January 5, 2006
(UST Rulemaking)
(UST Rulemaking)
Proposed Rule. Proposal For Public Comment.
This rulemaking began in January 2004, when the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency (Agency) filed two proposals for rulemaking, which amend the Board’s regulations
governing the underground storage tank (UST) program. On January 22, 2004, the Board
accepted and consolidated the proposals for hearing. The Board proceeded to first notice on
February 17, 2005. On December 1, 2005, the Board adopted a proposal for second notice and
opened this Subdocket B. As stated in the Board’s December 1, 2005 opinion, the Board will
address the issues pertaining to the professional consulting services provisions in this subdocket.
Specifically, the Board will address issues concerning the scope of work associated with lump
sum payments as well as the lump sum payment amounts proposed at first notice in Subdocket
A. The Board has received alternate proposals addressing these issues from American
Consulting Engineers Council of Illinois (ACECI), Professionals of Illinois for the Protection of
the Environment (PIPE), CW
M Company (CW
M), and United Science Industries (USI). Exh.
74, Attach. B; PC 6; PC 63; and Exh. 109. In this opinion the Board provides a brief summary of
the alternate proposals addressing each issue and a discussion of the Board’s proposal for public
The regulated community expressed serious concern regarding the exclusion of scope of
work associated with the proposed maximum lump sum payments from the initial hearings on
the Agency’s proposal. While ACECI and PIPE submitted alternate proposals addressing the
inclusion of scope of work in the rules prior to first notice, the Board received similar proposals
from CW
M and USI during the first-notice comment period. In addition, CSD Environmental
Services, Inc. (CSD) submitted recommendations concerning scope of work. In the following
paragraphs, the Board summarizes these proposals followed by a discussion and the Board’s
ACECI’s Proposal
ACECI urges the Board to adopt the scope of work developed by an
Ad Hoc
Work Group
on LUST Reimbursement Reform (
Ad Hoc
Group) that was formed by ACECI and Illinois
Petroleum Marketer’s Association at the request of the Agency. The
Ad Hoc
Group was
comprised of member firms from the two organizations having substantial working experience
with the UST program, including reimbursement, as the UST program has actually been
implemented over the last ten years. Exh. 74 at 3. The
Ad Hoc
Group provided the Agency with
a series of very detailed recommendations, including the scope of work for professional
consulting services. The
Ad Hoc
Group’s task list specifies the scope of work for each task to be
performed by the consultants, and provides an estimate of time required to complete the task.
Ad Hoc
Group task list prescribes scope of work and time requirements for the
following tasks: early action UST removal and excavation; 20-day certification and 45-day
report preparation; free product recovery report preparation; low priority corrective action
including preparation of groundwater monitoring plan and monitoring report preparation; high
priority corrective action using conventional technology, including oversight, preparation of plan
and completion report; and reimbursement request preparation. However, the
Ad Hoc
task list does not address the scope of work associated with site classification under Part 732 or
site investigation pursuant to Part 734.
The Agency testified that it coordinated with ACECI to develop the various activities
conducted by a consultant in order to complete each step of the UST remediation process and the
estimated personnel time (hours) required for completing each activity within a task. Exh. 11 at
5-6. While the Agency used the hours estimated for various activities by the
Ad Hoc
Group to calculate the lump sum payment amounts in Section 734.845, the Agency did not
propose the
Ad Hoc
Work Group’s task list associated with the personnel time estimates. Instead
the Agency proposed significantly broader language of “include, but not limited to” various tasks
at Section 734.845.
Mr. Dan Goodwin, Vice President of ACECI, testified that while the general structure of
the reimbursement limitations in the Agency’s proposed Subpart H is consistent with the
recommendations of the
Ad Hoc
Group, the most important problem with the Agency’s proposal
from the viewpoint of the professional consulting firms is the lack of clear delineation of the
scope of services that may be included in each of the phases of the project for which
reimbursement limits are set forth in Proposed Sections 732.845 and 734.845. Tr.6 at 7; Exh. 74
at 3-4. He urged that the Board incorporate the scope of work into the regulations for the
purpose of better delineating the various tasks that may legitimately be a part of a given phase of
the project.
PIPE’s Proposal
PIPE maintains that the first-notice regulations are fatally flawed because it fails to
include “scope of work” associated with the proposed lump sum payments. PC 70 at 4. PIPE
urges the Board to revise the proposed rules by utilizing the alternative proposals submitted by
PIPE and other participants.
. While PIPE did not propose any specific language changes to
the first notice regulations, PIPE’s alternative proposal submitted prior to first notice included
scope of work for each item for which the Agency proposed a lump sum payment under Sections
732.845 and 734.845. PC 6, Attach. D.
PIPE’s proposal builds on the scope of work originally developed by the
Ad Hoc
Group. PIPE updated the
Ad Hoc
Work Group’s task list to match the regulations, as proposed
by the Agency, and developed scope of work for those tasks for which the
Ad Hoc
Work Group
did not have a scope of work. PC 6, Attach. C. PIPE used methods similar to those used by the
Ad Hoc
Work Group to develop the scope of work for additional tasks. In addition to the scope
of work developed by the
Ad Hoc
Work Group, PIPE’s proposal defines scope of work for: (i)
site classification, including physical soil classification, groundwater investigation, and
classification by exposure pathway exclusion; and (ii) stage 1 and stage 2 site investigation.
M’s Proposal
M submitted a modified alternate proposal along with its first notice comments. PC
63. The alternate proposal addresses language changes to the proposed regulations under Part
734. While the proposal includes task list and associated scopes of work, CW
M states that it
would be appropriate to develop the final task lists and scopes of work jointly by the Agency and
the LUST Advisory committee outside the confines of the rules. PC 63 at 8. The scope of work
proposed by CW
M is essentially the same as the PIPE proposal discussed above.
USI’s Proposal.
USI submitted revisions to the proposed first notice regulations at hearing and in public
comments. Exh. 109; PC 60; and 67. USI asserts that these revisions would result in cost-
containment rule that governs time and materials billing for professional consulting services.
Exh. 109 at 67. USI addresses the issue of scope of work by creating a standardized task list,
which explicitly references the regulations themselves, and a schedule of standard product and
services along with the scope of services and reasonable quantity guidance. USI’s proposal
addresses all the tasks involved with the UST remediation under Parts 732 and 734, including
tasks related to professional consulting services. Since this docket is limited to issues concerning
payment of professional consultant services, USI’s proposal pertaining to such services will be
discussed in this section.
USI’s proposed task list under Section 732/734 Appendix D includes the tasks for which
the Agency proposed lump sum payments. The standard product and services provision at
Section 732/734 Appendix E sets forth hourly rates for various professional consulting personnel
and daily rates for professional consulting equipment and instrumentation. Finally, USI proposes
scope of service for professional consulting service under Section 732/734 Appendix F as
Professional products and services include all labor, equipment, materials, supplies and
subcontractors necessary and associated with the design, oversight, analysis,
management, administration and documentation of investigative and remedial activities
during a corrective action project as well as the professional consulting and associated
services necessary to perform all Agency required planning, budgeting, certification,
reporting and correspondence. Professional consulting services also include all necessary
services and costs associated with requesting payment from the fund. PC 60 at 136 and
PC 67 at 170.
USI’s approach to addressing scope of work deviates significantly from the approach
taken by ACECI, PIPE and CW
M. While proposals from ACECI, PIPE and CW
M prescribe
detailed scope of work for each task for which lump sum payments are specified under Sections
732.845 and 734.845, USI’s proposal takes a broader approach of defining scope of service as
including all labor, equipment, materials, supplies and subcontractors necessary and associated
remedial activities during a corrective action project.
CSD’s Recommendations
CSD recommends that the Board define the scope of work involved in remediation at a
typical site to provide a benchmark for consultants making demonstrations as to what is atypical
and therefore unusual or extraordinary circumstances pursuant to Section 734.860. PC 64 at 3.
CSD suggests that the Board combine Appendix D of USI’s proposal that lists Standard Tasks
with CW
M’s Appendix G, which sets forth Scope of Work for Lump Sum Payments.
asserts that the combined Appendix would include a generic task such as Prepare and Submit a
45-Day Report and under the generic task, the details of what is included in a 45-Day Report.
As noted in the December 1, 2005 second-notice opinion, the Board believes that
inclusion of scope of work for tasks to be performed by professional consulting services pursuant
Sections 732/734.845 would be helpful in addressing participants’ concerns regarding lump sum
payment for professional consulting services. In this regard, the Board has reviewed the
alternate proposals summarized above. The participants have presented two different approaches
to incorporate scope of work for specific tasks under Sections 732/734.845. The first approach,
proposed by ACECI, PIPE and CW
M, identifies the specific task for which the rules propose a
lump sum payment amount and sets forth the work involved in completion of that task. The
Work Group used this approach to develop the scope of work for a number of tasks under
Section 732.845/734.845 and PIPE’s proposal adds scope of work for those tasks for which the
Ad Hoc
Work Group did not prepare one. PC 6, Attach. C.
The second approach, proposed by USI, prescribes a task list, but specifies scope of work
broadly as all products and services necessary and associated with investigative and remedial
activities during a corrective action project. Although USI has proposed the inclusion of a task
list which tracks the regulations under Parts 732/734 Subparts B, C, & D, the list does not
provide any details about the work involved in completion of the tasks. While the Board
recognizes that USI’s proposal as a whole is conceptually different from the one proposed by the
Agency, the scope of work in USI’s proposal is similar to the one proposed by the Agency and
adopted by the Board for first notice,
the scope of work includes all work necessary to
comply with the requirements of the regulations.
As noted in the Board’s second-notice opinion, the record clearly indicates that the
regulated community is seeking more specificity regarding the actual work involved in
completing tasks for which the Agency has proposed maximum lump sum payments for
professional consulting services. They argue that lump sum payments for professional
consulting services must include scopes of work, so that any work performed beyond the
specified the scope of work would be reimbursed in accordance with Sections 732.850, 732.860,
734.850, and 734.860. In this regard, the Board finds that USI’s proposal, which defines scope
of work associated with professional consulting services in broad terms, does not address the
participants’ concerns. In light of this, the Board will consider the approach used by the
Ad Hoc
Work Group, PIPE and CW
M to revise the provisions of Sections 732.845/734.845. Moreover,
the Board finds this approach to be appropriate since the Agency relied on the
Ad Hoc
Group’s scope of work to determine the proposed maximum payment amounts for a number of
tasks originally proposed under Sections 732.845/734.845.
The Board will use the
Ad Hoc
Work Group’s proposal as a starting point for developing
scope of work for professional consulting services. In case of the tasks for which the
Ad Hoc
Work Group did not have a scope of work, the Board will rely on PIPE’s proposal. As noted
earlier, PIPE’s proposal updates the
Ad Hoc
Work group’s scope of work. The professional
consulting services provisions proposed at first notice in Sections 732.845/734.845 specify lump
sum payment amounts for various tasks. These tasks fall under three main stages of remediation:
Early Action, Site Classification/ Investigation and Corrective Action. The following is a list of
tasks which fall into the stages and included is the group which recommended the task:
Early Action and Free Product Removal. (Section 732.845(a)/734.845(a))
1) Preparation for the abandonment or removal. (
Ad Hoc
2) Preparation and submission of 20-day and 45-day reports. (
Work Group)
3) Preparation and submission of free product removal report. (
Work Group)
4) Preparation and submission of reports submitted pursuant to
Section 734.210(h)(3).
Site Evaluation and Classification. (Section 732.307(b))
1) Preparation of site classification plans. (PIPE)
2) Preparation of site classification completion report. (PIPE)
Site Investigation. (Section 734.845 (b))
1) Stage 1 site investigation preparation. (PIPE)
2) Preparation and submission of Stage 2 site investigation plans.
3) Well surveys conducted pursuant to Section 734.445(b).
4) Preparation and submission of site investigation completion
reports. (PIPE)
Low Priority Corrective Action. (Section 732.845(c))
1) Preparation and submission
of low priority groundwater
monitoring plans. (
Ad Hoc
Work Group)
2) Preparation and submission of the groundwater monitoring report
annually over a three year period. (
Ad Hoc
Work Group)
High priority Corrective Action /Corrective Action. (Section 732.845(d)/734.845(c))
1) Conventional technology - Preparation and submission of
corrective action plans. (
Ad Hoc
Work Group)
2) Environmental Land Use Controls and Highway Authority
Agreements used as institutional controls pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 742.
3) Preparation and submission of corrective action completion report.
Ad Hoc
Work Group)
4) Development of Tier 2 or Tier 3 remediation objectives.
5) Amendment of Corrective action plan.
In today’s order, the Board proposes the inclusion of scopes of work for all the tasks for
which the
Ad Hoc
Work Group or PIPE have developed scope of work. In doing so, the Board
notes that the main purpose of the proposed revisions is to seek additional comments and
testimony from all the participants, including the Agency to develop a workable rule. In this
regard, the Board notes that a few issues concerning scope of work still need to be resolved
before the Board the can finalize the revisions. These issues, which are discussed below, include
adequacy of the proposed scope of work and whether scope of work should be part of the Board
rules or the Agency’s implementation rules.
Adequacy of the Proposed Scope of Work
The Board notes that while the participants have proposed scope of work for most of the
major tasks listed above, scope of work has not been developed for a number of tasks such as
preparation and submission of reports pursuant to Section 734.210(h)(3), preparation of ELUCs
and Highway Authority Agreements, Well surveys, and development of Tier 2 or Tier 3. In this
regard, the Board invites the participants to comment on whether scope of work needs to be
defined for these tasks.
Regarding the tasks for which the participants have developed scopes of work, the
Board’s review indicates that a number of work items listed under each task were derived from
the Agency’s Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program Forms. In this regard, the Board
notes that the scope of work proposed for site classification and low priority groundwater
monitoring is essentially the same as items listed in Agency forms (LPC 505, 506, 510 and 512).
In addition, the scope of work for a number of tasks under early action, site investigation and
corrective action are also derived from the Agency’s forms (LPC 503, 504, 513 and 514). The
Board directs the participants to review the proposed scopes of work to see if they adequately
address the specific tasks or if revisions are necessary.
Where Scope of Work Should be Set Forth
The Board notes that CW
M and CSD raised this issue of whether the task list and scope
of work should be developed outside the confines of the Board rulemaking. In this regard,
M states that ideally the final task lists and scope of work should be developed by the
Agency and the LUST Advisory Committee and published periodically outside the confines of
the Board rules. PC 63. 8. By doing so, CW
M asserts that the task list or scope of work may be
revised without going through a costly and time-consuming rulemaking.
. CSD also asks that
the Board direct the LUST Advisory Committee to develop the scope of work and make it
available on the Agency’s website. PC 64 at 3.
At hearing, CSD noted that the Board’s rules at Section 732.110(a)/734.135(a) require
that “All plans, budgets, and reports must be submitted to the Agency on forms prescribed and
provided by the Agency.” CSD suggests that the Board require the Agency to revise the forms to
provide a comprehensive list on each form of the tasks to be completed, including the expected
minimum number of maps, cross sections, etc. to be included in each report. Exh. 99 at 3. CSD
also requests that at anytime the Agency modifies the form, Subpart H maximum payments be
adjusted accordingly.
The Board notes that the Agency routinely adopts its own implementation rules and
policy papers to administer Board regulations. Regarding the UST regulations, the Agency has
developed extensive implementation guidance such as fact sheets, forms and model documents,
answers to FAQs, and other guidance documents. In light of this, the Board believes that the
Agency could develop scopes of work for the various professional consulting services tasks set
forth in the Board regulations. As noted above, some of the Agency’s UST forms already
include extensive information contained in the participants’ proposals. However, the Board
believes that it is important to address the issue of scope of work in this rulemaking to ensure
that the maximum lump sum payment for each task reflect the scope of work for that task and the
time required to perform the work. Upon the resolution of issues concerning the maximum lump
sum payments, the Board will decide the appropriate vehicle for specifying the scope of work.
In this regard, the Board welcomes additional comments and testimony from the participants and
the Agency.
The participants raised significant issues concerning the maximum lump sum payment
amounts proposed at first notice. Based on the evidence provided by USI’s review of 69
randomly selected sites and comments from other participants, the Board found that the proposed
lump sum payment amounts need to be adjusted to reflect the actual scope of work, personnel
time required to complete the work, and current market rates for professional services. While the
Board appreciates the significant efforts of the regulated community in preparing alternate
proposals and recommendations, the Board believes that additional substantive input from the
Agency would be helpful in building a complete record upon which the Board can craft a
proposal that addresses the regulated community’s concerns and meets the Agency’s objectives.
In light of this and given that certain issues associated with the scope of work is yet to be
resolved, the Board will not propose any revisions to the Agency’s lump sum payment rates at
this time. Instead, the Board will identify issues associated with the proposed lump sum
payment amounts for further discussion in this proceeding.
Should Professional Consulting Services be Reimbursed on a Time and Material Basis
The Board is asking this question mainly because of the significant concerns raised by the
participants regarding the Agency’s proposal and supporting information. While the Board
recognizes that proposed lump sum payments are intended to result in a more efficient utilization
of Agency’s resources and streamline the reimbursement process, the Board would like to hear
from the participants and the Agency as to whether adequate information is available in the
Agency’s database to determine lump sum payments for the various professional consulting tasks
that reflect reasonable cost incurred in performing the necessary work. Additionally, if
reimbursement data is not available in the form necessary to determine lump sum payment
amounts, the Board would like the Agency to comment on whether such information could be
collected over a period of time as suggested by USI and CW
Personnel Time Required to Complete Lump Sum Payment Tasks
Ad Hoc
Work Group estimated the personnel time required to complete the work
under each task. Exh. 74. The Agency used the
Ad Hoc
Work Group’s personnel time estimate
to calculate the lump sum payment amounts for a number of professional consulting tasks. PIPE
also submitted personnel hours associated with its scope of work proposal that are higher than
those estimated by the
Ad Hoc
Work Group. PC6, Attach D. In addition, USI proposed
reasonable quantity guidance for personnel hours based on each phase of remediation. Exh 109.
The personnel time estimates proposed by the participants for various tasks are summarized in
the table below.
Proposed Personnel Time Requirements
Personnel Time Requirement (hours)
Professional Consulting Services - Remediation
Tasks under Sections 732.845/734.845
Ad Hoc
Early Action and Free Product Removal
1) Preparation for the
abandonment or removal
2) Preparation and submission of 20-day and
45-day reports
3) Preparation and submission of free product
removal report.
4) Preparation and submission of reports
submitted pursuant to Section 734.210(h)(3).
Site Evaluation and Classification under Section
1) Preparation site classification plans.
2) Preparation of site classification completion
Site Investigation.
1) Stage 1 site investigation preparation.
2) Preparation and submission of Stage 2 site
investigation plans.
3) Well surveys conducted pursuant to Section
4) Preparation and submission of site
investigation completion reports.
Low Priority Corrective Action.
1) Preparation and submission of low priority
groundwater monitoring plans.
2) Preparation and submission of the
groundwater monitoring report annually over
a three year period.
High priority Corrective Action /Corrective Action.
1) Preparation and submission of corrective
action plans
2) ELUCs and Highway Authority Agreements
3) Preparation and submission of corrective
action completion report.
4) Tier 2 or Tier 3 remediation objectives.
5) Amendment of Corrective action plan.
Reimbursement Request Preparation
The Board notes that while the participants have estimated the personnel time required to
complete a number of major professional consulting tasks, there are quite a few tasks without a
time estimate. In addition, the Board notes that the participants’ personnel time estimates differ
significantly for some of the same tasks. While the Board recognizes that USI’s reasonable
guidance estimate includes personnel time for field oversight and is based on an evaluation of 69
remediation sites, according to the Agency, the average cost of professional consulting services
based on USI’s estimate would be significantly higher than the average total amount paid for
sites closed during 1997 through 2001. In light of this, the Board believes that additional
information and clarification is necessary to establish personnel time requirement to determine
lump sum payments for professional consulting services. In this regard, the Board directs the
participants and the Agency to address this issue further. Specifically, the Board would like the
participants to provide reasonable personnel time estimates for all the tasks for which scope of
work has been proposed in today’s order. Additionally, the Board invites the Agency and
participants to comment on the implications of “one size fits all” maximum lump sum payments
for all UST sites.
Average Hourly Rates for Professional Consulting Services
As noted previously in the first notice opinion, the Agency developed an average hourly
rate of $80 per hour for professional consulting services by averaging the maximum hourly rate
for each title listed in Appendix E of the first notice regulations. The regulated community has
expressed serious concern regarding the proposed average hourly rate. PIPE contends that the
average rate is heavily weighted towards clerical staff rather than professional staff. PIPE
suggests that the hourly rate be broken down into 5 groups instead of a single average hourly
rate. USI has proposed a different approach where professional services are billed on a time and
material basis.
The Board believes that in order to consider any revisions of the proposed average hourly
rate in terms of administrative and professional staff, the scope of work for each task must be
categorized in terms of professional or clerical staff along with the appropriate time estimate. In
this regard, the Board invites comments from the participants as to whether it is feasible to take
the multiple rate approach. If so, the Board would like the participants provide additional
information concerning the scope of work to break down the time estimates in terms of
professional and clerical staff. The Board also invites comments to move forward on revising
the Agency’s single average hourly rate to appropriately reflect the staff
The Board today proposes for public comment language establishing a scope of work for
activities associated with professional consulting services in the remediation of UST sites in
Illinois. The Board emphasizes that the language proposed is for the purpose of discussion and
does not in any way signal the Board’s unerring support for the proposed language. The Board is
attempting to clarify the positions of the parties and narrow the issues for further hearings in this
proceeding. The Board invites comments on all portions of the proposal for public comments.
In addition the Board directs the hearing officer to expeditiously schedule a least one additional
hearing in this proceeding.
The Board proposes the following language for purposes of public comment:
Part 732.Subpart H
Section 732.845 Professional Consulting Services
Payment for costs associated with professional consulting services must not exceed the amounts
set forth in this Section. Such costs shall include, but not be limited to, those associated with
project planning and oversight; field work; field oversight; travel; per diem; mileage;
transportation; vehicle charges; lodging; meals; and the preparation, review, certification, and
submission of all plans, budget plans, reports, applications for payment, and other
documentation. The maximum payment amounts set forth in this section are not subject to the
provisions of Section 732.855.
a) Early Action and Free Product Removal. Payment of costs for professional
consulting services associated with early action and free product removal
activities conducted pursuant to Subpart B of this Part shall not exceed the
following amounts:
1) Payment for costs associated with preparation for the abandonment or
removal of USTs including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part shall
not exceed a total of $960.00.
2) Payment for costs associated with early action field work and field
oversight shall not exceed a total of $390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs
in accordance with subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-
days shall not exceed the following:
A) If one or more USTs are removed, one half-day for each leaking
UST that is removed, not to exceed a total of ten half-days, plus
one half-day for each 225 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of
visibly contaminated fill material removed and disposed of in
accordance with Section 732.202(f) of this Part;
B) If one or more USTs remain in place, one half-day for every four
soil borings, or fraction thereof, drilled pursuant to Section
732.202(h)(2) of this Part; and
C) One half-day if a UST line release is repaired.
3) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of 20-
day and 45-day reports, including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this
Part and, but not limited to, field work not covered by subsection (a)(2) of
this Section, shall not exceed a total of $4,800.00.
4) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of free
product removal plans and the installation of free product removal systems
shall be determined on a time and materials basis and shall not exceed the
amounts set forth in Section 732.850 of this Part.
5) Payment for costs associated with the field work and field oversight for
free product removal shall not exceed a total of $390.00 per half-day, plus
travel costs in accordance with subsection (e) of this Section. The Agency
shall determine the reasonable number of half-days on a site-specific
6) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of free
product removal reports including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this
Part shall not exceed a total of $1,600.00 per report.
7) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of
reports submitted pursuant to Section 732.202(h)(3) including the tasks
listed in Appendix F of this Part of this Part shall not exceed a total of
b) Site Evaluation and Classification. Payment of costs for professional consulting
services associated with site evaluation and classification activities conducted
pursuant to Subpart C of this Part shall not exceed the following amounts:
1) For site evaluation and classifications conducted pursuant to Section
732.307 of this Part, payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission of site classification plans, site classification preparation, field
work, field oversight, and the preparation and submission of the site
classification completion report including the tasks listed in Appendix F of
this Part shall not exceed a total of $9,870.00.
2) For site evaluation and classifications conducted pursuant to Section
732.312 of this Part, payment for costs shall be determined on a time and
materials basis and shall not exceed the amounts set forth in Section
732.850 of this Part. For owners and operators that elect to proceed in
accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 734, costs incurred after the
notification of election shall be payable from the Fund in accordance with
that Part.
c) Low Priority Corrective Action. Payment of costs for professional consulting
services associated with low priority corrective action activities conducted
pursuant to Subpart D of this Part shall not exceed the following amounts:
1) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of low
priority groundwater monitoring plans including the tasks listed in
Appendix F of this Part shall not exceed a total of $3,200.00.
2) Payment for costs associated with low priority groundwater monitoring
field work and field oversight shall not exceed a total of $390.00 per half-
day, up to a maximum of seven half-days, plus travel costs in accordance
with subsection (e) of this Section.
3) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of the
first year groundwater monitoring report including the tasks listed in
Appendix F of this Part shall not exceed a total of $2,560.00.
4) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of the
second year groundwater monitoring report including the tasks listed in
Appendix F of this Part shall not exceed a total of $2,560.00.
5) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of low
priority groundwater monitoring completion report including the tasks
listed in Appendix F of this Part shall not exceed a total of $2,560.00.
d) High Priority Corrective Action. Payment of costs for professional consulting
services associated with high priority corrective action activities conducted
pursuant to Subpart D of this Part shall not exceed the following amounts:
1) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of
investigation plans for sites classified pursuant to Section 732.307 of this
Part shall not exceed the following:
A) A total of $3,200.00 for plans to investigate on-site contamination
including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part.
B) A total of $3,200.00 for plans to investigate off-site contamination
including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part.
2) Payment for costs associated with field work and field oversight to define
the extent of contamination resulting from the release shall not exceed a
total of $390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs in accordance with
subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-days shall not exceed
the following:
A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or fraction thereof, drilled
as part of the investigation but not used for the installation of
monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring wells are installed
shall be included in subsection (d)(2)(B) of this Section instead of
this subsection (d)(2)(A); and
B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed as part of the
3) Payment for costs associated with well surveys conducted pursuant to
Section 732.404(e)(1) of this Part including the tasks listed in Appendix F
of this Part shall not exceed a total of $160.00. Payment for costs
associated with well surveys conducted pursuant to Section 732.404(e)(2)
of this Part shall be determined on a time and materials basis and shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in Section 732.850 of this Part.
4) For conventional technology, payment for costs associated with the
preparation and submission of corrective action plans including the tasks
listed in Appendix F of this Part shall not exceed a total of $5,120.00. For
alternative technologies, payment for costs shall be determined on a time
and materials basis and shall not exceed the amounts set forth in Section
732.850 of this Part.
5) Payment for costs associated with high priority corrective action fieldwork
and field oversight shall not exceed the following amounts:
A) For conventional technology, a total of $390.00 per half-day, not to
exceed one half-day for each 225 cubic yards, or fraction thereof,
of soil removed and disposed, plus travel costs in accordance with
subsection (e) of this Section.
B) For alternative technologies, payment for costs shall be determined
on a time and materials basis and shall not exceed the amounts set
forth in Section 732.850 of this Part.
6) Development of Tier 2 and Tier 3 Remediation Objectives. Payment of
costs for professional consulting services associated with the development
of Tier 2 and Tier 3 remediation objectives in accordance with 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 742 shall not exceed the following amounts:
A) Payment for costs associated with field work and field oversight
for the development of remediation objectives shall not exceed a
total of $390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs in accordance with
subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-days shall not
exceed the following:
i) One half-day for every four soil borings, or fraction
thereof, drilled solely for the purpose of developing
remediation objectives. Borings in which monitoring wells
are installed shall be included in subsection (d)(6)(A)(ii) of
this Section instead of this subsection (d)(6)(A)(i); and
ii) One half-day for each monitoring well installed solely for
the purpose of developing remediation objectives.
B) Excluding costs set forth in subsection (d)(6)(A) of this Section,
payment for costs associated with the development of Tier 2 or
Tier 3 remediation objectives including the tasks listed in
Appendix F of this Part shall not exceed a total of $800.00.
7) Payment for costs associated with Environmental Land Use Controls and
Highway Authority Agreements used as institutional controls pursuant to
35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part
shall not exceed a total of $800.00 per Environmental Land Use Control or
Highway Authority Agreement.
8) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of high
priority corrective action completion reports including the tasks listed in
Appendix F of this Part shall not exceed a total of $5,120.00.
e) Payment for costs associated with travel, including, but not limited to, travel time,
per diem, mileage, transportation, vehicle charges, lodging, and meals, shall not
exceed the following amounts. Costs for travel shall be allowed only when
specified elsewhere in this Part.
Distance to site Maximum total amount
(land miles) per calendar day
0 to 29 $140.00
30 to 59 $220.00
60 or more $300.00
Distances shall be measured in ground miles and rounded to the nearest mile. If a
consultant maintains more than one office, distance to the site shall be measured
from the consultant’s office that is closest to the site.
f) If a plan must be amended due to unforeseen circumstances, costs associated with
the amendment of the plan including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part
and its associated budget plan shall not exceed a total of $640.00.
Section 732.APPENDIX F Scope of Work For Professional Consulting Services
Section 732.845(a)(1) Preparation for the abandonment or removal of USTs
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM)
1. Prepare and submit initial Notification Form for Underground Storage
2. Prepare Application for Permit for Removal/Abandonment of
Underground Storage Tanks and submit to owner/operator for signature.
3. Submit Application for Permit
for Removal/Abandonment to OSFM.
4. Prepare and submit LUST Fund Eligibility and Deductibility Application.
5. Prepare and submit amended Notification Form.
b. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
1. Prepare and submit early action extension.
2. Follow up.
c. Correspond with and update client.
3. Waste Disposal
a. Determine early action excavation limits.
b. Prepare waste profile and arrange for landfill approval.
c. Prepare waste manifests or tracking forms.
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare site health and safety plan.
5. Resource Coordination
a. Arrange for subcontractors (e.g., excavator, tank removal contractor, backfill,
b. Schedule project.
c. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
Section 732.845(a)(3) Preparation and submission of 20-day and 45-day reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Records Gathering
a. Obtain and review IEPA and/or OSFM records.
b. Obtain and review well records from ISGS and ISWS.
c. Obtain and review local information (e.g. Sanborn maps, aerial overlays).
4. Waste Disposal
a. Review disposal documentation.
5. Technical Evaluation
a. Prepare well location map (<25 records within 2500 feet).
b. Determine expected local site geology (subsurface soil conditions).
6. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare 20-Day Certification
b. Prepare or revise site health and safety plan
c. Prepare 45-Day Report
1. Provide information pertaining to:
A. Site Identification
B. Release Information
C. Early Action
D. Site Information
1. Nature and estimated quantity of release
2. Data concerning:
a. Surrounding populations
b. Water quality
c. Use and approximate locations of wells potentially
affected by the release
d. Subsurface soil conditions
e. Location of subsurface sewers
f. Climatological conditions
g. Land use
3. A discussion of what was done to measure for the presence
of a release
4. Action taken to prevent further release of the regulated
substance into the environment
5. A discussion of the action taken to monitor and mitigate
fire and safety hazards posed by vapors or free product that
has migrated from the UST excavation zone and entered
subsurface structures
E. Supporting Documentation
1. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST systems(s) and excavation limits;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.)
f. Soil borings(s) (if present);
g. Monitoring well(s) and/or sumps (if present);
h. Property boundaries;
i. Sample location points.
2. Area map showing the site in relation to surrounding
properties. This map should identify the facilities on the
surrounding properties;
3. Cross-section, to scale, showing the UST(s) and the
4. Analytical / screening results in tabular format, including
the results of soil samples required pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 732.202(h) or 45 ILCS 5/57-57.17;
5. UST information in a tabular format, including:
a. Total number of UST(s) on site;
b. Volume of the UST(s) (in gallons);
c. The material stored in the UST(s);
d. Identification of UST systems(s) that had a release;
e. Identification of UST system(s) that were repaired,
removed, or abandoned-in-place;
6. Copy of OSFM Permits or notifications;
7. Narrative of tank removal and cleaning operations; describe
how wastes generated during the tank removal were
managed, treated, and disposed of;
8. Photographs of UST removal activities and the excavation;
9. Copies of waste manifests for soil and groundwater
transported off-site.
d. Review 20-Day Certification and 45-Day report by project manager or other
senior staff.
7. Resource Coordination
a. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
8. Distribution
a. Deliver draft 20-Day Certification and 45-Day Report to owner/operator for
review and signature.
b. Make copies of final 20-Day Certification and 45-Day Report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed 20-Day Certification and 45-Day Report to IEPA and
732.845(a)(6) Preparation and submission of free product removal reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with and update Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
b. Correspond with and update Client.
3. Waste Disposal
a. Review disposal documentation.
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Free Product Removal Report
1. Provide information pertaining to:
A. Site Identification
B. Free Product Information
1. Name(s) of person(s) responsible for implementing the free
product removal measures;
2. Estimated quantity, type, and thickness of free product
observed or measured in boreholes, wells, excavation, etc.;
3. The type of free product recovery system used and
technical justification for the method of recovery chosen;
4. Whether any discharge will take place on- or off-site during
the recovery operation and where this discharge (point) will
be located;
5. Type of treatment applied to (the free product), and the
effluent quality expected from any discharge;
6. Steps that have been taken or that are being taken to obtain
necessary permits for any discharge; and
7. The disposition of the recovered free product.
C. Supporting Documentation
1. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST systems(s) and excavation limits;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
f. Soil boring(s) (if present);
g. Monitoring well(s) and/or sumps (if present);
h. Locations where free product was encountered
including its estimated thickness;
i. Location of recovery points;
j. Location of the treatment unit;
k. Location of discharge points;
l. Property boundaries.
2. Table showing the dates that free product recovery was
conducted and the amount of free product recovered on
each date; and
3. Copies of waste manifests.
5. Distribution
a. Deliver draft free product removal report to owner/operator for review and
b. Make copies of final free product removal report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed report to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 732.845(a)(7) Preparation and submission of reports submitted pursuant to Section
Section 732.845(b)(1) Preparation and submission of site classification plans, site classification
preparation, fieldwork, field oversight, and the preparation and submission of the site
classification completion report
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Technical Evaluation
a. Conduct fieldwork.
b. Provide field oversight.
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Site Classification Work Plan
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Site Classification
1. Method of Physical Soil Classification
2. Number of soil borings to be advanced on-site
3. Whether soil borings are proposed to be advanced for
reasons other than Physical Soil Classification or
investigation of migration pathways
4. Whether monitoring wells are proposed on-site
5. Physical Soil Classification
a. Scientific publications/geologic maps that will be
reviewed to determine consistency with Plate 1 of
the Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 532;
b. Drilling methods, auger types, sampling procedures
and sampling devices that will be used;
c. Basis for determining the location (include number
and spacing) of soil borings;
d. How the proposed final soil boring configuration
and boring depths will provide the greatest
likelihood of determining the geologic
characteristics of the site;
e. What will be done if auger refusal occurs or
bedrock is encountered during drilling;
f. What will be done if anomalies are encountered
during drilling;
g. What will be done to prevent cross-contamination
between water-bearing units that may be
encountered during drilling;
6. Groundwater Investigation
a. Drilling methods that will be used;
b. Basis for determining the location and number of
monitoring wells placed at the site;
c. Monitoring well installation procedures;
d. Activities that will be taken to prevent cross-
contamination during well installation;
e. Basis for determining well construction materials;
f. Basis for determining the monitoring well-screen
depth and screened interval;
g. Monitoring well development procedures;
h. Monitoring well sampling procedures;
i. Activities that will be taken to prevent cross-
contamination between groundwater samples;
j. How the proposed final monitoring well
configuration will provide the greatest likelihood of
detecting the migrations of groundwater
contamination; and
k. Steps that will be taken to determine groundwater
elevation and flow direction.
7. How the Licensed Professional Engineer will verify
whether Class III Special Resource Groundwater exists
within 200 feet of the UST system.
8. How the Licensed Professional Engineer will identify and
locate all community water supply wells within 2,500 feet
of the UST system and all potable water supply wells
within 200 feet of the UST system, and determine if the
UST system is within the regulated recharge area of any
community water supply well or potable water supply well.
9. Classification by Exposure Pathway Exclusion
a. Discussion of the activities to determine the full
extent and concentrations of contaminants in soil
and/or groundwater exceeding the Tier 1
remediation objectives;
b. Discussion of the tests to be performed to determine
whether or not the following requirements will be
1. Attenuation capacity of the soil will not be
exceeded for any of the organic
2. Soil saturation limit will not be exceeded for
any of the organic contaminants;
3. Contaminated soils do not exhibit any of the
reactivity characteristics of hazardous waste
per 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123;
4. Contaminated soils do no exhibit a pH 2.0
12.5; and
5. Contaminated soils which contain arsenic,
barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury,
selenium or silver (or their associated salts)
do not exhibit any of the toxicity
characteristics of hazardous waste per 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 721.124.
c. Discussion of how the inhalation exposure route
will be evaluated to determine that:
1. An institutional control is in place that
requires safety precautions for construction
worker populations and compliance with #2
2. Any contaminant of concern within ten (10)
feet of land surface or within ten (10) feet of
any man-made pathway does not exceed
Tier 1 remediation objectives; OR and
Agency approved engineered barrier is in
d. Discussion of how the soil ingestion exposure route
will be evaluated to determine that:
1. An institutional control is in place that
requires safety precautions for construction
worker populations and compliance with #2
2. Any contaminant of concern within three (3)
feet of land surface does not exceed Tier 1
remediation objectives; OR and Agency-
approved engineered barrier is in place.
e. Discussion of how the groundwater ingestion
exposure route will be evaluated to determine the
1. The source of the release is no located
within the minimum/maximum setback zone
or regulated recharge area of a potable water
supply well;
2. Any area within 2500 feet from the source
of the release is restricted under a local
ordinance which prohibits the use of
groundwater as a potable supply;
3. The concentration of any contaminant of
concern in groundwater within the
minimum/maximum setback zone of a
potable water supply well meets the
applicable Tier 1 remediation objective; and
4. The concentration of any contaminant of
concern in groundwater discharging into a
surface water will meet the applicable
surface water quality standard per 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 302.
10. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST system(s) and excavation limits;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
f. Location of the proposed soil borings(s);
g. Location of the proposed monitoring wells (if
h. Property boundaries; and
i. 200-foot radius from the UST system.
11. Chart indicating the following:
a. Boring identification;
b. Depth of boring (in feet);
c. Number of samples from each boring that will be
submitted for geotechnical analysis; and
d. Identification of geotechnical tests that will be
performed on samples.
b. Prepare budget for site classification work plan.
c. Review site classification work plan and budget by project manager or other
senior staff.
d. Prepare LPE/LPG certification.
5. Distribution
a. Deliver draft site classification work plan and budget to owner/operator for
review and signature.
b. Make copies of final site classification work plan and budget for distribution.
c. Deliver completed report to IEPA and owner/operator.
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Technical Evaluation
a. Conduct field work.
b. Provide field oversight.
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Site Classification Completion Report
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Site Classification Summary
D. Site Classification by Methods One or Two
E. Site Evaluation
1. Physical Soil Classification
a. Soil borings
1. A list of publications reviewed and
preliminary conclusions concerning the site
2. Soil boring logs;
3. Site map to scale and oriented north
i. Soil boring locations;
ii. UST system(s);
iii. 200-foot radius from UST system;
iv. Property boundaries.
b. Method One soil properties test results (include
calculations, methodologies, and complete
laboratory reports)
1. Soil particle analysis;
2. Soil moisture content;
3. Soil classification;
4. Unconfined compression test;
5. In-situ hydraulic conductivity; OR
6. Ex-situ hydraulic conductivity.
c. Method Two soil properties test results (include
calculations, methodologies, and complete
laboratory reports)
1. Soil particle analysis;
2. Ex-situ hydraulic conductivity; and
calculated yield of geologic material; OR
3. In-situ hydraulic conductivity and yield of
geologic material.
2. Groundwater Investigation
a. If groundwater investigation was required, provide
the following:
1. Discussion of how the monitoring well
configuration provides the greatest
likelihood of detecting migration of
groundwater contamination;
2. Monitoring well construction diagrams;
3. Table showing static water elevations;
4. Sample collection shipment and preservation
5. Completed chain-of-custody form(s);
6. Copies of laboratory reports (include field
and lab blanks);
7. Analytical results in tabular format; and
8. Site map to scale and oriented north
i. Monitoring well locations;
ii. Potentiometric surface map:
iii. Groundwater flow direction;
iv. 200-foot radius from UST system;
v. Property boundaries;
b. If no groundwater investigation was
performed, provide the following:
1. Demonstrate whether groundwater is
present within the depth of boring
used to perform physical soil
classification under the selected
method (Method One under
subsection (c) or Method Tow under
subsection (d));
2. Demonstrate whether groundwater is
withdrawn for potable use within
1000 feet of the UST system and at
what depths; and
3. Demonstrate whether seasonal
fluctuation in groundwater could
results in groundwater contacting
contaminated soil (e.g., historical
F. Water Well Survey
1. Results of the survey conducted to identify all community
water supply wells within 2,500 feet of the UST system and
all potable water supply wells within 200 feet of the UST
system (include copies of well logs and all correspondence
to and from the Illinois State Water Survey and the Illinois
State Geological Survey).
2. Local units of government contacted to determine if there is
a local ordinance or policy regulating the usage of potable
water supply wells.
3. Site map to scale showing all of the community water
supply wells within 2,500 feet of the UST system and all
potable water supply wells within 200 feet of the UST
system (radii of 200, 400, 1,000 and 2,500 feet from the
UST system should be marked on the map).
4. Table indicating the setback zone for each community or
potable water supply well and the distance from the UST
system to the well (the location of each well must be
identified on the map by numbers corresponding to
information provided in the table).
5. The sources consulted in determining whether the UST
system is within the regulated recharge area of any
community or potable water supply well.
G. Migration Pathways
1. Discussion of the investigation conducted to identify all
potential natural and man-made migrations pathways that
are on the site, rights-of-way attached to the site, or in any
area surrounding the site that may be adversely affected as
a result of a release of petroleum form the UST system.
2. Discussion of further investigations conducted to determine
if there is evidence that migration of petroleum or vapors
along such pathways threatens human health or the
environment or may cause explosions in basements, crawl
spaces, utility conduits, storm or sanitary sewers, vaults or
other confined spaces.
3. Discussion of the findings based on the investigations
4. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. The UST system(s) and excavation;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Potential natural and man-made pathways on-site,
in rights-of-way attached to the site or in areas that
may be adversely affected by the release;
d. Soil boring locations; and
e. Property boundaries.
H. Class III Special Resource Groundwater
1. Discussion of the steps taken to determine if Class III
groundwater exists within 200 feet of the site.
2. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. Location of Class III groundwater; and
b. Radius of 200 feet from the UST system(s).
I. Surface Bodies of Water
1. Discussion of the steps taken to locate all surface bodies of
water on site and within 100 feet of the site, and one
located, the steps taken to determine if they have been
adversely affected by the presence of a sheen or free
product layer resulting form a release of petroleum from
the UST system.
2. Site map to sale and oriented north showing the locations of
the surface bodies of water on site and within 100 feet of
the site.
J. Classification by Exposure Pathway Exclusion
1. Extent of contamination exceeding Tier 1 remediation
a. Table showing the analytical results and depth of
b. Site map showing the soil sample location points
and groundwater monitoring well locations;
c. Site map showing the extent of soil and/or
groundwater contamination exceeding Tier 1
remediation objectives; and
d. Cross-section of the site showing the areas of soil
contamination exceeding Tier 1 remediation
2. Physical soil characteristics
a. Whether or not the concentration of any organic
contaminants exceeded the attenuation capacity of
the soil.
b. Whether or not the organic contaminants exceeded
the soil saturation limit.
c. Whether or not the soils exhibited any
characteristics of reactivity for hazardous waste.
d. pH of the soils
e. Whether or not contaminated soils exhibited any
characteristics of toxicity for hazardous waste.
3. Inhalation exposure route
Demonstrate the following:
a. An Agency-approved engineered barrier is in place.
b. Safety precautions for construction workers will be
taken if Tier 1 remediation objectives for
construction workers are exceeded.
4. Ingestion exposure route
Demonstrate the following:
a. An Agency-approved engineered barrier is in place.
b. Safety precautions for construction workers will be
take in Tier 1 remediation objectives for
construction workers are exceeded.
5. Groundwater ingestion exposure route
Demonstrate the following:
a. Source of the release is not located within the
minimum or maximum setback zone or regulated
recharge area of a potable water supply well.
b. Any area within 2,500 feet from the source of the
release is restricted under a local ordinance which
prohibits the use of groundwater as a potable
c. The concentration of any contaminant of concern in
groundwater within the minimum or maximum
setback zone of a potable water supply well will
meet the applicable Tier 1 remediation objective.
d. Concentration of any contaminant of concern in
groundwater discharging into a surface water will
meet the applicable surface water quality standard
per 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.
K. Supporting Documentation
1. Site map to scale oriented north showing:
a. UST system(s) (former and existing);
b. Excavation limits (former and existing):
c. Product and dispenser lines;
d. Pumps and islands;
e. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
f. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
g. Location of the soil boring(s);
h. Location of the monitoring wells;
i. Property boundaries; and
j. 200-foot radius from the UST system(s).
2. Horizontal cross section showing the various geologic units
and the depth to groundwater.
3. Laboratory certification(s).
b. Review site classification completion report by project manager or other senior
5. Distribution
a. Deliver draft site classification completion report to owner/operator for review
and signature.
b. Make copies of final site classification completion report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed report to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 732.845(c)(1) Preparation and submission of low priority groundwater monitoring plans
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Waste Disposal
a. Determine treatment type to be applied to any discharge and effluent quality
b. Obtain necessary permits for discharge.
c. Determine final disposition of recovered free product.
4. Technical Evaluation
5. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare groundwater monitoring plan
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Supporting Documentation
1. Proposed time table for well installation, all sampling
events and report submittal;
2. Discussion of:
a. Monitoring well development procedures;
b. Monitoring well sampling procedures; and
c. Activities that will be taken to prevent cross-
contamination between groundwater samples.
3. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST system(s) and excavation;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
f. Location of the soil borings;
g. Location of the existing monitoring wells;
h. Property boundaries; and
i. Radius of 200 feet from the excavation.
4. Discussion of the adequacy of the final monitoring well
configuration to detect the migration of groundwater
b. Prepare budget for groundwater monitoring plan.
c. Review groundwater monitoring plan and budget by project manager or other
senior staff.
6. Distribution
a. Deliver draft groundwater monitoring plan and budget to owner/operator for
review and signature.
b. Make copies of groundwater monitoring plan and budget for distribution.
c. Deliver completed plan and budget to IEPA and owner/operator.
Sections 732.845(c)(3) and (c)(4) Preparation and submission of first and second year
groundwater monitoring reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Technical Evaluation
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare groundwater monitoring report
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Supporting Documentation
1. Description of the implementation and completion of all
elements of the groundwater monitoring plan;
2. Description of well development procedures, sample
collection, preservation, and analysis;
3. Analytical results in tabular format;
4. Copies of laboratory reports;
5. Laboratory Certification
6. Groundwater elevations in a tabular format;
7. Monitoring well logs;
8. Completed chain-of-custody form(s);
9. Owner/Operator Summary form; and
10. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST system(s) and excavation;
b. Underground utility lines (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
c. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
d. Location of groundwater monitoring wells;
e. Direction of groundwater flow;
f. Property boundaries; and
g. 200-foot radius from the UST system.
b. Review groundwater monitoring report by project manager or other senior staff.
5. Distribution
a. Deliver draft groundwater monitoring report to owner/operator for review and
b. Make copies of groundwater monitoring report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed report to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 732.845(c)(5) Preparation and submission of low priority groundwater monitoring
completion report
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Technical Evaluation
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare groundwater monitoring completion report
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Supporting Documentation
1. Description of the implementation and completion of all
elements of the groundwater monitoring plan;
2. Description of well development procedures, sample
collection, preservation, and analysis;
3. Analytical results in tabular format;
4. Copies of laboratory reports;
5. Laboratory Certification
6. Groundwater elevations in a tabular format;
7. Monitoring well logs;
8. Completed chain-of-custody form(s);
9. Owner/Operator Summary form; and
10. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST system(s) and excavation;
b. Underground utility lines (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
c. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
d. Location of groundwater monitoring wells;
e. Direction of groundwater flow;
f. Property boundaries; and
g. 200-foot radius from the UST system.
b. Review groundwater monitoring completion report by project manager or other
senior staff.
5. Distribution
a. Deliver draft groundwater monitoring completion report to owner/operator for
review and signature.
b. Make copies of groundwater monitoring completion report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed report to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 732.845(d)(1)(A) Preparation and submission of investigation plans for on-site
contamination for sites classified pursuant to Section 732.307
Section 732.845(d)(1)(B) Preparation and submission of investigation plans for off-site
contamination for sites classified pursuant to Section 732.307
Section 732.845(d)(3) Well surveys conducted pursuant to Sections 732.404(e)(1) and
Section 732.845(d)(4) Preparation and submission of corrective actions plans (Conventional)
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Waste Disposal
a. Prepare waste profile (arrange for landfill approval).
b. Determine limits of excavation.
c. Estimate quantity of contaminated soil to be disposed of.
d. Mail waste profile to owner/operator for review and signature.
e. Prepare waste manifests or tracking forms.
4. Technical Evaluation
a. Estimate quantity of “clean” overburden to be stockpiled (if any).
b. Prepare or finalize field notes.
c. Prepare and describe remediation photos.
5. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare or revise site health and safety plan.
b. Prepare Corrective Action Plan
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Proposed Methods of Remediation
D. Soil and Groundwater Investigation Results
1. Description of investigation
activities performed to define
the extent of soil and/or groundwater contamination;
2. Analytical results and cleanup objectives in tabular format;
3. Laboratory reports;
4. Boring logs;
5. Monitoring well logs; and
6. Site maps to scale
and oriented north showing:
a. Soil sample locations;
b. Monitoring well locations; and
c. Plumes of soil and groundwater contamination.
E. Technical Information – Corrective Action Plan
1. Discussion of how the corrective action plan shall
remediate the release;
2. List of sampling parameters and corresponding remediation
3. Basis for determining sampling parameters and remediation
4. Media sampling plan to verify completion of remediation;
5. Current and future use of the property;
6. Proposed preventive, engineering and institutional controls;
7. Schedule for implementation and projected completion of
the plan;
8. Engineering design specifications, diagrams, calculations,
manufacturers’ specifications, systems analyses, site maps,
c. Prepare budget for corrective action plan.
d. Review corrective action plan and budget by project manager or other senior staff.
e. Prepare LPE/LPG certification.
6. Resource Coordination
a. Schedule project.
b. Arrange for excavator.
c. Arrange for hauling.
d. Arrange for backfill.
e. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
7. Distribution
a. Deliver draft corrective action plan and budget to owner/operator for review and
b. Make copies of final corrective action plan and budget for distribution.
c. Deliver completed corrective action plan and budget to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 732.845(d)(6)(B) Development of Tier 2 or Tier 3 remediation objectives
Section 732.845(d)(7) Environmental Land Use Controls and Highway Authority Agreements
Section 732.845(d)(8) Preparation and submission of corrective action completion reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Records Gathering
a. Obtain legal description of property.
b. Obtain property tax identification number.
4. Technical Evaluation
a. Address items in 35 IAC 734.345(a).
b. Prepare and describe photos.
c. Prepare or finalize field notes.
5. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Corrective Action Completion Report following items in 35 IAC
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Completion Information
1. Chronological narrative of
corrective action activities;
2. Explanation of how the corrective action activities
remediated the release;
3. Discussion of how the remediation objectives were
4. Media sampling and analytical procedures to verify
completion of remediation;
5. Analytical results and remediation objectives in tabular
6. Laboratory reports;
7. Soil boring logs;
8. Monitoring well logs;
9. Laboratory Certification;
10. Applicable Professional Engineer Certification;
11. Site maps to scale
and oriented north showing:
a. Final soil sample locations demonstrating
completion of remediation;
b. Groundwater monitoring well locations;
c. Groundwater recovery/discharge points;
d. Plume of contamination as defined by laboratory
analyses; and
e. Area remediated.
12. Property Owner Summary; and
13. Photographs documenting corrective action activities.
b. Review corrective action completion report by project manager or other senior
c. Prepare LPE certification
6. Resource Coordination
a. Record NFR letter
7. Distribution
a. Deliver draft corrective action completion report to owner/operator for review and
b. Make copies of final corrective action completion report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed corrective action completion report to IEPA and
d. Make copies of recorded NFR letter for distribution.
e. Deliver recorded NFR letter to IEPA and owner/operator.
732.845(f) and 734.845(f) Amendment of plan and its associated budget
Section 734.845 Professional Consulting Services
Payment for costs associated with professional consulting services must not exceed the amounts
set forth in this Section. Such costs must include, but not be limited to, those associated with
project planning and oversight; field work; field oversight; travel; per diem; mileage;
transportation; vehicle charges; lodging; meals; and the preparation, review, certification, and
submission of all plans, budgets, reports, applications for payment, and other documentation.
The maximum payment amounts set forth in this section are not subject to the provisions of
Section 732.855.
a) Early Action and Free Product Removal. Payment of costs for professional
consulting services associated with early action and free product removal
activities conducted pursuant to Subpart B of this Part must not exceed the
following amounts:
1) Payment for costs associated with preparation for the abandonment or
removal of USTs including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part must
not exceed a total of $960.00.
2) Payment for costs associated with early action field work and field
oversight must not exceed a total of $390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs
in accordance with subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-
days must not exceed the following:
A) If one or more USTs are removed, one half-day for each leaking
UST that is removed, not to exceed a total of ten half-days, plus
one half-day for each 225 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of
visibly contaminated fill material removed and disposed of in
accordance with Section 734.210(f) of this Part;
B) If one or more USTs remain in place, one half-day for every four
soil borings, or fraction thereof, drilled pursuant to Section
734.210(h)(2) of this Part; and
C) One half-day if a UST line release is repaired.
3) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of 20-
day and 45-day reports, including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this
Part and , but not limited to, field work not covered by subsection (a)(2) of
this Section, must not exceed a total of $4,800.00.
4) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of free
product removal plans and the installation of free product removal systems
must be determined on a time and materials basis and must not exceed the
amounts set forth in Section 734.850 of this Part.
5) Payment for costs associated with the fieldwork and field oversight for
free product removal shall not exceed a total of $ 500.00 per half-day.
The Agency shall determine the reasonable number of half-days on a site-
specific basis. Stage 3 site investigations will be reimbursed pursuant to
Section 734.850.
6) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of free
product removal reports including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this
Part shall not exceed a total of $1600.00 per report.
7) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of
reports including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part submitted
pursuant to Section 734.210(h)(3) of this Part must not exceed a total of
$500.00. (Note. Scope of work not developed for this task)
b) Site Investigation. Payment of costs for professional consulting services
associated with site investigation activities conducted pursuant to Subpart C of
this Part must not exceed the following amounts:
1) Payment for costs associated with Stage 1 site investigation preparation
and submission including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part must
not exceed a total of $1,600.00.
2) Payment for costs associated with Stage 1 field work and field oversight
must not exceed a total of $390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs in
accordance with subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-days
must not exceed the following:
A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or fraction thereof, drilled
as part of the Stage 1 site investigation but not used for the
installation of monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed must be included in subsection (b)(2)(B) of this
Section instead of this subsection (b)(2)(A); and
B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed as part of the Stage
1 site investigation.
3) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of Stage
2 site investigation plans including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this
Part must not exceed a total of $3,200.00.
4) Payment for costs associated with Stage 2 field work and field oversight
must not exceed a total of $390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs in
accordance with subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-days
must not exceed the following:
A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or fraction thereof, drilled
as part of the Stage 2 site investigation but not used for the
installation of monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed must be included in subsection (b)(4)(B) of this
Section instead of this subsection (b)(4)(A); and
B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed as part of the Stage
2 site investigation.
5) Payment for costs associated with Stage 3 site investigations will be
reimbursed pursuant to Section 734.850. Payment for costs associated
with the preparation and submission of Stage 3 site investigation plans
must not exceed a total of $3,200.00.
6) Payment for costs associated with Stage 3 field work and field oversight
must not exceed a total of $390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs in
accordance with subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-days
must not exceed the following:
A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or fraction thereof, drilled
as part of the Stage 3 site investigation but not used for the
installation of monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed must be included in subsection (b)(6)(B) of this
Section instead of this subsection (b)(6)(A); and
B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed as part of the Stage
3 site investigation.
7) Payment for costs associated with well surveys conducted pursuant to
Section 734.445(b) of this Part including the tasks listed in Appendix F of
this Part must not exceed a total of $160.00. Payment for costs associated
with well surveys conducted pursuant to Section 734.445(c) of this Part
must be determined on a time and materials basis and must not exceed the
amounts set forth in Section 734.850 of this Part. (Note. Scope of work
not developed for this task)
8) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of site
investigation completion reports including the tasks listed in Appendix F
of this Part must not exceed a total of $1,600.00.
c) Corrective Action. Payment of costs for professional consulting services
associated with corrective action activities conducted pursuant to Subpart C of
this Part must not exceed the following amounts:
1) For conventional technology, payment for costs associated with the
preparation and submission of corrective action plans including the tasks
listed in Appendix F of this Part must not exceed a total of $5,120.00. For
alternative technologies, payment for costs must be determined on a time
and materials basis and must not exceed the amounts set forth in Section
734.850 of this Part.
2) Payment for costs associated with corrective action field work and field
oversight must not exceed the following amounts:
A) For conventional technology, a total of $390.00 per half-day, not to
exceed one half-day for each 225 cubic yards, or fraction thereof,
of soil removed and disposed, plus travel costs in accordance with
subsection (e) of this Section.
B) For alternative technologies, payment for costs must be determined
on a time and materials basis and must not exceed the amounts set
forth in Section 734.850 of this Part.
3) Payment for costs associated with Environmental Land Use Controls and
Highway Authority Agreements used as institutional controls pursuant to
35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part
must not exceed a total of $800.00 per Environmental Land Use Control
or Highway Authority Agreement. (Note. Scope of work not developed for
this task)
4) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and submission of
corrective action completion reports including the tasks listed in Appendix
F of this Part must not exceed a total of $5,120.00.
d) Development of Tier 2 and Tier 3 Remediation Objectives. Payment of costs for
professional consulting services associated with the development of Tier 2 and
Tier 3 remediation objectives in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 must not
exceed the following amounts:
1) Payment for costs associated with fieldwork and field oversight for the
development of remediation objectives must not exceed a total of $390.00
per half-day, plus travel costs in accordance with subsection (e) of this
Section. The number of half-days must not exceed the following:
A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or fraction thereof, drilled
solely for the purpose of developing remediation objectives.
Borings in which monitoring wells are installed must be included
in subsection (d)(1)(B) of this Section instead of this subsection
(d)(1)(A); and
B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed solely for the
purpose of developing remediation objectives.
2) Excluding costs set forth in subsection (d)(1) of this Section, payment for
costs associated with the development of Tier 2 or Tier 3 remediation
objectives including the tasks listed in Appendix F of this Part must not
exceed a total of $800.00. (Note. Scope of work not developed for this
e) Payment for costs associated with travel, including, but not limited to, travel time,
per diem, mileage, transportation, vehicle charges, lodging, and meals, must not
exceed the following amounts. Costs for travel must be allowed only when
specified elsewhere in this Part.
Distance to site Maximum total amount
(land miles) per calendar day
0 to 29 $140.00
30 to 59 $220.00
60 or more $300.00
Distances must be measured in ground miles and rounded to the nearest mile. If a
consultant maintains more than one office, distance to the site must be measured
from the consultant’s office that is closest to the site.
f) If a plan must be amended due to unforeseen circumstances, costs associated with
the amendment of the plan and its associated budget must not exceed a total of
Section 734.APPENDIX F Scope of Work For Professional Consulting Services
Section 734.845(a)(1) Preparation for the abandonment or removal of USTs
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM)
1. Prepare and submit initial Notification Form for Underground Storage
2. Prepare Application for Permit for Removal/Abandonment of
Underground Storage Tanks and submit to owner/operator for signature.
3. Submit Application for Permit
for Removal/Abandonment to OSFM.
4. Prepare and submit LUST Fund Eligibility and Deductibility Application.
5. Prepare and submit amended Notification Form.
b. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
1. Prepare and submit early action extension.
2. Follow up.
c. Correspond with and update client.
3. Waste Disposal
a. Determine early action excavation limits..
b. Prepare waste profile and arrange for landfill approval.
c. Prepare waste manifests or tracking forms.
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare site health and safety plan.
5. Resource Coordination
a. Arrange for subcontractors (e.g., excavator, tank removal contractor, backfill,
b. Schedule project.
c. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
Section 734.845(a)(3) Preparation and submission of 20-day and 45-day reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Records Gathering
a. Obtain and review IEPA and/or OSFM records.
b. Obtain and review well records from ISGS and ISWS.
c. Obtain and review local information (e.g. Sanborn maps, aerial overlays).
4. Waste Disposal
a. Review disposal documentation.
5. Technical Evaluation
a. Prepare well location map (<25 records within 2500 feet).
b. Determine expected local site geology (subsurface soil conditions).
6. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare 20-Day Certification
b. Prepare or revise site health and safety plan
c. Prepare 45-Day Report
1. Provide information pertaining to:
A. Site Identification
B. Release Information
C. Early Action
D. Site Information
1. Nature and estimated quantity of release
2. Data concerning:
a. Surrounding populations
b. Water quality
c. Use and approximate locations of wells potentially
affected by the release
d. Subsurface soil conditions
e. Location of subsurface sewers
f. Climatological conditions
g. Land use
3. A discussion of what was done to measure for the presence
of a release
4. Action taken to prevent further release of the regulated
substance into the environment
5. A discussion of the action taken to monitor and mitigate
fire and safety hazards posed by vapors or free product that
has migrated from the UST excavation zone and entered
subsurface structures
E. Supporting Documentation
1. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST systems(s) and excavation limits;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.)
f. Soil borings(s) (if present);
g. Monitoring well(s) and/or sumps (if present);
h. Property boundaries;
i. Sample location points.
2. Area map showing the site in relation to surrounding
properties. This map should identify the facilities on the
surrounding properties;
3. Cross-section, to scale, showing the UST(s) and the
4. Analytical / screening results in tabular format, including
the results of soil samples required pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 732.202(h) or 45 ILCS 5/57-57.17;
5. UST information in a tabular format, including:
a. Total number of UST(s) on site;
b. Volume of the UST(s) (in gallons);
c. The material stored in the UST(s);
d. Identification of UST systems(s) that had a release;
e. Identification of UST system(s) that were repaired,
removed, or abandoned-in-place;
6. Copy of OSFM Permits or notifications;
7. Narrative of tank removal and cleaning operations; describe
how wastes generated during the tank removal were
managed, treated, and disposed of;
8. Photographs of UST removal activities and the excavation;
9. Copies of waste manifests for soil and groundwater
transported off-site.
d. Review 20-Day Certification and 45-Day report by project manager or other
senior staff.
7. Resource Coordination
a. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
8. Distribution
a. Deliver draft 20-Day Certification and 45-Day Report to owner/operator for
review and signature.
b. Make copies of final 20-Day Certification and 45-Day Report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed 20-Day Certification and 45-Day Report to IEPA and
734.845(a)(6) Preparation and submission of free product removal reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with and update Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
b. Correspond with and update Client.
3. Waste Disposal
a. Review disposal documentation.
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Free Product Removal Report
1. Provide information pertaining to:
A. Site Identification
B. Free Product Information
1. Name(s) of person(s) responsible for implementing the free
product removal measures;
2. Estimated quantity, type, and thickness of free product
observed or measured in boreholes, wells, excavation, etc.;
3. The type of free product recovery system used and
technical justification for the method of recovery chosen;
4. Whether any discharge will take place on- or off-site during
the recovery operation and where this discharge (point) will
be located;
5. Type of treatment applied to (the free product), and the
effluent quality expected from any discharge;
6. Steps that have been taken or that are being taken to obtain
necessary permits for any discharge; and
7. The disposition of the recovered free product.
C. Supporting Documentation
1. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST systems(s) and excavation limits;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
f. Soil boring(s) (if present);
g. Monitoring well(s) and/or sumps (if present);
h. Locations where free product was encountered
including its estimated thickness;
i. Location of recovery points;
j. Location of the treatment unit;
k. Location of discharge points;
l. Property boundaries.
2. Table showing the dates that free product recovery was
conducted and the amount of free product recovered on
each date; and
3. Copies of waste manifests.
5. Distribution
a. Deliver draft free product removal report to owner/operator for review and
b. Make copies of final free product removal report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed report to IEPA and owner/operator.
734.845(a)(7) Preparation and submission of reports submitted pursuant to Section 734.210(h)(3)
734.845(b)(1) Preparation and submission of Stage 1 site investigation plan
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Technical Evaluation
a. Determine expected local site geology (subsurface soil conditions).
b. Evaluate backfill/piping samples to Tier 1 remediation objectives.
c. Determine drilling locations for soil samples and monitoring wells.
d. Demonstrate if groundwater investigation is required (if applicable).
e. Conduct initial water supply well survey per 734.315(a)(3).
4. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Stage I Site Investigation Plan
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
1. Will owner/operator seek reimbursement from the UST
2. If yes, is budget attached?
3. Is this an amended plan?
4. Identify the material released.
5. Describe the activities that will be performed to determine
the following:
a. Degree of soil contamination;
b. Extent of soil contamination (as defined to Tier 1
Residential remediation objectives);
c. The degree of groundwater contamination;
d. Extent of groundwater contamination (as defined to
Class 1 Remediation Objectives unless otherwise
approved by the Illinois EPA)
e. Direction of groundwater flow;
f. Hydraulic conductivity of groundwater;
g. Identification of Site features that may affect
contaminant transport and risk to human health and
the environment.
6. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST system(s) and excavation;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, road, etc.);
f. Location of proposed/existing soil borings;
g. Location of the proposed/existing monitoring wells;
h. Property boundaries.
b. Prepare or update site health and safety plan.
c. Prepare budget.
c. Review plan and budget by project manager or other senior staff.
d. Prepare LPE/LPG certification.
5. Resource Coordination
a. Arrange for drilling.
b. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
6. Distribution
a. Deliver draft plan and budget to owner/operator for review and signature.
b. Make copies of final plan and budget for distribution.
c. Deliver completed plan and budget to Agency and owner/operator.
734.845(b)(3) Preparation and submission of Stage 2 site investigation plans
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Records Gathering
a. Obtain local information (e.g., Sanborn maps, aerial overlays, etc.).
b. Determine extent of property boundaries.
4. Technical Evaluation
a. Address items in 35 IAC 734.320(b).
b. Prepare or finalize field notes.
c. Prepare and describe site investigation photos.
d. Prepare contingency scope of work for boring/monitoring well locations.
5. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Stage 2 Site Investigation Plan addressing items in 35 IAC 734.320(b).
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
1. Will owner/operator seek reimbursement from the UST
2. If yes, is budget attached?
3. Is this an amended plan?
4. Identify the material released.
5. Describe the activities that will be performed to determine
the following:
a. Degree of soil contamination;
b. Extent of soil contamination (as defined to Tier 1
Residential remediation objectives);
c. The degree of groundwater contamination;
d. Extent of groundwater contamination (as defined to
Class 1 Remediation Objectives unless otherwise
approved by the Illinois EPA)
e. Direction of groundwater flow;
f. Hydraulic conductivity of groundwater;
g. Identification of Site features that may affect
contaminant transport and risk to human health and
the environment.
6. Site map to scale and oriented north showing:
a. UST system(s) and excavation;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, road, etc.);
f. Location of proposed/existing soil borings;
g. Location of the proposed/existing monitoring wells;
h. Property boundaries.
b. Prepare budget.
c. Prepare or revise site health and safety plan.
d. Review plan and budget by project manager or other senior staff.
e. Prepare LPE/LPG certification.
6. Resource Coordination
a. Arrange for drilling.
b. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
7. Distribution
a. Deliver draft plan and budget to owner/operator for review and signature.
b. Make copies of final plan and budget for distribution.
c. Deliver completed plan and budget to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 734.845(b)(7) Well surveys conducted pursuant to Section 734.445(b)
Section 734.845(b)(8) Preparation and submission of site investigation completion reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Records Gathering
a. Obtain local information (e.g., Sanborn maps, aerial overlays, etc.).
b. Obtain legal description of the site or reference plat of survey showing
4. Technical Evaluation
a. Address items in 35 IAC 734.330(a), (b), and (c).
b. Describe methods for investigating site and surrounding areas.
c. Describe observations made while investigating site and surrounding areas.
d. Prepare or revise site maps per 35 IAC 734.330(b)(2)-(4) that also show:
1. Distance of at least 1,000 feet around UST (scale > 1:200)
2. Location of site with respect to section, township, and range
3. On-site and off-site injection and withdrawal wells affected by release
e. Evaluate existing and potential migration pathways and exposure routes.
f. Compile information regarding site-specific sampling activities and methods,
1. Sample collection information (date, time, method, location, sampler),
2. Sample preservation and shipment information, including QA/QC,
3 Field and lab blank documentation.
g. Interpret the results of the site investigation.
h. Describe the release and evaluation of exposure routes.
i. Describe the nature, concentration and extent of indicator contaminants.
j. Prepare or finalize field notes.
k. Prepare and describe site investigation photos.
l. Provide analysis of hydraulic conductivity test data from a single well.
m. Provide description of physical features that may affect
contaminant transport.
5. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Site Investigation Completion Report addressing items in 35 IAC
734.330(a), (b), and (c).
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Site Investigation Results
1. Site History/Executive Summary;
2. Narrative of field activities including sampling methods;
3. Discussion of development
of remediation objectives;
4. Analytical results and remediation objectives in tabular format;
5. Conclusions;
6. Site maps to scale and oriented north showing the:
a. UST system(s) and excavation;
b. Product and dispenser lines;
c. Pumps and islands;
d. Underground utilities (sewer, gas, water, etc.);
e. Nearby structures (buildings, roads, etc.);
f. Location of soil borings;
g. Location of existing monitoring wells;
h. Property boundaries.
7. Soil boring logs;
8. Well completion reports;
9. Laboratory Reports; and
10. Laboratory Certification.
b. Prepare appendices containing references and data sources, logs, lab reports, etc.
c. Review site investigation completion report by project manager or other senior
d. Prepare LPE/LPG certification.
6. Distribution
a. Deliver draft site investigation completion report to owner/operator for review
and signature.
b. Make copies of final site investigation completion report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed report to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 734.845(c)(1) Preparation and submission of corrective actions plans (Conventional)
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Waste Disposal
a. Prepare waste profile (arrange for landfill approval).
b. Determine limits of excavation.
c. Estimate quantity of contaminated soil to be disposed of.
d. Mail waste profile to owner/operator for review and signature.
e. Prepare waste manifests or tracking forms.
4. Technical Evaluation
a. Estimate quantity of “clean” overburden to be stockpiled (if any).
b. Prepare or finalize field notes.
c. Prepare and describe remediation photos.
5. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare or revise site health and safety plan.
b. Prepare Corrective Action Plan
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Proposed Methods of Remediation
D. Soil and Groundwater Investigation Results
1. Description of investigation
activities performed to define
the extent of soil and/or groundwater contamination;
2. Analytical results and cleanup objectives in tabular format;
3. Laboratory reports;
4. Boring logs;
5. Monitoring well logs; and
6. Site maps to scale
and oriented north showing:
a. Soil sample locations;
b. Monitoring well locations; and
c. Plumes of soil and groundwater contamination.
E. Technical Information – Corrective Action Plan
1. Discussion of how the corrective action plan shall
remediate the release;
2. List of sampling parameters and corresponding remediation
3. Basis for determining sampling parameters and remediation
4. Media sampling plan to verify completion of remediation;
5. Current and future use of the property;
6. Proposed preventive, engineering and institutional controls;
7. Schedule for implementation and projected completion of
the plan;
8. Engineering design specifications, diagrams, calculations,
manufacturers’ specifications, systems analyses, site maps,
c. Prepare budget for corrective action plan.
d. Review corrective action plan and budget by project manager or other senior staff.
e. Prepare LPE/LPG certification.
6. Resource Coordination
a. Schedule project.
b. Arrange for excavator.
c. Arrange for hauling.
d. Arrange for backfill.
e. Call J.U.L.I.E. and/or municipality to locate utilities.
7. Distribution
a. Deliver draft corrective action plan and budget to owner/operator for review and
b. Make copies of final corrective action plan and budget for distribution.
c. Deliver completed corrective action plan and budget to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 734.845(c)(3) Environmental Land Use Controls and Highway Authority Agreements
Section 734.845(c)(4) Preparation and submission of corrective action completion reports
1. Project Management
2. Correspondence
a. Correspond with Agency.
b. Correspond with and update client.
3. Records Gathering
a. Obtain legal description of property.
b. Obtain property tax identification number.
4. Technical Evaluation
a. Address items in 35 IAC 734.345(a).
b. Prepare and describe photos.
c. Prepare or finalize field notes.
5. Plan and Report Preparation
a. Prepare Corrective Action Completion Report following items in 35 IAC
1. Provide information concerning:
A. Site Identification
B. Site Information
C. Completion Information
1. Chronological narrative of
corrective action activities;
2. Explanation of how the corrective action activities
remediated the release;
3. Discussion of how the remediation objectives were
4. Media sampling and analytical procedures to verify
completion of remediation;
5. Analytical results and remediation objectives in tabular
6. Laboratory reports;
7. Soil boring logs;
8. Monitoring well logs;
9. Laboratory Certification;
10. Applicable Professional Engineer Certification;
11. Site maps to scale
and oriented north showing:
a. Final soil sample locations demonstrating
completion of remediation;
b. Groundwater monitoring well locations;
c. Groundwater recovery/discharge points;
d. Plume of contamination as defined by laboratory
analyses; and
e. Area remediated.
12. Property Owner Summary; and
13. Photographs documenting corrective action activities.
b. Review corrective action completion report by project manager or other senior
c. Prepare LPE certification
6. Resource Coordination
a. Record NFR letter
7. Distribution
a. Deliver draft corrective action completion report to owner/operator for review and
b. Make copies of final corrective action completion report for distribution.
c. Deliver completed corrective action completion report to IEPA and
d. Make copies of recorded NFR letter for distribution.
e. Deliver recorded NFR letter to IEPA and owner/operator.
Section 734.845(d)(2) Development of Tier 2 or Tier 3 remediation objectives
732.845(f) and 734.845(f) Amendment of plan and its associated budget
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
adopted the above opinion and order on January 5, 2006, by a vote of ______________.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board