December 17, 1998
(Rulemaking - Procedural)
Proposed Rule. Second Notice.
OPINION AND ORDER OF THE BOARD (by K.M. Hennessey, C.A. Manning, and M.
This opinion and order of the Board concerns an Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency (Agency) proposal regarding Environmental Management System Agreements
(EMSAs). An EMSA is an agreement between the Agency and a regulated entity that allows
the entity to implement alternatives to ordinarily applicable environmental laws or regulations.
These alternatives should yield greater environmental benefits than would the entity’s
compliance with ordinarily applicable environmental laws or regulations.
The Agency’s proposal sets forth procedures under which the Board will determine
whether to terminate an EMSA without a regulated entity’s consent (
, “involuntarily”).
Today, the Board adopts for second notice a modified version of the Agency’s proposal.
In 1996, the General Assembly amended the Environmental Protection Act (Act), 415
ILCS 5/1
et seq
. (1996), to create an EMSA pilot program. See 415 ILCS 5/52.3 (1996),
added by Pub. Act 89-465, eff. June 13, 1996. The purpose of the legislation was to allow
these persons to:
implement innovative environmental measures not otherwise recognized or
allowed under existing laws and regulations of this State if those measures:
achieve emissions reductions or reductions in discharges of wastes
beyond the otherwise applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
through pollution prevention or other suitable means; or
achieve real environmental risk reduction or foster environmental
compliance by other persons regulated under this Act in a manner that is
clearly superior to the existing regulatory system. 415 ILCS 5/52.3-1(b)
An EMSA “shall operate in lieu of all applicable requirements under Illinois and federal
environmental statutes, regulations, and existing permits that are identified in the [EMSA].”
415 ILCS 5/52.3-3(a) (1996). Participation in the program is voluntary and at the discretion
of the Agency. See 415 ILCS 5/52.3-1(c) (1996).
The EMSA program was inspired by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency’s pilot program entitled the “Regulatory Reinvention (XL) Pilot Project,” 60 Fed.
Reg. 27282 (May 23, 1995) (Federal XL Program). Statement of Reasons at 2. That program
allowed regulated entities to develop alternatives to regulatory requirements if the alternatives
produced greater environmental benefits, reduced administrative burdens, and enhanced public
participation. See 415 ILCS 5/52.3-1(a)(6) (1996). In Section 52.3 of the Act, the General
Assembly stated that the pilot program was intended to allow “a proposal accepted under the
Federal XL Program to be implemented at the State level if the proposal achieves one or more
of the purposes of this Section and is acceptable to the Agency.” 415 ICLS 5/52.3-1(a)(6)
(1996). However, a proposal need not be in the Federal XL Program to be accepted into the
EMSA pilot program. Statement of Reasons at 3, citing 415 ILCS 5/52.3-1(a)(5), 52.3-1(b)
Section 52.3 allowed the Agency to develop Agency rules to establish (1) the criteria an
applicant must meet to participate in the pilot program, (2) the minimum contents of a
proposed EMSA, (3) the procedures for the Agency to review an EMSA, (4) the procedures
for the public to participate in EMSAs and for stakeholders to be involved in designing and
implementing specific projects, (5) the procedures to voluntarily terminate an EMSA, and (6)
the type of performance guarantee that an applicant must provide. See 415 ILCS 5/52.3-2(b)
(1996). The Agency adopted these rules, which were published in the
Illinois Register
April 3, 1998, with an effective date of March 20, 1998. See 22 Ill. Reg. 6217 (April 3,
Section 52.3 also directed the Agency to propose to the Board procedures and criteria
for the involuntary termination of EMSAs. See 415 ILCS 5/52.3-2(c) (1996). The Agency’s
proposal, filed on August 17, 1998, is the subject of this rulemaking. Generally, the Agency
states that its proposal is “closely modeled on the Board’s enforcement procedures found at 35
Ill. Adm. Code 103 (Part 103), Subparts A through H, but with shorter and more specific time
frames for various events within the process.” Public Comment of the Agency (PC 1) at 2.
Section 52.3-2(c) of the Act requires the Agency to propose to the Board “criteria and
procedures for involuntary termination of [EMSAs].” 415 ILCS 5/52.3-2(c) (1996). That
section required the Agency to propose these rules to the Board by December 31, 1996. In its
filing of August 17, 1998, the Agency “acknowledges that it is late in filing these rules before
the Board.” Statement of Reasons at 2.
Section 52.3-2(c) requires the Board to complete this rulemaking no later than 180 days
after it receives the Agency’s proposal. To meet that deadline, the Board sent the Agency’s
proposal to first notice on August 20, 1998, without commenting on the merits of the
proposal. The proposed rules were published in the
Illinois Register
on September 4, 1998.
See 22 Ill. Reg. 15926 (Sept. 4, 1998).
The Board held two public hearings in this matter: the first, in Chicago, on September
29, 1998; and the second, in Springfield, on October 6, 1998.
The purpose of the hearings
was to allow the Board to receive testimony from the Agency and other interested persons on
the merits and economic impact of the proposal. Two witnesses, each of whom is an Agency
employee, testified at each hearing: Laurel Kroack, Assistant Counsel; and Roger Kanerva,
Environmental Policy Advisor.
The first hearing also provided the public an opportunity to testify on the decision of the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA) not to perform an economic impact
study on the Agency’s proposed rules. Public Act 90-849, effective January 1, 1998, requires the
Board to ask DCCA to conduct an economic impact study on certain proposed rules before the
Board adopts the rules. The Board must make the economic impact study, or DCCA’s explanation
for not conducting the study, available to the public at least 20 days before a public hearing on the
economic impact of the proposed rules. The Board fulfilled these requirements. No one testified
on this issue at the hearing.
At the hearings, the hearing officer accepted into the record the following exhibits:
Exhibit 1: Testimony of Roger Kanerva of the Agency (Exh. 1);
Exhibit 2: June 1998 Comments of the Chemical Industry Council of Illinois on Draft
Rules of the Agency Regarding Involuntary Termination Procedures for EMSAs (Exh.
Exhibit 3: Agency’s Proposed Revisions to its Proposal Regarding Involuntary
Termination Procedures for EMSAs (Exh. 3); and
Exhibit 4: Response of the Agency to Questions of the Board Raised at Hearing on
9/29/98 (Exh. 4).
At the end of the second hearing, the hearing officer established a deadline of
November 4, 1998, for interested persons to file public comments. The Board received one
public comment: Public Comment of the Agency (PC 1).
The transcript of the September 29, 1998 hearing is cited as “Tr.1 at __;” the transcript of
the October 6, 1998 hearing is cited as “Tr.2 at __.”
The Board now sends the Agency’s proposal, as modified in this order, to the Joint
Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). Following JCAR’s review, the Board will
consider the rules for final adoption.
First, the Board provides an overview of the Agency’s proposal and the significant
changes to that proposal that the Board makes at second notice. Second, the Board addresses
the specific issues raised during the first-notice period and explains the reasons for the Board’s
Overview of the Agency Proposal and the Board’s Significant Changes at Second Notice
The Agency’s proposal sets forth procedures to involuntarily terminate an EMSA, but
does not apply to all involuntary terminations of EMSAs. Under the Agency’s proposal, the
Agency may terminate an EMSA under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act, without going through
the proposed involuntary termination procedures, when deficient performance under the EMSA
prevents achievement of the purposes set forth in Section 52.3-1(b) of the Act (see above at
pages 1-2). This type of termination is referred to as “summary termination” and is further
discussed below at pages 7-10. With this exception, the Agency’s proposed rules apply to all
proceedings to involuntarily terminate an EMSA.
The Board agrees that the Agency, in certain circumstances, may summarily terminate
an EMSA without first going through the proposed involuntary termination procedures before
the Board. However, the Board specifies in the proposed rules at second notice (1) the criteria
that the Agency must apply to summarily terminate an EMSA and (2) that summary
terminations may be appealed to the Board in the manner provided for review of permit
decisions in Section 40 of the Act. See Section 106.940 and 106.945. If the Agency wishes
to have the Board involuntarily terminate an EMSA, the Agency must follow the involuntary
termination procedures set forth in the proposed rules.
The proposed rules govern the involuntary termination proceedings from the initial
filing with the Board through the Board’s decision and after the Board enters its final order
, motion to rehear or modify the order). The Agency’s proposal is modeled on the
Board’s existing Part 103 procedural rules for enforcement proceedings (35 Ill. Adm. Code
103, Subparts A-H). However, the proposed rules have shorter and more specific timeframes,
and fewer, or more limited, procedural mechanisms than Part 103. Tr.1 at 11; Tr.2 at 44.
Only the Agency can initiate a proceeding to involuntarily terminate. The Agency is
designated the “complainant.” The Agency must file a “statement of deficiency” with the
Board to initiate the proceedings. The statement of deficiency must set forth the alleged
deficient performance under the EMSA. The person who enters into the EMSA, also known
as a “sponsor,”
is designated the “respondent” in the involuntary termination proceeding.
“Sponsor” is defined in Section 106.942, which sets forth definitions for use in Subpart K.
Defined terms include “Environmental Management System Agreement” or “EMSA,”
Under the Agency’s proposal, the respondent has to file an answer within 15 days after receipt
of the statement of deficiency. At second notice, the Board amends the Agency’s proposal so
that the Board or the hearing officer may extend the 15-day period for good cause. All
material allegations of the statement of deficiency are taken as admitted if not specifically
denied in the answer or if the respondent fails to file an answer. See Section 106.946 and
Under the Agency’s proposal, if the respondent timely files an answer, a hearing must
be held within 60 days after the Agency files the statement of deficiency. This time period can
be extended for up to 30 days in narrow circumstances. At second notice, the Board amends
the Agency proposal to clarify that the 30-day limit applies to each extension. In addition, the
60-day time period runs not from when the Agency files the statement of deficiency, but from
when the respondent files the answer. See Section 106.952.
Under the Agency’s proposal, the hearing officer must provide the parties with notice
of the hearing at least 20 days before hearing. The Board amends this requirement so that the
hearing officer or the Clerk must provide 30 days notice and the notice also must be provided
to the public by newspaper publication. See Section 106.952.
Under the Agency’s proposal, discovery, except requests to produce documents, admit
facts, and state the identity and location of persons having knowledge of facts, is not permitted
unless all parties agree and the hearing officer orders it. At second notice, the Board
eliminates the requirement that all parties agree, so that broader discovery, including
depositions and interrogatories, will be permitted if the hearing officer allows it. See Section
The Agency has the burden to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the
sponsor’s performance under the EMSA is deficient. See Section 106.958. Under the
Agency’s proposal, there are six grounds on which the Board may find that the performance of
a sponsor is deficient: (1) the sponsor misrepresented the factual basis for entering into the
EMSA; (2) the sponsor failed to provide the Agency access to the pilot project; (3) the sponsor
falsified monitoring data, recordkeeping information, or reports; (4) the sponsor or the owner
or operator of the pilot project failed to comply with any federal or local environmental law or
regulation that applies to the pilot project and that the EMSA does not address, and for which
the appropriate authority has sent a notice of violation, complaint, or other notice of failure to
comply; (5) the sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project failed to comply with any
State environmental law or regulation that applies to the pilot project and that the EMSA does
not address, and for which the Agency has mailed a notice of violation under Section 31(a) or
(b) of the Act; and (6) the sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project failed to
comply with its EMSA, subject to any grace or cure periods or rights contained in the EMSA.
“innovative environmental measures,” and “pilot project.” At second notice, the Board has
deleted “Director,” “environmental management system,” and “pilot program” from Section
106.942 because those terms are not used in Subpart K.
At second notice, the Board modifies these grounds. The Board modifies the third
ground to clarify that the falsified information must be about the pilot project; the fourth and
fifth grounds so that citizen complaints may trigger a finding of deficient performance; and the
sixth ground so that it refers only to sponsor and not to owner or operator of the pilot project.
See Section 106.954(a).
Under the Agency’s proposal, the Board must render a final decision within 30 days
after the hearing. If the respondent fails to timely file an answer, no hearing is held and the
Board must, within 30 days after the Agency filed the statement of deficiency, order the
EMSA terminated. At second notice, the Board eliminates these decision deadlines and
provides that the Board will render its decisions as expeditiously as practicable. See Section
Under the Agency’s proposal, the Board’s order must terminate the EMSA, reject
termination of the EMSA, or defer termination for a specified time, not to exceed 90 days, to
allow the respondent to come into compliance. At second notice, the Board allows the 90 day
period to be extended for good cause. See Section 106.956(c).
Under the Agency’s proposal, the Board’s order may (1) direct the respondent to cease
and desist from violations of the Act, Board regulations, or the EMSA, (2) require the
respondent to provide “performance assurance compensation” in appropriate amounts, (3)
require the respondent to post a sufficient performance bond or other security if the Board
allows a respondent an opportunity to come into compliance, and (4) order other relief that
may be appropriate. At second notice, the Board also specifies that the Board’s order may
enforce the remedy provisions of the EMSA. See Section 106.956(d)(4).
Under the Agency’s proposal, within 15 days after the Board adopts a final order, any
party may file a motion to rehear, modify, or vacate the order or for other relief. Responses
must be filed within ten days after the motion is filed. At second notice, the Board changes
these time periods to 35 days and 14 days, respectively. In addition, under the Agency’s
proposal, a person has 30 days after the Board enters its final order to file a motion for relief
from that order. The Board extends that period to 60 days at second notice. See Sections
106.980 and 106.982.
Issues Raised During the First-Notice Period
In response to questions of Board personnel at hearing, the Agency addressed six
issues: (1) the applicability of the proposed rules; (2) the grounds for deficient performance
under the EMSA; (3) the scope and effect of Board orders; (4) the adequacy of various time
periods; (5) the authority of the hearing officer; and (6) the notice of hearings.
Applicability of the Proposed Rules
At hearing, Board personnel asked why termination under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act
(referred to in this rulemaking as “summary termination”) was not subject to the Agency’s
proposed proceedings to involuntarily terminate. Board personnel also asked whether a
summary termination could be appealed to the Board. In addition, Board personnel asked
whether only the Agency may initiate proceedings under the proposed rules and who may
intervene in these proceedings. The Agency’s responses and the Board’s findings are set forth
Whether Summary Termination is Subject to the Proposed Rules. The Agency’s
proposed Section 106.940(c) provides that these involuntary termination procedures do not
apply when the Agency summarily terminates an EMSA under Section 52.3-4(b). The Agency
maintains that summary termination is not subject to these rules and thus the Agency may
terminate an EMSA under Section 52.3-4(b) without going through the procedures in the
proposed rules.
Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act provides:
In the case of deficient performance of any term or condition in an
Environmental Management System Agreement that prevents achievement of the
stated purposes in subsection (b) of Section 52.3-1, the Agency may terminate
the Agreement and the participant may be subject to enforcement in accordance
with the provisions of Section 31 and 42 of this Act. 415 ILCS 5/52.3-4(b)
The purposes set forth in Section 52.3-1(b) are to:
implement innovative environmental measures not otherwise recognized or
allowed under existing laws and regulations of this State if those measures:
achieve emissions reductions or reductions in discharges of wastes
beyond the otherwise applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
through pollution prevention or other suitable means; or
achieve real environmental risk reduction or foster environmental
compliance by other persons regulated under this Act in a manner that is
clearly superior to the existing regulatory system. 415 ILCS 5/52.3-1(b)
Board personnel asked the Agency to identify the basis for its claim that it could
summarily terminate EMSAs without going through the procedures in the proposed rules. The
Agency provided two reasons for maintaining the distinction: (1) the intent of the EMSA
legislation; and (2) the need to subject a sponsor to immediate enforcement when the sponsor’s
performance is so deficient that the project cannot achieve the basic purposes of the EMSA
The Agency explained that it was the primary author of the EMSA legislation and that
it intended to create “two avenues for involuntary termination of an EMSA: through a
proceeding before the Board under Section 52.3-2(c) [the subject of this rulemaking] and under
Section 52.3-4(b).” PC 1 at 6; Tr.1 at 13, 37; Tr.2 at 37-38. Section 52.3-4(b) is the
summary termination provision. Another subsection of Section 52.3-4 allows, but does not
require, the Agency to adopt rules to carry out its duties under Section 52.3-4. See 415 ILCS
5/52.3-4(d). The Agency concluded that it need not apply to the Board when the Agency
summarily terminates an EMSA. PC 1 at 7; Tr.1 at 37-38.
The Agency noted that while an EMSA is in effect, it operates in lieu of otherwise
applicable environmental laws and regulations identified in the EMSA. The Agency argued
that if a sponsor’s performance is so deficient that the project cannot achieve Section 52.3-
1(b)’s purposes, the Agency must be able to immediately terminate the EMSA and require the
sponsor to comply with existing environmental laws and regulations without going through a
Board proceeding. The Agency argued that this ability is critical both to protect the
environment and to maintain public confidence in the EMSA program. The Agency
maintained that the procedural safeguards of the proposed rules are appropriate only for the
types of deficient performance that Section 106.954(a) describes, which are less egregious.
Tr.1 at 15-16, 39-43, 50-55, 59; Tr.2 at 34-35, 37-39.
The Board agrees that the Agency may summarily terminate an EMSA under Section
52.3-4(b) of the Act without going through a Board proceeding. However, unlike the Agency,
the Board does find that the proposed rules apply to summary terminations, as explained
Whether Summary Terminations May Be Appealed to the Board. The Agency argued
that Section 5(d) of the Act does not support appeals of its summary terminations to the Board.
Section 5(d) states:
The Board shall have authority to conduct hearings upon complaints charging
violations of the Act or of regulations thereunder; upon petitions for variances;
upon petitions for review of the Agency’s denial of a permit in accordance with
Title X of this Act; upon petition to remove a seal under Section 34 of this Act;
upon other petitions for review of final determinations which are made pursuant
to the Act or Board rule and which involve a subject which the Board is
authorized to regulate; and such other hearings as may be provided by rule.
415 ILCS 5/5(d) (1996).
The Agency argued that Section 5(d) provides that the Board has the authority to
conduct hearings (1) upon complaints charging violations of the Act or regulations thereunder
and (2) upon petitions for review of final determinations made under the Act or Board rule and
which involve a subject matter the Board is authorized to regulate. The Agency concluded that
a summary termination:
does not involve a complaint, nor is the Board authorized to regulate EMSAs.
The Board’s sole role in the EMSA process is to act as the adjudicator of certain
involuntary termination proceedings under Section 52.3-2(c). PC 1 at 9.
The Board disagrees. First, summary terminations under Section 52.3-4(b) are “final
determinations which are made pursuant to the Act.” See 415 ILCS 5/5(d) (1996). Second,
those final determinations do “involve a subject which the Board is authorized to regulate.”
Section 52.3-4(c) plainly states that “the Board shall promulgate[] criteria and procedures
for the involuntary termination of Environmental Management System Agreements.” 415
ILCS 5/52.3-4(c) (1996). Summary terminations are merely one type of involuntary
termination. Because Section 52.3-4(c) authorizes the Board to regulate involuntary
terminations of EMSAs, Section 5(d) authorizes the Board to review Agency final
determinations under Section 52.3-4(b),
, summary terminations.
At second notice, the Board specifies (1) the criteria that the Agency must satisfy to
summarily terminate an EMSA and (2) that summary terminations are appealable to the Board.
Specifically, the Board proposes a new Section 106.945:
a) To terminate an EMSA under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act, the Agency
must determine that the sponsor’s performance under the EMSA has
failed to:
Achieve emissions reductions or reductions in discharges of
wastes beyond the otherwise applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements through pollution prevention or other suitable
means; or
Achieve real environmental risk reduction or foster
environmental compliance by other persons regulated under this
Act in a manner that is clearly superior to the existing regulatory
(Section 52.3-1(b) of the Act)
b) If the Agency terminates an EMSA under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act,
the sponsor may, within 35 days after receipt of the Agency’s
notification of the termination, file an appeal with the Board. Appeals to
the Board will be in the manner provided for review of permit decisions
in Section 40 of the Act.
Consistent with Section 52.3-4(b) (see above at page 7), the Board quotes the purposes
set forth in Section 52.3-1(b) as the criteria for summary termination. Appeals of summary
terminations to the Board will proceed like permit appeals. Permit appeals are addressed in
Part 105 of the Board’s procedural rules. See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 105. The Board accordingly
changes the applicability section as follows:
The purpose of this Subpart is to set forth the criteria and procedures
under which the Board or the Agency may terminate for involuntary
termination of an EMSA, as defined in Section 106.942 of this Subpart
This Subpart shall apply to all proceedings to involuntarily terminate an
EMSA entered into pursuant to Section 52.3 of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 187, except as set forth in subsection (c) of this Section.
When the Agency terminates an EMSA under This Part is not applicable
to any Sponsor that is subject to termination of an EMSA by the Agency
pursuant to Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act, only Sections 106.942 and
106.945 of this Subpart apply.
This Subpart, except for Section 106.945, applies to proceedings in
which the Board will determine whether to terminate an EMSA.
The Board notes that the Agency has indicated that it will develop its own procedural
rules under Section 52.3-4(d) for summary terminations. PC 1 at 7. The Board emphasizes
that the provisions of Section 106.945 compliment, rather than substitute for, the procedures
that the Agency will develop.
Initiating a Proceeding to Involuntarily Terminate. At hearing, Board personnel noted
that the Agency’s proposed Section 106.946(a) provides that a proceeding to involuntarily
terminate an EMSA may “only be commenced by the Agency” and inquired about the role of
the Attorney General Office (AGO) in these proceedings. The Agency explained that since the
AGO is authorized to act on behalf of the Agency, the AGO presumably will either “file a
notice and statement of deficiency at the request of the Illinois EPA and act as lead in these
cases or, as with permit appeals, . . . appoint one or more attorneys at the Illinois EPA to act
as ‘Special Assistant Attorney General’ in these proceedings.” PC 1 at 13-14; Tr.1 at 59-62,
73-74. The Board agrees and does not modify the references to “Agency” in the proposed
Intervening in a Proceeding to Involuntarily Terminate. In describing who may
intervene, the Agency’s originally proposed Section 106.962(a) refers to “any person who
participated in the public hearing on the sponsor’s EMSA.” At hearing, Board personnel
asked the Agency to clarify this language. Tr.1 at 92-93; Tr.2 at 20-21. In response, the
Agency proposed the following modification:
any person who submitted written comments on the sponsor’s EMSA or
participated in the public hearing on the sponsor’s EMSA by signing an
attendance sheet or signature card at hearing, as provided in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
187.404 . . . . PC 1 at 16.
Section 187.404, part of the Agency’s rules on EMSAs, sets forth public comment and hearing
requirements that the Agency must meet before it enters into an EMSA. See 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 187.404.
The Board finds that the Agency’s proposed language more clearly identifies who may
intervene. However, consistent with Agency’s proposed revisions to Section 106.952(f)
(discussed below at pages 20-21), the Board finds that the intervention provision also should
refer to stakeholders named or listed in the EMSA. Accordingly, the Board amends Section
106.962(a) as follows:
if the person submitted written comments on the respondent’s EMSA or
participated in the public hearing on the respondent’s sponsor’s EMSA by
signing an attendance sheet or signature card at hearing under the procedures set
forth in as provided in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 187.404, or is named or listed in the
respondent’s EMSA as a stakeholder . . . .
The Board notes that a person who intervenes also must show that the Board’s final order may
adversely affect him or her. See Section 106.962(a).
Grounds for a Finding of Deficient Performance Under the EMSA
At hearing, Board personnel had several questions about the grounds on which the
Board may find that a sponsor has performed deficiently under Section 106.954(a). Under the
Agency’s proposal, one of the grounds is that the sponsor or owner or operator of the pilot
project has not complied with environmental laws or regulations or the EMSA. Board
personnel asked if, in certain circumstances, the noncompliance of a person who is not a party
to the EMSA or noncompliance at a facility that the EMSA does not cover are grounds for a
finding of deficient performance. Board personnel also asked if a citizen complaint may serve
as a basis for a finding of deficient performance. The Agency’s responses and the Board’s
findings are set forth below.
Noncompliance of a Person Who is Not a Party to the EMSA. Under the Agency’s
proposal, Section 106.954(a)(4)-(6) (formerly Section 106.954(d)-(f)) provides that the
noncompliance of the “sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project” with
environmental laws or regulations or the EMSA are grounds for the Board to find deficient
performance. Section 106.942 defines “sponsor” and “pilot project.” A “sponsor” is “the
proponent of a pilot project that enters into an EMSA with the Agency.” A “pilot project” is
“an innovative environmental project that covers one or more designated facilities, designed
and implemented in the form of an EMSA.”
Board personnel asked whether Section 106.954(a)(4)-(6) should refer only to the
“sponsor” or the “owner or operator of the pilot project.” The Agency maintained that
subsections (a)(4) and (a)(5) should refer to both entities because:
the situation could arise that the sponsor to an EMSA is the corporate parent or
intermediary, but not the actual owner or operator of the Pilot Project that is in
violation of a law or regulation not covered by the EMSA. Such a situation
presents a serious question as to whether the Pilot Project should be allowed to
continue. PC 1 at 5; Tr.1 at 93-96; Tr.2 at 19-20.
The Board agrees and retains the reference to both “sponsor” and “owner or operator of the
pilot project” in subsections (a)(4) and (a)(5).
However, the Agency proposed that the Board modify Section 106.954(a)(6), which
provides that failure to comply with one or more provisions of the EMSA is a ground for a
finding of deficient performance. This subsection originally referred to both “sponsors” and
“owners or operators.” The Agency noted that only a party to the EMSA can fail to comply
with it. The Agency therefore proposed that the subsection refer only to sponsor. Tr.1 at 95;
Tr.2 at 19-20. The Board agrees and modifies subsection (a)(6) accordingly.
Noncompliance at a Facility that the EMSA Does Not Cover. Board personnel asked
whether an EMSA may be terminated if a sponsor fails to comply with environmental laws or
regulations at a facility that the EMSA does not cover. The Agency stated that it does not
intend to seek to involuntarily terminate an EMSA solely on this basis. PC 1 at 12; Tr.1 at
78-79. The Board finds that the language “law or regulation that applies to the pilot project”
in Section 106.954(a)(4) and (a)(5) means that the noncompliance of the sponsor or the owner
or operator must be in connection with the pilot project.
For consistency, the Board modifies Section 106.954(a)(3) as follows:
The respondent sponsor has falsified any monitoring data, recordkeeping
information or reports regarding the pilot project. Tr.1 at 16-17, 81.
For similar reasons, the Agency wants to add a reference to “owner or operator” in Section
106.968, which deals with subpoenas to attend a hearing. As originally proposed, if the
witness, other than the sponsor, is a non-resident of the State, the order to attend the hearing
may include payment of the witness’ reasonable expenses. The Agency would amend the
exception to refer not only to the sponsor but also to the “owner or operator of a pilot
project.” The Agency stated that it should not bear these appearance costs because the owner
or operator “will derive the most direct benefit from the EMSA, and therefore, stands in the
shoes of the sponsor for purposes of defending an EMSA against involuntary termination.”
PC 1 at 6; Tr.1 at 95; Tr.2 at 21. The Board accepts the Agency’s suggested revision for
second notice.
Citizen Complaint. Board personnel asked whether the Board may terminate an EMSA
because a citizen has filed a complaint. The Agency answered this question affirmatively and
proposed the following change to Section 106.954(a)(4):
The sponsor or the owner or operator of the Pilot Project has failed to comply
with one or more requirements of any federal or local environmental law or
regulation applicable to the Pilot Project and not addressed by the EMSA and
for which the appropriate authority has sent a notice of violation, complaint or
other notice of failure to comply to the sponsor or the owner or operator of the
Pilot Project or a citizen’s complaint has been filed with the Board. PC 1 at 13,
15; Tr.1 at 79-80.
The Board notes that subsection (a)(4) refers to “any federal or local environmental law
or regulation” while subsection (a)(5) refers to “State environmental law or regulation.” The
Board has no jurisdiction over citizen complaints that allege violations of federal or local
environmental laws or regulations unless the violations are also violations of State
environmental laws or regulations. Accordingly, the Board will add the Agency’s proposed
language to subsection (a)(4) but replace “the Board” with “a court of competent jurisdiction.”
In addition, the Board modifies subsection (a)(5) for consistency as follows:
The respondent sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project Pilot
Project has failed to comply with any requirement one or more requirements of
any State state environmental law or regulation that applies applicable to the
pilot project and that the EMSA does not address, Pilot Project and not
addressed by the EMSA, and for which a citizen’s complaint has been filed with
the Board or the Agency has mailed a notice of violation to the respondent
sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project under Pilot Project
pursuant to Section 31(a) or (b) of the Act.
Scope and Effect of Board Orders
At hearing, Board personnel asked questions about the Agency’s proposed Section
106.956(c), which sets forth provisions on Board decisions. Board personnel also asked
questions about the effect of termination, the effect of a Board finding that a violation of the
Act has occurred, and the remedies that the Board may order. Those questions are discussed
Interim Orders. Under the Agency’s proposal, Section 106.956(c) allows the Board to
defer termination for up to 90 days to allow sponsors to come into compliance. However, the
subsection refers to a Board “final decision.” Board personnel noted and the Agency agreed
that when the Board defers termination as described above, it is not a final Board decision, but
rather an interim one. Tr.1 at 81-83; Tr.2 at 20. Accordingly, the Board deletes the word
“final.” See Section 106.956(b).
Similarly, the Agency’s proposed Section 106.956(d) refers to the “final Board opinion
and order” and yet contains a provision on requiring a performance bond or other security if
the Board allows an opportunity to come into compliance. The Board therefore deletes the
word “final” from subsection (d) as well.
Effect of Termination. Board personnel asked the Agency what effect a Board
termination of an EMSA would have on the respondent’s liability for violating environmental
laws or regulations. Initially, the Agency noted that unless an EMSA specifically addresses
given statutory or regulatory requirements, those requirements are “not covered by the EMSA
and a sponsor or owner or operator is not excused from compliance with these requirements
during the term of the EMSA.” PC 1 at 10. The Agency explained that upon termination,
“the owner or operator would be required to come into immediate compliance with all
applicable environmental laws.” PC 1 at 10.
However, the Agency also noted that Section 52.3-4(c) gives sponsors or owners or
operators sufficient time to obtain certain permits if an EMSA is terminated:
If the Agreement is terminated, the facility shall have sufficient time to apply
for and receive any necessary permits to continue the operations in effect during
the course of the Environmental Management System Agreement. Any such
application shall also be deemed a timely and complete application for renewal
of an existing permit under applicable law. PC 1 at 9; 415 ILCS 5/52.3-4(c).
Because of this language, the Agency explained that:
the sponsor or owner or operator is not subject to an enforcement action for
failure to have the necessary permits, as long as the sponsor or owner or
operator has timely applied for such permits. The term “sufficient time” is not
defined, in part, because the time necessary to apply for and receive a permit
varies on the type of permit required. PC 1 at 9; Tr.1 at 56-58.
The Board finds that the sponsor or owner or operator generally must comply
immediately with all applicable environmental laws and regulations when the Board terminates
the EMSA, although they will have time to apply for permits. In addition, to allow time to
comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations, the Board may stay its termination
order under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.103 or adopt a compliance schedule in its termination
Effect of a Finding that a Violation of the Act has Occurred. Section 106.954(a)(4)
and (a)(5) describe the failure to comply with certain environmental laws or regulations as part
of grounds for the Board to find deficient performance. Section 106.956(d)(1) provides that
the Board may order someone to cease and desist from violating the Act and Board
Board personnel asked the Agency about the effect of a Board finding in an involuntary
termination proceeding that a violation of the Act or Board regulations has occurred. The
Agency explained that it did not intend the Board order “to act as an adjudication on the merits
of a violation of the Act, other than under Section 52.3 of the Act, or of the Board’s rules and
regulations.” PC 1 at 10-11. The Agency further explained that it would be required to bring
an enforcement case against the owner or operator for the alleged violations and that the Board
could not impose statutory penalties for the alleged violations. PC 1 at 10-11; Tr.1 at 69-73;
Tr.2 at 22-23.
To clarify its position, the Agency proposed language for Section 106.954, the section
that sets forth the grounds for deficient performance:
Any finding of deficient performance of an EMSA by the Board
pursuant to subsection (a)(4) or (a)(5) of this Section shall not be binding
for any purpose or in any other enforcement proceeding under the Act
other than as provided under this Subpart K. PC 1 at 16.
The Board agrees with the Agency and adopts the proposed language with minor
Available Remedies. Under the Agency’s proposal, Section 106.956(d)(2) allows the
Board to require “performance assurance compensation” in such amounts as appropriate in
each case. The Agency’s proposed Section 106.956(d)(4) allows the Board to impose “[s]uch
order that may be appropriate.” At hearing, Board personnel asked the Agency to explain
these provisions.
The Agency stated that “performance assurance compensation” is a monetary payment
that the Board deems appropriate under the circumstances, but that it is not a statutory penalty
imposed under Section 42 of the Act. The Agency explained that “performance assurance
compensation” includes the Board enforcing a stipulated penalties provision in an EMSA. The
Agency stated that it believed the Board can “order the sponsor to comply with any
performance assurance provisions or other remedies contained in [the] EMSA as part of the
Board’s general authority to act as the adjudicator under involuntary termination proceedings.”
PC 1 at 12; Tr.1 at 83-88.
The Board agrees with the Agency’s analysis and, for clarity, has added a new
subsection (d)(4) to Section 106.956:
Enforce any remedy provision of the EMSA; and
The former subsection (d)(4) is now subsection (d)(5):
Order Such other relief as order that may be appropriate
Adequacy of Various Time Periods
At hearing, Board personnel asked whether several provisions of the Agency’s
proposed rules provided adequate time periods. Generally, the Agency believed that its
proposal effectively balances two competing interests: (1) providing EMSA participants with
“procedural safeguards in the event of involuntary termination, except in the most egregious
circumstances [summary termination];” and (2) expeditiously terminating EMSAs so that the
facilities will quickly become subject to all applicable environmental laws, thereby protecting
the environment and maintaining citizen confidence in the EMSA program. PC 1 at 17; Tr.1 at
15-16, 26, 30-32, 37-38, 86.
Set forth below are the Agency’s comments about specific provisions and the Board’s
related findings.
Time Period for Filing an Answer. Under the Agency’s proposal, the answer must be
filed within 15 days after the respondent receives the statement of deficiency. The Agency
explained that it contemplated no extensions of time to file answers. Tr.1 at 35-36. The
Board believes it appropriate to extend the 15-day period if a respondent shows that there is
good cause for an extension. Accordingly, the Board amends the first sentence of Section
106.948(c) as follows:
The respondent Respondent must file an answer within 15 days after of receipt
of the statement of deficiency, unless the Board or the hearing officer extends
the 15-day period for good cause.
The Time Period in Which Hearings Must Take Place. Under the Agency’s proposed
Section 106.952(a), any hearing would have to be held within 60 days after the Agency filed
the statement of deficiency. In narrow circumstances, the Board could delay the hearing for
no more than 30 days.
Board personnel asked the Agency if the Board could order more than one 30-day
extension. The Agency stated that the Board could, but added that the Board does not have to
order a 30 day extension each time. The Agency stated that the Board should delay the
hearing “for the number of days necessary to alleviate the conditions requiring the extension.”
PC 1 at 3-4; Tr.1 at 74-75; Tr.2 at 18. The Agency also stated that the hearing officer should
be able to order these extensions. Tr.1 at 74-75.
The Board agrees and accepts, with several changes, the Agency’s suggested revision to
Section 106.952(c) to clarify the 30-day extension. However, the Board further amends that
subsection so that the 60-day period runs not from when the Agency files the statement of
deficiency, but from when the respondent files the answer. This change is necessary because
the hearing officer or the Clerk must provide 30 days notice of hearing. Whether there will be
a hearing is not clear until an answer is filed. Accordingly, if a hearing must be held within
60 days after the Agency files the statement of deficiency, there is not enough time to schedule
the hearing and provide the required newspaper notice. As modified, Section 106.952(c) reads
as follows:
The hearing officer Hearing Officer, after reasonable efforts to consult
appropriate consultation with the parties, will shall set a time and place for
hearing to be held within 60 days after the filing of the statement of deficiency.
The Board or the hearing officer may The Board shall not extend the time for
hearing if unless all parties agree to the extension or there are extreme and
unanticipated or uncontrollable circumstances that warrant a warranting the
delay of hearing. The Board or the hearing officer may delay the hearing more
than once. In each any such event, the Board or the hearing officer will not
shall grant no delay the of hearing for more than in excess of 30 additional
The Board makes corresponding changes to the second sentence of Section 106.952(a):
Any hearing will shall be held not later than 60 days after the respondent files
filing of the answer notice and statement of deficiency, subject to any extensions
ordered under subsection (c) of this Section.
If no answer is filed, the Board may terminate the EMSA without a hearing, as explained
Time Period for a Board Final Decision. If a hearing is held, the Agency’s proposed
Section 106.956(c) requires the Board to render its decision within 30 days after the hearing. If
a hearing is not held, Section 106.956(b) under the Agency’s proposal states that the Board
“shall” order an EMSA terminated and that the Board’s order must be entered within 30 days
after the Agency files the statement of deficiency.
If a hearing is held, Board personnel pointed out that the Agency’s proposed Section
106.956(c) does not give the Board sufficient time to review transcripts and post-hearing
briefs. Specifically, under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 103.221 and 103.223, both of which apply
under the proposed rules,
transcripts must be filed with the Board within 15 days after the
close of hearing and the parties may submit briefs within 14 days after the Board receives the
final transcripts. In addition, the Board may take action only at its meetings, which are
generally held twice per month. Tr.1 at 32-33.
If a hearing is not held, the Board finds that Section 106.956(b) should not require the
Board to terminate an EMSA. Even if the respondent fails to timely file an answer, the
Agency still has the burden of proof, under Section 106.958, to establish deficient
performance by a preponderance of the evidence. Thus, the Agency’s statement of deficiency
must contain adequate information for the Board to find deficient performance. See Section
106.948(b). If it does not, the Board cannot be required to terminate the EMSA.
See Section 106.978.
Accordingly, the Board finds that 30 days from when the Agency files the statement of
deficiency is not sufficient time for the Board to deliberate and decide the matter. Most of this
30-day period would be taken up waiting for the respondent’s answer.
Besides the fact that the decision deadlines of the Agency’s proposed Section
106.956(b) and (c) are impractical for the reasons stated above, they are of no consequence.
The Agency stated that it did not intend to have a default judgment in favor of either party if
the Board failed to make its decision in time. Tr.1 at 34-35. The Agency also stated that it:
recognize[s] that the Board may believe that the rule needs additional revisions
consistent with it ability to act as a fair arbitrator in the context of the expedited
process set forth in these proposed rules. PC 1 at 17-18; Tr.1 at 33-34; Tr.2 at
The Board finds that the decision deadlines are inappropriate and deletes them at second
notice. Nevertheless, the Board will decide these matters as expeditiously as practicable and
provides so in the first sentence of Section 106.956(b).
Ninety Days to Rectify Deficient Performance. Section 106.956(c)(2) of the Agency’s
proposed rules states that the Board may defer termination for a specified time, not to exceed
90 days, to allow the respondent to come into compliance. At hearing, Board personnel noted
that it may be appropriate in certain circumstances to grant extensions of this time period. For
example, a respondent may be making good progress toward compliance but still require
additional time. The Agency stated that it was amenable to the Board granting extensions for
good cause. Tr.2 at 23-27. The rules at second notice provide for these extensions in Section
Time Period for Motion Subsequent to Final Order. Under the Agency’s proposal,
Section 106.980 provides that within 15 days after the Board adopts a final order, any party
may file a motion to rehear, modify, or vacate the order or for other relief. Responses must
be filed within 10 days after the motion is filed. The Board is concerned that these time
periods may be inadequate given the time that may expire before the interested parties receive
either the Board order or the motion. Accordingly, the Board amends this Section’s time
periods to 35 days and 14 days, respectively.
Time Period To Move for Relief from Final Orders. Under the Agency’s proposal, a
person has 30 days after the Board enters its final order to file a motion for relief from that
order. Again, the Board is concerned that this is not an adequate period of time. The Board
extends that period to 60 days at second notice. See Section 106.982.
Authority of the Hearing Officer
At second notice, the Board changes the proposed rules regarding motions that the
hearing officer may rule on and the scope of discovery. The Agency’s proposed Section
106.960(g) provides that the hearing officer may rule on all motions. The Board finds this
provision overbroad because it would allow the hearing officer to decide dispositive motions.
The Agency explained that it did not intend this result. Tr.1 at 96-97. Accordingly, the Board
adds to subsection (g) language from the analogous provision in Part 103 (35 Ill. Adm. Code
The hearing officer Hearing Officer may rule upon all motions, except that the
hearing officer has no authority to dismiss, or rule upon a motion to dismiss or
decide a proceeding on the merits, for failure to state a claim, for want of
jurisdiction, or to strike any claim or defense for insufficiency or want of proof.
Under the Agency’s proposal, Section 106.966(a) provides that discovery, except
requests to produce documents, admit facts, and state the identity and location of persons
having knowledge of facts, is not be permitted unless all parties agree and the hearing officer
orders it. The Agency stated that it felt depositions and interrogatories were time-consuming
and did not fit within the timeframes of its proposed procedures. However, the Agency added
that its proposal allows for additional discovery to be ordered as the Board deems necessary.
The Agency’s language, however, does not leave expanded discovery solely to the
hearing officer’s discretion. It also requires that all parties agree to the expanded discovery.
At second notice, the Board deletes the latter requirement. The Board finds that there may be
circumstances when additional discovery tools, such as depositions and interrogatories, are
appropriate and the hearing officer should be able to order their use. The rules still do not
specifically provide for depositions or interrogatories, but the hearing officer may order them
if appropriate. The Board amends Section 106.966(a) as follows:
Pre-trial discoveryDiscovery, except requests to produce for production of
documents, admit facts admissions of fact and state the production of the
identity and location of persons with having knowledge of facts, as set forth in
subsection (b) of this Section below, is shall not be permitted unless the hearing
officer except as agreed to by all parties and directed pursuant to a Hearing
Officer orders otherwise.
Notice of Hearings
Under the Agency’s originally proposed Section 106.952, the hearing officer must give
notice of the hearing to the parties at least 20 days before the hearing. The Agency must give
notice of the hearing and statement of deficiency at least ten days before the hearing to (1) all
stakeholders named or listed in or otherwise involved in the development of the EMSA and (2)
the public in a newspaper of general circulation.
At hearing, Board personnel had several questions about this provision. The Board
discusses the Agency’s responses and the Board’s findings below.
Public Notice. Board personnel noted 30 days notice of an involuntary termination
hearing, rather than the 20 days set forth in the Agency’s originally proposed Section 106.952,
may be required under the Clean Air Act if EMSAs are submitted as revisions to Illinois’ State
Implementation Plan.
The Agency was unsure if the Clean Air Act’s notice requirements would apply, but
agreed that it would be prudent to modify Section 106.952(e) to require a 30-day notice.
Given the short time frame for holding a hearing, the Agency also requested that the hearing
officer, rather than the Agency, provide notice to the public by publication in a newspaper of
general circulation where the pilot project is located. PC 1 at 4; Tr.1 at 100-106; Tr.2 at 18-
19. The Board agrees with the Agency’s proposed changes to Section 106.952(e) and makes
other minor modifications:
The hearing officer or the Clerk will Hearing Officer shall give notice of the
hearing, at least 30 20 days before the hearing, to the parties under in
accordance with Section 106.950(b) of this Subpart, and to the public by public
advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the
pilot project is located Part.
Notice to Specific Persons. Under the Agency’s original proposal, Section 106.952(f)
reads as follows:
The Agency shall give notice of each complaint and hearing at least 10
days before the hearing to:
All stakeholders named or listed in the EMSA or otherwise
involved in the development of the EMSA for the Pilot Project in
accordance with Section 106.950(b); and
The public, by public advertisement in a newspaper of general
circulation in the county in which the Pilot Project is located.
At hearing, Board personnel asked the Agency what it meant by stakeholders “otherwise
involved in the development of the EMSA for the Pilot Project” and whether the Agency had
considered notice by publication rather than notice to each individual if a large number of
individuals attended the hearing on the EMSA. Tr.1 at 89-93; Tr.2 at 41-43.
In response, the Agency proposed changes to subsection (f). PC 1 at 14-15. With a
few revisions (reflected below), the Board adopts the Agency’s suggested changes for second
The Agency must shall give notice of each statement of deficiency
complaint and hearing under 106.950(b) at least ten days before the
hearing to:
All stakeholders named or listed in the EMSA or otherwise
involved in the development of the EMSA for the Pilot Project in
accordance with Section 106.950(b); and
Any person who submitted written comments on the respondent’s
EMSA or participated in the public hearing on the respondent’s
EMSA by signing an attendance sheet or signature card under the
procedures set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 187.404, if less than
100 persons attended the public hearing on the respondent’s
EMSA as indicated by signatures on the attendance sheet or
signature cards The public, by public advertisement in a
newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the Pilot
Project is located.
As noted above, Section 187.404 is part of the Agency’s rules on EMSAs and sets forth public
comment and hearing requirements that the Agency must meet before it enters into an EMSA.
See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 187.404. The Agency also noted that notice by publication in a
newspaper under Section 106.952(e) would act as notice to persons at the hearing on the
EMSA if 100 or more persons attended. PC 1 at 4-5.
In addition to the changes discussed above, the Board has made minor changes to the
rules for clarity and consistency, and to comply with changes that JCAR has requested. These
changes do not merit discussion. Additions to the Agency’s proposal are underlined; deletions
to the Agency’s proposal are stricken through.
The Board finds that the proposed rules, as
modified at second notice, are economically reasonable and technically feasible.
The Board directs the Clerk to file these proposed amendments with JCAR.
PART 106
All of proposed Subpart K to Part 106 is a new rule. However, to identify changes to the
Agency’s proposal, the Board underlines only those portions of Subpart K that are additions to
the Agency’s proposal. As discussed above at page 3, because of the Board’s statutory
deadline to adopt these rules, for first notice the Board adopted the Agency’s proposal without
Requirements for Petition
Notice and Hearing
Opinion and Order
Notice and Hearing
Effective Date
Requirements for Petition
Notice and Hearing
Petition (Repealed)
Notice of Petition (Repealed)
Recommendation (Repealed)
Response (Repealed)
Public Comment (Repealed)
Public Hearings (Repealed)
Decision (Repealed)
Appeal (Repealed)
Scope and Applicability
Joint or Single Petition
Request to Agency to Join as Co-Petitioner
Contents of Petition
Response and Reply
Notice and Conduct of Hearing
Opinions and Orders
Scope and Applicability
Joint or Single Petition
Request to Agency to Join As Co-Petitioner
Contents of Petition
Response and Reply
Notice and Conduct of Hearing
Opinions and Orders
Scope and Applicability
Contents of Petition
Response and Reply
Notice and Conduct of Hearing
Opinions and Orders
Joint or Single Petition
Request to Agency to Join As Co-Petitioner
Petition Contents
Petition Verification
Federal Procedural Requirements
Incorporated Material
Service of Filings
Petition Notice
Proof of Petition Notice
Request for Public Hearing
Agency Response
Amended Petition and Amended Response
Hearing Scheduled
Hearing Notice
Pre-Hearing Submission of Testimony and Exhibits
Admissible Evidence
Order of Hearing
Post-hearing Comments
Burden of Proof
Board Deliberations
Dismissal of Petition
Board Decision
Opinion and Order
Appeal of Board Decisions
Publication of Adjusted Standards
Effect of Filing a Petition
Response and Reply
Notice and Hearing
Opinion and Order
USEPA Review of Proposed Determination
Response and Reply
Notice and Hearing
Opinion and Order
Petition for Review
Response and Reply
Notice and Hearing
Opinion and Order
Purpose, Applicability
106.945 Termination Under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act
Who May Initiate, Parties
Notice, Statement of Deficiency, and Answer
Notice of Hearing
Deficient Performance
Board Decision
Burden of Proof
Motions, and Responses
Discovery, Admissions
Settlement Procedure
Authority of Hearing Officer, Board Members and Board Assistants
Order and Conduct of Hearing
Evidentiary Matters
Post-Hearing Procedures
Motion After Subsequent to Entry of Final Order
Relief from Section 106.956 Final Orders
Old Rule Numbers Referenced
AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 5, 14.2(c), 22.4, 27, 28, 28.1, 28.5 and 39.5 and
authorized by Sections 26 and 39.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1991,
ch. 111 ½, pars. 1005, 1014.2(c), 1022.4, 1027, 1028, 1028.1, 1028.5, 1039.5, and
1026)(P.A. 87-1213, effective September 26, 1992, and P.A. 88-464, effective August 28,
1993)[415 ILCS 5/5, 14.2(c), 22.4, 27, 28, 28.1, 28.5, 39.5 and 26]; implementing and
authorized by Section 52.3 of the Environmental Protection Act, 415 ILCS 5/52.3, P.A. 76-
2429, §52.3 added by P.A. 89-465, §10, effective June 13, 1996.
SOURCE: Filed with the Secretary of State January 1, 1978; amended at 4 Ill. Reg. 2, p.
186, effective December 27, 1979; codified at 6 Ill. Reg. 8357; amended in R85-22 at 10 Ill.
Reg. 992, effective February 2, 1986; amended in R86-46 at 11 Ill. Reg. 13457, effective
August 4, 1987; amended in R82-1 at 12 Ill. Reg. 12484, effective July 13, 1988; amended in
R88-10 at 12 Ill. Reg. 12817, effective July 21, 1988; amended in R88-5(A) at 13 Ill. Reg.
12055, effective July 10, 1989; amended in R88-5(B) at 14 Ill. Reg. 9442, effective June 5,
1990; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 4230, effective March 8, 1994; amended in R99-9 at 23 Ill.
Reg. ____________, effective ________________________.
Section 106.940 Purpose, Applicability
The purpose of this Subpart is to set forth the criteria and procedures under
which the Board or the Agency may terminate for involuntary termination of an
EMSA, as defined in Section 106.942 of this Subpart Part.
This Subpart shall apply to all proceedings to involuntarily terminate an EMSA
entered into pursuant to Section 52.3 of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 187,
except as set forth in subsection (c) of this Section.
When the Agency terminates an EMSA under This Part is not applicable to any
Sponsor that is subject to termination of an EMSA by the Agency pursuant to
Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act, only Sections 106.942 and 106.945 of this Subpart
This Subpart, except for Section 106.945, applies to proceedings in which the
Board will determine whether to terminate an EMSA.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.942 Definitions
For purposes of this Subpart, the words and terms used in this Subpart shall have the meanings
given below. Words and terms not defined in this Subpart, if defined in the Act, shall have
the meanings that the Act provides as provided in the Act.
“Act” means the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5].
“Agency” “
” means the Environmental Protection Agency.
Protection Agency established by the Act
. (Section 3.08 of the Act).
“Board” means the Illinois Pollution Control Board established by the Act. (Section 5
of the Act).
“Clerk” means the Clerk of the Board.
“Director” means the Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
“Environmental Management System” means the system by which an entity achieves
continuous environmental improvement by integrating environmental management into
on-going business planning and manages environmental performance, including, but
not limited to, environmental management systems implementing International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 standard.
“Environmental Management System Agreement” or “EMSA” (EMSA)” means the
agreement between the Agency and a sponsor, entered into under Section 52.3 of the
Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 187, that describes the innovative environmental measures
to be implemented, schedules to attain for attaining goals, and mechanisms for
“Innovative environmental measures” Environmental Measures” means any
procedures, practices, technologies or systems that pertain to environmental
management and are expected to improve environmental performance when applied.
“Pilot Program” means the program described in this Part that allows the use of
EMSAs to promote innovative environmental measures.
“Pilot project” Project” means an innovative environmental project that covers
covering one or more designated facilities, designed and implemented in the form of an
EMSA executed by the Agency and a sponsor in accordance with this Part.
“Sponsor” means the proponent of a pilot project that enters into an EMSA with the
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.944 Severability
If any provision of this Subpart is adjudged invalid, or if its application to any person or in any
circumstance is adjudged invalid, the such invalidity does not affect the validity of this Subpart
as a whole, or any Section, subsection, sentence or clause not adjudged invalid.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.945 Termination Under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act
a) To terminate an EMSA under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act, the Agency must
determine that the sponsor’s performance under the EMSA has failed to:
Achieve emissions reductions or reductions in discharges of wastes
beyond the otherwise applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
through pollution prevention or other suitable means; or
Achieve real environmental risk reduction or foster environmental
compliance by other persons regulated under this Act in a manner that is
clearly superior to the existing regulatory system.
(Section 52.3-1(b) of
the Act)
b) If the Agency terminates an EMSA under Section 52.3-4(b) of the Act, the
sponsor may, within 35 days after receipt of the Agency’s notification of the
termination, file an appeal with the Board. Appeals to the Board will be in the
manner provided for review of permit decisions in Section 40 of the Act.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.946 Who May Initiate, Parties
Only the Agency may commence a A proceeding to involuntarily terminate an
EMSA under this Subpart may only be commenced by the Agency.
The Agency will shall be designated the complainant. The sponsor will of an
EMSA shall be designated as, and shall be, the sole respondent.
Misnomer of a party is not a ground for a dismissal; the name of any party may
be corrected at any time.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.948 Notice, Statement of Deficiency, and Answer
A proceeding to involuntarily terminate an EMSA will shall be commenced
when the Agency serves by the service of a notice of filing and a statement of
deficiency upon the respondent and files the filing of 10 copies of the notice of
filing and statement of deficiency with the Clerk.
b) The notice shall be directed to the respondent notifying the respondent of the
filing of the accompanying statement of deficiency.
b) c)
The statement of deficiency must shall contain:
The stated basis for the respondent’s alleged deficient performance under
as provided in Section 106.954(a) of this Subpart below;
The dates, location, nature, extent and duration of any act or omission,
and amount and other characteristics of any discharges or emissions,
alleged to violate constitute violations of the provisions of the Act or
regulations that apply applicable to the pilot project Pilot Project and that
the EMSA does not address addressed by the EMSA;
The dates, location, nature, extent and duration of any act or omission,
and amount and other characteristics of any discharges or emissions,
alleged to violate constitute violations of the EMSA; and
With respect to subsections (b)(1) through (b)(3) (c)(1) through (c)(3) of
this Section, the statement of deficiency must complaint shall contain
sufficient detail to advise the respondent of the extent and nature of the
alleged violations to reasonably allow the respondent to prepare
preparation of a defense.
c) d)
The respondent Respondent must file an answer within 15 days after of receipt
of the statement of deficiency, unless the Board or the hearing officer extends
the 15-day period for good cause. All material allegations of the statement of
deficiency will complaint shall be taken as admitted if not specifically denied by
the answer, or if no answer is filed. Any facts that constitute constituting an
affirmative defense that which would be likely to surprise take the complainant
by surprise must be plainly set forth in the answer before prior to hearing.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.950 Service
The Agency must serve a A copy of the notice of filing and statement of
deficiency shall either be served personally on the respondent or the
respondent’s his authorized agent, or shall be served by registered or certified
mail with return receipt signed by the respondent or the respondent’s his
authorized agent. Proof must shall be made by affidavit of the person who
makes making personal service, or by properly executed registered or certified
mail receipt. The Agency must file proof Proof of service of the notice of filing
and statement of deficiency complaint shall be filed with the Clerk immediately
upon completion of service.
The Agency and the respondent must serve After notice and statement of
deficiency, all motions and all other notices shall be served personally, by First
Class United States mail, with sufficient postage affixed thereto, or by overnight
delivery by a nationally recognized courier service., and The Agency and the
respondent must file 10 copies of the motions and notices shall be filed with the
Clerk with proof of service.
Service is presumed complete upon personal service, four days after deposit in
the United States First Class mail, with sufficient postage affixed thereto, or the
next business day upon deposit with a nationally recognized courier service for
overnight delivery.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.952 Notice of Hearing
The Clerk will shall assign a docket number to each statement of deficiency
filed, deposit the statement of deficiency and notice in the Board’s files, and
distribute copies to each Board Member. Any hearing will shall be held not
later than 60 days after the respondent files filing of the answer notice and
statement of deficiency, subject to any extensions ordered under subsection (c)
of this Section.
The Chairman of the Board will shall designate a hearing officer Hearing
Officer and the Clerk will shall notify the parties of the such designation. The
hearing officer Hearing Officer may be a Member of the Board if otherwise
The hearing officer Hearing Officer, after reasonable efforts to consult
appropriate consultation with the parties, will shall set a time and place for
hearing to be held within 60 days after the filing of the statement of deficiency.
The Board or the hearing officer may The Board shall not extend the time for
hearing if unless all parties agree to the extension or there are extreme and
unanticipated or uncontrollable circumstances that warrant a warranting the
delay of hearing. The Board or the hearing officer may delay the hearing more
than once. In each any such event, the Board or the hearing officer will not
shall grant no delay the of hearing for more than in excess of 30 additional
The hearing will shall be held in the county in which the pilot project Pilot
Project is located, or in another such other county that as the hearing officer
designates for cause Hearing Officer shall for stated cause designate.
The hearing officer or the Clerk will Hearing Officer shall give notice of the
hearing, at least 30 20 days before the hearing, to the parties under in
accordance with Section 106.950(b) of this Subpart, and to the public by public
advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the
pilot project is located Part.
The Agency must shall give notice of each statement of deficiency
complaint and hearing under 106.950(b) at least 10 days before the
hearing to:
All stakeholders named or listed in the EMSA or otherwise
involved in the development of the EMSA for the Pilot Project in
accordance with Section 106.950(b); and
Any person who submitted written comments on the respondent’s EMSA
or participated in the public hearing on the respondent’s EMSA by
signing an attendance sheet or signature card under the procedures set
forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 187.404, if less than 100 persons attended
the public hearing on the respondent’s EMSA as indicated by signatures
on the attendance sheet or signature cards The public, by public
advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in
which the Pilot Project is located.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this Section is not section may not be
used as a defense to an involuntary termination action under this Subpart, but
the hearing officer may postpone the hearing upon the motion of any person
prejudiced by a failure to comply with this Section any person adversely
affected by such failure of compliance may upon motion to the Hearing Officer
have the hearing postponed if prejudice is shown.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.954 Deficient Performance
For purposes of this Subpart, a respondent’s the performance under its EMSA
of a sponsor is deficient if the Agency asserts and the Board finds that any of
the following conditions exist:
The respondent misrepresented the factual basis for entering into the
EMSA was misrepresented by the sponsor.
The respondent sponsor has failed to provide access to the pilot project
Pilot Project for the Agency to monitor compliance with an EMSA.
The respondent sponsor has falsified any monitoring data, recordkeeping
information or reports regarding the pilot project.
The respondent sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project
Pilot Project has failed to comply with any requirement one or more
requirements of any federal or local environmental law or regulation that
applies applicable to the pilot project and that the EMSA does not
address, Pilot Project and not addressed by the EMSA and for which
a citizen’s complaint has been filed with a court of competent
jurisdiction or the appropriate authority has sent a notice of
violation, complaint or other notice of failure to comply to the
respondent sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project Pilot
The respondent sponsor or the owner or operator of the pilot project
Pilot Project has failed to comply with any requirement one or more
requirements of any State state environmental law or regulation that
applies applicable to the pilot project and that the EMSA does not
address, Pilot Project and not addressed by the EMSA, and for which a
citizen’s complaint has been filed with the Board or the Agency has
mailed a notice of violation to the respondent sponsor or the owner or
operator of the pilot project under Pilot Project pursuant to Section
31(a) or (b) of the Act.
The respondent sponsor or owner or operator of the Pilot Project has
failed to comply with one or more provisions in its EMSA, subject
to any grace or cure periods or rights contained in the EMSA therein.
b) Any Board finding of deficient performance under subsection (a)(4) or (a)(5) of
this Section will not be binding for any purpose or in any other proceeding
under the Act, other than under this Subpart.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.956 Board Decision
The Board will shall prepare a written opinion and order for all final
determinations that will which shall include findings of fact (with specific page
references to principal supporting items of evidence in the record) and
conclusions of law (supported by adequate reasoning) on all material issues.
The Board will render its decision as expeditiously as practicable shall order an
EMSA terminated if a sponsor does not respond to the Agency’s statement of
deficiency within the specified time. Such order shall be entered not later than
30 days after the filing of the petition.
c) If an answer has been timely filed by a sponsor, the The Board will shall render
a final decision as an order within 30 days after the hearing that either:
Terminates the EMSA;
Defers termination for a specified time, not to exceed 90 days from the
date of the order Order, during which the respondent sponsor may
rectify the deficient performance; or
Rejects termination of the EMSA.
c) The Board may extend the time period under subsection (b)(2) of this Section
for good cause.
The final Board opinion and may order may include any or all of the following:
Direct the respondent A direction to cease and desist from violating
violations of the Act, of the Board’s rules and regulations, or the
provisions of the EMSA;
Require the respondent to provide The imposition of performance
assurance compensation in such amounts as appropriate amounts in each
If the Board allows respondent an opportunity to come into compliance,
the Require the respondent to post a posting of sufficient performance
bond or other security as provided by the Act or EMSA to assure that
the respondent corrects the correction of such violation within the time
that the Board prescribes prescribed; and
Enforce any remedy provision of the EMSA; and
Order Such other relief as order that may be appropriate.
The Clerk will shall publish the order and opinion with the vote of each Board
Member recorded and will shall notify the parties required to be notified of the
hearing from which the order arose of the such order and opinion.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.958 Burden of Proof
The Agency has shall have the burden to prove of proving, by a preponderance of the
evidence, that there has been deficient performance under the EMSA, as set forth in Section
106.954(a) of this Subpart.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.960 Motions, and Responses
All motions before preliminary to a hearing must shall be presented to the
hearing officer Hearing Officer at least 10 days before prior to the date of the
The complainant’s motion Motions by complainant to voluntarily dismiss an
action as to any or all claims must shall be directed to the Board and may be
made orally upon the hearing record, or may be made in writing at any time
before the Board issues its decision prior to issuance of the Board’s decision.
All motions must be served on all parties, including the Agency and its
representative and the hearing officer Hearing Officer designated by the Board,
with proof of service.
Unless made orally on the record during a hearing or unless the hearing officer
Hearing Officer directs otherwise, a motion must shall be in writing, must shall
state the reasons for and grounds upon which the motion is made, and may be
accompanied by any affidavits or other evidence relied on and, when
appropriate, by a proposed order.
Within 7 days after service of a written motion is served, or another such other
period that as the Board or hearing officer Hearing Officer may prescribe, a
party may file a response to in support of or in opposition to the motion,
accompanied by affidavits or other evidence. If no response is filed, the parties
will shall be deemed to have waived objection to the granting of the motion, but
the such waiver of objection does not bind the Board in its determination. The
moving party does shall not have the right to reply, except as permitted by the
hearing officer Hearing Officer or the Board permits.
No oral argument will be heard on a motion before the Board unless the Board
so directs otherwise. A written brief may be filed with a motion or an answer
to a motion, stating the arguments.
The hearing officer Hearing Officer may rule upon all motions, except that the
hearing officer has no authority to dismiss, or rule upon a motion to dismiss or
decide a proceeding on the merits, or for failure to state a claim, or for want of
jurisdiction, or to strike any claim or defense for insufficiency or want of proof.
No interlocutory appeal of a motion may be taken to the Board from a ruling of
the hearing officer Hearing Officer.
After the hearing, the Board may review the hearing officer’s rulings. The
Board Rulings of the Hearing Officer may be reviewed by the Board after
conclusion of the hearing, but will be set aside the hearing officer’s ruling only
to avoid material prejudice to the rights of a party. The hearing officer Hearing
Officer, if a member of the Board, may vote upon motions to review his or her
rulings as hearing officer Hearing Officer.
Unless the Board orders or this Subpart provides otherwise provided herein or
ordered by the Board, the filing of a motion will shall not stay the proceeding or
extend the time to perform for the performance of any act.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.962 Intervention
Upon timely written application and subject to the need to conduct necessity for
conducting an orderly and expeditious hearing, the hearing officer Hearing
Officer will shall permit any person who a person to intervene in an involuntary
termination proceeding under this Subpart if the person submitted written
comments on the respondent’s EMSA or participated in the public hearing on
the respondent’s sponsor’s EMSA by signing an attendance sheet or signature
card at hearing under the procedures set forth in as provided in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 187.404, or is named or listed in the respondent’s EMSA as a
stakeholder, and if the Board’s final order may adversely affect him or her is so
situated that he or she may be adversely affected by a final order of the Board,
to intervene in an involuntary termination proceeding.
The applicant must file ten Ten (10) copies of a petition to intervene for
intervention shall be filed with the Board and the applicant shall also serve
copies on each party not later than 48 hours before prior to the date set for
hearing. The hearing officer Hearing Officer may permit a person to intervene
intervention at any time before the beginning of the hearing when that person
shows good cause for the delay is shown.
An intervenor has shall have all the rights of an original party, except that the
intervenor is shall be bound by orders theretofore issued before the hearing
officer permitted the intervenor to intervene and the intervenor cannot shall not
raise issues that which actually were raised or were required to be raised at an
earlier stage of the proceeding.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.964 Continuances
The hearing officer will grant a A motion to continue an for continuance for any involuntary
termination proceeding under this Subpart when shall be granted by the Hearing Officer
whenever justice may requires. All motions to continue for continuance must be supported by
an affidavit or written motion before the hearing officer Hearing Officer by the person or
persons with having knowledge of the facts that support supporting the motion. However, if
the Board determines, in its discretion, that any involuntary termination proceeding under this
Subpart is not proceeding expeditiously to a conclusion, the Board may shall order such
actions that as it deems appropriate to expedite the proceeding reach an expeditious conclusion.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.966 Discovery, Admissions
Pre-trial discoveryDiscovery, except requests to produce for production of
documents, admit facts admissions of fact and state the production of the
identity and location of persons with having knowledge of facts, as set forth in
subsection (b) of this Section below, is shall not be permitted unless the hearing
officer except as agreed to by all parties and directed pursuant to a Hearing
Officer orders otherwise.
Regarding any matter not privileged, the hearing officer may Hearing Officer
shall order a party to produce requests for production of documents and to state
the production of the identity and location of persons with having knowledge of
facts upon the written request of any party when parties cannot agree on the
legitimate scope of the such requests. It is not a ground for objection that the
documents will be inadmissible at hearing if the information sought appears
reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence or is
relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending action.
The hearing officer may Hearing Officer shall order a party:
To state The production of the identity and location of persons with
having knowledge of relevant facts.
To produce The production of evidence that a party controls or possesses
so that it may be inspected, copied or duplicated under the control or
possession of any party for the purposes of inspection and where
necessary for purposes of copying or duplication. The order may grant
This shall include the right to reasonably inspect of reasonable inspection
of the pilot project Pilot Project.
The hearing officer Hearing Officer may at any time on his or her own
initiative, or on motion of any party or witness, make a protective order as
justice requires., The protective order may deny, limit, condition or regulate
denying, limiting, conditioning or regulating discovery to prevent unreasonable
delay, expense, harassment, or oppression, or to protect materials from
disclosure by the party who obtains the obtaining such materials consistent with
the provisions of Sections 7 and 7.1 of the Act.
All objections to rulings of the hearing officer must Hearing Officer shall be
made in the record.
Section 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.960(d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of this
Subpart applies shall apply regarding procedures to rule for ruling on
Failure to comply with any ruling will shall subject the person to sanctions
under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101, Subpart J Part 107.
Request to Admit Facts for Admission of Fact. A party may serve on any other
party, no sooner than 15 days after the Agency files the statement of deficiency
filing of the complaint, a written request that for the admission by the latter
admit of the truth of any specified relevant fact set forth in the request.
Request to Admit to the for Admission of Genuineness of Document. A party
may serve on any other party, no sooner than 15 days after the Agency files the
statement of deficiency filing of the complaint, a written request to admit to for
admission of the genuineness of any relevant documents described in the
request. Copies of the document must shall be served with the request unless
copies have already been furnished.
Admission in the Absence of Denial. Each of the matters of fact and the
genuineness of each document of which admission is requested is admitted
unless, within 15 days after service under subsections (h) or (i) of this Section
thereof, the party to whom the request is directed serves upon the party
requesting the admission either a sworn statement that denies denying
specifically the matters on of which the admission is requested or that sets forth
setting forth in detail the reasons why the party he cannot truthfully admit or
deny those matters or written objections on the ground that some or all of the
requested admissions are privileged or irrelevant or that the request is otherwise
improper in whole or in part. If a party objects in writing written objections to
a part of the request are made, the remainder of the request must shall be
answered within the period designated in the request. A denial must shall fairly
meet the substance of the requested admission. If good faith requires that a
party deny only a part, or requires qualification, of a matter of which an
admission is requested, the party must he shall specify so much of it as is true
and deny only the remainder. The hearing officer will hear any Any objection
to a request or to an answer shall be heard by the Hearing Officer upon prompt
notice and motion of the party making the request.
Effect of Admission. Any admission made by a party pursuant to request under
this Section section is for the purpose of the pending action only. It does not
constitute an admission by the party him for any other purpose and may not be
used against the party him in any other proceeding.
Expenses of Refusal to Admit. If a party, after being served with a request to
admit the genuineness of any documents or the truth of any matters of fact,
serves a sworn denial in response to the request thereof, and if the party
requesting the admissions later thereafter proves the genuineness of the
document or the truth of the matter of fact, the latter party he may apply to the
Board for sanctions an order under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101, Subpart J Part 107.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.968 Subpoenas
Upon any party’s timely motion to the Board by any party, or on motion of the
hearing officer Hearing Officer or the Board, the hearing officer Hearing
Officer or the Board may shall issue a subpoena to attend for attendance at a
hearing. The subpoena may include a command to produce evidence reasonably
necessary to resolve resolution of the matter under consideration, subject to this
Subpart’s the limitations on discovery prescribed by this Subpart. A copy of the
subpoena must shall be served upon the Clerk for Board files. If the witness,
other than a respondent sponsor or owner or operator of a pilot project, is a
non-resident of the State state, the order may provide such terms and conditions
regarding in connection with his or her appearance at the hearing that as are
just, including payment of his or her reasonable expenses.
Every subpoena must shall state the title of the action and shall command each
person to whom it is directed to attend and give testimony at the time and place
therein specified.
The hearing officer Hearing Officer or the Board, upon motion made promptly
and in any event at or before the time specified for compliance with in the
subpoena for compliance therewith, may quash or modify the subpoena if it is
unreasonable and oppressive.
Failure of any witness to comply with a Board subpoena will shall subject the
witness to sanctions under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101, Subpart J Part 107.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.970 Settlement Procedure
All parties to any case in which a settlement or compromise is proposed must
shall file with the Clerk before Hearing Officer at the time of the scheduled
hearing a written statement, signed by the parties or their authorized
representatives, that outlines outlining the nature of, the reasons for, and the
purpose to be accomplished by the settlement. The Such statement must shall
A full stipulation of all material facts that pertain pertaining to the
nature, extent and causes of the alleged violations;
The nature of the relevant parties’ operations and control equipment;
Any explanation for past failures to comply and an assessment of the
impact on the public from the failure to comply such noncompliance;
Details about as to future plans for compliance, including a description
of additional control measures and the dates on which they will be
implemented for their implementation; and
The proposed performance assurance payment, if any.
No hearing is required by the Board to dismiss a complaint pursuant to an If an
agreed settlement is filed under this Section, the Board may dismiss the case
without holding a hearing.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.972 Authority of Hearing Officer, Board Members and Board Assistants
The hearing officer has Hearing Officer shall have the duty to conduct a fair
hearing, to take all necessary action to avoid delay, to maintain order, and to
ensure development of a clear and complete record. The hearing officer has He
or she shall have all powers necessary to these ends including, (but not limited
to,) the authority to:
Issue discovery orders;
Rule upon objections to discovery orders;
Make such protective orders as justice requires, which may deny, limit
condition or regulate denying, limiting, conditioning or regulating
discovery to prevent unreasonable delay, expense, harassment, or
oppression, or to protect materials from disclosure by the party who
obtains the obtaining such materials;
Administer oaths and affirmations;
Rule upon offers of proof, and receive evidence and rule upon objections
to introducing the introduction of evidence, subject to Section
106.974(b) of this Subpart;
Regulate the course of the hearings and the conduct of the parties and
their counsel;
Examine witnesses solely to clarify for the sole purpose of clarifying the
record of established by the parties at the hearing. When any party is
not represented by counsel, the hearing officer Hearing Officer may
examine and cross examine any witness to insure a clear and complete
record. However, the hearing officer Hearing Officer may not exclude
exhibits or other testimony because as a result of the his examination
unless all parties so agree; and
Except as otherwise provided, consider and rule as justice may require
upon motions appropriate to an adjudicative proceeding.
Any Board Member or assistant to a the Board Member present at the hearing
may advise the hearing officer Hearing Officer and may interrogate witnesses
but does shall not have the authority to rule on objections or motions or to
overrule the hearing officer Hearing Officer during the hearing.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.974 Order and Conduct of Hearing
The following will shall be the order of all involuntary termination hearings
under this Subaprt, unless modified by subject to modification by the hearing
officer Hearing Officer for good cause:
Present, argue and dispose Presentation, argument, and disposition of
preliminary motions on preliminary to a hearing on the merits of the
matters that raised in the statement of deficiency raises complaint;
Present Presentation of opening statements;
Complainant’s case in chief;
Respondent’s case in chief;
Complainant’s case in rebuttal;
Statements from interested citizens, as authorized by the hearing officer
authorizes Hearing Officer;
Complainant’s opening argument, which may include legal argument;
Respondent’s closing argument, which may include legal argument;
Complainant’s closing argument, which may include legal argument;
Present and argue Presentation and argument of all motions before
submitting prior to submission of the transcript to the Board; and
A schedule to submit for submission of briefs to the Board.
All hearings under this Subpart will Part shall be public, and any person not a
party and not otherwise a witness for a party may submit written statements
relevant to the subject matter of the hearing. Any party may cross-examine any
person who submits submitting such a statement may be subject to
cross-examination by any party. If the such person is not available to be cross-
examined for cross-examination upon timely request, the written statement may
be stricken from the record. The hearing officer will Hearing Officer shall
permit any person to offer reasonable oral testimony whether or not a party to
the proceedings.
All witnesses will shall be sworn.
At Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer will Hearing Officer
shall make a statement about as to the credibility of witnesses. This statement
will shall be based upon the hearing officer’s his legal judgment and experience
and will shall indicate whether he or she finds credibility to be at issue in the
case and if so, the reasons why. This statement will shall become a part of the
official record and will shall be transmitted by the hearing officer Hearing
Officer to each of the parties in the case. No other statement will shall be made
or be appropriate unless the Board orders otherwise ordered by the Board.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.976 Evidentiary Matters
The provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code Sections 103.204 through 103.210 regarding admissible
evidence, written narrative testimony, official notice, viewing of premises, admitting
admission of business records, examining adverse parties or agents and examination of adverse
party or agent, hostile witnesses and compelling them to appear appearance thereof at hearing,
and amendment and variance of pleadings and proof, will shall apply to proceedings under this
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.978 Post-Hearing Procedures
The provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code Sections 103.220 through 103.223 regarding default,
transcripts, the record, briefs and oral arguments will shall apply to proceedings under this
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.980 Motion After Subsequent to Entry of Final Order
Within 35 15 days after the Board adopts adoption of a final order, any party may file a
motion to rehear, modify or vacate for rehearing or modification of the order or to vacate the
order or for other relief. Response to the said motion must shall be filed within 14 10 days
after the motion is filed from the filing thereof. A motion filed within 35 15 days stays
enforcement of the final order.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
Section 106.982 Relief from Section 106.956 Final Orders
The Board may at any time correct Clerical mistakes in orders or other parts of
the record and errors in orders or other parts of the record that arise therein
arising from oversight or omission or clerical mistakes. may be corrected by the
Board at any time The Board may do so of its own initiative or on the motion of
any party and after such notice, if any, as the Board orders. During the
pendency of an appeal, the Board may correct the such mistakes may be so
corrected before the appeal is docketed in the appellate court., and thereafter
while While the appeal is pending, the Board may correct the mistakes may be
so corrected with leave of the appellate court.
On motion and upon such terms that as are just, the Board may relieve a party
or a party’s his legal representative from a final order, for the following:
Newly discovered evidence that which by due diligence could not have
been discovered in time under Section 106.956 of this Subpart; or
Fraud (whether previously heretofore denominated intrinsic or extrinsic),
misrepresentation, or other misconduct of an adverse party; or
Void order.
A motion under this Section section does not affect the finality of a Board order
or suspend the operation of a Board order. The motion must be filed in the
same proceeding in which the Board entered the order was entered but the
motion is not a continuation of the proceeding. The motion must be supported
by affidavit or other appropriate showing as to matters not of record. All
parties must to the motion shall be notified under as provided by Section
106.950(b) of this Subpart.
This motion must shall be filed with the Board within 60 30 days after entry of
the order.
(Source: Added at 23 Ill. Reg. ____________, effective ____________________)
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
the above opinion and order was adopted on the 17th day of December 1998 by a vote of 6-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board