1. ORDER
        1. Section 218.182 Cold Cleaning
        2. Section 218.APPENDIX H  Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 218.212 Cross-Line Averaging
        3. Section 219.Appendix H Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 219.212 Cross-Line Averaging


September 21, 2006
(Rulemaking – Air)

Proposed Rule. First Notice.
Today the Board will proceed to first notice under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (5 ILCS 100/1-1 et seq. (2004)) with a rulemaking proposed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) on December 22, 2005. The Agency proposes amendments to Parts 218 and 219 of the volatile organic material (VOM) rules to allow for the use of add-on controls as a compliance option for operations using cold cleaning solvent degreasing. The proposed amendments affect cold cleaning degreasing operations located in the Chicago and Metro-East ozone nonattainment areas.


Solvent cleaning, or degreasing as it is commonly called, is a process using aqueous liquids or non-aqueous organic solvents to clean and remove soils from surfaces. Proposal (Prop.) at 2. Solvent cleaning is divided into three major types: cold cleaning; open-top vapor degreasing; and conveyorized degreasing. Id. Evaporation of the solvent used during degreasing results in VOM emissions that react with other pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide to form ozone. Id.
In 1997, as a part of the 9% Rate of Progress (ROP) plan, the Board adopted control measures proposed by the Agency to reduce VOM emissions for cold cleaning degreaser operations in the Chicago and Metro-East ozone nonattainment areas. Prop. at 3. These measures, which are codified at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.182 and 219.182, lowered the allowed solvent vapor pressure for operations in the Chicago and Metro-East areas to 2.0 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) by 1999 and 1.0 mmHg by 2001. Id. The Agency estimated that the implementation of the lower vapor pressure would result in a VOM emission reduction of 11.35 tons per day by 1999 and an additional 11.68 tons per day by 2001. The 1997 ROP regulations do not allow the use add-on controls for cold cleaning degreasers as an alternative to complying with the solvent vapor limit.
Diversapack, a printing company that recycles its solvents in a totally enclosed parts washer and uses add-on controls for the abatement of process emissions, contacted the Agency in May 2003, regarding a possible variance from the vapor pressure limits at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.182(c). Prop. at 2. Diversapack uses solvents compatible with its printing operations, but which do not meet the current vapor pressure requirements. Id. The Agency identified three additional point sources in the Chicago area that use add-on controls plus solvents that do not meet the lower vapor pressure limits. Id.  
In lieu of the site-specific rulemakings for each of the identified facilities, the Agency is proposing revisions to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218 and 219. Prop. at 2. Specifically, the Agency proposes revising Sections 218.182 and 219.182 to allow for add-on controls or equivalent alternative control plans as compliance options, as well as additional revisions concerning solvent sale, solvent use, add-on control testing, and recordkeeping requirements. Id. at 3.
The Agency notes that currently an 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) is in effect for the Chicago and the Metro-East areas, designating each as a moderate ozone nonattainment area. Prop. at 3. This 8-hour ozone NAAQS replaced the previous 1-hour standard on June 15, 2005. However, given that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has a policy against regression, the control measures adopted to meet the 1-hour standard must still be maintained. Id. at 4. Further, under the federal Clean Air Act and the USEPA State Implementation Plan (SIP), failure to obtain equivalent emissions reductions from the cold cleaning sources would require the Agency to make up the deficiency through the implementation of contingency control measures. Id. at 3-4. In this regard, according to the Agency, USEPA has indicated that the 95% control level proposed here is sufficient for this emissions source category. Id. at 4.

Two hearings were held before Board Hearing Officer John Knittle. The first hearing was held on April 19, 2006, in Chicago (Tr.1). The second hearing was held on May 17, 2006, in Edwardsville (Tr.2). During those hearings, the Board heard the testimony of Gary E. Beckstead from the Agency’s Bureau of Air. In addition, the Board has received two public comments in this proceeding.
As required by Section 27(b) of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2004)), the Board requested that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) conduct an economic impact study (EcIS) on this rulemaking. The Board’s EcIS request, dated February 22, 2006, was placed in this rulemaking’s docket. DCEO did not respond to the Board’s request. At the second hearing, the hearing officer noted the Board’s EcIS request to DCEO and DCEO’s lack of response, affording anyone the opportunity to testify. No one testified about DCEO’s lack of response. Tr.2 at 5-6.


The Agency’s proposal, as amended by Agency errata sheets 1 (ES1) and 2 (ES2), seeks to revise the Board’s cold cleaning degreaser rules applicable to facilities in the Chicago and Metro-East ozone nonattainment areas. The proposed revisions would allow the use of add-on controls as an alternative to using solvents with vapor pressure of 1.0 mmHg or less. Likewise, the proposal also would allow the use of an equivalent alternative control plan to comply with the control measure requirements. In addition, the proposal would provide the testing procedures and recordkeeping requirements for add-on controls and equivalent alternative controls.
While the proposal would make parallel changes to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.182(c) and (d) and 219.182(c) and (d), only changes to Section 218.182 are described in this summary. Prop. at 5. The Agency’s proposal seeks to add a new subsection at Section 218.182(c)(3)(A) that would allow the sale of solvents with vapor pressure greater than 1.0 mmHg in units greater than five gallons, but only if the purchaser provides a copy of a valid state or federal construction or operating permit or a copy of a Federal Register notice demonstrating that the source is in compliance with the add-on control requirements, or is exempt. Id. The proposed provision at Section 218.182(c)(3)(B) would allow the operation of a cold cleaning degreaser using a solvent with a vapor pressure greater than 1.0 mmHg, but only if the source is in compliance with the add-on control requirements or is exempt.
The proposal would set forth control requirements for add-on controls at Section 218.182(c)(4).  Prop. at 5. Subsection (c)(4)(A) would require sources using solvents with vapor pressures greater than 1.0 mmHg but less than 56 mmHg to control their emissions to an overall capture and control efficiency of no less than 95%. Id. at 6; ES2. The requirements for equivalent alternative emissions control plans would be set forth at Section 218.182(c)(4)(B). These requirements would stipulate that emissions from a solvent with a vapor pressure of 1.0 mmHg shall be the basis for assessment of equivalent emissions for any proposed control plan. Further, if used as an equivalent alternative control plan, an add-on control must have at least 95% reduction in VOM emissions. Prop. at 7; ES2.
Provisions would also be added mandating the testing of add-on controls at Section 218.182(c)(4)(C). Prop. at 7. Currently operating add-on controls would have to be tested by March 1, 2007, and newly constructed add-on controls would have to be tested within 90 days after startup. Id. The testing procedures, monitoring, and recordkeeping provisions for add-on controls and equivalent alternative control plans would be consistent with the provisions in Section 218.105 and Section 219.105, which require that the control devices be operated and maintained at the manufacturer’s specifications and continuously monitored to assure that they are operating at the required compliance levels. Finally, recordkeeping and reporting requirements applicable to the operation of add-on controls would be set forth under Section 218.182(d). All records would have to be kept for a minimum of three years. Id.
The Agency’s proposal, including its statement of reasons, is available through the Clerk’s Office in Chicago (312-814-3620) and on the Board’s Web site ( www.ipcb.state.il.us ) using the Clerk’s Office On-Line or “COOL.”


 At the hearings, the Board received testimony from Agency witness Gary E. Beckstead. 1 Beckstead is the Manager of the Regulatory Unit in the Air Quality Planning Section of the Agency’s Bureau of Air. Beckstead at 1. He has worked in the field of regulatory rulemakings with Agency since 1991. Beckstead holds a Bachelor of Ceramic Engineering degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Master of Science degree in Applied Earth Sciences from Stanford University. Id. Beckstead was involved in the development of the Agency’s proposed amendments and was responsible for preparing the Agency’s Technical Support Document, which was included as an exhibit to Beckstead’s March 13, 2006 prefiled testimony. Id.  
Beckstead testified that the proposed provisions for add-on controls would result in less VOM emissions than if solvents meeting the currently required vapor pressure limits were used. Beckstead at 2. According to Beckstead, meeting the control efficiency level recommended in the proposed amendments will assure the integrity of the 1999 – 2002 ROP Plan and will prevent the need for contingency measures to be implemented to makeup for any emission reduction deficiencies, as required by the federal Clean Air Act as amended in 1990. Id.  
Four cold cleaning sources, Beckstead stated, were identified in the 2003 annual emissions reports data as using solvents with vapor pressures greater than the 1.0 mmHg limit. Beckstead at 4. He noted that all four are in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area and all of them are capturing 100% of their cold cleaning emissions and controlling the emissions to at least a 95% level. Id.  
Elaborating, Beckstead testified that in May 2003, the Agency was contacted by Diversapack, a printing source located in the Chicago nonattainment area, which was interested in obtaining a variance to use solvents with vapor pressures of 55.19 mmHg and a control system with overall capture and control of 98%. Diversapack also informed the Agency that its sister company, Printpack, is using a similar solvent and control system. Beckstead at 5. Through an inventory search, the Agency identified two additional sources that were also using add-on controls and solvents with vapor pressures greater than 1.0 mmHg. Id. Based on this information, the Agency decided that a revision to the cold cleaning regulations was more practical and a better use of resources than having each of these sources seek individual variances from the Board. Id.  
Beckstead testified that costs and inefficiencies would occur if the impacted sources were required to convert to the low-vapor pressure solvents. Beckstead at 6. He asserted that quality problems in printing and varnishing processes would be prevalent, increased waste would be created, and more supplemental fuel would be needed to operate the add-on controls. Id. Beckstead testified that the Agency believes that the proposed control level of 95% is reasonable and economically feasible for sources wishing to use add-on controls as an option to the solvent vapor pressure limits. Id. at 7-8. He testified that the four identified sources using add-on controls are in compliance with the proposed option, which he stated would eliminate the need for them to file variance petitions with the Board. Id. Further, he testified that the emissions from sources using add-on controls and solvents with vapor pressures greater than the prescribed limit are less than if the sources used solvents with the prescribed vapor pressures and no add-on controls. Id. He asserted that the proposed changes to the cold cleaning regulation have been reviewed by the impacted sources and USEPA and have been found acceptable by them. Id.  
In his supplemental prefiled testimony submitted on May 12, 2006, Beckstead stated that the Agency will assess pollution prevention control measures on equal footing with any other proposed equivalent alternative control measures. Supp. Test. at 9. Beckstead testified that if VOM emissions to the atmosphere are equal to or less than using 1.0 mmHg vapor pressure materials, the proposed pollution prevention control measure will be approvable by the Agency, and that there is no formal requirement in the proposed revisions that pollution prevention control measures be evaluated. Id.
Beckstead also testified that the Agency does not require sources to demonstrate cost effectiveness via studies for control measures that they are planning to implement, but that the Agency assesses the source’s compliance with the regulations and determines if the source is meeting the proposed emission limits. Supp. Test. at 10.
Beckstead stated that the Agency is proposing: (1) that existing add-on controls be considered those operating before November 30, 2006; (2) that existing add-on controls be tested by March 1, 2007; and (3) that new add-on controls be considered those constructed on or after November 30, 2006; and (4) that new add-on controls be tested within 90 days after initial start-up. Supp. Test. at 10-11. In its May 12, 2006 second supplemental statement, and at the second hearing, the Agency asserted that it does not intend the proposal to be retroactive, and that this position is reflected in errata sheet number two. Supplemental Statement 2 at 1; Tr.2 at 23.

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Two public comments were filed in this rulemaking: the Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group (IERG) filed a comment in support of the proposal (PC 1) on June 14, 2006; and the Agency filed a post-hearing comment (PC 2) on June 15, 2006. The comments are summarized below.


 IERG is a not-for-profit Illinois corporation comprised of 55 member companies engaged in industry, commerce, manufacturing, agriculture, trade, transportation, or other related activities regulated by governmental agencies that promulgate, administer, or enforce environmental laws, regulations, rules, or other policies. PC 1 at 1. IERG asserts that a number of IERG member companies conduct activities governed by the regulations set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code Parts 218 and 219. Id.
IERG asserts that it reviewed the proposed rulemaking in this proceeding and raised a few minor points of clarification with the Agency that have subsequently been addressed in Agency errata sheets. With those clarifications, IERG believes that the proposed amendments to the cold cleaning degreaser requirements should be adopted. PC 1 at 2. IERG asserts that this proposed rulemaking rightly restores the option of add-on controls and adds the equivalent alternative control plan option, while remaining consistent with the intent of the 1997 revisions to reduce VOM emissions in the nonattainment areas. Id. at 3.
 Finally, IERG opines that the compliance options provided by this rulemaking are justified historically, environmentally, technically, and economically. PC 1 at 5. Therefore, IERG urges the Board to adopt the proposed revisions to the cold cleaning requirements. Id.

The Agency

In response to the Board’s questions pertaining to outreach to solvent retailers during the first hearing held on April 19, 2006, the Agency asserts that it conducted an additional outreach effort directed towards retailers of solvent. At the request of the Board, the Agency reports that the May 15, 2006 outreach effort resulted in one association requesting to be added to the Agency’s mailing list for future related proposed rulemakings. PC 2 at 1. With the Agency’s public comment, the Agency also moved to correct the second hearing’s transcript. The Board grants that unopposed motion.

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The Board has held two days of public hearings and received substantial testimony and public comments on this proposal. The entire record, including the additional language changes suggested by the Agency, has been evaluated. The first-notice proposal adopted by the Board today reflects the Board’s consideration of all the comments and testimony the Board has received.

The information presented by the Agency indicates that in the cases of both add-on controls and equivalent alternative control plans, the Agency is proposing additional options to supplement the technically feasible low vapor pressure solvent requirement already in place. The Board agrees with the Agency’s assertion that the technical feasibility of add-on controls for point source cold cleaning degreasers is already being demonstrated.
In addition, by allowing the use of add-on controls, waste can be minimized as solvent may be reused. In printing operations, the clean-up solvents from the closed-loop parts cleaners are recycled for use in the printing process or for additional clean-up, reducing solvent waste, solvent purchases, and operating costs. Technical Support Document (TSD) at 13. The Board concurs with the Agency’s assertion in its TSD that requiring the impacted printing sources to use low vapor pressure solvents would result in the generation of additional hazardous waste, product quality issues, and inefficiencies. Id. at 14.
 The economic reasonableness analysis indicates that add-on controls coupled with closed loop automatic parts washers offer cost benefits comparable to converting to low vapor pressure solvents for some cold cleaning operations. Using data supplied by the four impacted sources, the estimated cost effectiveness of using thermal oxidizers as an add-on control is between $115-$562 per ton of VOM reduced. The cost effectiveness of lowering the solvent vapor pressure limits to 1.0 mmHg was estimated to be in the range of $238 to $779. TSD at 14.
Further, the Board agrees with the Agency that additional costs and inefficiencies would occur if these existing sources are required to use the low vapor pressure solvents. The additional costs would include the higher cost of low vapor pressure solvents and waste disposal costs. For example, using low vapor pressure solvent that could not be reused in other plant operations would result in additional waste disposal costs of an estimated $161,000 per year in the case of Diversapack. In addition, Diversapack estimates that using a lower vapor pressure solvent would result in further solvent costs of $1,100,000 per year.

 The testimony provided by Beckstead at the April 19, 2006 hearing indicates that the emissions from sources using add-on controls for solvents with vapor pressures greater than the currently required limit would be less than the emissions that would result if the sources used solvents with the currently required vapor pressures (and no add-on controls). Tr.1 at 10. Thus, these proposed amendments provide a benefit to the environment as well.
Finally, on May 4, 2006, after two public hearings, the Board in consolidated rulemaking docket R04-12/20 adopted other Agency-proposed amendments to Parts 218 and 219, finding them both technically feasible and economically reasonable. The rule changes, which became effective on May 15, 2006, were designed to clarify, correct, streamline, and update numerous provisions of the air pollution control rules. See Clean-Up Part III Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code Parts 211, 218, and 219, R04-20, Technical Corrections to Formulas in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 214 “Sulfur Limitations”, R04-12 (cons.) (May 4, 2006). Among those revisions, the Board adopted the following amendments to the “paper coating” note at Sections 218.204(c) and 219.204(c):
Note: The paper coating limitation shall not apply to any owner or operator of any paper coating line on which flexographic or rotogravure printing is performed if the paper coating line complies with the emissions limitations in Subpart H: Printing and Publishing, Section 218.401 [219.401] of this Part. In addition, screen printing on paper is not regulated as paper coating, but is regulated under Subpart TT of this Part. 
At second notice of the R04-12/20 rulemaking, the Board stated:
IEPA proposed the revisions to the note under “paper coating” in Sections 218.204(c) and 219.204(c). The Board observes that the same paper coating note also appears in Parts 218 and 219, Appendix H, however, no revisions were proposed for those notes. Those appendices were therefore never opened in this rulemaking. This appears to be an oversight. Because this rulemaking is proceeding today to second notice, the Board is not in a position to now open any rule sections that were not part of the first-notice publication. In the interest of administrative economy, the Board will propose amending the notes to these appendices in another pending air rulemaking filed by IEPA that has not yet been to first notice: R06-21, Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Chicago and Metro-East Areas: Proposed Amendments to 35 Adm. Code 218 and 219. See Clean-Up Part III Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code Parts 211, 218, and 219, R04-20, Technical Corrections to Formulas in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 214 “Sulfur Limitations”, R04-12 (cons.) (Mar. 2, 2006).
Accordingly, to ensure consistency with the already-amended “paper coating” note at Sections 218.204(c) and 219.204(c), the Board now proposes for first notice those previously omitted amendments to the “paper coating” note at Appendix H in Parts 218 and 219. In support, the Board on its own motion incorporates by reference the R04-12/20 record into this R06-21 proceeding. See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.306.


The Board finds that the Agency’s proposal, as amended by Agency errata sheets 1 and 2, is technically feasible and economically reasonable. The Board makes several minor, clarifying changes to the Agency’s proposed rule language, none of which merit discussion. As discussed above, the Board also proposes amendments to the “paper coating” note at Appendix H in Parts 218 and 219, which amendments were inadvertently not made in R04-12/20.
The Board will proceed to first notice with the proposal. The Board will accept additional public comments for at least 45 days from the date on which this first-notice proposal is published in the Illinois Register.


The Board directs the Clerk to cause first-notice publication of the following proposed amendments in the Illinois Register. Proposed additions to Parts 218 and 219 are underlined; proposed deletions appear stricken.

PART 218


218.100 Introduction
218.101 Savings Clause
218.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors
218.103 Applicability
218.104 Definitions
218.105 Test Methods and Procedures
218.106 Compliance Dates
218.107 Operation of Afterburners
218.108 Exemptions, Variations, and Alternative Means of Control or Compliance Determinations
218.109 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Liquids
218.110 Vapor Pressure of Organic Material or Solvent
218.111 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Material
218.112 Incorporations by Reference
218.113 Monitoring for Negligibly-Reactive Compounds
218.114 Compliance with Permit Conditions



218.119 Applicability for VOL
218.120 Control Requirements for Storage Containers of VOL
218.121 Storage Containers of VPL
218.122 Loading Operations
218.123 Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks
218.124 External Floating Roofs
218.125 Compliance Dates
218.126 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.127 Testing VOL Operations
218.128 Monitoring VOL Operations
218.129 Recordkeeping and Reporting for VOL Operations



218.141 Separation Operations
218.142 Pumps and Compressors
218.143 Vapor Blowdown
218.144 Safety Relief Valves



218.181 Solvent Cleaning in General
218.182 Cold Cleaning
218.183 Open Top Vapor Degreasing
218.184 Conveyorized Degreasing
218.185 Compliance Schedule (Repealed)
218.186 Test Methods



218.204 Emission Limitations
218.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations
218.206 Solids Basis Calculation
218.207 Alternative Emission Limitations
218.208 Exemptions from Emission Limitations
218.209 Exemption from General Rule on Use of Organic Material
218.210 Compliance Schedule
218.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting
218.212 Cross-Line Averaging to Establish Compliance for Coating Lines
218.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-Line Averaging Participating Coating Lines
218.214 Changing Compliance Methods

218.215  Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach
218.216  Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use
218.217  Wood Furniture Coating Work Practice Standards



218.301 Use of Organic Material
218.302 Alternative Standard
218.303 Fuel Combustion Emission Units
218.304 Operations with Compliance Program



218.401 Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing
218.402 Applicability
218.403 Compliance Schedule
218.404 Recordkeeping and Reporting
218.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability
218.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to March 15, 1996
218.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines On and After March 15, 1996
218.408 Compliance Schedule for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
218.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
218.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing
218.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing



218.421 General Requirements
218.422 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks
218.423 Inspection Program for Leaks
218.424 Repairing Leaks
218.425 Recordkeeping for Leaks
218.426 Report for Leaks
218.427 Alternative Program for Leaks
218.428 Open-Ended Valves
218.429 Standards for Control Devices
218.430 Compliance Date (Repealed)
218.431 Applicability
218.432 Control Requirements
218.433 Performance and Testing Requirements
218.434 Monitoring Requirements
218.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
218.436 Compliance Date



218.441 Petroleum Refinery Waste Gas Disposal
218.442 Vacuum Producing Systems
218.443 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator
218.444 Process Unit Turnarounds
218.445 Leaks: General Requirements
218.446 Monitoring Program Plan for Leaks
218.447 Monitoring Program for Leaks
218.448 Recordkeeping for Leaks
218.449 Reporting for Leaks
218.450 Alternative Program for Leaks
218.451 Sealing Device Requirements
218.452 Compliance Schedule for Leaks
218.453 Compliance Dates (Repealed)



218.461 Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires
218.462 Green Tire Spraying Operations
218.463 Alternative Emission Reduction Systems
218.464 Emission Testing
218.465 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
218.466 Compliance Plan (Repealed)



218.480 Applicability
218.481 Control of Reactors, Distillation Units, Crystallizers, Centrifuges and Vacuum Dryers
218.482 Control of Air Dryers, Production Equipment Exhaust Systems and Filters
218.483 Material Storage and Transfer
218.484 In-Process Tanks
218.485 Leaks
218.486 Other Emission Units
218.487 Testing
218.488 Monitoring for Air Pollution Control Equipment
218.489 Recordkeeping for Air Pollution Control Equipment



218.500 Applicability for Batch Operations
218.501 Control Requirements for Batch Operations
218.502 Determination of Uncontrolled Total Annual Mass Emissions and Average Flow Rate Values for Batch Operations
218.503 Performance and Testing Requirements for Batch Operations
218.504 Monitoring Requirements for Batch Operations
218.505 Reporting and Recordkeeping for Batch Operations
218.506 Compliance Date
218.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes
218.521 Definitions (Repealed)
218.522 Savings Clause
218.523 Compliance
218.524 Determination of Applicability
218.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes
218.526 Testing and Monitoring
218.527 Compliance Date (Repealed)



218.541 Pesticide Exception



218.561 Architectural Coatings
218.562 Paving Operations
218.563 Cutback Asphalt



218.581 Bulk Gasoline Plants
218.582 Bulk Gasoline Terminals
218.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Storage Tank Filling Operations
218.584 Gasoline Delivery Vessels
218.585 Gasoline Volatility Standards
218.586 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations



218.601 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners (Repealed)
218.602 Applicability (Repealed)
218.603 Leaks (Repealed)
218.604 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
218.605 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.606 Exception to Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.607 Standards for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
218.608 Operating Practices for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
218.609 Program for Inspection and Repair of Leaks
218.610 Testing and Monitoring
218.611 Applicability for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
218.612 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
218.613 Compliance Plan (Repealed)



218.620 Applicability
218.621 Exemption for Waterbase Material and Heatset Offset Ink
218.623 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.624 Open Top Mills, Tanks, Vats or Vessels
218.625 Grinding Mills
218.626 Storage Tanks
218.628 Leaks
218.630 Clean Up
218.636 Compliance Schedule
218.637 Recordkeeping and Reporting



218.640 Applicability
218.642 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants
218.644 Emissions Testing



218.660 Applicability
218.666 Control Requirements
218.667 Compliance Schedule
218.668 Testing
218.670 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Exempt Emission Units
218.672 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Subject Emission Units



218.680 Applicability
218.686 Control Requirements
218.688 Testing
218.690 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Exempt Emission Units
218.692 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Subject Emission Units



218.720 Applicability (Repealed)
218.722 Control Requirements (Repealed)
218.726 Testing (Repealed)
218.727 Monitoring (Repealed)
218.728 Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
218.729 Compliance Date (Repealed)
218.730 Certification (Repealed)



218.760 Applicability
218.762 Control Requirements
218.764 Compliance Certification
218.766 Leaks
218.768 Testing and Monitoring
218.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting



218.780 Emission Limitations
218.782 Alternative Control Requirements
218.784 Equipment Specifications
218.786 Surface Preparation Materials
218.787 Work Practices
218.788 Testing
218.789 Monitoring and Recordkeeping for Control Devices
218.790 General Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
218.791 Compliance Date
218.792 Registration
218.875 Applicability of Subpart BB (Renumbered)
218.877 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants (Renumbered)
218.879 Compliance Date (Repealed)
218.881 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.883 Special Requirements for Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.886 Emissions Testing (Renumbered)



218.920 Applicability
218.923 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.926 Control Requirements
218.927 Compliance Schedule
218.928 Testing

218.929  Cementable and Dress or Performance Shoe Leather



218.940 Applicability
218.943 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.946 Control Requirements
218.947 Compliance Schedule
218.948 Testing



218.960 Applicability
218.963 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.966 Control Requirements
218.967 Compliance Schedule
218.968 Testing



218.980 Applicability
218.983 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.986 Control Requirements
218.987 Compliance Schedule
218.988 Testing



218.990 Exempt Emission Units
218.991 Subject Emission Units
Section 218.Appendix A:
List of Chemicals Defining Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing
Section 218.Appendix B:
VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency (Repealed)
Section 218.Appendix C:
Reference Methods and Procedures
Section 218.Appendix D:
Coefficients for the Total Resource Effectiveness Index (TRE) Equation
Section 218.Appendix E:
List of Affected Marine Terminals
Section 218.Appendix G:
TRE Index Measurements for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units
Section 218.Appendix H:
Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 218.212 Cross-Line Averaging

AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 10 and authorized by Sections 27, 28, 28.5 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/10 and 28.5].
SOURCE: Adopted at R91-7 at 15 Ill. Reg. 12231, effective August 16, 1991; amended in R91-24 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13564, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R91-28 and R91-30 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13864, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16636, effective September 27, 1993; amended in R93-14 at 18 Ill. Reg. at 1945, effective January 24, 1994; amended in R94-12 at 18 Ill. Reg. at 14973, effective September 21, 1994; amended in R94-15 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16392, effective October 25, 1994; amended in R94-16 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16950, effective November 15, 1994; amended in R94-21, R94-31 and R94-32 at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848, effective May 9, 1995; amended in R94-33 at 19 Ill. Reg. 7359, effective May 22, 1995; amended in R96-13 at 20 Ill. Reg. 14428, effective October 17, 1996; amended in R97-24 at 21 Ill. Reg. 7708, effective June 9, 1997; amended in R97-31 at 22 Ill. Reg. 3556, effective February 2, 1998; amended in R98-16 at 22 Ill. Reg. 14282, effective July 16, 1998; amended in R02-20, at 27 Ill. Reg 7283, effective April 8, 2003; amended in R04-12/20 at 30 Ill. Reg. 9684, effective May 15, 2006.


Section 218.182  Cold Cleaning

Operating Procedures: No person shall operate a cold cleaning degreaser unless:
Waste solvent is stored in covered containers only and not disposed of in such a manner that more than 20% of the waste solvent (by weight) is allowed to evaporate into the atmosphere;
The cover of the degreaser is closed when parts are not being handled; and
Parts are drained until dripping ceases.
Equipment Requirements: No person shall operate a cold cleaning degreaser unless:
The degreaser is equipped with a cover which is closed whenever parts are not being handled in the cleaner. The cover shall be designed to be easily operated with one hand or with the mechanical assistance of springs, counter-weights or a powered system if:
The solvent vapor pressure is greater than 2 kPa (15 mmHg or 0.3 psi) measured at 38oC (100oF);
The solvent is agitated; or
The solvent is heated above ambient room temperature.
The degreaser is equipped with a device for draining cleaned parts. The drainage device shall be constructed so that parts are enclosed under the cover while draining unless:
The solvent vapor pressure is less than 4.3 kPa (32 mmHg or 0.6 psi) measured at 38oC (100oF); or
An internal drainage device cannot be fitted into the cleaning system, in which case the drainage device may be external.
The degreaser is equipped with one of the following control devices if the vapor pressure of the solvent is greater than 4.3 kPa (32 mmHg or 0.6 psi) measured at 38oC (100oF) or if the solvent is heated above 50oC (120oF) or its boiling point:
A freeboard height of 7/10 of the inside width of the tank or 91 cm (36 in), whichever is less; or
Any other equipment or system of equivalent emission control as approved by the Agency and further processed consistent with Section 218.108 of this Part. Such a system may include a water cover, refrigerated chiller or carbon adsorber.
A permanent conspicuous label summarizing the operating procedure is affixed to the degreaser; and
If a solvent spray is used, the degreaser is equipped with a solid fluid stream spray, rather than a fine, atomized or shower spray.
Material and Control Requirements:
On and after March 15, 1999, no person shall:
Cause or allow the sale of solvent with a vapor pressure which exceeds 2.0 mmHg (0.038 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F) in units greater than five gallons, for use in cold cleaning degreasing operations located in the area covered by Section 218.103 of this Part.
Operate a cold cleaning degreaser with a solvent vapor pressure which exceeds 2.0 mmHg (0.038 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F).
On and after March 15, 2001, no person shall:
Cause or allow the sale of solvent with a vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F) in units greater than five gallons, for use in cold cleaning degreasing operations located in the area covered by Section 218.103 of this Part.
B) Operate a cold cleaning degreaser with a solvent vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F). 
3) On and after November 30, 2006, no person shall:
A) Cause or allow the sale of solvent with a vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F) in units greater than five gallons, for use in cold cleaning degreasing operations located in the area covered by Section 218.103 of this Part, unless the purchaser provides a copy of a valid state or federal construction or operating permit or a copy of the Federal Register demonstrating that the purchaser is in compliance with the control requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section or is exempt under subsection (f) or (g) of this Section.
B) Operate a cold cleaning degreaser with a solvent vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F), unless the person is in compliance with the control requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section or is exempt under subsection (f) or (g) of this Section.
4) Control Requirements:
A) A person may operate a cold cleaning degreaser using solvent with a vapor pressure greater than 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) but less than 56 mmHg (1.064 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F) provided add-on control devices demonstrating at least 95 percent overall capture and control of emissions are used. The add-on controls may include, but are not limited to, carbon adsorbers or afterburners.
B) An equivalent alternative control plan may be used to meet the control requirements of this Section pursuant to Section 218.108 of this Part. Pursuant to the material requirements of subsection (c)(3)(B) of this Section, a solvent with a vapor pressure of 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F) shall be the basis for assessment of equivalent emissions from any equivalent alternative control plan. If used as an equivalent alternative control plan, an add-on control must demonstrate at least a 95 percent overall capture and control efficiency. A control plan approved by the Agency shall be effective only when included in a federally enforceable permit or approved by the USEPA as a SIP revision pursuant to Section 218.108 of this Part.
C) Add-on controls operating at a source prior to November 30, 2006, shall be tested by March 1, 2007. Add-on controls constructed on or after November 30, 2006, shall be tested within 90 days of initial startup. Testing procedures and recordkeeping for add-on controls and equivalent alternative controls subject to subsections (c)(4)(A) and (B) of this Section are to be performed pursuant to Section 218.105 (c), (d), (e) and (f) of this Part.
Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements: On and after March 15, 1999:
All persons subject to the requirements of subsections (c)(1)(A), and (c)(2)(A), and (c)(3)(A) of this Section must maintain records which include for each sale:
The name and address of the solvent purchaser;
The date of sale;
The type of solvent;
The unit volume of solvent;
The total volume of solvent; and
The vapor pressure of the solvent measured in mmHg at 20o C (68o F).
All persons subject to the requirements of subsections (c)(1)(B), and (c)(2)(B), and (c)(3)(B) of this Section must maintain records which include for each purchase:
The name and address of the solvent supplier;
The date of purchase;
The type of solvent; and 
D) The vapor pressure of the solvent measured in mmHg at 20o C (68o F).; and
E) For any mixture of solvents, the vapor pressure of the mixture, as used, measured in mmHg at 20° C (68° F).
3) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section must maintain records, which include for each purchase:

A)  The name and address of the solvent supplier;
B)  The date of purchase;
C)  The type of solvent;

D) The unit volume of solvent;

E)  The total volume of solvent;

F) The vapor pressure of the solvent measured in mmHg at 20° C (68° F); and
G) For any mixture of solvents, the vapor pressure of the mixture, as used, measured in mmHg at 20° C (68° F).
4) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section shall maintain records documenting the use of good operating practices consistent with the equipment manufacturer’s specifications for the cold cleaning degreasers and add-on control equipment. At a minimum these records shall include:
A) Records for periodic inspection of the cold cleaning degreasers and add-on control equipment with date of inspection, individual performing the inspection, and nature of inspection;
B) Records for repair of malfunctions and breakdowns with identification and description of incident, date identified, date repaired, nature of repair, and the amount of VOM that escaped into the atmosphere as a result of the incident;
C) Control device monitoring and recording data; and
D) A daily log of operating time for the control device, monitoring equipment, and all associated degreasers.
5) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (c) of this Section shall notify the Agency at least 30 days before changing the method of compliance between subsection (c)(3) and (c)(4) of this Section. Such notification shall include a demonstration of compliance with the newly applicable subsection.
6) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (b) or (c) of this Section shall notify the Agency of any violation of subsection (b) or (c) of this Section by sending a description of the violation and copies of records documenting such violations to the Agency within 30 days following the occurrence of the violation.
All records required by subsection (d) of this Section shall be retained for three years and shall be made available to the Agency upon request.
The cleaning of electronic components as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code Section 211.1885 is exempt from the requirements of subsection(c) of this Section.
Any cold cleaning taking place in a Detrex cold batch degreaser Model #2D-CC-SPL Size 24-4-10, or substantial equivalent, including automated loading of parts, totally enclosed operation (excluding loading or unloading) and permitted by the Agency, is exempt from the requirements of subsection (c) of this Section.

(Source: Amended at 30 Ill. Reg. __________, effective _____________)

Section 218.APPENDIX H Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 218.212 Cross-Line Averaging

This Appendix contains limitations for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements in Section 218.212 of this Part. A source must establish that, at very least, each participating coating line used for purposes of cross-line averaging meets the Federal Implementation Plan level of VOM content, as listed below. The emission limitations for participating coating lines that must not be exceeded are as follows:

a) Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Coatingkg/llb/gal
1) Prime coat0.14(1.2)
2) Primer surface coat1.81(15.1)

(Note: The primer surface coat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM per l (gal) of coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation shall be based on the daily-weighted average from an entire primer surface operation. Compliance shall be demonstrated in accordance with the topcoat protocol referenced in Section 218.105(b) and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 218.211(f). Testing to demonstrate compliance shall be performed in accordance with the topcoat protocol and a detailed testing proposal approved by the Agency and USEPA specifying the method of demonstrating compliance with the protocol. Section 218.205 does not apply to the primer surface limitation.)

kg/l lb/gal
3) Topcoat1.81(15.1)

(Note: The topcoat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM per l (gal) of coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation shall be based on the daily-weighted average from an entire topcoat operation. Compliance shall be demonstrated in accordance with the topcoat protocol referenced in Section 218.105(b) of this Part and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 218.211(f). Testing to demonstrate compliance shall be performed in accordance with the topcoat protocol and a detailed testing proposal approved by the Agency and USEPA specifying the method of demonstrating compliance with the protocol. Section 218.205 of this Part does not apply to the topcoat limitation.)

kg/l lb/gal
4) Final repair coat0.58(4.8)


b) Can Coatingkg/llb/gal
1) Sheet basecoat and overvarnish0.34(2.8)
2) Exterior basecoat and overvarnish0.34(2.8)
3) Interior body spray coat0.51(4.2)
4) Exterior end coat0.51(4.2)
5) Side seam spray coat0.66(5.5)
6) End sealing compound coat0.44(3.7)


kg/l lb/gal
c) Paper Coating0.35(2.9)

(Note: The paper coating limitation shall not apply to any owner or operator of any paper coating line on which flexographic or rotogravure printing is performed if the paper coating line complies with the emissions limitations in Subpart H: Printing and Publishing, Section 218.401 of this Part. In addition, screen printing on paper is not regulated as paper coating, but is regulated under Subpart TT of this Part.)

kg/l lb/gal
d) Coil Coating0.31(2.6)
e) Fabric Coating0.35(2.9)
f) Vinyl Coating0.45(3.8)
g) Metal Furniture Coating
1) Air Dried0.36(3.0)
2) Baked0.36(3.0)
h) Large Appliance Coating
1) Air Dried0.34(2.8)
2) Baked0.34(2.8)

(Note: The limitation shall not apply to the use of quick-drying lacquers for repair of scratches and nicks that occur during assembly, provided that the volume of coating does not exceed 0.95 l (1 quart) in any one rolling eight-hour period.)

kg/l lb/gal
i) Magnet Wire Coating0.20(1.7)
j) Miscellaneous Metal Parts and
Products Coating
1) Clear coating0.52(4.3)
2) Extreme performance coating
A) Air Dried0.42(3.5)
B) Baked0.42(3.5)
3) Steel pail and drum interior coating0.52(4.3)
4) All other coatings
A) Air Dried0.42(3.5)
B) Baked0.36(3.0)
k) Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products Coatingkg/llb/gal
1) Extreme performance prime coat0.42(3.5)
2) Extreme performance top- coat (air dried)0.42(3.5)
3) Final repair coat (air dried)0.42(3.5)
4) All other coatings are subject to the emission limitations for miscellaneous metal parts and products coatings in subsection (j) above.
l) Wood Furniture Coatingkg/llb/gal
1) Clear topcoat0.67(5.6)
2) Opaque stain0.56(4.7)
3) Pigmented coat0.60(5.0)
4) Repair coat0.67(5.6)
5) Sealer0.67(5.6)
6) Semi-transparent stain0.79(6.6)
7) Wash coat0.73(6.1)

(Note: An owner or operator of a wood furniture coating operation subject to this Section shall apply all coatings, with the exception of no more than 37.8 l (10 gal) of coating per day used for touch-up and repair operations, using one or more of the following application systems: airless spray application system, air-assisted airless spray application system, electrostatic spray application system, electrostatic bell or disc spray application system, heated airless spray application system, roller coating, brush or wipe coating application system, dip coating application system or high volume low pressure (HVLP) application system.)

m) Existing Diesel-Electric Locomotive Coating Lines
in Cook County kg/llb/gal
1) Extreme performance prime coat0.42(3.5)
2) Extreme performance topcoat
(air dried) 0.42(3.5)
3) Final repair coat (air dried)0.42(3.5)
4) High-temperature aluminum coating0.72(6.0)
5) All other coatings0.36(3.0)
n) Plastic Parts Coating:
Automotive/Transportation kg/llb/gal
1) Interiors
A) Baked
i) Color Coat0.49(4.1)
ii) Primer0.46(3.8)
B) Air Dried
i) Color Coat0.38(3.2)
ii) Primer0.42(3.5)
2) Exteriors (flexible and non-flexible)
A) Baked
i) Primer0.60(5.0)
ii) Primer non-flexible0.54(4.5)
iii) Clear Coat0.52(4.3)
iv) Color Coat0.55(4.6)
B) Air Dried
i) Primer0.66(5.5)
ii) Clear coat0.54(4.5)
iii) Color coat (red &
black) 0.67(5.6)
iv) Color coat (others)0.61(5.1)
3) Specialty
A) Vacuum metallizing basecoats, texture
basecoats 0.66(5.5)
B) Black coatings, reflective argent coatings,
air bag cover coatings, and soft
coatings 0.71(5.9)
C) Gloss reducers, vacuum metallizing
topcoats, and texture
topcoats 0.77(6.4)
D) Stencil coatings, adhesion primers,
ink pad coatings, electrostatic prep
coatings, and resist
coatings 0.82(6.8)
E) Head lamp lens coatings0.89(7.4)
o) Plastic Parts Coating: Business Machinekg/llb/gal
1) Primer0.14(1.2)
2) Color coat (non-texture coat)0.28(2.3)
3) Color coat (texture coat)0.28(2.3)
4) Electromagnetic interference/radio
frequency interference (EMI/RFI)
shielding coatings 0.48(4.0)
5) Specialty Coatings
A) Soft coat0.52(4.3)
B) Plating resist0.71(5.9)
C) Plating sensitizer0.85(7.1)*
(Source: Amended at 30 Ill. Reg. _, effective _____)

PART 219

219.100 Introduction
219.101 Savings Clause
219.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors
219.103 Applicability
219.104 Definitions
219.105 Test Methods and Procedures
219.106 Compliance Dates
219.107 Operation of Afterburners
219.108 Exemptions, Variations, and Alternative Means of Control or Compliance Determinations
219.109 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Liquids
219.110 Vapor Pressure of Organic Material or Solvent
219.111 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Material
219.112 Incorporations by Reference
219.113 Monitoring for Negligibly-Reactive Compounds


219.119 Applicability for VOL
219.120 Control Requirements for Storage Containers of VOL
219.121 Storage Containers of VPL
219.122 Loading Operations
219.123 Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks
219.124 External Floating Roofs
219.125 Compliance Dates
219.126 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.127 Testing VOL Operations
219.128 Monitoring VOL Operations
219.129 Recordkeeping and Reporting for VOL Operations


219.141 Separation Operations
219.142 Pumps and Compressors
219.143 Vapor Blowdown
219.144 Safety Relief Valves


219.181 Solvent Cleaning in General
219.182 Cold Cleaning
219.183 Open Top Vapor Degreasing
219.184 Conveyorized Degreasing
219.185 Compliance Schedule (Repealed)
219.186 Test Methods



219.204 Emission Limitations
219.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations
219.206 Solids Basis Calculation
219.207 Alternative Emission Limitations
219.208 Exemptions From Emission Limitations
219.209 Exemption From General Rule on Use of Organic Material
219.210 Compliance Schedule
219.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting
219.212 Cross-Line Averaging to Establish Compliance for Coating Lines
219.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-Line Averaging Participating Coating Lines
219.214 Changing Compliance Methods
219.215 Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach
219.216 Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use
219.217 Wood Furniture Coating Work Practice Standards



219.301 Use of Organic Material
219.302 Alternative Standard
219.303 Fuel Combustion Emission Units
219.304 Operations with Compliance Program



219.401 Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing
219.402 Applicability
219.403 Compliance Schedule
219.404 Recordkeeping and Reporting
219.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability
219.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to March 15, 1996
219.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines On and After March 15, 1996
219.408 Compliance Schedule for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
219.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
219.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing
219.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing


219.421 General Requirements
219.422 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks
219.423 Inspection Program for Leaks
219.424 Repairing Leaks
219.425 Recordkeeping for Leaks
219.426 Report for Leaks
219.427 Alternative Program for Leaks
219.428 Open-Ended Valves
219.429 Standards for Control Devices
219.430 Compliance Date (Repealed)
219.431 Applicability
219.432 Control Requirements
219.433 Performance and Testing Requirements
219.434 Monitoring Requirements
219.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
219.436 Compliance Date



219.441 Petroleum Refinery Waste Gas Disposal
219.442 Vacuum Producing Systems
219.443 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator
219.444 Process Unit Turnarounds
219.445 Leaks: General Requirements
219.446 Monitoring Program Plan for Leaks
219.447 Monitoring Program for Leaks
219.448 Recordkeeping for Leaks
219.449 Reporting for Leaks
219.450 Alternative Program for Leaks
219.451 Sealing Device Requirements
219.452 Compliance Schedule for Leaks
219.453 Compliance Dates (Repealed)



219.461 Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires
219.462 Green Tire Spraying Operations
219.463 Alternative Emission Reduction Systems
219.464 Emission Testing
219.465 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
219.466 Compliance Plan (Repealed)



219.480 Applicability
219.481 Control of Reactors, Distillation Units, Crystallizers, Centrifuges and Vacuum Dryers
219.482 Control of Air Dryers, Production Equipment Exhaust Systems and Filters
219.483 Material Storage and Transfer
219.484 In-Process Tanks
219.485 Leaks
219.486 Other Emission Units
219.487 Testing
219.488 Monitoring for Air Pollution Control Equipment
219.489 Recordkeeping for Air Pollution Control Equipment



219.500 Applicability for Batch Operations
219.501 Control Requirements for Batch Operations
219.502 Determination of Uncontrolled Total Annual Mass Emissions and Actual Weighted Average Flow Rate Values for Batch Operations
219.503 Performance and Testing Requirements for Batch Operations
219.504 Monitoring Requirements for Batch Operations
219.505 Reporting and Recordkeeping for Batch Operations
219.506 Compliance Date
219.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes
219.521 Definitions (Repealed)
219.522 Savings Clause
219.523 Compliance
219.524 Determination of Applicability
219.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes (Renumbered)
219.526 Testing and Monitoring
219.527 Compliance Date (Repealed)



219.541 Pesticide Exception



219.561 Architectural Coatings
219.562 Paving Operations
219.563 Cutback Asphalt



219.581 Bulk Gasoline Plants
219.582 Bulk Gasoline Terminals
219.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Storage Tank Filling Operations
219.584 Gasoline Delivery Vessels
219.585 Gasoline Volatility Standards
219.586 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations (Repealed)



219.601 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners (Repealed)
219.602 Exemptions (Repealed)
219.603 Leaks (Repealed)
219.604 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
219.605 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.606 Exception to Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.607 Standards for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
219.608 Operating Practices for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
219.609 Program for Inspection and Repair of Leaks
219.610 Testing and Monitoring
219.611 Exemption for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
219.612 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
219.613 Compliance Plan (Repealed)



219.620 Applicability
219.621 Exemption for Waterbase Material and Heatset-Offset Ink
219.623 Permit Conditions
219.624 Open-Top Mills, Tanks, Vats or Vessels
219.625 Grinding Mills
219.626 Storage Tanks
219.628 Leaks
219.630 Clean Up
219.636 Compliance Schedule
219.637 Recordkeeping and Reporting



219.640 Applicability
219.642 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants
219.644 Emissions Testing



219.720 Applicability (Repealed)
219.722 Control Requirements (Repealed)
219.726 Testing (Repealed)
219.727 Monitoring (Repealed)
219.728 Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
219.729 Compliance Date (Repealed)
219.730 Certification (Repealed)



219.760 Applicability
219.762 Control Requirements
219.764 Compliance Certification
219.766 Leaks
219.768 Testing and Monitoring
219.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting



219.780 Emission Limitations
219.782 Alternative Control Requirements
219.784 Equipment Specifications
219.786 Surface Preparation Materials
219.787 Work Practices
219.788 Testing
219.789 Monitoring and Recordkeeping for Control Devices
219.790 General Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
219.791 Compliance Date
219.792 Registration
219.875 Applicability of Subpart BB (Renumbered)
219.877 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants (Renumbered)
219.879 Compliance Date (Repealed)
219.881 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.883 Special Requirements for Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.886 Emissions Testing (Renumbered)



219.920 Applicability
219.923 Permit Conditions
219.926 Control Requirements
219.927 Compliance Schedule
219.928 Testing



219.940 Applicability
219.943 Permit Conditions
219.946 Control Requirements
219.947 Compliance Schedule
219.948 Testing



219.960 Applicability
219.963 Permit Conditions
219.966 Control Requirements
219.967 Compliance Schedule
219.968 Testing



219.980 Applicability
219.983 Permit Conditions
219.986 Control Requirements
219.987 Compliance Schedule
219.988 Testing



219.990 Exempt Emission Units
219.991 Subject Emission Units
APPENDIX A: List of Chemicals Defining Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing
APPENDIX B: VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency (Repealed)
APPENDIX C: Reference Methods And Procedures
APPENDIX D: Coefficients for the Total Resource Effectiveness Index (TRE) Equation
APPENDIX E: List of Affected Marine Terminals
APPENDIX G: TRE Index Measurements for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units
APPENDIX H: Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 219.212 Cross-Line Averaging

AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 10 and authorized by Section 27, 28 and 28.5 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/10, 27, 28 and 28.5].
SOURCE: Adopted at R91-8 at 15 Ill. Reg. 12491, effective August 16, 1991; amended in R91-24 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13597, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R91-30 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13883, effective August 24, 1992; emergency amendment in R93-12 at 17 Ill. Reg. 8295, effective May 24, 1993, for a maximum of 150 days, amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16918, effective September 27, 1993 and October 21, 1993; amended in R93-28 at 18 Ill. Reg. 4242, effective March 3, 1994; amended in R94-12 at 18 Ill. Reg. 14987, effective September 21, 1994; amended in R94-15 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16415, effective October 25, 1994; amended in R94-16 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16980, effective November 15, 1994; emergency amendment in R95-10 at 19 Ill. Reg. 3059, effective February 28, 1995, for a maximum of 150 days; amended in R94-21, R94-31 and R94-32 at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995; amended in R94-33 at 19 Ill. Reg. 7385, effective May 22, 1995; amended in R96-2 at 20 Ill. Reg. 3848, effective February 15, 1996; amended in R96-13 at 20 Ill. Reg. 14462, effective October 28, 1996; amended in R97-24 at 21 Ill. Reg. 7721, effective June 9, 1997; amended in R97-31 at 22 Ill. Reg. 3517, effective February 2, 1998; amended in R04-12/20 at 30 Ill. Reg. 9799, effective May 15, 2006.

Section 219.182 Cold Cleaning
a) Operating Procedures: No person shall operate a cold cleaning degreaser unless:
1) Waste solvent is stored in covered containers only and not disposed of in such a manner that more than 20% of the waste solvent (by weight) is allowed to evaporate into the atmosphere;
2) The cover of the degreaser is closed when parts are not being handled; and
3) Parts are drained until dripping ceases.
b) Equipment Requirements: No person shall operate a cold cleaning degreaser unless:
1) The degreaser is equipped with a cover which is closed whenever parts are not being handled in the cleaner. The cover shall be designed to be easily operated with one hand or with the mechanical assistance of springs, counter-weights or a powered system if:
A) The solvent vapor pressure is greater than 2 kPa (15 mmHg or 0.3 psi) measured at 38o C (100o F);
B) The solvent is agitated; or
C) The solvent is heated above ambient room temperature.
2) The degreaser is equipped with a device for draining cleaned parts. The drainage device shall be constructed so that parts are enclosed under the cover while draining unless:
A) The solvent vapor pressure is less than 4.3 kPa (32 mmHg or 0.6 psi) measured at 38o C (100o F); or
B) An internal drainage device cannot be fitted into the cleaning system, in which case the drainage device may be external.
3) The degreaser is equipped with one of the following control devices if the vapor pressure of the solvent is greater than 4.3 kPa (32 mmHg or 0.6 psi) measured at 38o C (100° F) or if the solvent is heated above 50o C (120o F) or its boiling point:
A) A freeboard height of 7/10 of the inside width of the tank or 91 cm (36 in), whichever is less; or
B) Any other equipment or system of equivalent emission control as approved by the Agency and further processed consistent with Section 219.108 of this Part. Such a system may include a water cover, refrigerated chiller or carbon adsorber.
4) A permanent conspicuous label summarizing the operating procedure is affixed to the degreaser; and
5) If a solvent spray is used, the degreaser is equipped with a solid fluid stream spray, rather than a fine, atomized or shower spray.
c) Material and Control Requirements:
1) On and after March 15, 1999, no person shall:
A) Cause or allow the sale of solvent with a vapor pressure which exceeds 2.0 mmHg (0.038 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F) in units greater than five (5) gallons, for use in cold cleaning degreasing operations located in the area covered by Section 219.103 of this Part.
B) Operate a cold cleaning degreaser with a solvent vapor pressure which exceeds 2.0 mmHg (0.038 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F).
2) On and after March 15, 2001, no person shall:
A) Cause or allow the sale of solvent with a vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F) in units greater than five (5) gallons, for use in cold cleaning degreasing operations located in the area covered by Section 219.103 of this Part.
B) Operate a cold cleaning degreaser with a solvent vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20o C (68o F).
3) On and after November 30, 2006, no person shall:
A) Cause or allow the sale of solvent with a vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F) in units greater than five gallons, for use in cold cleaning degreasing operations located in the area covered by Section 219.103 of this Part, unless the purchaser provides a copy of a valid state or federal construction or operating permit or a copy of the Federal Register demonstrating that the purchaser is in compliance with the control requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section or is exempt under subsection (f) or (g) of this Section.

B)  Operate a cold cleaning degreaser with a solvent vapor pressure which exceeds 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F), unless the person is in compliance with the control requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section or is exempt under subsection (f) or (g) of this Section.

4) Control Requirements:
A) A person may operate a cold cleaning degreaser using solvent with a vapor pressure greater than 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) but less than 56 mmHg (1.064 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F) provided add-on control devices demonstrating at least 95 percent overall capture and control of emissions are used. The add-on controls may include, but are not limited to, carbon adsorbers or afterburners.
B) An equivalent alternative control plan may be used to meet the control requirements of this Section pursuant to Section 219.108 of this Part. Pursuant to the material requirements of subsection (c)(3)(B) of this Section, a solvent with a vapor pressure of 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) measured at 20° C (68° F) shall be the basis for assessment of equivalent emissions from any equivalent alternative control plan. If used as an equivalent alternative control plan, an add-on control must demonstrate at least a 95 percent overall capture and control efficiency. A control plan approved by the Agency shall be effective only when included in a federally enforceable permit or approved by the USEPA as a SIP revision pursuant to Section 219.108 of this Part.
C) Add-on controls operating at a source prior to November 30, 2006, shall be tested by March 1, 2007. Add-on controls constructed on or after November 30, 2006, shall be tested within 90 days of initial startup. Testing procedures and recordkeeping for add-on controls and equivalent alternative controls subject to subsections (c)(4)(A) and (B) of this Section are to be performed pursuant to Section 219.105 (c), (d), (e) and (f) of this Part.
d) Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements: On and after March 15, 1999:
1) All persons subject to the requirements of subsections (c)(1)(A), and (c)(2)(A), and (c)(3)(A) of this Section must maintain records which include for each sale:
A) The name and address of the solvent purchaser;
B) The date of sale;
C) The type of solvent;
D) The unit volume of solvent;
E) The total volume of solvent; and
F) The vapor pressure of the solvent measured in mmHg at 20o C (68o F).
2) All persons subject to the requirements of subsections (c)(1)(B), and (c)(2)(B), and (c)(3)(B) of this Section must maintain records which include for each purchase:
A) The name and address of the solvent supplier;
B) The date of purchase;
C) The type of solvent; and
D) The vapor pressure of the solvent measured in mmHg at 20o C (68o F).; and
E) For any mixture of solvents, the vapor pressure of the mixture, as used, measured in mmHg at 20° C (68° F).
3) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section must maintain records, which include for each purchase:

A)  The name and address of the solvent supplier;
B)  The date of purchase;
C)  The type of solvent;

D) The unit volume of solvent;

E)  The total volume of solvent;

F) The vapor pressure of the solvent measured in mmHg at 20° C (68° F); and
G) For any mixture of solvents, the vapor pressure of the mixture, as used, measured in mmHg at 20° C (68° F).
4) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (c)(4) of this Section shall maintain records documenting the use of good operating practices consistent with the equipment manufacturer’s specifications for the cold cleaning degreasers and add-on control equipment. At a minimum these records shall include:
A) Records for periodic inspection of the cold cleaning degreasers and add-on control equipment with date of inspection, individual performing the inspection, and nature of inspection;
B) Records for repair of malfunctions and breakdowns with identification and description of incident, date identified, date repaired, nature of repair, and the amount of VOM that escaped into the atmosphere as a result of the incident;
C) Control device monitoring and recording data; and
D) A daily log of operating time for the control device, monitoring equipment, and all associated degreasers.
5) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (c) of this Section shall notify the Agency at least 30 days before changing the method of compliance between subsection (c)(3) and (c)(4) of this Section. Such notification shall include a demonstration of compliance with the newly applicable subsection.
6) All persons subject to the requirements of subsection (b) or (c) of this Section shall notify the Agency of any violation of subsection (b) or (c) of this Section by sending a description of the violation and copies of records documenting such violations to the Agency within 30 days following the occurrence of the violation.
e) All records required by subsection (d) of this Section shall be retained for three years and shall be made available to the Agency upon request.
f) The cleaning of electronic components as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code Section 211.1885 is exempt from the requirements of subsection (c) of this Section.
g) Any cold cleaning taking place in a Detrex cold batch degreaser Model #2D-CC-SPL Size 24-4-10, or substantial equivalent, including automated loading of parts, totally enclosed operation (excluding loading and unloading) and permitted by the Agency, is exempt from the requirements of subsection (c) of this Section.

(Source: Amended at 30 Ill. Reg. __________, effective ______________)

Section 219.Appendix H
Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 219.212 Cross-Line Averaging

This Appendix contains limitations for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements in Section 219.212 of this Part. A source must establish that, at very least, each participating coating line used for purposes of cross-line averaging meets the Federal Implementation Plan level of VOM content, as listed below. The emission limitations for participating coating lines that must not be exceeded are as follows:

kg/l lb/gal
a) Automobile or Light-Duty
Truck Coating
1) Prime coat0.14(1.2)
2) Primer surface coat1.81(15.1)

(Note: The primer surface coat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM per l (gal) of coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation shall be based on the daily-weighted average from an entire primer surface operation. Compliance shall be demonstrated in accordance with the topcoat protocol referenced in Section 219.105(b) and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 219.211(f). Testing to demonstrate compliance shall be performed in accordance with the topcoat protocol and a detailed testing proposal approved by the Agency and USEPA specifying the method of demonstrating compliance with the protocol. Section 219.205 does not apply to the primer surface limitation.)

kg/l lb/gal
3) Topcoat1.81(15.1)

(Note: The topcoat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM per l (gal) of coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation shall be based on the daily-weighted average from an entire topcoat operation. Compliance shall be demonstrated in accordance with the topcoat protocol referenced in Section 219.105(b) of this Part and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 219.211(f). Testing to demonstrate compliance shall be performed in accordance with the topcoat protocol and a detailed testing proposal approved by the Agency and USEPA specifying the method of demonstrating compliance with the protocol. Section 219.205 of this Part does not apply to the topcoat limitation.)

kg/l lb/gal
4) Final repair coat0.58(4.8)
b) Can Coatingkg/llb/gal
1) Sheet basecoat and0.34(2.8)
2) Exterior basecoat and0.34(2.8)
3) Interior body spray coat0.51(4.2)
4) Exterior end coat0.51(4.2)
5) Side seam spray coat0.66(5.5)
6) End sealing0.44(3.7)

compound coat

kg/l lb/gal
c) Paper Coating0.35(2.9)

(Note: The paper coating limitation shall not apply to any owner or operator of any paper coating line on which flexographic or rotogravure printing is performed if the paper coating line complies with the emissions limitations in Subpart H: Printing and Publishing, Section 219.401 of this Part. In addition, screen printing on paper is not regulated as paper coating, but is regulated under Subpart TT of this Part.)

kg/l lb/gal
d) Coil Coating0.31(2.6)
e) Fabric Coating0.35(2.9)
f) Vinyl Coating0.45(3.8)
g) Metal Furniture Coating
1) Air Dried0.36(3.0)
2) Baked0.36(3.0)
h) Large Appliance Coating
1) Air Dried0.34(2.8)
2) Baked0.34(2.8)

(Note: The limitation shall not apply to the use of quick-drying lacquers for repair of scratches and nicks that occur during assembly, provided that the volume of coating does not exceed 0.95 l (1 quart) in any one rolling eight-hour period.)

kg/l lb/gal
i) Magnet Wire Coating0.20(1.7)
j) Miscellaneous Metal Parts and
Products Coating
1) Clear coating0.52(4.3)
2) Extreme performance
A) Air Dried0.42(3.5)
B) Baked0.42(3.5)
3) Steel pail and drum0.52(4.3)
interior coating
4) All other coatings
A) Air Dried0.42(3.5)
B) Baked0.36(3.0)
k) Heavy Off-Highway Vehiclekg/llb/gal

Products Coating

1) Extreme performance0.42(3.5)
prime coat
2) Extreme performance top-0.42(3.5)
coat (air dried)
3) Final repair coat0.42(3.5)
(air dried)
4) All other coatings are subject to the emission limitations for miscellaneous metal parts and products coatings in subsection (j) above.
l) Wood Furniture Coatingkg/llb/gal
1) Clear topcoat0.67(5.6)
2) Opaque stain0.56(4.7)
3) Pigmented coat0.60(5.0)
4) Repair coat0.67(5.6)
5) Sealer0.67(5.6)
6) Semi-transparent stain0.79(6.6)
7) Wash coat0.73(6.1)

(Note: An owner or operator of a wood furniture coating operation subject to this Section shall apply all coatings, with the exception of no more than 37.8 l (10 gal) of coating per day used for touch-up and repair operations, using one or more of the following application systems: airless spray application system, air-assisted airless spray application system, electrostatic spray application system, electrostatic bell or disc spray application system, heated airless spray application system, roller coating, brush or wipe coating application system, dip coating application system or high volume low pressure (HVLP) application system.)

m) Plastic Parts Coating:Automotive/Transportation
kg/l lb/gal
1) Interiors
A) Baked
i) Color coat0.49*(4.1)*
ii) Primer0.46*(3.8)*
B) Air Dried
i) Color coat 0.38*(3.2)*
ii) Primer0.42*(3.5)*
2) Exteriors (flexible
and non-flexible)
A) Baked
i) Primer0.60*(5.0)*
ii) Primer non-0.54*(4.5)*
iii) Clear coat0.52*(4.3)*
iv) Color coat0.55*(4.6)*
B) Air Dried
i) Primer0.66*(5.5)*
ii) Clear coat0.54*(4.5)*
iii) Color coat0.67*(5.6)*
(red & black)
iv) Color coat0.61*(5.1)*


3) Specialty
A) Vacuum metallizing0.66*(5.5)*
basecoats, texture
B) Black coatings,0.71*(5.9)*
reflective argent
coatings, air
bag cover coatings,
and soft coatings
C) Gloss reducers,0.77*(6.4)*
vacuum metallizing
topcoats, and texture topcoats
D) Stencil coatings,0.82*(6.8)*
adhesion primers,
ink pad coatings,
electrostatic prep
coatings, and resist
E) Head lamp lens0.89*(7.4)*


n) Plastic Parts Coating:Business Machine
kg/l lb/gal
1) Primer0.14*(1.2)*
2) Color coat (non-0.28*(2.3)*
texture coat)
3) Color coat (texture0.28*(2.3)*
4) Electromagnetic0.48*(4.0)*
frequency interference
(EMI/RFI) shielding coatings
5) Specialty Coatings
A) Soft coat0.52*(4.3)*
B) Plating resist0.71*(5.9)*
C) Plating sensitizer0.85*(7.1)*

(Source: Amended at 30 Ill. Reg. _, effective ________)
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board adopted the above opinion and order on September 21, 2006, by a vote of 4-0.

Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board

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