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Jack Lavin, Director
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
620 East Adams Street, S-6
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Re :
Request for Economic Impact Study for: Proposed Amendments to Tiered
Approach to Corrective Action Objectives (35 111. Adm. Code 742)
The Pollution Control Board (Board) has received a rulemaking proposal
from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) on September 30, 2005
that proposes amendments to the Board's Tiered Approach to Corrective Action
Objectives (TACO) regulations . The proposal seeks to amend the TACO regulations
by updating and clarifying the existing rules. Additionally, the Agency stated that
technical documents that were used in drafting the rules have been updated,
necessitating amendments to the rules
The Agency explained in its Statement of Reasons that the proposal includes
amendments that originated from several different sources, including comments from
the regulated community to improve procedures to new standards established for
various contaminants. The amendments also seek to incorporate updated test
methods, and new toxicity criteria, The Agency stated that the purpose of the
proposed amendments is to update and improve standards and procedures so that end
users of the rules can achieve accurate data results that are protective of human
health .
I am writing to request that you determine whether your Department will
conduct an economic impact study concerning this proposal
Since 1998, Section 27 (b) of the Environmental Protection Act has required
the Board to :
1) "request that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
(formerly the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs) conduct a
study of the economic impact of the proposed rules. The Department may
within 30 to 45 days of such request produce a study of the economic impact
of the proposed rules. At a minimum, the economic impact study shall
address a) economic, environmental, and public health benefits that may be
achieved through compliance with the proposed rules, b) the effects of the

proposed rules on employment levels, commercial productivity, the economic
growth of small businesses with 100 or less employees, and the State's
overall economy, and c) the cost per unit of pollution reduced and the
variability of company revenues expected to be used to implement the
proposed rules; and
(2) conduct at least one public hearing on the economic impact of those
rules. At least 20 days before the hearing, the Board shall notify the public of
the hearing and make the economic impact study, or the Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity's explanation for not producing an
economic impact study, available to the public
Such public hearing maybe
held simultaneously or as a part of any Board hearing considering such new
rules." 415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2004) .
If 1, or my staff, can provide you with any additional information, please let
me know. While the Board can proceed to hold hearings while awaiting your
decision, the Environmental Protection Act does not allow the Board to complete its
rulemaking process without your Department's input .
Thank you for your early response
" 91j,
J. Philip Novak
Chairman, Pollution Control Board
Cc: Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Erin Conley, Rules Coordinator

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