clerk, with ten
copies, including such site plans, exhibits and maps, and other documents as
may assist the Village Board in its determination .
Applicant shall deposit with the Village Clerk at the time of filing
application a one-time filing fee of Ten Thousand Dollars (S 10,000)

C .
The filing fee is intended to defray the reasonable and necessary costs related
to the application, including costs, clerical expenses, hearing officer
compensation, court reporter expenses, transcription costs, public notice
expenses, staff review time,
per diems, Village attorneys and Village
consultants (such
as qualified professional engineers, planners, appraisers,
environmental counsel, etc .), and other costs incident to the consideration of
the application, and the costs incident to preparing the record for appeal in
case of an appeal ("Village Costs") . The fee is an estimate and Applicant
shall be liable for Village Costs in excess of this fee
If there are funds remaining from the filing fee after payment of the Village
Costs, such amount shall be refunded to the Applicant
. If a shortfall exists
or is expected, Applicant will be billed and will pay the same immediately
The date that the Applicant files an application and fee shall be considered
the official filing date for all time limit purposes .
(iv) At any time prior to completion by the Applicant of the presentation of the
Applicant's factual evidence and cross-questioning, Applicant may file not
more than one amended application pursuant to this Ordinance and Section
39.2(k) of the Act
. The filing of an amended application shall extend the
time limitation for final action set forth in Section 39
.2(e) of the Act and this
Ordinance for an additional period of ninety (90) days .
Upon receipt of the application and payment of the fee, the Village Clerk
shall date stamp all the copies and immediately deliver one copy to the
President of the Village Board and one copy to the such Village staff as may
be appropriate
. The Village Clerk will preserve the original application
The Village shall retain a hearing officer and consultants who will act on
behalf of the Village
. The hearing officer shall conduct all hearings in
accordance with law and shall have the discretion to interpret this Ordinance
and the law consistent with the principles of fundamental fairness
. Applicant
will cooperate with the consultants and allow access to the site and
all records
and documents .
An Applicant may not file a request for local siting approval which is substantially
the same as a request which was disapproved, pursuant to a finding against the
Applicant under any of criteria I through 9 of this Ordinance, within two years of the
date of the denial
A copy of the application and all related documents or other materials on file with
the Village shall be made available by the Village for public inspection
. Members

of the public shall be allowed to obtain a copy of the application or any part of it
upon payment of the actual cost of reproduction as outlined in the Illinois Freedom
of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et seg) .
It is the Applicant's duty to comply with all notice and other requirements set forth
in the Act and in this Ordinance . The Applicant shall :
No later than fourteen days prior to filing an application for site location
approval with the Village Clerk, cause written notice of the filing of such
application to be served either in person or by registered mail, return receipt
requested, on the owners of all property within the subject area not solely
owned by the Applicant, and on the owners of all property within two
hundred fifty feet in each direction of any lot line of the subject property, said
owners being such persons or entities which appear from the tax records of
the county ; provided that the public roads, streets, alleys and other public
ways shall be excluded in computing the two hundred fifty foot requirement
and provided further, that in no event shall this requirement exceed four
hundred feet, including public streets, alleys and other public ways .
The Applicant shall serve such notice upon each member of the General
Assembly from the legislative district in which the proposed facility is to be
located, and this notice shall also be published in a newspaper of general
circulation in the Village.
The notice shall state the name and address of the Applicant, the location of
the proposed site, the nature and size of the development, the nature of the
activity proposed, the probable life of the proposed activity, the date when the
application for site approval will be submitted to the Village Clerk, a
description of the right of persons to comment on such request as hereafter
provided, and any other information as may be reasonably required by the
Village or the Act .
Applicant shall include in the application or at the hearing proof of
compliance with all applicable pre-filing notice requirements
By filing an application, Applicant agrees to execute and perform the Operating
Agreement required by the Village, a copy of which is attached to this Ordinance, or
as amended by the Village Board, if the application is granted.
A public hearing shall be scheduled by the Village to begin no sooner than ninety

days and no later than one hundred twenty days after receipt of the application.
Within ten days of the filing of the application the Village Clerk shall notify the
Applicant of the location and date on which the public hearing is to commence.
The Village shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
Village a notice of the public hearing not later than fourteen days prior to said
hearing. The Applicant and Village shall also serve written notice of such hearing
by certified mail, return receipt requested, to all members of the Illinois General
Assembly from the district in which the proposed site is located, to the governing
authority of every municipality contiguous to the proposed site, to every municipality
contiguous to the Village, to the Henry County Board and to the IEPA. The
Applicant or Village, as the case may be, shall file with the Village Clerk copies of
each notice with proof of service of such notice
The public hearing shall develop a record sufficient to form the basis of any appeal .
To that end, the application shall be evidence and shall be admitted into evidence at
the public hearing . During the course of the public hearing, the Village Board shall
receive testimony and evidence from the Applicant and witnesses whom the
Applicant may call in support of the application, any Village witnesses, any
objectors, and any other witnesses having information relevant to the nine criteria
stated below. The Village Board shall recommend approval only if the proposed
facility meets the nine criteria (or such amended criteria as may be set forth from
time to time in the Act).
the facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area that it is
intended to serve ; and
the facility is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated that the
public health, safety and welfare will be protected
; and
(iii) the facility is located so as to minimize incompatibility with the character of
the surrounding area and to minimize the effect on
the value of the
surrounding property
; and
(A) for a facility other than a sanitary landfill or waste disposal site, that the
facility is located outside the boundary of the 100 year floodplain, or that the
site is flood-proofed
; (B) for a facility that is a sanitary landfill or waste
disposal site, that the facility is located outside the boundary of the 100 year
floodplain, or if the facility is described in subsection (b) of Section 22
of the Act [415 ILCS 5/22
.19(a)], that the site is flood proofed; and
the plan of operations for the facility is designed to minimize the danger to
the surrounding area from fire, spills, or other operational accidents ; and

traffic patterns to or from the facility are so designed as to minimize the
impact on existing traffic flows; and
(vii) that the facility will not be treating, storing or disposing of hazardous waste,
or if it will, an emergency response plan exists for the facility which includes
notification, containment and evacuation procedures to be used in case of an
accidental release ; and
if the Henry County Board has adopted a Solid Waste Management Plan
consistent with theplanning requirements ofThe Local Solid Waste Disposal
Act (415 ILCS 10 .1 et sea .)
or The Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act
(415 ILCS 15/1 et seq),
the facility is consistent with that plan
; and
if the facility will be located within a regulated recharge area, any applicable
requirements specified by the Board for such areas have been met
Applicant shall have the burden of proof and the burden of going forward with
. In addition to the admission of the application into evidence, testimony
and other evidence may be introduced by the Applicant
. The hearing officer shall conduct the hearing according to rules established to
achieve fundamental fairness
. Applicant or the Village or counsel may make an
opening statement
. The hearing officer may also allow a representative of the
objectors or their counsel to make an opening statement
A court reporter retained by the Village shall be employed and shall be present at
public hearings
. The reporter shall provide the Village with a certified transcript of
the hearing as soon as possible
The hearing officer shall preside and make decisions concerning the admission of
evidence and the manner in which the hearing is conducted, subject to this Ordinance
and the principles of fundamental fairness
The hearing officer may exclude
. The
hearing officer shall rule on all questions relating to the admissibility of evidence
The rulings of the hearing officer shall not be appealable to the Village Board
However, issues of jurisdiction shall be finally determined by the Village Board
All persons desiring to speak in the hearing, including members of the public, must
submit written notification of said intent to the Village Clerk before the first day of
the public hearing or register with the hearing officer at the first day of the hearing
Persons desiring to present or otherwise introduce written evidence at the hearing
must file such evidence with the Village Clerk before the hearing is ended

Any persons wishing to participate on an ongoing basis,
present evidence or
witnesses (other than themselves) or to cross-examine witnesses at the hearing, must
become a party by filing an appearance or notice in writing with the Village Clerk
at least 24 hours before the hearing is scheduled to begin
. Any such party shall have
the right to be represented by an attorney at the hearing
. Along with the filing of an
appearance or notification of intent to become a party, the prospective party shall file
with the Village Clerk a list of witnesses, written statements of any witness,
summary of the testimony to be offered, and copies of all prepared statements,
documents and other evidence of any description which the party may wish
introduce into evidence or otherwise utilize at the public hearing
Further, if the
prospective party wishes to be represented by counsel, along with the filing of such
notification of intent to become a party, the prospective party or the attorney shall file
with the Village Clerk an appearance of counsel
. Prospective parties failing to meet
these requirements may still be a participant, provided the minimum requirements
of this Ordinance to be a participant are met
To assure completion of the hearing in accordance with the deadlines of the Act, the
hearing officer may propound questions to any witness or party to clarify the record
or to bring out relevant information
. The hearing officer may reasonably limit
scope, time, and duration the statement, testimony or cross-examination
of any
participant, witness or party .
The hearing officer may also order that the testimony of any witness, participant or
party be reduced to writing and made a part of the record
. The Applicant shall be
afforded the opportunity to respond, file written responsive testimony
and file
motions regarding any such written testimony offered by others
The record shall
remain open to allow the Applicant five business days after the close of the hearing
to file such motions and to submit responses and responsive testimony into the record
as evidence.
The hearing officer shall hear testimony and evidence first from the Applicant and
any witnesses the Applicant may wish to call
Upon the close of the Applicant's
testimony, any other parties may offer witnesses and evidence
. After the Applicant's
and other parties' testimony and evidence, the Village may present witnesses and
evidence, unless the Village is the Applicant, in which case it shall proceed as any
other Applicant
. The hearing officer shall decide issues regarding the presentation
of evidence subject to this Ordinance.
All witnesses shall testify under oath or affirmation
. Testimony may include the use
of exhibits and prepared statements .
If testimony is by prepared statement, the
person wishing to present a prepared statement shall supply ten copies, in addition
to previously filed copies, of the prepared statement to the hearing officer
at the
hearing in advance of such testimony
. All witnesses shall be subject to reasonable

direct, cross, redirect and recross examination
. After all parties have presented
testimony, reasonable rebuttal and sur-rebuttal may be allowed at the discretion of
the hearing officer.
l .
The Applicant and the Village's counsel shall be allowed to cross-examine witnesses
as a matter of right, subject to such reasonable limitation as maybe set by the hearing
officer. Parties represented by attorneys may
be allowed to cross-examine in the
discretion of the hearing officer
. Other persons shall be allowed to submit questions
to the hearing officer, who shall exercise discretion in the manner in which such
questions are to be posed to witnesses
. Sufficient examination of witnesses is to be
allowed so as to provide for fundamental fairness
Public Comment
. The hearing officer has the discretion to allow or not allow public
comment at the hearing or set a time for public comment .
n. (i)
At any time prior to completion by the Applicant of the presentation of the
Applicant's evidence and opportunity for cross-questioning, Applicant may
file not more than one amended application
Upon the filing of an
amendment, the time limitation for final action set forth in this Ordinance and
in Section 39
.2(e) of the Act, as amended, shall be extended for an additional
period of ninety days from the filing
; and
Within seven days of the filing of the amendment the Village or hearing
officer shall notify the Applicant and publish notice of the date of the next
public hearing .
The hearing officer shall permit the filing of proposed findings and responses thereto
by the Applicant and any party wishing to file them
. The hearing officer shall set a
schedule for the filing of proposed findings and responses
The hearing shall be held and concluded as quickly as is reasonably possible, given
the 120 and 180 day deadlines in the Act.
Any person may file written comments with the Village Clerk concerning the
appropriateness ofthe proposed site
. The Village Board shall consider any comment
received or postmarked from the date ofreceipt ofthe application through thirty days
after the date of the last hearing in making its final determination
. Said written
comments shall clearly reference the PCF application to which they refer to ensure
their consideration
. Upon receipt, the Village Clerk shall date stamp the comments,
refer them to the hearing officer and Village Board and send copies to the Applicant,
who shall have 14 days to respond .

These written comments and any responses shall become part of the record of the
The hearing officer shall submit proposed findings to the Village Board as soon as
. The hearing officer may propose his or her own findings or adopt, in
whole or in part, the proposed findings of the Applicant or another party .
All proposed findings shall be submitted to the Village Board for its decision as to
the ultimate approval or disapproval of the proposed site location . A sufficient
number of copies of the record of the public hearing shall also be made available to
the Village Board as soon as reasonably practicable once the transcript becomes
The Village Board shall make a decision based on the record from the public hearing
and review of the proposed findings which are timely filed . The decision of the
Village Board shall be by resolution in writing in conformity with Section 39 .2(a) of
the Act.
In granting site location approval, the Village Board may impose such conditions as
may be reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Act so long as
the conditions are not inconsistent with the Act and the regulations promulgated by
the Board .
The decision of the Village on the application shall be in writing, specifying, in
general terms, the reason(s) for the decision . The deliberations of the Village are and
shall be subject to the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 .01
et seq.).
The decision shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk
and may be copied upon payment of the cost of reproduction .
If there is no final action by the Village Board within one hundred eighty(180) days
after the filing of the application for site location approval, the Applicant may deem
the application approved.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any
reason held invalid or unconstitutional by the Board or any court of competent jurisdiction, such
portion shall be deemed to be a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof .

All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby
repealed insofar as they conflict with this Ordinance .
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Village Board, its
approval by the President of the Village Board and its attestation by the Village Clerk
Dated at Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois this _ 114C-day
of October, A.D. 1998.
President of the Village Board
ATTESTED and Filed in the office of the Village Clerk this iq+k, day of. Or0bu'
Carolyn Jil ,
Village Clerk

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