1. Re: Docket R98-29; Docket R99-18; Used Oil Regulations

Control i~oard
1439 West Babcock
Bozeman, Montana
(406) 586-9714
(406) 586-9720
May 6,
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 West Randolph
Chicago, Illinois
Docket R98-29; Docket R99-18; Used Oil Regulations
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The National Oil Recyclers Association (“NORA”) submits the following
additional comments
on proposed amendments to 35 Illinois Adm. Code Parts
807 and 809.
These comments supplement those submitted by NORA on April 8,
NORA’s supplementary comments are principally in response to the
February 25, 1999 testimony of Theodore Dragovich, an official with the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (“IEPA”), before the Illinois Pollution Control
In his testimony, Mr. Dragovich states that the proposed change is
designed to increase environmental protection and encourage recycling.
IEPA’s proposal will have precisely the opposite effect.
In large
measure this is because, the Agency’s proposal
is a reaction to problems that
existed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, rather than conditions which have
existed since the implementation of the used oil management standards.
40 CFR
Part 279; 35 Ill. Adm.
Code Part 739.
Mr. Dragovich states that many used oil management facilities that accept
large volumes of used oil have historically had environmental problems.
At best,
is a half-truth, which like most half-truths, is highly misleading.
It ignores
all regulatory experience in the oil recycling arena since 1985 including, for
example, the implementation and enforcement of the used oil management

NORA’s Supplementary Comments on Used Oil Regulations by IEPA
May 6, 1999
Page 2
standards, SPCC regulations and the Oil Pollution Act.
The prevailing practices
in the oil recycling industry prior to 1980 bear little resemblance to the operations
in 1999.
Numerous factors have contributed to this transformation.
First, the enforcement of federal and state Superfund laws have closed
many oil recycling operations.
The enforcement of such laws against used oil
generators has compelled many of them to demand that their recyclers operate
safely and in compliance with all applicable environmental regulations.
addition, these generators, various trade associations, and insurance companies
have initiated systematic “compliance audits” of processing facilities to ensure
that liability risks would be minimized.
Second, EPA’s promulgation of the “specification” standard for used oil
fuel (and the ability of processors to efficiently produce such fuel) virtually
eliminated the demand for “off-spec” fuel.
the oil recycling
industry focused on producing cleaner (specification) fuel products
to the
exclusion of almost all off-spec products.
Third, the removal of lead from gasoline in the late 1980s resulted in the
virtual elimination of lead from used oil.
Fourth, re-refining operations, once a widespread industrial activity, were
largely terminated by the late 1980s because the increasingly high cost of re-
refining made it impossible to compete with virgin lubricants.
operations are inherently more complicated and produce much greater quantities
of waste materials than fuel processing.
Fifth, the used oil management standards, promulgated in 1985 and
expanded in 1992, mandate numerous regulatory safeguards that were not
“standard operating procedure”
in the 1970s and early 1980s.
These safeguards
include the general prohibition on mixing used oil and hazardous waste, the
rebuttable presumption, and requirements for waste analysis plans and
Sixth, used oil processing facilities are required to provide secondary
containment in storage areas and that such secondary containment be
impervious to oil
a requirement exceeding the secondary containment rules for
virgin oil storage or storage of more volatile products such as gasoline.
Moreover, the used oil management standards are augmented by the
requirements set forth in SPCC plans and the federal Oil Pollution Act.

Supplementary Comments on Used Oil Regulations by
May 6, 1999
Page 3
Seventh, for regulatory, liability and economic reasons, on-site disposal of
sludge at oil processing facilities --once a widespread practice
has been all but
Eighth, the emerging availability of affordable commercial wastewater
disposal options in the 1980s and 1990s has dramatically reduced on-site disposal
of wastewater at used oil processing facilities.
As late as the 1970s this was a
normal and widespread practice.
Significantly, Mr. Dragovich’s testimony failed to identify a single
problem that would not be addressed by the used oil management standards.
Rather than address an actual problem, Mr. Dragovich provides the example that
“Part 739 requires facilities to store used oil in tanks that are in ‘good condition.’
This performance standard does not prescribe methods for ensuring that the
meet this standard, such as appropriate design, construction, maintenance,
and inspection.”
It should be emphasized that the “ingood condition” is not the
only aspect of this performance standard.
Part 739.154 defines “good condition”
as “no severe rusting, apparent structural defects or deterioration, and no visible
It is highly probable that a tank that exhibits no severe rusting,
structural defects, deterioration or leaking will serve its basic purpose, i.e., to
properly contain the oil that has been placed in it.
Mr. Dragovich’s testimony also fails to mention that the used oil
management standards require a used oil processor to maintain and operate the
facility to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion or any unplanned release
of used oil which could affect human health or the environment.
requirements are in addition to those requiring facilities to maintain alarm
systems, emergency communications systems, fire-fighting equipment and to
prepare and maintain emergency response plans.)
The used oil management
standards also mandate immediate remedial action if a spill does occur.
believes that performance standards
as opposed to design standards
never be effective in assuring environmental protection, it should proceed to
remove the thousands of performance standards that it has promulgated.
In this
context, if IEPA believes that a performance standard is inadequate, it should
provide real world examples of how the currently applicable performance
standard was incapable of addressing those examples.
Mr. Dragovich’s testimony also focuses on the quality of used oil fuel.
acknowledges that “the
used oil specification in Part739 limits hazardous
constituents in on-specification oil to levels which may be found in similar virgin
However, because the specification “does not have limitations on bottom
sediment and water or other parameters...there is no guarantee that that on-spec

NORA’s Supplementary Comments on Used Oil Regulations by IEPA
May 6,
Page 4
used oil will have economic value and thus be properly managed.”
there is no such guarantee, Mr. Dragovichconcludes that “there have been used
oil management facilities in the superfund or other remediation programs.”
Although NORA agrees that a product such as used oil thathas economic
value will be properly managed, we do not believe it is either appropriate or a
good use of IEPA’s resources to regulate product specifications.
certainparameters such as minimum BTU content, ash, and bottom sediment &
water (“BS&W”) are governed by the contractual arrangement between the
processor and the burner.
The factors controlling these parameters are the
capability of the boiler or furnace and the price of the fuel.
A blast furnace in a steel mill is quite capable of handling fuel with higher
levels of BS&W and the steel mill prefers burning cheaper fuel.
Where there is
environmental issue involving air emissions, is it good policy for IEPA to
restrict the type of used oil fuel the steel mill may burn?
Hamburger with a high
fat content may not possess the quality of low-fat hamburger meat, but the
government does not
to restrict consumers from buying this product.
In the
absence of any demonstrable environmental benefit, NORA contends that any
attempt by IEPA to prohibit or otherwise restrict the processing, selling or
burning of specification fuel is unwarranted.
It should be reiterated that EPA has
and JEPA agrees
that specification used oil fuel is the equivalent
ofvirgin oil fuel in terms of its effect on the environment.
50 Fed. Reg.
(November 29, 1985).
See also R.R.
Donnelley & Sons
Co. v. Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency,
Illinois pollution Control Board 88-79 at pp.
3-4 (February 23,
1989) (used oil handled as product is not a solid waste).
Consequently, NORA
would simply ask for IEPA to identify post -1992 examples of Illinois used oil
processing facilities that have experienced environmental problems because their
specification used oil fuel contained elevated levels of BS&W
or any other
parameter not set by Part 739.
There are numerous practical problems that flow from a requirement that
storage tanks containing specification fuel be subject to permits.
facilities and leased tanks would be required to obtain permits.
Few, if any,
owners of tanks otherwise available for lease would be willing to obtain a permit
(and assume all the other regulatory costs and burdens) in order to accommodate
used oil fuel storage.
Currently, fluctuations in seasonal demand make the use
of leased storage an economic necessity.
Similarly, because of transportation
costs, the use of transfer facilities is essential for cost-effective management of
used oil.
Ironically, IEPA expresses its concern that unmarketable used oil fuel
leads to improper management and disposal, yet IEPA’s proposals will drive up
the cost of used oil fuel products, making them less and less marketable.

NORA’s Supplementary Comments
on Used
Oil Regulations by JEPA
May 6, 1999
Page 5
IEPA’s proposal does not exempt burners from permitting requirements.
Although this may have been unintentional on the part of IEPA, NORA is
extremely concerned that any attempt to impose requirements on burners of
specification used oil fuel that are not imposed on virgin oil will completely
undermine the market for used oil fuel.
Simply stated, no burner will willingly
subject itself to costly and burdensome permit requirements and procedures.
Such permits have many adverse side effects, including, for example, more
paperwork, more potential liability exposure, greater insurance costs, and
greater visibility as a burner.
It is far less costly and burdensome to pay the
slightly greater cost of virgin fuel products.
As NORA has previously pointed out, once the burners switch from used
oil fuel to virgin fuel, there will be no recycling system in place to collect and
manage used oil.
Obviously, this directly affects used oil generated by “do-it-
yourself” oil changers.
The collection system now in place to take such oil will
be dismantled, leaving only the sewer system, the backyard or the trash as
DIYers’ disposal options.
With respect to the special waste manifesting requirements, NORA
believes that used oil generators should remain subject to the current tracking
requirements under Part 739.
Registering and properly categorizing tens of
thousands of used oil generators in Illinois is not worth the effort, expense, and
paperwork burden that would be imposed on the generators, collectors and
NORA is also concerned that many used oil generators would illegally
of their used oil rather than become a registered generator subject to
JEPA inspections and enforcement actions.
At the very least, the regulatory
burdens thatwould result from this proposal should be carefully evaluated prior
to promulgation.
Finally, we note that the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs has declined to conduct an economic impact statement on this proposed
NORA is unaware of any other study or review that IEPA has conducted
regarding the economic impact on the regulated community resulting from the
implementation of these proposed regulations.
Moreover, to the best of our
knowledge, there has been no survey of oil processors in Illinois to determine
whether any of IEPA’s proposals would be workable.
The absence of any of
these inquiries, in combination with the lack of any actual examples of problems
requiringregulatory controls, suggests that IEPA’s proposals are, at best,
premature and, accordingly, should not be adopted.

NORA’s Supplementary Comments on Used Oil Regulations by IEPA
May 6, 1999
NORA also requests that the Pollution Control Board convene a hearing to
consider the many comments received by the Board in April and May.
hearings did not have the benefit of a comprehensive discussion of the numerous
problems IEPA’s proposal raised in these comments.
NORA would welcome the
opportunity to testify at such a hearing.
Christopher Harris

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