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Hearing Officer Fox,
The Illinois EPA must object to opening the record for substantive comments . The Illinois EPA believes
sufficient time was allowed to develop post-hearing comments . If the Hearing Officer believes that if he
allows typo corrections he should also open the record to further substantive comments then the Illinois EPA will
not proceed with its request to correct the citations . Please let me know if I may proceed with the request to
correct the citations without risking opening the record for further substantive comments, otherwise the Illinois
EPA is willing to let the record stand .
Thank you,
Stephanie Flowers
Associate Counsel
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
>>> "Claire A. Manning" <> 9/7/2006 9:19 AM >>>
Hearing Officer Fox
I have no problem with Ms . Flowers correcting the citations as she requests . However, I have a request of my
own. Since IEPA's brief made arguments and assertions that they have never made (and, in fact, indicated
variously at hearing an unpreparedness to make) I feel an obligation on behalf of my clients to respond to their
brief. Please advise
Thank you
Claire A. Manning
Brown, Hay & Stephens, LLP
205 S . Fifth Street, Suite 700
P.O. Box 2459
Springfield, IL 62705
(217)544 8491
Fax 217 241 3111
Brown, Hay & Stephens, LLP is an Illinois registered limited liability partnership that has elected to be governed by the Revised Uniform Partnership
Act (2001)
Member, Meritas Law Firms Worldwide . Visit Meritas atwww.meritas .org
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Tim Fox - RE: Used Oil R06-20
From :
"Stephanie Flowers" <Stephanie.Flowers@epa .state>
To :
<>, <foxt@ipcb.state .il .us>
Date :
9/7/2006 10 :28:01 AM
SEP - 8 2006
Subject :
RE: Used Oil R06-20
5 t At t
Pollution Control Board
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THEN DELETE IT. Thank you .
From : Stephanie Flowers [mailto: Stephanie
.Flowers@epa.state .il. us]
Sent : Wednesday, September 06, 2006 3:19 PM
To: Claire A. Manning; foxt@ipcb .state .il .us
Subject : Used Oil R06-20
Tim and Claire,
I found two typos for the federal register citations in the Agency's post-hearing comments filed 9-1-06
. I plan
to file a correction of the Agency's comments with the Board so that the references are accurate . Let me know if
you have any questions .
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