Ms. Dorothy Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph
Suite 11-500
Chicago, Illinois 60601
July 28, 2006
RE: R2006-020
Dear Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) Members
0 2 2006
Pollution Control Board
Shell Lubricants
Health, Safety, Security & Environment
700 Milam Street, Houston, TX 77002
P. 0. Box 4427, Houston, TX 77210-4427
Tel (713) 546 4209
Fax 713) 546 8505
Email brett
Internet http.//vovvv .shell-com
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Our company is writing you in regards to : In the Matter of Amendments to the Board's Special
Waste Rules Concerning Used Oil, 35 111 . Adm. Code 808, 809, RC 06-20 .
Thank you for this opportunity to provide public comment in the above-referenced rulemaking . I
am submitting this comment on behalf of Shell Lubricants, an associate member of NORA, An
Association of Responsible Recyclers (NORA). Shell Lubricants (which collectively refers to the
companies within Royal Dutch Shell engaged in the lubricants business) is the manufacturer,
marketer and seller of a number of popular brands of motor oil in the United States, including
Pennzoil, Quaker State, Q, Rotella, Formula Shell, and others that together make Shell Lubricants
the largest marketer and seller of motor oil products by volume in the United States
Lubricants also owns and either franchises or operates jiffy Lube stores in Illinois and much of the
rest of the United States. Furthermore, for the benefit of our SecureCycle TM program, we evaluate
many companies that transport, store, process and otherwise handle used oil, used oil filters and
used antifreeze to qualify them to handle the used products that result from the responsible use of
our new products by our facilities and those of our customer companies .
Shell Lubricants generally supports regulation of used oil and related materials that is consistent with
federal standards promulgated by the U .S. Environmental Protection Agency. To the extent that the
proposed amendments to the IPCB's special waste rules would make the state's regulations
consistent with USEPA regulations, Shell Lubricants supports these amendments, endorses and
supports NORA's rule proposal, and requests that the Board adopt the language proposed by
NORA. Shell Lubricants agrees with NORA's position that Special Waste manifesting for used oil,
including those substances subject to regulation as used oil pursuant to federal and state regulations,
is burdensome and unnecessary, as there are other regulatory requirements in place in the Illinois
regulations (and referenced federal regulations) to effectively track these materials
B. Morton to IPCB
July 28, 2006
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In closing, our company believes that the current manifesting requirements in Illinois for Used Oil
and items regulated as Used Oil are unnecessary and burdensome
. We strongly encourage the Board
to adopt the language proposed by NORA and we look forward to the Board's adoption of
NORA's rule proposal .
Shell Lubricants
Brett Morton
Sr. Environmental Engineer/Product Stewardship
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