) R04-25
(Rulemaking - Water)
. CODE 302.206
First Hearing : June29, 2004, Chicago
Exhibit 1 : "An Assessment of National and Illinois Dissolved Oxygen Water Quality Criteria"
James E . Garvey and Matt R. Whiles (Apr. 2004)
Exhibit 2 : "Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen" USEPA (Apr . 1986)
Exhibit 3 : Resume of Dennis Streicher
Exhibit 4 : Copies of letters from Dennis Streicher to various organizations concerning the
proposed rulemaking
Exhibit 5 : Resume of James E . Garvey
Exhibit 6 : Resume of Matt R . Whiles
Exhibit 7 : From R02-19, written testimony of Robert J
. Sheehan & Table 1 "Spawning periods
for fishes in Illinois"
Exhibit 8 : "Influences of Hypoxia and Hyperthermia on Fish Species Composition in Headwater
Streams" Martin A. Smale and Chalres F . Rabeni (1995)
Second Hearing : August 12, 2004, Springfield
Exhibit 9 : Pre-filed Testimony of Dr . James E . Garvey, with attached July 2004 report entitled
"Long Term Dynamics of Oxygen and Temperature in Illinois Streams" by Dr . Garvey .
Exhibit 10 : Electronic comments by Gary Chapman in the margins of "An Assessment of
National and Illinois Dissolved Oxygen Water Quality Criteria" James E . Garvey and Matt R.
Whiles (Apr
. 2004)
Exhibit 11 : One-page hard copy of e-mail sent July 22, 2004 at 8
:52 a.m. from Roy M . Harsch
regarding IEPA "implementation rules"
Exhibit 12 : Letter entitled "Fight Effort to Lower Fox Oxygen Criteria," from David J
. Horn,
appearing on the Opinion page of the Daily Herald
Exhibit 13 :
Letter dated July 30, 2004 from David L . Thomas, PhD, Chief of the Illinois Natural
History Survey to Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn
Third Hearing
: August25, 2005
Exhibit 14: Statement of Toby Frevert, Manager of the Division of Water Pollution Control,
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Exhibit 15 : Pre-filed Testimony of Dennis Streicher, Director of Water and Wastewater with the
City of Elmhurst, and President of the Illinois Association of Wastewater Agencies
Exhibit 16: Pre-filed Testimony of Dr . James E. Garvey, with nine attachments
Exhibit 17: One-page list of streams entitled "Table 2 - Testimony of David L . Thomas, August
Exhibit 18: Pre-filed Testimony of Todd Main, Director of Policy and Planning, Friends of the
Chicago River
Exhibit 19: Pre-filed Testimony of Thomas J
. Murphy, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry,
Environmental Science Program, DePaul University
Fourth Hearing: April 25, 2006
Exhibit 20:
IEPA/DNR Proposed Rule Language (Attached to 4/4/06 Pre-filed Testimony of
Exhibit 21 : IEPA/DNR Proposed Section 302 .Appendix D: Stream Segments for Enhanced
Dissolved Oxygen Protection (Attached to 4/4/06 Pre-filed Testimony of IEPA/DNR)
Exhibit 22
: IEPA's April 24, 2006 Response to Dennis Streicher of IAWA (includes compact
disc of Dissolved Oxygen Results at IEPA Stream Sites (Selected Sites), Grab Samples (1994-
2003), Continuous Monitoring Data (2004-2005))
Exhibit 23 : IEPA/DNR Technical Support Document (Mar. 31, 2006) (Attached to 4/4/06 Pre-
filed Testimony of IEPA/DNR)
Exhibit 24: Compact disc of IEPA/DNR Proposed Streams for Enhanced Dissolved Oxygen
Protection (Attached to 4/4/06 Pre-filed Testimony of IEPA/DNR)
Exhibit 25
: Amended Pre-filed Testimony of Richard Lanyon on behalf of the Metropolitan
Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Exhibit 26 : USEPA Method # 360
.1, Approved for NPDES (Issued 1971), Oxygen, Dissolved
(Membrane Electrode)
Exhibit 27
: Testimony of Thomas J
. Murphy, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Environmental
Science Program, DePaul University
Status Conference Call
: June5, 2006
Exhibit 28 :
Compact disc with May 19, 2006 cover letter from DNR (five copies of disc) (disc
includes the information from Exhibit 24, as well as the following information
: stream segments
that IEPA identified in the 2006 Assessment Database as being aquatic life use impaired
(including segments where low dissolved oxygen is identified as a potential cause of
; and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge points
and associated metadata)