March 28, 2006
City of Monmouth-North STP
APR 0 3 2006
Pollution Control Board
IEPA- 06-14
(Provisional Varian e-Water)
Re: Provisional Variance From Limits on Daily Maximum
For Ammonia Nitrogen, CBOD, TSS and pH
Of NPDES Permit 110036218
Dear Mayor Davies
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) has completed review of the attached
provisional variance request submitted by the City of Monmouth (City) on March 14, 2006 for
their North Wastewater Treatment Plant .
The City is in the process of installing new urethane
membranes in their aeration basins and needs to take each aeration basin out of service to make
these improvements .
The City of Monmouth owns a wastewater treatment facility, commonly known as
the North
Plant, located approximately 1 .5 miles north of the City of Monmouth on US Route 67 in Warren
County. Environmental Management Corporation (EMC) located at 1033 East Jackson Street in
Monmouth, Illinois operates this treatment facility .
This treatment facility provides anaerobic
biological treatment and flow equalization (covered anaerobic lagoon), aerobic biological
treatment (activated sludge - two aeration basins and two secondary clarifiers), and tertiary
filtration (sand filters) . Several existing lagoons are utilized for additional storage
Sludge is
stored in an earthen lagoon.
This facility is designed to treat 1 .334 millions gallons per day
(MGD) design average flow (DAF) and 1 .51 MGD design maximum flow (DMF)
. Discharge is
to an unnamed tributary of Markham Creek
The City is requesting a provisional variance to be allowed to install new urethane membranes
in both of their aeration basins .
These basins are currently showing signs of coarse bubble
activity which results in decreased oxygen transfer rates
and treatment efficiency mainly
impacting ammonia levels. Only one basin at a time will be taken out of service. To help reduce
the ammonia levels, the secondary effluent will pumped into several lagoons
These lagoons
currently contain algae that could result in elevated CBOD, TSS and pH .
Relief Requested
The City requests a variance from the ammonia nitrogen, CBOD, TSS and pH limitations
contained in NPDES permit 110036218 (Attachment B)
This permit requires the City to meet
the following limitations
6 to 9 standard units
During the period of the requested provisional variance the City requests daily maximum limits
of 15 mg/l for ammonia, 40 mg/l for CBOD, and 70 mg/l for TSS
In addition a variance is
requested for pH at a maximum of 10 .0 .
Agency Determinations
The Agency has reviewed the requested provisional variance and has concluded the following
1. The environmental impact from the requested relief is predicted to be minimal ;
2. No other reasonable alternative appears available
3 .
No public water supplies will be affected ;
4. No federal regulations will preclude the granting of this request ; and
5. The City will face an arbitrary and unreasonable hardship if the request is not granted .
Concentration Limits mg/1
Monthly Avg
Daily Max
Ammonia Apr-Oct
1 .5
Shall be in the range of
The Agency hereby GRANTS the City of Monmouth a provisional variance from the ammonia
nitrogen, CBOD, TSS and pH limits of NPDES IL 0036218, subject to the following conditions
A. The provisional variance shall begin on March 29, 2006 and shall continue
for a
period of 45 days .
B. The City shall operate its wastewater treatment system to produce the best effluent
possible, and at no time shall the City exceed a daily maximum of 15 mg/l
ammonia nitrogen, 40 mg/1 CBOD, 70 mg/l TSS and at no time shall pH exceed
10.0 .
C. Immediate notification to the Agency shall be required if any of the limits imposed
under this provisional variance are exceeded and, in the event any of the limits are
exceeded, measures will be immediately taken to provide supplemental treatment .
D. The City shall notify Roger Callaway of the Agency by telephone at 217/782-9720
when the first aeration basin is taken out of service for repairs and again when the
second aeration basin is returned back to service
Written confirmation of each
notice shall be sent within five days to the following address
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Bureau of Water-Compliance Assurance Section
Attention: Roger Callaway
1021 North Grand Avenue East, MC #19
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
E. The City shall sign a Certificate of Acceptance of this provisional variance and
forward that certificate to Roger Callaway at the address indicated above within one
day of the date of this order. The certificate should take the following form
I (We) , hereby accept and agree to be bound by all
terms and condition of the provisional variance granted by the Agency in
Authorized Agent
The City shall continue to monitor and maintain compliance with
all other parameters and
conditions specified in its NPDES Permit No. 1L0036218 .
The Agency grants this provisional variance in accordance with its authority contained in
Sections 35(b), 36(c), and 37(b) of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS
5/35(b), 36(c),
and 37(b) (2004)
The decision to grant this provisional variance is not intended to address
compliance with any other applicable laws or regulations
Robert A. Messina
Chief Legal Counsel
cc: Marcia Willhite
Roger Callaway
Tom Andryk
Connie Tonsor
August 31, 2004
City of Monmouth
112 North Main Street
Monmouth, Illinois 61462
Re: City of Monmouth
Monmouth - North STP
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Final Permit
Gentlemen :
Attached is the final NPDES Permit for your discharge . The Permit as issued covers discharge limitations,
monitoring, and reporting requirements. Failure to meet any portion of the Permit could result in civil
and/or criminal penalties . The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is ready and willing to assist you
in interpreting any of the conditions of the Permit as they relate specifically to your discharge
As discussed in our letter to Mayor Reitman of August 3, 2004, the Agency has made some minor
modifications to the milestones contained in Special Condition 15 of the permit . However, because the
Agency can not at this time guarantee approval of any permit application, we are unable to revise the dates
to be dependent upon the receipt of the Agency approvals or permits . Additionally, pursuant to our
agreement with Region 5, USEPA, the schedule can not extend beyond 36 months from the effective date
of the permit
The Permit as issued is effective as of the date indicated on the first page of the Permit . You have the right
to appeal any condition of the Permit to the Illinois Pollution Control Board within a 35 day period
following the issuance date
To assist you in meeting the self-monitoring and reporting requirements of your reissued NPDES permit,
a supply of preprinted Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms for your facility is being prepared
These forms will be sent to you prior to the initiation of DMR reporting under the reissued permit
Additional information and instructions will accompany the preprinted DMRs upon their arrival
Illinois EPA Exhibit No . }l
ROCKFORD-4302 North Main Street. Rockford, IL 61103-(815) 987-7760
DES PLAINES-9511 W. Harrison St
.. Des Plaines, IL 60016 - (8471 294-4000
ELGIN-595 South State, Elgin, IL 60123-18471 608-3131
PEORIA-5415 N. University St., Peoria, IL 61614-(309) 693-5463
BUREAU of LAND - PEORIA-7620 N. University St., Peoria, IL 61614-(309) 693-5462
CHAMPAICN- 2125 South First Street . Champaign, IL 61820-(217) 278-5800
SPRINGFIELD-4500 S. Sixth Street Rd ., Springfield, IL 62706-1217) 786-6892
COLLINSVILLE- 2009 Mall Street, Collinsville, IL 62234-(618) 346-5120
MARION-2309 W. Main St. . Suite 116, Marion, IL 62959-(6181993-7200
P.O . Box 19276,
62794-9276, 217-782-3397
R .
IL 60601, 312-814-6026
Page 2
NPDES Permit No . IL0036218--Final Permit
City of Monmouth--North STP
Should you have questions concerning the Permit, please contact Surinder Tandon at the telephone number
indicated above .
Alan Keller, P.E .
Manager, Permit Section
Division of Water Pollution Control
Attachment: Final Permit
cc :
Joe Pisula, Donohue & Associates, Champaign
Compliance Assurance Section
Peoria Region
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Water Pollution Control
1021 North Grand Avenue East
Post Office Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
Reissued (NPDES) Permit
Expiration Date: September 30, 2009
Issue Date : August 31, 2004
Effective Date: October 1, 2004
Name and Address of Permittee :
Facility Name and Address
City of Monmouth
Monmouth - North STP
110 East Broadway
R.R. #2, Monmouth
Monmouth, Illinois 61462
1 .5 miles north
City on East side of U .S. Highway 67
(Warren County)
Receiving Waters: Unnamed tributary of Markham Creek
In compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, Title 35 of the III . Adm. Code, Subtitle C, Chapter I, and
the Clean Water Act (CWA), the above-named Permittee is hereby authorized to discharge at the above location to the above-named
receiving stream in accordance with the standard conditions and attachments herein
Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the above expiration date . In order to receive authorization to discharge beyond the
expiration date, the permittee shall submit the proper application as required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
not later than 180 days prior to the expiration date .
Alan Keller, P.E .
Manager, Permit Section
Division of Water Pollution Control
SAK:SKT:04042601 .dlk
Page 2
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Effluent Limitations, Monitorinq, and Reoortinq
Discharge Number(s) and Name(s)
: 001 STP Outfall
Load limits computed based on a design average
(DAF) of 1 .344 MGD (design maximum
(DMF) of 1 .51 MGD)
From the effective date of this permit until the expiration date, the effluent of the above discharge(s) shall be monitored and limited at
all times as follows
'Load limits based on design maximum
shall apply only when
exceeds design average
flow .
**Carbonaceous BOD5 (CBOD5) testing shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 136
"'Recording Indicating Totalizing
""Mathematical composites for oil, fats, and greases shall consist of a series of grab samples collected over any 24-hour consecutive
period. Each sample shall be analyzed separately and the arithmetic mean of all grab samples collected during a 24-hour period shall
constitute a mathematical composite. No single grab sample shall exceed a concentration of 75 mg/L.
"'See Special Condition 15
shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) as monthly average and daily maximum
pH shall be reported on the DMR as a minimum and a maximum
Dissolved oxygen shall be reported on the DMR as a minimum
Flow (MGD)
Sample Typ,
112 (126)
224 (252)
3 Days/Week
Suspended Solids
135 (151)
269 (302)
3 Days/Week
Fats, Oil and
168 (189)
336 (378)
1 Day/Month
See below
3 Days/Week
3 Days/Week
Shall be in the range of 6 to 9 Standard Units
Ammonia Nitrogen
as (N)
April - Oct .
1 .5
3 Days/Week
Nov . - Mar.
3 Days/Week
3 Days/Week
Total Dissolved
3 Days/Week
3 Days/Week
Page 3
The influent to the Activated Sludge aeration basins shall be monitored as follows :
Sample Frequency
Sample Type
3 Days/Week
Suspended Solids
3 Days/Week
Influent samples shall be taken at a point representative of the influent .
Flow (MGD) shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) as monthly average and daily maximum .
BOD5 and Suspended Solids shall be reported on the DMR as a monthly average concentration
*Recording Indicating Totalizing
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Influent Monitoring, and Reportinq
The influent to the plant shall be monitored as follows
Sample Frequency
Sample Type
Flow (MGD)
3 Days/Week
Suspended Solids
3 Days/Week
Page 4
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Special Conditions
This Permit may be modified to include different final effluent limitations or requirements which are
consistent with applicable laws, regulations, or judicial orders . The IEPA will public notice the permit modification
The use or operation of this facility shall be by or under the supervision of a Certified Class I operator
The IEPA may request in writing submittal of operational information in a specified form and at a required
frequency at any time during the effective period of this Permit
The IEPA may request more frequent monitoring by permit modification pursuant to 40 CFR § 122 .63 and
Without Public Notice in the event of operational, maintenance or other problems resulting in possible effluent deterioration
The effluent, alone or in combination with other sources, shall not cause a violation of any applicable water
quality standard outlined in 35 III . Adm. Code 302 .
Samples taken in compliance with the effluent monitoring requirements shall be taken at a point
representative of the discharge, but prior to entry into the receiving stream
For Discharge No. 001, any use of chlorine to control slime growths, odors or as an operational control, etc .
shall not exceed the limit of 0 .05 mg/L (daily maximum) total residual chlorine in the effluent. Sampling is required on a daily grab
basis during the chlorination process. Reporting shall be submitted on the (DMR's) on a monthly basis
The Permittee shall monitor the effluent and report concentrations (in mg/L) of the following listed parameters
eighteen (18) months prior to the expiration date and again at twelve (12) months prior to the expiration date. The sample shall be a 24-
hour effluent composite except as otherwise specifically provided below and the results shall be submitted on Discharge Monitoring Report
Forms to IEPA unless otherwise specified by the IEPA . The parameters to be sampled and the minimum detection limits to be attained
are as follows:
Unless otherwise indicated, concentrations refer to the total amount of the constituent present In all phases, whether solid, suspended or
dissolved, elemental or combined, including all oxidation states .
*1 .0 ng/L =1 part per trillion .
. The Permittee shall monitor the effluent for the following parameters monthly for a period of six (6) consecutive
months, beginning three (3) months from the effective date of this Permit . This Permit may be modified with public notice to establish
effluent limitations if appropriate, based on information obtained through sampling . The sample shall be a 24-hour effluent composite
except as otherwise specifically provided below and the results shall be submitted on the OMR's to [EPA . The parameters to be sampled
and the minimum detection limits to be attained are as follows :
detection limit
0.05 mg/L
0.5 mg/L
0.001 mg/L
Chromium (hexavalent) (grab)
0.01 mg/L
Chromium (total)
0.05 mg/L
0.005 mg/L
Cyanide (grab) (weak acid dissociable)
5.0 ug/L
Cyanide (grab not to exceed 24 hours) (total)
5.0 ug/L
0.1 mg/L
Iron (total)
0.5 mg/L
Iron (Dissolved)
0.5 mg/L
0.05 mg/L
0.5 mg/L
Mercury (Using USEPA Method 1631 or equivalent)
1 .0 ng/L`
0.005 mg/L
Oil (hexane soluble or equivalent) (Grab Sample only)
5.0 mg/L
Phenols (grab)
0.005 mg/L
0.005 mg/L
Silver (total)
0.003 mg/L
0.025 mg/L
Pagu 5
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Special Conditions
Detection Limit
Silver (total)
0.003 mg/L
Unless otherwise indicated, concentrations refer to the total amount of the constituent present in all phases, whether solid, suspended or
dissolved, elemental or combined, including all oxidation states
SPECIAL CONDITION 10, The Permittee has undergone a Monitoring Reduction review and the influent and effluent sample frequency has
been reduced for BODs, CBODs, Suspended Solids, Fats, Oil and Grease, pH and Ammonia Nitrogen due to sustained compliance. The
IEPA will require that the influent and effluent sample frequency for these
parameters be increased to the monitoring frequency of 5
days/week for BODs, CBODs, Suspended Solids, pH, Ammonia Nitrogen and Fats, Oil and Grease if effluent deterioration occurs due to
increased wasteload, operational, maintenance or other problems
. The increased monitoring will be required Without Public Noticewhen a
permit modification is received by the Permittee from the Agency .
During January of each year the Permittee shall submit annual fiscal
data regarding sewerage system
operations to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency/Division of Water Pollution Control/Compliance Assurance Section
Permittee may use any fiscal year period provided the period ends within twelve (12) months of the submission date
Submission shall be on forms provided by IEPA titled "Fiscal Report Form For NPDES
The Permittee shall conduct biomonitoring of the effluent from Discharge Number 001
Acute Toxicity
- Standard definitive acute toxicity tests shall be run on at least two trophic levels of aquatic
species (fish, invertebrate)
representative of the aquatic community of the receiving stream . Testing must be consistent with Methods for Measuring the Acute
Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Orqanisms(Fifth Ed.) EPA/821-R-02-012
. Unless substitute
tests are pre-approved; the following tests are required
a .
- 96 hour static LCso Bioassay using fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)
b .
Invertebrate 48-hour static LCso Bioassay using Ceriodaphnia
2 .
Testing Frequency-The above tests shall be conducted using 24-hour composite samples
unless otherwise authorized by the [EPA
Samples must be collected in the 18th, 15th, 12th, and 9th month prior to the expiration date of this Permit .
Reporting - Results shall be reported according to EPA/821-R-02-012, Section 12, Report Preparation, and shall be submitted to
IEPA. Bureau of Water, Compliance Assurance Section within one week of receipt from the
laboratory . Reports are due to the EPA
no later than the 16th, 13th, 10th. and 7th month prior to the expiration date of this Permit
4 .
Toxicity Reduction Evaluation
- Should the results of the biomonitoring program identify toxicity, the IEPA may require that the
Permittee prepare a plan for toxicity reduction evaluation and identification
. This plan shall be developed in accordance with Toxicity
Reduction Evaluation Guidance for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, EPA/833B-99/002, and shall include an evaluation to
determine which chemicals have a potential for being discharged in the plant wastewater, a monitoring program to determine their
presence or absence and to identify other compounds which are not being removed by treatment,
and other measures as appropriate
The Permittee shall submit to the IEPA its plan for toxicity reduction evaluation within ninety (90) days following notification by the
IEPA. The Permittee shall implement the plan within ninety (90) days or other such
date as contained in a notification letter received
from the IEPA
The IEPA may modify this Permit during its term to incorporate additional
requirements or limitations based on the results of the
biomonitoring. In addition, after review of the monitoring results, the IEPA may
modify this Permit to include numerical limitations for
specific toxic pollutants . Modifications under this condition shall follow public notice and opportunity for hearing
Page 6
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Special Conditions
For the duration of this Permit, the Permittee shall determine the quantity of sludge produced by the treatment
facility in dry tons or gallons with average percent total solids analysis
. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records of the quantities of
sludge produced and have said records available for IEPA inspection
. The Permittee shall submit to the IEPA, at a minimum, a semi-
annual summary report of the quantities of sludge generated and disposed of, in units of dry tons or gallons (average total percent solids) by
different disposal methods including but not limited to application on farmland, application
on reclamation land, landfilling, public distribution,
dedicated land disposal, sod farms, storage lagoons or any other specified disposal
method. Said reports shall be submitted to the IEPA by
January 31 and July 31 of each year reporting the preceding January thru June and July thru December interval of sludge disposal
operations .
Duty to Mitigate. The Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any sludge use or disposal in violation of this Permit
Sludge monitoring must be conducted according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR 136 unless otherwise specified in 40 CFR 503,
unless other test procedures have been specified in this Permit .
Planned Changes. The Permittee shall give notice to the IEPA on the semi-annual report of any changes in sludge use and disposal
The Permittee shall retain records of all sludge monitoring, and reports required by the Sludge Permit as referenced in Standard Condition
23 for a period of at least five (5) years from the date of this Permit
If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by the Sludge Permit, the results of this monitoring shall be included in
the reporting of data submitted to the IEPA
Monitoring reports for sludge shall be reported on the form titled "Sludge Management Reports" to the following address
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Bureau of Water
Compliance Assurance Section
Mail Code #19
1021 North Grand Avenue East
Post Office Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
SPECIAL CONDITION 14 . The Permittee shall record monitoring results on Discharge Monitoring Report Forms using one such form for
each outfall each month
In the event that an outfall does not discharge during a monthly reporting period, the DMR form shall be submitted with no discharge
indicated .
The completed Discharge Monitoring Report forms shall be submitted to IEPA no later than the 15th day of the following month, unless
otherwise specified by the permitting authority .
Discharge Monitoring Reports shall be mailed to the IEPA at the following address
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Water Pollution Control
1021 North Grand Avenue East
Post Office Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois
Attention: Compliance Assurance Section
Page 7
NPDES Permit No. IL0036218
Special Conditions
Project Description: Compliance with Dissolved Oxygen, Chloride, Total Dissolved Solids & Zinc Water Quality Standards
Thirty-six (36) months from the effective date of this Permit the following
limits shall become effective :
This Permit may be modified, with Public Notice, to include revised compliance dates set out in this Permit that are superseded or
supplemented by compliance dates in judicial orders, Pollution Control Board
orders or other legally binding agreements
Prior to such
permit modification, the revised dates in the appropriate orders or agreements shall govern the Permittee's compliance
In addition, the IEPA may initiate a modification of the construction schedule set forth in this Permit at anytime, to include other dates which
are necessary to carry out the provisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, the Federal Clean Water Act or regulations
promulgated under those Acts or compliance dates which have been submitted in writing by the Permittee and approved by the IEPA
Public Notice of such modifications and opportunity for public hearing shall be provided consistent with 40 CFR § 122.63 .
The Permittee shall submit a report no later than fourteen (14) days following the completion dates indicated for each numbered item in
the compliance schedule, indicating, a) the date the item was completed, or b) that the item was not completed. All reports shall be
submitted to IEPA at the following address :
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Water Pollution Control
1021 North Grand Avenue East
Post Office box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
Attention: Compliance Assurance Section, Mail Code # 19
Load Limits lbs/day
Limits mq/L
Dissolved Oxygen
Total Dissolved Solids
Monthly Avg
not be less than 6 mg/L
0.48 (0 .54)
Daily Max .
2.7 (3.0)
Monthly Avg .
Daily Max .
*Load limits based on design maximum
shall apply only when
exceeds the design average
flow .
The Permittee shall achieve compliance with above water quality standards in accordance with the following schedule :
Complete Facility Plan Update and transmit to IEPA
3 months from the effective date of this Permit
Submit plans and specification for plant improvements to IEPA
9 months from the effective date of this Permit
Submit construction permit to IEPA for plant improvements
12 months from the effective date of this Permit
Advertise for Bids
18 months from the effective date of this Permit
Award Construction Contracts
24 months from the effective date of this Permit
Progress Report
30 months from the effective date of this Permit
Achieve Compliance with Water Quality Standards
36 months from the effective date of this Permit
Page 8 .
Standard Conditions
Act Means the Illinois Environmental Protection Act,
ILCS 5 as Amended .
Agency means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Board means the Illinois Pollution Control Board
Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act) means
Pub. L 92-500, as amended. 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq .
NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) means Me national program for
issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits . and
imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307.402.318 and 405
of Me Clean Water Act .
USEPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Daily Discharge means Me discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or any
24hour period Mat reasonably represents the calendar
fair purposes of sampling. For
pollutants with limitations expressed In units of mass, the 'daily discharge' Is calculated as
the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day. Far pollutants with ILmhatlons
in other units of measurements. Me 'daily discharge' Is calculated as Me average
measurement of the pollutant over the day
Maximum Daily Discharge LImilation (daily maximum) means the highest allowable dally
discharge .
Average Monthly Discharge Limitation (30 day average) means the highest allowable
average or daily discharges over a calendar month, calculated as the sum of all daily
discharges measured during a calendar month divided by the number of daily discharges
measured during Mat mono .
Average Weekly Discharge Limitation (7 day average) means the highest allowable
average of daily discharges over a calendar week, calculated as the sum of all daily
discharges measured during a calendar week divided by the number of
daily discharges
measured during that week .
Best Management Practices (BMPs) means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices,
maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution
of waters of the Sutra BMPs also include treatment requirements operating procedures, and
practicesto control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage
from raw material storage .
Aliquot means a sample of specified volume used to make up a total composite sample.
Grab Sample means an Individual sample of at least 100 m881ier collected at a randomly-
selected Ume over a period not exceeding 15 minutes
24 Hour Composite Sample means a combination of at least 8 sample aliquots of at least
100 mill18ers, collected at periodic Intervals during the operating hours of a facility over
hour period .
8 Hour Composite Sample means a combination of at least
3 sample
aliquots ofat least 100
milliliters, collected at periodic Intervals during the operating hours of a facility over an 8-hour
period .
Flow Proportional Composite Sample means a combination of sample aliquots of al least
100 milliliters collected at periodic intervals such Met either the time interval between each
aliquot or the volume of each aliquot is proportional to either the stream flow at the time of
sampling a the total stream flow since Me collection of the previous aliquot
(1) Duty to comply. The permittce must comply with a8 conditions of this permit . Any
permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Act and is grounds for enforcement
action. permit termination, revocation and mischance, modification, or for denial o ∎
permit renewal application. The permittee shall comply with effluent standards or
prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act fair toxic
pollutants wt frt me time provided
In the regulations that establish these standards or
prohibitions, even 4 the permit has not yet been modified to Incorporate Me
(2) Duty to reapply. It Me permttee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit
after the expiration data of this peril . the permiree must applyfor and obtain a now
permit. If Me pennittee submits a proper application as required by the Agency no Later
than 180 days prior to the expiration date, this permit Mall continue
In full force and
effect until the final Agency decision on the application has been made
(3) Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense. It shelf not be a defense
in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce
the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit
(4) Duty to midgets. The pennihee shill take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent
any discharge in violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely
affecting human health or me environment
(5) Proper operation and maintenance . The Parmelee Mall al all limes properly operate
and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related
appurtenances) which we installed or used by the perminee to achieve compliance
with conditions of this permit. Proper operation and maintenance includes effective
performance, adequate funding. adequate operator sarong and training, and adequate
aboratory and process controls. Including appropriate quality assurance procedures
This provision requires the operation of back-up, or auxiliary facilities
systems only when necessary to achieve compliance with Me conditions of the permit
Permit actions. This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated
for cause by the Agency pursuant to 40 CFR 122 .62. The filing of a request by the
Parmelee for a permit modification, revocation and raissuanca, or lamination. or a
notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance, does not stay any
permit condition .
Property rights. This permit does not convey any property rights of any son, or any
exclusive privilege .
Duty to provide Information. The penrose shall furnish to the Agency within a
reasonable Irate . any i donation whim Me Agency may request to determine whentei
cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit
. or Ic
determine compliance with the permit. The permltee Mall also furnish to the Agency
upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit .
Inspection and entry. The Parmelee shall allow an authorized representative of Me
Agency, upon Me presentation of aedentals and other documents as may be requiec
by law, to:
(a) Enter upon the pamrofee's premises where a regulated facility or activity
located or conducted, or where records must be kept under the conditions of on
(b) Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kep
under the conditions of this permit ;
(c) Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (Including monitoring arc
control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this
(d) Sample or monitor at reasonable times . for the purpose of assuring pemti
compliance. Or as otherwise authorized by the Art any substances or parameter :
at m
y location .
(10) Monttoringandrecords.
(a) Samples and measurements taken for' the purpose of monitoring shall bi
representative of the monitored activity.
(b) The Parmelee stall retain records of
all monitoring Information, including a
calibration and maintenance records, and all original strip man recordings fc
continuous monitoring Instrumentation, copies of all reports required by An
perand records of all data usedto complete the application for this permit, a
a per od of at least 3 years from the date of this permit, measurement, report c
application. This period may be extended by request of the Agency at any term
Reports of monitoring Information Shall Include :
(1) The date, exact place, and time of sampling o measurements :
The Individual(s) who perforated the camping
or measurements:
The dates) analyses warts paricurned;
The individual(s) who performed the analyzes
The analytical techniques Or methods used ; end
The results of suds analyses
(d) Monitoring mast be conducted according to test procedures approved under 4
CFR Part 138, unless other lest procedures hen been specified In this perm,
When no lest procedure under 40' CFR Part 136 has been approved, in
pennifee must submit to the Agency a test method for approval . The permme
shall calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on all monitoring an
analytical instrumentation at intervals to ensure accuracy of measurements .
(11) Signatory requirement All applications, reports a Information submitted
Agency MLII be signed and certified
(a) Application. All permit applications shall be signed as follows.
(1) For a corporation: by a principal executive officer o at least the level i
vice president or a person or Fashion having overall responsibility h
amraaunenal matters for the corporation
(2) For a partnership or sole propnalorshlp: by a general partner or in
proprietor, respectively; or
(3) Fore municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: by ether
principal executive officer a ranking eiedad official
(b) Repans. All reports required by permes, or other information requested by to
Agency Shall be signed by a person described h paragraph
(a) or by a du
authorized representative of that person. A person a a duty authmze
repiressentawas Only It
(1) The auhpnzatbn
ismade in waiting by a person described
in paragraph (a
(2) The stares izatbn spec
les Slow an individual or a position responsible e
the overas operation o the facility, from vtddt the discharge originates, suc
as a claim manager, superintendent a person of equivalent responsibilit
''~~ r(
irgrytY`t~n{i 5V8rjis Submitted to the Agency .
Page 9 .
Changes of Authorization. If an authorization under (b) Is no longer accurate
because a differen t individual or position has responsibility
the overall
operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of (b)
must be submitted to the Agency poor to or together with any reports . information,
or applications to be signed by an authorized representative
Reporting requirements,
Planned changes. The permitted shall give notice to the Agency as soon as
possible of my planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility
(b) Anticipated noncompliance. The perittee shall give advance notice to the
Agency of any planned changes in the
facility or activity which may
result in noncompliance with pert requirements.
(c) Compliance schedules. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any
progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance
schedule of this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each
schedule date .
(d) Monitoring reports, Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals
specified elsewhere in this permit
Monitoring results must be reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report
(2) If the permutes monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by the
pemn, using test procedures approved under 40 CFR 136 w as specified
in the permit, the results of this monitoring shall be Induced in the calculation
and reporting of the data submitted In the OMR
(3) Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements
shall utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise speed by the Agency in
the permit .
(e) Twenty-four hour reporting . The perittee shall report any noncompliance
which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be
provided orally within 24 hours from the term the pennMee becomes aware of the
dramsnnces. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the
time the perittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission
shall contain a description of the noncompliance and its muse; the period of
nonmnpaance, including axed dates and tine ; and 8 the noncompliance has not
been corrected, the anticipated hire it is expected to continue; and steps taken
or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance
The following shall be Inducted as information which must be reported within 24
(1) Any unanticipated bypass whIch exceeds any effluent limitation in the
perm :
(2) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for any of the pollutants
listed by the Agency in the permit to be reported within 24 hours .
The Agency may waive the written report on a case-by-case basis f the oral
report has been received within 24 hours
Other noncompliance .
The pemmea shall report all Instances of
noncompliance not reported under paragraphs (12)(c), (d), or (a), at the time
monitoring reports an submitted. The reports mall contain the information listed
in paragraph (12)(e) .
(9) Other Information. Where the perittee becomes aware that it failed to submit
my relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted Incorrect Information In a
permit application, or in
report to the Agency, it shall promptly submit such
facts or Information .
(13) ' Transfer of permits. A permit may be automatically transferred to a new perittee
If :
(a) The current perntee notifies the Agency at least 30 days in advance of the
proposed transfer date :
(b) The notice Includes a written agreement between the existing and new pemlaes
containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage and
liability between the current and new pemittees; and
(c) The Agency does not notify the existing pernee and the proposed new
permits" of its intent to modify or revoke and reissue the permit. If this notice is
not received, the transfer is effective on the date specified n the agreement .
All manufacturing, commercial, mining, and slNlcultursl dlschargers must notify the
Agency as soon as they know or have reason to behave
(a) That my activity has ocnirred nih nrwhlch would result ii the discharge of
any toxic pollutant Identified under Section 307 of the Clean Water Act which Is
not funded n the permit . f that discharge will exceed me highest of the following
notification levels :
(1) One hundred micrograms per liter (100 ugh);
(2) Two hundred micrograms per liter (200 ugA) for aaolen and acybnitrlle ;
five hundred micrograms per leer (500 ugh) for 2,4-dntrophenol and for 2-
methyi-4,6 dlnitropnenol; and one milligram per liter (1 mgA) for antimony .
(3) Five (5) time, the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant
in the
permit application ; or
The level established by the Agency in this pern.
(b) That they have begun or expect to begin to use or manufacture as an irimmedlate
or final product of byproduct any toxic pollutant which was not reported in the
NPOES permit application .
All Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) must
adequate notice tome
Agency of the following
(a) Any new introduction of pollutants into that POTW from an indirect discharge
which would be subject to Sections 301 or 306 of the Clean Water An 4
it were
directly discharging those pollutants : and
(b) My substantial change n the vo lume or character of pollutants being introduced
into that POTW by a souse introducing pollutants into the POTW at the time of
issuance of the permit .
Far purposes of this paragraph, adequate notice shall include information on (I)
the quality and quantity of effluent Introduced into the POTW, and (ii) any
anticipated impact of the change on the quantity or quality of effluent to be
discharged from the POTW.
If the permit Is issued toe publicly wined or publicly regulated treatment works, the
perittee shall requite any industrial user of such treatment works to comply with
federal requirements concamng :
(a) User charges pusuant to Section 204(b) of the Clean Water Ad, and applicable
regulations appearing n 40 CFR 35
(b) Toxic pollutant affluent standards and pretreatment standards pursuant to Section
307 of the Clean Water Act; and
(c) Inspection, m Rick g and entry pursuant to Section 308 of the Clean Water Act
If an applicable Standard or limitation is promulgated under Section 301(b)(2)(C) and
(0), 304(b)(2), or 307(a)(2) and that effluent standard or llmilation is more stringent
than any effluent limitation in the permit, or controls a pollutant not limned in the
peons, the permit shall be promptly modified or revoked, and reissued to conform to
that effluent standard a imitation.
My authorization to construct issued to the perinea pursuant to 35 10. Adm. Code
309.154 Is hereby Incorporated by reference as a condition of this permit
The perittee shag not make anyfatm statement repress ratio n a cemfication n any
application, record, report, plan of other document submitted to the Agency or the
USEPA, or required to be maintained under this permit.
The Clean Water Act provides that any person who violates a permit condition
implementing Sections 301. 302.306, 307, 308, 315, or 405 of the Clew Water Ad
Is subject to a did penalty hot to exceed $10,000 par day of such vioWion. Any
parson who willfully or negligently violates permit conditions knplementng Sections
301, 302,306, 307, c 308 of the Clean Water Act is subject to a fine of not less than
$2,500 nor mom than $25,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment for not more
UM one Year.
both .
The Clean Water Ad provides that any person who falsifies . tampers with. or
knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be
permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fee of not more than
$10,000 per violation, or by Imprisonment for not more than 6 months per violation . or
by both
The Clean Water Act provides that any person who knowingly makes any false
statement, representation, or certification n any record or other document Submitted
or required to be maintained under this permit shall, including monitoring reports or
reports of compliance or nonso m,I1hu ce shah, upon conviction, be punished by a foe
of not mite than $10,000 per violation, or by knpnscunent for not more than 6 months
par violation . Or by both .
Colluded screening, slurries, sludges, and other wads shall be disposed of in such
a mrrar as to prevent entry of those wastes (or
from the wastes) Into waters
of the Stale. The proper auhotzaton for such disposal shall be obtained from the
Agency cad Is Incorporated as part hereof by reference
In can of conflict between these Standard conditions and any other condition(a)
Includedn this permit the other=dam(s) shall govern.
The permtlttee shaft comply with,
In addition to the requirements of the permit, all
applicable provisions of 35 18. Adm. Code, Subtitle C. Subtitle D, Subtitle
and all
applicable orders of the Boar .
The provisions of this pearl are severable . and f any provision ofthis permit. Or the
application of any provision
of this permit Is held nvalid, the remain ing provisions of
this pemn wall continue in full force and effect
(Rev. 3.13.99)
RR-24-2006 11_06 AN
March 13. 2006
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
1021 N Grand Ave East
PO Box 19276
Springfield, IL 62794-9276
Attention :
Roger Callaway
Re :
City of Monmouth North WWTP provisional variance application
NPDES IL 0036218
Mr. Callaway,
Attached is our application for a 45 day provisional variance for our
WWTP to allow for maintenance on the aeration diffuser system . If you have any
questions please contact William Hart, Certified Operator of Record, at 309-734-
Thank you for your consideration in this matter .
o ney
Cc :
Administrator Thompson
Andy Jackson. Director ofPublic Works
William Hart, Superintendent WWTP
. 0 1
:ity of Monmouth
i(XI East
6lonmou(h. Illind> 614(,'
F.n 309.734.4943
Illinois EPA. Exhibit No
Post-it' Fax Nate
3 -Z"
Phone a
Fax a
The secondary effluent will be pumped into the old polishing lagoons to dilute the
ammonia nitrogen down to a reasonable limit . We are asking for high TSS,
CBOD, and PH limits because the lagoons have algae that will cause high TSS,
CBOD, and PH numbers. The longer the lagoons discharge the PH should come
down to around 9.0 on PH. Every effort will be made during this process to
produce the best effluent possible .
5. The project should have no effect on the drinking water supply
6, The variance to the discharge limitations should not have a major environmental
impact or major physical effect on the tributary of Markham Creek
. This work is
being done in cooler temperatures to prevent negative impact on the stream
7 .
The variance is requested to permit the installation of new urethane membranes
for the East and West Aeration Basin fine bubble diffusers
at the City of
. .AR-14-2006
09 :52 AM EMC
P .02
We arc requesting a variance for the discharge limitations for the City of
Monmouth's North Wastewater Treatment Plant covered by NPDS Permit No
2 .
4 .
The North Wastewater Treatment Plant serves Farmland Foods. Farmland Foods is
a hog processing facility
The City of Monmouth's North Wastewater Treatment Plant averages .97 MOD
through the treatment process . The treatment consists of the following :
Anaerobic Treatment
Aeration Basins
Secondary Clarification
Tertiary Filtration
The following variance is requested for the effluent limitations :
Ammonia Nitrogen
Permit mg/l
Variance mg/1
Daily Maximum
Monthly Average
1 .5
Daily Maximum
Monthly Average
Total Suspended Solids
Daily Maximum
Monthly Average
Daily Maximum
MAR-142006 09 :53 AM EMC
P_ 03
Monmouth's North Wastewater Treatment Plant . One basin will be taken out of
service at a time . This system is showing signs of coarse bubble activity and
decreased oxygen transfer rate, This is having a negative impact on the treatment
process .
8 .
The following steps will have to be taken to install the new membranes
Drain the aeration basin,
Remove excess solids from the diffusers,
Remove existing membrane sleeves
Install new membranes sleeves
Once the new membranes are installed the aeration basins will be brought back
on-line and the plant will again he capable of meeting NPEDS permit limitations
9 .
There is no alternative method available to repair the aeration system at the North
Plant. The basins must be drained to perform this work . The North Plant has two
aeration basins that operate in a series. They have to be operated this way to meet
NPDES limitations on BOD and ammonia nitrogen removal. We are not able to
achieve this with one basin. If this work is not done the North Plant Effluent
quality will continue to deteriorate
10. We are requesting a variance
forty-five days for the repair
the Aeration
Basins effective March 29.2006.
11, There has been no provisional variance granted to the City of Monmouth's North
Wastewater Treatment Plant in the last calendar year.
12. The City of Monmouth's North Wastewater Treatment Plant has had TSS and
B0D violations during the month of February and March that this project could
help to improve .
13. There are no matters before the Board and no Board orders that affect the City of
Monmouth's North Wastewater Treatment Plant