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July 27, 2006
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R Thompson Center
100 West Randolph
Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
RE: R2006-020
Dear Illinois Pollution Control Board Members :
Our company is writing you in regards to : In the Matter of Amendments to the Board's
Special Waste Rules Concerning Used Oil, 35 111. Adm. 808, 809, RC 06-20
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment in the above referenced rulemaking
submit this comment on behalf of Future Environmental, a member of NORA
. Future
Environmental is one of the largest Illinois based used oil recyclers, encouraging
thousands of Illinois businesses to recycle the millions of gallons of used oil we collect a
year in Illinois. Future Environmental endorses and supports NORA's rule proposal and
requests that the Board adopt the language proposed by NORA
Special Waste manifesting for used oil, including those substances entitled to be
regulated as used oil pursuant to the federal and state regulations, is burdensome and
unnecessary. The Part 739 used oil regulations, along with other shipping/tracking
requirements under DOT provide adequate tracking for used oil . Further we have
outlined in the two Board hearings that if IEPA concludes that more information is
needed for a certain material, we would probably be agreeable to that
In our operations we abide by the federal and state regulations concerning used oil,
including the tracking requirements, DOT and other requirements .
We believe that
IEPA's position, as explained at the Board's hearings is inconsistent with the federal
program requirements and actually goes against the intent of the federal regulations in
some areas. The intent of the federal regulations concerning substances and mixtures of
19701 S97th Ave
JUL 3 1 2006
Mokena, IL 60448
Polltion C
ontrol Board

used oil and other materials that are to be regulated as used oil under Part 739 .110, was to
assure that the generator of such wastes would have access to recycling avenues, and that
those avenues would not be cost prohibitive, thereby encouraging recycling . USEPA
made a great effort to understand how the used oil recycling business works, including
visiting generators and recyclers, in order to fully comprehend the realities that
generators and recyclers face .
It is clear that it was USEPA's intent that even certain hazardous wastes, when mixed
with used oil are to be regulated as used oil. Part 739.110, b, 2, B&C states that as long
as the mixture ofhazardous waste and used oil does not exhibit a characteristic the
hazardous waste carried prior to the mixture, the mixture is to be regulated as used oil
(only). Special Wastes are non-hazardous wastes. Therefore they do not carry any
characteristics that could cause the used oil to become hazardous .
We are not asking that the Special Waste or Hazardous Waste rules be disregarded, Only
that where both those regulations and the used oil regulations apply (as outlined under
Part 739.110), that the materials be treated as Used Oil in conformance with the used oil
regulations alone (as USEPA intended), including the used oil tracking requirements and
not the Special Waste or Hazardous Waste tracking (and receiving facility) requirements
In closing, our company believes that manifesting Used Oil and the materials regulated as
Used Oil under Part 739.110 in the method IEPA has explained they would like to
implement is unnecessary, goes against the intent of the used oil regulations, would
strongly discourage Illinois based recyclers from recycling certain used oil waste streams,
and would be very burdensome and put the Illinois based recyclers at a severe
disadvantage compared to their out of state competitors coming into Illinois . We strongly
encourage the Board to adopt the language proposed by NORA. This action would keep
the Illinois used oil regulations more aligned with the federal regulations and surrounding
states regulations. We look forward to the Board's adoption of NORA's rule proposal
Michael Le
Environmental Compliance Specialist

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