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Waste Oil
Oil Cleaning
and Recycling
July 27, 2006
Ms. Dorothy Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James A. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph
Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
JUL 2 8 2006
Pollution Control Board
RE: R2006-020
Dear Illinois Pollution Control Board Members
Our company is writing you in regards to : In the Matter of Amendments to the Board's Special
Waste Rules Concerning Used Oil, 35 III. Adm. Code 808, 809, RC 06-20
Thank you for this opportunity to provide public comment in the above-referenced rulemaking
. I
submit this comment on behalf of Excel Environmental, Inc., a member of NORA. Excel
Environmental, Inc. has been a Special Waste Hauler in the State of Illinois since 1974 (Ill EPA #
0 164). Excel has always issued a Waste Stream Receipt with every pickup of used oil . Each
generator is listed on a Daily Route Sheet . Every generator and every gallon secured is tracked
with a clear paperwork trail to industrial boiler incineration . Excel also utilizes an independent
EPA approved lab to insure that adherence to EPA regulations on used oil is certified
Excel respects and operates with full intentions of total environmental compliance . Given the
above facts Excel, a member of NORA for the past 15 years, respectfully requests and endorses
NORA's current rule proposal presently before the Illinois Pollution Control Board and the IEPA
In addition, we request that the board adopt the language proposed by NORA
Special Waste manifesting for used oil, including those substances entitled to be regulated as used
oil pursuant to Federal and State regulation, is burdensome and unnecessary
In closing, our company believes that the current manifesting requirements in Illinois for Used
Oil and items regulated as Used Oil are unnecessary and burdensome . We strongly encourage the
Board to adopt the language proposed by NORA. We look forward to the Board's adoption of
NORA's rule proposal
Thank you for your time
Best Regards,
Ken Petruck
VP Operations
www .exceloilserv.com
P.O. Box 5010
River Forest, Illinois 60305
(708) 366-0440
Fax (708) 366-0707

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