P Sean Michels
Robert E. Bohier
Kevin M. Geary
Man J. Johnson
Brent M. Eichelberger
Thomas R. Renk
Marie A. Williams
Cynthia L. Welsch
Joseph R. Wolf
AnthonyJ. Speciale, Director
DEC 09 2004
December 6, 2004
Pollution Control Board
Ms. Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph Street
Suite 11-5000
Chicago, IL 60601
Docket No. R-04-021
Revisions to Radium Water Quality Standards
Dear Ms. Gunn:
The Village of Sugar Grove, Kane County, Illinois owns and operates a Public Water Supply
currently consisting of two deep sandstone wells (Wells No 4 and 8), two shallow bedrock wells
(Wells No 5 and 6) and two shallow sand and gravel wells (Wells No 2 and 7) The Village has
recently completed the construction of another deep sandstone well (Well No ~),but has not yet
placed this well into service. Because of water quality and capacity is~ues,Wells No. 2, 4, 5
and 6 will be abandoned or placed on emergency stand-by status. Of the remaining wells,
Wells No. 8 and 9 each exceed the current combined radium potable water standard of 5.0
The Village of Sugar Grove has. seleàted the cation exchange treatment process to remove the
combined radium to below drinking water standards from Wells No 8 and 9 Well No 8 and the
Well No 8 Water Treatment Plant are in service while Well No 9 and the Well No 9 Water
Treatment Plant are projected to be complete and in operation in the spring of 2005
The cation exchange treatment process requires that the cations, including radium, removed
from the water during treatment be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. The Village of
Sugar Grove sanitary sewer system is serviced by the Fox Metro Water ReclamatiOn District
(FMWRD) Wastewater Treatment Facility ~WWTF),Oswego, IL.
Since FMWRD has a
discharge to the Fox River and because the discharge has substantial dilution with the Fox
River, it is not anticipated that there will be difficulty meeting the existing water quality standard
of I~0pCi/I for radium 226
However, enforcement of the overly restrictive water quality
standard could result in occasional violation and require additional expenditure of public funds
without an associated’benefit’to’ the ~Ublicor aquatic and ripàriàn life associatèd~with ‘the
601 Heartland
Phone (630) 466-7508
Sugar Grove, Illinois
Facsimile (630) 466-1083
Ms. Dorothy M. Gunn
December 6, 2004
Page 2
Therefore, the Village of Sugar Grove supports the approval of the proposal
revised water quality standards for radium concentrations in the receiving stream.
The Village of Sugar Grove appreciates the opportunity to provide comments
Pollution Control Board on this important issue to our community.
Respectfully submitted,
to implement
to the Illinois
Mr. Sean Michels, Village President
Mr. Brent Eichelberger, Village Administrator
Atty. Steve Andersson, Village Attorney
Mr. Tom Muth, Fox Metro Water Reclamation District
Anthony S~
Director of Public Works
Village of Sugar Grove
C:\Documents and Settings’Jebinger\My Documents\PublicWorlcs\Director\Correspondence\ILPCB Wastewater Radium 2004 1206