May 4, 2006
35 ILL. ADM. CODE PARTS 211, 218, AND
(Rulemaking - Air)
(Rulemaking - Air)
Adopted Rule. Final Order.
In these consolidated rulemakings docketed as R04-20 and R04-12, the Board today
adopts final rule amendments designed to clarify, correct, streamline, and update the Board’s air
pollution control rules. The amendments appear in Parts 211, 214, 218, and 219 of Title 35 of
the Illinois Administrative Code. On April 11, 2006, the Joint Committee on Administrative
Rules (JCAR) issued certifications of no objection concerning the amendments proposed by the
Board at second notice. The Board will now file the adopted amendments with the Secretary of
State for publication in the
Illinois Register
as final rules.
The Board previously consolidated these two rulemakings for hearing. The Board has
used docket R04-20 to address the rulemaking proposal filed by the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (IEPA). IEPA proposed amending the Board’s rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
Part 211 (definitions and general provisions), Part 218 (organic material emission standards and
limitations for the Chicago area), and Part 219 (organic material emission standards and
limitations for the Metro East area). Among other things, the adopted amendments in R04-20
allow additional methods for measuring the volatile organic material (VOM) “capture
efficiency” of various emission control equipment. These changes are designed to increase
regulatory flexibility, consistent with United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Docket R04-12 has been dedicated to the Board-initiated rulemaking proposal to amend
rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 214 (sulfur limitations). These changes correct typographical
errors in formulas that appear to have occurred during re-codification of the Illinois
Administrative Code.
In this opinion, the Board first provides the procedural history of the consolidated
rulemaking. Next, the Board discusses the rule amendments adopted today and some of the
issued raised by participants and resolved by the Board. The order following this opinion sets
forth the Board’s adopted amendments to Parts 211, 214, 218, and 219 of the Board’s air
pollution control rules.
On January 6, 2004, the Board received the proposal from IEPA to amend the Board’s air
pollution rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211, 218, and 219. In a January 22, 2004 order, the Board
opened docket R04-20 for, and accepted for hearing, the IEPA proposal. In the same order, the
Board opened docket R04-12 for its proposed amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 214, and
consolidated for hearing the IEPA proposal (R04-20) with the Board-initiated proposal (R04-12).
The Board held two public hearings in this consolidated rulemaking. The first took place
in Chicago on March 18, 2004. One person testified at the first hearing: Gary Beckstead,
Environmental Protection Engineer in the Air Quality Planning Section of IEPA’s Bureau of Air.
The second hearing took place in Springfield on May 6, 2004. The following persons testified at
the second hearing: Beckstead of IEPA; and David Bloomberg, Environmental Protection
Engineer in the Ozone Regulatory Unit of the Air Quality Planning Section of IEPA’s Division
of Air Pollution Control. Also participating at hearing were attorneys Charles Matoesian on
behalf of IEPA and LaDonna Driver of Hodge, Dwyer, and Zeman on behalf of the Illinois
Environmental Regulatory Group (IERG).
The transcripts of the Chicago and Springfield hearings were received by the Board on
April 20 and May 17, 2004, respectively, and promptly placed in the Clerk’s Office On Line
(COOL) on the Board’s Web site at
Many other documents from this
rulemaking are available through COOL, including Board opinions and orders, hearing officer
orders, and public comments.
As required by Section 27(b) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2004)), the Board made the
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s (DCEO) decision not to conduct an
economic impact study (EcIS) available to the public at least 20 days before the second hearing.
In letters of April 17, 2003 and April 2, 2004, DCEO declined to perform an EcIS, noting its
limited financial resources. No one testified about either of DCEO’s letters. Tr.2 at 40-41.
The Board hearing officer entered two exhibits into the record at hearing. Hearing
exhibit 1, which was entered on the hearing officer’s motion, is a group exhibit consisting of five
Board orders that bear upon proposed amendments to equations in the rules: (1) May 25, 1978,
in R75-5, R74-2; (2) December 14, 1978, in R75-5, R74-2; (3) February 15, 1979, in R75-5,
R74-2; (4) February 24, 1983, in R80-22; and (5) April 20, 1995, R94-31. Hearing exhibit 2 was
offered by IEPA and consists of an “
Sheet” that shows proposed changes to the rule
language originally set forth in IEPA’s R04-20 proposal.
The Chicago hearing transcript is cited as “Tr.1 at _.” The Springfield hearing transcript is
cited as “Tr.2 at _.”
The Board cites hearing exhibits as “Exh. _ at _.”
IEPA filed a public comment on June 18, 2004 (PC 1), as did IERG (PC 2). On
July 30, 2004, Jefferson Smurfit Corporation (U.S.) filed a public comment (PC 3). The Board
adopted its first notice opinion and order on April 21, 2005. On May 27, 2005, the
published first-notice of the Board’s proposed rule amendments (29 Ill. Reg. 7418 (Part
211), 7435 (Part 214), 7449 (Part 218), 7563 (Part 219) (May 27, 2005)). This began a 45-day
period, concluding on July 11, 2005, during which any interested person could file with the
Board a public comment on the proposed amendments. The Board received five additional
public comments after first-notice publication. On June 30, 2005, the Printing Industry of
Illinois/Indiana Association (PII) filed a public comment (PC 4). On June 28, 2005, the
Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) filed a public comment (PC 5). On July 7, 2005,
Smurfit-Stone Container Enterprises, Inc. (Smurfit-Stone), successor by merger to Jefferson
Smurfit Corporation (U.S.), filed a public comment (PC 6). On July 11, 2005, IEPA filed a
public comment (PC 7). On July 11, 2005, IERG filed a public comment (PC 8).
On March 2, 2006, the Board adopted its opinion and order for second notice. On
April 11, 2006, JCAR issued certifications of no objection concerning the second-notice rule
amendments to Parts 211, 214, 218, and 219. At JCAR’s request, the Board today makes only
minor changes to the second-notice rules.
In this part of the opinion, the Board first provides background on the nature of the
amendments being made in R04-20 and the regulatory framework within which they fit. The
Board then discusses and analyzes some of the issues raised by participants in R04-20 and how
the Board resolved those issues. Lastly, the Board addresses R04-12.
In R04-20, the Board is amending its air pollution rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211, 218,
and 219. The amendments are designed to update, clarify, and correct provisions of the air rules,
as well as ease regulatory burdens without allowing for increased emissions.
St. of Reas. at 1-2,
6-7. The rules focus on VOM emissions in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area and Metro-
East St. Louis ozone area, as designated under the federal Clean Air Act, and as described in 35
Ill. Adm. Code 218.103 and 219.103, respectively.
. at 2, 6.
The federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7511a(b)(1)) required all moderate, serious, severe,
and extreme ozone nonattainment areas to reduce VOM emissions 15% by 1996. St. of Reas. at
1. In Illinois, the Chicago area is classified as a severe nonattainment area and, until recently,
The Board cites the “Statement of Reasons” within IEPA’s January 6, 2004 rulemaking
proposal as “St. of Reas. at _.”
the Metro-East St. Louis area was classified as a moderate ozone nonattainment area.
Accordingly, Illinois had to develop a plan to reduce VOM emissions in the Chicago and Metro-
East areas.
. In turn, Illinois, through Board rulemaking, adopted a 15% Rate of Progress
(ROP) plan. Many of the provisions being amended in R04-20 were adopted as part of the 15%
ROP plan.
. at 1-2. The amendments are not expected to impact the overall air quality plans or
goals of the Chicago nonattainment area or Metro-East ozone area.
. at 2.
The R04-20 amendments are intended to:
Update the test methods for capture efficiency;
Clarify the term “carbon adsorber”;
Clarify requirements for screen printers;
Clarify categories of sealers and topcoats;
Clarify provisions on monitoring, applicability, equations, recordkeeping, and reporting
for lithographic printing operations;
Clarify that sources may turn off their natural gas fired afterburners outside the ozone
Delete the requirements applicable to perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities;
Delete the requirement that auto finishing shops annually re-register with IEPA;
Delete the coating purchasing recordkeeping requirements; and
Correct miscellaneous grammatical and typographical errors. St. of Reas. at 2.
Capture Efficiency (CE) Protocols
The Board will give background on capture efficiency (CE) before turning to the some of
the issues raised by rulemaking participants concerning the CE protocols: CE protocols in
enforcement cases; whether additional testing is required when establishing emission credits;
whether the “Lower Confidence Limit” (LCL) protocol can be used to establish emission credits
for trading; and the role of the LCL protocol and “Data Quality Objective” (DQO) protocol as
“alternatives” to the “standard” enclosure protocols.
USEPA has revoked the 1-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS),
effective June 15, 2005, which will result in the Chicago area being re-classified as a “moderate”
nonattainment area, based on the new 8-hour ozone NAAQS.
Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 205, Emissions Reduction Market System, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211, R05-11
(June 2, 2005).
Background on CE Protocols
CE test methods are required by the federal Clean Air Act and included in the Chicago
Federal Implementation Plan. Measuring CE is critical to determining the effectiveness of
volatile organic compound (VOC) emission control systems.
St. of Reas. at 3.
On January 9, 1995, USEPA issued a guidance document entitled
Guidelines for
Determining Capture Efficiency
(1995 Guidelines), which revised the existing USEPA approved
“gas/gas” and “liquid/gas” CE test methods and introduced two new alternative CE test
protocols. St. of Reas. at 3. The next month, in February 1995, John S. Seitz, Director, Office of
Air Quality Control and Standards, USEPA, issued a memorandum entitled
Revised Capture
Efficiency Guidance for Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
(Seitz Memo) (
which transmitted the 1995 Guidelines to various USEPA regional directors (Seitz Memo at 1).
On June 16, 1997, USEPA published a final rule in the
Federal Register
to update the CE test
methods located in USEPA regulations at 40 C.F.R. 51, Appendix M (62 Fed. Reg. 32500
(June 16, 1997)). St. of Reas. at 3.
The four existing CE protocols, the so-called “standard” protocols, each require an
enclosure of the VOM-emitting unit pursuant to USEPA’s Method 204, Appendix M, 40 C.F.R.
51. The two new “alternative” CE protocols do not. Tr.2 at 11, 27-28. Instead, the two new CE
protocols are statistical “mass balance” approaches to determining CE and, as noted, are called
the “Data Quality Objective” (DQO) and the “Lower Confidence Limit” (LCL):
USEPA developed the two alternative methods in order to provide additional
regulatory flexibility and reduce compliance costs. *** These methods define
sets of approval criteria which, when met by the data obtained from the
measurement of applicable process parameters using USEPA approved
procedures and protocols, may be used to determine VOC capture system
compliance with a regulatory CE standard. St. of Reas. at 3.
Satisfying the DQO yields a result accurate to a 95% confidence level, and satisfying the
LCL yields a result accurate to a 90% confidence level. PC 1 at 4, 5; Tr.1 at 10. The Seitz
Memo generally described the DQO and LCL methods:
[T]hese alternatives offer additional flexibility in that they do not require specific
testing procedures for measuring process parameters and for liquid and gas
analyses; but only specify a limited set of guidelines on the data quality. The
DQO and LCL methods are sets of approval criteria which, when met by the data
obtained with any given protocol of process parameter measurement procedures,
USEPA uses the term “volatile organic compounds” or “VOCs.” Board rules use the term
“volatile organic material” or “VOM.” Both designations refer to the same matter and can be
used interchangeably for purposes of this opinion.
may be used to determine VOC capture system compliance with a CE standard.
Seitz Memo at 3.
The R04-20 amendments to Parts 218 and 219 add the option for sources to use the DQO
and LCL. St. of Reas. at 3 (
Sections 218.105(c), 219.105(c), 218.112, and 219.112). Part
218 applies to VOM emissions from stationary sources in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area,
while Part 219 applies to VOM emissions from stationary sources in the Metro-East ozone area.
Parts 218 and 219 are nearly identical, as are the amendments to the respective Parts.
Accordingly, when the Board refers in this opinion to a provision of Part 218, it is also referring
to that provision in Part 219, and
vice versa
Subsections (c)(1) of Sections 218.105 and 219.105 state that the requirements of the
respective subsections (c)(2) (
, the CE protocols) apply to all VOM-emitting process emission
units employing capture equipment (
, hoods, ducts), except in a few cases, such as when an
emission unit is equipped with or uses a permanent total enclosure (PTE) that directs all VOM to
a control device.
35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.105(c)(1)(A), 219.105(c)(1)(A). Other than these
exceptions, the CE of an emission unit must be measured using one of the CE protocols in
subsection (c)(2). Before these amendments, subsection (c)(2) provided the four enclosure CE
protocols (in subsections (c)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D)): (1) gas/gas method using a temporary
total enclosure (TTE); (2) liquid/gas method using TTE; (3) gas/gas method using the building or
room enclosure in which the affected emission unit is located; and (4) liquid/gas method or room
enclosure in which the affected emission unit is located. The DQO and LCL protocols,
sometimes referred to as the “DQO/LCL protocol,” appear in new subsection (c)(2)(E) of
Sections 218.105 and 219.105.
CE Protocols in Enforcement Cases
The participants in this rulemaking agreed that the LCL protocol alone cannot prove a
violation because the LCL will tend to understate the actual CE. Because the actual CE is
therefore likely to be greater than the LCL, a calculated LCL above the applicable CE standard
demonstrates compliance. However, because the LCL is the “floor” for CE, a calculated LCL
below the required CE does not demonstrate non-compliance.
As the Board discussed in its first-notice opinion, IERG and Jefferson Smurfit
Corporation (U.S.) expressed concern that IEPA’s proposal suggested an improper shift of the
“burden of proof” to the respondent source in an enforcement case. PC 2 at 3-4; PC 3 at 5. The
Board agreed, finding that IEPA’s language indicated that a respondent would have the burden to
prove it is in compliance. In an enforcement action, however, it is the
that has the
burden of proving the respondent is
in compliance.
415 ILCS 5/31(e) (2004).
In response, IEPA agreed that the burden of proof in enforcement cases is on the
complainant. PC 7 at 5-6. However, IEPA states that if a source uses LCL and determines that
its CE appears to be below the CE standard, the “burden the source has is providing the Agency
with a solid number” using one of the other protocols.
. at 6. IEPA emphasized that Section
201.282(a) (35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.282(a)) gives IEPA the ability to “require the owner or
operator of the emission source or air pollution control equipment to conduct such tests in
accordance with procedures adopted by the Agency.”
. at 7.
IEPA explained that when the LCL is below the allowable CE limit, IEPA does not know
whether a source is out of compliance:
[A]n LCL estimated CE value of 68% only means that the CE is at least 68%, but
it may be 69% or 70%, or greater. If the standard of CE is 70% in a particular
situation, the Agency doesn’t know if a source with an LCL estimated CE value
of 68% is out of compliance or not. Further testing would be needed. PC 7 at 6.
IERG agreed that the DQO and the “standard” protocols (Section 218.105(c)(2)(A)-(D)) could
be used to prove a violation. PC 8 at 3.
Indeed, the Board at first notice stated:
[I]f one of the CE protocols, say subsection (c)(2)(E), cannot be met, another
, (A), (B), (C), or (D), must be satisfied absent approval of an
alternative under Section 218.108(b).
The Board recognized at second notice that the LCL will be the first protocol codified that,
alone, cannot prove a CE violation. The Board added:
However, if a source uses the LCL and the LCL does not demonstrate CE
compliance, IEPA in administering the air programs plainly can still require the
source to demonstrate compliance with CE requirements using another protocol.
If a source fails to do so, it would be subject to enforcement. Moreover, it is both
self-evident and uncontested in this rulemaking that the CE protocols other than
LCL can prove a violation of CE requirements.
To address the issue, the Board at second notice proposed the following addition (double-
underlined) to the new Section 218.105(c)(2)(E):
In enforcement cases, the LCL protocol cannot confirm non-
compliance; capture efficiency must be determined using a
protocol under subsection (c)(2)(A), (B), (C) or (D) of this Section,
the DQO protocol of this subsection (c)(2)(E), or an alternative
protocol pursuant to Section 218.108(b) of this Part.
The Board adopts this language today as a final rule.
Emission Credits and Additional Testing
IERG expressed concern during the rulemaking that satisfying the DQO under IEPA’s
proposal would necessarily require
testing to establish emission credits for
offsets, shutdowns, and trading. For example, IERG was concerned that more testing would be
required when an emission unit is being shut down even though the unit, when originally
permitted, established CE by testing. PC 3 at 3-4; Tr.2 at 29-31.
IERG and IEPA responded to the Board’s first-notice request for more comment on the
issue of when additional
testing is required for establishing emission credits. IERG stated that its
position, based on discussions with IEPA, is as follows:
where a source had originally performed testing at an emission unit using
standard methods, and then later seeks emission credits for that emission unit,
no additional testing will be required by this rulemaking to establish credits
for that emission unit;
where a source had originally performed testing at an emission unit using the
DQO, and then later seeks emission credits for that emission unit, no
additional testing will be required by this rulemaking to establish credits for
that emission unit;
where a source has not been required to perform testing at an emission unit,
and then later seeks emission credits for that emission unit, no additional
testing will be required by this rulemaking to establish credits for that
emission unit;
where a source had originally performed testing at an emission unit, has relied
upon the LCL, and then later seeks emission credits for that emission unit,
additional testing will be required for that emission unit. PC 8 at 2-3, 8.
IERG supported the Board’s rule language, as proposed at first notice, concluding that testing to
establish emission credits would be required only when the source had previously conducted
testing that relied upon the LCL. PC 8 at 3.
IEPA also supported the limitations on using LCL that the Board proposed at first notice.
PC 7 at 11. The relevant sentence within Section 218.105(c)(2)(E) at first notice, which remains
unchanged, reads:
Where capture efficiency testing is done to determine emission reductions for the
purpose of establishing emission credits for offsets, shutdowns, and trading, the
LCL protocol cannot be used for these applications.
IEPA reiterated that this restriction is necessary because the LCL would overestimate the unit’s
emissions and provide too many credits to a source. PC 7 at 12.
IEPA interpreted the rule language “Where capture efficiency testing is done . . .” to
mean any past CE testing, not just CE testing specifically for the shutdown. PC 7 at 11-12. In
this way, IEPA pointed out, if a source tested at one point and then later decided to shut down,
the source would not be required to do another test simply to determine emission credits, as long
as the testing had not relied on the LCL.
. at 13. Additionally, according to IEPA, the source
would not have to do further testing if it did not wish to take emission credits from its shutdown.
. at 12.
To further clarify the issue of CE testing and emission credits, the Board at second notice,
as requested by IEPA and IERG, added a Board note after Section 218.105(c)(2)(E). The Board
note appears in the final rules as follows, reflecting minor grammatical and capitalization
changes at JCAR’s request:
BOARD NOTE: Where LCL was used in testing emission units that are
the subject of later requests for establishing emission credits for offsets,
shutdowns, and trading, prior LCL results may not be relied upon to
determine the appropriate amount of credits. Instead, to establish the
appropriate amount of credits, additional testing may be required that
would satisfy the protocol of Section 218.105(c)(2)(A), (B), (C) or (D),
the DQO protocol of Section 218.105(c)(2)(E), or an alternative protocol
pursuant to Section 218.108(b) of this Part.
Emission Credits and Trading
As just discussed, the Board is adopting the following language for Section
218.105(c)(2)(E), closely tracking the Seitz Memo:
Where capture efficiency testing is done to determine emission reductions for the
purpose of establishing emission credits for offsets, shutdowns, and trading, the
LCL protocol cannot be used for these applications.
Regarding this language, the Board directed IEPA at first notice to specifically address the
contention of Jefferson Smurfit Corporation (U.S.) that the LCL could be used to calculate actual
seasonal emissions, just not the baseline for the VOM Emission Reduction Market System
(ERMS) (35 Ill. Adm. Code 205).
Jefferson Smurfit Corporation (U.S.) had argued that the:
baseline emissions for determining emission credits should not be based on the
LCL since this would overstate the baseline emissions and therefore give the
facility emission credits above what it should obtain. *** However, once the
baseline has been established, there is no reason why the facility should not be
able to use the LCL capture efficiency to determine its actual ERMS seasonal
emissions, especially since use of the LCL capture efficiency will overstate the
VOM emissions that must be accounted for. Smurfit PC at 5.
Accordingly, Jefferson Smurfit Corporation (U.S.) took the position that “establishing emission
credits for . . . trading” refers only to baseline calculations. Smurfit-Stone continues to interpret
the first-notice language, taken from the Seitz Memo, as precluding the use of LCL for
establishing an emission baseline, but allowing the use of LCL to calculate actual seasonal
emissions. PC 6 at 3.
IEPA commented that the problem with Smurfit-Stone’s position is the word “actual.”
PC 7 at 13. The relevant ERMS rule (35 Ill. Adm. Code 205.300(b)(1)) requires that sources
must submit “[a]ctual seasonal emissions of VOM from the source.”
. at 13-14. According to
IEPA, because the LCL underestimates CE and overestimates emissions, the LCL does not result
in the “actual seasonal emissions.”
. at 13. IEPA stated that the integrity of the ERMS trading
program is based on using actual seasonal emissions. IEPA concluded that if “sources
overestimate their emissions, the integrity of the program could be jeopardized.”
. at 14.
At second notice, the Board concurred with IEPA’s interpretation. The Board also noted
that none of the participants had requested that the Board add any rule language concerning the
ERMS baseline/seasonal emission issue, and the Board found no reason to do so at that time.
DQO/LCL as an “Alternative”
IEPA expressed concern during this rulemaking about the Board’s “concurrence with
Smurfit that DQO/LCL should be on an ‘equal footing’ with the standard (enclosure) protocols.”
PC 7 at 2. The “standard” protocols in Sections 218.105(c) and 219.105(c) use permanent total
enclosure (PTE), temporary total enclosure (TTE), and building or room enclosures (BE). The
DQO/LCL, IEPA emphasized, is a statistical analysis that measures CE without an enclosure.
. at 4. IEPA maintained that “[t]his comparison is not of equals.”
. at 2.
IEPA quoted USEPA’s 1995 Guidelines: “The [US]EPA continues to recommend the
use of a PTE, TTE, or BE for determining CE.” PC 7 at 3. IEPA pointed out that the DQO/LCL
is not included among USEPA’s
test methods, though USEPA guidance states that
the DQO/LCL could be used as an alternative.
. at 3. IEPA cautioned that the DQO and LCL
are relatively new methods and have not yet been used frequently nationwide.
. at 16. IEPA
reiterated that the purpose of including the DQO/LCL is to provide flexibility as a courtesy to the
regulated community, and that the Seitz Memo also cites reduced costs.
. at 2-3.
At second notice, the Board recognized IEPA’s numerous points about the advantages of
the enclosure protocols versus the DQO/LCL protocol. The Board noted, however, that the
Board never stated that DQO/LCL is preferred to or more accurate than the enclosure protocols.
The Board said at first notice:
The Board agrees with Smurfit’s sentiment that the DQO/LCL should be on
“equal footing” with the standard (enclosure) protocols,
, that DQO/LCL
should be available without the source having to first demonstrate that all standard
protocols are “unsuitable.”
* * *
The Board agrees with Smurfit that these “alternative” protocols (DQO and LCL),
now adopted by USEPA, should be on the same footing as the existing “standard”
protocols, with the noted exceptions limiting the use of the LCL. To refer to
DQO/LCL as an “alternative,” as IEPA proposes, even though the protocol will
be codified and not require case-by-case approval for use, risks confusing it with
this subsection (c)(2) language: “alternative capture efficiency protocol may be
used, pursuant to the provisions of Section 218.108(b).” The Section 218.108(b)
process is one by which
protocols (
, other than the codified enclosure and
DQO/LCL protocols) may be proposed and approved on a case-by-case basis.
The Board at second notice stood by its statements: “The fact remains that, as permitted
by USEPA guidance, the DQO/LCL is being added to the rules and can be used to demonstrate
CE compliance. The proposed rules clearly set forth the limits on LCL use.” In its second-
notice opinion, the Board declined IEPA’s suggestion to call DQO/LCL an “alternative” in the
rules, noting:
IEPA appears to persist in proposing that DQO and LCL be labeled “alternatives”
in the rules solely as a means to indicate that they lack the precision and
“recommended” status of the enclosure protocols. PC 7 at 5. The Board finds
this rationale for language changes unconvincing. The Seitz Memo and the 1995
Guidelines are being incorporated by reference and speak for themselves as to
what is recommended.
Carbon Adsorbers
IEPA stated that industry was concerned that the term “carbon” in “carbon adsorbers”
would limit the media that could be used in adsorbers to carbon. St. of Reas. at 3. IEPA
proposed adding a definition of “carbon adsorbers,” which is based on the federally issued
Control Technique Guidelines (CTG) document, and which would “reflect the changing
technology in the field of adsorbers and the media used in them, such as aluminum and silicon
IEPA explained that other materials had recently been introduced claiming to be a more
efficient adsorbent than carbon, though the “physical capturing of the VOM is the same basic
process.” PC 1 at 3. IEPA reported, however, from its enforcement experience, that
manufacturers of these new adsorbent materials maintain that “monitoring such devices pursuant
to the requirements of Sections 218.105(d) and 219.105(d) is not required because these Sections
refer only to ‘carbon’ adsorbers and not any other adsorber.”
. Through its proposed
definition, IEPA sought to “close that unforeseen loop hole” without causing any “undesired
regulatory repercussions” that might arise from changing the term throughout Title 35.
At first notice, the Board recognized IERG’s concern about potential confusion resulting
from defining the term “carbon adsorber” to include non-carbon materials. The Board stated,
Not only is this term [“carbon adsorber”] commonly understood to refer to
adsorbent technology generally, but now the term will be defined explicitly to
include these other media.
35 Ill. Adm. Code 211. 4470 (definition of
“paper coating” refers not only to coatings applied to paper, but also to plastic
film and metallic foil). Additionally, the Board notes that the term “carbon
adsorber” is not just used in other Subparts of Parts 218 and 219 that are not open
in this rulemaking, but also in other Parts of Title 35, such as Part 215, none of
which are open in this rulemaking.
In the interest of proceeding most efficiently with this rulemaking, the
Board declines to expand IEPA’s proposal to include such a large number of
additional regulatory provisions in an effort to amend the term “carbon adsorber.”
The Board, however, encourages IEPA to assess whether this definitional solution
works as intended when the rule is implemented. If it does not work, the Board
would invite IEPA to propose an omnimbus rulemaking to replace the term
“carbon adsorber” throughout Title 35 with a term more accurate on its face.
With several clarifications to IEPA’s language, the Board proposed for first notice the
following definition of “carbon adsorber” at Section 211.953:
“Carbon Adsorber” means a control device designed to remove and, if desired,
recover volatile organic material (VOM) from process emissions where removal
of VOM is accomplished through the adherence of the VOM onto the surface of
highly porous adsorbent particles, such as activated carbon. The term “carbon
adsorber” describes any adsorber technology used as a control device even though
media other than carbon may be used as the adsorbent, such as oxides of silicon
and aluminum.
IERG remained concerned that the definition of “carbon adsorber” still includes media
besides carbon, such as oxides of silicon and aluminum. PC 8 at 4. IERG believed the stand-
alone term “carbon adsorber” could be deceptive.
. at 4. When reviewing monitoring
requirements for “carbon adsorbers,” sources, IERG explained, might not be aware that the
requirements for carbon adsorbers in Parts 218 and 219 would also extend to other types of
. at 5.
According to IERG, IEPA concedes to having had difficulties in the past with sources
believing that non-carbon adsorber technologies are not subject to the requirements for carbon
adsorbers. PC 8 at 5. Although the Board at first notice requested that IEPA propose an
omnibus rulemaking to replace the term “carbon adsorber” with a more accurate one if needed,
IERG suspects that such a rulemaking would only be triggered after sources have suffered the
enforcement consequences.
. at 5. Rather than defining the existing term “carbon adsorber” to
include all media and waiting for IEPA to propose an omnibus rulemaking, IERG suggested
limiting the “carbon adsorber” definition to activated carbon.
IEPA, on the other hand, concurred with the definition proposed by the Board at first
notice. Further, IEPA offered that when processing permits, it can assist applicants with any
questions they may have about the meaning of “carbon adsorber.” PC 7 at 16.
At second notice, the Board stated that when it promulgates regulations, the Board must
assume that the regulations will be read by those regulated: “The Board anticipates that the
regulated community does not consist of many, if any, “casual readers” of these regulations, but
rather of sources that would be inclined to look up the definitions of defined terms.” The Board
added that IERG or any other person may propose the omnibus rulemaking referred to by the
Board. Further, the Board noted that IERG’s suggested definition would effectively exempt all
non-carbon adsorbers from the requirements, which “runs directly counter to using this
rulemaking to close the unforeseen compliance loophole mentioned at first notice.” The Board
at second notice therefore declined to alter the definition of “carbon adsorber” proposed for first
notice, which remains unchanged in these final rules.
The Board in R04-12 is making technical corrections to formulas in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
214, the air pollution rules on sulfur limitations. The errors in the formulas appear to have
occurred when the Illinois Administrative Code was re-codified. These changes were narrowly-
tailored to make only the described technical corrections. IEPA identified several errors in the
first-notice language of Part 214 ( PC 7 at 18-20, items 1, 2, 5, 6, 7), which the Board corrected
at second notice.
The Board adopts final amendments to the following air pollution control rules: Part 211
(definitions and general provisions); Part 214 (sulfur limitations); Part 218 (organic material
emission standards and limitations for the Chicago area); and Part 219 (organic material
emission standards and limitations for the Metro East area). The amendments are needed to
clarify, correct, streamline, and update the Board’s air pollution control rules, and are designed to
be emissions neutral. The amendments include changes to give sources more flexibility in
meeting VOM emission CE requirements.
Based on this record, the Board finds that the amendments adopted today are technically
feasible and economically reasonable and will not have an adverse economic impact on the
People of Illinois.
415 ILCS 5/27(a), (b) (2004). The rule amendments in the order below
reflect minor changes from second notice at JCAR’s request, none of which merit discussion.
The Board directs the Clerk to submit the amendments in the order below to the Secretary of
State for publication as final rules.
The Board adopts the following amendments to Parts 211, 214, 218, and 219 of its air
pollution control rules (35 Ill. Adm. Code 211, 214, 218, 219). The Board directs the Clerk to
submit the amendments to the Secretary of State for publication in the
Illinois Register
as final
PART 211
211.101 Incorporations by Reference
211.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors
211.121 Other Definitions
211.122 Definitions (Repealed)
211.130 Accelacota
211.150 Accumulator
211.170 Acid Gases
211.210 Actual Heat Input
211.230 Adhesive
211.240 Adhesion Promoter
211.250 Aeration
211.270 Aerosol Can Filling Line
211.290 Afterburner
211.310 Air Contaminant
211.330 Air Dried Coatings
211.350 Air Oxidation Process
211.370 Air Pollutant
211.390 Air Pollution
211.410 Air Pollution Control Equipment
211.430 Air Suspension Coater/Dryer
211.450 Airless Spray
211.470 Air Assisted Airless Spray
211.474 Alcohol
211.479 Allowance
211.484 Animal
211.485 Animal Pathological Waste
211.490 Annual Grain Through-Put
211.495 Anti-Glare/Safety Coating
211.510 Application Area
211.530 Architectural Coating
211.550 As Applied
211.560 As-Applied Fountain Solution
211.570 Asphalt
211.590 Asphalt Prime Coat
211.610 Automobile
211.630 Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Assembly Source or Automobile or Light-Duty
Truck Manufacturing Plant
211.650 Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Refinishing
211.660 Automotive/Transportation Plastic Parts
211.670 Baked Coatings
211.680 Bakery Oven
211.685 Basecoat/Clearcoat System
211.690 Batch Loading
211.695 Batch Operation
211.696 Batch Process Train
211.710 Bead-Dipping
211.730 Binders
211.750 British Thermal Unit
211.770 Brush or Wipe Coating
211.790 Bulk Gasoline Plant
211.810 Bulk Gasoline Terminal
211.820 Business Machine Plastic Parts
211.830 Can
211.850 Can Coating
211.870 Can Coating Line
211.890 Capture
211.910 Capture Device
211.930 Capture Efficiency
211.950 Capture System
211.953 Carbon Adsorber
211.955 Cement
211.960 Cement Kiln
211.970 Certified Investigation
211.980 Chemical Manufacturing Process Unit
211.990 Choke Loading
211.1010 Clean Air Act
211.1050 Cleaning and Separating Operation
211.1070 Cleaning Materials
211.1090 Clear Coating
211.1110 Clear Topcoat
211.1120 Clinker
211.1130 Closed Purge System
211.1150 Closed Vent System
211.1170 Coal Refuse
211.1190 Coating
211.1210 Coating Applicator
211.1230 Coating Line
211.1250 Coating Plant
211.1270 Coil Coating
211.1290 Coil Coating Line
211.1310 Cold Cleaning
211.1312 Combined Cycle System
211.1316 Combustion Turbine
211.1320 Commence Commercial Operation
211.1324 Commence Operation
211.1328 Common Stack
211.1330 Complete Combustion
211.1350 Component
211.1370 Concrete Curing Compounds
211.1390 Concentrated Nitric Acid Manufacturing Process
211.1410 Condensate
211.1430 Condensible PM-10
211.1465 Continuous Automatic Stoking
211.1467 Continuous Coater
211.1470 Continuous Process
211.1490 Control Device
211.1510 Control Device Efficiency
211.1515 Control Period
211.1520 Conventional Air Spray
211.1530 Conventional Soybean Crushing Source
211.1550 Conveyorized Degreasing
211.1570 Crude Oil
211.1590 Crude Oil Gathering
211.1610 Crushing
211.1630 Custody Transfer
211.1650 Cutback Asphalt
211.1670 Daily-Weighted Average VOM Content
211.1690 Day
211.1710 Degreaser
211.1730 Delivery Vessel
211.1750 Dip Coating
211.1770 Distillate Fuel Oil
211.1780 Distillation Unit
211.1790 Drum
211.1810 Dry Cleaning Operation or Dry Cleaning Facility
211.1830 Dump-Pit Area
211.1850 Effective Grate Area
211.1870 Effluent Water Separator
211.1875 Elastomeric Materials
211.1880 Electromagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency Interference (EMI/RFI) Shielding
211.1885 Electronic Component
211.1890 Electrostatic Bell or Disc Spray
211.1900 Electrostatic Prep Coat
211.1910 Electrostatic Spray
211.1920 Emergency or Standby Unit
211.1930 Emission Rate
211.1950 Emission Unit
211.1970 Enamel
211.1990 Enclose
211.2010 End Sealing Compound Coat
211.2030 Enhanced Under-the-Cup Fill
211.2050 Ethanol Blend Gasoline
211.2070 Excess Air
211.2080 Excess Emissions
211.2090 Excessive Release
211.2110 Existing Grain-Drying Operation (Repealed)
211.2130 Existing Grain-Handling Operation (Repealed)
211.2150 Exterior Base Coat
211.2170 Exterior End Coat
211.2190 External Floating Roof
211.2210 Extreme Performance Coating
211.2230 Fabric Coating
211.2250 Fabric Coating Line
211.2270 Federally Enforceable Limitations and Conditions
211.2285 Feed Mill
211.2290 Fermentation Time
211.2300 Fill
211.2310 Final Repair Coat
211.2330 Firebox
211.2350 Fixed-Roof Tank
211.2360 Flexible Coating
211.2365 Flexible Operation Unit
211.2370 Flexographic Printing
211.2390 Flexographic Printing Line
211.2410 Floating Roof
211.2420 Fossil Fuel
211.2425 Fossil Fuel-Fired
211.2430 Fountain Solution
211.2450 Freeboard Height
211.2470 Fuel Combustion Emission Unit or Fuel Combustion Emission Source
211.2490 Fugitive Particulate Matter
211.2510 Full Operating Flowrate
211.2530 Gas Service
211.2550 Gas/Gas Method
211.2570 Gasoline
211.2590 Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Gasoline Dispensing Facility
211.2610 Gel Coat
211.2620 Generator
211.2630 Gloss Reducers
211.2650 Grain
211.2670 Grain-Drying Operation
211.2690 Grain-Handling and Conditioning Operation
211.2710 Grain-Handling Operation
211.2730 Green-Tire Spraying
211.2750 Green Tires
211.2770 Gross Heating Value
211.2790 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
211.2810 Heated Airless Spray
211.2815 Heat Input
211.2820 Heat Input Rate
211.2830 Heatset
211.2850 Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line
211.2870 Heavy Liquid
211.2890 Heavy Metals
211.2910 Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products
211.2930 Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products Coating
211.2950 Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products Coating Line
211.2970 High Temperature Aluminum Coating
211.2990 High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) Spray
211.3010 Hood
211.3030 Hot Well
211.3050 Housekeeping Practices
211.3070 Incinerator
211.3090 Indirect Heat Transfer
211.3110 Ink
211.3130 In-Process Tank
211.3150 In-Situ Sampling Systems
211.3170 Interior Body Spray Coat
211.3190 Internal-Floating Roof
211.3210 Internal Transferring Area
211.3230 Lacquers
211.3250 Large Appliance
211.3270 Large Appliance Coating
211.3290 Large Appliance Coating Line
211.3310 Light Liquid
211.3330 Light-Duty Truck
211.3350 Light Oil
211.3370 Liquid/Gas Method
211.3390 Liquid-Mounted Seal
211.3410 Liquid Service
211.3430 Liquids Dripping
211.3450 Lithographic Printing Line
211.3470 Load-Out Area
211.3480 Loading Event
211.3483 Long Dry Kiln
211.3485 Long Wet Kiln
211.3487 Low-NOx Burner
211.3490 Low Solvent Coating
211.3500 Lubricating Oil
211.3510 Magnet Wire
211.3530 Magnet Wire Coating
211.3550 Magnet Wire Coating Line
211.3570 Major Dump Pit
211.3590 Major Metropolitan Area (MMA)
211.3610 Major Population Area (MPA)
211.3620 Manually Operated Equipment
211.3630 Manufacturing Process
211.3650 Marine Terminal
211.3660 Marine Vessel
211.3670 Material Recovery Section
211.3690 Maximum Theoretical Emissions
211.3695 Maximum True Vapor Pressure
211.3710 Metal Furniture
211.3730 Metal Furniture Coating
211.3750 Metal Furniture Coating Line
211.3770 Metallic Shoe-Type Seal
211.3780 Mid-Kiln Firing
211.3790 Miscellaneous Fabricated
Product Manufacturing Process
211.3810 Miscellaneous Formulation Manufacturing Process
211.3830 Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products
211.3850 Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coating
211.3870 Miscellaneous Metal Parts or Products Coating Line
211.3890 Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Process
211.3910 Mixing Operation
211.3915 Mobile Equipment
211.3930 Monitor
211.3950 Monomer
211.3960 Motor Vehicles
211.3965 Motor Vehicle Refinishing
211.3970 Multiple Package Coating
211.3980 Nameplate Capacity
211.3990 New Grain-Drying Operation (Repealed)
211.4010 New Grain-Handling Operation (Repealed)
211.4030 No Detectable Volatile Organic Material Emissions
211.4050 Non-Contact Process Water Cooling Tower
211.4055 Non-Flexible Coating
211.4065 Non-Heatset
211.4067 NOx Trading Program
211.4070 Offset
211.4090 One Hundred Percent Acid
211.4110 One-Turn Storage Space
211.4130 Opacity
211.4150 Opaque Stains
211.4170 Open Top Vapor Degreasing
211.4190 Open-Ended Valve
211.4210 Operator of a Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Operator of a Gasoline
Dispensing Facility
211.4230 Organic Compound
211.4250 Organic Material and Organic Materials
211.4260 Organic Solvent
211.4270 Organic Vapor
211.4290 Oven
211.4310 Overall Control
211.4330 Overvarnish
211.4350 Owner of a Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Owner of a Gasoline Dispensing
211.4370 Owner or Operator
211.4390 Packaging Rotogravure Printing
211.4410 Packaging Rotogravure Printing Line
211.4430 Pail
211.4450 Paint Manufacturing Source or Paint Manufacturing Plant
211.4470 Paper Coating
211.4490 Paper Coating Line
211.4510 Particulate Matter
211.4530 Parts Per Million (Volume) or PPM (Vol)
211.4550 Person
211.4590 Petroleum
211.4610 Petroleum Liquid
211.4630 Petroleum Refinery
211.4650 Pharmaceutical
211.4670 Pharmaceutical Coating Operation
211.4690 Photochemically Reactive Material
211.4710 Pigmented Coatings
211.4730 Plant
211.4740 Plastic Part
211.4750 Plasticizers
211.4770 PM-10
211.4790 Pneumatic Rubber Tire Manufacture
211.4810 Polybasic Organic Acid Partial Oxidation Manufacturing Process
211.4830 Polyester Resin Material(s)
211.4850 Polyester Resin Products Manufacturing Process
211.4870 Polystyrene Plant
211.4890 Polystyrene Resin
211.4910 Portable Grain-Handling Equipment
211.4930 Portland Cement Manufacturing Process Emission Source
211.4950 Portland Cement Process or Portland Cement
Manufacturing Plant
211.4960 Potential Electrical Output Capacity
211.4970 Potential to Emit
211.4990 Power Driven Fastener Coating
211.5010 Precoat
211.5015 Preheater Kiln
211.5020 Preheater/Precalciner Kiln
211.5030 Pressure Release
211.5050 Pressure Tank
211.5060 Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve
211.5061 Pretreatment Wash Primer
211.5065 Primary Product
211.5070 Prime Coat
211.5080 Primer Sealer
211.5090 Primer Surfacer Coat
211.5110 Primer Surfacer Operation
211.5130 Primers
211.5150 Printing
211.5170 Printing Line
211.5185 Process Emission Source
211.5190 Process Emission Unit
211.5210 Process Unit
211.5230 Process Unit Shutdown
211.5245 Process Vent
211.5250 Process Weight Rate
211.5270 Production Equipment Exhaust System
211.5310 Publication Rotogravure Printing Line
211.5330 Purged Process Fluid
211.5340 Rated Heat Input Capacity
211.5350 Reactor
211.5370 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)
211.5390 Reclamation System
211.5410 Refiner
211.5430 Refinery Fuel Gas
211.5450 Refinery Fuel Gas System
211.5470 Refinery Unit or Refinery Process Unit
211.5480 Reflective Argent Coating
211.5490 Refrigerated Condenser
211.5500 Regulated Air Pollutant
211.5510 Reid Vapor Pressure
211.5530 Repair
211.5550 Repair Coat
211.5570 Repaired
211.5580 Repowering
211.5590 Residual Fuel Oil
211.5600 Resist Coat
211.5610 Restricted Area
211.5630 Retail Outlet
211.5650 Ringelmann Chart
211.5670 Roadway
211.5690 Roll Coater
211.5710 Roll Coating
211.5730 Roll Printer
211.5750 Roll Printing
211.5770 Rotogravure Printing
211.5790 Rotogravure Printing Line
211.5810 Safety Relief Valve
211.5830 Sandblasting
211.5850 Sanding Sealers
211.5870 Screening
211.5880 Screen Printing on Paper
211.5890 Sealer
211.5910 Semi-Transparent Stains
211.5930 Sensor
211.5950 Set of Safety Relief Valves
211.5970 Sheet Basecoat
211.5980 Sheet-Fed
211.5990 Shotblasting
211.6010 Side-Seam Spray Coat
211.6025 Single Unit Operation
211.6030 Smoke
211.6050 Smokeless Flare
211.6060 Soft Coat
211.6070 Solvent
211.6090 Solvent Cleaning
211.6110 Solvent Recovery System
211.6130 Source
211.6140 Specialty Coatings
211.6145 Specialty Coatings for Motor Vehicles
211.6150 Specialty High Gloss Catalyzed Coating
211.6170 Specialty Leather
211.6190 Specialty Soybean Crushing Source
211.6210 Splash Loading
211.6230 Stack
211.6250 Stain Coating
211.6270 Standard Conditions
211.6290 Standard Cubic Foot (scf)
211.6310 Start-Up
211.6330 Stationary Emission Source
211.6350 Stationary Emission Unit
211.6355 Stationary Gas Turbine
211.6360 Stationary Reciprocating
Internal Combustion Engine
211.6370 Stationary Source
211.6390 Stationary Storage Tank
211.6400 Stencil Coat
211.6410 Storage Tank or Storage Vessel
211.6420 Strippable Spray Booth Coating
211.6430 Styrene Devolatilizer Unit
211.6450 Styrene Recovery Unit
211.6470 Submerged Loading Pipe
211.6490 Substrate
211.6510 Sulfuric Acid Mist
211.6530 Surface Condenser
211.6540 Surface Preparation Materials
211.6550 Synthetic Organic Chemical or Polymer Manufacturing Plant
211.6570 Tablet Coating Operation
211.6580 Texture Coat
211.6590 Thirty-Day Rolling Average
211.6610 Three-Piece Can
211.6620 Three or Four Stage Coating System
211.6630 Through-the-Valve Fill
211.6650 Tooling Resin
211.6670 Topcoat
211.6690 Topcoat Operation
211.6695 Topcoat System
211.6710 Touch-Up
211.6720 Touch-Up Coating
211.6730 Transfer Efficiency
211.6750 Tread End Cementing
211.6770 True Vapor Pressure
211.6790 Turnaround
211.6810 Two-Piece Can
211.6830 Under-the-Cup Fill
211.6850 Undertread Cementing
211.6860 Uniform Finish Blender
211.6870 Unregulated Safety Relief Valve
211.6880 Vacuum Metallizing
211.6890 Vacuum Producing System
211.6910 Vacuum Service
211.6930 Valves Not Externally Regulated
211.6950 Vapor Balance System
211.6970 Vapor Collection System
211.6990 Vapor Control System
211.7010 Vapor-Mounted Primary Seal
211.7030 Vapor Recovery System
211.7050 Vapor-Suppressed Polyester Resin
211.7070 Vinyl Coating
211.7090 Vinyl Coating Line
211.7110 Volatile Organic Liquid (VOL)
211.7130 Volatile Organic Material Content (VOMC)
211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
211.7170 Volatile Petroleum Liquid
211.7190 Wash Coat
211.7200 Washoff Operations
211.7210 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator
211.7230 Weak Nitric Acid Manufacturing Process
211.7250 Web
211.7270 Wholesale Purchase - Consumer
211.7290 Wood Furniture
211.7310 Wood Furniture Coating
211.7330 Wood Furniture Coating Line
211.7350 Woodworking
211.7400 Yeast Percentage
Appendix A Rule into Section Table
Appendix B Section into Rule Table
AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 9, 9.1, 9.9 and 10 and authorized by Sections 27, 28 and
28.5 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/9, 9.1, 9.9, 10, 27, 28 and 28.5].
SOURCE: Adopted as Chapter 2: Air Pollution, Rule 201: Definitions, R71-23, 4 PCB 191,
filed and effective April 14, 1972; amended in R74-2 and R75-5, 32 PCB 295, at 3 Ill. Reg. 5, p.
777, effective February 3, 1979; amended in R78-3 and 4, 35 PCB 75 and 243, at 3 Ill. Reg. 30,
p. 124, effective July 28, 1979; amended in R80-5, at 7 Ill. Reg. 1244, effective January 21,
1983; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 13590; amended in R82-1 (Docket A) at 10 Ill. Reg. 12624, effective
July 7, 1986; amended in R85-21(A) at 11 Ill. Reg. 11747, effective June 29, 1987; amended in
R86-34 at 11 Ill. Reg. 12267, effective July 10, 1987; amended in R86-39 at 11 Ill. Reg. 20804,
effective December 14, 1987; amended in R82-14 and R86-37 at 12 Ill. Reg. 787, effective
December 24, 1987; amended in R86-18 at 12 Ill. Reg. 7284, effective April 8, 1988; amended
in R86-10 at 12 Ill. Reg. 7621, effective April 11, 1988; amended in R88-23 at 13 Ill. Reg.
10862, effective June 27, 1989; amended in R89-8 at 13 Ill. Reg. 17457, effective January 1,
1990; amended in R89-16(A) at 14 Ill. Reg. 9141, effective May 23, 1990; amended in R88-
30(B) at 15 Ill. Reg. 5223, effective March 28, 1991; amended in R88-14 at 15 Ill. Reg. 7901,
effective May 14, 1991; amended in R91-10 at 15 Ill. Reg. 15564, effective October 11, 1991;
amended in R91-6 at 15 Ill. Reg. 15673, effective October 14, 1991; amended in R91-22 at 16
Ill. Reg. 7656, effective May 1, 1992; amended in R91-24 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13526, effective August
24, 1992; amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16504, effective September 27, 1993; amended in
R93-11 at 17 Ill. Reg. 21471, effective December 7, 1993; amended in R93-14 at 18 Ill. Reg.
1253, effective January 18, 1994; amended in R94-12 at 18 Ill. Reg. 14962, effective September
21, 1994; amended in R94-14 at 18 Ill. Reg. 15744, effective October 17, 1994; amended in
R94-15 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16379, effective October 25, 1994; amended in R94-16 at 18 Ill. Reg.
16929, effective November 15, 1994; amended in R94-21, R94-31 and R94-32 at 19 Ill. Reg.
6823, effective May 9, 1995; amended in R94-33 at 19 Ill. Reg. 7344, effective May 22, 1995;
amended in R95-2 at 19 Ill. Reg. 11066, effective July 12, 1995; amended in R95-16 at 19 Ill.
Reg. 15176, effective October 19, 1995; amended in R96-5 at 20 Ill. Reg. 7590, effective May
22, 1996; amended in R96-16 at 21 Ill. Reg. 2641, effective February 7, 1997; amended in R97-
17 at 21 Ill. Reg. 6489, effective May 16, 1997; amended in R97-24 at 21 Ill. Reg. 7695,
effective June 9, 1997; amended in R96-17 at 21 Ill. Reg. 7856, effective June 17, 1997;
amended in R97-31 at 22 Ill. Reg. 3497, effective February 2, 1998; amended in R98-17 at 22 Ill.
Reg.11405, effective June 22, 1998; amended in R01-9 at 25 Ill. Reg. 128, effective December
26, 2000; amended in R01-11 at 25 Ill. Reg. 4597, effective March 15, 2001; amended in R01-17
at 25 Ill. Reg. 5900, effective April 17, 2001; amended in R04-20 at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _.
BOARD NOTE: This Part implements the Illinois Environmental Protection Act as of July 1,
Section 211.953 Carbon Adsorber
“Carbon Adsorber” means a control device designed to remove and, if desired, recover volatile
organic material (VOM) from process emissions where removal of VOM is accomplished
through the adherence of the VOM onto the surface of highly porous adsorbent particles, such as
activated carbon. The term “carbon adsorber” describes any adsorber technology used as a
control device even though media other than carbon may be used as the adsorbent, such as
oxides of silicon and aluminum.
(Source: Added at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 211.5880 Screen Printing on Paper
“Screen Printing on Paper” means a process that would otherwise be paper coating as defined in
Section 211.4470 of this Part, except ink is passed through a taut screen or fabric to which a
refined form of stencil has been applied. The stencil openings determine the form and
dimensions of the imprint.
(Source: Added at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
PART 214
214.100 Scope and Organization
214.101 Measurement Methods
214.102 Abbreviations and Units
214.103 Definitions
214.104 Incorporations by Reference
214.120 Scope
214.121 Large Sources
214.122 Small Sources
214.140 Scope
214.141 Sources Located in Metropolitan Areas
214.142 Small Sources Located Outside Metropolitan Areas
214.143 Large Sources Located Outside Metropolitan Areas
214.161 Liquid Fuel Burned Exclusively
214.162 Combination of Fuels
214.181 Dispersion Enhancement Techniques
214.182 Prohibition
214.183 General Formula
214.184 Special Formula
214.185 Alternative Emission Rate
214.186 New Operating Permits
214.201 Alternative Standards for Sources in Metropolitan Areas
214.202 Dispersion Enhancement Techniques
214.300 Scope
214.301 General Limitation
214.302 Exception for Air Pollution Control Equipment
214.303 Use of Sulfuric Acid
214.304 Fuel Burning Process Emission Source
214.380 Scope
214.381 Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing
214.382 Petroleum and Petrochemical Processes
214.383 Chemical Manufacturing
214.384 Sulfate and Sulfite Manufacturing
214.400 Scope
214.401 Glass Melting and Heat Treating
214.402 Lime Kilns
214.420 Scope
214.421 Combination of Fuels at Steel Mills in Metropolitan Areas
214.422 Secondary Lead Smelting in Metropolitan Areas
214.423 Slab Reheat Furnaces in St. Louis Area
214.521 Winnetka Power Plant
214.560 Scope
214.561 E. D. Edwards Electric Generating Station
214.562 Coffeen Generating Station
Appendix A Rule into Section Table
Appendix B Section into Rule Table
Appendix C Method used to Determine Average Actual Stack Height and Effective Height of
Effluent Release
Appendix D Past Compliance Dates
AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 10 and authorized by Section 27 of the Environmental
Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/10 and 27].
SOURCE: Adopted as Chapter 2: Air Pollution, Rule 204: Sulfur Emission Standards and
Limitations, R71-23, 4 PCB 191, filed and effective April 14, 1972; amended in R74-2 and R75-
5, 32 PCB 295, at 3 Ill. Reg. 5, p. 777, effective February 3, 1979; amended in R74-2, R75-5, 38
PCB 129, at 4 Ill. Reg. 28, p. 417, effective June 26, 1980; amended in R78-17, 40 PCB 291, at 5
Ill. Reg. 1892, effective February 17, 1981; amended in R77-15, 44 PCB 267, at 6 Ill. Reg. 2146,
effective January 28, 1982; amended and renumbered in R80-22(A), at 7 Ill. Reg. 42204219,
effective March 28, 1983; codified 7 Ill. Reg. 1357913597; amended in R80-22(B), at 8 Ill. Reg.
6172, effective April 24, 1984; amended in R84-28, at 10 Ill. Reg. 9806, effective May 20, 1986;
amended in R86-31, at 12 Ill. Reg. 17387, effective October 14, 1988; amended in R86-30, at 12
Ill. Reg. 20778, effective December 5, 1988; amended in R87-31 at 15 Ill. Reg. 1017, effective
January 15, 1991; amended in R02-21 at 27 Ill. Reg. 12101, effective July 11, 2003; amended in
R04-12 at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _.
Section 214.162 Combination of Fuels
a) No person shall cause or allow the emission of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
in any one hour period from any fuel combustion emission source burning
simultaneously any combination of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels to exceed the
allowable emission rate determined by the following equation:
E = AX + BY + CZ
E = SSHS + SdHd + SRHR
b) Symbols in the equation mean the following:
E = allowable sulfur dioxide emission rate;
ASS = solid fuel sulfur dioxide emission standard which is applicable;
BSd = distillate oil sulfur dioxide emission standard determined from the
table in subsection (d);
CSR = residual fuel oil sulfur dioxide emission standard which is
XHS = actual heat input from solid fuel;
YHd = actual heat input from distillate fuel oil;
ZHR = actual heat input from residual fuel oil;
c) That portion of the actual heat input that is derived:
1) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of solid
fuels shall be included in XHS;
2) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of
distillate fuel oil shall be included in YHd;
3) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of residual
fuel oil shall be included in ZHR;
4) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of any
other liquid fuel shall be included in ZHR; and,
5) From the burning of by-product gases such as those produced from a blast
furnace or a catalyst regeneration unit in a petroleum refinery shall be
included in ZHR.
d) Metric or English units may be used in the equation of subsection (a) as follows:
Parameter Metric English
E kg/hr lbs/hr
ASS, CSR kg/MW-hr lbs/mmbtu
BSd 0.46 kg/MW-hr 0.3 lbs/mmbtu
XHS, YHd, ZHR MW mmbtu/hr
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 214.183 General Formula
a) The general formula is:
E = A X
(in English units)
(in Metric units)
b) Symbols used in the general formula mean the following:
E = Total allowable emission of sulfur dioxide (in lbs/hr or kg/hr) into the
atmosphere in any one-hour period from all fuel combustion emission
sources owned or operated by such person and located within a 1.6 km (1
mile) radius from the center point of any such emission source.
XHA = Average actual stack height as determined by method outlined in
Appendix C.
YHE = Effective height of effluent release as determined by method outlined in
Appendix C.
The general formula may be used with either metric or English units as follows:
Parameter Metric English
E kg/hr lbs/hr
X, Y
m ft
A 0.04347 kg/hr 0.007813 lbs/hr
B 0.11 0.11
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 214.184 Special Formula
a) If the maximum total emissions of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere in any one
hour period from all fuel combustion emission sources owned or operated by any
person and located within a 1 mile (1.6 km) radius from the center point of any
such fuel combustion emission sources exceed, during normal cyclical variations
in firing rate and fuel, the emissions allowed under Section 214.183 but, as of
April 1, 1978, were in compliance with either the formula detailed below or a
Pollution Control Board (Board) order, then the owner or operator of the emission
sources shall not cause or allow such emissions to exceed the emissions allowed
under Section 214.183 or the formula detailed below, whichever the owner or
operator of the emission sources determines shall apply.
E =
(in English units)
(in Metric units)
H = P1 H1 + P2 H2 + ... Pn Hn
(Note: P1 + P2 ... Pn = 1)
c) As used in these equations, symbols mean the following:
E = total emission of sulfur dioxide, (in pounds per hour,lbs/hr or kg/hr) into
the atmosphere in any one hour period from all fuel combustion emission
sources owned or operated by such person and located within a 1 mile (1.6
km) radius from the center point of any such emission source;
Pi, i = 1, 2,..., n = percentage of total emissions E emitted
from source I divided by 100, and
Hi, i = 1, 2,..., n = physical height in feet above grade of
stack i.
Pi= (for i=1, 2, . . ., n) percentage of total emissions E emitted from source i
expressed as decimal equivalents (e.g., 21% = 0.21), and
Hi= (for i=1, 2, . . ., n) physical height (in feet or meters) above grade of stack
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 214.421 Combination of Fuels at Steel Mills in Metropolitan Areas
a) Section 214.162 notwithstanding, no person shall cause or allow the emission of
sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere in any one hour period from any existing fuel
combustion emission source at a steel mill located in the Chicago or St. Louis
(Illinois) major metropolitan area burning any solid, liquid or gaseous fuel, or any
combination thereof, to exceed the allowable emission rate determined by the
following equation:
E = AW + BX + CY + DZ
b) Symbols in the equation mean the following:
E = allowable sulfur dioxide emission rate;
ASS = solid fuel sulfur dioxide emission standard which is applicable;
BSd = distillate oil sulfur dioxide emission standard determined from the
table in subsection (d);
CSR = residual oil sulfur dioxide emission standard which is applicable;
DSG = maximum by-product gas sulfur dioxide emissions which would
result if the applicable by-product gas which was burned had been
burned alone at any time during the 12 months preceding the latest
operation, on or before March 28, 1983, of an emission source
using any by-product gas.
WHS = actual heat input from solid fuel;
XHd = actual heat input from distillate fuel oil;
YHR = actual heat input from residual fuel oil;
ZHG = actual heat input from by-product gases, such as those produced
from a blast furnace.
c) That portion of the actual heat input that is derived:
1) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of solid
fuels shall be included in WHS;
2) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of
distillate fuel oil shall be included in XHd;
3) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of residual
fuel oil shall be included in YHR; and
4) From the burning of gaseous fuels produced by the gasification of any
other liquid fuel shall be included in ZHG.
d) Metric or English units may be used in the equation of subsection (a) as follows:
Parameter Metric English
E kg/hr lbs/hr
ASS, CSR, DSG kg/MW-hr lbs/mmbtu
BSd 0.46 kg/MW-hr 0.3 lbs/mmbtu
WHS, XHd, YHR, ZHG MW mmbtu/hr
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Method used to Determine Average Actual Stack Height and Effective Height of
Effluent Release
QH (Btu/sec) = Heat emission rate (in btu/sec or Kcal/sec) as determined by method outlined
H (feet) = Plume rise (in feet or meters).
H = Physical height (in feet or meters), above grade of each stack, except that for purposes of
this calculation the value used for such stack height shall not exceed good engineering
practice as defined by Section 123 of the Clean Air Act and Regulations promulgated
thereunder, unless the owner or operator of the source demonstrates to the Agency that a
greater height is necessary to prevent downwash or fumigation conditions.
T (Degrees Rankine) = Exit temperature of stack gases (in degrees Rankine or degrees
Kelvin) from each source during operating conditions which would
cause maximum emissions.
V (feet/sec) = Exit velocity of stack gases (in feet/sec or meters/sec) from each source
under operating conditions which would cause maximum emissions.
D (feet) = Diameter of stack (in feet or meters).
P = Percentage of total emissions expressed as decimal equivalents emitted from each source.
(Example: 21% = 0.21.) NOTE: The sum of P1 + P2 ... + Pn = 1. The emission values to
be used are those which occur during operating conditions which would cause maximum
X HA = Average actual stack height (in feet or meters).
YHE = Effective height of effluent release (in feet or meters).
STEP 1: Determine weighted average stack parameters utilizing the following formulae:
D = P1 D1 + P2 D2 + ... + Pn Dn
V = P1 V1 + P2 V2 + ... + Pn Vn
T = P1 T1 + P2 T2 + ... + Pn Tn
HAX = P1 H1 + P2 H2 + ... + Pn Hn
NOTE: P1, D1, V1, T1, P1, D1, V1, T1, and H1 H1 are the percentage of total emissions, stack
diameter, exit velocity of gases, exit temperature of stack gases, and physical stack height,
respectively, for the first source; P2, D2, V2, T2, P2, D2, V2, T2, and H2 H2 are the respective
values for the second source; similarly, Pn, Dn, Vn, Tn, Pn, Dn, Vn, Tn, and Hn Hn are the
respective values for the nth source, where n is the number of the last source.
STEP 2: Calculate heat emission rate utilizing the following formula and the weighted
average stack parameters obtained in Step 1:
Q + 7.54D2V (T - 515)
(in English units)
(in Metric units)
STEP 3: Calculate plume rise utilizing the appropriate formula given below and the total
heat emission rate obtained in Step 2:
H =
2.58 (Q)0.6
for Q
6000 btu/sec.
(in English Units for QH
6000 btu/sec)
(in Metric Units for QH
1500 kcal/sec)
H =
0.718 (Q)0.75 for Q
6000 btu/sec.
(in English Units for QH< 6000 btu/sec)
(in Metric Units for QH< 1500 kcal/sec)
STEP 4: Calculate the weighted average facility effective height of effluent release
utilizing the plume rise obtained in Step 3, the average stack height obtained in
Step 1 and the formula given below:
Y =
X + H
HE = HA +
STEP 5: Calculate the total facility hourly emission limitation utilizing the weighted actual
stack height obtained in Step 1, the effective stack height given in Step 4, and the
following formula:
E =
(X)0.11 (Y)2
(in English units)
(in Metric units)
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
PART 218
218.100 Introduction
218.101 Savings Clause
218.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors
218.103 Applicability
218.104 Definitions
218.105 Test Methods and Procedures
218.106 Compliance Dates
218.107 Operation of Afterburners
218.108 Exemptions, Variations, and Alternative Means of Control or Compliance
218.109 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Liquids
218.110 Vapor Pressure of Organic Material or Solvent
218.111 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Material
218.112 Incorporations by Reference
218.113 Monitoring for Negligibly-Reactive Compounds
218.114 Compliance with Permit Conditions
218.119 Applicability for VOL
218.120 Control Requirements for Storage Containers of VOL
218.121 Storage Containers of VPL
218.122 Loading Operations
218.123 Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks
218.124 External Floating Roofs
218.125 Compliance Dates
218.126 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.127 Testing VOL Operations
218.128 Monitoring VOL Operations
218.129 Recordkeeping and Reporting for VOL Operations
218.141 Separation Operations
218.142 Pumps and Compressors
218.143 Vapor Blowdown
218.144 Safety Relief Valves
218.181 Solvent Cleaning in General
218.182 Cold Cleaning
218.183 Open Top Vapor Degreasing
218.184 Conveyorized Degreasing
218.185 Compliance Schedule (Repealed)
218.186 Test Methods
218.204 Emission Limitations
218.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations
218.206 Solids Basis Calculation
218.207 Alternative Emission Limitations
218.208 Exemptions from Emission Limitations
218.209 Exemption from General Rule on Use of Organic Material
218.210 Compliance Schedule
218.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting
218.212 Cross-Line Averaging to Establish Compliance for Coating Lines
218.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-Line Averaging Participating Coating
218.214 Changing Compliance Methods
218.215 Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach
218.216 Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use
218.217 Wood Furniture Coating Work Practice Standards
218.301 Use of Organic Material
218.302 Alternative Standard
218.303 Fuel Combustion Emission Units
218.304 Operations with Compliance Program
218.401 Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing
218.402 Applicability
218.403 Compliance Schedule
218.404 Recordkeeping and Reporting
218.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability
218.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to March
15, 1996
218.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines
On and After March 15, 1996
218.408 Compliance Schedule for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
218.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
218.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing
218.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing
218.421 General Requirements
218.422 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks
218.423 Inspection Program for Leaks
218.424 Repairing Leaks
218.425 Recordkeeping for Leaks
218.426 Report for Leaks
218.427 Alternative Program for Leaks
218.428 Open-Ended Valves
218.429 Standards for Control Devices
218.430 Compliance Date (Repealed)
218.431 Applicability
218.432 Control Requirements
218.433 Performance and Testing Requirements
218.434 Monitoring Requirements
218.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
218.436 Compliance Date
218.441 Petroleum Refinery Waste Gas Disposal
218.442 Vacuum Producing Systems
218.443 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator
218.444 Process Unit Turnarounds
218.445 Leaks: General Requirements
218.446 Monitoring Program Plan for Leaks
218.447 Monitoring Program for Leaks
218.448 Recordkeeping for Leaks
218.449 Reporting for Leaks
218.450 Alternative Program for Leaks
218.451 Sealing Device Requirements
218.452 Compliance Schedule for Leaks
218.453 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
218.461 Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires
218.462 Green Tire Spraying Operations
218.463 Alternative Emission Reduction Systems
218.464 Emission Testing
218.465 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
218.466 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.480 Applicability
218.481 Control of Reactors, Distillation Units, Crystallizers, Centrifuges and Vacuum
218.482 Control of Air Dryers, Production Equipment Exhaust Systems and Filters
218.483 Material Storage and Transfer
218.484 In-Process Tanks
218.485 Leaks
218.486 Other Emission Units
218.487 Testing
218.488 Monitoring for Air Pollution Control Equipment
218.489 Recordkeeping for Air Pollution Control Equipment
218.500 Applicability for Batch Operations
218.501 Control Requirements for Batch Operations
218.502 Determination of Uncontrolled Total Annual Mass Emissions and Average Flow
Rate Values for Batch Operations
218.503 Performance and Testing Requirements for Batch Operations
218.504 Monitoring Requirements for Batch Operations
218.505 Reporting and Recordkeeping for Batch Operations
218.506 Compliance Date
218.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes
218.521 Definitions (Repealed)
218.522 Savings Clause
218.523 Compliance
218.524 Determination of Applicability
218.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes
218.526 Testing and Monitoring
218.527 Compliance Date (Repealed)
218.541 Pesticide Exception
218.561 Architectural Coatings
218.562 Paving Operations
218.563 Cutback Asphalt
218.581 Bulk Gasoline Plants
218.582 Bulk Gasoline Terminals
218.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Storage Tank Filling Operations
218.584 Gasoline Delivery Vessels
218.585 Gasoline Volatility Standards
218.586 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations
218.601 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners (Repealed)
218.602 Applicability (Repealed)
218.603 Leaks (Repealed)
218.604 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
218.605 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.606 Exception to Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.607 Standards for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
218.608 Operating Practices for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
218.609 Program for Inspection and Repair of Leaks
218.610 Testing and Monitoring
218.611 Applicability for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
218.612 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
218.613 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.620 Applicability
218.621 Exemption for Waterbase Material and Heatset Offset Ink
218.623 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.624 Open Top Mills, Tanks, Vats or Vessels
218.625 Grinding Mills
218.626 Storage Tanks
218.628 Leaks
218.630 Clean Up
218.636 Compliance Schedule
218.637 Recordkeeping and Reporting
218.640 Applicability
218.642 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants
218.644 Emissions Testing
218.660 Applicability
218.666 Control Requirements
218.667 Compliance Schedule
218.668 Testing
218.670 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Exempt Emission Units
218.672 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Subject Emission Units
218.680 Applicability
218.686 Control Requirements
218.688 Testing
218.690 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Exempt Emission Units
218.692 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Subject Emission Units
218.720 Applicability (Repealed)
218.722 Control Requirements (Repealed)
218.726 Testing (Repealed)
218.727 Monitoring (Repealed)
218.728 Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
218.729 Compliance Date (Repealed)
218.730 Certification (Repealed)
218.760 Applicability
218.762 Control Requirements
218.764 Compliance Certification
218.766 Leaks
218.768 Testing and Monitoring
218.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting
218.780 Emission Limitations
218.782 Alternative Control Requirements
218.784 Equipment Specifications
218.786 Surface Preparation Materials
218.787 Work Practices
218.788 Testing
218.789 Monitoring and Recordkeeping for Control Devices
218.790 General Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
218.791 Compliance Date
218.792 Registration
218.875 Applicability of Subpart BB (Renumbered)
218.877 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants (Renumbered)
218.879 Compliance Date (Repealed)
218.881 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.883 Special Requirements for Compliance Plan (Repealed)
218.886 Emissions Testing (Renumbered)
218.920 Applicability
218.923 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.926 Control Requirements
218.927 Compliance Schedule
218.928 Testing
218.929 Cementable and Dress or Performance Shoe Leather
218.940 Applicability
218.943 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.946 Control Requirements
218.947 Compliance Schedule
218.948 Testing
218.960 Applicability
218.963 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.966 Control Requirements
218.967 Compliance Schedule
218.968 Testing
218.980 Applicability
218.983 Permit Conditions (Repealed)
218.986 Control Requirements
218.987 Compliance Schedule
218.988 Testing
218.990 Exempt Emission Units
218.991 Subject Emission Units
Section 218.Appendix A: List of Chemicals Defining Synthetic Organic Chemical and
Polymer Manufacturing
Section 218.Appendix B: VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency (Repealed)
Section 218.Appendix C: Reference Methods and Procedures
Section 218.Appendix D: Coefficients for the Total Resource Effectiveness Index (TRE)
Section 218.Appendix E: List of Affected Marine Terminals
Section 218.Appendix G: TRE Index Measurements for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation
Section 218.Appendix H: Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 218.212
Cross-Line Averaging
AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 10 and authorized by Sections 27, 28, 28.5 of the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/10 and 28.5].
SOURCE: Adopted at R91-7 at 15 Ill. Reg. 12231, effective August 16, 1991; amended in R91-
24 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13564, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R91-28 and R91-30 at 16 Ill.
Reg. 13864, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16636, effective
September 27, 1993; amended in R93-14 at 18 Ill. Reg. at 1945, effective January 24, 1994;
amended in R94-12 at 18 Ill. Reg. at 14973, effective September 21, 1994; amended in R94-15 at
18 Ill. Reg. 16392, effective October 25, 1994; amended in R94-16 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16950,
effective November 15, 1994; amended in R94-21, R94-31 and R94-32 at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848,
effective May 9, 1995; amended in R94-33 at 19 Ill. Reg. 7359, effective May 22, 1995;
amended in R96-13 at 20 Ill. Reg. 14428, effective October 17, 1996; amended in R97-24 at 21
Ill. Reg. 7708, effective June 9, 1997; amended in R97-31 at 22 Ill. Reg. 3556, effective
February 2, 1998; amended in R98-16 at 22 Ill. Reg. 14282, effective July 16, 1998; amended in
R02-20, at 27 Ill. Reg 7283, effective April 8, 2003; amended in R04-20 at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective
BOARD NOTE: This Part implements the Environmental Protection Act as of July 1, 1994.
Section 218.105 Test Methods and Procedures
a) Coatings, Inks and Fountain Solutions
The following test methods and procedures shall be used to determine compliance
of as applied coatings, inks, and fountain solutions with the limitations set forth in
this Part.
1) Sampling: Samples collected for analyses shall be one-liter taken into a
one-liter container at a location and time such that the sample will be
representative of the coating as applied (i.e., the sample shall include any
dilution solvent or other VOM added during the manufacturing process).
The container must be tightly sealed immediately after the sample is taken.
Any solvent or other VOM added after the sample is taken must be
measured and accounted for in the calculations in subsection (a)(3) of this
Section. For multiple package coatings, separate samples of each
component shall be obtained. A mixed sample shall not be obtained as it
will cure in the container. Sampling procedures shall follow the
guidelines presented in:
A) ASTM D3925-81 (1985) standard practice for sampling liquid
paints and related pigment coating. This practice is incorporated
by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
B) ASTM E300-86 standard practice for sampling industrial
chemicals. This practice is incorporated by reference in Section
218.112 of this Part.
2) Analyses: The applicable analytical methods specified below shall be used
to determine the composition of coatings, inks, or fountain solutions as
A) Method 24 of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference
in Section 218.112 of this Part, shall be used to determine the
VOM content and density of coatings. If it is demonstrated to the
satisfaction of the Agency and the USEPA that plant coating
formulation data are equivalent to Method 24 results, formulation
data may be used. In the event of any inconsistency between a
Method 24 test and a facility's formulation data, the Method 24 test
will govern.
B) Method 24A of 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part, shall be used to
determine the VOM content and density of rotogravure printing
inks and related coatings. If it is demonstrated to the satisfaction
of the Agency and USEPA that the plant coating formulation data
are equivalent to Method 24A results, formulation data may be
used. In the event of any inconsistency between a Method 24A
test and formulation data, the Method 24A test will govern.
C) The following ASTM methods are the analytical procedures for
determining VOM:
i) ASTM D1475-85: Standard test method for density of
paint, varnish, lacquer and related products. This test
method is incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of
this Part.
ii) ASTM D2369-87: Standard test method for volatile content
of a coating. This test method is incorporated by reference
in Section 218.112 of this Part.
iii) ASTM D3792-86: Standard test method for water content
of water-reducible paints by direct injection into a gas
chromatograph. This test method is incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
iv) ASTM D4017-81 (1987): Standard test method for water
content in paints and paint materials by the Karl Fischer
method. This test method is incorporated by reference in
Section 218.112 of this Part.
v) ASTM D4457-85: Standard test method for determination
of dichloromethane and 1,1,1, trichloroethane in paints and
coatings by direct injection into a gas chromatograph. (The
procedure delineated above can be used to develop
protocols for any compounds specifically exempted from
the definition of VOM.) This test method is incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
vi) ASTM D2697-86: Standard test method for volume non-
volatile matter in clear or pigmented coatings. This test
method is incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of
this Part.
vii) ASTM D3980-87: Standard practice for interlaboratory
testing of paint and related materials. This practice is
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
viii) ASTM E180-85: Standard practice for determining the
precision data of ASTM methods for analysis of and testing
of industrial chemicals. This practice is incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
ix) ASTM D2372-85: Standard method of separation of
vehicle from solvent-reducible paints. This method is
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
D) Use of an adaptation to any of the analytical methods specified in
subsections (a)(2)(A), (B), and (C) of this Section may not be used
unless approved by the Agency and USEPA. An owner or
operator must submit sufficient documentation for the Agency and
USEPA to find that the analytical methods specified in subsections
(a)(2)(A), (B), and (C) of this Section will yield inaccurate results
and that the proposed adaptation is appropriate.
3) Calculations: Calculations for determining the VOM content, water
content and the content of any compounds which are specifically
exempted from the definition of VOM of coatings, inks and fountain
solutions as applied shall follow the guidance provided in the following
A) “A Guide for Surface Coating Calculation”, EPA-340/1-86-016,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
B) “Procedures for Certifying Quantity of Volatile Organic
Compounds Emitted by Paint, Ink and Other Coatings” (revised
June 1986), EPA-450/3-84-019, incorporated by reference in
Section 218.112 of this Part.
C) “A Guide for Graphic Arts Calculations”, August 1988, EPA-
340/1-88-003, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this
b) Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Test Protocol
1) The protocol for testing, including determining the transfer efficiency of
coating applicators, at primer surfacer operations and topcoat operations at
an automobile or light-duty truck assembly source shall follow the
procedures in: "Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic
Compound Emission Rate of Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Topcoat
Operations" ("topcoat protocol"), December 1988, EPA-450/3-88-018,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
2) Prior to testing pursuant to the topcoat protocol, the owner or operator of a
coating operation subject to the topcoat or primer surfacer limit in
Sections 218.204(a)(2) or 218.204(a)(3) shall submit a detailed testing
proposal specifying the method by which testing will be conducted and
how compliance will be demonstrated consistent with the topcoat protocol.
The proposal shall include, at a minimum, a comprehensive plan
(including a rationale) for determining the transfer efficiency at each booth
through the use of in-plant or pilot testing, the selection of coatings to be
tested (for the purpose of determining transfer efficiency) including the
rationale for coating groupings, the method for determining the analytic
VOM content of as applied coatings and the formulation solvent content
of as applied coatings, and a description of the records of coating VOM
content as applied and coating's usage which will be kept to demonstrate
compliance. Upon approval of the proposal by the Agency and USEPA,
the compliance demonstration for a coating line may proceed.
c) Capture System Efficiency Test Protocols
1) Applicability
The requirements of subsection (c)(2) of this Section shall apply to all
VOM emitting process emission units employing capture equipment (e.g.,
hoods, ducts), except those cases noted below.
A) If an emission unit is equipped with (or uses) a permanent total
enclosure (PTE) that meets Agency and USEPA specifications,
and which directs all VOM to a control device, then the emission
unit is exempted from the requirements described in subsection
(c)(2) of this Section. The Agency and USEPA specifications to
determine whether a structure is considered a PTE are given in
Method 204 Procedure T of Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
Appendix B of this Part. In this instance, the capture efficiency is
assumed to be 100 percent and the emission unit is still required to
measure control efficiency using appropriate test methods as
specified in subsection (d) of this Section.
B) If an emission unit is equipped with (or uses) a control device
designed to collect and recover VOM (e.g., carbon adsorber), an
explicit measurement of capture efficiency is not necessary
provided that the conditions given below are met. The overall
control of the system can be determined by directly comparing the
input liquid VOM to the recovered liquid VOM. The general
procedure for use in this situation is given in 40 CFR 60.433,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part, with the
following additional restrictions:
i) Unless otherwise specified in subsection (c)(1)(B)(ii)
below, the owner or operator shall obtain data each
operating day for the solvent usage and solvent recovery to
permit the determination of the solvent recovery efficiency
of the system each operating day using a 7-day rolling
period. The recovery efficiency for each operating day is
computed as the ratio of the total recovered solvent for that
day and the most recent prior 6 operating days to the total
solvent usage for the same 7-day period used for the
recovered solvent, rather than a 30-day weighted average as
given in 40 CFR 60.433 incorporated by reference at
Section 218.112 of this Part. This ratio shall be expressed
as a percentage. The ratio shall be computed within 72
hours following each 7-day period. A source that believes
that the 7-day rolling period is not appropriate may use an
alterative multi-day rolling period not to exceed 30 days,
with the approval of the Agency and USEPA. In addition,
the criteria in subsection (c)(1)(B)(iii) or subsection
(c)(1)(B)(iv) below must be met.
ii) The owner or operator of the source engaged in printing
located at 350 E. 22nd Street, Chicago, Illinois, shall obtain
data each operating day for the solvent usage and solvent
recovery to permit the determination of the solvent
recovery efficiency of the system each operating day using
a 14-day rolling period. The recovery efficiency for each
operating day is computed as the ratio of the total recovered
solvent for that day and the most recent prior 13 operating
days to the total solvent usage for the same 14-day period
used for the recovered solvent, rather than a 30-day
weighted average as given in 40 CFR 60.433, incorporated
by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part. This ratio
shall be expressed as a percentage. The ratio shall be
computed within 17 days following each 14-day period. In
addition, the criteria in subsection (c)(1)(B)(iii) or
subsection (c)(1)(B)(iv) below must be met.
iii) The solvent recovery system (i.e., capture and control
system) must be dedicated to a single coating line, printing
line, or other discrete activity that by itself is subject to an
applicable VOM emission standard, or
iv) If the solvent recovery system controls more than one
coating line, printing line or other discrete activity that by
itself is subject to an applicable VOM emission standard,
the overall control (i.e. the total recovered VOM divided by
the sum of liquid VOM input from all lines and other
activities venting to the control system) must meet or
exceed the most stringent standard applicable to any line or
other discrete activity venting to the control system.
2) Capture Efficiency Protocols Specific Requirements
The capture efficiency of an emission unit shall be measured using one of
the four protocols given below. Appropriate test methods to be utilized in
each of the capture efficiency protocols are described in Appendix M of
40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference at Section 218.112 of this Part.
Any error margin associated with a test method or protocol may not be
incorporated into the results of a capture efficiency test. If these
techniques are not suitable for a particular process, then an alternative
capture efficiency protocol may be used, pursuant to the provisions of
Section 218.108(b) of this Part provided that the alternative protocol is
approved by the Agency and approved by the USEPA as a SIP revision.
A) Gas/gas method using temporary total enclosure (TTE). The
Agency and USEPA specifications to determine whether a
temporary enclosure is considered a TTE are given in Method 204
Procedure T of Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part. Appendix B of this Part.
The capture efficiency equation to be used for this protocol is:
CE = Gww/(Gww + Fww)
CE = Capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
Gww = Mass of VOM captured and delivered to control device
using a TTE;
Fww = Mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM that escapes from
a TTE.
Method 204B or 204C Procedure G.2 contained in Appendix M of
40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of
this Part Appendix B of this Part is used to obtain Gww. Method
204D Procedure F.1 in Appendix B in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part
51, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part of this
Part, is used to obtain Fww.
B) Liquid/gas method using TTE. The Agency and USEPA
specifications to determine whether a temporary enclosure is
considered a TTE are given in Method 204 Procedure T of
Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in
Section 218.112 of this Part. Appendix B of this Part. The capture
efficiency equation to be used for this protocol is:
CE = (L - Fww) /L
CE = Capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
L = Mass of liquid VOM input to process emission unit;
Fww = Mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM that escapes from
a TTE.
Method 204A or 204F Procedure L contained in Appendix B of
this Part. Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part is used to obtain L.
Method 204D Procedure F.1 in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part Appendix
B of this Part is used to obtain Fww.
C) Gas/gas method using the building or room (building or room
enclosure), in which the affected coating line, printing line or other
emission unit is located, as the enclosure as determined by Method
204 of Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference
in Section 218.112 of this Part, and in which "FB" "F" and "G" are
measured while operating only the affected line or emission unit.
All fans and blowers in the building or room must be operated as
they would under normal production. The capture efficiency
equation to be used for this protocol is:
CE = G/(G +FB)
CE = Capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
G = Mass of VOM captured and delivered to control
FB = Mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM that escapes from
building enclosure.
Method 204B or 204C Procedure G.2 contained in Appendix B of
this Part Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference
in Section 218.112 of this Part is used to obtain G. Method 204E
Procedure F.2 in Appendix B of this Part Appendix M of 40 CFR
Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part is
used to obtain FB.
D) Liquid/gas method using the building or room (building or room
enclosure), in which the affected coating line, printing line or other
emission unit is located, as the enclosure as determined by Method
204 of Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference
in Section 218.112 of this Part, and in which "FB" "F" and "L" are
measured while operating only the affected line or emission unit.
All fans and blowers in the building or room must be operated as
they would under normal production. The capture efficiency
equation to be used for this protocol is:
CE = (L - FB) /L
CE = Capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
L = Mass of liquid VOM input to process emission unit;
FB = Mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM that escapes from
building enclosure.
Method 204A or 204F Procedure L contained in Appendix B of
this Part Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference
in Section 218.112 of this Part is used to obtain L. Method 204E
Procedure F.2 in Appendix B of this Part Appendix M of 40 CFR
Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part is
used to obtain FB.
E) Mass balance using Data Quality Objective (DQO) or Lower
Confidence Limit (LCL) protocol. For a liquid/gas input where an
owner or operator is using the DQO/LCL protocol and not using an
enclosure as described in Method 204 of Appendix M of 40 CFR
Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part,
the VOM content of the liquid input (L) must be determined using
Method 204A or 204F in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part. The
VOM content of the captured gas stream (G) to the control device
must be determined using Method 204B or 204C in Appendix M
of 40 CFR Part 51. The results of capture efficiency calculations
(G/L) must satisfy the DQO or LCL statistical analysis protocol as
described in Section 3 of USEPA’s “Guidelines for Determining
Capture Efficiency,” incorporated by reference at 218.112 of this
Part. Where capture efficiency testing is done to determine
emission reductions for the purpose of establishing emission
credits for offsets, shutdowns, and trading, the LCL protocol
cannot be used for these applications. In enforcement cases, the
LCL protocol cannot confirm non-compliance; capture efficiency
must be determined using a protocol under subsection (c)(2)(A),
(B), (C) or (D) of this Section, the DQO protocol of this subsection
(c)(2)(E), or an alternative protocol pursuant to Section 218.108(b)
of this Part.
BOARD NOTE: Where LCL was used in testing emission units that are
the subject of later requests for establishing emission credits for offsets,
shutdowns, and trading, prior LCL results may not be relied upon to
determine the appropriate amount of credits. Instead, to establish the
appropriate amount of credits, additional testing may be required that
would satisfy the protocol of Section 218.105(c)(2)(A), (B), (C) or (D),
the DQO protocol of Section 218.105(c)(2)(E), or an alternative protocol
pursuant to Section 218.108(b) of this Part.
3) Simultaneous testing of multiple lines or emission units with a common
control device. If an owner or operator has multiple lines sharing a
common control device, the capture efficiency of the lines may be tested
simultaneously, subject to the following provisions:
A) Multiple line testing must meet the criteria of Section 4 of
USEPA’s “Guidelines for Determining Capture Efficiency,”
incorporated by reference at Section 218.112 of this Part;
B) The most stringent capture efficiency required for any individual
line or unit must be met by the aggregate of lines or units; and
C) Testing of all the lines of emission units must be performed with
the same capture efficiency test protocol.
4)3) Recordkeeping and Reporting
A) All owners or operators affected by this subsection must maintain a
copy of the capture efficiency protocol submitted to the Agency
and the USEPA on file. All results of the appropriate test methods
and capture efficiency protocols must be reported to the Agency
within sixty (60) days of the test date. A copy of the results must
be kept on file with the source for a period of three (3) years.
B) If any changes are made to capture or control equipment, then the
source is required to notify the Agency and the USEPA of these
changes and a new test may be required by the Agency or the
C) The source must notify the Agency 30 days prior to performing
any capture efficiency or control test. At that time, the source must
notify the Agency which capture efficiency protocol and control
device test methods will be used. Notification of the actual date
and expected time of testing must be submitted a minimum of 5
working days prior to the actual date of the test. The Agency may
at its discretion accept notification with shorter advance notice
provided that such arrangements do not interfere with the
Agency’s ability to review the protocol or observe testing.
D) Sources utilizing a PTE must demonstrate that this enclosure meets
the requirements given in Method 204 Procedure T (in Appendix
M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section
218.112 of this Part, Appendix B of this Part) for a PTE during any
testing of their control device.
E) Sources utilizing a TTE must demonstrate that their TTE meets the
requirements given in Method 204 Procedure T (in Appendix M of
40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of
this Part, Appendix B of this Part) for a TTE during testing of their
control device. The source must also provide documentation that
the quality assurance criteria for a TTE have been achieved.
F) Any source utilizing the DQO or LCL protocol must submit the
following information to the Agency with each test report:
i) A copy of all test methods, Quality Assurance/Quality
Control procedures, and calibration procedures to be used
from those described in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part;
ii) A table with information on each sample taken, including
the sample identification and the VOM content of the
iii) The quantity of material used for each test run;
iv) The quantity of captured VOM for each test run;
v) The capture efficiency calculations and results for each test
vi) The DQO and/or LCL calculations and results; and
vii) The Quality Assurance/Quality Control results, including
how often the instruments were calibrated, the calibration
results, and the calibration gases used.
d) Control Device Efficiency Testing and Monitoring
1) The control device efficiency shall be determined by simultaneously
measuring the inlet and outlet gas phase VOM concentrations and gas
volumetric flow rates in accordance with the gas phase test methods
specified in subsection (f) of this Section.
2) An owner or operator:
A) That uses an afterburner or carbon adsorber to comply with any
Section of Part 218 shall use Agency and USEPA approved
continuous monitoring equipment which is installed, calibrated,
maintained, and operated according to vendor specifications at all
times the afterburner or carbon adsorber control device is in use
except as provided in subsection (d)(3) of this Section. The
continuous monitoring equipment must monitor the following
i) For each afterburner which does not have a catalyst bed,
the combustion chamber temperature of each afterburner.
ii) For each afterburner which has a catalyst bed, commonly
known as a catalytic afterburner, the temperature rise
across each catalytic afterburner bed or VOM concentration
of exhaust.
iii) For each carbon adsorber, the VOM concentration of each
carbon adsorption bed exhaust or the exhaust of the bed
next in sequence to be desorbed.
B) Must install, calibrate, operate and maintain, in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications, a continuous recorder on the
temperature monitoring device, such as a strip chart, recorder or
computer, having an accuracy of ± 1 percent of the temperature
measured in degrees Celsius or ± 0.5
C, whichever is greater.
CB) Of an automobile or light-duty truck primer surfacer operation or
topcoat operation subject to subsection (d)(2)(A) above, shall keep
a separate record of the following data for the control devices,
unless alternative provisions are set forth in a permit pursuant to
Title V of the Clean Air Act:
i) For thermal afterburners for which combustion chamber
temperature is monitored, all 3-hour periods of operation in
which the average combustion temperature was more than
C (50
F) below the average combustion temperature
measured during the most recent performance test that
demonstrated that the operation was in compliance.
ii) For catalytic afterburners for which temperature rise is
monitored, all 3-hour periods of operation in which the
average gas temperature before the catalyst bed is more
than 28
C (50
F) below the average gas temperature
immediately before the catalyst bed measured during the
most recent performance test that demonstrated that the
operation was in compliance.
iii) For catalytic afterburners and carbon adsorbers for which
VOM concentration is monitored, all 3-hour periods of
operation during which the average VOM concentration or
the reading of organics in the exhaust gases is more than 20
percent greater than the average exhaust gas concentration
or reading measured by the organic monitoring device
during the most recent determination of the recovery
efficiency of a carbon adsorber or performance test for a
catalytic afterburner, which determination or test
demonstrated that the operation was in compliance.
3) An owner or operator that uses a carbon adsorber to comply with Section
218.401 of this Part may operate the adsorber during periods of
monitoring equipment malfunction, provided that:
A) The owner or operator notifies in writing the Agency within, 10
days after the conclusion of any 72 hour period during which the
adsorber is operated and the associated monitoring equipment is
not operational, of such monitoring equipment failure and provides
the duration of the malfunction, a description of the repairs made
to the equipment, and the total to date of all hours in the calendar
year during which the adsorber was operated and the associated
monitoring equipment was not operational;
B) During such period of malfunction the adsorber is operated using
timed sequences as the basis for periodic regeneration of the
C) The period of such adsorber operation does not exceed 360 hours
in any calendar year without the approval of the Agency and
USEPA; and
D) The total of all hours in the calendar year during which the
adsorber was operated and the associated monitoring equipment
was not operational shall be reported, in writing, to the Agency and
USEPA by January 31st of the following calendar year.
e) Overall Efficiency
1) The overall efficiency of the emission control system shall be determined
as the product of the capture system efficiency and the control device
efficiency or by the liquid/liquid test protocol as specified in 40 CFR
60.433, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part, (and
revised by subsection (c)(1)(B) of this Section) for each solvent recovery
system. In those cases in which the overall efficiency is being determined
for an entire line, the capture efficiency used to calculate the product of
the capture and control efficiency is the total capture efficiency over the
entire line.
2) For coating lines which are both chosen by the owner or operator to
comply with Section 218.207(c), (d), (e), (f), or (g) of this Part by the
alternative in Section 218.207(b)(2) of this Part and meet the criteria
allowing them to comply with Section 218.207 of this Part instead of
Section 218.204 of this Part, the overall efficiency of the capture system
and control device, as determined by the test methods and procedures
specified in subsections (c), (d) and (e)(1) of this Section, shall be no less
than the equivalent overall efficiency which shall be calculated by the
following equation:
E = ([VOMa - VOM1]/VOMa) x 100
E = Equivalent overall efficiency of the capture system and control
device as a percentage;
VOMa = Actual VOM content of a coating, or the daily-weighted
average VOM content of two or more coatings (if more
than one coating is used), as applied to the subject coating
line as determined by the applicable test methods and
procedures specified in subsection (a) of this Section in
units of kg VOM/l (lb VOM/gal) of coating solids as
VOM1 = The VOM emission limit specified in Section 218.204 or
218.205 of this Part in units of kg VOM/l (lb VOM/gal) of
coating solids as applied
f) Volatile Organic Material Gas Phase Source Test Methods. The methods in 40
CFR Part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this
Part delineated below shall be used to determine control device efficiencies.
1) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 18, 25 or 25A, incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part as appropriate to the conditions at
the site, shall be used to determine VOM concentration. Method selection
shall be based on consideration of the diversity of organic species present
and their total concentration and on consideration of the potential presence
of interfering gases. Except as indicated in subsections (f)(1)(A) and (B)
below, the test shall consist of three separate runs, each lasting a minimum
of 60 minutes, unless the Agency and the USEPA determine that process
variables dictate shorter sampling times.
A) When the method is to be used to determine the efficiency of a
carbon adsorption system with a common exhaust stack for all the
individual adsorber vessels, the test shall consist of three separate
runs, each coinciding with one or more complete sequences
through the adsorption cycles of all the individual absorber vessels.
B) When the method is to be used to determine the efficiency of a
carbon adsorption system with individual exhaust stacks for each
absorber vessel, each adsorber vessel shall be tested individually.
The test for each absorber vessel shall consist of three separate
runs. Each run shall coincide with one or more complete
adsorption cycles.
2) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 1 or 1A, incorporated by reference
in Section 218.112 of this Part, shall be used for sample and velocity
3) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2, 2A, 2C or 2D, incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part, shall be used for velocity and
volumetric flow rates.
4) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3, incorporated by reference in
Section 218.112 of this Part, shall be used for gas analysis.
5) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 4, incorporated by reference in
Section 218.112 of this Part, shall be used for stack gas moisture.
6) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Methods 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 3 and 4,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part, shall be
performed, as applicable, at least twice during each test run.
7) Use of an adaptation to any of the test methods specified in subsections
(f)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this Section may not be used unless
approved by the Agency and the USEPA on a case by case basis. An
owner or operator must submit sufficient documentation for the Agency
and the USEPA to find that the test methods specified in subsections
(f)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this Section will yield inaccurate results
and that the proposed adaptation is appropriate.
g) Leak Detection Methods for Volatile Organic Material
Owners or operators required by this Part to carry out a leak detection monitoring
program shall comply with the following requirements:
1) Leak Detection Monitoring
A) Monitoring shall comply with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method
21, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
B) The detection instrument shall meet the performance criteria of
Method 21.
C) The instrument shall be calibrated before use on each day of its use
by the methods specified in Method 21.
D) Calibration gases shall be:
i) Zero air (less than 10 ppm of hydrocarbon in air); and
ii) A mixture of methane or n-hexane and air at a
concentration of approximately, but no less than, 10,000
ppm methane or n-hexane.
E) The instrument probe shall be traversed around all potential leak
interfaces as close to the interface as possible as described in
Method 21.
2) When equipment is tested for compliance with no detectable emissions as
required, the test shall comply with the following requirements:
A) The requirements of subsections (g)(1)(A) through (g)(1)(E) of this
Section above shall apply.
B) The background level shall be determined as set forth in Method
3) Leak detection tests shall be performed consistent with:
A) “APTI Course SI 417 controlling Volatile Organic Compound
Emissions from Leaking Process Equipment”, EPA-450/2-82-015,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
B) “Portable Instrument User's Manual for Monitoring VOC
Sources”, EPA-340/1-86-015, incorporated by reference in Section
218.112 of this Part.
C) “Protocols for Generating Unit-Specific Emission Estimates for
Equipment Leaks of VOC and VHAP”, EPA-450/3-88-010,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
D) “Petroleum Refinery Enforcement Manual”, EPA-340/1-80-008,
incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
h) Bulk Gasoline Delivery System Test Protocol
1 The method for determining the emissions of gasoline from a vapor
recovery system are delineated in 40 CFR 60, Subpart XX, Section
60.503, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
2) Other tests shall be performed consistent with:
A) “Inspection Manual for Control of Volatile Organic Emissions
from Gasoline Marketing Operations: Appendix D”, EPA-340/1-
80-012, incorporated by reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
B) “Control of Hydrocarbons from Tank Truck Gasoline Loading
Terminals: Appendix A”, EPA-450/2-77-026, incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part.
i) Notwithstanding other requirements of this Part, upon request of the Agency
where it is necessary to demonstrate compliance, an owner or operator of an
emission unit which is subject to this Part shall, at his own expense, conduct tests
in accordance with the applicable test methods and procedures specific in this
Part. Nothing in this Section shall limit the authority of the USEPA pursuant to
the Clean Air Act, as amended, to require testing.
j) Stage II Gasoline Vapor Recovery Test Methods
The methods for determining the acceptable performance of Stage II Gasoline
Vapor Recovery System are delineated in "Technical Guidance-Stage II Vapor
Recovery Systems for Control of Vehicle Refueling Emissions at Gasoline
Dispensing Facilities," found at EPA 450/3-91-022b and incorporated by
reference in Section 218.112 of this Part. Specifically, the test methods are as
1) Dynamic Backpressure Test is a test procedure used to determine the
pressure drop (flow resistance) through balance vapor collection and
control systems (including nozzles, vapor hoses, swivels, dispenser piping
and underground piping) at prescribed flow rates.
2) Pressure Decay/Leak Test is a test procedure used to quantify the vapor
tightness of a vapor collection and control system installed at gasoline
dispensing facilities.
3) Liquid Blockage Test is a test procedure used to detect low points in any
vapor collection and control system where condensate may accumulate.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.112 Incorporations by Reference
The following materials are incorporated by reference and do not contain any subsequent
additions or amendments.
a) American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-9555:
1) ASTM D2879-86
2) ASTM D323-82
3) ASTM D86-82
4) ASTM D-369-69 (1971)
5) ASTM D-396-69
6) ASTM D2880-71
7) ASTM D-975-68
8) ASTM D3925-81 (1985)
9) ASTM E300-86
10) ASTM D1475-85
11) ASTM D2369-87
12) ASTM D3792-86
13) ASTM D4017-81 (1987)
14) ASTM D4457-85
15) ASTM D2697-86
16) ASTM D3980-87
17) ASTM E180-85
18) ASTM D2372-85
19) ASTM D97-66
20) ASTM E-168-67 (1977)
21) ASTM E-169-87
22) ASTM E-260-91
23) ASTM D2504-83
24) ASTM D2382-83
25) ASTM D323-82 (approved 1982)
26) ASTM D2099-00
b) Standard Industrial Classification Manual, published by Executive Office of the
President, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C., 1987.
c) American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 2517, "Evaporation Loss From Floating Roof
Tanks", Second ed., February 1980.
d) 40 CFR 60 (July 1, 1991) and 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 24 (57 FR 30654, July
10, 1992).
e) 40 CFR 61 (July 1, 1991).
f) 40 CFR 50 (July 1, 1991).
g) 40 CFR 51 (July 1, 1991) and 40 CFR Part 51 Appendix M, Methods 204-204F (July 1,
h) 40 CFR 52 (July 1, 1991).
i) 40
CFR 80 (July 1, 1991) and 40 CFR Part 80 Appendixes D, E, and F (July 1, 1993).
j) "A Guide for Surface Coating Calculation", July 1986, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-86-016.
k) "Procedures for Certifying Quantity of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Paint,
Ink and Other Coating", (revised June 1986), United States Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/3-84-019.
l) "A Guide for Graphic Arts Calculations", August 1988, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-88-003.
m) "Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rate of
Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Topcoat Operations", December 1988, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/3-88-018.
n) "Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Manufacturing of Synthesized
Pharmaceutical Products", December 1978, United States Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/2-78-029.
o) "Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor
Collection Systems", December 1978, Appendix B, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/-78-051.
p) "Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Large Petroleum Dry Cleaners",
September 1982, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.,
q) "APTI Course SI417 Controlling Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Leaking
Process Equipment", 1982, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
D.C., EPA-450/2-82-015.
r) "Portable Instrument User's Manual for Monitoring VOC Sources", June 1986, United
States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-86-015.
s) "Protocols for Generating Unit-Specific Emission Estimates for Equipment Leaks of
VOC and VHAP", October 1988, Unites States Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C., EPA-450/3-88-010.
t) "Petroleum Refinery Enforcement Manual", March 1980, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-80-008.
u) "Inspection Manual for Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Gasoline Marketing
Operations: Appendix D", 1980, United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-80-012.
v) "Control of Hydrocarbons from Tank Truck Gasoline Loading Terminals: Appendix A",
December 1977, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.,
w) "Technical Guidance-Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems for Control of Vehicle Refueling
Emissions at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities", November 1991, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/3-91-022b.
x) California Air Resources Board, Compliance Division. Compliance Assistance Program:
Gasoline Marketing and Distribution: Gasoline Facilities Phase I & II (October 1988, rev.
November 1993) (CARB Manual).
y) South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Applied Science &
Technology Division, Laboratory Services Branch, SCAQMD Method 309-91,
Determination of Static Volatile Emissions (February 1993).
z) South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Applied Science &
Technology Division, Laboratory Services Branch, SCAQMD Method 312-91,
Determination of Percent Monomer in Polyester Resins (April 1996).
aa) “Guidelines for Determining Capture Efficiency,” January, 1995, Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
bb) Memorandum “Revised Capture Efficiency Guidance for Control of Volatile Organic
Compound Emissions,” February, 1995, John S. Seitz, Director, Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, United States Environmental Protection Agency.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.204 Emission Limitations
Except as provided in Sections 218.205, 218.207, 218.208, 218.212, 218.215 and 218.216 of this
Subpart, no owner or operator of a coating line shall apply at any time any coating in which the
VOM content exceeds the following emission limitations for the specified coating. Except as
provided in Section 218.204(l), compliance with the emission limitations marked with an asterisk
in this Section is required on and after March 15, 1996, and compliance with emission
limitations not marked with an asterisk is required until March 15, 1996. The following emission
limitations are expressed in units of VOM per volume of coating (minus water and any
compounds which are specifically exempted from the definition of VOM) as applied at each
coating applicator, except where noted. Compounds which are specifically exempted from the
definition of VOM should be treated as water for the purpose of calculating the "less water" part
of the coating composition. Compliance with this Subpart must be demonstrated through the
applicable coating analysis test methods and procedures specified in Section 218.105(a) of this
Part and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 218.211(c) of this
Subpart except where noted. (Note: The equation presented in Section 218.206 of this Part shall
be used to calculate emission limitations for determining compliance by add-on controls, credits
for transfer efficiency, emissions trades and cross-line averaging.) The emission limitations are
as follows:
a) Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Coating kg/l lb/gal
1) Prime coat 0.14 (1.2)
0.14* (1.2)*
2) Primer surface coat 1.81 (15.1)
1.81* (15.1)*
(Note: The primer surface coat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM
per l (gal) of coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation
shall be based on the daily-weighted average from an entire primer
surfacer operation. Compliance shall be demonstrated in accordance with
the topcoat protocol referenced in Section 218.105(b) and the
recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 218.211(f).
Testing to demonstrate compliance shall be performed in accordance with
the topcoat protocol and a detailed testing proposal approved by the
Agency and USEPA specifying the method of demonstrating compliance
with the protocol. Section 218.205 does not apply to the primer surfacer
kg/l lb/gal
3) Topcoat 1.81 (15.1)
1.81* (15.1)*
(Note: The topcoat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM per l (gal) of
coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation shall be based on
the daily-weighted average from an entire topcoat operation. Compliance
shall be demonstrated in accordance with the topcoat protocol referenced
in Section 218.105(b) of this Part and the recordkeeping and reporting
requirements specified in Section 218.211(f). Testing to demonstrate
compliance shall be performed in accordance with the topcoat protocol
and a detailed testing proposal approved by the Agency and USEPA
specifying the method of demonstrating compliance with the protocol.
Section 218.205 of this Part does not apply to the topcoat limitation.)
kg/l lb/gal
4) Final repair coat 0.58 (4.8)
0.58* (4.8)*
b) Can Coating kg/l lb/gal
1) Sheet basecoat and overvarnish
A) Sheet basecoat 0.34 (2.8)
0.26* (2.2)*
B) Overvarnish 0.34 (2.8)
0.34 (2.8)*
2) Exterior basecoat and overvarnish 0.34 (2.8)
0.25* (2.1)*
3) Interior body spray coat
A) Two piece 0.51 (4.2)
0.44* (3.7)*
B) Three piece 0.51 (4.2)
0.51* (4.2)*
4) Exterior end coat 0.51 (4.2)
0.51* (4.2)*
5) Side seam spray coat 0.66 (5.5)
0.66* (5.5)*
6) End sealing compound coat 0.44 (3.7)
0.44* (3.7)*
kg/l lb/gal
c) Paper Coating 0.35 (2.9)
0.28* (2.3)*
(Note: The paper coating limitation shall not apply to any owner or operator of
any paper coating line on which flexographic or rotogravure printing is performed
if the paper coating line complies with the emissions limitations in Subpart H:
Printing and Publishing, Section 218.401 of this Part. In addition, screen printing
on paper is not regulated as paper coating, but is regulated under Subpart TT of
this Part.)
kg/l lb/gal
d) Coil Coating 0.31 (2.6)
0.20* (1.7)*
e) Fabric Coating 0.35 (2.9)
0.28* (2.3)*
f) Vinyl Coating 0.45 (3.8)
0.28* (2.3)*
g) Metal Furniture Coating
1) Air dried 0.36 (3.0)
0.34* (2.8)*
2) Baked 0.36 (3.0)
0.28* (2.3)*
h) Large Appliance Coating
1) Air dried 0.34 (2.8)
0.34* (2.8)*
2) Baked 0.34 (2.8)
0.28* (2.3)*
(Note: The limitation shall not apply to the use of quick-drying lacquers
for repair of scratches and nicks that occur during assembly, provided that
the volume of coating does not exceed 0.95 l (1 quart) in any one rolling
eight-hour period.)
kg/l lb/gal
i) Magnet Wire Coating 0.20 (1.7)
0.20* (1.7)*
j) Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products
1) Clear coating 0.52 (4.3)
0.52* (4.3)*
2) Extreme performance coating
A) Air dried 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
B) Baked 0.42 (3.5)
0.40* (3.3)*
3) Steel pail and drum interior
0.52 (4.3)
0.52* (4.3)*
4) All other coatings
A) Air Dried 0.42 (3.5)
0.40* (3.3)*
B) Baked 0.36 (3.0)
0.34* (2.8)*
5) Marine engine coating
A) Air Dried 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
B) Baked
i) Primer/Topcoat 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
ii) Corrosion resistant
0.42 (3.5)
0.28* (2.3)*
C) Clear Coating 0.52 (4.3)
0.52* (4.3)*
6) Metallic Coating
A) Air Dried 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
B) Baked 0.36 (3.0)
0.36 (3.0)*
7) Definitions
A) For purposes of subsection 218.204(j)(5) of this Section, the
following terms are defined:
i) "Corrosion resistant basecoat" means, for purposes of
subsection 218.204(j)(5)(B)(ii) of this Section, a water-
borne epoxy coating applied via an electrodeposition
process to a metal surface prior to spray coating, for the
purpose of enhancing corrosion resistance.
ii) "Electrodeposition process" means, for purposes of
subsection 218.204(j)(5) of this Section, a water-borne dip
coating process in which opposite electrical charges are
applied to the substrate and the coating. The coating is
attracted to the substrate due to the electrochemical
potential difference that is created.
iii) "Marine engine coating" means, for purposes of subsection
218.204(j)(5) of this Section, any extreme performance
protective, decorative or functional coating applied to an
engine that is used to propel watercraft.
B) For purposes of subsection 218.204(j)(6) of this Section, "metallic
coating" means a coating which contains more than 1/4 lb/gal of
metal particles, as applied.
k) Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products
kg/l lb/gal
1) Extreme performance prime coat 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
2) Extreme performance topcoat (air
0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
3) Final repair coat (air dried) 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
4) All other coatings are subject to the emission limitations for miscellaneous
metal parts and products coatings in subsection (j) above.
l) Wood Furniture Coating
1) Limitations before March 15,
kg/l lb/gal
A) Clear topcoat 0.67 (5.6)
B) Opaque stain 0.56 (4.7)
C) Pigmented coat 0.60 (5.0)
D) Repair coat 0.67 (5.6)
E) Sealer 0.67 (5.6)
F) Semi-transparent stain 0.79 (6.6)
G) Wash coat 0.73 (6.1)
(Note: Prior to March 15, 1998, an owner or operator of a wood
furniture coating operation subject to this Section shall apply all
coatings, with the exception of no more than 37.8 l (10 gal) of
coating per day used for touch-up and repair operations, using one
or more of the following application systems: airless spray
application system, air-assisted airless spray application system,
electrostatic spray application system, electrostatic bell or disc
spray application system, heated airless spray application system,
roller coating, brush or wipe coating application system, dip
coating application system or high volume low pressure (HVLP)
application system.)
2) On and after March 15, 1998, wood furniture sealers and topcoats must
comply with one of the limitations specified in subsections (l)(2)(A)
through (E), below:
kg VOM/kg
lb VOM/lb
A) Topcoat 0.8 (0.8)
B) Sealers and topcoats with
the following limits:
i) Sealer other than
alkyd amino vinyl
1.9 (1.9)
ii) Topcoat other than
alkyd amino
conversion varnish
1.8 (1.8)
iii) Acid-cured alkyd
amino vinyl sealer
2.3 (2.3)
iv) Acid-cured alkyd
amino conversion
varnish topcoat
2.0 (2.0)
C) Meet the provisions of Section 218.215 of this Subpart for use of
an averaging approach;
D) Achieve a reduction in emissions equivalent to the requirements of
subsection (l)(2)(A) or (B) of this Section, as calculated using
Section 218.216 of this Subpart; or
E) Use a combination of the methods specified in subsections
(l)(2)(A) through (D) of this Section.
3) Other wood furniture coating limitations on and after March 15, 1998:
kg/l lb/gal
A) Opaque stain 0.56 (4.7)
B) Non-topcoat pigmented
0.60 (5.0)
C) Repair coat 0.67 (5.6)
D) Semi-transparent stain 0.79 (6.6)
E) Wash coat 0.73 (6.1)
4) Other wood furniture coating requirements on and after March 15, 1998:
A) No source subject to the limitations of subsection (l)(2) or (3) of
this Section and utilizing one or more wood furniture coating spray
booths shall use strippable spray booth coatings containing more
than 0.8 kg VOM/kg solids (0.8 lb VOM/lb solids), as applied.
B) Any source subject to the limitations of subsection (l)(2) or (3) of
this Section shall comply with the requirements of Section 218.217
of this Subpart.
C) Any source subject to the limitations of subsection (l)(2)(A) or (B)
of this Section and utilizing one or more continuous coaters shall,
for each continuous coater, use an initial coating which complies
with the limitations of subsection (l)(2)(A) or (B) of this Section.
The viscosity of the coating in each reservoir shall always be
greater than or equal to the viscosity of the initial coating in the
reservoir. The owner or operator shall:
i) Monitor the viscosity of the coating in the reservoir with a
viscosity meter or by testing the viscosity of the initial
coating and retesting the coating in the reservoir each time
solvent is added;
ii) Collect and record the reservoir viscosity and the amount
and weight of VOM per weight of solids of coating and
solvent each time coating or solvent is added; and
iii) Maintain these records at the source for a period of three
m) Existing Diesel-Electric Locomotive
Coating Lines in Cook County
kg/l lb/gal
1) Extreme performance prime coat 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
2) Extreme performance top-coat (air
0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
3) Final repair coat (air dried) 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
4) High-temperature aluminum
0.72 (6.0)
0.72* (6.0)*
5) All other coatings 0.36 (3.0)
0.36* (3.0)*
n) Plastic Parts Coating:
kg/l lb/gal
1) Interiors
A) Baked
i) Color coat 0.49* (4.1)*
ii) Primer 0.46* (3.8)*
B) Air Dried
i) Color coat 0.38* (3.2)*
ii) Primer 0.42* (3.5)*
2) Exteriors (flexible and non-
A) Baked
i) Primer 0.60* (5.0)*
ii) Primer non-flexible 0.54* (4.5)*
iii) Clear coat 0.52* (4.3)*
iv) Color coat 0.55* (4.6)*
B) Air Dried
i) Primer 0.66* (5.5)*
ii) Clear coat 0.54* (4.5)*
iii) Color coat (red &
0.67* (5.6)*
iv) Color coat (others) 0.61* (5.1)*
3) Specialty
A) Vacuum metallizing
basecoats, texture
0.66* (5.5)*
B) Black coatings, reflective
argent coatings, air bag
cover coatings, and soft
0.71* (5.9)*
C) Gloss reducers, vacuum
metallizing topcoats, and
texture topcoats
0.77* (6.4)*
D) Stencil coatings, adhesion
primers, ink pad coatings,
electrostatic prep coatings,
and resist coatings
0.82* (6.8)*
E) Head lamp lens coatings 0.89* (7.4)*
o) Plastic Parts Coating: Business Machine kg/l lb/gal
1) Primer 0.14* (1.2)*
2) Color coat (non-texture coat) 0.28* (2.3)*
3) Color coat (texture coat) 0.28* (2.3)*
4) Electromagnetic interference/radio
frequency interference (EMI/RFI)
0.48* (4.0)*
shielding coatings
5) Specialty Coatings
A) Soft coat 0.52* (4.3)*
B) Plating resist 0.71* (5.9)*
C) Plating sensitizer 0.85* (7.1)*
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. ____, effective ____)
Section 218.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability
a) Until March 15, 1996, the limitations of Section 218.406 of this Subpart apply to
all heatset web offset lithographic printing lines (including solvents used for
cleanup operations associated with the heatset web offset lithographic printing
line(s)) at a source subject to the requirements of this Subpart. All sources with
heatset web offset lithographic printing lines are sources subject to the
requirements of this Subpart unless:
1) Total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from all heatset web offset
lithographic printing lines (including solvents used for cleanup operations
associated with the heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s)) at the
source never exceed 90.7 Mg (100 tons) per calendar year in the absence
of air pollution control equipment; or
2) A federally enforceable permit or SIP revision for all heatset web offset
lithographic printing line(s) at a source requires the owner or operator to
limit production or capacity of these printing line(s) to reduce total VOM
emissions from all heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s) to 90.7
Mg (100 tons) per calendar year or less in the absence of air pollution
control equipment.
b) Any owner or operator of any heatset web offset lithographic printing line that is
exempt from the limitations in Section 218.406 of this Subpart because of the
criteria in subsection (a) of this Section shall be subject to the recordkeeping and
reporting requirements in Section 218.406(b)(1) of this Subpart.
c) On and after March 15, 1996, every owner or operator of lithographic printing
line(s) is subject to the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in Section
218.411 of this Subpart.
d) On and after March 15, 1996, Sections 218.407 through 218.410 218.411 of this
Subpart shall apply to:
1) All owners or operators of heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s)
A) Total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from all heatset
web offset lithographic printing lines (including solvents used for
cleanup operations associated with heatset web offset lithographic
printing lines) at the source never exceed 90.7 Mg (100 tons) per
calendar year before the application of capture systems and control
devices. To determine a source's total maximum theoretical
emissions of VOM for the purposes of this subsection, the owner
or operator shall use the calculations set forth in Section
218.406(b)(1)(A)(ii) of this Subpart; or
B) Federally enforceable permit conditions or SIP revision for all
heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s) at the source
requires the owner or operator to limit production or capacity of
these printing line(s) to total VOM emissions of 90.7 Mg/yr (100
TPY) or less, before the application of capture systems and control
2) All owners or operators of heatset web offset, non-heatset web offset, or
sheet-fed offset lithographic printing line(s), unless the combined
emissions of VOM from all lithographic printing line(s) at the source
(including solvents used for cleanup operations associated with the
lithographic printing line(s)) never exceed 45.5 kg/day (100 lbs/day), as
determined in accordance with Section 218.411(a)(1)(B), before the
application of capture systems and control devices.
e) If a lithographic printing line at a source is or becomes subject to one or more of
the limitations in Sections 218.406 or 218.407 of this Subpart, the lithographic
printing line(s) at the source are always subject to the applicable provisions of this
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to
March 15, 1996
a) Emission Standards and Limitations. No owner or operator of a heatset web
offset printing line at a source that meets or exceeds the applicability levels in
Section 218.405(a) of this Subpart may cause or allow the operation of such
heatset web offset printing line(s) unless the owner or operator meets the
requirements in subsections (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section and the requirements in
subsections (a)(3) and (a)(4) of this Section. The owner or operator shall
demonstrate compliance with this Section by using the applicable test methods
and procedures specified in Section 218.105(a), (d), and (f) of this Part and by
complying with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in
subsection (b) of this Section.
1) An afterburner system is installed and operated that reduces 90 percent of
the VOM emissions (excluding methane and ethane) from the dryer
exhaust; or
2) The fountain solution contains no more than 8 percent, by weight, of
VOM and a condensation recovery system is installed and operated that
removes at least 75 percent of the non-isopropyl alcohol organic materials
from the dryer exhaust; and
3) The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment
specified in Section 218.105(d)(2) of this Part and the monitoring
equipment is installed, calibrated, operated and maintained according to
manufacturer's specifications at all times when the control device is in use;
4) The control device is operated at all times when the printing line is in
b) Recordkeeping and Reporting. The VOM content of each fountain solution and
ink and the efficiency of each control device shall be determined by the applicable
test methods and procedures specified in Section 218.105 of this Part to establish
the records required under this subsection.
1) Any owner or operator of a lithographic printing line which is exempted
from the limitations of subsection (a) of this Section because of the criteria
in 218.405(a) of this Subpart shall comply with the following:
A) By a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part, the owner or
operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line to which
subsection (b)(1) of this Section is applicable shall certify to the
Agency that the heatset web offset lithographic printing line is
exempt under the provisions of Section 218.405(a) of this Subpart.
Such certification shall include:
i) A declaration that the heatset web offset lithographic
printing line is exempt from the limitations of subsection
(a) of this Section because of the criteria in Section
218.405(a) of this Subpart; and
ii) Calculations which demonstrate that total maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM from all heatset web offset
lithographic printing lines at the source never exceed 90.7
Mg (100 tons) per calendar year before the application of
air pollution control equipment. Total maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM for a heatset web offset
lithographic printing source is the sum of maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM from each heatset web offset
lithographic printing line at the source. The following
equation shall be used to calculate total maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM per calendar year in the
absence of air pollution control equipment for each heatset
web offset lithographic printing line at the source:
Ep = (R x A x B) + [(C x D) + 1095 (Fx Gx H)]
Ep = Total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from
one heatset web offset printing line in units of kg/yr
A = Weight of VOM per volume of solids of ink with
the highest VOM content as applied each year on
the printing line in units of kg/1 (lb/gal) of solids;
B = Total volume of solids for all inks that can
potentially be applied each year on the printing line
in units of 1/yr (gal/yr). The instrument or method
by which the owner or operator accurately
measured or calculated the volume of each ink as
applied and the amount that can potentially be
applied each year on the printing line shall be
described in the certification to the Agency;
C = Weight of VOM per volume of fountain solution
with the highest VOM content as applied each year
on the printing line in units of kg/l (lb/gal) The
weight percent VOM of the fountain solution with
the highest VOM content;
D = The total volume of fountain solution that can
potentially be used each year on the printing line in
units of 1/yr (gal/yr). The instrument and/or
method by which the owner or operator accurately
measured or calculated the volume of each fountain
solution used and the amount that can potentially be
used each year on the printing line shall be
described in the certification to the Agency;
F = Weight of VOM per volume of material for the
cleanup material or solvent with the highest VOM
content as used each year on the printing line in
units of Kg/l (lb/gal) of such material;
G = The greatest volume of cleanup material or solvent
used in any 8-hour period; and
H = The highest fraction of cleanup material or solvent
which is not recycled or recovered for offsite
disposal during any 8-hour period.
R = The multiplier representing the amount of VOM not
retained in the substrate being used. For paper, R =
0.8. For foil, plastic, or other impervious substrates,
R = 1.0.
B) On and after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part, the
owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
to which subsection (b)(1) of this Section is applicable shall collect
and record all of the following information each year for each
printing line and maintain the information at the source for a
period of three years:
i) The name and identification of each fountain solution and
ink as applied on each printing line; and
ii) The VOM content and the volume of each fountain solution
and ink as applied each year on each printing line.
C) On and after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part, the
owner or operator of a source exempted from the limitations of
subsection (a) of this Section because of the criteria in Section
218.405(a) of this Subpart shall notify the Agency of any record
showing that total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from
all heatset web offset lithographic printing lines exceed 90.7 Mg
(100 tons) in any calendar year in the absence of air pollution
control equipment by sending a copy of such record to the Agency
within 30 days after the exceedence occurs.
2) Any owner or operator of a printing line subject to the limitations of
subsection (a) of this Section and complying by means of subsection (a)(1)
of this Section shall comply with the following:
A) By a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part, or upon
initial start-up of a new printing line, or upon changing the method
of compliance for an existing printing line from subsection (a)(2)
to (a)(1) of this Section, perform all tests and submit to the Agency
the results of all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate
that the subject printing line will be in compliance with subsection
(a)(1) of this Section on and after a date consistent with Section
218.106 of this Part, or on and after the initial start-up date;
B) On and after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part, or
on and after the initial start-up date, collect and record the
following information each day for each printing line and maintain
the information at the source for a period of three years:
i) Control device monitoring data;
ii) A log of operating time for the control device, monitoring
equipment and the associated printing line; and
iii) A maintenance log for the control device and monitoring
equipment detailing all routine and nonroutine maintenance
performed including dates and duration of any outages;
C) On and after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part,
notify the Agency in the following instances:
i) Any violation of subsection (a)(1) of this Section shall be
reported to the Agency, in writing, within 30 days
following the occurrence of the violation;
ii) Any record showing a violation of subsection (a)(1) of this
Section shall be reported by sending a copy of such record
to the Agency within 30 days following the occurrence of
the violation; and
iii) At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(1) to (a)(2) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(3)(A) of this Section. Upon changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(1) to (a)(2) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(3) of this Section.
3) Any owner or operator of a printing line subject to the limitations of
subsection (a) of this Section and complying by means of subsection (a)(2)
of this Section shall:
A) By a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part, or upon
initial start-up of a new printing line, or upon changing the method
of compliance for an existing printing line from subsection (a)(1)
to (a)(2) of this Section, perform all tests and submit to the Agency
and the USEPA the results of all tests and calculations necessary to
demonstrate that the subject printing line will be in compliance
with subsection (a)(2) of this Section on and after a date consistent
with Section 218.106 of this Part, or on and after the initial start-up
B) On and after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part, or
on and after the initial start-up date, collect and record the
following information each day for each printing line and maintain
the information at the source for a period of three years:
i) The VOM content of the fountain solution used each day
on each printing line;
ii) A log of operating time for the control device and the
associated printing line; and
iii) A maintenance log for the control device detailing all
routine and non-routine maintenance performed including
dates and duration of any outages;
C) On and after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part,
notify the Agency in the following instances:
i) Any violation of subsection (a)(2) shall be reported to the
Agency, in writing, within 30 days following the
occurrence of the violation;
ii) Any record showing a violation of subsection (a)(2) of this
Section shall be reported by sending a copy of such record
to the Agency within 30 days following the occurrence of
the violation; and
iii) At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(2) to (a)(1) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(2)(A) of this Section. Upon changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(2) to (a)(1) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(2) of this Section.
c) Compliance Schedule. Every owner or operator of a heatset web offset
lithographic printing line shall comply with the applicable requirements of
subsections (a) and (b) of this Section in accordance with the applicable
compliance schedule specified in subsections (c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(3) of this
1) No owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
which is exempt from the limitations of subsection (a) of this Section
because of the criteria in Section 218.405 (a) of this Subpart shall operate
said printing line on or after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this
Part, unless the owner or operator has complied with, and continues to
comply with, Sections 218.405(a) and 218.406(b)(1) of this Subpart.
2) No owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
complying by means of subsection (a)(1) of this Section shall operate said
printing line on or after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part,
unless the owner or operator has complied with, and continues to comply
with, subsections (a)(1), (a)(3), (a)(4) and (b)(2) of this Section.
3) No owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
complying by means of subsection (a)(2) of this Section shall operate said
printing line on or after a date consistent with Section 218.106 of this Part,
unless the owner or operator has complied with, and continues to comply
with, subsections (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4) and (b)(3) of this Section.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing
Lines On and After March 15, 1996
a) On and after March 15, 1996, no owner or operator of lithographic printing line(s)
subject to the requirements of this Subpart shall:
1) Cause or allow the operation of any heatset web offset lithographic
printing line unless:
A) The total VOM content in the as-applied fountain solution meets
one of the following conditions:
i) 1.6 percent or less, by volume;
ii) 3 percent or less, by volume, and the temperature of the
fountain solution is maintained below 15.6
C (60
measured at the reservoir or the fountain tray; or
iii) 5 percent or less, by volume, and the as-applied fountain
solution contains no alcohol;
B) The air pressure in the dryer is maintained lower than the air
pressure of the press room, such that air flow through all openings
in the dryer, other than the exhaust, is into the dryer at all times
when the printing line is operating;
C) An afterburner is installed and operated so that VOM emissions
(excluding methane and ethane) from the press dryer exhaust(s) are
reduced by 90 percent, by weight, or to a maximum afterburner
exhaust outlet concentration of 20 ppmv (as carbon);
D) The afterburner is equipped with the applicable monitoring
equipment specified in Section 218.105(d)(2) of this Part and the
monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated, operated, and
maintained according to manufacturer's specifications at all times
when the afterburner is in use; and
E) The afterburner is operated at all times when the printing line is in
operation, except the afterburner may be shut down between
November 1 and April 1 as provided in Section 218.107 of this
2) Cause or allow the operation of any non-heatset web offset lithographic
printing line unless the VOM content of the as-applied fountain solution is
5 percent or less, by volume, and the as-applied fountain solution contains
no alcohol;
3) Cause or allow the operation of any sheet-fed offset lithographic printing
line unless:
A) The VOM content of the as-applied fountain solution is 5 percent
or less, by volume; or
B) The VOM content of the as-applied fountain solution is 8.5 percent
or less, by volume, and the temperature of the fountain solution is
maintained below 15.6
C (60
F), measured at the reservoir or the
fountain tray;
4) Cause or allow the use of a cleaning solution on any lithographic printing
line unless:
A) The VOM content of the as-used cleaning solution is less than or
equal to 30 percent, by weight; or
B) The VOM composite partial vapor pressure of the as-used cleaning
solution is less than 10 mmHg at 20
C (68
5) Cause or allow VOM containing cleaning materials, including used
cleaning towels, associated with any lithographic printing line to be kept,
stored or disposed of in any manner other than in closed containers.
b) An owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject to
the requirements of subsection (a)(1)(C) of this Section may use a control device
other than an afterburner, if:
1) The control device reduces VOM emissions from the press dryer
exhaust(s) by at least 90 percent, by weight, or to a maximum control
device exhaust outlet concentration of 20 ppmv (as carbon);
2) The owner or operator submits a plan to the Agency detailing appropriate
monitoring devices, test methods, recordkeeping requirements, and
operating parameters for the control device; and
3) The use of the control device with testing, monitoring, and recordkeeping
in accordance with this plan is approved by the Agency and USEPA as
federally enforceable permit conditions.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing
a) Fountain Solution Temperature.
1) The owner or operator of any lithographic printing line(s) relying on the
temperature of the fountain solution to demonstrate compliance shall
install, maintain, and continuously operate a temperature monitor of the
fountain solution in the reservoir or fountain tray, as applicable.
2) The temperature monitor must be capable of reading with an accuracy of
C or 2
C 0.3
C or 0.5
F, and must be attached to an automatic,
continuous recording device such as a strip chart, recorder, or computer,
with at least the same accuracy, that is installed, calibrated and maintained
in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. If the automatic,
continuous recording device malfunctions, the owner or operator shall
record the temperature of the fountain solution at least once every two
operating hours. The automatic, continuous recording device shall be
repaired or replaced as soon as practicable.
b) Fountain Solution VOM Content. The owner or operator of any lithographic
printing line(s) subject to Section 218.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this
Subpart shall:
1) For a fountain solution to which VOM is not added automatically:
A) Maintain records of the VOM content of the fountain solution in
accordance with Section 218.411(c)(2)(C); or
B) Take a sample of the as-applied fountain solution from the fountain
tray or reservoir, as applicable, each time a fresh batch of fountain
solution is prepared or each time VOM is added to an existing
batch of fountain solution in the fountain tray or reservoir, and
shall determine compliance with the VOM content limitation of the
as-applied fountain solution by using one of the following options:
i) With a refractometer or hydrometer with a visual, analog,
or digital readout and with an accuracy of 0.5 percent. The
refractometer or hydrometer must be calibrated with a
standard solution for the type of VOM used in the fountain
solution, in accordance with manufacturer's specifications,
against measurements performed to determine compliance.
The refractometer or hydrometer must be corrected for
temperature at least once per 8-hour shift or once per batch
of fountain solution prepared or modified, whichever is
longer; or
ii) With a conductivity meter if it is demonstrated that a
refractometer and hydrometer cannot distinguish between
compliant and noncompliant fountain solution for the type
and amount of VOM in the fountain solution. A source
may use a conductivity meter if it demonstrates that both
hydrometers and refractometers fail to provide significantly
different measurements for standard solutions containing
95 percent, 100 percent and 105 percent of the applicable
VOM content limit. The conductivity meter reading for the
fountain solution must be referenced to the conductivity of
the incoming water. A standard solution shall be used to
calibrate the conductivity meter for the type of VOM used
in the fountain solution, in accordance with manufacturer's
2) For fountain solutions to which VOM is added at the source with
automatic feed equipment, determine the VOM content of the as-applied
fountain solution based on the setting of the automatic feed equipment
which makes additions of VOM up to a pre-set level. Records must be
retained of the VOM content of the fountain solution in accordance with
Section 218.411(c)(2)(D) of this Subpart. The equipment used to make
automatic additions must be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained
in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
c) Afterburners For Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line(s).
If an afterburner is used to demonstrate compliance, the owner or operator of a
heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject to Section 218.407(a)(1)(C)
of this Subpart shall:
1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and operate temperature monitoring device(s)
with an accuracy of 3
C or 5
F on the afterburner in accordance with
Section 218.105(d)(2) of this Part and in accordance with the
manufacturer's specifications. Monitoring shall be performed at all times
when the afterburner is operating; and
2) Install, calibrate, operate and maintain, in accordance with manufacturer's
specifications, a continuous recorder on the temperature monitoring
device(s), such as a strip chart, recorder or computer, with at least the
same accuracy as the temperature monitor.
d) Other Control Devices for Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line(s). If a
control device other than an afterburner is used to demonstrate compliance, the
owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject to this
Subpart shall install, maintain, calibrate and operate such monitoring equipment
as set forth in the owner or operator's plan approved by the Agency and USEPA
pursuant to Section 218.407(b) of this Subpart.
e) Cleaning Solution.
1) The owner or operator of any lithographic printing line relying on the
VOM content of the cleaning solution to comply with Section
218.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart must:
A) For cleaning solutions that are prepared at the source with
equipment that automatically mixes cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM):
i) Install, operate, maintain, and calibrate the automatic feed
equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specifications
to regulate the volume of each of the cleaning solvent and
water (or other non-VOM), as mixed; and
ii) Pre-set the automatic feed equipment so that the
consumption rates of the cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM), as applied, comply with Section
218.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart;
B) For cleaning solutions that are not prepared at the source with
automatic feed equipment, keep records of the usage of cleaning
solvent and water (or other non-VOM) as set forth in Section
218.411(d)(2) of this Subpart.
2) The owner or operator of any lithographic printing line relying on the
vapor pressure of the cleaning solution to comply with Section
218.407(a)(4)(B) of this Subpart must keep records for such cleaning
solutions used on any such line(s) as set forth in Section 218.411(d)(2)(C)
of this Subpart.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing
a) An owner or operator of lithographic printing line(s) exempt from the limitations
of Section 218.407 of this Subpart because of the criteria in Section 218.405(d) of
this Subpart shall comply with the following:
1) By March 15, 1996, upon initial start-up of a new lithographic printing
line, and upon modification of a lithographic printing line, submit a
certification to the Agency that includes:
A) A declaration that the source is exempt from the control
requirements in Section 218.407 of this Part because of the criteria
in Section 218.405(d) of this Subpart;
B) Calculations which demonstrate that combined emissions of VOM
from all lithographic printing lines (including inks, fountain
solutions, and solvents used for cleanup operations associated with
the lithographic printing lines) at the source never exceed 45.5
kg/day (100 lbs/day) before the use of capture systems and control
devices, as follows:
i) To calculate daily emissions of VOM, the owner or
operator shall determine the monthly emissions of VOM
from all lithographic printing lines at the source (including
solvents used for cleanup operations associated with the
lithographic printing lines) and divide this amount by the
number of days during that calendar month that
lithographic printing lines at the source were in operation;
ii) To determine the VOM content of the inks, fountain
solution additives and cleaning solvents, the tests methods
and procedures set forth in Section 218.409(c) of this
Subpart shall be used;
iii) To determine VOM emissions from inks used on
lithographic printing line(s) at the source, an ink emission
adjustment factor of 0.05 shall be used in calculating
emissions from all non-heatset inks except when using an
impervious substrate, and a factor of 0.80 shall be used in
calculating emissions from all heatset inks to account for
VOM retention in the substrate except when using an
impervious substrate. For impervious substrates such as
metal or plastic, no emission adjustment factor is used. The
VOM content of the ink, as used, shall be multiplied by this
factor to determine the amount of VOM emissions from the
use of ink on the printing line(s); and
iv) To determine VOM emissions from fountain solutions and
cleaning solvents used on lithographic printing line(s) at the
source, no retention factor is used;
C) Either a declaration that the source, through federally enforceable
permit conditions, has limited its maximum theoretical emissions
of VOM from all heatset web offset lithographic printing lines
(including solvents used for cleanup operations associated with
heatset web offset printing lines) at the source to no more than 90.7
Mg (100 tons) per calendar year before the application of capture
systems and control devices or calculations which demonstrate that
the source's total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM do not
exceed 90.7 Mg/yr (100 TPY). To determine the source's total
maximum theoretical emissions for the purposes of this subsection,
the owner or operator shall use the calculations set forth in Section
218.406(b)(1)(A)(ii) of this Subpart; and
D) A description and the results of all tests used to determine the
VOM content of inks, fountain solution additives, and cleaning
solvents, and a declaration that all such tests have been properly
conducted in accordance with Section 218.409(c)(1) of this
2) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record either the information
specified in subsection (a)(2)(A) or (a)(2)(B) of this Section for all
lithographic printing lines at the source:
A) Standard recordkeeping, including the following:
i) The name and identification of each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent used on any
lithographic printing line, recorded each month;
ii) A daily record which shows whether a lithographic printing
line at the source was in operation on that day;
iii) The VOM content and the volume of each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent used on any
lithographic printing line, recorded each month;
iv) The total VOM emissions at the source each month,
determined as the sum of the product of usage and VOM
content for each fountain solution additive, cleaning
solvent, and lithographic ink (with the applicable ink VOM
emission adjustment) used at the source, calculated each
month; and
v) The VOM emissions in lbs/day for the month, calculated in
accordance with Section 218.411(a)(1)(B) of this Subpart;
B) Purchase and inventory recordkeeping, including the following:
i) The name, identification, and VOM content of each
fountain solution additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning
solvent used on any lithographic printing line, recorded
each month;
ii) Inventory records from the beginning and end of each
month indicating the total volume of each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent to be used
on any lithographic printing line at the source;
iii) Monthly purchase records for each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent used on any
lithographic printing line at the source;
iv) A daily record which shows whether a lithographic printing
line at the source was in operation on that day;
v) The total VOM emissions at the source each month,
determined as the sum of the product of usage and VOM
content for each fountain solution additive, cleaning
solvent, and lithographic ink (with the applicable ink VOM
emission adjustment) used at the source, calculated each
month based on the monthly inventory and purchase
records required to be maintained pursuant to subsections
(a)(2)(B)(i), (a)(2)(B)(ii) and (a)(2)(B)(iii) of this Section;
vi) The VOM emissions in lbs/day for the month, calculated in
accordance with Section 218.411(a)(1)(B) of this Subpart;
3) On and after March 15, 1996, notify the Agency in writing if the
combined emissions of VOM from all lithographic printing lines
(including inks, fountain solutions, and solvents used for cleanup
operations associated with the lithographic printing lines) at the source
ever exceed 45.5 kg/day (100 lbs/day), before the use of capture systems
and control devices, within 30 days after the event occurs. Such
notification shall include a copy of all records of such event.
b) An owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s) subject
to the control requirements of Section 218.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart
shall comply with the following:
1) By March 15, 1996, upon initial start-up of a new printing line, and upon
initial start-up of a new control device for a heatset web offset printing
line, submit a certification to the Agency that includes the following:
A) An identification of each heatset web offset lithographic printing
line at the source;
B) A declaration that each heatset web offset lithographic printing line
is in compliance with the requirements of Section 218.407 (a) (1)
(B), (a) (1) (C), (a) (1) (D) and (a) (1) (E) or (b) of this Subpart, as
C) The type of afterburner or other approved control device used to
comply with the requirements of Section 218.407(a)(1)(C) or
(b)(1) of this Subpart;
D) The control requirements in Section 218.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of
this Subpart with which the lithographic printing line is complying;
E) The results of all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the control requirements of Section
218.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart, as applicable; and
F) A declaration that the monitoring equipment required under
Section 218.407(a)(1)(D) or (b) of this Subpart, as applicable, has
been properly installed and calibrated according to manufacturer's
2) If testing of the afterburner or other approved control device is conducted
pursuant to Section 218.409(b) of this Subpart, the owner or operator
shall, within 90 days after conducting such testing, submit a copy of all
test results to the Agency and shall submit a certification to the Agency
that includes the following:
A) A declaration that all tests and calculations necessary to
demonstrate whether the lithographic printing line(s) is in
compliance with Section 218.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this
Subpart, as applicable, have been properly performed;
B) A statement whether the lithographic printing line(s) is or is not in
compliance with Section 218.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this
Subpart, as applicable; and
C) The operating parameters of the afterburner or other approved
control device during testing, as monitored in accordance with
Section 218.410(c) or (d) of this Subpart, as applicable;
3) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record daily the following
information for each heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject
to the requirements of Section 218.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart:
A) Afterburner or other approved control device monitoring data in
accordance with Section 218.410(c) or (d) of this Subpart, as
B) A log of operating time for the afterburner or other approved
control device, monitoring equipment, and the associated printing
C) A maintenance log for the afterburner or other approved control
device and monitoring equipment detailing all routine and non-
routine maintenance performed, including dates and duration of
any outages; and
D) A log detailing checks on the air flow direction or air pressure of
the dryer and press room to insure compliance with the
requirements of Section 218.407(a)(1)(B) of this Subpart at least
once per 24-hour period while the line is operating;
4) On and after March 15, 1996, notify the Agency in writing of any
violation of Section 218.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart within 30
days after the occurrence of such violation. Such notification shall include
a copy of all records of such violation;
5) If changing its method of compliance between subsections (a)(1)(C) and
(b) of Section 218.407 of this Subpart, certify compliance for the new
method of compliance in accordance with subsection (b)(1) of this Section
at least 30 days before making such change, and perform all tests and
calculations necessary to demonstrate that such printing line(s) will be in
compliance with the requirements of Section 218.407(a)(1)(B), (a)(1)(C),
(a)(1)(D) and (a)(1)(E) of this Subpart, or Section 218.407(b) of this
Subpart, as applicable.
c) An owner or operator of a lithographic printing line subject to Section
218.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this Subpart, shall:
1) By March 15, 1996, and upon initial start-up of a new lithographic
printing line, certify to the Agency that fountain solutions used on each
lithographic printing line will be in compliance with the applicable VOM
content limitation. Such certification shall include:
A) Identification of each lithographic printing line at the source, by
type, e.g., heatset web offset, non-heatset web offset, or sheet-fed
B) Identification of each centralized fountain solution reservoir and
each lithographic printing line that it serves;
C) The VOM content limitation with which each fountain solution
will comply;
D) Initial documentation that each type of fountain solution will
comply with the applicable VOM content limitation, including
copies of manufacturer's specifications, test results, if any,
formulation data and calculations;
E) Identification of the method that will be used to demonstrate
continuing compliance with the applicable limitation, e.g., a
refractometer, hydrometer, conductivity meter, or recordkeeping
procedures with detailed description of the compliance
methodology; and
F) A sample of the records that will be kept pursuant to Section
218.411(c)(2) of this Subpart.
2) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record the following information
for each fountain solution:
A) The name and identification of each batch of fountain solution
prepared for use on one or more lithographic printing lines, the
lithographic printing line(s) or centralized reservoir using such
batch of fountain solution, and the applicable VOM content
limitation for the batch;
B) If an owner or operator uses a hydrometer, refractometer, or
conductivity meter, pursuant to Section 218.410(b)(1)(B), to
demonstrate compliance with the applicable VOM content limit in
Section 218.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this Subpart:
i) The date and time of preparation, and each subsequent
modification, of the batch;
ii) The results of each measurement taken in accordance with
Section 218.410(b) of this Subpart;
iii) Documentation of the periodic calibration of the meter in
accordance with the manufacturer's specifications,
including date and time of calibration, personnel
conducting, identity of standard solution, and resultant
reading; and
iv) Documentation of the periodic temperature adjustment of
the meter, including date and time of adjustment, personnel
conducting and results;
C) If the VOM content of the fountain solution is determined pursuant
to Section 218.410(b)(1)(A) of this Subpart, for each batch of as-
applied fountain solution:
i) Date and time of preparation and each subsequent
modification of the batch;
ii) Volume and VOM content of each component used in, or
subsequently added to, the fountain solution batch;
iii) Calculated VOM content of the as-applied fountain
solution; and
iv) Any other information necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable VOM content limits in
Section 218.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this Subpart,
as specified in the source's operating permit;
D) If the VOM content of the fountain solution is determined pursuant
to Section 218.410(b)(2) of this Subpart, for each setting:
i) VOM content limit corresponding to each setting;
ii) Date and time of initial setting and each subsequent setting;
iii) Documentation of the periodic calibration of the
automatic feed equipment in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications; and
iv) Any other information necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable VOM content limits in
Sections 218.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this Subpart,
as specified in the source’s operating permit.
ED) If the owner or operator relies on the temperature of the fountain
solution to comply with the requirements in Section
218.407(a)(1)(A)(ii) or (a)(3)(B) of this Subpart:
i) The temperature of the fountain solution at each printing
line, as monitored in accordance with Section 218.410(a);
ii) A maintenance log for the temperature monitoring devices
and automatic, continuous temperature recorders detailing
all routine and non-routine maintenance performed,
including dates and duration of any outages;
3) Notify the Agency in writing of any violation of Section 218.407 of this
Subpart within 30 days after the occurrence of such violation. Such
notification shall include a copy of all records of such violation; and
4) If changing its method of demonstrating compliance with the applicable
VOM content limitations in Section 218.407 of this Subpart, or changing
the method of demonstrating compliance with the VOM content
limitations for fountain solutions pursuant to Section 218.409 of this
Subpart, certify compliance for such new method(s) in accordance with
subsection (c)(1) of this Section within 30 days after making such change,
and perform all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate that such
printing line(s) will be in compliance with the applicable requirements of
Section 218.407 of this Subpart.
d) For lithographic printing line cleaning operations, an owner or operator of a
lithographic printing line subject to the requirements of Section 218.407 of this
Subpart shall:
1) By March 15, 1996, and or upon initial start-up of a new lithographic
printing line, certify to the Agency that all cleaning solutions, and the
handling of cleaning materials, will be in compliance with the
requirements of Section 218.407(a)(4)(A) or (a)(4)(B) and (a)(5) of this
Subpart, and such certification shall also include:
A) Identification of each VOM-containing cleaning solution used on
each lithographic printing line;
B) The limitation with which each VOM-containing cleaning solution
will comply, i.e., the VOM content or vapor pressure;
C) Initial documentation that each VOM-containing cleaning solution
will comply with the applicable limitation, including copies of
manufacturer's specifications, test results, if any, formulation data
and calculations;
D) Identification of the method that will be used to demonstrate
continuing compliance with the applicable limitations;
E) A sample of the records that will be kept pursuant to Section
218.411(d)(2) of this Subpart; and
F) A description of the practices that assure that VOM-containing
cleaning materials are kept in closed containers;
2) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record the following information
for each cleaning solution used on each lithographic printing line:
A) For each cleaning solution for which the owner or operator relies
on the VOM content to demonstrate compliance with Section
218.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart and which is prepared at the
source with automatic equipment:
i) The name and identification of each cleaning solution;
ii) The VOM content of each cleaning solvent in the cleaning
solution, as determined in accordance with Section
218.409(c) of this Subpart;
iii) Each change to the setting of the automatic equipment, with
date, time, description of changes in the cleaning solution
constituents (e.g., cleaning solvents), and a description of
changes to the proportion of cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM);
iv) The proportion of each cleaning solvent and water (or other
non-VOM) used to prepare the as-used cleaning solution;
v) The VOM content of the as-used cleaning solution, with
supporting calculations; and
vi) A calibration log for the automatic equipment, detailing
periodic checks;
B) For each batch of cleaning solution for which the owner or
operator relies on the VOM content to demonstrate compliance
with Section 218.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart, and which is not
prepared at the source with automatic equipment:
i) The name and identification of each cleaning solution;
ii) Date and time of preparation, and each subsequent
modification, of the batch;
iii) The VOM content of each cleaning solvent in the cleaning
solution, as determined in accordance with Section
218.409(c) of this Subpart;
iv) The total amount of each cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM) used to prepare the as-used cleaning
solution; and
v) The VOM content of the as-used cleaning solution, with
supporting calculations;
C) For each batch of cleaning solution for which the owner or
operator relies on the vapor pressure of the cleaning solution to
demonstrate compliance with Section 218.407(a)(4)(B) of this
i) The name and identification of each cleaning solution;
ii) Date and time of preparation, and each subsequent
modification, of the batch;
iii) The molecular weight, density, and VOM composite partial
vapor pressure of each cleaning solvent, as determined in
accordance with Section 218.409(e) of this Subpart;
iv) The total amount of each cleaning solvent used to prepare
the as-used cleaning solution; and
v) The VOM composite partial vapor pressure of each as-used
cleaning solution, as determined in accordance with Section
218.409(e) of this Subpart;
D) The date, time and duration of scheduled inspections performed to
confirm the proper use of closed containers to control VOM
emissions, and any instances of improper use of closed containers,
with descriptions of actual practice and corrective action taken, if
3) On and after March 15, 1996, notify the Agency in writing of any
violation of Section 218.407 of this Subpart within 30 days after the
occurrence of such violation. Such notification shall include a copy of all
records of such violation; and
4) If changing its method of demonstrating compliance with the requirements
of Section 218.407(a)(4) of this Subpart, or changing between automatic
and manual methods of preparing cleaning solutions, certify compliance
for such new method in accordance with subsection (d)(1) of this Section,
within 30 days after making such change, and perform all tests and
calculations necessary to demonstrate that such printing line(s) will be in
compliance with the applicable requirements of Section 218.407(a)(4) of
this Subpart.
e) The owner or operator shall maintain all records required by this Section at the
source for a minimum period of three years and shall make all records available to
the Agency upon request.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.601 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners (Repealed)
The owner or operator of a dry cleaning operation which uses perchloroethylene shall:
Vent the entire dryer exhaust through a properly designed and functioning carbon
adsorption system or equally effective control device; and
Emit no more than 100 ppmv of VOM from the dryer control device before
dilution, or achieve a 90 percent average reduction before dilution; and
Immediately repair all components found to be leaking liquid VOM; and
Cook or treat all diatomaceous earth filters so that the residue contains 25 kg (55
lb) or less of VOM per 100 kg (220 lb) of wet waste material; and
Reduce the VOM from all solvent stills to 60 kg (132 lb) or less per 100 kg (220
lb) of wet waste material; and
Drain all filtration cartridges in the filter housing or other sealed container for at
least 24 hours before discarding the cartridges; and
Dry all drained filtration cartridges in equipment connected to an emission
reduction system or in a manner that will eliminate emission of VOM to the
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.602 Applicability (Repealed)
The provisions of Section 218.601 of this Part are not applicable to perchloroethylene dry
cleaning operations which are coin-operated or to dry cleaning operations consuming less than
30 gal per month (360 gal per year) of perchloroethylene.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.603 Leaks (Repealed)
The presence of leaks shall be determined for purposes of Section 218.601(c) of this Part by a
visual inspection of the following: hose connections, unions, couplings and valves; machine door
gaskets and seatings; filter head gasket and seating; pumps; base tanks and storage containers;
water separators; filter sludge recovery; distillation unit; diverter valves; saturated lint from lint
baskets; and cartridge filters.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.790 General Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
On and after the compliance date specified in Section 218.791 of this Subpart, every owner or
operator of a motor vehicle refinishing operation shall maintain the following records for the
most recent consecutive 3 years. Such records shall be made available to the Agency
immediately upon request:
The name and manufacturer of each coating and surface preparation product used
at the source each month;
The volume of each category of coating, as set forth in Section 218.780 of this
Subpart, purchased by the source each month;
The coating mixing instructions, as stated on the container, in literature supplied
with the coating, or otherwise specified by the manufacturer, for each coating
purchased by the source each month;
The VOM content, expressed as weight of VOM per volume of coating, minus
water and any compounds that are specifically exempted from the definition of
VOM, recorded on a monthly basis for:
Each coating as purchased, if the coating is not mixed with any additives
prior to application on the substrate; or
Each coating after mixing according to manufacturer's instructions as
collected pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section;
The weighted average VOM content of the coating, as specified in Section
218.780(d)(1), (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this Subpart, for each basecoat/clearcoat, and
three or four stage coating system purchased by the source, recorded on a monthly
The total monthly volume of all specialty coatings purchased and the percentage
specialty coatings comprise in the aggregate of all coatings purchased by the
source each month;
The volume of each category of surface preparation material, as set forth in
Section 218.786 of this Subpart, purchased by the source each month; and
The VOM content, expressed as weight of VOM per volume of material,
including water, of each surface preparation material purchased by the source,
recorded on a monthly basis.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.792 Registration
a) Every owner or operator of a motor vehicle refinishing operation shall register
with the Agency on or before the date specified in Section 218.791 of this Subpart
and re-register no later than 45 days following the end of each subsequent
calendar year. The following information shall be included in this registration:
1) The name and address of the source, and the name and telephone number
of the person responsible for submitting the registration information;
2) A description of all coating operations of motor vehicles, mobile
equipment, or their parts or components, and all associated surface
preparation operations at the source;
3) A description of all coating applicators used at the source to comply with
Section 218.784(a) of this Subpart, if applicable;
4) A description of all cleanup operations at the source, including equipment
used to comply with Section 218.784(b) of this Subpart, if applicable;
5) A description of all work practices at the source used to comply with
Section 218.787 of this Subpart;
6) If a source claims to be exempt from the equipment requirements in
Section 218.784 of this Subpart because it uses less than 20 gallons of
coating per year, the owner's or operator's certification that the annual
usage is below this level;
7) A written declaration stating whether the source is complying with this
Subpart by using coatings that comply with the applicable VOM content
limits in Section 218.780 of this Subpart or by control equipment as
specified in Section 218.782; and
8) A description of any control devices used to comply with Section 218.782
of this Subpart and the date(s) the device was installed and became
b) At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance to or from
Sections 218.780 and 218.782, the owner or operator of a motor vehicle
refinishing operation shall notify the Agency and certify that the source is in
compliance with the applicable requirements for the new method of compliance.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 218.Appendix B VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency (Repealed)
Procedure G.1 - Captured VOM Emissions
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the volatile organic materials
(VOM) content of captured gas streams. It is intended to be used as a segment in the
development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOM capture efficiency (CE) for
surface coating and printing operations. The procedure may not be acceptable in certain
site-specific situations, e.g., when: (1) direct fired heaters or other circumstances affect the
quantity of VOM at the control device inlet; and (2) particulate organic aerosols are formed in
the process and are present in the captured emissions.
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOM captured (G) is calculated as the sum of the products of the
VOM content (CGj), the flow rate (QGj), and the sample time (TC) from each captured
emissions point.
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each
captured or fugitive emissions point as follows: QGj = 5.5 percent and CGj =
Based on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for G is estimated at about
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel, or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOM
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow rate control valve and
rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the
sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the
flame ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If captured or fugitive emissions
are to be measured at multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use
separate sampling probes, lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common
sample gas manifold and FIA. The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be
heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than
percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than
percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than
percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to
1 percent of the tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than
2 percent
the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value.
99 Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane or
carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater. FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Captured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
2.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
3.1 Locate all points where emissions are captured from the affected emission unit. Using
Method 1, determine the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling
3.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run
using Method 2 or 2A.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each captured emissions point during
the entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple captured
emission locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the
VOM responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA according to the
procedure in Section 5.1.
4.2.2 Conduct a system check according to the procedure in Section 5.3.
4.2.3 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct,
and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.4 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response
to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the
effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling
4.2.5 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run according
to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform system drift
checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.6 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120
4.2.7 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple captured emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for
the same amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for
the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the
test run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the measurements at each sampling location until two times the response time
of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute and record the
concentration measurements.
4.3 Background Concentration.
4.3.1 Locate all NDO's of the TTE. A sampling point shall be centrally located outside of the
TTE at 4 equivalent diameters from each NDO, if possible. If there are more than 6 NDO's,
choose 6 sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO's.
4.3.2 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3. NOTE: This sample train shall be a
separate sampling train from the one to measure the captured emissions.
4.3.3 Position the probe at the sampling location.
4.3.4 Determine the response time, conduct the system check and sample according to the
procedures described in Sections 4.2.4 to 4.2.7.
4.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOC concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the
concentration of the captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the zero and
calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and
pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and
calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift
check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value.
Conduct the system drift checks at the end of each run.
5.3 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and
record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system
response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for the high range calibration
gas. Conduct a system check before and after each test run.
5.4 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
area of NDO i, ft2;
total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft2;
corrected average VOM concentration of background emissions at point i, ppm
average background concentration, ppm propane;
corrected average VOM concentration of captured emissions at point j, ppm
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average background VOM concentration measured at point i,
ppm propane;
uncorrected average VOM concentration measured at point j, ppm
total VOM content of captured emissions, kg;
1.830 x 10-6 kg/(m3-ppm);
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at captured
emissions point j, m3/min;
total duration of captured emissions sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Captured Emissions.
? (CGj - CB ) QGj TC K1
Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Captured Emissions at Point j.
(Cj - CD0) CH
Eq. 2
7.3 Background VOM Concentration at Point i.
(Ci - CD0) CH
Eq. 3
7.4 Average Background Concentration.
? CBi Ai
Eq. 4
NOTE: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all
points, the terms "Ai" and "AN" may be deleted from Equation 4.
Procedure G.2 - Captured VOM Emissions (Dilution Technique)
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the volatile organic materials
(VOM) content of captured gas streams. It is intended to be used as a segment in the
development of a gas/gas protocol in which fugitive emissions are measured for determining
VOM capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations. A dilution system is
used to reduce the VOM concentration of the captured emission to about the same concentration
as the fugitive emissions. The procedure may not be acceptable in certain site-specific situations,
e.g., when: (1) direct fired heaters or other circumstances affect the quantity of VOM at the
control device inlet; and (2) particulate organic aerosols are formed in the process and are
present in the captured emissions.
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOM captured (G) is calculated as the sum of the products of the
VOM content (CGj), the flow rate (QGj), and the sampling time (TC) from each captured
emissions point.
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each
captured or fugitive emissions point as follows: QGj =
5.5 percent and C
Gj =
5 percent. Based
on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for G is estimated at about
7.4 percent.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Dilution System. A Kipp in-stack dilution probe and controller or similar device may be
used. The dilution rate may be changed by substituting different critical orifices or adjustments
of the aspirator supply pressure. The dilution system shall be heated to prevent VOM
condensation. Note: An out-of-stack dilution device may be used.
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow control valve and rotameter
must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample
pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the
flame ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If captured or fugitive emissions
are to be measured at multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use
separate sampling probes, lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common
sample gas manifold and FIA. The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be
heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than
percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than
percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than
percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to
1 percent of the tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than
2 percent from
the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas and Dilution Air Supply. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic
material (as propane or carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever
is greater. FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved. Dilution Check Gas. Gas mixture standard containing propane in air, approximately half
the span value after dilution.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Captured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
2.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
3.1 Locate all points where emissions are captured from the affected facility. Using Method 1,
determine the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling flow.
3.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run
using Method 2 or 2A.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each captured emissions point during
the entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are a multiple
captured emissions locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to
determine the VOM responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA according to the
procedure in Section 5.1.
4.2.2 Set the dilution ratio and determine the dilution factor according to the procedure in
Section 5.3.
4.2.3 Conduct a system check according to the procedure in Section 5.4.
4.2.4 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct,
and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.5 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Measure the system response time as the
time required for the system to reach the effluent concentration after the calibration valve has
been returned to the effluent sampling position.
4.2.6 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run according
to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.4. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform system drift
checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.7 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120
4.2.8 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple captured emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for
the same amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for
the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the
test run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the measurements at each sampling location until two times the response time
of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute and record the
concentration measurements.
4.3 Background Concentration.
4.3.1 Locate all NDO's of the TTE. A sampling point shall be centrally located outside of the
TTE at 4 equivalent diameters from each NDO, if possible. If there are more than 6 NDO's,
choose 6 sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO's.
4.3.2 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.4.
4.3.3 Position the probe at the sampling location.
4.3.4 Determine the response time, conduct the system check and sample according to the
procedures described in Sections 4.2.4 to 4.2.8.
4.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOM concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system after
the dilution system and adjust the back- pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the
flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases
and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and
mid-range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and
linearity of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of
the respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the
system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling
the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the
concentration of the diluted captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the
zero and calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow
rate and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero
and calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the
drift check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span
value. Conduct the system drift check at the end of each run.
5.3 Determination of Dilution Factor. Inject the dilution check gas into the measurement system
before the dilution system and record the response. Calculate the dilution factor using
Equation 3.
5.4 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet to the sampling probe while
the dilution air is turned off. Record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable
if the measurement system response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for
the high range calibration gas. Conduct a system check before and after each test run.
5.5 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
area of NDO i, ft2;
total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft2;
actual concentration of the dilution check gas, ppm propane;
corrected average VOM concentration of background emissions at point i, ppm
average background concentration, ppm propane;
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
actual concent ration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average background VOM concentration measured at point i,
ppm propane;
uncorrected average VOM concentration measured at point j, ppm
measured concentration of the dilution check gas, ppm propane;
dilution factor;
total VOCM content of captured emissions, kg;
1.830 x 10-6 kg/(m3-ppm);
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at captured
emissions point j, m3/min;
total duration of capture efficiency sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Captured Emissions.
G = ? CGj QGj TC K1
Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Captured Emissions at Point j.
CGj = DF (Cj - CD0) CH
Eq. 2
7.3 Dilution Factor.
Eq. 3
7.4 Background VOM Concentration at Point i.
CBi = (Ci - CD0) CH
Eq. 4
7.5 Average Background Concentration.
? CBJ Ai
CB = i=1
Eq. 5
NOTE: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all
points, the terms "Ai" and "AN" may be deleted from Equation 4.
Procedure F.2 - Fugitive VOM Emissions from Building Enclosures
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the fugitive volatile organic
materials (VOM) emissions from a building enclosure (BE). It is intended to be used as a
segment in the development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOM capture
efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The total amount of fugitive VOM emissions (FB ) from the BE is calculated as
the sum of the products of the VOM content (CFj) of each fugitive emissions point, its flow rate
(QFj), and time (TF).
1.3 Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each fugitive
emissions point as follows: QFj =
5.0 percent and C
Fj =
5.0 percent. Based on these numbers,
the probable uncertainty for FB is estimated at about
11.2 percent.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel, or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOM
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow rate control valve and
rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the
sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the
flame ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If emissions are to be measured at
multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use separate sampling probes,
lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common sample gas manifold and FIA.
The sample gas manifold must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than
5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to
1 percent of the tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than
2 percent from
the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (propane or carbon
equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater. FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Fugitive Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Flow Direction Indicators. Any means of indicating inward or outward flow, such as light
plastic film or paper streamers, smoke tubes, filaments, and sensory perception.
2.2.2 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate. Anemometers or
similar devices calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions may be used when low
velocities are present. Vane anemometers (Young-maximum response propeller), specialized
pitots with electronic manometers (e.g., Shortridge Instruments Inc., Airdata Multimeter 860) are
commercially available with measurement thresholds of 15 and 8 mpm (50 and 25 fpm),
2.2.3 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.4 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
3.1 Preliminary Determinations. The purpose of this exercise is to determine which exhaust
points should be measured for volumetric flow rates and VOM concentrations.
3.1.1 Forced Draft Openings. Identify all forced draft openings. Determine the volumetric flow
rate according to Method 2.
3.1.2 NDO's Exhaust Points. The NDO's in the roof of a facility the building or room in which
the emission unit is located are considered to be exhaust points. Determine volumetric flow rate
from these NDO's. Divide the cross-sectional area according to Method 1 using 12 equal areas.
Use the appropriate velocity measurement devices, e.g., propeller anemometers.
3.1.3 Other NDO's. This step is optional. Determine the exhaust flow rate, including that of the control
device, from the enclosure and the intake air flow rate. If the exhaust flow rate divided by the
intake air flow rate is greater than 1.1, then all other NDO's are not considered to be significant
exhaust points. If the option above is not taken, identify all other NDO's and other potential points
through which fugitive emissions may escape the enclosure. Then use the following criteria to
determine whether flow rates and VOM concentrations need to be measured: Using the appropriate flow direction indicator, determine the flow direction. An NDO
with zero or inward flow is not an exhaust point. Measure the outward volumetric flow rate from the remainder of the NDO's. If the
collective flow rate is 2 percent, or less, of the flow rate from Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, then these
NDO's, except those within two equivalent diameters (based on NDO opening) from a VOM
emitting point, may be considered to be non-exhaust points. If the percentage calculated in Section is greater than 2 percent, those NDO's
(except those within two equivalent diameters from a VOM emitting point) whose volumetric
flow rate total 2 percent of the flow rate from Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 may be considered as
non-exhaust points. All remaining NDO's shall be measured for volumetric flow rate and VOM
concentrations during the CE test. The tester may choose to measure VOM concentrations at the forced exhaust points
and the NDO's. If the total VOM emissions from the NDO's are less than 2 percent of the
emissions from the forced draft and roof NDO's, then these NDO's may be eliminated from
further consideration.
3.2 Determination of Flow Rates.
3.2.1 Measure the volumetric flow rate at all locations identified as exhaust points in Section
3.1. Divide each exhaust opening into 9 equal areas for rectangular openings and 8 for circular
3.2.2 Measure the velocity at each site at least once every hour during each sampling run using
Method 2 or 2A, if applicable, or using the low velocity instruments in Section 2.2.2.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each fugitive emission point during the
entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple emissions
locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOM
responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3, respectively.
4.2.2 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct,
and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.3 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response
to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the
effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling
4.2.4 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run according
to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform drift checks
during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.5 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120
4.2.6 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same
amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for the
entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test
run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the response measurements at each sampling location until two times the
response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute
and record the concentration measurements.
4.3 Alternative Procedure The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOM concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the
concentration of the captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the zero and
calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and
pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and
calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift
check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value.
Conduct a system drift check at the end of each run.
5.3 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and
record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system
response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for the high range calibration
gas. Conduct a system check before each test run.
5.4 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
corrected average VOM concentration of fugitive emissions at point j, ppm
actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average VOM concentration measured at point j, ppm
total VOM content of fugitive emissions from the building, kg;
1.830 x 10-6 kg/(m3-ppm);
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at fugitive
emissions point j, m3/min;
total duration of capture efficiency sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Fugitive Emissions From the Building.
FB = & CFj QFj TF K1
Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Fugitive Emissions at Point j.
CFj = (Cj - CD0) CH
Eq. 2
Procedure F.1 - Fugitive VOM Emissions from Temporary Enclosures
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the fugitive volatile organic
materials (VOM) emissions from a temporary total enclosure (TTE). It is intended to be used as
a segment in the development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOM capture
efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The amount of fugitive VOM emissions (F) from the TTE is calculated as the
sum of the products of the VOM content (CFj), the flow rate (QFj), and the sampling time (TF)
from each fugitive emissions point.
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for
each fugitive emission point as follows: QFj =
percent and CFj =
percent. Based on
these numbers, the probable uncertainty for F is estimated at about
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel, or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOM
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow control valve and rotameter
must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample
pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the
flame ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If emissions are to be measured at
multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use separate sampling probes,
lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common sample gas manifold and FIA.
The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be heated to prevent
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than
percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than
percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than
percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to
1 percent of the
tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than
2 percent from
the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane or
carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
118 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Fugitive Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
2.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
2.3 Temporary Total Enclosure. The criteria for designing a TTE are discussed in Procedure T.
3.1 Locate all points where emissions are exhausted from the TTE. Using Method 1, determine
the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling flow.
3.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run
using Method 2 or 2A.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each fugitive emission point during the
entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple emission
locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOM
responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3, respectively.
4.2.2 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct,
and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.3 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response
to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the
effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling
4.2.4 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run according
to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform system drift
checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.5 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120
4.2.6 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same
amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for the
entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test
run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the response measurements at each sampling location until two times the
response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute
and record the concentration measurements.
4.3 Background Concentration.
4.3.1 Determination of VOM Background Concentration. Locate all NDO's of the TTE. A sampling point shall be centrally located outside of the
TTE at 4 equivalent diameters from each NDO, if possible. If there are more than 6 NDO's,
choose 6 sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO's. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3. Position the probe at the sampling location. Determine the response time, conduct the system check and sample according to the
procedures described in Sections 4.2.3 to 4.2.6.
4.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOM concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas concentration that most closely
approximates that of the fugitive gas emissions to conduct the drift checks. Introduce the zero
and calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate
and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and
calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift
check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value.
Conduct a system drift check at the end of each run.
5.3 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and
record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system
response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for the high range calibration
gas. Conduct a system check before each test run.
5.4 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
area of NDO i, ft2;
total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft2;
corrected average VOM concentration of background emissions at point i, ppm
average background concentration, ppm propane;
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
corrected average VOM concentration of fugitive emissions at point j, ppm
actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average background VOM concentration measured at point i,
ppm propane;
uncorrected average VOM concentration measured at point j, ppm
total VOM content of captured emissions, kg;
1.830 x 10-6 kg/(m3-ppm);
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at fugitive
emissions point j, m3/min;
total duration of fugitive emissions sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Fugitive Emissions.
F = ? (CFj - CB ) QFj TF K1
Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Fugitive Emissions at Point j.
CFj = (Cj - CD0) CH
Eq. 2
7.3 Background VOM Concentration at Point i.
CBi = (Ci - CD0) CH
Eq. 3
7.4 Average Background Concentration.
? CBi Ai
CB = i=1
Eq. 4
NOTE: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all
points, the terms "Ai" and "AN" may be deleted from Equation 4.
Procedure L - VOM Input
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the input of volatile organic
materials (VOM). It is intended to be used as a segment in the development of liquid/gas
protocols for determining VOM capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOM introduced to the process (L) is the sum of the products of
the weight (W) of each VOM containing liquid (ink, paint, solvent, etc.) used and its VOM
content (V). A sample of each VOM containing liquid is analyzed with a flame ionization
analyzer (FIA) to determine V.
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each
VOM containing liquid as follows: W = 2.0 percent and V =
percent. Based on these
numbers, the probable uncertainty for L is estimated at about
percent for each VOM
containing liquid.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Liquid Weight.
2.1.1 Balances/Digital Scales. To weigh drums of VOM containing liquids to within 0.2 lb.
2.1.2 Volume Measurement Apparatus (Alternative). Volume meters, flow meters, density
measurement equipment, etc., as needed to achieve same accuracy as direct weight
2.2 VOM Content (Flame Ionization Analyzer Technique). The liquid sample analysis system is
shown in Figures 1 and 2. The following equipment is required:
2.2.1 Sample Collection Can. An appropriately sized metal can to be used to collect VOM
containing materials. The can must be constructed in such a way that it can be grounded to the
coating container.
2.2.2 Needle Valves. To control gas flow.
2.2.3 Regulators. For carrier gas and calibration gas cylinders.
2.2.4 Tubing. Teflon or stainless steel tubing with diameters and lengths determined by
connection requirements of equipment. The tubing between the sample oven outlet and the FIA
shall be heated to maintain a temperature of 120
2.2.5 Atmospheric Vent. A tee and 0- to 0.5-liter/min rotameter placed in the sampling line
between the carrier gas cylinder and the VOM sample vessel to release the excess carrier gas. A
toggle valve placed between the tee and the rotameter facilitates leak tests of the analysis system.
2.2.6 Thermometer. Capable of measuring the temperature of the hot water bath to within 1NC.
2.2.7 Sample Oven. Heated enclosure, containing calibration gas coil heaters, critical orifice,
aspirator, and other liquid sample analysis components, capable of maintaining a temperature of
2.2.8 Gas Coil Heaters. Sufficient lengths of stainless steel or Teflon tubing to allow zero and
calibration gases to be heated to the sample oven temperature before entering the critical orifice
or aspirator.
2.2.9 Water Bath. Capable of heating and maintaining a sample vessel temperature of 100
2.2.10 Analytical Balance. To measure
0.001 g.
2.2.11 Disposable Syringes. 2-cc or 5-cc.
2.2.12 Sample Vessel. Glass, 40-ml septum vial. A separate vessel is needed for each sample.
2.2.13 Rubber Stopper. Two-hole stopper to accommodate 3.2-mm (1/8-in.) Teflon tubing,
appropriately sized to fit the opening of the sample vessel. The rubber stopper should be
wrapped in Teflon tape to provide a tighter seal and to prevent any reaction of the sample with
the rubber stopper. Alternatively, any leak-free closure fabricated of non-reactive materials and
accommodating the necessary tubing fittings may be used.
2.2.14 Critical Orifices. Calibrated critical orifices capable of providing constant flow rates
from 50 to 250 ml/min at known pressure drops. Sapphire orifice assemblies (available from
O'Keefe Controls Company) and glass capillary tubing have been found to be adequate for this
2.2.15 Vacuum Gauge. 0- to 760-mm (0- to 30-in.) Hg U-Tube manometer or vacuum gauge.
2.2.16 Pressure Gauge. Bourdon gauge capable of measuring the maximum air pressure at the
aspirator inlet (e.g., 100 psig).
2.2.17 Aspirator. A device capable of generating sufficient vacuum at the sample vessel to
create critical flow through the calibrated orifice when sufficient air pressure is present at the
aspirator inlet. The aspirator must also provide sufficient sample pressure to operate the FIA.
The sample is also mixed with the dilution gas within the aspirator.
2.2.18 Soap Bubble Meter. Of an appropriate size to calibrate the critical orifices in the system.
2.2.19 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of span value. Calibration Error. Less than
5.0 percent of the calibration gas value.
2.2.20 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.2.21 Chart Recorder (Optional). A chart recorder or similar device is recommended to provide
a continuous analog display of the measurement results during the liquid sample analysis.
2.2.22 Calibration and Other Gases. For calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required)
contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to NIST
standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to
1 percent of the tag value.
the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration
gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than
2 percent from the certified
value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for preparing
calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane) or
less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
125 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards
with nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved. System Calibration Gas. Gas mixture standard containing propane in air,
approximating the undiluted VOM concentration expected for the liquid samples.
3.1 Weight Difference. Determine the amount of material introduced to the process as the
weight difference of the feed material before and after each sampling run. In determining the
total VOM containing liquid usage, account for: (a) the initial (beginning) VOM containing
liquid mixture; (b) any solvent added during the test run; (c) any coating added during the test
run; and (d) any residual VOM containing liquid mixture remaining at the end of the sample run.
3.1.1 Identify all points where VOM containing liquids are introduced to the process. To obtain
an accurate measurement of VOM containing liquids, start with an empty fountain (if
applicable). After completing the run, drain the liquid in the fountain back into the liquid drum
(if possible), and weigh the
drum again. Weigh the VOM containing liquids to
0.5 percent of the total weight (full) or
percent of the total weight of VOM containing liquid used during the sample run, whichever is
less. If the residual liquid cannot be returned to the drum, drain the fountain into a preweighed
empty drum to determine the final weight of the liquid.
3.1.2 If it is not possible to measure a single representative mixture, then weigh the various
components separately (e.g., if solvent is added during the sampling run, weigh the solvent
before it is added to the mixture). If a fresh drum of VOM containing liquid is needed during the
run, then weigh both the empty drum and fresh drum.
3.2 Volume Measurement (Alternative). If direct weight measurements are not feasible, the
tester may use volume meters and flow rate meters (and density measurements) to determine the
weight of liquids used if it can be demonstrated that the technique produces results equivalent to
the direct weight measurements. If a single representative mixture cannot be measured, measure
the components separately.
4.1 Collection of Liquid Samples.
4.1.1 Collect a 100-ml or larger sample of the VOM containing liquid mixture at each
application location at the beginning and end of each test run. A separate sample should be taken
of each VOM containing liquid added to the application mixture during the test run. If a fresh
drum is needed during the sampling run, then obtain a sample from the fresh drum.
4.1.2 When collecting the sample, ground the sample container to the coating drum. Fill the
sample container as close to the rim as possible to minimize the amount of headspace.
4.1.3 After the sample is collected, seal the container so the sample cannot leak out or evaporate.
4.1.4 Label the container to identify clearly the contents.
4.2 Liquid Sample VOM Content.
4.2.1 Assemble the liquid VOM content analysis system as shown in Figure 1.
4.2.2 Permanently identify all of the critical orifices that may be used. Calibrate each critical
orifice under the expected operating conditions (i.e., sample vacuum and temperature) against a
volume meter as described in Section 5.3.
4.2.3 Label and tare the sample vessels (including the stoppers and caps) and the syringes.
4.2.4 Install an empty sample vessel and perform a leak test of the system. Close the carrier gas
valve and atmospheric vent and evacuate the sample vessel to 250 mm (10 in.) Hg absolute or
less using the aspirator. Close the toggle valve at the inlet to the aspirator and observe the
vacuum for at least one minute. If there is any change in the sample pressure, release the
vacuum, adjust or repair the apparatus as necessary and repeat the leak test.
4.2.5 Perform the analyzer calibration and linearity checks according to the procedure in Section
5.1. Record the responses to each of the calibration gases and the back-pressure setting of the
4.2.6 Establish the appropriate dilution ratio by adjusting the aspirator air supply or substituting
critical orifices. Operate the aspirator at a vacuum of at least 25 mm (1 in.) Hg greater than the
vacuum necessary to achieve critical flow. Select the dilution ratio so that the maximum
response of the FIA to the sample does not exceed the high-range calibration gas.
4.2.7 Perform system calibration checks at two levels by introducing compressed gases at the
inlet to the sample vessel while the aspirator and dilution devices are operating. Perform these
checks using the carrier gas (zero concentration) and the system calibration gas. If the response
to the carrier gas exceeds
percent of span, clean or repair the apparatus and repeat the check.
Adjust the dilution ratio as necessary to achieve the correct response to the upscale check, but do
not adjust the analyzer calibration. Record the identification of the orifice, aspirator air supply
pressure, FIA back-pressure, and the responses of the FIA to the carrier and system calibration
4.2.8 After completing the above checks, inject the system calibration gas for approximately 10
minutes. Time the exact duration of the gas injection using a stopwatch. Determine the area
under the FIA response curve and calculate the system response factor based on the sample gas
flow rate, gas concentration, and the duration of the injection as compared to the integrated
response using Equations 2 and 3.
4.2.9 Verify that the sample oven and sample line temperatures are 120
NC and that the water
bath temperature is 100
4.2.10 Fill a tared syringe with approximately 1 g of the VOM containing liquid and weigh it.
Transfer the liquid to a tared sample vessel. Plug the sample vessel to minimize sample loss.
Weigh the sample vessel containing the liquid to determine the amount of sample actually
received. Also, as a quality control check, weigh the empty syringe to determine the amount of
material delivered. The two coating sample weights should agree within
g. If not, repeat
the procedure until an acceptable sample is obtained.
4.2.11 Connect the vessel to the analysis system. Adjust the aspirator supply pressure to the
correct value. Open the valve on the carrier gas supply to the sample vessel and adjust it to
provide a slight excess flow to the atmospheric vent. As soon as the initial response of the FIA
begins to decrease, immerse the sample vessel in the water bath. (Applying heat to the sample
vessel too soon may cause the FID response to exceed the calibrated range of the instrument, and
thus invalidate the analysis.)
4.2.12 Continuously measure and record the response of the FIA until all of the volatile material
has been evaporated from the sample and the instrument response has returned to the baseline
(i.e., response less than 0.5 percent of the span value). Observe the aspirator supply pressure,
FIA back-pressure, atmospheric vent, and other system operating parameters during the run;
repeat the analysis procedure if any of these parameters deviate from the values established
during the system calibration checks in Section 4.2.7. After each sample perform the drift check
described in Section 5.2. If the drift check results are acceptable, calculate the VOM content of
the sample using the equations in Section 7. Integrate the area under the FIA response curve, or
determine the average concentration response and the duration of sample analysis.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. After each sample, repeat the system calibration checks in Section
4.2.7 before any adjustments to the FIA or measurement system are made. If the zero or
calibration drift exceeds
3 percent of the span value, discard the result and repeat the analysis.
5.3 Critical Orifice Calibration.
5.3.1 Each critical orifice must be calibrated at the specific operating conditions that it will be
used. Therefore, assemble all components of the liquid sample analysis system as shown in
Figure 3. A stopwatch is also required.
5.3.2 Turn on the sample oven, sample line, and water bath heaters and allow the system to
reach the proper operating temperature. Adjust the aspirator to a vacuum of 380 mm (15 in.) Hg
vacuum. Measure the time required for one soap bubble to move a known distance and record
barometric pressure.
5.3.3 Repeat the calibration procedure at a vacuum of 406 mm (16 in.) Hg and at 25-mm (1-in.)
Hg intervals until three consecutive determinations provide the same flow rate. Calculate the
critical flow rate for the orifice in ml/min at standard conditions. Record the vacuum necessary
to achieve critical flow.
area under the response curve of the liquid sample, area count;
area under the response curve of the calibration gas, area count;
actual concentration of system calibration gas, ppm propane;
1.830 x 10-9 g/(ml-ppm);
total VOM content of liquid input, kg;
mass of liquid sample delivered to the sample vessel, g;
flow rate through critical orifice, ml/min;
liquid analysis system response factor, g/area count;
total gas injection time for system calibration gas during integrator
calibration, min;
final VOM fraction of VOM containing liquid j;
initial VOM fraction of VOM containing liquid j;
VOM fraction of VOM containing liquid j added during the run;
VOM fraction of liquid sample;
weight of VOM containing liquid j remaining at end of the run, kg;
weight of VOM containing liquid j at beginning of the run, kg;
weight of VOM containing liquid j added during the run, kg.
7.1 Total VOM Content of the Input VOM Containing Liquid.
L = ? VIj WIj = VFj WFj + ? VAj WAj R
Eq. 1
7.2 Liquid Sample Analysis System Response Factor for Systems Using Integrators,
Grams/Area Counts.
RF = CS q TS K
Eq. 2
7.3 VOM Content of the Liquid Sample.
Eq. 3
Procedure T - Criteria for and Verification of a Permanent or Temporary Total Enclosure
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is used to determine whether a permanent or temporary
enclosure meets the criteria of a total enclosure.
1.2 Principle. An enclosure is evaluated against a set of criteria. If the criteria are met and if all
the exhaust gases are ducted to a control device, then the volatile organic materials (VOM)
capture efficiency (CE) is assumed to be 100 percent and CE need not be measured. However, if
part of the exhaust gas stream is not ducted to a control device, CE must be determined.
2.1 Natural Draft Opening (NDO) -- Any permanent opening in the enclosure that remains open
during operation of the emission unit and is not connected to a duct in which a fan is installed.
2.2 Permanent Total Enclosure (PTE) -- A permanently installed enclosure that completely
surrounds an emissionunit such that all VOM emissions are captured and contained for discharge
through a control device.
2.3 Temporary Total Enclosure (TTE) -- A temporarily installed enclosure that completely
surrounds an emissionunit such that all VOM emissions are captured and contained for discharge
through ducts that allow for the accurate measurement of VOM rates.
3.1 Any NDO shall be at least 4 equivalent opening diameters from each VOM emitting point.
3.2 Any exhaust point from the enclosure shall be at least 4 equivalent duct or hood diameters
from each NDO.
3.3 The total area of all NDO's shall not exceed 5 percent of the surface area of the enclosure's
four walls, floor, and ceiling.
3.4 The average facial velocity (FV) of air through all NDO's shall be at least 3,600 m/hr (200
fpm). The direction of air through all NDO's shall be into the enclosure.
3.5 All access doors and windows whose areas are not included in Section 3.3 and are not
included in the calculation in Section 3.4 shall be closed during routine operation of the emission
4.1 Same as Sections 3.1 and 3.3 - 3.5.
4.2 All VOM emissions must be captured and contained for discharge through a control device.
5.1 Determine the equivalent diameters of the NDO's and determine the distances from each
VOM emitting point to all NDO's. Determine the equivalent diameter of each exhaust duct or
hood and its distance to all NDO's. Calculate the distances in terms of equivalent diameters.
The number of equivalent diameters shall be at least 4.
5.2 Measure the total area (At) of the enclosure and the total area (AN) of all NDO's of the
enclosure. Calculate the NDO to enclosure area ratio (NEAR) as follows:
The NEAR must be < 0.05.
5.3 Measure the volumetric flow rate, corrected to standard conditions, of each gas stream
exiting the enclosure through an exhaust duct or hood using EPA Method 2. In some cases (e.g.,
when the building is the enclosure), it may be necessary to measure the volumetric flow rate,
corrected to standard conditions, of each gas stream entering the enclosure through a forced
makeup air duct using Method 2. Calculate FV using the following equation:
FV = [QO - QI]/AN
the sum of the volumetric flow from all gas streams exiting the enclosure through
an exhaust duct or hood.
the sum of the volumetric flow from all gas streams into the enclosure
through a forced makeup air duct; zero, if there is no forced makeup air into the enclosure.
total area of all NDO's in enclosure.
The FV shall be at least 3,600 m/hr (200 fpm).
5.4 Verify that the direction of air flow through all NDO's is inward. Use streamers, smoke
tubes, tracer gases, etc. Strips of plastic wrapping film have been found to be effective. Monitor
the direction of air flow at intervals of at least 10 minutes for at least 1 hour.
6.1 The success of this protocol lies in designing the TTE to simulate the conditions that exist
without the TTE, i.e., the effect of the TTE on the normal flow patterns around the affected
emission unit or the amount of fugitive VOM emissions should be minimal. The TTE must
enclose the application stations, coating reservoirs, and all areas from the application station to
the oven. The oven does not have to be enclosed if it is under negative pressure. The NDO's of
the temporary enclosure and a fugitive exhaust fan must be properly sized and placed.
6.2. Estimate the ventilation rate of the TTE that best simulates the conditions that exist without
the TTE, i.e., the effect of the TTE on the normal flow patterns around the affected emission unit
or the amount of fugitive VOM emissions should be minimal. Figure 1 may be used as an aid.
Measure the concentration (CG) and flow rate (QG) of the captured gas stream, specify a safe
concentration (CF) for the fugitive gas stream, estimate the CE, and then use the plot in Figure 1
to determine the volumetric flowrate of the fugitive gas stream (QF). A fugitive VOM emission
exhaust fan that has a variable flow control is desirable.
6.2.1 Monitor the concentration of VOM into the capture device without the TTE. To minimize
the effect of temporal variation on the captured emissions, the baseline measurement should be
made over as long a time period as practical. However, the process conditions must be the same
for the measurement in Section 6.2.3 as they are for this baseline measurement. This may
require short measuring times for this quality control check before and after the construction of
the TTE.
6.2.2 After the TTE is constructed, monitor the VOM concentration inside the TTE. This
concentration shall not continue to increase and must not exceed the safe level according to
OSHA requirements for permissible exposure limits. An increase in VOM concentration
indicates poor TTE design or poor capture efficiency.
Monitor the concentration of VOM into the capture device with the TTE. To limit the effect of
the TTE on the process, the VOM concentration with and without the TTE must be within
percent. If the measurements do not agree, adjust the ventilation rate from the TTE until they
agree within 10 percent.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
PART 219
219.100 Introduction
219.101 Savings Clause
219.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors
219.103 Applicability
219.104 Definitions
219.105 Test Methods and Procedures
219.106 Compliance Dates
219.107 Operation of Afterburners
219.108 Exemptions, Variations, and Alternative Means of Control or Compliance
219.109 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Liquids
219.110 Vapor Pressure of Organic Material or Solvent
219.111 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Material
219.112 Incorporations by Reference
219.113 Monitoring for Negligibly-Reactive Compounds
219.119 Applicability for VOL
219.120 Control Requirements for Storage Containers of VOL
219.121 Storage Containers of VPL
219.122 Loading Operations
219.123 Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks
219.124 External Floating Roofs
219.125 Compliance Dates
219.126 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.127 Testing VOL Operations
219.128 Monitoring VOL Operations
219.129 Recordkeeping and Reporting for VOL Operations
219.141 Separation Operations
219.142 Pumps and Compressors
219.143 Vapor Blowdown
219.144 Safety Relief Valves
219.181 Solvent Cleaning in General
219.182 Cold Cleaning
219.183 Open Top Vapor Degreasing
219.184 Conveyorized Degreasing
219.185 Compliance Schedule (Repealed)
219.186 Test Methods
219.204 Emission Limitations
219.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations
219.206 Solids Basis Calculation
219.207 Alternative Emission Limitations
219.208 Exemptions From Emission Limitations
219.209 Exemption From General Rule on Use of Organic Material
219.210 Compliance Schedule
219.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting
219.212 Cross-Line Averaging to Establish Compliance for Coating Lines
219.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-Line Averaging Participating Coating
219.214 Changing Compliance Methods
219.215 Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach
219.216 Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use
219.217 Wood Furniture Coating Work Practice Standards
219.301 Use of Organic Material
219.302 Alternative Standard
219.303 Fuel Combustion Emission Units
219.304 Operations with Compliance Program
219.401 Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing
219.402 Applicability
219.403 Compliance Schedule
219.404 Recordkeeping and Reporting
219.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability
219.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to March
15, 1996
219.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines
On and After March 15, 1996
219.408 Compliance Schedule for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
219.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996
219.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing
219.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing
219.421 General Requirements
219.422 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks
219.423 Inspection Program for Leaks
219.424 Repairing Leaks
219.425 Recordkeeping for Leaks
219.426 Report for Leaks
219.427 Alternative Program for Leaks
219.428 Open-Ended Valves
219.429 Standards for Control Devices
219.430 Compliance Date (Repealed)
219.431 Applicability
219.432 Control Requirements
219.433 Performance and Testing Requirements
219.434 Monitoring Requirements
219.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
219.436 Compliance Date
219.441 Petroleum Refinery Waste Gas Disposal
219.442 Vacuum Producing Systems
219.443 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator
219.444 Process Unit Turnarounds
219.445 Leaks: General Requirements
219.446 Monitoring Program Plan for Leaks
219.447 Monitoring Program for Leaks
219.448 Recordkeeping for Leaks
219.449 Reporting for Leaks
219.450 Alternative Program for Leaks
219.451 Sealing Device Requirements
219.452 Compliance Schedule for Leaks
219.453 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
219.461 Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires
219.462 Green Tire Spraying Operations
219.463 Alternative Emission Reduction Systems
219.464 Emission Testing
219.465 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
219.466 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.480 Applicability
219.481 Control of Reactors, Distillation Units, Crystallizers, Centrifuges and Vacuum
219.482 Control of Air Dryers, Production Equipment Exhaust Systems and Filters
219.483 Material Storage and Transfer
219.484 In-Process Tanks
219.485 Leaks
219.486 Other Emission Units
219.487 Testing
219.488 Monitoring for Air Pollution Control Equipment
219.489 Recordkeeping for Air Pollution Control Equipment
219.500 Applicability for Batch Operations
219.501 Control Requirements for Batch Operations
219.502 Determination of Uncontrolled Total Annual Mass Emissions and Actual
Weighted Average Flow Rate Values for Batch Operations
219.503 Performance and Testing Requirements for Batch Operations
219.504 Monitoring Requirements for Batch Operations
219.505 Reporting and Recordkeeping for Batch Operations
219.506 Compliance Date
219.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes
219.521 Definitions (Repealed)
219.522 Savings Clause
219.523 Compliance
219.524 Determination of Applicability
219.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes (Renumbered)
219.526 Testing and Monitoring
219.527 Compliance Date (Repealed)
219.541 Pesticide Exception
219.561 Architectural Coatings
219.562 Paving Operations
219.563 Cutback Asphalt
219.581 Bulk Gasoline Plants
219.582 Bulk Gasoline Terminals
219.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Storage Tank Filling Operations
219.584 Gasoline Delivery Vessels
219.585 Gasoline Volatility Standards
219.586 Gasoline Dispensing Operations - Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations (Repealed)
219.601 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners (Repealed)
219.602 Exemptions (Repealed)
219.603 Leaks (Repealed)
219.604 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
219.605 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.606 Exception to Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.607 Standards for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
219.608 Operating Practices for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
219.609 Program for Inspection and Repair of Leaks
219.610 Testing and Monitoring
219.611 Exemption for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
219.612 Compliance Dates (Repealed)
219.613 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.620 Applicability
219.621 Exemption for Waterbase Material and Heatset-Offset Ink
219.623 Permit Conditions
219.624 Open-Top Mills, Tanks, Vats or Vessels
219.625 Grinding Mills
219.626 Storage Tanks
219.628 Leaks
219.630 Clean Up
219.636 Compliance Schedule
219.637 Recordkeeping and Reporting
219.640 Applicability
219.642 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants
219.644 Emissions Testing
219.720 Applicability (Repealed)
219.722 Control Requirements (Repealed)
219.726 Testing (Repealed)
219.727 Monitoring (Repealed)
219.728 Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
219.729 Compliance Date (Repealed)
219.730 Certification (Repealed)
219.760 Applicability
219.762 Control Requirements
219.764 Compliance Certification
219.766 Leaks
219.768 Testing and Monitoring
219.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting
219.780 Emission Limitations
219.782 Alternative Control Requirements
219.784 Equipment Specifications
219.786 Surface Preparation Materials
219.787 Work Practices
219.788 Testing
219.789 Monitoring and Recordkeeping for Control Devices
219.790 General Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
219.791 Compliance Date
219.792 Registration
219.875 Applicability of Subpart BB (Renumbered)
219.877 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants (Renumbered)
219.879 Compliance Date (Repealed)
219.881 Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.883 Special Requirements for Compliance Plan (Repealed)
219.886 Emissions Testing (Renumbered)
219.920 Applicability
219.923 Permit Conditions
219.926 Control Requirements
219.927 Compliance Schedule
219.928 Testing
219.940 Applicability
219.943 Permit Conditions
219.946 Control Requirements
219.947 Compliance Schedule
219.948 Testing
219.960 Applicability
219.963 Permit Conditions
219.966 Control Requirements
219.967 Compliance Schedule
219.968 Testing
219.980 Applicability
219.983 Permit Conditions
219.986 Control Requirements
219.987 Compliance Schedule
219.988 Testing
219.990 Exempt Emission Units
219.991 Subject Emission Units
APPENDIX A: List of Chemicals Defining Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer
APPENDIX B: VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency (Repealed)
APPENDIX C: Reference Methods And Procedures
APPENDIX D: Coefficients for the Total Resource Effectiveness Index (TRE) Equation
APPENDIX E: List of Affected Marine Terminals
APPENDIX G: TRE Index Measurements for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units
APPENDIX H: Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 219.212 Cross-
Line Averaging
AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 10 and authorized by Section 27, 28 and 28.5 of the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/10, 27, 28 and 28.5].
SOURCE: Adopted at R91-8 at 15 Ill. Reg. 12491, effective August 16, 1991; amended in R91-
24 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13597, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R91-30 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13883,
effective August 24, 1992; emergency amendment in R93-12 at 17 Ill. Reg. 8295, effective May
24, 1993, for a maximum of 150 days, amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16918, effective
September 27, 1993 and October 21, 1993; amended in R93-28 at 18 Ill. Reg. 4242, effective
March 3, 1994; amended in R94-12 at 18 Ill. Reg. 14987, effective September 21, 1994;
amended in R94-15 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16415, effective October 25, 1994; amended in R94-16 at 18
Ill. Reg. 16980, effective November 15, 1994; emergency amendment in R95-10 at 19 Ill. Reg.
3059, effective February 28, 1995, for a maximum of 150 days; amended in R94-21, R94-31 and
R94-32 at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995; amended in R94-33 at 19 Ill. Reg. 7385,
effective May 22, 1995; amended in R96-2 at 20 Ill. Reg. 3848, effective February 15, 1996;
amended in R96-13 at 20 Ill. Reg. 14462, effective October 28, 1996; amended in R97-24 at 21
Ill. Reg. 7721, effective June 9, 1997; amended in R97-31 at 22 Ill. Reg. 3517, effective
February 2, 1998.; amended in R04-20 at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _.
BOARD NOTE: This Part implements the Illinois Environmental Protection Act as of July 1,
Section 219.105 Test Methods and Procedures
a) Coatings, Inks and Fountain Solutions
The following test methods and procedures shall be used to determine compliance
of as applied coatings, inks, and fountain solutions with the limitations set forth in
this Part.
1) Sampling: Samples collected for analyses shall be one-liter taken into a
one-liter container at a location and time such that the sample will be
representative of the coating as applied (i.e., the sample shall include any
dilution solvent or other VOM added during the manufacturing process).
The container must be tightly sealed immediately after the sample is taken.
Any solvent or other VOM added after the sample is taken must be
measured and accounted for in the calculations in subsection (a)(3) of this
Section. For multiple package coatings, separate samples of each
component shall be obtained. A mixed sample shall not be obtained as it
will cure in the container. Sampling procedures shall follow the
guidelines presented in:
A) ASTM D3925-81 (1985) standard practice for sampling liquid
paints and related pigment coating. This practice is incorporated
by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
B) ASTM E300-86 standard practice for sampling industrial
chemicals. This practice is incorporated by reference in Section
219.112 of this Part.
2) Analyses: The applicable analytical methods specified below shall be used
to determine the composition of coatings, inks, or fountain solutions as
A) Method 24 of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference
in Section 219.112 of this Part, shall be used to determine the
VOM content and density of coatings. If it is demonstrated to the
satisfaction of the Agency and the USEPA that plant coating
formulation data are equivalent to Method 24 results, formulation
data may be used. In the event of any inconsistency between a
Method 24 test and a facility's formulation data, the Method 24 test
will govern.
B) Method 24A of 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112, shall be used to determine the VOM
content and density of rotogravure printing inks and related
coatings. If it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Agency
and USEPA that the plant coating formulation data are equivalent
to Method 24A results, formulation data may be used. In the event
of any inconsistency between a Method 24A test and formulation
data, the Method 24A test will govern.
C) The following ASTM methods are the analytical procedures for
determining VOM:
i) ASTM D1475-85: Standard test method for density of
paint, varnish, lacquer and related products. This test
method is incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of
this Part.
ii) ASTM D2369-87: Standard test method for volatile content
of a coating. This test method is incorporated by reference
in Section 219.112 of this Part.
iii) ASTM D3792-86: Standard test method for water content
of water-reducible paints by direct injection into a gas
chromatograph. This test method is incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
iv) ASTM D4017-81 (1987): Standard test method for water
content in paints and paint materials by the Karl Fischer
method. This test method is incorporated by reference in
Section 219.112 of this Part.
v) ASTM D4457-85: Standard test method for determination
of dichloromethane and 1,1,1, trichloroethane in paints and
coatings by direct injection into a gas chromatograph. (The
procedure delineated above can be used to develop
protocols for any compounds specifically exempted from
the definition of VOM.) This test method is incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
vi) ASTM D2697-86: Standard test method for volume non-
volatile matter in clear or pigmented coatings. This test
method is incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of
this Part.
vii) ASTM D3980-87: Standard practice for interlaboratory
testing of paint and related materials. This practice is
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
viii) ASTM E180-85: Standard practice for determining the
precision of ASTM methods for analysis of and testing of
industrial chemicals. This practice is incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
ix) ASTM D2372-85: Standard method of separation of
vehicle from solvent-reducible paints. This method is
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
D) Use of an adaptation to any of the analytical methods specified in
subsections (a)(2)(A), (B), and (C) of this Section may not be used
unless approved by the Agency and USEPA. An owner or
operator must submit sufficient documentation for the Agency and
USEPA to find that the analytical methods specified in subsections
(a)(2)(A), (B), and (C) of this Section will yield inaccurate results
and that the proposed adaptation is appropriate.
3) Calculations: Calculations for determining the VOM content, water
content and the content of any compounds which are specifically
exempted from the definition of VOM of coatings, inks and fountain
solutions as applied shall follow the guidance provided in the following
A) "A Guide for Surface Coating Calculation", EPA-340/1-86-016,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
B) "Procedures for Certifying Quantity of Volatile Organic
Compounds Emitted by Paint, Ink and Other Coatings" (revised
June 1986), EPA-450/3-84-019, incorporated by reference in
Section 219.112 of this Part.
C) "A Guide for Graphic Arts Calculations", August 1988, EPA-
340/1-88-003, incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this
b) Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Test Protocol
1) The protocol for testing, including determining the transfer efficiency of
coating applicators, at primer surfacer operations and topcoat operations at
an automobile or light-duty truck assembly source shall follow the
procedure in: "Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic
Compound Emission Rate of Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Topcoat
Operations" ("topcoat protocol"), December 1988, EPA-450/3-88-018,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
2) Prior to testing pursuant to the topcoat protocol, the owner or operator of a
coating operation subject to the topcoat or primer surfacer limit in
Sections 219.204(a)(2) or 219.204(a)(3) shall submit a detailed testing
proposal specifying the method by which testing will be conducted and
how compliance will be demonstrated consistent with the topcoat protocol.
The proposal shall include, at a minimum, a comprehensive plan
(including a rationale) for determining the transfer efficiency at each booth
through the use of in-plant or pilot testing, the selection of coatings to be
tested (for the purpose of determining transfer efficiency) including the
rationale for coating groupings, the method for determining the analytic
VOM content of as applied coatings and the formulation solvent content
of as applied coatings, and a description of the records of coating VOM
content as applied and coating's usage which will be kept to demonstrate
compliance. Upon approval of the proposal by the Agency and USEPA,
the compliance demonstration for a coating line may proceed.
c) Capture System Efficiency Test Protocols
1) Applicability
The requirements of subsection (c)(2) of this Section shall apply to all
VOM emitting process emission units employing capture equipment (e.g.,
hoods, ducts), except those cases noted below.
A) If an emission unit is equipped with (or uses) a permanent total
enclosure (PTE) that meets Agency and USEPA specifications,
and which directs all VOM to a control device, then the emission
unit is exempted from the requirements described in subsection
(c)(2) of this Section. The Agency and USEPA specifications to
determine whether a structure is considered a PTE are given in
Method 204 Procedure T of Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part Appendix
B of this Part. In this instance, the capture efficiency is assumed to
be 100 percent and the emission unit is still required to measure
control efficiency using appropriate test methods as specified in
subsection (d) of this Section.
B) If an emission unit is equipped with (or uses) a control device
designed to collect and recover VOM (e.g., carbon adsorber), an
explicit measurement of capture efficiency is not necessary
provided that the conditions given below are met. The overall
control of the system can be determined by directly comparing the
input liquid VOM to the recovered liquid VOM. The general
procedure for use in this situation is given in 40 CFR 60.433,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part, with the
following additional restrictions:
i) The source owner or operator shall obtain data each
operating day for the solvent usage and solvent recovery to
permit the determination of the solvent recovery efficiency
of the system each operating day using a 7-day rolling
period. The recovery efficiency for each operating day is
computed as the ratio of the total recovered solvent for that
day and the most recent prior 6 operating days to the total
solvent usage for the same 7-day period used for the
recovered solvent, rather than a 30-day weighted average as
given in 40 CFR 60.433 incorporated by reference in
Section 219.112 of this Part. This ratio shall be expressed
as a percentage. The ratio shall be computed within 72
hours following each 7-day period. A source that believes
that the 7-day rolling period is not appropriate may use an
alternative multi-day rolling period not to exceed 30 days,
with the approval of the Agency and USEPA. In addition,
the criteria in subsection (c)(1)(B)(ii) or subsection
(c)(1)(B)(iii) below must be met.
ii) The solvent recovery system (i.e., capture and control
system) must be dedicated to a single coating line, printing
line, or other discrete activity that by itself is subject to an
applicable VOM emission standard, or
iii) If the solvent recovery system controls more than one
coating line, printing line or other discrete activity that by
itself is subject to an applicable VOM emission standard,
the overall control (i.e. the total recovered VOM divided by
the sum of liquid VOM input from all lines and other
activities venting to the control system) must meet or
exceed the most stringent standard applicable to any line or
other discrete activity venting to the control system.
2) Capture Efficiency Protocols Specific Requirements
The capture efficiency of an emission unit shall be measured using
one of the four protocols given below. Appropriate test methods to
be utilized in each of the capture efficiency protocols are described
in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in
Section 219.112 of this Part. Any error margin associated with a
test method or protocol may not be incorporated into the results of
a capture efficiency test. If these techniques are not suitable for a
particular process, then an alternative capture efficiency protocol
may be used, pursuant to the provisions of Section 219.108(b) of
this Part provided that the alternative protocol is approved by the
Agency and approved by the USEPA as a SIP revision.
A) Gas/gas method using temporary total enclosure (TTE).
The Agency and USEPA specifications to determine
whether a temporary enclosure is considered a TTE are
given in Method 204 Procedure T of Appendix M of 40
CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section 219.112
of this Part Appendix B of this Part. The capture efficiency
equation to be used for this protocol is:
CE =GwW/(GwW+ FwW)
CE = capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
GwW = mass of VOM captured and
delivered to control device using a
FwW = mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM
that escapes from a TTE.
Method 204B or 204C Procedure G.2 contained in
Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference
in Section 219.112 of this Part Appendix B of this Part is
used to obtain GwW. Method 204D Procedure F.1 in
Appendix B in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part
this Part is used to obtain FwW.
B) Liquid/gas method using TTE. The Agency and USEPA
specifications to determine whether a temporary enclosure
is considered a TTE are given in Method 204 Procedure T
of Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part Appendix B of
this Part. The capture efficiency equation to be used for
this protocol is:
CE =(L - FwW)/L
CE = capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
L = mass of liquid VOM input to
process emission unit;
FwW = mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM
that escapes from a TTE.
Method 204A or 204F Procedure L contained in Appendix
M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section
219.112 of this Part Appendix B of this Part is used to
obtain L. Method 204Procedure F.1 in Appendix M of 40
CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section 219.112
of this Part Appendix B of this Part is used to obtain FwW.
C) Gas/gas method using the building or room (building or
room enclosure), in which the affected coating line,
printing line or other emission unit is located, as the
enclosure as determined by Method 204 of Appendix M of
40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section
219.112 of this Part and in which "FB" "F" and "G" are
measured while operating only the affected line or emission
unit. All fans and blowers in the building or room must be
operated as they would under normal production. The
capture efficiency equation to be used for this protocol is:
CE = G/(G + FB)
CE = capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
G = mass of VOM captured and
delivered to control device;
= mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM
that escapes from building enclosure.
Method 204B or 204C Procedure G.2 contained in
Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference
in Section 219.112 of this Part Appendix B of this Part is
used to obtain G. Method 204E Procedure F.2 in Appendix
M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section
219.112 of this Part Appendix B of this Part is used to
obtain FB.
D) Liquid/gas method using the building or room (building or
room enclosure), in which the affected coating line,
printing line or other emission unit is located, as the
enclosure as determined by Method 204 of Appendix M of
40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by reference in Section
219.112 of this Part and in which "FB" "F" and "L" are
measured while operating only the affected line emission
unit. All fans and blowers in the building or room must be
operated as they would under normal production. The
capture efficiency equation to be used for this protocol is:
CE = (L - FB)/L
CE = capture efficiency, decimal fraction;
L = mass of liquid VOM input to
process emission unit;
= mass of uncaptured fugitive VOM
that escapes from building enclosure.
Method 204A or 204F Procedure L contained
in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part Appendix B of
this Part is used to obtain L. Method 204E Procedure F.2
in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part Appendix B of
this Part is used to obtain FB.
E) Mass balance using Data Quality Objective (DQO) or
Lower Confidence Limit (LCL) protocol. For a liquid/gas
input where an owner or operator is using the DQO/LCL
protocol and not using an enclosure as described in Method
204 of Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part, the VOM content
of the liquid input (L) must be determined using Method
204A or 204F in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
The VOM content of the captured gas stream (G) to the
control device must be determined using Method 204B or
204C in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part. The results of
capture efficiency calculations (G/L) must satisfy the DQO
or LCL statistical analysis methodology as described in
Section 3 of USEPA’s “Guidelines for Determining
Capture Efficiency,” incorporated by reference at Section
219.112 of this Part. Where capture efficiency testing is
done to determine emission reductions for the purpose of
establishing emission credits for offsets, shutdowns, and
trading, the LCL protocol cannot be used for these
applications. In enforcement cases, the LCL protocol
cannot confirm non-compliance; capture efficiency must be
determined using a protocol under subsection (c)(2)(A),
(B), (C) or (D) of this Section, the DQO protocol of this
subsection (c)(2)(E), or an alternative protocol pursuant to
Section 219.108(b) of this Part.
BOARD NOTE: Where LCL was used in testing emission units
that are the subject of later requests for establishing emission
credits for offsets, shutdowns, and trading, prior LCL results may
not be relied upon to determine the appropriate amount of credits.
Instead, to establish the appropriate amount of credits, additional
testing may be required that would satisfy the protocol of Section
219.105(c)(2)(A), (B), (C) or (D), the DQO protocol of Section
219.105(c)(2)(E), or an alternative protocol pursuant to Section
219.108(b) of this Part.
3) Simultaneous testing of multiple lines or emission units with a
common control device. If an owner or operator has multiple lines
sharing a common control device, the capture efficiency of the
lines may be tested simultaneously, subject to the following
A) Multiple line testing must meet the criteria of Section 4 of
USEPA’s “Guidelines for Determining Capture
Efficiency,” incorporated by reference at Section 219.112
of this Part;
B) The most stringent capture efficiency required for any
individual line or unit must be met by the aggregate of lines
or units; and
C) Testing of all the lines of emission units must be performed
with the same capture efficiency test protocol.
4)3) Recordkeeping and Reporting
A) All owners or operators affected by this subsection must
maintain a copy of the capture efficiency protocol
submitted to the Agency and the USEPA on file. All
results of the appropriate test methods and capture
efficiency protocols must be reported to the Agency within
sixty (60) days of the test date. A copy of the results must
be kept on file with the source for a period of three (3)
B) If any changes are made to capture or control equipment,
then the source is required to notify the Agency and the
USEPA of these changes and a new test may be required by
the Agency or the USEPA.
C) The source must notify the Agency 30 days prior to
performing any capture efficiency or control test. At that
time, the source must notify the Agency which capture
efficiency protocol and control device test methods will be
used. Notification of the actual date and expected time of
testing must be submitted a minimum of 5 working days
prior to the actual date of the test. The Agency may at its
discretion accept notification with shorter advance notice
provided that such arrangements do not interfere with the
Agency’s ability to review the protocol and/or observe
D) Sources utilizing a PTE must demonstrate that this
enclosure meets the requirement given in Method 204
Procedure T (in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part,
Appendix B of this Part) for a PTE during any testing of
their control device.
E) Sources utilizing a TTE must demonstrate that their TTE
meets the requirements given in Method 204 Procedure T
(in Appendix M or 40 CFR Part 51, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part, Appendix B of
this Part) for a TTE during any testing of their control
device. The source must also provide documentation that
the quality assurance criteria for a TTE have been achieved.
F) Any source utilizing the DQO or LCL protocol must
submit the following information to the Agency with each
test report:
i) A copy of all test methods, Quality
Assurance/Quality Control procedures, and
calibration procedures to be used from those
described in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this
ii) A table with information on each sample taken,
including the sample identification and the VOM
content of the sample;
iii) The quantity of material used for each test run;
iv) The quantity of captured VOM for each test run;
v) The capture efficiency calculations and results for
each test run;
vi) The DQO and/or LCL calculations and results; and
vii) The Quality Assurance/Quality Control results,
including how often the instruments were
calibrated, the calibration results, and the calibration
gases used.
d) Control Device Efficiency Testing and Monitoring
1) The control device efficiency shall be determined by simultaneously
measuring the inlet and outlet gas phase VOM concentrations and gas
volumetric flow rates in accordance with the gas phase test methods
specified in subsection (f) of this Section.
2) An owner or operator:
A) That uses an afterburner or carbon adsorber to comply with any
Section of Part 219 shall use Agency and USEPA approved
continuous monitoring equipment which is installed, calibrated,
maintained, and operated according to vendor specifications at all
times the afterburner or carbon adsorber control device is in use
except as provided in subsection (d)(3) of this Section. The
continuous monitoring equipment must monitor the following
i) For each afterburner which does not have a catalyst bed,
the combustion chamber temperature of each afterburner.
ii) For each afterburner which has a catalyst bed, commonly
known as a catalytic afterburner, the temperature rise
across each catalytic afterburner bed or VOM concentration
of exhaust.
iii) For each carbon adsorber, the VOM concentration of each
carbon adsorption bed exhaust or the exhaust of the bed
next in sequence to be desorbed.
B) Must install, calibrate, operate and maintain, in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications, a continuous recorder on the
temperature monitoring device, such as a strip chart, recorder or
computer, having an accuracy of ± 1 percent of the temperature
measured, expressed in degrees Celsius or ± 0.5
C, whichever is
C)B) Of an automobile or light-duty truck primer surfacer operation or
topcoat operation subject to subsection (d)(2)(A) above, shall keep
a separate record of the following data for the control devices,
unless alternative provisions are set forth in a permit pursuant to
Title V of the Clean Air Act:
i) For thermal afterburners for which combustion chamber
temperature is monitored, all 3-hour periods of operation in
which the average combustion temperature was more than
28° C (50° F) below the average combustion temperature
measured during the most recent performance test that
demonstrated that the operation was in compliance.
ii) For catalytic afterburners for which temperature rise is
monitored, all 3-hour periods of operation in which the
average gas temperature before the catalyst bed is more
than 28° C (50° F) below the average gas temperature
immediately before the catalyst bed measured during the
most recent performance test that demonstrated that the
operation was in compliance.
iii) For catalytic afterburners and carbon adsorbers for which
VOM concentration is monitored, all 3-hour periods of
operation during which the average VOM concentration or
the reading of organics in the exhaust gases is more than 20
percent greater than the average exhaust gas concentration
or reading measured by the organic monitoring device
during the most recent determination of the recovery
efficiency of a carbon adsorber or performance test for a
catalytic afterburner, which determination or test that
demonstrated that the operation was in compliance.
3) An owner or operator that uses a carbon adsorber to comply with Section
219.401 of this Part may operate the adsorber during periods of
monitoring equipment malfunction, provided that:
A) The owner or operator notifies in writing the Agency and USEPA,
within 10 days after the conclusion of any 72 hour period during
which the adsorber is operated and the associated monitoring
equipment is not operational, of such monitoring equipment failure
and provides the duration of the malfunction, a description of the
repairs made to the equipment, and the total to date of all hours in
the calendar year during which the adsorber was operated and the
associated monitoring equipment was not operational;
B) During such period of malfunction the adsorber is operated using
timed sequences as the basis for periodic regeneration of the
C) The period of such adsorber operation does not exceed 360 hours
in any calendar year without the approval of the Agency and
USEPA; and
D) The total of all hours in the calendar year during which the
adsorber was operated and the associated monitoring equipment
was not operational shall be reported, in writing, to the Agency and
USEPA by January 31st of the following calendar year.
e) Overall Efficiency
1) The overall efficiency of the emission control system shall be determined
as the product of the capture system efficiency and the control device
efficiency or by the liquid/liquid test protocol as specified in 40 CFR
60.433, incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part, (and
revised by subsection (c)(1)(B) of this Section) for each solvent recovery
system. In those cases in which the overall efficiency is being determined
for an entire line, the capture efficiency used to calculate the product of
the capture and control efficiency is the total capture efficiency over the
entire line.
2) For coating lines which are both chosen by the owner or operator to
comply with Section 219.207(a), (d), (e), (f), or (g) of this Part by the
alternative in Section 219.207(b)(2) of this Part and meet the criteria
allowing them to comply with Section 219.207 instead of Section 219.204
of this Part, the overall efficiency of the capture system and control
device, as determined by the test methods and procedures specified in
subsections (c), (d) and (e)(1) of this Section, shall be no less than the
equivalent overall efficiency which shall be calculated by the following
E = ([VOMa - VOMl]/VOMa) x 100
E = Equivalent overall efficiency of the capture system
and control device as a percentage;
VOMa = Actual VOM content of a coating, or the daily-
weighted average VOM content of two or more
coatings (if more than one coating is used), as
applied to the subject coating line as determined by
the applicable test methods and procedures
specified in subsection (a)(4)(i) of this Part in units
of kg VOM/1 (1b VOM/gal) of coating solids as
VOMl = The VOM emission limit specified in Sections
219.204 or 219.205 of this Part in units of kg
VOM/1 (1b VOM/gal) of coating solids as applied.
f) Volatile Organic Material Gas Phase Source Test Methods
The methods in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in
Section 219.112 of this Part delineated below shall be used to determine control
device efficiencies.
1) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 18, 25 or 25A, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part as appropriate to the conditions at
the site, shall be used to determine VOM concentration. Method selection
shall be based on consideration of the diversity of organic species present
and their total concentration and on consideration of the potential presence
of interfering gases. Except as indicated in subsections (f)(1)(A) and (B)
below, the test shall consist of three separate runs, each lasting a minimum
of 60 min, unless the Agency and the USEPA determine that process
variables dictate shorter sampling times.
A) When the method is to be used to determine the efficiency of a
carbon adsorption system with a common exhaust stack for all the
individual adsorber vessels, the test shall consist of three separate
runs, each coinciding with one or more complete sequences
through the adsorption cycles of all the individual adsorber vessels.
B) When the method is to be used to determine the efficiency of a
carbon adsorption system with individual exhaust stacks for each
adsorber vessel, each adsorber vessel shall be tested individually.
The test for each adsorber vessel shall consist of three separate
runs. Each run shall coincide with one or more complete
adsorption cycles.
2) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 1 or 1A, incorporated by reference
in Section 219.112 of this Part, shall be used for sample and velocity
3) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2, 2A, 2C or 2D, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part, shall be used for velocity and
volumetric flow rates.
4) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3, incorporated by reference in
Section 219.112 of this Part, shall be used for gas analysis.
5) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 4, incorporated by reference in
Section 219.112 of this Part, shall be used for stack gas moisture.
6) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Methods 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 3 and 4,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part, shall be
performed, as applicable, at least twice during each test run.
7) Use of an adaptation to any of the test methods specified in subsections
(f)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this Section may not be used unless
approved by the Agency and the USEPA on a case by case basis. An
owner or operator must submit sufficient documentation for the Agency
and the USEPA to find that the test methods specified in subsections
(f)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this Section will yield inaccurate results
and that the proposed adaptation is appropriate.
g) Leak Detection Methods for Volatile Organic Material Owners or operators
required by this Part to carry out a leak detection monitoring program shall
comply with the following requirements:
1) Leak Detection Monitoring
A) Monitoring shall comply with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method
21, incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
B) The detection instrument shall meet the performance criteria of
Method 21.
C) The instrument shall be calibrated before use on each day of its use
by the methods specified in Method 21.
D) Calibration gases shall be:
i) Zero air (less than 10 ppm of hydrocarbon in air); and
ii) A mixture of methane or n-hexane and air at a
concentration of approximately, but no less than, 10,000
ppm methane or n-hexane.
E) The instrument probe shall be traversed around all potential leak
interfaces as close to the interface as possible as described in
Method 21.
2) When equipment is tested for compliance with no detectable emissions as
required, the test shall comply with the following requirements:
A) The requirements of subsections (g)(1)(A) through (g)(1)(E) of this
Section above shall apply.
B) The background level shall be determined as set forth in Method
3) Leak detection tests shall be performed consistent with:
A) "APTI Course SI 417 controlling Volatile Organic Compound
Emissions from Leaking Process Equipment", EPA-450/2-82-015,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
B) "Portable Instrument User's Manual for Monitoring VOM
Sources", EPA-340/1-86-015, incorporated by reference in Section
219.112 of this Part.
C) "Protocols for Generating Unit-Specific Emission Estimates for
Equipment Leaks of VOM and VHAP", EPA-450/3-88-010,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
D) "Petroleum Refinery Enforcement Manual", EPA-340/1-80-008,
incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
h) Bulk Gasoline Delivery System Test Protocol
1) The method for determining the emissions of gasoline from a vapor
recovery system are delineated in 40 CFR 60, Subpart XX, Section
60.503, incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
2) Other tests shall be performed consistent with:
A) "Inspection Manual for Control of Volatile Organic Emissions
from Gasoline Marketing Operations: Appendix D", EPA-340/1-
80-012, incorporated by reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
B) "Control of Hydrocarbons from Tank Truck Gasoline Loading
Terminals: Appendix A", EPA-450/2-77-026, incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part.
i) Notwithstanding other requirements of this Part, upon request of the Agency
where it is necessary to demonstrate compliance, an owner or operator of an
emission unit which is subject to this Part shall, at his own expense, conduct tests
in accordance with the applicable test methods and procedures specific in this
Part. Nothing in this Section shall limit the authority of the USEPA pursuant to
the Clean Air Act, as amended, to require testing.
j) Stage II Gasoline Vapor Recovery Test Methods
The methods for determining the acceptable performance of Stage II Gasoline
Vapor Recovery System are delineated in "Technical Guidance-Stage II Vapor
Recovery Systems for Control of Vehicle Refueling Emissions at Gasoline
Dispensing Facilities," found at EPA 450/3-91-022b and incorporated by
reference in Section 219.112 of this Part. Specifically, the test methods are as
1) Dynamic Backpressure Test is a test procedure used to determine the
pressure drop (flow resistance) through balance vapor collection and
control systems (including nozzles, vapor hoses, swivels, dispenser piping
and underground piping) at prescribed flow rates.
2) Pressure Decay/Leak Test is a test procedure used to quantify the vapor
tightness of a vapor collection and control system installed at gasoline
dispensing facilities.
3) Liquid Blockage Test is a test procedure used to detect low points in any
vapor collection and control system where condensate may accumulate.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.112 Incorporations by Reference
The following materials are incorporated by reference and do not contain any subsequent
additions or amendments:
a) American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA
1) ASTM D2879-86
2) ASTM D323-82
3) ASTM D86-82
4) ASTM D369-69 (1971)
5) ASTM D396-69
6) ASTM D2880-71
7) ASTM D975-68
8) ASTM D3925-81 (1985)
9) ASTM E300-86
10) ASTM D1475-85
11) ASTM D2369-87
12) ASTM D3792-86
13) ASTM D4017-81 (1987)
14) ASTM D4457-85
15) ASTM D2697-86
16) ASTM D3980-87
17) ASTM E180-85
18) ASTM D2372-85
19) ASTM D97-66
20) ASTM E168-87 (1977)
21) ASTM E169-87
22) ASTM E260-91
23) ASTM D2504-83
24) ASTM D2382-83
25) ASTM D323-82 (approved 1982)
b) Standard Industrial Classification Manual, published by Executive Office of the
President, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C., 1987.
c) American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 2517, "Evaporation Loss From Floating
Roof Tanks", Second ed., February, 1980.
d) 40 CFR Part 60 (July 1, 1991).
e) 40 CFR Part 61 (July 1, 1991).
f) 40 CFR Part 50 (July 1, 1991).
g) 40 CFR Part 51 (July 1, 1991) and 40 CFR Part 51 Appendix M, Methods 204-
204F (July 1, 1999).
h) 40 CFR Part 52 (July 1, 1991).
i) 40 CFR Part 80 (July 1, 1991) and 40 CFR Part 80 Appendixes D, E, and F (July
1, 1993).
j) "A Guide for Surface Coating Calculation", July 1986, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-86-016.
k) "Procedures for Certifying Quantity of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by
Paint, Ink and Other Coating", (revised June 1986), United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington D.C., EPA-450/3-84-019.
l) "A Guide for Graphic Arts Calculations", August 1988, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C., EPA-340/1-88-003.
m) "Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rate
of Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Topcoat Operations", December 1988,
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C., EPA-450/3-
n) "Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Manufacturing of Synthesized
Pharmaceutical Products", December 1978, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/2-78-029.
o) "Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Gasoline Tank Trucks and
Vapor Collection Systems", December 1978, Appendix B, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/2-78-051.
p) "Control of Volatile Organic Compound emissions Emissions from Large
Petroleum Dry Cleaners", September 1982, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/3-82-009.
q) "APTI Course SI417 Controlling Volatile Organic Compound
Emissions from Leaking Process Equipment", 1982, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/2-82-015.
r) "Portable Instrument User's Manual for Monitoring VOM Sources", June 1986,
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-
s) "Protocols for Generating Unit-Specific Emission Estimates for Equipment Leaks
of VOM and VHAP", October 1988, United States Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/3-88-010.
t) "Petroleum Refinery Enforcement Manual", March 1980, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-80-008.
u) "Inspection Manual for Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Gasoline
Marketing Operations: Appendix D", 1980, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-340/1-80-012.
v) "Control of Hydrocarbons from Tank Truck Gasoline Loading Terminals:
Appendix A", December 1977, United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C., EPA-450/2-77-026.
w) "Technical Guidance-Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems for Control of Vehicle
Refueling Emissions at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities", November 1991, United
States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-450/3-91-022b.
x) California Air Resources Board, Compliance Division. Compliance Assistance
Program: Gasoline Marketing and Distribution: Gasoline Facilities Phase I & II
(October 1988, rev. November 1993) (CARB Manual).
y) “Guidelines for Determining Capture Efficiency,”, January 1995, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
z) Memorandum “Revised Capture Efficiency Guidance for Control of Volatile
Organic Compound Emissions,” February, 1995, John S. Seitz, Director, Office of
Air Quality Planning and Standards, United States Environmental Protection
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.204 Emission Limitations
Except as provided in Sections 219.205, 219.207, 219.208, 219.212, 219.215 and 219.216 of this
Subpart, no owner or operator of a coating line shall apply at any time any coating in which the
VOM content exceeds the following emission limitations for the specified coating. Except as
provided in Section 219.204(l), compliance with the emission limitations marked with an asterisk
in this Section is required on and after March 15, 1996, and compliance with emission
limitations not marked with an asterisk is required until March 15, 1996. The following
emission limitations are expressed in units of VOM per volume of coating (minus water and any
compounds which are specifically exempted from the definition of VOM) as applied at each
coating applicator, except where noted. Compounds which are specifically exempted from the
definition of VOM should be treated as water for the purpose of calculating the "less water" part
of the coating composition. Compliance with this Subpart must be demonstrated through the
applicable coating analysis test methods and procedures specified in Section 219.105(a) of this
Part and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 219.211(c) of this
Subpart except where noted. (Note: The equation presented in Section 219.206 of this Part shall
be used to calculate emission limitations for determining compliance by add-on controls, credits
for transfer efficiency, emissions trades and cross-line averaging.) The emission limitations are
as follows:
a) Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Coating kg/l lb/gal
1) Prime coat 0.14 (1.2)
0.14* (1.2)*
2) Primer surface coat 1.81 (15.1)
1.81* (15.1)*
(Note: The primer surface coat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM
per l (gal) of coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation
shall be based on the daily-weighted average from an entire primer surface
operation. Compliance shall be demonstrated in accordance with the
topcoat protocol referenced in Section 219.105(b) and the recordkeeping
and reporting requirements specified in Section 219.211(f). Testing to
demonstrate compliance shall be performed in accordance with the topcoat
protocol and a detailed testing proposal approved by the Agency and
USEPA specifying the method of demonstrating compliance with the
protocol. Section 219.205 does not apply to the primer surface limitation.)
kg/l lb/gal
3) Topcoat 1.81 (15.1)
1.81* (15.1)*
(Note: The topcoat limitation is in units of kg (lbs) of VOM per l (gal) of
coating solids deposited. Compliance with the limitation shall be based on
the daily-weighted average from an entire topcoat operation. Compliance
shall be demonstrated in accordance with the topcoat protocol referenced
in Section 219.105(b) of this Part and the recordkeeping and reporting
requirements specified in Section 219.211(f). Testing to demonstrate
compliance shall be performed in accordance with the topcoat protocol
and a detailed testing proposal approved by the Agency and USEPA
specifying the method of demonstrating compliance with the protocol.
Section 219.205 of this Part does not apply to the topcoat limitation.)
kg/l lb/gal
4) Final repair coat 0.58 (4.8)
0.58* (4.8)*
b) Can Coating kg/l lb/gal
1) Sheet basecoat and overvarnish
A) Sheet basecoat 0.34 (2.8)
0.26* (2.2)*
B) Overvarnish 0.34 (2.8)
0.34 (2.8)*
2) Exterior basecoat and overvarnish 0.34 (2.8)
0.25* (2.1)*
3) Interior body spray coat
A) Two piece 0.51 (4.2)
0.44* (3.7)*
B) Three piece 0.51 (4.2)
0.51* (4.2)*
4) Exterior end coat 0.51 (4.2)
0.51* (4.2)*
5) Side seam spray coat 0.66 (5.5)
0.66* (5.5)*
6) End sealing compound coat 0.44 (3.7)
0.44* (3.7)*
kg/l lb/gal
c) Paper Coating 0.35 (2.9)
0.28* (2.3)*
(Note: The paper coating limitation shall not apply to any owner or operator of
any paper coating line on which flexographic or rotogravure printing is performed
if the paper coating line complies with the emissions limitations in Subpart H:
Printing and Publishing, Section 219.401 of this Part. In addition, screen printing
on paper is not regulated as paper coating, but is regulated under Subpart TT of
this Part.)
kg/l lb/gal
d) Coil Coating 0.31 (2.6)
0.20* (1.7)*
e) Fabric Coating 0.35 (2.9)
0.28* (2.3)*
f) Vinyl Coating 0.45 (3.8)
0.28* (2.3)*
g) Metal Furniture Coating
1) Air dried 0.36 (3.0)
0.34* (2.8)*
2) Baked 0.36 (3.0)
0.28* (2.3)*
h) Large Appliance Coating
1) Air dried 0.34 (2.8)
0.34* (2.8)*
2) Baked 0.34 (2.8)
0.28* (2.3)*
(Note: The limitation shall not apply to the use of quick-drying lacquers for
repair of scratches and nicks that occur during assembly, provided that the volume
of coating does not exceed 0.95 l (1 quart) in any one rolling eight-hour period.)
kg/l lb/gal
i) Magnet Wire Coating 0.20 (1.7)
0.20* (1.7)*
j) Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products
1) Clear coating 0.52 (4.3)
0.52* (4.3)*
2) Extreme performance coating
A) Air dried 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
B) Baked 0.42 (3.5)
0.40* (3.3)*
3) Steel pail and drum interior
0.52 (4.3)
0.52* (4.3)*
4) All other coatings
A) Air Dried 0.42 (3.5)
0.40* (3.3)*
B) Baked 0.36 (3.0)
0.34* (2.8)*
5) Metallic Coating
A) Air Dried 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
B) Baked 0.36 (3.0)
0.36 (3.0)*
6) For purposes of subsection 219.204(j)(5) of this Section, "metallic
coating" means a coating which contains more than 1/4 lb/gal of metal
particles, as applied.
k) Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products
kg/l lb/gal
1) Extreme performance prime coat 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
2) Extreme performance topcoat (air
0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
3) Final repair coat (air dried) 0.42 (3.5)
0.42* (3.5)*
4) All other coatings are subject to the emission limitations for miscellaneous
metal parts and products coatings in subsection (j) above.
l) Wood Furniture Coating
1) Limitations before March 15,
kg/l lb/gal
A) Clear topcoat 0.67 (5.6)
B) Opaque stain 0.56 (4.7)
C) Pigmented coat 0.60 (5.0)
D) Repair coat 0.67 (5.6)
E) Sealer 0.67 (5.6)
F) Semi-transparent stain 0.79 (6.6)
G) Wash coat 0.73 (6.1)
(Note: Prior to March 15, 1998, an owner or operator of a wood
furniture coating operation subject to this Section shall apply all
coatings, with the exception of no more than 37.8 l (10 gal) of
coating per day used for touch-up and repair operations, using one
or more of the following application systems: airless spray
application system, air-assisted airless spray application system,
electrostatic spray application system, electrostatic bell or disc
spray application system, heated airless spray application system,
roller coating, brush or wipe coating application system, dip
coating application system or high volume low pressure (HVLP)
application system.)
2) On and after March 15, 1998, wood furniture sealers and topcoats must
comply with one of the limitations specified in subsections (l)(2)(A)
through (E), below:
kg VOM/kg
lb VOM/lb
A) Topcoat 0.8 (0.8)
B) Sealers and topcoats with
the following limits:
i) Sealer other than
alkyd amino vinyl
1.9 (1.9)
ii) Topcoat other than
alkyd amino
conversion varnish
1.8 (1.8)
iii) Acid-cured alkyd
amino vinyl sealer
2.3 (2.3)
iv) Acid-cured alkyd
amino conversion
varnish topcoat
2.0 (2.0)
C) Meet the provisions of Section 219.215 of this Subpart for use of
an averaging approach;
D) Achieve a reduction in emissions equivalent to the requirements of
Section 219.204(l)(2)(A) or (B) of this Subpart, as calculated using
Section 219.216 of this Subpart; or
E) Use a combination of the methods specified in Section
219.204(l)(2)(A) through (D) of this Subpart.
3) Other wood furniture coating limitations on and after March 15, 1998:
kg/l lb/gal
A) Opaque stain 0.56 (4.7)
B) Non-topcoat pigmented
0.60 (5.0)
C) Repair coat 0.67 (5.6)
D) Semi-transparent stain 0.79 (6.6)
E) Wash coat 0.73 (6.1)
4) Other wood furniture coating requirements on and after March 15, 1998:
A) No source subject to the limitations of subsection (l)(2) or (3) of
this Section and utilizing one or more wood furniture coating spray
booths shall use strippable spray booth coatings containing more
than 0.8 kg VOM/kg solids (0.8 lb VOM/lb solids), as applied.
B) Any source subject to the limitations of subsection (l)(2) or (3) of
this Section shall comply with the requirements of Section 219.217
of this Subpart.
C) Any source subject to the limitations of subsection (l)(2)(A) or (B)
of this Section and utilizing one or more continuous coaters, shall
for each continuous coater, use an initial coating which complies
with the limitations of subsection (l)(2)(A) or (B) of this Section.
The viscosity of the coating in each reservoir shall always be
greater than or equal to the viscosity of the initial coating in the
reservoir. The owner or operator shall:
i) Monitor the viscosity of the coating in the reservoir with a
viscosity meter or by testing the viscosity of the initial
coating and retesting the coating in the reservoir each time
solvent is added;
ii) Collect and record the reservoir viscosity and the amount
and weight of VOM per weight of solids of coating and
solvent each time coating or solvent is added; and
iii) Maintain these records at the source for a period of three
m) Plastic Parts Coating:
kg/l lb/gal
1) Interiors
A) Baked
i) Color coat 0.49* (4.1)*
ii) Primer 0.46* (3.8)*
B) Air Dried
i) Color coat 0.38* (3.2)*
ii) Primer 0.42* (3.5)*
2) Exteriors (flexible and non-
A) Baked
i) Primer 0.60* (5.0)*
ii) Primer non-flexible 0.54* (4.5)*
iii) Clear coat 0.52* (4.3)*
iv) Color coat 0.55* (4.6)*
B) Air Dried
i) Primer 0.66* (5.5)*
ii) Clear coat 0.54* (4.5)*
iii) Color coat (red &
0.67* (5.6)*
iv) Color coat (others) 0.61* (5.1)*
3) Specialty
A) Vacuum metallizing
basecoats, texture
0.66* (5.5)*
B) Black coatings, reflective
argent coatings, air bag
cover coatings, and soft
0.71* (5.9)*
C) Gloss reducers, vacuum
metallizing topcoats, and
texture topcoats
0.77* (6.4)*
D) Stencil coatings, adhesion
primers, ink pad coatings,
electrostatic prep coatings,
and resist coatings
0.82* (6.8)*
E) Head lamp lens coatings 0.89* (7.4)*
n) Plastic Parts Coating: Business Machine kg/l lb/gal
1) Primer 0.14* (1.2)*
2) Color coat (non-texture coat) 0.28* (2.3)*
3) Color coat (texture coat) 0.28* (2.3)*
4) Electromagnetic interference/radio
frequency interference (EMI/RFI)
shielding coatings
0.48* (4.0)*
5) Specialty Coatings
A) Soft coat 0.52* (4.3)*
B) Plating resist 0.71* (5.9)*
C) Plating sensitizer 0.85* (7.1)*
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability
a) Until March 15, 1996, the limitations of Section 219.406 of this Subpart apply to
all heatset web offset lithographic printing lines (including solvents used for
cleanup operations associated with the heatset web offset lithographic printing
line(s)) at a source subject to the requirements of this Subpart. All sources with
heatset web offset lithographic printing lines are sources subject to the
requirements of this Subpart unless:
1) Total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from all heatset web offset
lithographic printing lines (including solvents used for cleanup operations
associated with the heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s)) at the
source never exceed 90.7 Mg (100 tons) per calendar year in the absence
of air pollution control equipment; or
2) A federally enforceable permit or SIP revision for all heatset web offset
lithographic printing line(s) at a source requires the owner or operator to
limit production or capacity of these printing line(s) to reduce total VOM
emissions from all heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s) to 90.7
Mg (100 tons) per calendar year or less in the absence of air pollution
control equipment.
b) Any owner or operator of any heatset web offset lithographic printing line that is
exempt from the limitations in Section 219.406 of this Subpart because of the
criteria in subsection (a) of this Section shall be subject to the recordkeeping and
reporting requirements in Section 219.406(b)(1) of this Subpart.
c) On and after March 15, 1996, every owner or operator of lithographic printing
line(s) is subject to the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in Section
219.411 of this Subpart.
d) On and after March 15, 1996, Sections 219.407 through 219.410 219.411 of this
Subpart shall apply to:
1) All owners or operators of heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s)
A) Total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from all heatset
web offset lithographic printing lines (including solvents used for
cleanup operations associated with heatset web offset lithographic
printing lines) at the source never exceed 90.7 Mg (100 tons) per
calendar year before the application of capture systems and control
devices. To determine a source's total maximum theoretical
emissions of VOM for the purposes of this subsection, the owner
or operator shall use the calculations set forth in Section
219.406(b)(1)(A)(ii) of this Subpart; or
B) Federally enforceable permit conditions or SIP revision for all
heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s) at the source
requires the owner or operator to limit production or capacity of
these printing line(s) to total VOM emissions of 90.7 Mg/yr (100
TPY) or less, before the application of capture systems and control
2) All owners or operators of heatset web offset, non-heatset web offset, or
sheet-fed offset lithographic printing line(s), unless the combined
emissions of VOM from all lithographic printing line(s) at the source
(including solvents used for cleanup operations associated with the
lithographic printing line(s)) never exceed 45.5 kg/day (100 lbs/day), as
determined in accordance with Section 219.411(a)(1)(B), before the
application of capture systems and control devices.
e) If a lithographic printing line at a source is or becomes subject to one or more of
the limitations in Sections 219.406 or 219.407 of this Subpart, the lithographic
printing line(s) at the source are always subject to the applicable provisions of this
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to
March 15, 1996
a)A) Emission Standards and Limitations. No owner or operator of a heatset web
offset printing line at a source that meets or exceeds the applicability levels in
Section 219.405(a) of this Subpart may cause or allow the operation of such
heatset web offset printing line(s) unless the owner or operator meets the
requirements in subsections (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section and the requirements in
subsections (a)(3) and (a)(4) of this Section. The owner or operator shall
demonstrate compliance with this Section by using the applicable test methods
and procedures specified in Section 219.105(a), (d), and (f) of this Part and by
complying with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in
subsection (b) of this Section.
1) An afterburner system is installed and operated that reduces 90 percent of
the VOM emissions (excluding methane and ethane) from the dryer
exhaust; or
2) The fountain solution contains no more than 8
percent, by weight, of VOM and a condensation
recovery system is installed and operated that
removes at least 75 percent of the non-isopropyl
alcohol organic materials from the dryer exhaust;
3) The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment
specified in Section 219.105(d)(2) of this Part and the monitoring
equipment is installed, calibrated, operated and maintained according to
manufacturer's specifications at all times when the control device is in use;
4) The control device is operated at all times when the printing line is in
b) Recordkeeping and Reporting. The VOM content of each fountain solution and
ink and the efficiency of each control device shall be determined by the applicable
test methods and procedures specified in Section 219.105 of this Part to establish
the records required under this subsection.
1) Any owner or operator of a lithographic printing line which is exempted
from the limitations of subsection (a) of this Section because of the criteria
in 219.405(a) of this Subpart shall comply with the following:
A) By a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part, the owner or
operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line to which
subsection (b)(1) of this Section is applicable shall certify to the
Agency that the heatset web offset lithographic printing line is
exempt under the provisions of Section 219.405(a) of this Subpart.
Such certification shall include:
i) A declaration that the heatset web offset lithographic
printing line is exempt from the limitations of subsection
(a) of this Section because of the criteria in Section
219.405(a) of this Subpart; and
ii) Calculations which demonstrate that total maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM from all heatset web offset
lithographic printing lines at the source never exceed 90.7
Mg (100 tons) per calendar year before the application of
air pollution control equipment. Total maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM for a heatset web offset
lithographic printing source is the sum of maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM from each heatset web offset
lithographic printing line at the source. The following
equation shall be used to calculate total maximum
theoretical emissions of VOM per calendar year in the
absence of air pollution control equipment for each heatset
web offset lithographic printing line at the source:
Ep = (R x A x B) + (C x D) + 1095 (F x G x H)
Ep = Total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from
one heatset web offset printing line in units of kg/yr
A = Weight of VOM per volume of solids of ink with
the highest VOM content as applied each year on
the printing line in units of kg/l (lb/gal) of solids;
B = Total volume of solids for all inks that can
potentially be applied each year on the printing line
in units of 1/yr (gal/yr). The instrument or method
by which the owner or operator accurately
measured or calculated the volume of each ink as
applied and the amount that can potentially be
applied each year on the printing line shall be
described in the certification to the Agency;
C = Weight of VOM per volume of fountain solution
with the highest VOM content as applied each year
on the printing line in units of kg/l (lb/gal) The
weight percent VOM of the fountain solution with
the highest VOM content;
D = The total volume of fountain solution that can
potentially be used each year on the printing line in
units of 1/yr (gal/yr). The instrument and/or
method by which the owner or operator accurately
measured or calculated the volume of each fountain
solution used and the amount that can potentially be
used each year on the printing line shall be
described in the certification to the Agency;
F = Weight of VOM per volume of material for the
cleanup material or solvent with the highest VOM
content as used each year on the printing line in
units of kg/l (lb/gal) of such material;
G = The greatest volume of cleanup material or solvent
used in any 8-hour period; and
H = The highest fraction of cleanup material or solvent
which is not recycled or recovered for offsite
disposal during any 8-hour period.
R = The multiplier representing the amount of VOM not
retained in the substrate being used. For paper, R =
0.8. For foil, plastic, or other impervious substrates,
R = 1.0.
B) On and after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part, the
owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
to which subsection (b)(1) of this Section is applicable shall collect
and record all of the following information each year for each
printing line and maintain the information at the source for a
period of three years:
i) The name and identification of each fountain solution and
ink as applied on each printing line; and
ii) The VOM content and the volume of each fountain solution
and ink as applied each year on each printing line.
C) On and after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part, the
owner or operator of a source exempted from the limitations of
subsection (a) of this Section because of the criteria in Section
219.405(a) of this Subpart shall notify the Agency of any record
showing that total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM from
all heatset web offset lithographic printing lines exceed 90.7 Mg
(100 tons) in any calendar year in the absence of air pollution
control equipment by sending a copy of such record to the Agency
within 30 days after the exceedence occurs.
2) Any owner or operator of a printing line subject to the limitations of
subsection (a) of this Section and complying by means of subsection (a)(1)
of this Section shall comply with the following:
A) By a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part, or upon
initial start-up of a new printing line, or upon changing the method
of compliance for an existing printing line from subsection (a)(2)
to (a)(1) of this Section, perform all tests and submit to the Agency
the results of all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate
that the subject printing line will be in compliance with subsection
(a)(1) of this Section on and after a date consistent with Section
219.106 of this Part, or on and after the initial start-up date;
B) On and after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part, or
on and after the initial start-up date, collect and record the
following information each day for each printing line and maintain
the information at the source for a period of three years:
i) Control device monitoring data;
ii) A log of operating time for the control device, monitoring
equipment and the associated printing line; and
iii) A maintenance log for the control device and monitoring
equipment detailing all routine and non-routine
maintenance performed including dates and duration of any
C) On and after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part,
notify the Agency in the following instances:
i) Any violation of subsection (a)(1) of this Section shall be
reported to the Agency, in writing, within 30 days
following the occurrence of the violation;
ii) Any record showing a violation of subsection (a)(1) of this
Section shall be reported by sending a copy of such record
to the Agency within 30 days following the occurrence of
the violation; and
iii) At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(1) to (a)(2) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(3)(A) of this Section. Upon changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(1) to (a)(2) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(3) of this Section.
3) Any owner or operator of a printing line subject to the limitations of
subsection (a) of this Section and complying by means of subsection (a)(2)
of this Section shall:
A) By a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part, or upon
initial start-up of a new printing line, or upon changing the method
of compliance for an existing printing line from subsection (a)(1)
to (a)(2) of this Section, perform all tests and submit to the Agency
and the USEPA the results of all tests and calculations necessary to
demonstrate that the subject printing line will be in compliance
with subsection (a)(2) of this Section on and after a date consistent
with Section 219.106 of this Part, or on and after the initial start-up
B) On and after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part, or
on and after the initial start-up date, collect and record the
following information each day for each printing line and maintain
the information at the source for a period of three years:
i) The VOM content of the fountain solution used each day
on each printing line;
ii) A log of operating time for the control device and the
associated printing line; and
iii) A maintenance log for the control device detailing all
routine and non-routine maintenance performed including
dates and duration of any outages;
C) On and after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part,
notify the Agency in the following instances:
i) Any violation of subsection (a)(2) shall be reported to the
Agency, in writing, within 30 days following the
occurrence of the violation;
ii) Any record showing a violation of subsection (a)(2) of this
Section shall be reported by sending a copy of such record
to the Agency within 30 days following the occurrence of
the violation; and
iii) At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(2) to (a)(1) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(2)(A) of this Section. Upon changing the method of
compliance with subsection (a) of this Section from
subsection (a)(2) to (a)(1) of this Section, the owner or
operator shall comply with all requirements of subsection
(b)(2) of this Section.
c) Compliance Schedule. Every owner or operator of a heatset web offset
lithographic printing line shall comply with the applicable requirements of
subsections (a) and (b) of this Section in accordance with the applicable
compliance schedule specified in subsections (c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(3) of this
1) No owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
which is exempt from the limitations of subsection (a) of this Section
because of the criteria in Section 219.405(a) of this Subpart shall operate
said printing line on or after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this
Part, unless the owner or operator has complied with, and continues to
comply with, Sections 219.405(a) and 219.406(b)(1) of this Subpart.
2) No owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
complying by means of subsection (a)(1) of this Section shall operate said
printing line on or after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part,
unless the owner or operator has complied with, and continues to comply
with, subsections (a)(1), (a)(3), (a)(4) and (b)(2) of this Section.
3) No owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line
complying by means of subsection (a)(2) of this Section shall operate said
printing line on or after a date consistent with Section 219.106 of this Part,
unless the owner or operator has complied with, and continues to comply
with subsections (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4) and (b)(3) of this Section.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing
Lines On and After March 15, 1996
a) On and after March 15, 1996, no owner or operator of lithographic printing line(s)
subject to the requirements of this Subpart shall:
1) Cause or allow the operation of any heatset web offset lithographic
printing line unless:
A) The total VOM content in the as-applied fountain solution meets
one of the following conditions:
i) 1.6 percent or less, by volume;
ii) 3 percent or less, by volume, and the temperature of the
fountain solution is maintained below 15.6
C (60
measured at the reservoir or the fountain tray; or
iii) 5 percent or less, by volume, and the as-applied fountain
solution contains no alcohol;
B) The air pressure in the dryer is maintained lower than the air
pressure of the press room, such that air flow through all openings
in the dryer, other than the exhaust, is into the dryer at all times
when the printing line is operating;
C) An afterburner is installed and operated so that VOM emissions
(excluding methane and ethane) from the press dryer exhaust(s) are
reduced by 90 percent, by weight, or to a maximum afterburner
exhaust outlet concentration of 20 ppmv (as carbon);
D) The afterburner is equipped with the applicable monitoring
equipment specified in Section 219.105(d)(2) of this Part and the
monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated, operated, and
maintained according to manufacturer's specifications at all times
when the afterburner is in use; and
E) The afterburner is operated at all times when the printing line is in
operation, except the afterburner may be shut down between
November 1 and April 1 as provided in Section 219.107 of this
2) Cause or allow the operation of any non-heatset web offset lithographic
printing line unless the VOM content of the as-applied fountain solution is
5 percent or less, by volume, and the as-applied fountain solution contains
no alcohol;
3) Cause or allow the operation of any sheet-fed offset lithographic printing
line unless:
A) The VOM content of the as-applied fountain solution is 5 percent
or less, by volume; or
B) The VOM content of the as-applied fountain solution is 8.5 percent
or less, by volume, and the temperature of the fountain solution is
maintained below 15.6
C (60
F), measured at the reservoir or the
fountain tray;
4) Cause or allow the use of a cleaning solution on any lithographic printing
line unless:
A) The VOM content of the as-used cleaning solution is less than or
equal to 30 percent, by weight; or
B) The VOM composite partial vapor pressure of the as-used cleaning
solution is less than 10 mmHg at 20
C (68
5) Cause or allow VOM containing cleaning materials, including used
cleaning towels, associated with any lithographic printing line to be kept,
stored or disposed of in any manner other than in closed containers.
b) An owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject to
the requirements of Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) of this Subpart may use a control
device other than an afterburner, if:
1) The control device reduces VOM emissions from the press dryer
exhaust(s) by at least 90 percent, by weight, or to a maximum control
device exhaust outlet concentration of 20 ppmv (as carbon);
2) The owner or operator submits a plan to the Agency detailing appropriate
monitoring devices, test methods, recordkeeping requirements, and
operating parameters for the control device; and
3) The use of the control device with testing, monitoring, and recordkeeping
in accordance with this plan is approved by the Agency and USEPA as
federally enforceable permit conditions.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing
a) Fountain Solution Temperature.
1) The owner or operator of any lithographic printing line(s) relying on the
temperature of the fountain solution to demonstrate compliance shall
install, maintain, and continuously operate a temperature monitor of the
fountain solution in the reservoir or fountain tray, as applicable.
2) The temperature monitor must be capable of reading with an accuracy of
C or 2
F 0.3
C or 0.5
F, and must be attached to an automatic,
continuous recording device such as a strip chart, recorder, or computer,
with at least the same accuracy, that is installed, calibrated and maintained
in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. If the automatic,
continuous recording device malfunctions, the owner or operator shall
record the temperature of the fountain solution at least once every two
operating hours. The automatic, continuous recording device shall be
repaired or replaced as soon as practicable.
b) Fountain Solution VOM Content. The owner or operator of any lithographic
printing line(s) subject to Section 219.407(a)(1)(A) 218.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2) or
(a)(3) of this Subpart shall:
1) For a fountain solution to which VOM is not added automatically:
A) Maintain records of the VOM content of the fountain solution in
accordance with Section 219.411(c)(2)(C) 218.411(c)(2)(C); or
B) Take a sample of the as-applied fountain solution from the fountain
tray or reservoir, as applicable, each time a fresh batch of fountain
solution is prepared or each time VOM is added to an existing
batch of fountain solution in the fountain tray or reservoir, and
shall determine compliance with the VOM content limitation of the
as-applied fountain solution by using one of the following options:
i) With a refractometer or hydrometer with a visual, analog,
or digital readout and with an accuracy of 0.5 percent. The
refractometer or hydrometer must be calibrated with a
standard solution for the type of VOM used in the fountain
solution, in accordance with manufacturer's specifications,
against measurements performed to determine compliance.
The refractometer or hydrometer must be corrected for
temperature at least once per 8-hour shift or once per batch
of fountain solution prepared or modified, whichever is
longer; or
ii) With a conductivity meter if it is demonstrated that a
refractometer and hydrometer cannot distinguish between
compliant and noncompliant fountain solution for the type
and amount of VOM in the fountain solution. A source
may use a conductivity meter if it demonstrates that both
hydrometers and refractometers fail to provide significantly
different measurements for standard solutions containing
95 percent, 100 percent and 105 percent of the applicable
VOM content limit. The conductivity meter reading for the
fountain solution must be referenced to the conductivity of
the incoming water. A standard solution shall be used to
calibrate the conductivity meter for the type of VOM used
in the fountain solution, in accordance with manufacturer's
2) For fountain solutions to which VOM is added at the source with
automatic feed equipment, determine the VOM content of the as-applied
fountain solution based on the setting of the automatic feed equipment
which makes additions of VOM up to a pre-set level. Records must be
retained of the VOM content of the fountain solution in accordance with
Section 219.411(c)(2)(D) of this Subpart. The equipment used to make
automatic additions must be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained
in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
c) Afterburners For Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line(s).
If an afterburner is used to demonstrate compliance, the owner or operator of a
heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject to Section 219.407(a)(1)(C)
of this Subpart shall:
1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and operate temperature monitoring device(s)
with an accuracy of 3
C or 5
F on the afterburner in accordance with
Section 219.105(d)(2) of this Part and in accordance with the
manufacturer's specifications. Monitoring shall be performed at all times
when the afterburner is operating; and
2) Install, calibrate, operate and maintain, in accordance with manufacturer's
specifications, a continuous recorder on the temperature monitoring
device(s), such as a strip chart, recorder or computer, with at least the
same accuracy as the temperature monitor.
d) Other Control Devices for Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line(s). If a
control device other than an afterburner is used to demonstrate compliance, the
owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject to this
Subpart shall install, maintain, calibrate and operate such monitoring equipment
as set forth in the owner or operator's plan approved by the Agency and USEPA
pursuant to Section 219.407(b) of this Subpart.
e) Cleaning Solution.
1) The owner or operator of any lithographic printing line relying on the
VOM content of the cleaning solution to comply with Section
219.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart must:
A) For cleaning solutions that are prepared at the source with
equipment that automatically mixes cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM):
i) Install, operate, maintain, and calibrate the automatic feed
equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specifications
to regulate the volume of each of the cleaning solvent and
water (or other non-VOM), as mixed; and
ii) Pre-set the automatic feed equipment so that the
consumption rates of the cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM), as applied, comply with Section
219.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart;
B) For cleaning solutions that are not prepared at the source with
automatic feed equipment, keep records of the usage of cleaning
solvent and water (or other non-VOM) as set forth in Section
219.411(d)(2) of this Subpart.
2) The owner or operator of any lithographic printing line relying on the
vapor pressure of the cleaning solution to comply with Section
219.407(a)(4)(B) of this Subpart must keep records for such cleaning
solutions used on any such line(s) as set forth in Section 219.411(d)(2)(C)
of this Subpart.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing
a) An owner or operator of lithographic printing line(s) exempt from the limitations
of Section 219.407 of this Subpart because of the criteria in Section 219.405(d) of
this Subpart shall comply with the following:
1) By March 15, 1996, upon initial start-up of a new lithographic printing
line, and upon modification of a lithographic printing line, submit a
certification to the Agency that includes:
A) A declaration that the source is exempt from the control
requirements in Section 219.407 of this Part because of the criteria
in Section 219.405(d) of this Subpart;
B) Calculations which demonstrate that combined emissions of VOM
from all lithographic printing lines (including inks, fountain
solutions, and solvents used for cleanup operations associated with
the lithographic printing lines) at the source never exceed 45.5
kg/day (100 lbs/day) before the use of capture systems and control
devices, as follows:
i) To calculate daily emissions of VOM, the owner or
operator shall determine the monthly emissions of VOM
from all lithographic printing lines at the source (including
solvents used for cleanup operations associated with the
lithographic printing lines) and divide this amount by the
number of days during that calendar month that
lithographic printing lines at the source were in operation;
ii) To determine the VOM content of the inks, fountain
solution additives and cleaning solvents, the tests methods
and procedures set forth in Section 219.409(c) of this
Subpart shall be used;
iii) To determine VOM emissions from inks used on
lithographic printing line(s) at the source, an ink emission
adjustment factor of 0.05 shall be used in calculating
emissions from all non-heatset inks except when using an
impervious substrate, and a factor of 0.80 shall be used in
calculating emissions from all heatset inks to account for
VOM retention in the substrate except when using an
impervious substrate. For impervious substrates such as
metal or plastic, no emission adjustment factor is used. The
VOM content of the ink, as used, shall be multiplied by this
factor to determine the amount of VOM emissions from the
use of ink on the printing line(s); and
iv) To determine VOM emissions from fountain solutions and
cleaning solvents used on lithographic printing line(s) at the
source, no retention factor is used;
C) Either a declaration that the source, through federally enforceable
permit conditions, has limited its maximum theoretical emissions
of VOM from all heatset web offset lithographic printing lines
(including solvents used for cleanup operations associated with
heatset web offset printing lines) at the source to no more than 90.7
Mg (100 tons) per calendar year before the application of capture
systems and control devices or calculations which demonstrate that
the source's total maximum theoretical emissions of VOM do not
exceed 90.7 Mg/yr (100 TPY). To determine the source's total
maximum theoretical emissions for the purposes of this subsection,
the owner or operator shall use the calculations set forth in Section
219.406(b)(1)(A)(ii) of this Subpart; and
D) A description and the results of all tests used to determine the
VOM content of inks, fountain solution additives, and cleaning
solvents, and a declaration that all such tests have been properly
conducted in accordance with Section 219.409(c)(1) of this
2) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record either the information
specified in subsection (a)(2)(A) or (a)(2)(B) of this Section for all
lithographic printing lines at the source:
A) Standard recordkeeping, including the following:
i) The name and identification of each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent used on any
lithographic printing line, recorded each month;
ii) A daily record which shows whether a lithographic printing
line at the source was in operation on that day;
iii) The VOM content and the volume of each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent used on any
lithographic printing line, recorded each month;
iv) The total VOM emissions at the source each month,
determined as the sum of the product of usage and VOM
content for each fountain solution additive, cleaning
solvent, and lithographic ink (with the applicable ink VOM
emission adjustment) used at the source, calculated each
month; and
v) The VOM emissions in lbs/day for the month, calculated in
accordance with Section 219.411(a)(1)(B) of this Subpart;
B) Purchase and inventory recordkeeping, including the following:
i) The name, identification, and VOM content of each
fountain solution additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning
solvent used on any lithographic printing line, recorded
each month;
ii) Inventory records from the beginning and end of each
month indicating the total volume of each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent to be used
on any lithographic printing line at the source;
iii) Monthly purchase records for each fountain solution
additive, lithographic ink, and cleaning solvent used on any
lithographic printing line at the source;
iv) A daily record which shows whether a lithographic printing
line at the source was in operation on that day;
v) The total VOM emissions at the source each month,
determined as the sum of the product of usage and VOM
content for each fountain solution additive, cleaning
solvent, and lithographic ink (with the applicable ink VOM
emission adjustment) used at the source, calculated each
month based on the monthly inventory and purchase
records required to be maintained pursuant to subsections
(a)(2)(B)(i), (a)(2)(B)(ii) and (a)(2)(B)(iii) of this Section;
vi) The VOM emissions in lbs/day for the month, calculated in
accordance with Section 219.411(a)(1)(B)218.411(a)(1)(B)
of this Subpart;
3) On and after March 15, 1996, notify the Agency in writing if the
combined emissions of VOM from all lithographic printing lines
(including inks, fountain solutions, and solvents used for cleanup
operations associated with the lithographic printing lines) at the source
ever exceed 45.5 kg/day (100 lbs/day), before the use of capture systems
and control devices, within 30 days after the event occurs. Such
notification shall include a copy of all records of such event.
b) An owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic printing line(s) subject
to the control requirements of Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart
shall comply with the following:
1) By March 15, 1996, upon initial start-up of a new printing line, and upon
initial start-up of a new control device for a heatset web offset printing
line, submit a certification to the Agency that includes the following:
A) An identification of each heatset web offset lithographic printing
line at the source;
B) A declaration that each heatset web offset lithographic printing line
is in compliance with the requirements of Section 219.407
(a)(1)(B), (a)(1)(C), (a)(1)(D) and (a)(1)(E) or (b) of this Subpart,
as appropriate;
C) The type of afterburner or other approved control device used to
comply with the requirements of Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) or
(b)(1) of this Subpart;
D) The control requirements in Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of
this Subpart with which the lithographic printing line is complying;
E) The results of all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the control requirements of Section
219.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart, as applicable; and
F) A declaration that the monitoring equipment required under
Section 219.407(a)(1)(D) or (b) of this Subpart, as applicable, has
been properly installed and calibrated according to manufacturer's
2) If testing of the afterburner or other approved control device is conducted
pursuant to Section 219.409(b) of this Subpart, the owner or operator
shall, within 90 days after conducting such testing, submit a copy of all
test results to the Agency and shall submit a certification to the Agency
that includes the following:
A) A declaration that all tests and calculations necessary to
demonstrate whether the lithographic printing line(s) is in
compliance with Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this
Subpart, as applicable, have been properly performed;
B) A statement whether the lithographic printing line(s) is or is not in
compliance with Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this
Subpart, as applicable; and
C) The operating parameters of the afterburner or other approved
control device during testing, as monitored in accordance with
Section 219.410(c) or (d) of this Subpart, as applicable;
3) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record daily the following
information for each heatset web offset lithographic printing line subject
to the requirements of Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart:
A) Afterburner or other approved control device monitoring data in
accordance with Section 219.410(c) or (d) of this Subpart, as
B) A log of operating time for the afterburner or other approved
control device, monitoring equipment, and the associated printing
C) A maintenance log for the afterburner or other approved control
device and monitoring equipment detailing all routine and non-
routine maintenance performed, including dates and duration of
any outages; and
D) A log detailing checks on the air flow direction or air pressure of
the dryer and press room to insure compliance with the
requirements of Section 219.407(a)(1)(B) of this Subpart at least
once per 24-hour period while the line is operating;
4) On and after March 15, 1996, notify the Agency in writing of any
violation of Section 219.407(a)(1)(C) or (b)(1) of this Subpart within 30
days after the occurrence of such violation. Such notification shall include
a copy of all records of such violation;
5) If changing its method of compliance between subsections (a)(1)(C) and
(b) of Section 219.407 of this Subpart, certify compliance for the new
method of compliance in accordance with subsection (b)(1) of this Section
at least 30 days before making such change, and perform all tests and
calculations necessary to demonstrate that such printing line(s) will be in
compliance with the requirements of Section 219.407(a)(1)(B), (a)(1)(C),
(a)(1)(D) and (a)(1)(E) of this Subpart, or Section 219.407(b) of this
Subpart, as applicable.
c) An owner or operator of a lithographic printing line subject to Section
219.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this Subpart, shall:
1) By March 15, 1996, and upon initial start-up of a new lithographic
printing line, certify to the Agency that fountain solutions used on each
lithographic printing line will be in compliance with the applicable VOM
content limitation. Such certification shall include:
A) Identification of each lithographic printing line at the source, by
type, e.g., heatset web offset, non-heatset web offset, or sheet-fed
B) Identification of each centralized fountain solution reservoir and
each lithographic printing line that it serves;
C) The VOM content limitation with which each fountain solution
will comply;
D) Initial documentation that each type of fountain solution will
comply with the applicable VOM content limitation, including
copies of manufacturer's specifications, test results, if any,
formulation data and calculations;
E) Identification of the method that will be used to demonstrate
continuing compliance with the applicable limitation, e.g., a
refractometer, hydrometer, conductivity meter, or recordkeeping
procedures with detailed description of the compliance
methodology; and
F) A sample of the records that will be kept pursuant to Section
219.411(c)(2) of this Subpart.
2) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record the following information
for each fountain solution:
A) The name and identification of each batch of fountain solution
prepared for use on one or more lithographic printing lines, the
lithographic printing line(s) or centralized reservoir using such
batch of fountain solution, and the applicable VOM content
limitation for the batch;
B) If an owner or operator uses a hydrometer, refractometer, or
conductivity meter, pursuant to Section 219.410(b)(1)(B), to
demonstrate compliance with the applicable VOM content limit in
Section 219.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this Subpart:
i) The date and time of preparation, and each subsequent
modification, of the batch;
ii) The results of each measurement taken in accordance with
Section 219.410(b) of this Subpart;
iii) Documentation of the periodic calibration of the meter in
accordance with the manufacturer's specifications,
including date and time of calibration, personnel
conducting, identity of standard solution, and resultant
reading; and
iv) Documentation of the periodic temperature adjustment of
the meter, including date and time of adjustment, personnel
conducting and results;
C) If the VOM content of the fountain solution is determined pursuant
to Section 219.410(b)(1)(A) of this Subpart, for each batch of as-
applied fountain solution:
i) Date and time of preparation and each subsequent
modification of the batch;
ii) Volume and VOM content of each component used in, or
subsequently added to, the fountain solution batch;
iii) Calculated VOM content of the as-applied fountain
solution; and
iv) Any other information necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable VOM content limits in
Section 219.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this Subpart,
as specified in the source's operating permit;
D) If the VOM content of the fountain solution is determined pursuant
to Section 219.410(b)(2) of this Subpart, for each setting:
i) VOM content limit corresponding to each setting;
ii) Date and time of initial setting and each subsequent setting;
iii) Documentation of the periodic calibration of the automatic
feed equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications; and
iv) Any other information necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable VOM content limits in
Sections 219.407(a)(1)(A), (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this Subpart,
as specified in the source’s operating permit.
ED) If the owner or operator relies on the temperature of the fountain
solution to comply with the requirements in Section
219.407(a)(1)(A)(ii) or (a)(3)(B) of this Subpart:
i) The temperature of the fountain solution at each printing
line, as monitored in accordance with Section 219.410(a);
ii) A maintenance log for the temperature monitoring devices
and automatic, continuous temperature recorders detailing
all routine and non-routine maintenance performed,
including dates and duration of any outages;
3) Notify the Agency in writing of any violation of Section 219.407 of this
Subpart within 30 days after the occurrence of such violation. Such
notification shall include a copy of all records of such violation; and
4) If changing its method of demonstrating compliance with the applicable
VOM content limitations in Section 219.407 of this Subpart, or changing
the method of demonstrating compliance with the VOM content
limitations for fountain solutions pursuant to Section 219.409 of this
Subpart, certify compliance for such new method(s) in accordance with
subsection (c)(1) of this Section within 30 days after making such change,
and perform all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate that such
printing line(s) will be in compliance with the applicable requirements of
Section 219.407 of this Subpart.
d) For lithographic printing line cleaning operations, an owner or operator of a
lithographic printing line subject to the requirements of Section 219.407 of this
Subpart shall:
1) By March 15, 1996, and or upon initial start-up of a new lithographic
printing line, certify to the Agency that all cleaning solutions, and the
handling of cleaning materials, will be in compliance with the
requirements of Section 219.407(a)(4)(A) or (a)(4)(B) and (a)(5) of this
Subpart, and such certification shall also include:
A) Identification of each VOM-containing cleaning solution used on
each lithographic printing line;
B) The limitation with which each VOM-containing cleaning solution
will comply, i.e., the VOM content or vapor pressure;
C) Initial documentation that each VOM-containing cleaning solution
will comply with the applicable limitation, including copies of
manufacturer's specifications, test results, if any, formulation data
and calculations;
D) Identification of the method that will be used to demonstrate
continuing compliance with the applicable limitations;
E) A sample of the records that will be kept pursuant to Section
219.411(d)(2) of this Subpart; and
F) A description of the practices that assure that VOM-containing
cleaning materials are kept in closed containers;
2) On and after March 15, 1996, collect and record the following information
for each cleaning solution used on each lithographic printing line:
A) For each cleaning solution for which the owner or operator relies
on the VOM content to demonstrate compliance with Section
219.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart and which is prepared at the
source with automatic equipment:
i) The name and identification of each cleaning solution;
ii) The VOM content of each cleaning solvent in the cleaning
solution, as determined in accordance with Section
219.409(c) of this Subpart;
iii) Each change to the setting of the automatic equipment, with
date, time, description of changes in the cleaning solution
constituents (e.g., cleaning solvents), and a description of
changes to the proportion of cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM);
iv) The proportion of each cleaning solvent and water (or other
non-VOM) used to prepare the as-used cleaning solution;
v) The VOM content of the as-used cleaning solution, with
supporting calculations; and
vi) A calibration log for the automatic equipment, detailing
periodic checks;
B) For each batch of cleaning solution for which the owner or
operator relies on the VOM content to demonstrate compliance
with Section 219.407(a)(4)(A) of this Subpart, and which is not
prepared at the source with automatic equipment:
i) The name and identification of each cleaning solution;
ii) Date and time of preparation, and each subsequent
modification, of the batch;
iii) The VOM content of each cleaning solvent in the cleaning
solution, as determined in accordance with Section
219.409(c) of this Subpart;
iv) The total amount of each cleaning solvent and water (or
other non-VOM) used to prepare the as-used cleaning
solution; and
v) The VOM content of the as-used cleaning solution, with
supporting calculations;
C) For each batch of cleaning solution for which the owner or
operator relies on the vapor pressure of the cleaning solution to
demonstrate compliance with Section 219.407(a)(4)(B) of this
i) The name and identification of each cleaning solution;
ii) Date and time of preparation, and each subsequent
modification, of the batch;
iii) The molecular weight, density, and VOM composite partial
vapor pressure of each cleaning solvent, as determined in
accordance with Section 219.409(e) of this Subpart;
iv) The total amount of each cleaning solvent used to prepare
the as-used cleaning solution; and
v) The VOM composite partial vapor pressure of each as-used
cleaning solution, as determined in accordance with Section
219.409(e) of this Subpart;
D) The date, time and duration of scheduled inspections performed to
confirm the proper use of closed containers to control VOM
emissions, and any instances of improper use of closed containers,
with descriptions of actual practice and corrective action taken, if
3) On and after March 15, 1996, notify the Agency in writing of any
violation of Section 219.407 of this Subpart within 30 days after the
occurrence of such violation. Such notification shall include a copy of all
records of such violation; and
4) If changing its method of demonstrating compliance with the requirements
of Section 219.407(a)(4) of this Subpart, or changing between automatic
and manual methods of preparing cleaning solutions, certify compliance
for such new method in accordance with subsection (d)(1) of this Section,
within 30 days after making such change, and perform all tests and
calculations necessary to demonstrate that such printing line(s) will be in
compliance with the applicable requirements of Section 219.407(a)(4) of
this Subpart.
e) The owner or operator shall maintain all records required by this Section at the
source for a minimum period of three years and shall make all records available to
the Agency upon request.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.601 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners (Repealed)
The owner or operator of a dry cleaning operation which uses perchloroethylene shall:
Vent the entire dryer exhaust through a properly designed and functioning carbon
adsorption system or equally effective control device; and
Emit no more than 100 ppmv of VOM from the dryer control device before
dilution, or achieve a 90 percent average reduction before dilution; and
Immediately repair all components found to be leaking liquid VOM; and
Cook or treat all diatomaceous earth filters so that the residue contains 25 kg (55
lb) or less of volatile organic material per 100 kg (220 lb) of wet waste material;
Reduce the VOM from all solvent stills to 60 kg (132 lb) or less per 100 kg (220
lb) of wet waste material; and
Drain all filtration cartridges in the filter housing or other sealed container for at
least 24 hours before discarding the cartridges; and
Dry all drained filtration cartridges in equipment connected to an emission
reduction system or in a manner that will eliminate emission of volatile organic
material to the atmosphere.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.602 Exemptions (Repealed)
The provisions of Section 219.601 are not applicable to perchloroethylene dry cleaning
operations which are coin-operated or to dry cleaning operations consuming less than 30 gal per
month (360 gal per year) of perchloroethylene.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective ________________)
Section 219.603 Leaks (Repealed)
The presence of leaks shall be determined for purposes of Section 219.601(c) of this Part by a
visual inspection of the following: hose connections, unions, couplings and valves; machine door
gaskets and seatings; filter head gasket and seating; pumps; base tanks and storage containers;
water separators; filter sludge recovery; distillation unit; diverter valves; saturated lint from lint
baskets; and cartridge filters.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.790 General Recordkeeping and Reporting (Repealed)
On and after the compliance date specified in Section 219.791 of this Subpart, every owner or
operator of a motor vehicle refinishing operation shall maintain the following records for the
most recent consecutive 3 years. Such records shall be made available to the Agency
immediately upon request:
The name and manufacturer of each coating and surface preparation product used
at the source each month;
The volume of each category of coating, as set forth in Section 219.780 of this
Subpart, purchased by the source each month;
The coating mixing instructions, as stated on the container, in literature supplied
with the coating, or otherwise specified by the manufacturer, for each coating
purchased by the source each month;
The VOM content, expressed as weight of VOM per volume of coating, minus
water and any compounds that are specifically exempted from the definition of
VOM, recorded on a monthly basis for:
Each coating as purchased, if the coating is not mixed with any additives
prior to application on the substrate; or
Each coating after mixing according to manufacturer's instructions as
collected pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section;
The weighted average VOM content of the coating, as specified in Section
219.780(d)(1), (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this Subpart, for each basecoat/clearcoat, and
three or four stage coating system purchased by the source, recorded on a monthly
The total monthly volume of all specialty coatings purchased and the percentage
specialty coatings comprise in the aggregate of all coatings purchased by the
source each month;
The volume of each category of surface preparation material, as set forth in
Section 219.786 of this Subpart, purchased by the source each month; and
The VOM content, expressed as weight of VOM per volume of material,
including water, of each surface preparation material purchased by the source,
recorded on a monthly basis.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.792 Registration
a) Every owner or operator of a motor vehicle refinishing operation shall register
with the Agency on or before the date specified in Section 219.791 of this Subpart
and re-register no later than 45 days following the end of each subsequent
calendar year. The following information shall be included in this registration:
1) The name and address of the source, and the name and telephone number
of the person responsible for submitting the registration information;
2) A description of all coating operations of motor vehicles, mobile
equipment, or their parts or components, and all associated surface
preparation operations at the source;
3) A description of all coating applicators used at the source to comply with
Section 219.784(a) of this Subpart, if applicable;
4) A description of all cleanup operations at the source, including equipment
used to comply with Section 219.784(b) of this Subpart, if applicable;
5) A description of all work practices at the source used to comply with
Section 219.787 of this Subpart;
6) If a source claims to be exempt from the equipment requirements in
Section 219.784 of this Subpart because it uses less than 20 gallons of
coating per year, the owner's or operator's certification that the annual
usage is below this level;
7) A written declaration stating whether the source is complying with this
Subpart by using coatings that comply with the applicable VOM content
limits in Section 219.780 of this Subpart or by control equipment as
specified in Section 219.782; and
8) A description of any control devices used to comply with Section 219.782
of this Subpart and the date(s) the device was installed and became
b) At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance to or from
Sections 219.780 and 219.782, the owner or operator of a motor vehicle
refinishing operation shall notify the Agency and certify that the source is in
compliance with the applicable requirements for the new method of compliance.
(Source: Amended at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 219.Appendix B VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency (Repealed)
Procedure G.1 - Captured VOM Emissions
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the volatile organic materials
(VOM) content of captured gas streams. It is intended to be used as a segment in the
development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOM capture efficiency (CE) for
surface coating and printing operations. The procedure may not be acceptable in certain site-
specific situations, e.g., when: (1) direct fired heaters or other circumstances affect the quantity
of VOM at the control device inlet; and (2) particulate organic aerosols are formed in the process
and are present in the captured emissions.
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOM captured (G) is calculated as the sum of the products of the
VOM content (CGj), the flow rate (QGj), and the sample time (TC) from each captured emissions
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each
captured or fugitive emissions point as follows: QGj = 5.5 percent and CGj = +5.0 percent. Based
on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for G is estimated at about + 7.4 percent.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel, or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOM
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to mininize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow rate control valve and
rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the
sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the flame
ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If captured or fugitive emissions
are to be measured at multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use
separate sampling probes, lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common
sample gas manifold and FIA. The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be
heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than + 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than + 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than + 5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized date
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to +1 percent of the tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than +2 percent from
the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane or
carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater. FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Captured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
2.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
3.1 Locate all points where emissions are captured from the affected emission unit. Using
Method 1, determine the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling
3.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run
using Method 2 or 2A.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each captured emissions point during the
entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple captured
emission locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the
VOM responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA according to the
procedure in Section 5.1.
4.2.2 Conduct a system check according to the procedure in Section 5.3.
4.2.3 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and
is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.4 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response
to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the
effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling
4.2.5 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run according
to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform system drift
checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.6 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120 +5
4.2.7 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple captured emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for
the same amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for
the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the
test run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the measurements at each sampling location until two times the response time
of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute and record the
concentration measurements.
4.3 Background Concentration.
4.3.1 Locate all NDO’s of the TTE. A sampling point shall be centrally located outside of the
TTE at 4 equivalent diameters from each NDO, if possible. If there are more than 6 NDO’s,
choose 6 sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO’s.
4.3.2 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3. NOTE: This sample train shall be a
separate sampling train from the one to measure the captured emissions.
4.3.3 Position the probe at the sampling location.
4.3.4 Determine the response time, conduct the system check and sample according to the
procedures described in Sections 4.2.4 to 4.2.7.
4.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOM concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the
concentration of the captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the zero and
calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and
pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and
calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift
check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value.
Conduct the system drift checks at the end of each run.
5.3 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and
record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system
response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for the high range calibration
gas. Conduct a system check before and after each test run.
5.4 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
area of NDO i, ft
total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft
corrected average VOM concentration of background emissions at point i,
ppm propane;
average background concentration, ppm propane;
corrected average VOM concentration of captured emissions at point j,
ppm propane;
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average background VOM concentration measured at point i,
ppm propane;
uncorrected average VOM concentration measured at point j, ppm
total VOM content of captured emissions, kg;
1.830 X 10
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at
captured emissions point j, m
total duration of captured emissions sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Captured Emissions.
G =
(CGj - CB) QGj TC K1 Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Captured Emissions at point j.
CGj =
(Cj - CDO) CH Eq. 2
7.3 Background VOM Concentration at point i.
CBi =
(Ci - CDO) CH Eq.3
7.4 Average Background Concentration.
CBi Ai
CB =
i-1 Eq. 4
NOTE: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all
points, the terms "Ai" and "AN" may be deleted from Equation 4.
Procedure G.2 - Captured VOM Emissions (Dilution Technique)
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the volatile organic materials
(VOM) content of captured gas streams. It is intended to be used as a segment in the
development of a gas/gas protocol in which fugitive emissions are measured for determining
VOM capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations. A dilution system is
used to reduce the VOM concentration of the captured emission to about the same concentration
as the fugitive emissions. The procedure may not be acceptable in certain site-specific situations,
e.g., when: (1) direct fired heaters or other circumstances affect the quantity of VOM at the
control device inlet; and (2) particulate organic aerosols are formed in the process and are
present in the captured emissions.
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOM captured (G) is calculated as the sum of the products of the
VOM content (CGj), the flow rate (QGj), and the sampling time (TC) from each captured
emissions point.
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each
captured or fugitive emissions point as follows: QGj = +5 percent and CGj= +5 percent. Based on
these numbers, the probable uncertainty for G is estimated at about +7.4 percent.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Dilution System. A Kipp in-stack dilution probe and controller or similar device may be
used. The dilution rate may be changed by substituting different critical orifices or adjustments
of the aspirator supply pressure. The dilution system shall be heated to prevent VOM
condensation. Note: An out-of-stack dilution device may be used.
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow control valve and rotameter
must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample
pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the flame
ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If captured or fugitive emissions
are to be measured at multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use
separate sampling probes, lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common
sample gas manifold and FIA. The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be
heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than +3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than +3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than +5.0 percent of the calibration gas value.
201 Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to +1 percent of the tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than +2 percent from
the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas and Dilution Air Supply. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic
material (as propane or carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever
is greater. FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved. Dilution Check Gas. Gas mixture standard containing propane in air, approximately half
the span value after dilution.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Captured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
2.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
3.1 Locate all points where emissions are captured from the affected facility. Using Method 1,
determine the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling flow.
3.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run
using Method 2 or 2A.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each captured emissions point during the
entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are a multiple captured
emissions locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the
VOM responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA according to the
procedure in Section 5.1.
4.2.2 Set the dilution ratio and determine the dilution factor according to the procedure in
Section 5.3.
4.2.3 Conduct a system check according to the procedure in Section 5.4.
4.2.4 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and
is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.5 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Measure the system response time as the
time required for the system to reach the effluent concentration after the calibration valve has
been returned to the effluent sampling position.
4.2.6 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run according
to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.4. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform system drift
checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.7 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120 +5
4.2.8 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple captured emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for
the same amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for
the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the
test run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the measurements at each sampling location until two times the response time
of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute and record the
concentration measurements.
4.3 Background Concentration.
4.3.1 Locate all NDO’s of the TTE. A sampling point shall be centrally located outside of the
TTE at 4 equivalent diameters from each NDO, if possible. If there are more than 6 NDO’s,
choose 6 sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO’s.
4.3.2 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.4.
4.3.3 Position the probe at the sampling location.
4.3.4 Determine the response time, conduct the system check and sample according to the
procedures described in Sections 4.2.4 to 4.2.8.
4.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOM concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system after
the dilution system and adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the
flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases
and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-
range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity
of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the
respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the
system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling
the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the
concentration of the diluted captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the
zero and calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow
rate and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero
and calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the
drift check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span
value. Conduct the system drift check at the end of each run.
5.3 Determination of Dilution Factor. Inject the dilution check gas into the measurement system
before the dilution system and record the response. Calculate the dilution factor using Equation
5.4 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet to the sampling probe while
the dilution air is turned off. Record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable
if the measurement system response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for
the high range calibration gas. Conduct a system check before and after each test run.
5.5 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
area of NDO i, ft
total area of all NDO’s in the enclosure, ft
actual concentration of the dilution check gas, ppm propane;
corrected average VOM concentration of background emissions at point i,
ppm propane;
average background concentration, ppm propane;
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average background VOCM concentration measured at point
i, ppm propane;
uncorrected average VOCM concentration measured at point j, ppm
measured concentration of the dilution check gas, ppm propane;
dilution factor;
total VOCM content of captured emissions, kg;
1.830 10
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at
captured emissions point j, m
total duration of capture efficiency sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Captured Emissions.
G =
CGj QGj TC Kl Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Captured Emissions at Point j.
CGj =
DF (Cj - CDO) CH Eq.2
7.3 Dilution Factor.
DF =
CA Eq. 3
7.4 Background VOM Concentration at Point i.
CBi =
(Ci - CDO) CH Eq. 4
7.5 Average Background Concentration.
CBJAi Eq. 5
CB =
NOTE: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all
points, the terms "Ai" and "AN" may be deleted from Equation 4.
Procedure F.2 - Fugitive VOM Emissions from Building Enclosures
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the fugitive volatile organic
materials (VOM) emissions from a building enclosure (BE). It is intended to be used as a
segment in the development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOM capture
efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The total amount of fugitive VOM emissions (FB) from the BE is calculated as the
sum of the products of the VOM content (CFj) of each fugitive emissions point, its flow rate
(QFj), and time (TF).
1.3 Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each fugitive
emissions point as follows: QFj = +5.0 percent and CFj = +5.0 percent. Based on these numbers,
the probable uncertainty for FB is estimated at about +11.2 percent.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel, or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOM
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow rate control valve and
rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the
sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the flame
ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If emissions are to be measured at
multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use separate sampling probes,
lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common sample gas manifold and FIA.
The sample gas manifold must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than +3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than +3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than +5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to +1 percent of the tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than +2 percent from
the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (propane or carbon
equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater. FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Fugitive Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Flow Direction Indicators. Any means of indicating inward or outward flow, such as light
plastic film or paper streamers, smoke tubes, filaments, and sensory perception.
2.2.2 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate. Anemometers or
similar devices calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions may be used when low
velocities are present. Vane anemometers (Young-maximum response propeller), specialized
pitots with electronic manometers (e.g., Shortridge Instruments Inc., Airdata Multimeter 860) are
commercially available with measurement thresholds of 15 and 8 mpm (50 and 25 fpm),
2.2.3 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.4 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
3.1 Preliminary Determinations. The purpose of this exercise is to determine which exhaust
points should be measured for volumetric flow rates and VOM concentrations.
3.1.1 Forced Draft Openings. Identify all forced draft openings. Determine the volumetric flow
rate according to Method 2.
3.1.2 NDO’s Exhaust points. The NDO’s in the roof of the building or room in which the
emission unit is located are considered to be exhaust points. Determine volumetric flow rate
from these NDO’s. Divide the cross-sectional area according to Method 1 using 12 equal areas.
Use the appropriate velocity measurement devices, e.g., propeller anemometers.
3.1.3 Other NDO’s. This step is optional. Determine the exhaust flow rate, including that of the control
device, from the enclosure and the intake air flow rate. If the exhaust flow rate divided by the
intake air flow rate is greater than 1.1, then all other NDO’s are not considered to be significant
exhaust points. If the option above is not taken, identify all other NDO's and other potential points
through which fugitive emissions may escape the enclosure.
Then use the following criteria to determine whether flow rates and VOM concentrations need to
be measured:
209 Using the appropriate flow direction indicator, determine the flow direction. An NDO
with zero or inward flow is not an exhaust point. Measure the outward volumetric flow rate from the remainder of the NDO’s. If the
collective flow rate is 2 percent, or less, of the flow rate from Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, then these
NDO’s, except those within two equivalent diameters (based on NDO opening) from a VOM
emitting point, may be considered to be non-exhaust points. If the percentage calculated in Section is greater than 2 percent, those NDO’s
(except those within two equivalent diameters from a VOM emitting point) whose volumetric
flow rate total 2 percent of the flow rate from Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 may be considered as non-
exhaust points. All remaining NDO’s shall be measured for volumetric flow rate and VOM
concentrations during the CE test. The tester may choose to measure VOM concentrations at the forced exhaust points and
the NDO’s. If the total VOM emissions from the NDO’s are less than 2 percent of the emissions
from the forced draft and roof NDO’s, then these NDO’s may be eliminated from further
3.2 Determination of Flow Rates.
3.2.1 Measure the volumetric flow rate at all locations identified as exhaust points in Section 3.1.
Divide each exhaust opening into 9 equal areas for rectangular openings and 8 for circular
3.2.2 Measure the velocity at each site at least once every hour during each sampling run using
Method 2 or 2A, if applicable, or using the low velocity instruments in Section 2.2.2.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each fugitive emission point during the
entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple emissions
locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOM
responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3, respectively.
4.2.2 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and
is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.3 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response
to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the
effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling
4.2.4 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run according
to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform drift checks
during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.5 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120 +5
4.2.6 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same
amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for the
entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test
run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the response measurements at each sampling location until two times the
response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute
and record the concentration measurements.
4.3 Alternative Procedure The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOM concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the
concentration of the captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the zero and
calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and
pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and
calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift
check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value.
Conduct a system drift check at the end of each run.
5.3 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and
record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system
response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for the high range calibration
gas. Conduct a system check before each test run.
5.4 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
corrected average VOM concentration of fugitive emissions at point j,
ppm propane;
actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average VOM concentration measured at point j, ppm
total VOM content of fugitive emissions from the building, kg;
1.830 x 10
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at
fugitive emissions point j, m
total duration of capture efficiency sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Fugitive Emissions From the Building.
FB =
CFj QFj TF K1 Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Fugitive Emissions at Point j.
CFj =
Cj - CDO) CH Eq. 2
Procedure F.1 - Fugitive VOM Emissions from Temporary Enclosures
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the fugitive volatile organic
materials (VOM) emissions from a temporary total enclosure (TTE). It is intended to be used as
a segment in the development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOM capture
efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The amount of fugitive VOM emissions (F) from the TTE is calculated as the sum
of the products of the VOM content (CFj), the flow rate (QFj), and the sampling time (TF) from
each fugitive emissions point.
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each
fugitive emission point as follows: QFj) = +5.5 percent and CFj = +5.0 percent. Based on these
numbers, the probable uncertainty for F is estimated at about +7.4 percent.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Gas VOM Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 1.
The main components are described below:
2.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel, or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOM
2.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of sample probe to
direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines,
to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
2.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer.
The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate
sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the
pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample
pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
2.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent,
to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow control valve and rotameter
must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample
pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
2.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the flame
ionization analyzer (FIA), and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold
components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If emissions are to be measured at
multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use separate sampling probes,
lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common sample gas manifold and FIA.
The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be heated to prevent
2.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than
5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
2.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.1.9 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if
required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to
NIST standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to
1 percent of the tag value.
Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each
calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than
2 percent from
thecertified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value.
214 Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane or
carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater. FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with
nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved.
2.1.10 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if
exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent
any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
2.2 Fugitive Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
2.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
2.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream.
An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if it can be justified.
2.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
2.3 Temporary Total Enclosure. The criteria for designing a TTE are discussed in Procedure T.
3.1 Locate all points where emissions are exhausted from the TTE. Using Method 1, determine
the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling flow.
3.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run
using Method 2 or 2A.
4.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOM responses at each fugitive emission point during the
entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple emission
locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOCM
responses at all sampling locations.
4.2 Gas VOM Concentration.
4.2.1 Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 1. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3, respectively.
4.2.2 Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and
is sealed tightly at the stack port connection.
4.2.3 Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response
to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the
effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling
position. 4.2.4 Conduct a system check before and a system drift check after each sampling run
according to the procedures in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. If the drift check following a run indicates
unacceptable performance, the run is not valid. The tester may elect to perform system drift
checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour.
4.2.5 Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120
4.2.6 Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run.
Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If
multiple emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same
amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for the
entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test
run. Collect at least 4 separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of
testing. Disregard the response measurements at each sampling location until two times the
response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute
and record the concentration measurements
4.3 Background Concentration.
4.3.1 Determination of VOM Background Concentration. Locate all NDO’s of the TTE. A sampling point shall be centrally located outside of the
TTE at 4 equivalent diameters from each NDO, if possible. If there are more than 6 NDO’s,
choose 6 sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO’s. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system
check according to the procedures in Sections 5.1 and 5.3. Position the probe at the sampling location. Determine the response time, conduct the system check and sample according to the
procedures described in Sections 4.2.3 to 4.2.6.
4.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in
Section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOM concentration. The system
must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas concentration that most closely
approximates that of the fugitive gas emissions to conduct the drift checks. Introduce the zero
and calibration gas at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate
and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and
calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift
check measurement and the value obtained in Section 5.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value.
Conduct a system drift check at the end of each run.
5.3 System Check. Inject the high range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and
record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system
response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in Section 5.1 for the high range calibration
gas. Conduct a system check before each test run.
5.4 Analysis Audit. Immediately before each test analyze an audit cylinder as described in
Section 5.2. The analysis audit must agree with the audit cylinder concentration within 10
area of NDO i, ft
total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft
corrected average VOM concentration of background emissions at point i,
ppm propane;
average background concentration, ppm propane;
average measured concentration for the drift check calibration gas, ppm
average system drift check concentration for zero concentration gas, ppm
corrected average VOM concentration of fugitive emissions at point j,
ppm propane;
actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas, ppm propane;
uncorrected average background VOM concentration at point i, ppm
uncorrected average VOM concentration measured at point j, ppm
total VOM content of captured emissions, kg;
1.830 X 10
number of measurement points;
average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions at
fugitive emissions point j, m
total duration of fugitive emissions sampling run, min.
7.1 Total VOM Fugitive Emissions.
F =
(CFj - CB) QFj TF Kl Eq. 1
7.2 VOM Concentration of the Fugitive Emissions at Point j.
CFj =
(Cj - CDO) CH Eq. 2
7.3 Background VOM Concentration at Point i.
CBi =
(Ci - CDO) CH Eq. 3
7.4 Average Background Concentration.
CBi Ai Eq. 5
CB =
NOTE: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all
points, the terms "Ai" and "AN" may be deleted from Equation 4.
Procedure L - VOM Input
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the input of volatile organic
materials (VOM). It is intended to be used as a segment in the development of liquid/gas
protocols for determining VOM capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOM introduced to the process (L) is the sum of the products of
the weight (W) of each VOM containing liquid (ink, paint, solvent, etc.) used and its VOM
content (V). A sample of each VOM containing liquid is analyzed with a flame ionization
analyzer (FIA) to determine V.
1.3 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty. The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each
VOM containing liquid as follows: W =
2.0 percent and V =
-12.0 percent. Based on these
numbers, the probable uncertainty for L is estimated at about
12.2 percent for each VOM
containing liquid.
1.4 Sampling Requirements. A capture efficiency test shall consist of at least three sampling
runs. The sampling time for each run should be at least 8 hours, unless otherwise approved.
1.5 Notes. Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care
should be exercised in choosing appropriate equipment and installing and using the equipment.
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas
concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Liquid Weight.
2.1.1 Balances/Digital Scales. To weigh drums of VOM containing liquids to within 0.2 lb.
2.1.2 Volume Measurement Apparatus (Alternative). Volume meters, flow meters, density
measurement equipment, etc., as needed to achieve same accuracy as direct weight
2.2 VOM Content (Flame Ionization Analyzer Technique). The liquid sample analysis system is
shown in Figures 1 and 2. The following equipment is required:
2.2.1 Sample Collection Can. An appropriately sized metal can to be used to collect VOM
containing materials. The can must be constructed in such a way that it can be grounded to the
coating container.
2.2.2 Needle Valves. To control gas flow.
2.2.3 Regulators. For carrier gas and calibration gas cylinders.
2.2.4 Tubing. Teflon or stainless steel tubing with diameters and lengths determined by
connection requirements of equipment. The tubing between the sample oven outlet and the FIA
shall be heated to maintain a temperature of 120
2.2.5 Atmospheric Vent. A tee and 0- to 0.5-liter/min rotameter placed in the sampling line
between the carrier gas cylinder and the VOM sample vessel to release the excess carrier gas. A
toggle valve placed between the tee and the rotameter facilitates leak tests of the analysis system.
2.2.6 Thermometer. Capable of measuring the temperature of the hot water bath to within 1
2.2.7 Sample Oven. Heated enclosure, containing calibration gas coil heaters, critical orifice,
aspirator, and other liquid sample analysis components, capable of maintaining a temperature of
2.2.8 Gas Coil Heaters. Sufficient lengths of stainless steel or Teflon tubing to allow zero and
calibration gases to be heated to the sample oven temperature before entering the critical orifice
or aspirator.
2.2.9 Water Bath. Capable of heating and maintaining a sample vessel temperature of 100
2.2.10 Analytical Balance. To measure
0.001 g.
2.2.11 Disposable Syringes. 2-cc or 5-cc.
2.2.12 Sample Vessel. Glass, 40-ml septum vial. A separate vessel is needed for each sample.
2.2.13 Rubber Stopper. Two-hole stopper to accommodate 3.2-mm (1/8-in) Teflon tubing,
appropriately sized to fit the opening of the sample vessel. The rubber stopper should be
wrapped in Teflon tape to provide a tighter seal and to prevent any reaction of the sample with
the rubber stopper. Alternatively, any leak-free closure fabricated of non-reactive materials and
accommodating the necessary tubing fittings may be used.
2.2.14 Critical Orifices. Calibrated critical orifices capable of providing constant flow rates from
50 to 250 ml/min at known pressure drops. Sapphire orifice assemblies (available from O'Keefe
Controls Company) and glass capillary tubing have been found to be adequate for this
2.2.15 Vacuum Gauge. 0- to 760-mm (0- to 30-in) Hg U-Tube manometer or vacuum gauge.
2.2.16 Pressure Gauge. Bourdon gauge capable of measuring the maximum air pressure at the
aspirator inlet (e.g., 100 psig).
2.2.17 Aspirator. A device capable of generating sufficient vacuum at the sample vessel to
create critical flow through the calibrated orifice when sufficient air pressure is present at the
aspirator inlet. The aspirator must also provide sufficient sample pressure to operate the FIA.
The sample is also mixed with the dilution gas within the aspirator.
2.2.18 Soap Bubble Meter. Of an appropriate size to calibrate the critical orifices in the system.
2.2.19 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected
concentration as propane; however other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that
they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or
exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than
3.0 percent of span value. Calibration Error. Less than
5.0 percent of the calibration gas value.
2.2.20 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data
acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and
record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or
integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of
recording average values at least once per minute.
2.2.21 Chart Recorder (Optional). A chart recorder or similar device is recommended to provide
a continuous analog display of the measurement results during the liquid sample analysis.
2.2.22 Calibration and Other Gases. For calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required)
contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to NIST
standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to
1 percent of the tag value. Additionally,
the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf-life for each calibration
gas cylinder over which the concentration does nor change more than
2 percent from the
certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, alternative methods for
preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems, may be used with prior approval. Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is
recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen
concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane) or
less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
221 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards
with nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air,
respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that
more accurate measurements would be achieved. System Calibration Gas. Gas mixture standard containing propane in air, approximating
the undiluted VOM concentration expected for the liquid samples.
3.1 Weight Difference. Determine the amount of material introduced to the process as the
weight difference of the feed material before and after each sampling run. In determining the
total VOM containing liquid usage, account for: (a) the initial (beginning) VOM containing
liquid mixture; (b) any solvent added during the test run; (c) any coating added during the test
run; and (d) any residual VOM containing liquid mixture remaining at the end of the sample run.
3.1.1 Identify all points where VOM containing liquids are introduced to the process. To obtain
an accurate measurement of VOM containing liquids, start with an empty fountain (if
applicable). After completing the run, drain the liquid in the fountain back into the liquid drum
(if possible), and weigh the drum again. Weigh the VOM containing liquids to
0.5 percent of
the total weight (full) or
-0.1 percent of the total weight of VOM containing liquid used during
the sample run, whichever is less. If the residual liquid cannot be returned to the drum, drain the
fountain into a preweighed empty drum to determine the final weight of the liquid.
3.1.2 If it is not possible to measure a single representative mixture, then weigh the various
components separately (e.g., if solvent is added during the sampling run, weigh the solvent
before it is added to the mixture). If a fresh drum of VOM containing liquid is needed during the
run, then weigh both the empty drum and fresh drum.
3.2 Volume Measurement (Alternative). If direct weight measurements are not feasible, the
tester may use volume meters and flow rate meters (and density measurements) to determine the
weight of liquids used if it can be demonstrated that the technique produces results equivalent to
the direct weight measurements. If a single representative mixture cannot be measured, measure
the components separately.
4.1 Collection of Liquid Samples.
4.1.1 Collect a 100-ml or larger sample of the VOM containing liquid mixture at each
application location at the beginning and end of each test run. A separate sample should be taken
of each VOM containing liquid added to the application mixture during the test run. If a fresh
drum is needed during the sampling run, then obtain a sample from the fresh drum.
4.1.2 When collecting the sample, ground the sample container to the coating drum. Fill the
sample container as close to the rim as possible to minimize the amount of headspace.
4.1.3 After the sample is collected, seal the container so the sample cannot leak out or evaporate.
4.1.4 Label the container to identify clearly the contents.
4.2 Liquid Sample VOM Content.
4.2.1 Assemble the liquid VOM content analysis system as shown in Figure 1.
4.2.2 Permanently identify all of the critical orifices that may be used. Calibrate each critical
orifice under the expected operating conditions (i.e., sample vacuum and temperature) against a
volume meter as described in Section 5.3.
4.2.3 Label and tare the sample vessels (including the stoppers and caps) and the syringes.
4.2.4 Install an empty sample vessel and perform a leak test of the system. Close the carrier gas
valve and atmospheric vent and evacuate the sample vessel to 250 mm (10 in.) Hg absolute or
less using the aspirator. Close the toggle valve at the inlet to the aspirator and observe the
vacuum for at least one minute. If there is any change in the sample pressure, release the
vacuum, adjust or repair the apparatus as necessary and repeat the leak test.
4.2.5 Perform the analyzer calibration and linearity checks according to the procedure in Section
5.1. Record the responses to each of the calibration gases and the back-pressure setting of the
4.2.6 Establish the appropriate dilution ratio by adjusting the aspirator air
supply or substituting critical orifices. Operate the aspirator at a vacuum of at least 25 mm (1
in.) Hg greater than the vacuum necessary to achieve critical flow. Select the dilution ratio so
that the maximum response of the FIA to the sample does not exceed the high-range calibration
4.2.7 Perform system calibration checks at two levels by introducing compressed gases at the
inlet to the sample vessel while the aspirator and dilution devices are operating. Perform these
checks using the carrier gas (zero concentration) and the system calibration gas. If the response
to the carrier gas exceeds
0.5 percent of span, clean or repair the apparatus and repeat the
check. Adjust the dilution ratio as necessary to achieve the correct response to the upscale
check, but do not adjust the analyzer calibration. Record the identification of the orifice,
aspirator air supply pressure, FIA back-pressure, and the responses of the FIA to the carrier and
system calibration gases.
4.2.8 After completing the above checks, inject the system calibration gas for approximately 10
minutes. Time the exact duration of the gas injection using a stopwatch. Determine the area
under the FIA response curve and calculate the system response factor based on the sample gas
flow rate, gas concentration, and the duration of the injection as compared to the integrated
response using Equations 2 and 3.
4.2.9 Verify that the sample oven and sample line temperatures are 120
C and that the water
bath temperature is 100
4.2.10 Fill a tared syringe with approximately 1 g of the VOM containing liquid and weigh it.
Transfer the liquid to a tared sample vessel. Plug the sample vessel to minimize sample loss.
Weigh the sample vessel containing the liquid to determine the amount of sample actually
received. Also, as a quality control check, weigh the empty syringe to determine the amount of
material delivered. The two coating sample weights should agree within
0.02 g. If not, repeat
the procedure until an acceptable sample is obtained.
4.2.11 Connect the vessel to the analysis system. Adjust the aspirator supply pressure to the
correct value. Open the valve on the carrier gas supply to the sample vessel and adjust it to
provide a slight excess flow to the atmospheric vent. As soon as the initial response of the FIA
begins to decrease, immerse the sample vessel in the water bath. (Applying heat to the sample
vessel too soon may cause the FID response to exceed the calibrated range of the instrument, and
thus invalidate the analysis.)
4.2.12 Continuously measure and record the response of the FIA until all of the volatile material
has been evaporated from the sample and the instrument response has returned to the baseline
(i.e., response less than 0.5 percent of the span value). Observe the aspirator supply pressure,
FIA back-pressure, atmospheric vent, and other system operating parameters during the run;
repeat the analysis procedure if any of these parameters deviate from the values established
during the system calibration checks in Section 4.2.7. After each sample perform the drift check
described in Section 5.2. If the drift check results are acceptable, calculate the VOM content of
the sample using the equations in Section 7. Integrate the area under the FIA response curve, or
determine the average concentration response and the duration of sample analysis.
5.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel
supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period
recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and
adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the
manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer
calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the
responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable
if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the
performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity
check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a
major change is made to the system.
5.2 Systems Drift Checks. After each sample, repeat the system calibration checks in Section
4.2.7 before any adjustments to the FIA or measurement system are made. If the zero or
calibration drift exceeds
3 percent of the span value, discard the result and repeat the analysis.
5.3 Critical Orifice Calibration.
5.3.1 Each critical orifice must be calibrated at the specific operating conditions that it will be
used. Therefore, assemble all components of the liquid sample analysis system as shown in
Figure 3. A stopwatch is also required.
5.3.2 Turn on the sample oven, sample line, and water bath heaters and allow the system to reach
the proper operating temperature. Adjust the aspirator to a vacuum of 380 mm (15 in.) Hg
vacuum. Measure the time required for one soap bubble to move a known distance and record
barometric pressure.
5.3.3 Repeat the calibration procedure at a vacuum of 406 mm (16 in.) Hg and at 25 mm (1-in.)
Hg intervals until three consecutive determinations provide the same flow rate. Calculate the
critical flow rate for the orifice in ml/min at standard conditions. Record the vacuum necessary
to achieve critical flow.
area under the response curve of the liquid sample, area count;
area under the response curve of the calibration gas, area count;
actual concentration of system calibration gas, ppm propane;
1.830 X 10
total VOM content of liquid input, kg;
mass of liquid sample delivered to the sample vessel, g;
flow rate through critical orifice, ml/min;
liquid analysis system response factor, g/area count;
total gas injection time for system calibration gas during integrator
calibration, min;
final VOM fraction of VOM containing liquid j;
initial VOM fraction of VOM containing liquid j;
VOM fraction of VOM containing liquid j added during the run;
VOM fraction of liquid sample;
weight of VOM containing liquid j remaining at end of the run, kg;
weight of VOM containing liquid j at beginning of the run, kg;
weight of VOM containing liquid j added during the run, kg.
7.1 Total VOM Content of the Input VOM Containing Liquid.
n n n
L =
VIj WIj = VFj WFj +
VAj WAj R Eq.1
j=1 j=1 j=1
7.2 Liquid Sample Analysis System Response Factor for Systems Using Integrators, Grams/Area
RF =
CS q TS K Eq. 2
7.3 VOM Content of the Liquid Sample.
V =
AL RF Eq. 3
Procedure T - Criteria for and Verification of a Permanent or Temporary Total Enclosure
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is used to determine whether a permanent or temporary
enclosure meets the criteria of a total enclosure.
1.2 Principle. An enclosure is evaluated against a set of criteria. If the criteria are met and if all
the exhaust gases are ducted to a control device, then the volatile organic materials (VOM)
capture efficiency (CE) is assumed to be 100 percent and CE need not be measured. However, if
part of the exhaust gas stream is not ducted to a control device, CE must be determined.
2.1 Natural Draft Opening (NDO) -- Any permanent opening in the enclosure that remains open
during operation of the emission unit and is not connected to a duct in which a fan is installed.
2.2 Permanent Total Enclosure (PTE) -- A permanently installed enclosure that completely
surrounds an emission unit such that all VOM emissions are captured and contained for
discharge through a control device.
2.3 Temporary Total Enclosure (TTE) -- A temporarily installed enclosure that completely
surrounds an emission unit such that all VOM emissions are captured and contained for
discharge through ducts that allow for the accurate measurement of VOM rates.
3.1 Any NDO shall be at least 4 equivalent opening diameters from each VOM emitting point.
3.2 Any exhaust point from the enclosure shall be at least 4 equivalent duct or hood diameters
from each NDO.
3.3 The total area of all NDO’s shall not exceed 5 percent of the surface area of the enclosure's
four walls, floor, and ceiling.
3.4 The average facial velocity (FV) of air through all NDO’s shall be at least 3,600 m/hr (200
fpm). The direction of air through all NDO’s shall be into the enclosure.
3.5 All access doors and windows whose areas are not included in Section 3.3 and are not
included in the calculation in Section 3.4 shall be closed during routine operation of the emission
4.1 Same as Sections 3.1 and 3.3 - 3.5.
4.2 All VOM emissions must be captured and contained for discharge through a control device.
5.1 Determine the equivalent diameters of the NDO’s and determine the distances from each
VOM emitting point to all NDO’s. Determine the equivalent diameter of each exhaust duct or
hood and its distance to all NDO’s. Calculate the distances in terms of equivalent diameters.
The number of equivalent diameters shall be at least 4.
5.2 Measure the total area (At) of the enclosure and the total area (AN) of all NDO's of the
enclosure. Calculate the NDO to enclosure area ratio (NEAR) as follows:
The NEAR must be
5.3 Measure the volumetric flow rate, corrected to standard conditions, of each gas stream
exiting the enclosure through an exhaust duct or hood using EPA Method 2. In some cases (e.g.,
when the building is the enclosure), it may be necessary to measure the volumetric flow rate,
corrected to standard conditions, of each gas stream entering the enclosure through a forced
makeup air duct using Method 2. Calculate FV using the following equation:
FV = [QO - QI]/AN
QO =
the sum of the volumetric flow from all gas streams exiting the enclosure
through an exhaust duct or hood
QI =
the sum of the volumetric flow from all gas streams into the enclosure
through a forced makeup air duct; zero, if there is no forced makeup air
into the enclosure.
AN =
total area of all NDO’s in enclosure.
The FV shall be at least 3,600 m/hr (200 fpm).
5.4 Verify that the direction of air flow through all NDO’s is inward. Use streamers, smoke
tubes, tracer gases, etc. Strips of plastic wrapping film have been found to be effective. Monitor
the direction of air flow at intervals of at least 10 minutes for at least 1 hour.
6.1 The success of this protocol lies in designing the TTE to simulate the conditions that exist
without the TTE, i.e., the effect of the TTE on the normal flow patterns around the affected
emission unit or the amount of fugitive VOM emissions should be minimal. The TTE must
enclose the application stations, coating reservoirs, and all areas from the application station to
the oven. The oven does not have to be enclosed if it is under negative pressure. The NDO’s of
the temporary enclosure and a fugitive exhaust fan must be properly sized and placed.
6.2. Estimate the ventilation rate of the TTE that best simulates the conditions that exist without
the TTE, i.e., the effect of the TTE on the normal flow patterns around the affected emission unit
or the amount of fugitive VOM emissions should be minimal. Figure 1 may be used as an aid.
Measure the concentration (CG) and flow rate (QG) of the captured gas stream, specify a safe
concentration (CF) for the fugitive gas stream, estimate the CE, and then use the plot in Figure 1
to determine the volumetric flowrate of the fugitive gas stream (QF). A fugitive VOM emission
exhaust fan that has a variable flow control is desirable.
6.2.1 Monitor the concentration of VOM into the capture device without the TTE. To minimize
the effect of temporal variation on the captured emissions, the baseline measurement should be
made over as long a time period as practical. However, the process conditions must be the same
for the measurement in Section 6.2.3 as they are for this baseline measurement. This may
require short measuring times for this quality control check before and after the construction of
the TTE.
6.2.2 After the TTE is constructed, monitor the VOM concentration inside the TTE. This
concentration shall not continue to increase and must not exceed the safe level according to
OSHA requirements for permissible exposure limits. An increase in VOM concentration
indicates poor TTE design or poor capture efficiency.
6.2.3 Monitor the concentration of VOM into the capture device with the TTE. To limit the
effect of the TTE on the process, the VOM concentration with and without the TTE must be
10 percent. If the measurements do not agree, adjust the ventilation rate from the TTE
until they agree within 10 percent.
(Source: Repealed at _ Ill. Reg. _, effective _)
Section 41(a) of the Environmental Protection Act provides that final Board orders may
be appealed directly to the Illinois Appellate Court within 35 days after the Board serves the
order. 415 ILCS 5/41(a) (2004);
see also
35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.300(d)(2), 101.906, 102.706.
Illinois Supreme Court Rule 335 establishes filing requirements that apply when the Illinois
Appellate Court, by statute, directly reviews administrative orders. 172 Ill. 2d R. 335. The
Board’s procedural rules provide that motions for the Board to reconsider or modify its final
orders may be filed with the Board within 35 days after the order is received. 35 Ill. Adm. Code
see also
35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.902, 102.700, 102.702.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
adopted the above opinion and order on May 4, 2006, by a vote of 4-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board